
    The Nicholas Gregoriades Show

    Hosted by transformational coach, entrepreneur, martial artist and author Nicolas Gregoriades, this show features interviews with accomplished and unique individuals dedicated to helping men lead lives of more passion, adventure and success. In it we discuss relationships, philosophy, health and many other endeavors affecting the path men take through the modern world.
    enFields of Elysium LLC100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Ad Man | Jeffrey Maddof

    Ad Man | Jeffrey Maddof

    Jeffrey Maddof is an powerful fusion of artist and business person.

    He is the author of “Creative Careers: Making a Living With Your Ideas” and has had success in the worlds of fashion design and and advertising.

    He's also a great example of what creative collaboration can achieve.

    Jeffrey shares how the things that we go through in our formative years make us who we are and why Investing in relationships is the ultimate currency.


    Elemental Wellness | Ashley Smith & Anna Galle

    Elemental Wellness | Ashley Smith & Anna Galle

    Chinese medicine and acupuncture have an almost 8000 year unbroken lineage, and millions of people in the modern world swear by their efficacy.

    Chinese medicine specialists Ashley Smith and Anna Galle join Nic for a conversation about many different aspects of health.

    Topics covered include the effect of the environment on wellbeing and genetic expression, adjusting your lifestyle according to the seasons, the obesity problem in America and much more!

    Finding the Secrets | Jeff Buehner

    Finding the Secrets | Jeff Buehner

    What if everything society ever taught you about success was wrong? What if you didn't have to hustle to make your dreams come true?"

    During a chance encounter over 30 years ago, Jeff Buehner was given a manuscript containing hidden teachings from one of the wealthiest men ever to live - Sultan Musa of Mali.

    Jeff eagerly began applying the knowledge in the manuscript and was astounded by how quickly his life began to change. He went from being underpaid and overworked to achieving financial freedom and success beyond his wildest dreams in a very short time. Since then, he has dedicated his life to teaching others this arcane wisdom and how to apply it to lead prosperous and magical lives.

    Authoring Your Impact | Chandler Bolt

    Authoring Your Impact | Chandler Bolt

    It has been said that everyone has at least one good book in them. Many of us have dreamed of writing a book but are overwhelmed at the thought of everything that goes into both the creative and logistical processes involved.


    Chandler Bolt went from a school drop-out to published author and now teaches others how they can quickly and simply get their books onto shelves.


    Whether you’re wanting to condense your expertise and life-experience into a how-to manual or write your memoirs as a passion project, Chandler’s insights can make the process easier.




    You’ll Learn:

    • How a $15 book can be as life-changing as a mentor
    • Why books are more important than ever in our modern age
    • How to choose which of your ideas is best for the theme of your first book
    • Why becoming a published author is like a key that opens the door to many opportunities





    If you feel like the book that you have, or the product that you

    have, will positively impact people's lives, then it is your moral obligation to tell them about it.” – Chandler Bolt



    “So I think you can ethically market something that you

    believe in, and you can passionately do it.” – Chandler Bolt



    “The time is never going to be right, you're going to have to get started before you're ready.” – Chandler Bolt





    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    The Heart of Tantric Sex | Diana Richardson

    The Heart of Tantric Sex | Diana Richardson

    Sex is arguably one of the most enjoyable aspects of the human experience and yet it’s one of the least understood and most unconsciously performed parts of most people’s lives.


    Tantra expert and author of ‘The Heart of Tantric Sex’ Diana Richardson has devoted her life to teaching others how to make sex more enjoyable and more fulfilling.


    In this episode she explains the stark difference between unconscious and conscious approaches to sexual experience and shares some practical steps for immediately improving the quality of your sex life.




    You’ll Learn:

    • How changing your relationship to sex can create more flow and ease in your life
    • How impressions from both our childhood and society can have unconscious effects on our sex lives
    • Why orgasms are actually counter-productive to the best sexual experience
    • A new perspective on the relationship between love and sex





    Nothing is wrong with movement, but it's generally speaking as fast as possible, backwards and forwards, trying to raise the level of excitement. So it's all very sensation based.” – Diana Richardson


    “So the basic story is to come to the present and more in your body, instead of being much into thought.” .” – Diana Richardson


    “if we all made love as a humanity in a more sensitive, delicate, aware way, we would actually be living in a different world.” – Diana Richardson


    “Through conscious sex, through being more aware through being natural, and less ego, so actually, sex, in and of itself is one of the biggest doorways to ecstatic experiences.” – Diana Richardson






    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Started at the Bottom | Joey Diaz

    Started at the Bottom | Joey Diaz

    Love him or hate him, there are few more authentic men alive than Joey Diaz.


    Joey is somebody who had every excuse to not succeed and yet he beat all the odds. 


    Find out how this amazing human went from immigrant, orphan, felon and drug addict to successful comedian, actor and family man. 



    You’ll Learn:

    • How Joey was able to reboot his life at 42
    • What it takes to overcome the habit of quitting
    • Why loyalty is Joey’s most valued trait in a person
    • How taking up Jiu Jitsu in your 50’s can change your life
    • Joey’s definition of what it means to be a man





    “I want you to have a better life. Go for it. Stop making excuses.” - Joey Diaz


    “It's not where you start is where you finish” - Joey Diaz


    “For other things, you know, and emotional support is big. I want to know that. I'm good.” - Joey Diaz


    “There's so many components to being a man. Never mind being a good man. Just being a man. There's so many components to it. That's why it's difficult because there's so many pieces was so confused of what being a man is being a man is giving me a family comfort, giving your friends comfort.” - Joey Diaz





    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Started at the Bottom | Joey Diaz

    Started at the Bottom | Joey Diaz

    Love him or hate him, there are few more authentic men alive than Joey Diaz.


    Joey is somebody who had every excuse to not succeed and yet he beat all the odds. 


    Find out how this amazing human went from immigrant, orphan, felon and drug addict to successful comedian, actor and family man. 



    You’ll Learn:

    • How Joey was able to reboot his life at 42
    • What it takes to overcome the habit of quitting
    • Why loyalty is Joey’s most valued trait in a person
    • How taking up Jiu Jitsu in your 50’s can change your life
    • Joey’s definition of what it means to be a man





    “I want you to have a better life. Go for it. Stop making excuses.” - Joey Diaz


    “It's not where you start is where you finish” - Joey Diaz


    “For other things, you know, and emotional support is big. I want to know that. I'm good.” - Joey Diaz


    “There's so many components to being a man. Never mind being a good man. Just being a man. There's so many components to it. That's why it's difficult because there's so many pieces was so confused of what being a man is being a man is giving me a family comfort, giving your friends comfort.” - Joey Diaz





    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Investing Emotional Capital | Will Samson

    Investing Emotional Capital | Will Samson

    Dr. Will Samson believes that ‘you can’t succeed alone but you can thrive together’. Will had a seemingly perfect life which he subsequently ‘burned down’ through substance abuse. 


    After losing his career and family, Will went on a journey of self-discovery to understand why he had sabotaged himself and how he could help others avoid doing the same.


    In this episode Will discusses the insights he found and systems he created on his climb back towards wholeness and success.




    You’ll Learn:

    • Emotional Capital - what it means to invest in another human being.
    • How to be fully yourself and self-authoring your life
    • Why unresolved childhood trauma will torpedo your dreams
    • How Will overcame dyslexia and ADHD to earn his PHD
    • The importance of having a team that is invested in you





    “I think it's so easy, especially for men, we get caught up in this narrative of what we should be the story of what we think we're supposed to be. And it's not until we can really shake that loose and begin to say, Okay, who am I? What's my purpose? What am I supposed to be that we can begin to live into our authentic self?” – Will Samson



    “Investing love and belief in others until they can create it for themselves.” - Will Samson


    “The reality is that we live in this network of interdependence. It just the way we think about it, it doesn't always match our narrative to believe that we succeed together.” - Will Samson


    “If you want more of what you got, then keep doing what you're doing. If you want something different, you have to do something differently as well.” - Will Samson




    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    That Sober Guy | Shane Ramer

    That Sober Guy | Shane Ramer

    Alcohol is simultaneously one of society’s most destructive and tolerated drugs. Most of us never stop to ask why that is.


    After a long battle with alcohol, Shane Ramer found the strength to get sober and in doing so had an awakening. He has now devoted his life to helping others overcome this most pervasive of addictions and regain control of their lives.




    You’ll Learn:


    • How Shane overcame his addiction
    • How childhood traumas can cause addictions
    • The necessary mindset for beating alcoholism
    • Role of familial relationships in addiction
    • How to be of service to others




    “It's been this journey of like, learning and growing and trying new things and screwing things up and then fixing them and then making you know another mistake and then figuring out why did I do that. Okay, well, I did this well, and it's just I really do love my life, man. I'm a blessed dude.” - Shane Ramer



    “if we remember that everybody is in their own minds trying most of the time trying to do the best they can. And if we, if we can take that to heart and understand it, even if we disagree with it, or we don't think it's right, or whatever” - Shane Ramer


    “if you can't forgive yourself, how are you supposed to forgive other people?” - Shane Ramer



    “Surrender to it, maybe give it up, give it up, you know, just let go. Once I let go, and I finally asked for some help, and just said, God, I can't do this anymore. I need some help. Man, I remember that moment. And it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders.” - Shane Ramer





    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Failing Up | Andrew Thorp King

    Failing Up | Andrew Thorp King

    How do you perceive failure? Andrew Thorp King provides a new way of looking at failure that allows us to respond in healthier ways to the challenges of business, relationships and life.




    You’ll Learn:


    • Entrepreneurialism and failure
    • The Wisdom of Punk Rock
    • Non-attachment and authenticity
    • Fulfillment, redundancy and reinvention
    • How failure ‘purifies’




    “if you're letting the spiritual lead the physical, you're going to have that peace, you're going to have that clarity.” - Andrew Thorp King


    “Faith guidance, whatever it is that really kind of, you know, allows you to withstand whatever comes your way.” - Andrew Thorp King


    “You know, what failures you've had. It's like, it's just that, you know, it's, it's the flames just burning, you know, it's like the Phoenix needs to burn to emerge, you know, sure.” - Andrew Thorp King


    “There's this emptiness, there's hunger, there's, there's lack of meaning in their life, because they didn't learn how to marry money with meaning necessarily, they got the money thing, right. And now they have the time, and they have the money, but they don't really know what to do to have that meaning in their life.” - Andrew Thorp King





    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Men Talking Mindfulness | Jon Macaskill & Will Schneider

    Men Talking Mindfulness | Jon Macaskill & Will Schneider

    Jon Macaskill and Will Schneider, co-hosts of Men Talking Mindfulness join Nic to discuss how mindfulness has impacted their lives.


    They share how to develop a consistent mindfulness and explain how it can help you physically, emotionally and mentally.




    You’ll Learn:


    • The meaning of ‘Mindfulness’
    • What Navy Seal training does to the mind
    • Why men struggle to live holistically and in harmony




    “If I am being happy, and generous and kind and peaceful, and I work with those qualities of being and doing my life, like doing things that I enjoy, hopefully. And then all of a sudden, you receive all the benefits from that essence of being.” - Will Schneider


    “Mindfulness is a way of living, presently, all the time. And when you notice that your mind has wandered off to some other time or some other space, just bringing it back. So it's basically, in a sense, living in a meditation kind of bring yourself back over and over and over.” - Jon Macaskill




    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Man of Power | Kashi Azad

    Man of Power | Kashi Azad

    Kashi Azad is an instructor of Persian Yoga, an ancient method of strength and conditioning and powerful tool for improving mental and physical health.


    In this episode Kashi teaches us the history and philosophy of this unique system. He details how it has been used to develop warriors for hundreds of years and explains how it is now being introduced to health and fitness enthusiasts as a complementary alternative to their exercise regime.





    You’ll Learn:


    • The History of Persian Yoga
    • The 7 Arts of Persian Yoga
    • Benefits of Persian Yoga
    • How to start your practice of Persian Yoga




    “It's kind of new, but it's very ancient, you know, and it's very ancient. And it's registered and recognized as the world's oldest living martial arts strength conditioning system, or art of strength that exists on the planet today, you know, and that's, like, very significant, because if it doesn't produce results, and it's not effective, it won't be wouldn't exist,” – Kashi Azad referring to Persian Yoga


    “Seeking this strength, or cultivating and developing strength is the means to attaining self-actualization, self-Realization and self-knowledge and becoming the great our greatest mantra is like, to become who you really are, to become who you are.” – Kashi Azad


    “I do believe that a big part of that attainment or that your path towards that becoming that lion that is to stay true and honest and maintain your integrity and give back to the community where it comes from” - Kashi Azad




    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram.


    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show.


    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.



    Get a copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    Twin Flames | Benjamin and Azrya Bequer

    Twin Flames | Benjamin and Azrya Bequer

    This is a very special milestone in the history of the podcast, we’re having our first female guest on the show. Now, just one caveat, she is appearing with her husband, so baby steps for us. 

    Today, we have Benjamin and Azrya Bequer, authors of BEQOMING: Everything You Didn't Know You Wanted. I experienced an amazing conversation with them as they come from two very different worlds. Benjamin is a businessman while Azrya is an artist. However, they found harmony in being with each other and together. So join us as they recount how they unlocked the path towards becoming unfuckwithable. 



    You’ll Learn:  

    • How to be unf*ckwithable  
    • Why would you want to go outside your comfort zone 
    • How being unfuckwithable improves your relationship with others   



    “Becoming unf*ckwithable is at its core, a willingness to sit in discomfort all the time relentlessly. It's one thing to sit in discomfort once in a while it's another to live a life of relentlessly sitting in any discomfort that comes up.” - Benjamin Bequer 


    “When you have two people who choose to believe and embody that no matter what is coming up, it's always serving a greater purpose, even if it's deeply painful and uncomfortable, then that's the recipe for a really healthy blossoming relationship over a long period of time. Because no matter what shows up, you have to accept the gift in it, somewhere somehow you might not see it right away. It might take time, but we always come full circle and see the gift.” - Azrya Bequer 


    “We'd like to say, ‘to die into it,’ because it's really, to lean into it is to allow for a death to happen so that you can emerge on the other side of it. And every initiation is preceded by a death. And so, these initiations we go on in life, require us to let some part of us die. And I think that part of the work that we do is getting really comfortable with that death process.” - Benjamin Bequer 



    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram 

    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show. 

    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. 



    Get a free copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'    


    At Ease Soldier | Johnny Elsasser

    At Ease Soldier | Johnny Elsasser

    Former US Army Ranger Johnny Elsasser talks about how he found new purpose after serving 4 combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before transitioning back to civilian life. 


    You’ll Learn:  

    • How ‘tactical pausing’ can help us become aligned with who we truly are   
    • How ‘speed, surprise, and violence of action’ can help us achieve our goals 
    • Why we need to let go of our identities in order to move forward 


    “But at the end of the day, I had to look at my life saying, ‘I have one shot at this. And if I'm unhappy right now, is this going to get any better? We've been trying. Is it going to get any better?’ And if not, then I needed to challenge myself to step up and say the real things that needed to be said and go from there.” – Johnny Elsasser 

    Is this coming from a place of alignment? Or is this coming from a place of emotional response? And if I truly assess that, is it going to put me in the direction that I want to be in, whether it's a yes or no. And honoring yourself, that's what it gives you. It ensures that you honor your integrity and your authenticity. – Johnny Elsasser 

    “And so you got to have things called speed, surprise, and violence action. If you have two of those three things, you will dominate almost any situation you're in.” - Johnny Elsasser 


    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram 

    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show. 

    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. 


    Get a free copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'    


    The Parable of the Tribes | Andy Schmookler

    The Parable of the Tribes | Andy Schmookler

    In this episode, Andy Schmookler, award-winning author of The Parable of the Tribes, radio talk show host, and former nominee for Congress, joins us for a discussion on the nature of the forces that threaten to destroy humankind.  


    You’ll Learn:  

    • How the ugliness we see in society today is not inherent in human nature  
    • What the ‘sacred space of lovers’ means in romantic relationships 
    • What really leads to fulfillment in a man’s life 


    “I think the biggest problem we have in the world is that people don't understand the nature of the forces that need to be overcome for people to get the choice of what kind of world we're going to have as a species.” – Andy Schmookler 

    “Find people who are worth getting advice from and get it. You don't have to follow it. Listen to wise people, the wisest you can find for any given purpose. These people could be a teacher, lawyer, therapist, or people of all sorts. Also—don’t beat yourself up for things you don’t have. As long as you test your limits and work hard enough, embrace who you are!  - Andy Schmookler 

    “Because the open heart does not put whole cities to the sword, or enslave other people.” - Andy Schmookler 


    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on YouTube, and follow him on Instagram 

    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show. 

    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. 

    Get a free copy of Nic's book 'Aligned, The Modern Man's Guide to Health, Wealth & Freedom'  


    How to Live Your Best Life Now | Dean Inniss

    How to Live Your Best Life Now | Dean Inniss

    Although living a stable and successful life entrenched in corporate America, Dean Inniss instinctively felt a calling towards more freedom and a greater sense of control over his destiny. 

    Despite anxiety over the lack of stability inherent in self-employment, Dean found the courage and discipline required to overcome his fears and create entrepreneurial success. 

    Dean describes how building a company on the foundations of faith, family, fitness, and finance is the recipe for success and personal freedom. 



    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Youtube, and follow him on Instagram 

    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show. 

    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts, and other major podcast platforms. 


    Clarity Through Stillness | Ken Kladouris

    Clarity Through Stillness | Ken Kladouris

    It’s almost impossible to live life to the fullest if you don’t understand your greater purpose. 

    In this episode, Ken Kladouris explains how tapping into the stillness we all have within can lead to success, fulfillment and a life worth living.  

    The full episode show notes are all available at:   



    We hope you enjoyed this episode of The Nicholas Gregoriades Show! Nic loves hearing from his listeners. Feel free to email him, connect on Youtube, and follow him on Instagram 

    You can also catch fresh episodes weekly when you subscribe to the show. 

    Listen to The Nicholas Gregoriades Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify,  Google Podcasts and other major podcast platforms.