
    The morally & intellectually ingenuous, sometimes disingenuous podcast

    We've all been there, unmotivated, uninspired, the list goes on. On this podcast we talk about overcoming adversity, goal setting, good habit building, health and fitness, and never giving up on your dreams! Hear stories of people who know what it's like to hit rock bottom and live to tell the story of success!
    en-usSpencer Bryant39 Episodes

    Episodes (39)

    She was made just for me

    She was made just for me

    There's nothing more beautiful than to hear a man speak so highly of his bride. That's what this episode is about! My frat brother Brandon came through this week to talk about his business he created from the ground up, old college memories and best of all his new bride! To me, its always a breath of fresh air to hear a great romance story. I've known this guy for some years now and as I said in the episode, he's gone from an annoying little brother to one of the most respected men in my eyes. A man who has accomplished many things and didn't give up when life threw its curveballs. Listen and be inspired!

    Book me now, thank me later!

    Book me now, thank me later!

    Book me now, thank me later!

    That's the brand and name my friend and frat brother Steve has built for himself! Steve and I went to high school together, went to college together, lived together and pledged our fraternity together. To see his growth through everything he's been through is nothing short of amazing! From being a dj at small house parties in college to being international! Hear his story and be inspired!

    Your vision is your vision!

    Your vision is your vision!

    We all have goals, dreams and a vision! Unfortunately most folks will see hear about someone else's dreams and will talk down on them simply because it's not their own vision! My homegirl Cierra came through this week to discuss this very thing! As long as I've known her she has had a vision of being her own brand and to see her walk in it now has been nothing short of amazing! Hear her talk about how she had to fight through the obstacles in her life to get to where she is now!

    A servant's heart

    A servant's heart

    Millennials! This is how you make it! At the end of the day no one will remember you by the amount of likes on your posts, the materials things you have, etc. It's about what you do for others! When you have a serving heart and want to see people make it, that is where you blessings come from and what life is about. My mentor Carl stepped through to share his wisdom on how to get ahead and life, his road to success and how he pays it forward to the next person. He is one of two of the most successful black men I know. Everything he said on the episode is genuine and true. Tap in!

    The light remains

    The light remains

    "There some who bring a light to the world, that even after they have gone, the light remains". 

    This episode is a special one. We talk about grief. Something never explored on this podcast before. Julieze honored me with her presence to talk about how losing both parents within a year has taught her so many lessons about grief and God's love for us. She exhibits strength she's gained through loss I can only imagine. Without a doubt one of the strongest people I have had the pleasure of speaking with!

    Let the good times roll

    Let the good times roll

    Have you ever met anyone who is always optimistic and happy? Deshae is that person! I have known this guy for over 18 years! It's always an amazing thing to see when you've grown up with certain people as kids and to see them evolve to adults. We're definitely not kids anymore! Ever since I've known him he's always happy and positive. In this episode Deshae gives his ideas and experiences on how he maintains this happiness and even how the hard times in his life have helped him to be the man he is today. 

    Lets take a ride

    Lets take a ride

    Have you ever been uncomfortable with where you are in life and just wanted to hop in the car and take a ride to see where you ended up? Well Lorenzo did that exact thing and it ended up being one of the best decisions he's ever made. My boy Lorenzo came through this week to talk about his journey from going to a star football player in college, navigating through a new life with its own obstacles & struggles to understanding why he had to hit a low in life to be the successful young black man he is today! His story is inspiring! 

    Endo Warrior

    Endo Warrior

    Yellow is for endometriosis awareness!

    I'm of the opinion, women, especially black women are not taken seriously enough in the medical field. As much as I am an advocate the health of black women, I can only speak so much since i'm a man. Thats why my friend Ty stepped through this week to speak on this topic and about her journey, not struggle, with endometriosis! She speaks on her journey dealing with the condition itself and obstacles she's overcome to be the endo warrior she is today!

    Three Amigos Part 1

    Three Amigos Part 1

    Doing something a little different this week. This week I have two guests! So that makes three educated, successful black men in one space! This week my two brothers Sal & Trevor dropped by. This is part 1 to a two part series, maybe even three. Sal talks about his journey of overcoming so many obstacles, while Trevor chimes in on Sal's success. Even though this is my first time initially having a conversation with Sal, his story taught me so much not just about him but life in general! Part 2 will be Trevor's story and how he overcame his obstacles in life!

    Growth is a powerful thing

    Growth is a powerful thing

    This definitely goes down as the most transparent episode thus far. My frat bro, Avery came by this week, I've known this man for over 10 years, and his growth has been nothing short of amazing! We have seen each other during the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Tune in and listen how this young black man beat the odds with depression, losing his mom and other obstacles where others would have given up! I'll say this too, probably the funniest episode thus far too lol.

    He who finds a wife

    He who finds a wife

    He who finds a wife finds a good thing! My homie and workout partner Justin came through! It's amazing how me and him are the same age but I look up to him. He's an amazing husband and a dope father to four boys. Listen to his story as he speaks so graciously about his family and how to he took it upon himself to prepare himself to be the perfect family man. 

    No handouts!

    No handouts!

    Hard work makes the dream work! 

    This week on the podcast my friend and brother Lou Rawz stopped by blessed me with some new found wisdom! Lou talks about his journey in the military, being an amazing father and most importantly his passion for music! Listen to my man Lou as he speaks on overcoming obstacles thrown in his way and throughout some difficulty in his life, he's never given up on his dreams!

    I don't look like what I've been through!

    I don't look like what I've been through!

    This one is a special one. Tam speaks about her story overcoming the trauma of sexual assault. March is sexual assault awareness month. Sexual assault is in my opinion a very serious issue, and one that is not discussed enough! So many victims have suffered from this horrendous topic and I deeply commend Tam for speaking her truth and being brave to come forward with her story!

    Stop hatin!

    Stop hatin!

    This week I have my girl and fellow partner in the health and fitness Journey Arneka! She speaks on her experiences on losing over 130lbs! Which includes the mental, spiritual and romantic changes during her journey. She also speaks on self-love. As always, I take something from each episode, and this time it's the importance of loving yourself no matter what!

    My brother's keeper

    My brother's keeper

    Men! Especially black men! It's ok to cry! I have always hated the narrative of "men can't cry or be emotional". We're human too. And too often when we bottle up these emotions because society says we can't let them out, they come out in sometimes a violent way. 

    So I had my brother and friend Brandon help out in this week's episode to further explain why we as men need to stop believing this notion of we can't be as open with our emotions as women can. Brandon tells his story of how he's learned to navigate as a black man through society while learning to be secure within himself.



    A wise man once said friendship works like a tree. Leaves and branches eventually fall off but the roots are there to stay and keep that same tree alive!

    Step into the second episode where I have the honor of discussing various topics such as mental health awareness with my dear friend Amber, whom I have known for 13 years! She goes into depth on her story of overcoming adversity while dealing with a co-occurring disorder with her mental health and navigating through today's society as a black woman. Amber has amazing advice for those who are dealing with the same obstacle!