
    The Mondoweiss Podcast

    At Mondoweiss, our beat is Palestine and the movements, activists and policymakers who affect what’s happening there. We cover Palestinians’ stories of occupation, resistance and hope – stories that show us all how the world’s struggles interconnect.
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    Episodes (68)

    68. Noura Erakat on the collective trauma of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza

    68. Noura Erakat on the collective trauma of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza

    Last month, Frank Barat spoke with Noura Erakat on our new YouTube show, Witnessing Palestine. As we recorded that program, Gaza had been under Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea for 70 days.


    At that time, 18,000 Palestinians in Gaza were known to have been killed by the Israeli military. Today, that number is over 28,000. More than 68,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been wounded. The Israeli military continues to invade Palestinian cities and villages in the West Bank. Violent attacks on Palestinians by Israeli settlers also continue.


    Noura joined Frank to discuss the collective trauma of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza and where the global movement for Palestinian freedom goes from here.


    Noura is a human rights attorney and an Associate Professor at Rutgers University in the Department of Africana Studies and the Program in Criminal Justice. She is an editorial committee member of the Journal for Palestine Studies and a co-Founding Editor of Jadaliyya.

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    67. Diana Buttu on watching the Gaza genocide on our mobile phones

    67. Diana Buttu on watching the Gaza genocide on our mobile phones

    In this episode, Mondoweiss’s Yumna Patel speaks with Palestinian lawyer and political analyst Diana Buttu about the genocide in Gaza and the role social media is playing in how it unfolds.

    Israeli soldiers on the ground in Gaza are undermining Israel’s carefully crafted public image as a victim through their social media posts, which show them joking, laughing, and committing what many legal observers believe are war crimes.

    This second Nakba is being live-streamed in real-time, and Yumna and Diana discuss the experience Palestinians are sharing of watching a genocide of their people play out on their mobile phones.

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    66. Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Al-Naouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza

    66. Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Al-Naouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza

    In this episode Mondoweiss’s Culture Editor Mohammed El-Kurd speaks with journalist and co-founder of We Are Not Numbers Ahmad Al-Naouq.

    Despite having 21 members of his family murdered by Israel in the past few months, Al-Naouq has been on the forefront of advocating for Palestinian liberation. In this conversation they talk about the complicity of mainstream media in the genocide Israel is committing against Palestinians in Gaza.

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    65. Ryan Grim on The Squad vs. the Israel Lobby and Students for Justice In Palestine vs. Columbia University

    65. Ryan Grim on The Squad vs. the Israel Lobby and Students for Justice In Palestine vs. Columbia University

    In this episode, we have two interviews with our U.S. Correspondent, Michael Arria. First, Michael talks to Ryan Grim, Washington D.C. Bureau chief for The Intercept. Ryan has a new book out titled, “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution.” In it, he reports on the fight between the squad of progressive Democrats first elected to Congress in 2018 and Israel lobby organizations AIPAC and Democratic Majority for Israel.

    Later, we’ll hear from a student organizer at Columbia University about the school's suspension of pro-Palestine groups on campus. In recent weeks, we've seen a disturbing wave of McCarthyism target Palestine activism across college campuses. A number of Students for Justice in Palestine chapters have been suspended or even banned at schools. One of the schools is Columbia University, which also suspended its Jewish Voice for Peace chapter. Michael spoke with a member of Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine about these developments. She is also a member of Columbia University Apartheid Divest, a coalition that has been relaunched in response to the suspensions. She asked Mondoweiss to withhold her name.

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    64. Katie Halper: Why Jews should support Palestine, lessons from the holocaust, and a message to Amy Schumer

    64. Katie Halper: Why Jews should support Palestine, lessons from the holocaust, and a message to Amy Schumer

    The so-called "humanitarian pause" in Israel's assault on Gaza ended just days ago, and already nearly 1,000 Palestinians have been killed.

    The Israeli military released a map dividing Gaza into over 2,000 small sections. They say they will notify Palestinians in each of these sections when they plan to bomb or invade it so that the Palestinians can move to a different section. People have compared this to the Hunger Games or similar dystopian stories.

    As a result, Palestinians in Gaza continue to be squeezed into smaller and smaller spaces with nowhere to go and not nearly enough food, medicine, and fuel entering the area to sustain human life.

    The international community continues to wring its hands without doing anything to stop Israel. In fact, led by the Biden administration in the United States, most of the Western nations continue to stand firmly behind Israel. Biden wants to lift the few small restrictions on arms transfers that do exist between the United States and Israel so that, presumably, the Israeli military can increase its attacks on Gaza.

    Because of his blanket support for Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, Joe Biden's approval ratings continue to sink lower with the exact voting blocks he will need in the upcoming presidential election, an election, we are told, that will determine whether U.S. democracy will even exist anymore.

    However dark this moment may seem, we can take heart that the mass protests sparked by Israel's brutality are continuing unabated across the United States and the world. The past two months have seen people mobilizing for Palestine in huge numbers.

    Jewish Americans, in particular, have turned out in larger numbers than ever before and in far more militant ways. Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now have carried out dozens of nonviolent direct actions across the country, shutting down highways, bridges, train stations, and institutions like colleges and even Congressional office buildings.

    In this episode, our Palestine News Director, Yumna Patel, speaks with Katie Halper about why Jews should support the Palestinian cause. Katie talks about lessons she's taken from the Holocaust and has a special message for high-profile Jewish Americans like Amy Schumer. Katie is a journalist, activist, and filmmaker who hosts the Katie Halper Show and the podcast Useful Idiots.

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    63. But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience

    63. But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience

    Israeli bombs continue to rain down on the Palestinian residents of Gaza. As of this recording, over 9,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed, a figure that includes over 3,700 children. Multiple experts on international law and the history of genocide have said that Israel’s actions do indeed amount to genocide.

    In this episode of the podcast, we’re going to hear a program staged by the Palestine Festival of Literature on November 1, titled: But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience.

    The event featured:

    • Michelle Alexander, the acclaimed civil rights lawyer and author of The New Jim Crow;
    • Professor Rashid Khalidi in conversation with National Book Award winner Ta-Nehisi Coates;
    • Pulitzer Prize-winning Mojave American poet Natalie Diaz;
    • Scholar and international legal expert, Noura Erakat;
    • and poet, activist, and Mondoweiss's Culture Editor, Mohammed El-Kurd.

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    62. Antony Loewenstein on Israeli exports of weapons and surveillance tech around the world

    62. Antony Loewenstein on Israeli exports of weapons and surveillance tech around the world

    The impact of the Israeli occupation of Palestine extends far beyond the disputed borders of the region.

    Israeli companies – many with close ties to the government and military – export weapons and surveillance technology across the globe.

    Palestinians and their communities serve as test subjects, where potential clients can witness the impact of Israeli technology in an urban warfare setting.

    Award-winning journalist Antony Loewenstein details this dynamic in his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World". It was published by Verso earlier this year.

    Mondoweiss U.S. correspondent Michael Arria recently spoke to Lowenstein about his reporting.

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    61. Mohammed El-Kurd and Raeda Taha on Palestinian identity, martyrdom, and revolutionary honesty

    61. Mohammed El-Kurd and Raeda Taha on Palestinian identity, martyrdom, and revolutionary honesty

    Earlier this summer, we announced that Mohammed El-Kurd, the Palestinian poet, journalist, and activist, was joining our staff as the Culture Editor. This is the first podcast episode Mohammed has produced for us, and we're excited to share it with you. He is joined by the playwright Raeda Taha.

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    60. Unpacking Christian Zionism with Rev. Dr. Don Wagner

    60. Unpacking Christian Zionism with Rev. Dr. Don Wagner

    Today we’re excited to share an episode from the Latitude Adjustment Podcast looking at the role Christian Zionism plays in continuing persecution of Palestinians.

    Eric Maddox completed his graduate research in Conflict Transformation from Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the Occupied West Bank, collecting oral histories from the 1948 War. He is the founder and director of the Palestine Podcast Academy, and the host of Latitude Adjustment Podcast.

    He interviewed Rev. Dr. Don Wagner, a friend of Mondoweiss, and expert on Christian Zionism.

    From Latitude Adjustment's show notes:

    While there have been different strains of Christian Zionism dating back to the Sixteenth Century, the most politicized, powerful, and violent iteration of the movement has its roots in the contemporary Christian Evangelical Church. Modern Christian Zionists hold that the ethnic cleansing of roughly 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in historic Palestine in 1948 by Jewish Zionists was the fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy in which the so-called Holy Land must be resettled by the Jewish people in order to usher in the return of Jesus Christ as the messiah. Modern Christian Zionism is distinct from the modern form of political Zionism that arose amongst the European Jewish community in the late 19th Century.

    Don Wagner is a Christian theologian, a former minister, and author. He received a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary. He is also author of, "Glory to God in the Lowest: Journeys to an Unholy Land".

    If you want to hear more from the Latitude Adjustment Podcast and the Palestine Podcast Academy, check our show notes for links.

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    59. Conditioning U.S. aid to Israel and anti-Palestinian smears at Florida State University

    59. Conditioning U.S. aid to Israel and anti-Palestinian smears at Florida State University

    Today we have two interviews from our US correspondent, Michael Arria. 

    First he speaks with Josh Ruebner about the shifting politics around U.S. aid to Israel, and later, he checks in with the victim of an anti-Palestinian smear campaign at Florida State University.

    We begin with U.S. aid to Israel. The fight in Congress continues to build over the billions of dollars we send to Israel every year. Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen is the latest to call for conditioning US aid to Israel, joining other high profile figures such as Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others. At the same time, however, a high-profile delegation of Democrats in the House Representatives were in Israel meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu. This trip was sponsored by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, and they have been furiously promoting it online over the past several days. Many, if not all of the Congress members on the trip filmed videos for AIPAC’s social media channels in which they profess their love and admiration for Israel. Phil Weiss, our founder and senior editor, said they looked like hostage videos.

    So, what is happening with the issue of aid funds for Israel? Michael spoke to Josh Ruebner about the history of US aid to Israel and the emerging fractures in Congress over this enormous amount of money.

    Josh is the author of Israel: Democracy or Apartheid State? and Shattered Hopes: Obama’s Failure to Broker Israeli-Palestinian Peace. He is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

    Then to Florida.

    The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights recently announced that it was opening an investigation into Florida State University's handling of a smear campaign targeting one of its students.

    Ahmad Daraldik was elected FSU student senate president in June 2020, but immediately faced backlash from campus groups, pro-Israel organizations, and even local politicians over his criticisms of Israel.

    Social media posts Daraldik made as a child, while facing Israeli oppression, were dug up in the process. Michael spoke to Ahmad about the smear campaign, his original complaint, and the historic Education Department probe.

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    58. Miko Peled and Phil Weiss on centering Palestinians and saving Jewish culture from Zionism

    58. Miko Peled and Phil Weiss on centering Palestinians and saving Jewish culture from Zionism

    Mondoweiss was founded by Phil Weiss, a career journalist, while he was on staff at The New York Observer.

    In 2006 a wealthy young man named Jared Kushner bought the Observer. After tolerating Phil’s writing on Israel for a brief period, Phil was forced out by Kushner, but he was allowed to keep his blog.

    Phil is a magnanimous guy and he credits Kushner with freeing him from the world of mainstream journalism to pursue his interest in Israel and the fascination with it that much of American Jewish society clings to.

    We get asked a lot about the name of the site, Mondoweiss. It was the name of the blog version when it was hosted at the Observer and Phil kept it when he left.

    One definition of the word “mondo” is “very, or extremely”. So the name “Mondoweiss” was meant as a lighthearted joke that the site would be “extremely Weiss”, because initially Phil was the only author.

    But the site has grown and evolved into a full-fledged news and analysis publication with staff in the United States and Palestine. We are one of the only U.S.-based publications with a full Palestine news bureau and not simply one reporter in the region.

    So Jared Kushner might have hoped to prevent Phil from gaining an audience for critical takes on Israel, Zionism, and the American Jewish community, but instead he helped launch an important media outlet in the struggle for Palestinian freedom.

    This episode of the podcast features an extended interview with Phil, conducted by Miko Peled, the veteran Israeli anti-occupation campaigner. They discuss the origins of Mondoweiss, how Zionism destroyed American Jewish culture, and many other topics. It was originally published on Miko’s podcast in January of this year in three parts. We are excited to share it with you here in one program.

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    57. Unpacking Israel’s attack on the Jenin refugee camp

    57. Unpacking Israel’s attack on the Jenin refugee camp

    Israel’s military invasion of the Jenin Refugee Camp, dubbed “Operation Home and Garden” came to an end late Tuesday night. It left at least 12 Palestinians dead, and one Israeli soldier.

    Israel has, predictably, declared the operation a success. They say 120 Palestinians were arrested and weapons caches were destroyed, including bomb making materials. The Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, said: “in the last two days we interrupted the weapon production process, seized thousands of bombs, some small and some large, and destroyed dozens of factories, workshops and laboratories.” Our reporters have not yet been able to verify his claim that “dozens” of locations related to the armed resistance in Jenin were destroyed.

    While the military and political leadership in Israel gloats, Palestinians in Jenin are telling a different story of the largest attack on the camp  since 2002’s Operation Defensive Shield. In this assault, Israel deployed up to 2,000 troops backed by armored vehicles, attack helicopters, and warplanes. They turned family homes into sniper positions. They fired tear gas and live ammunition into hospitals- in one case rendering the Emergency Room facilities unusable and forcing staff to treat injured people in the building’s main hallway. They destroyed large portions of the refugee camp’s vital infrastructure, digging up roads throughout the camp with armored bulldozers, knocking out segments of the electrical system, and damaging key water pipelines.

    As the story from inside the camp emerges, it is clear that this invasion was not an easy one for the region’s most powerful military. The resistance groups in the camp appear to have put up a strong defense, preventing the Israeli military from exercising full control over the area. Benjamin Netanyahu’s government may have thought they would have a repeat of the 2002 invasion. They clearly did not.

    Today I’m joined by our Palestine News Team to discuss all of these events and what the ramifications are, politically, for Palestinians, Israelis and the international community. Yumna Patel is our Palestine News Director, based in Bethlehem. Faris Giacaman is our Managing Editor, based in Ramallah. Mariam Barghouti is our Senior Palestine Correspondent, currently in the United States. And Tareq Hajjaj is our Gaza Correspondent, based in Gaza City.

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    56. Alice Rothchild on bringing the Palestine story to young adult fiction

    56. Alice Rothchild on bringing the Palestine story to young adult fiction

    Alice Rothchild is doctor, writer, filmmaker and activist who has spent decades in key social justice movements. She is the author of three books,  Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish and Palestinian Trauma and Resilience was released in 2007, On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion, came in 2014, and Condition Critical: Life and Death in Israel/Palestine, was published in 2017.

    This year Cune Press will publish her first young adult novel, Finding Melody Sullivan. It is the story of a half-Jewish, half-Catholic, 16-year-old girl told against the backdrop of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

    Phil Weiss spoke to Alice recently about the book, and about her journey from a Conservative Jewish upbringing in New England to become an outspoken activist for Palestinian freedom.

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    55. The impact of Israel's raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan

    55. The impact of Israel's raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan

    The Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem encompasses several key sites central to Islam, including the Dome of the Rock, the third holiest site for Muslims, where the Prophet Mohammed is believed to have ascended to heaven, where he spoke to God. The compound sits on the Temple Mount, where the ancient Hebrew temple once stood.

    Today we have a conversation with our Palestine news team about the events surrounding Al Aqsa during Ramadan this year. As readers of our site and listeners to this podcast are surely aware, the Israeli government carried out several raids of the Al Aqsa compound in the last few weeks, leaving one Palestinian dead and hundreds injured and arrested. The Zionist propaganda machine has been working overtime to paint Palestinians as poor caretakers of these sacred spaces, claiming that children playing soccer, or the very presence of fireworks prove that they don’t deserve to be there in the first place. Yumna Patel, our Palestine News Director, leads the discussion with Mariam Barghouti in the West Bank, Tareq Hajjaj in Gaza, and myself.

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    54. What do the protests in Israel mean for Palestinians living under apartheid?

    54. What do the protests in Israel mean for Palestinians living under apartheid?

    Protests continue in Israel. Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked back his government’s push to overhaul the Israeli judicial system, but did not abandon the effort. Instead, the government will take it up again in a few months when the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, returns from its spring recess.

    As part of the agreement to delay the legislation, a new national guard force will be created under the control of the National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir. Dr. Yara Hawari, senior political analyst at the Palestinian thinktank Al-Shabaka, says, "Itamar Ben-Gvir is an extremist, he’s someone who has consistently called for violence against Palestinians throughout his political career."

    In today’s episode, Mondoweiss Palestine News Director Yumna Patel speaks with Dr. Hawari about developments in the protests, and what they mean for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and apartheid.

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    53. Students for Justice in Palestine’s 12th annual conference; Stop Cop City in Atlanta

    53. Students for Justice in Palestine’s 12th annual conference; Stop Cop City in Atlanta

    In February, Students for Justice in Palestine held their 12th annual conference in Los Angeles for a weekend of critical discussion, movement building, and political education. Michael Arria spoke with a member of the group's steering committee about the themes of the conference, the state of Palestine activism on U.S. campuses, and the victories of 2022.

    After that, we’ll hear about the Stop Cop City protests in Atlanta, and the links between the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange and Israeli police. Adam Horowitz spoke to Kamau Franklin, an activist and organizer in Atlanta involved in the Stop Cop City movement.

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    52. Rising resistance in Jenin and lawfare in the United States

    52. Rising resistance in Jenin and lawfare in the United States

    We have two interviews in this episode. First, I’ll talk to Mondoweiss’s Palestine News Director, Yumna Patel, about her new video report published today titled On The Brink: Jenin’s rising resistance. Then we’ll hear from Ahmad Abuznaid, the executive director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, about their legal battle with the Jewish National Fund.

    First, to the Jenin refugee camp.

    On January 26 the Israeli army conducted a deadly invasion into the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. In the span of a few hours, the army shot and killed 9 Palestinians. A 10th Palestinian died a few days later from injuries sustained during the raid.

    It was one of the deadliest single invasions into the Jenin camp, and in the West Bank, in years. It came on the heels of a year-long effort by the Israeli military to quash the resurgence of Palestinian armed resistance. The Jenin refugee camp has a long history of armed resistance to Israel’s occupation.

    Yumna traveled to Jenin just days after the deadly raid to speak to the people there and hear about what they experienced.

    Then, back to the United States.

    In 2019 the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and a group of American Israelis sued the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) over its support for the nonviolent BDS movement. The US Campaign is a fiscal sponsor of the Boycott National Committee, which has ties to various groups in Palestine.

    According to the lawsuit, some of those groups are terrorist organizations responsible for fire bomb attacks on land owned by the Jewish National Fund in Israel. Activists say this is simply the latest attempt to suppress human rights work.

    Earlier this month Diala Shamas, a lawyer at the Center for Constitutional Rights and one of the attorneys representing the US Campaign, told The Guardian, “The goal here is to harass the US Campaign [for Palestinian Rights]. This is something that we’re seeing more broadly: smearing human rights advocates with accusations of terrorism, and efforts to drag human rights advocates and protesters into court, into extended litigation that distracts them from their advocacy. In the Palestine context we see that happening a lot, both in the United States and by Israel."

    In 2021 the case was dismissed by a federal court in Washington DC, but the JNF appealed and it's now back in court. Mondoweiss’s US correspondent Michael Arria spoke with US Campaign Executive Director Ahmad Abuznaid about the legal proceedings, the history of the JNF, and the wider context of this fight.

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    51. Tony Greenstein on Zionism during the Holocaust

    51. Tony Greenstein on Zionism during the Holocaust

    Last year Tony Greenstein published a book that was the culmination of many years of research, titled “Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation”.

    The book examines in great detail the Holocaust mythology that Israel promotes and deploys in a strategic manner to neutralize and smear intellectual and political criticisms of its human rights violations.

    Greenstein has long pedigree. He has been an anti-Zionist in Britain for more than 40 years. He is a founding member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the biggest organization in the UK focused on Palestinian human rights. An author and blogger and son of a rabbi, Greenstein is also an active trade unionist.

    In this episode, Phil Weiss speaks to Tony Greenstein about his new book.

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    50. Matthew Teller on his new biography of Jerusalem

    50. Matthew Teller on his new biography of Jerusalem

    In this 50th episode of the Mondoweiss Podcast, our founder and senior editor Phil Weiss speaks to Matthew Teller about his new book, Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City.

    The book mixes travel writing and history with the savage politics of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in a city loved by people all over the world.

    Teller is a British journalist who worked for years in the Middle East. His reports have appeared in the BBC, the Times of London, The Guardian and many other places.

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    49. How did Israel fare in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections?

    49. How did Israel fare in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections?

    Last month the U.S. held its midterm elections. A "red wave" never materialized as many predicted, but Republicans did take control of the House. Our U.S. correspondent Michael Arria caught up with author and Georgetown University adjunct professor Josh Ruebner to talk about how Israel factored into the races and what we should expect from the new congress on Palestine.

    Ruebner is the author of Israel: Democracy or Apartheid State? and Shattered Hopes: Obama’s Failure to Broker Israeli-Palestinian Peace. He is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

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