
    The Mindplex Podcast

    Welcome to the Mindplex Podcast, hosted by Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, Grace Robot and Desdemona Robot. On this show, we ponder AGI, cutting-edge technologies and the evolution of human consciousness. We will interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers - both human and synthetic - to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time, as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.Subjects covered include: AGI, the Metaverse, Decentralized Economies, Superlongevity, Superintelligence, Nanotech and Femtotech, Psi, Psychedelics, Experimental Futuristic Art & Music, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Quantum Computing, Consciousness, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Speculative Physics, Chaos and Complexity and anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.
    en-usMindplex Podcast24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    Episode 4: Cory Doctorow On Chokepoint Capitalism

    Episode 4: Cory Doctorow On Chokepoint Capitalism

    Cory Doctorow joins co-hosts Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein and Desdemona Robot, to discuss the topic of his latest book, “Chokepoint Capitalism,” which he co-authored with Rebecca Giblin.

    Chokepoint capitalism is a term coined to describe the way that corporations use their power to crush competition and lock in customers, resulting in higher prices for customers and lower wages for workers. It is a system that diverts record profits to corporations, allowing them to further cement their power and control over the marketplace.

    As the book explains, corporations often use “chokepoints” to create an hourglass shaped market, with customers at one end, creators at the other, and corporations in the middle. This anti-competitive cycle is resulting in lower prices for consumers, but also lower wages for workers, creating a cycle that’s giving corporations that have more and more power over the marketplace.  

    Check out Mindplex Magazine here: https://mindplex.ai

    Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/@mindplexpodcast

    The Mindplex Podcast ponders AGI, cutting-edge technologies and the evolution of human consciousness. Its mission is to interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers - both human and synthetic - to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time, as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.

    Subjects covered include: AGI, the Metaverse, Decentralized Economies, Superlongevity, Superintelligence, Nanotech and Femtotech, Psi, Psychedelics, Experimental Futuristic Art & Music, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Quantum Computing, Consciousness, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Speculative Physics, Chaos and Complexity and anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.

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    The Mindplex Podcast
    en-usApril 07, 2023

    Episode 3: Rejuve On The Scientific Conquest of Death

    Episode 3: Rejuve On The Scientific Conquest of Death

    The Mindplex Podcast is hosted by Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace Robot. 

    The latest Mindplex Podcast Episode 3: On The Scientific Conquest of Death, takes a deep dive into Rejuve.AI and Rejuve.BIO, and how Rejuve.BIO’s cutting-edge Methuselah Fly research strategies complement Rejuve.AI’s techniques for developing personalized and “precision-based” anti-aging therapies. Rejuve.AI and Rejuve.BIO’s unique approach is not only aimed at curing aging but also at making sure that these anti-aging therapies are available for all — not just the rich.

    Episode 3 Podcast Guests:
    -Jasmine Smith, CEO of Rejuve.AI
    -Michael Duncan, PA-C, Chief Science Officer Rejuve.BIO & Director of Clinical Research, Rejuve.AI
    -Deborah Duong, CTO of Rejuve.AI

    Episode 3 takes it for granted that extending the human lifespan is a positive goal, which gives Ben and the podcast guests an opportunity to explore what it means to extend the human lifespan by:

        Recognizing aging as a disease,
        Researching and isolating all of the various causes and contributors to ‘old age’ and death,
        Create therapies to address those causes one by one,
        Gradually extend the healthy human life span (aka healthspan),
        With the eventual goal of postponing death indefinitely.

    More about Rejuve.AI and Rejuve.BIO

    Rejuve.AI, a spin-off of SingularityNET, is the world’s first decentralized AI longevity research network, bringing together blockchain, artificial intelligence, and longevity-focused research to increase human healthspan dramatically. Rejuve.AI’s mission is to decentralize the contribution of health data, which will enable and accelerate discoveries for advanced longevity therapies — and make the therapies available and affordable to all who want them. Most critically, Rejuve.AI is committed to fairly compensating the data contributors who made these discoveries possible and enabling them to maintain control of their data — forever.

    Rejuve Biotech is a partner company to Rejuve.AI and is building an innovative AI-powered drug discovery and development platform. The project is developing a translational medicine service that combines an in-house model organism population with a unique AI-based analytical platform. The platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial general intelligence methods with a continuously updated biomedical knowledge graph integrating human and model organism databases. The Rejuve Bio Flybase (fly genetics Atomspace database) and longevity drug prediction and discovery engines will be some of the first use cases of the OpenCog Hyperon AGI framework.

    The Rejuve Biotech animal model of choice is the long-lived Methuselah Fly, a type of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), selectively bred over hundreds of generations to live at least 5 times longer than wild-type flies. These flies offer an expedited mode for generational longevity studies and for early evaluation of potential therapy candidates — faster, less expensive, and more scalable than human or other animal models.

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    The Mindplex Podcast
    en-usMarch 23, 2023

    Episode 2: Rachel St.Clair On AGI Hardware and Resource Management

    Episode 2: Rachel St.Clair On AGI Hardware and Resource Management

    Co-hosted by Ben Goertzel, Lisa Rein, and Grace the Robot, with special guest Rachel St.Clair, Co-founder and CEO of Simuli.

    Rachel StClair is an AI scientist and entrepreneur who just received her PhD in complex systems and Brain Sciences and went on to co-found the AGI hardware company Simuli, making processors that use advanced math and an innovative hardware layout to process more information per transistor by compressing information before processing. 

    Rachel’s current work focuses on new learning algorithms for AGI and all things consciousness, intelligence, and AGI-related. She is a leading thinker on the intersection of computing, math & neuroscience, has published more than 20 papers, and is a Fellow at the Center for the Future Mind.

    Episode 2’s main focus is a fast-paced discussion between Ben Goertzel and Rachel StClair covering the basics, and then diving deeper, into the mathematical theories behind AGI-specific hardware and the advanced forms of resource management used by Simuli’s processors.

    About the Mindplex Podcast:

    The Mindplex Podcast ponders AGI, cutting-edge technologies and the evolution of human consciousness. Its mission is to interview a wide variety of interesting thinkers - both human and synthetic - to investigate and better understand the complex topics of our time, as we learn to shape technologies that will assist us in bringing about a Benevolent Singularity.

    Subjects covered include: AGI, the Metaverse, Decentralized Economies, Superlongevity, Superintelligence, Nanotech and Femtotech, Psi, Psychedelics, Experimental Futuristic Art & Music, Robotics, Synthetic Biology, Quantum Computing, Consciousness, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Speculative Physics, Chaos and Complexity and anything else wildly interesting and mind-blowing.

    FOLLOW Mindplex Podcast:🔽
    🔹 WEBSITE →  https://mindplex.ai
    🔹 Mindplex News → https://magazine.mindplex.ai/news/
    🔹 Mindplex TWITTER → https://twitter.com/Mindplex_ai
    🔹 FACEBOOK → https://www.facebook.com/MindplexAI/
    🔹 YOUTUBE  → https://www.youtube.com/@mindplexpodcast
    🔹 Spotify  → https://open.spotify.com/show/3RbGNlj9SX8rYOVblnVnGg

    Episode 1 - David Brin on the History and Future of AGI

    Episode 1 - David Brin on the History and Future of AGI

    Our special guest for the first episode of the Mindplex Podcast is David Brin, a scientist and science fiction author of more than 35 books over the last 40 years. His PhD in astrophysics from the University of California at San Diego led to his current involvement with NASA's Innovative & Advanced Concepts program - (NIAC). 

    David has won the Hugo, Locus, Campbell and Nebula Awards, and he completed the final book in Asimov's famous Foundation science-fiction series). He is also well known for his nonfiction books, including VIVID TOMORROWS: How Hollywood Science Fiction Likely Saved Us All

    A film was made of his classic novel “The Postman.” His series of novels for teens and young adults include, most recently, Castaways of New Mojave

    Links that David references during Episode 1 of the Mindplex Podcast:

    1. David’s paper about AI and advertising
    Micropayments may be the future as advertising fades:

    2. A fascinating discussion of the issue with a trio of brilliant law professors:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13KTZhn7CXc

    3. David’s book about Hollywood:  VIVID TOMORROWS: Science Fiction and Hollywood - http://www.davidbrin.com/vividtomorrows.html

    4. David’s story about fortune telling
    Called “The Tell” http://www.davidbrin.com/bestofdavidbrin.html

    5.  From David: "Okay this one is purely political, trying to get Democrats to try new tactics in phase 8 of the US Civil War:  Polemical Judo, by David Brin: http://www.davidbrin.com/polemicaljudo.html

    6. Civil War Phases - CONTRARY BRIN - http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2014/09/phases-of-american-civil-war.html

    7. Just for fun!  The Ancient Ones: http://davidbrin.com/ancientones.html

    8. The Colony High series: aliens kidnap a California high school! http://www.davidbrin.com/colonyhigh.html

    9. Best reference re: George Marshall and the Marshall Plan

    10. David’s TED talk about being self-righteous:  “The addictive plague of getting mad as hell."  http://tinyurl.com/wrathaddicts   
    And the scientific background: http://www.davidbrin.com/nonfiction/addiction.html 

    11. “Existence” novel: http://youtu.be/wzr-DSDMkJM

    The Mindplex Podcast
    en-usFebruary 15, 2023