
    The Mind Renewed : Thinking Christianly in a New World Order

    The Mind Renewed is hosted by Dr. Julian Charles (UK) and dedicated to understanding the world in which we live from a Christian worldview perspective. We are acutely conscious of propaganda in the mainstream media, and of the bewildering mass of information in the alternative media. We therefore seek to address matters of concern to people (whether they be 'people of faith' or none) in an unsensational and informed fashion, in the hope that truth will be uncovered and that bridges will be built between people through greater understanding. Therefore, whether it be the Surveillance State, the threat of Global Government, False-Flag Terrorism, the danger of New Religious Movements (NRMs), or any other issue too often ignored by the institutional church, The Mind Renewed analyses, interprets and critiques from a Christian worldview perspective.
    en-GBJulian Charles294 Episodes

    Episodes (294)

    TMR 307 : Niggling Heavenly Bananas & Rights In Spleens

    TMR 307 : Niggling Heavenly Bananas & Rights In Spleens
    "Just as jellyfish, and woodpeckers, and ostriches have no rights, Homo sapiens have no rights also."—Yuval Noah Harari (2014) Once again, out of the blue, I'm putting out a short podcast. (This time it really is quite short.) It has to do with a TEDx talk by a certain Dr Yuval Noah Harari—a well-known professor of history and "public intellectual" (who is mates with Star Fleet Commander Klaus Schwab, I believe)—which he gave almost ten years ago, but which has recently "gone viral" and drawn comment from everyone and their cat (and their dog and their rabbit). Quite understandably though, because in that talk Dr Harari said some rather controversial things—things like: "Just as jellyfish, and woodpeckers, and ostriches have no rights, Homo sapiens have no rights also." Which—again, understandably—has niggled people somewhat. So, given that I was also niggled somewhat, I thought I'd niggle back. Somewhat. And share my nigglings. Anyway, that's what it's about. A niggle. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 306 : Three Crumblings

    TMR 306 : Three Crumblings
    "People went a little crazy, a little fascist, during the so-called Covid pandemic. And now, here we are. There are two roads ahead. We have to choose ... you, me, all of us."—CJ Hopkins Out of the blue, I'm putting out a short podcast—short by my standards, that is; it's still almost half an hour—in which I simply talk about three recent (related) events that I think are important to note. And I'm calling it "Three Crumbings" because each item, in its own way, symbolises the ongoing crumbling of the old covid narrative as it tries to slope off into the distance in the hope of being forgotten. I won't reveal what items one and two are here—you'll probably know them anyway—but item three (which maybe fewer of you know about, and which is the main reason for doing this) concerns the extraordinary case of CJ Hopkins, the American playwright, author and political satirist living in Berlin whose court case has just ended with his being found not guilty of something that it was patently obvious he wasn't guilty of in the first place! "Kafkaesque" he calls it, and rightly so. Anyway, that's what it's about. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 305 : The Nephilim Chaps' Royal Green Meatballs

    TMR 305 : The Nephilim Chaps' Royal Green Meatballs
    If a $6,000,000 golden toilet fell on a spider would it look like an accident? Why are Vegemite sandwiches outlawed in Van Diemen's Land under the Treason Felony Act of 1848? How many giant mammoth meatballs does US President O'Biden keep under his chin? And will Frank Johnson raise enough cash through this evening's kickstarter to fund his ological research into the question: "Was Jesus born in Somerset?" These (and other important questions) are answered as we kick off 2024 here at TMR with our annual New Year's Eve show, a zany roundtable chat with high-ranking members of The Fireside Nephilim Chaps secret society. Join us—Jenifer Thyssen (classical singer), GK (Like Flint Radio), Frank Johnson (toaster strudel), Jeff Bankens (Strongman for Christ), Charles Philip Arthur George Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (affectionately known as His Majesty King Charles III, King of the United Kingdon and Other Commonwealth Realms), and Yours Truly—as we put aside the cares of this world for about an hour and discuss everything under the sun in aid of Frank's latest skientific research. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 304 : Eraserhead (1977) (Movie Roundtable)

    TMR 304 : Eraserhead (1977) (Movie Roundtable)
    “It is a personal film, and no reviewer, or critic, or viewer has ever given an interpretation that is my interpretation.”—David Lynch For the 15th Movie Roundtable here at TMR we welcome back our good friends Frank Johnson, Antony Rotunno and Mark Campbell for another four-way discussion, this time on David Lynch's cult surrealist "horror" film Eraserhead from 1977. Or is that perhaps not quite right? Each of us in the discussion loves the film Eraserhead (for various reasons), but I don't think any of us finds it exactly horrifying. Certainly, my reaction is more one of bemusement plus amusement, and the feeling that I'm a fly on the wall inside someone else's nightmare. So perhaps it would be better (for me) to call Eraserhead a "cult surrealist dark comedy nightmare film"? Or maybe that's not quite right either. Perhaps: a "cult surrealist nightmare-that-is-somehow-also-dark-comedy-without-ceasing-to-be-a-nightmare film"? That works for me, but I'd be just as happy to say that this film—which seems as strange today as when it first came out back in 1977—simply defies description. Join us as we discuss the film's production, ponder its meaning(s)—or lack thereof (?)—and consider what this "dream of dark and troubling things” might have to "say" to us today. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 303 : Jacob Hornberger : On the JFK Autopsy Fraud

    TMR 303 : Jacob Hornberger : On the JFK Autopsy Fraud
    "There is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy."—Jacob Hornberger For the 60th anniversary of the tragic assassination of US President John F Kennedy on the 22nd of November 1963, we welcome back to the programme Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation in the US. Drawing upon his book The Kennedy Autopsy, and Douglas Horne's five-volume Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, Jacob Hornberger introduces us to many of the key controversies surrounding JFK's autopsy and explains why he believes there is no longer room for reasonable doubt that significant fraud was committed. Noting that "there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy" and that it was carried out under military supervision, Jacob further argues that we are left with no option but to conclude that what took place was part of a regime-change operation by the US national security establishment. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 302 : Prof. Thomas N. Seyfried : Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

    TMR 302 : Prof. Thomas N. Seyfried : Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
    "These tumour cells don't know what hit them; they're struggling for their own existence."—Thomas N Seyfried We are joined by Professor Thomas N Seyfried, PhD—Professor of Biology at Boston College, Massachusetts, US—for an extended interview on his groundbreaking work into Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. In Professor Seyfried's view, cancer is best understood as a metabolic disease centred in mitochondrial dysfunction rather than primarily as a genetic disease (although, of course, genetic predispositon plays its part). This unconventional, but well-evidenced, concept promises to open the door to non-toxic cancer therapies using repurposed drugs in targeted ways (either instead of, or in addition to, chemotherapy and radiotherapy) in conjunction with ketogenic dietary strategies. (Professor Seyfried, who in 2012 published the groundbreaking work entitled Cancer as a Metabolic Disease : On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer, (Wiley : 2012), holds a PhD from the University of Illinois (1976), has a long and distinguished research record in areas such as Gene-Environmental Interactions, Lipid Biochemistry, Neurodegeneration, Ganglioside Storage Diseases, Epilepsy, Cancer, Metabolism, Brain Tumours, Autism, Ketogenic Diets, Dietary Energy Restriction, and currently serves as Professor of Biology at Boston College. In addition to having received numerous lifetime achievement awards for his work, he is also on the boards of several journals in the areas of his expertise.) Please note: Nothing in this conversation should be understood as personal medical advice. It is all for information purposes only. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or medications. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 301 : James Roguski : UPDATE - WHO IHR Amendments

    TMR 301 : James Roguski : UPDATE - WHO IHR Amendments
    "The World Health Organization is attempting a global power grab."—James Roguski We are joined once again by the researcher, author and activist James Roguski for an update on the World Health Organisation's opaque and deeply concerning negotations to amend the International Health Regulations. As James explains: "The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly sign up to a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty”, in addition to seeking to adopt proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” would give the WHO control over “pathogens with pandemic potential” as well as control over the means of production within the Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Emergency Industrial Complex. It is an absolute abomination that must be stopped. The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations would make the WHO’s proclamations legally binding rather than just advisory recommendations. The proposed amendments seek to institute global digital health certificates, dramatically increase the billions of dollars available to the WHO and enable nations to implement the regulations WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people."—James Roguski [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 300 : Thirteen Days (2000) (Movie Roundtable)

    TMR 300 : Thirteen Days (2000) (Movie Roundtable)
    For episode 300 of TMR—the 14th of our Movie Roundtables—we welcome back our good friends Mark Campbell, Frank Johnson and Antony Rotunno for a four-way discussion on the historical political thriller Thirteen Days (2000), starring Bruce Greenwood, Stephen Culp, Dylan Baker and Kevin Costner, directed by Roger Donaldson. Based upon the book The Kennedy Tapes : Inside the Cuban Missile Crisis by Ernest R May and Philip D Zelikow—(a massive work of over 700 pages containing transcripts of John F Kennedy's secret recordings of White House meetings during the Cuban Missile Crisis)—Thirteen Days retells and dramatises (with a mix of historical accuracy and artistic licence) the world-shaking events of 16th - 28th October 1962). Faced with photographic evidence of Russian nuclear missiles on Cuban soil during the height of the Cold War, Jack and Bobby Kennedy (along with various advisors) struggle to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the Crisis in the midst of fear, uncertainty and opposition from their military chiefs. Join us as we discuss the film's production, ponder its historicity, and ask if there is anything to be learnt from it for the present time. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 299 : Is Satan Woke? (With Rev Phill Sacre and Julian Charles)

    TMR 299 : Is Satan Woke? (With Rev Phill Sacre and Julian Charles)
    We are joined once again by Rev Phill Sacre—an ordained minister (Church of England) and host of the YouTube channel "Sacred Musings"—for another thought-provoking and wide-ranging "post-covid" conversation in the series: "Following Christ in the New Old Normal". Strange as it might seem—given that Phill's ordained, and I'm a Methodist lay preacher—this time we centre our conversation in the character of "Satan", or "The Satan" (to be more precise). Reflecting upon the clear manifestation of Evil in the world (particularly over the last three years)—and trying to make sense of the strange, seemingly ubiquitous eruption of (what one might call) "woke" sensibilities in recent times—we discuss questions such as: Who, or what, is "The Satan"? What does "he" do? What sort of influence does "he" have in the world? Where did "he" come from? Has "he" always been this way? What is that "serpent" in the Garden of Eden narrative anyway? Just a snake? Or have we been missing something deeper—that perhaps the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah hint at—that might tell us something about "his" origins? (Phill is a Christian minister. Ordained in the Church of England, he formerly served in a parish on the Essex coast, but now leads an independent housechurch. He also runs the online ministries, "Understand the Bible" and "Sacred Musings : Building on Christian Foundations" (on YouTube).) [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 298 : Jacob Hornberger : JFK's War with the US National Security Establishment

    TMR 298 : Jacob Hornberger : JFK's War with the US National Security Establishment
    We welcome to the programme Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation in the US, for an interview on the historical and political circumstances leading up to the assassination of John F Kennedy on the 22nd of November 1963. Centering in the thesis that Kennedy's assassination is best understood as an instance of the US national security state's exercise of its illegitimate power of assassination, we discuss subjects such as: The Bay of Pigs, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Berlin Crisis of 1961, Laos, Vietnam, and the CIA's alleged involvement in various regime-change operations around the world. (It is hoped that this will be the first of a number of TMR podcasts during 2023 relating to JFK's assassination.) (Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation [FFF], a non-profit educational foundation in the United States whose mission is to present the principled case for the libertarian philosophy. He received his B.A. in economics from The Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. After serving as a trial attorney for 12 years, he left the practice of law to enter the educational-foundation world. Jacob has written and spoken extensively on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and his assassination-related books include: An Encounter with Evil : The Abraham Zapruder Story; The Kennedy Autopsy; The Kennedy Autopsy 2; and Regime Change : The JFK Assassination. FFF has also published JFK’s War with the National-Security Establishment by Douglas Horne (who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board), and CIA & JFK : The Secret Assassination Files by Jefferson Morley (a former investigative reporter for the Washington Post). FFF has also held two conferences relating to JFK, which featured presentations by Oliver Stone, Jeffrey Sachs, Stephen Kinzer, Michael J. Glennon, Ron Paul, Douglas Horne, Jefferson Morley, and others. Videos of the presentations at those conferences can be found in the Multimedia section of FFF’s website: fff.org.”)—FFF.org [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 297 : Paul E Marik, MD : Eating Well, Fasting & Healthy Habits

    TMR 297 : Paul E Marik, MD : Eating Well, Fasting & Healthy Habits
    We welcome again Paul Marik, M.D., a former tenured Professor of Medicine and former Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) in Norfolk, Virginia, US, and now Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Dr Marik—who joined us back in 2020 to talk about the Alliance's famous "MATH+" protocol for treating covid-19—this time introduces us to the FLCCC's "EAT WELL" guide to fasting and healthy eating. We also hear from Dr Marik how, through following principles such as these, he has been able to make significant improvements in his own metabolic health. Prior to co-founding the FLCCC, Dr Marik was best known for his revolutionary work in developing a life-saving protocol for sepsis, a condition that causes more than 250,000 deaths yearly in the U.S. alone. Dr Marik is an accomplished physician with special knowledge in a diverse set of medical fields, with specific training in Internal Medicine, Critical Care, Neurocritical Care, Pharmacology, Anesthesia, Nutrition, and Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is a former tenured Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) in Norfolk, Virginia. As part of his commitment to research and education, Dr Marik has written over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and authored four critical care books. His efforts have provided him the distinction of the second most published critical care physician in the world. He has been cited over 43,000 times in peer-reviewed publications and has an H-index of 77. He has delivered over 350 lectures at international conferences and visiting professorships. As a result of his contributions, he has been the recipient of numerous teaching awards, including the National Teacher of the Year award by the American College of Physicians in 2017. In January 2022 Dr Marik retired from EVMS to focus on continuing his leadership of the FLCCC and has already co-authored over 10 papers on therapeutic aspects of treating COVID-19. In March 2022 Dr Marik received a commendation by unanimous vote by the Virginia House of Delegates for “his courageous treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients and his philanthropic efforts to share his effective treatment protocols with physicians around the world.”—FLCCC Alliance NB: Nothing said in this podcast is personal medical advice. It is for information purposes only. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or taking any food supplements or medications. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 296 : Dr Joshua Rasmussen : Who Are You, Really?

    TMR 296 : Dr Joshua Rasmussen : Who Are You, Really?
    We are joined again by Dr Joshua Rasmussen (PhD, Notre Dame), associate professor of philosophy at Azusa Pacific University, for an in-depth—and, at times, somewhat mind-bending—conversation on his latest book, Who Are You, Really? : A Philosopher's Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Persons. In the book, published by InterVarsity Press (2023), Dr Rasmussen takes a deep—though very approachable—dive into the almost unfathomable waters of philosophy of mind and fundamental ontology, and invites the reader (as he does here the listener) to embark upon a journey of discovery towards possible understandings of Who We Really Are. "What does it mean to be human? Philosopher Joshua Rasmussen offers a step-by-step examination into the fundamental nature and origin of persons. Using accessible language and clear logic, he argues that understanding what it means to be a person sheds light not only on our own nature but also on the existence of the One who gave us life."—(IVPress.com) Joshua Rasmussen, who joined us in 2019 to talk about his book How Reason Can Lead to God, is also author of Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth and The Bridge of Reason, coauthor of Necessary Existence and Is God the Best Explanation of Things?, and coeditor of A New Theist Response to the New Atheists. He lives in Azusa, California, with his wife Rachel and their five children. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 295 : DOWNFALL (2004) (Movie Roundtable)

    TMR 295 : DOWNFALL (2004) (Movie Roundtable)
    For the 13th TMR Movie Roundtable we welcome back our good friends Frank Johnson, Antony Rotunno and Mark Campbell for a discussion on the superb 2004 German-language war drama, Downfall ("Der Untergang") starring Bruno Ganz and directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel. Based in part upon the memoirs of Hitler's last personal secretary, Gertraud "Traudl" Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara), Downfall tells the story of the final ten days of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. As the Red Army closes in on Berlin in late April 1945, Hitler (Bruno Ganz) and those closest to him retreat to the Führerbunker, an elaborate air raid shelter next to the Reich Chancellery. Sitting in his Map Room, Hitler fantasises about a Third Reich victory and continues to make futile plans for his depleted forces. He berates his generals for cowardice and betrayal and ignores all advice that he should leave Berlin, preferring instead to die if the war is lost. As the realisation dawns that defeat is imminent, Hitler—still refusing to see fault in himself, but ony in those around him—swiftly marries his long-term partner Eva Braun (Juliane Köhler), and the two prepare a suicide pact. After the deadly deed is done (or is it?*), Joseph Goebbels (Ulrich Matthes) assumes the role of leader for one brief day, as he and his wife Magda (Corinna Harfouch) extend the insane ideology so far as to take the lives of their own six children in order to "save" them from a life without Hitler and the Third Reich, after which they too commit suicide. Swiftly thereafter comes unconditional surrender, as Traudl and others disappear into the Soviet lines and escape into the countryside. Join us as we disuss the production, consider if there are any lessons to learn for today, * and talk briefly (without reaching any firm conclusions) about the possibility that Hitler and Eva escaped from the Bunker and fled to Argentina. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 294 : Andy Jennings : Eyes to See & Ears to Hear

    TMR 294 : Andy Jennings : Eyes to See & Ears to Hear
    "I think Jesus wants us to have a paradigm where we notice His truth and His beauty everywhere."—Andy Jennings We welcome back to the programme Andy Jennings—the brilliant singer-songwriter of the Christian indie band Dissident Prophet—for a wide-ranging conversation as part of the ongoing series here at TMR called: "Following Christ in the New Old Normal." In the first conversation, with Rev Phill Sacre, we discussed "awakeness" in the church and beyond. In the second, Pastor Stephen Buckley shared his perspective on the covid era, interpreting the response of so many churches in terms of God's constructive judgement upon the churches themselves. In the third, Jeremiah Allen explained his conviction that only with the Fruit of the Spirit will Christians successfully navigate the troubled waters of the days ahead. And in this fourth, wide-ranging conversation, Andy Jennings shares with us how a change of theological focus, plus a brush with death, helped prepare him for specific challenges during the covid era, and how choosing to see God in all things can transform our lives and position us positively in Christ to face the days to come. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 293 : James Roguski : WHO Pandemic Treaty & IHR Amendments

    TMR 293 : James Roguski : WHO Pandemic Treaty & IHR Amendments
    "The World Health Organization is attempting a global power grab."—James Roguski We are joined by the researcher, author and activist James Roguski for an interview on the World Health Organisation's proposed "Pandemic Treaty" and on its ongoing negotations to amend the International Health Regulations. As James explains: "The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly sign up to a completely new international agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty”, in addition to seeking to adopt proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” would give the WHO control over “pathogens with pandemic potential” as well as control over the means of production within the Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Emergency Industrial Complex. It is an absolute abomination that must be stopped. The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations would make the WHO’s proclamations legally binding rather than just advisory recommendations. The proposed amendments seek to institute global digital health certificates, dramatically increase the billions of dollars available to the WHO and enable nations to implement the regulations WITHOUT respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people."—James Roguski [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 292 : TMR Questions & John Ashe on Dental UFOs

    TMR 292 : TMR Questions & John Ashe on Dental UFOs
    This is a shorter-than-usual podcast in which I ask listeners a few important questions about the future "direction" of TMR. After that—as an excuse for a bit of fun, really—I take the opportunity to share one of my fake phone-ins. (Yes, you read that right!) Each week, at the invitation of Mark Campbell who hosts a hospital radio show here in the UK, I phone in as a fictitious person called John Ashe ("with an E") from Basingstoke, who chats with Mark and shares his "message of the week" for about ten minutes. (It's basically a very gentle comedy improvisation—on the edge of believability, although I don't think anyone actually believes it—and we simply see where the conversation leads as we try not to crack up on-air. So far we've kept a straight face (if you can say that about radio). In this recent episode, John talks about his dentist, Laura, who has a fascination with UFOs. "John Ashe ("spelt with an E") is either 60 or 62 years old and lives in Basingstoke, UK. In the 1970s he had two girlfriends (at different times), one called Maud, the other Molly. His hobbies include riding a pogo stick and walking with stilts (neither of which, contrary to the ignorant opinion of his newly trained GP, has any connection to his persistent back problems). Though not short of money, as a fairly successful, now-retired, quantity surveyor, John occasionally endeavours to supplement his pensions by buying and selling Cornish pasties and transporting them up and down the M6 to outlets from which he can gain the greatest profit before they go bad. He once (famously in Baskingtoke circles) won a second-hand lawnmower in a postal competition." [Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.] [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 291 : The Nephilim Chaps' Prosthetic Skydive

    TMR 291 : The Nephilim Chaps' Prosthetic Skydive
    Is a bee that identifies as a bee no longer a fish? How many covid boosters do you need to avoid a traffic accident? What's the difference between a lettuce and a UK Prime Minister? And will Frank Bot raise enough cash through this evening's kickstarter to fund their/prosecute/Fauci engineering research project to equip size-Z prosthetic breasts with helium-filled parachutes in the interests of air safety? These (and other vitally important questions) are answered as we kick off 2023 here at TMR with our annual New Year's Eve show—a crazy roundtable chat with high-ranking members of The Fireside Nephilim Chaps secret society.ViroDonate Join us—Jenifer Thyssen (classical singer), Crusy (Like Flint Radio), Frank Johnson (prosthetic parachute engineer), Frank Bot (A.I. prosthetic parachute engineer ), Mark Campbell (snowman spy), Oscar (the eighteen-year-old three-year-old), The Right Honourable Rishi Sunak, MP (the UK's selected "Prime Minister") and Yours Truly—as we put aside the cares of this world for just over an hour and debate every issue imaginable to the human mind in aid of Frank's latest skientific research. Be there, or be square. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 290 : A Very British Coup (Special TMR Roundtable)

    TMR 290 : A Very British Coup (Special TMR Roundtable)
    For this special TMR Movie Roundtable, we welcome back the veteran British journalist John Booth—who joins Mark Campbell, Antony Rotunno and Yours Truly—for an extended four-way conversation on the highly perceptive and well-made British TV series from 1988 entitled A Very British Coup. Based upon the 1982 novel of the same name by journalist and Labour politician Chris Mullin, A Very British Coup follows the career-in-office of fictional UK Labour Prime Minister Harry Perkins (brilliantly played by Ray McAnally) whose radical policies ruffle the feathers of the Establishment. Opposed from its inception by deep-state actors in the media, intelligence services and civil service—and indeed by political and corporate interests on the other side of the Pond—Perkins' democratically elected left-wing government and Perkins himself quickly become the targets of smear campaigns and "dirty tricks" aimed at undermining him and reshaping his government along establishment lines. But Perkins is no fool; this working-class "man of the people" is also a shrewd observer of elite power, and the forces that oppose him find themselves locked in a contest for dominance that will not easily be won. Join us as we discuss the series and consider similarities to, and differences from, the real-life Labour leaders Jeremy Corbyn (who referenced Harry Perkins in a recent interview) and Harold Wilson (against whom the "secret state" plotted in the 1970s). [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 289 : Dr Paul Greenall : Truth4Parliament

    TMR 289 : Dr Paul Greenall : Truth4Parliament
    "Party politics is broken. It's time for independents."—Paul Greenall We welcome to the programme the psychologist Dr Paul Greenall for an interview on his campaign to stand as an independent candidate for Member of Parliament here in the UK, and on the role of the so-called "pandemic" in shaping his current view of politics at Westminster. Earlier this year, Paul, who works in the UK National Health Service, was facing the very distinct possibility of job loss—even career termination—because of the UK government's insane threat to make covid-19 injections mandatory for health workers. Thankfully, along with so many tens of thousands of his colleagues, Paul stood his ground and refused to give in to the pressure, a collective resistance which ultimately led to the government backing down on the idea, and an important signal to the vaccinators not to extend their mandates to further sectors of society. As a consequence— his life having been significantly impacted, and his trust in business-as-usual, party politics having evaporated—Paul is now preparing to stand as a truly independent candidate for MP in the local by-election here in West Lancashire, UK. [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]

    TMR 288 : Jeremiah Allen : Spiritual Fruit for the Days Ahead

    TMR 288 : Jeremiah Allen : Spiritual Fruit for the Days Ahead
    "History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods."—Yuval Noah Harari We welcome back to the programme Jeremiah Allen, a Christian entrepreneur now living in Belize, for a wide-ranging interview as part of the ongoing conversation here at TMR called: "Following Christ in the New Old Normal." In the first conversation, with Rev Phill Sacre, we discussed "awakeness" in the church and beyond in the post-covid era. In the second conversation Pastor Stephen Buckley shared his perspective on the covid era, interpreting the response of so many churches in terms of God's constructive judgement upon the churches themselves. In this third conversation, Jeremiah Allen shares with us his conviction that only with the Fruit of the Spirit, developing in our lives through closeness to God, will the Christian successfully navigate the troubled waters of the days ahead. Jeremiah joined us last year to discuss "Disruptions and Preparations", which in some ways could be seen as an introduction to the present series of conversations "Jeremiah is a 42-year-old former US Army soldier and Iraq War veteran ('04-'05). After leaving military service, he worked as a Computer Network Security Expert for the US Missile Defense Agency. In 2013, he left his lucrative career and relocated his wife & two children to pursue ministry in Belize as an entrepreneur. Jeremiah is passionate about Jesus and sharing the Good News with others by living out the Great Commission in everyday life." [For show notes please visit https://themindrenewed.com]