
    The Octave Leap Podcast

    Octave Leap is about building a positive future based on a completely new paradigm. A future where humans can intelligently innovate in alignment with nature. We do this through business innovation, Earth regeneration, and human optimization. This is more than a business, this is collective for assisting with this incredible global transition that is currently underway.Our weekly show features informative chats with knowledgeable guests and from Dave himself. It is streamed from YouTube and then re-uploaded here.

    en-usDavid Khan97 Episodes

    Episodes (97)

    Episode 078 - Embracing a Business you Never Need a Vacation From

    Episode 078 - Embracing a Business you Never Need a Vacation From

    It’s true, we’ve all grown up with some sticky ideas around what relationships, money, self-worth, power, and business should look like.  And as conscious people who’ve committed to our inner work, it can often feel like we sit between two stools trying to let go of societal conditioning while embracing a new relationship to these core life areas that work for us.

    Fortunately, there are inspirational people out there that can help us realize our personal 10/10 alignment to the key areas of life.  Jaymin Patel is one of them.  He’s a growth coach and soul mentor for natural high-achievers.  And during his career, he has authored 8 books, become an acclaimed TEDx speaker, and regular warms stages around the globe.

    On this episode of the Octave Leap podcast, him and Dave will sit down and dive into burning questions for the spiritual entrepreneur like:

    • How do you shift your relationship with your business?
    • How do you navigate giving/receiving permission and get brave?
    • How to decouple your personal and business identities

    Join us for an enlivened conversation about mastering your path as a conscious entrepreneur.

    Visit Jaymin's Website: 

    Get your free guide to marketing in 2023: 

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com

    The Octave Leap Podcast
    en-usApril 05, 2023

    Episode 077 - Unlocking your Business with Numerology

    Episode 077 - Unlocking your Business with Numerology

    Numbers are more than just math!  They are one of the Universal languages and ways that the cosmos speaks with us. Perhaps you've seen repeating sequences of numbers in daily signs.  Some interpret these as signs, but in truth, the symbolic meaning of numbers goes much deeper.
    Numerology is the mathematical and scientific study of energetic patterns. When we understand the meaning behind the numbers and patterns, it empowers us to remember a deeper meaning about ourselves, our relationships, and of course our relationship to business and abundance.
    Ann Marie McKenzie is a certified numerologist and soulful business strategist that has learned to put heart over hustle and help ambitious entrepreneurs align with their purpose, amplify their gifts, and activate more prosperity. She empowers her clients to develop more meaningful relationships, connect with their psychic gifts, and find more joy while making a big impact on the world.
    Join her and Dave and they dive into everything numbers, business, and higher dimension fun!

    Get Ann Marie's Free Numerology Guide:

    Get your free guide to marketing in 2023: 

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com

    The Octave Leap Podcast
    en-usMarch 09, 2023

    Episode 076 - Creating Real Impact in 2023

    Episode 076 - Creating Real Impact in 2023

    We enter 2023 with a paradox; both a pause and an injection of fresh energy.  The feeling is that this year will be the year of metamorphosis as it dawns on humanity that we are undergoing a permanent, immutable transmutation.

    The butterfly cannot return to being a caterpillar. In this livestream we focus on this principle by exploring our potential to start creating real impact in 2023 through Conscious Business Development and how we can start actively making a difference in the world.

    In the realms of corporate business, we are likely to see layoffs, downsizing, and 'efficiencies' in the workplace by replacing human jobs with Artificial Intelligence. Organic Cycles seem to be over run by digital time, as we begin to experience the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Tools. The old business bureaucracies will continue to become increasingly hostile for human activity.

    At the same time, a new breed of high-impact leadership is arising. Visionaries in 2023 are coming forward with new ideas which are progressing from the seed phrase and becoming more and more material.

    This show will cover the current state of the great divergence and the metamorphosis of humanity, addressing major themes for what lies ahead and what will work best for heart-led entrepreneurs!

    Join the Embodied Marketing Workshop by Donation here:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 075 - Our Capacity for Success Begins Within (with Elaira Tickute)

    Episode 075 - Our Capacity for Success Begins Within (with Elaira Tickute)

    Where does success start?  How come some people succeed in business naturally while others don’t?

    It all comes down to our internal state on how we handle things, manage ourselves, and relate to others and the world. It’s all about our ability to receive, hold, and manage more of who we are and what we want to create. The rest builds on this essential foundation.

    It’s not about the latest marketing strategy, sales funnels, social media hacks, or ‘7 magical strategic business steps’. It’s not the business tools & strategies that will bring you to the next level to create true long-lasting success.

    Systems DO matter, yes!  But they are only half the equation.  We first need to have the INTERNAL part handled to make any strategies successful.

    It’s not about the strategy itself;  but how we show up both in that strategy energetically and in our way of BEING.

    Society teaches us very little about this fundamental way we relate to life (and business!).  That’s because it is not so easy to quantify and analyze.  It doesn’t fit into any boxes – it literally comes before all the boxes.

    That’s why Elaira Tickute has dedicated her work to building capacity.  Building a healthy nervous system means developing healthy capacities in all the areas of life.  From the relational to the financial.

    Join Elaira and Dave as we dive deep into the fascinating world of what makes us REALLY tick.

    Join our workshop on Embodying your Business and Passion Projects:

    Find out more about Elaira's offerings here;

    Elaira's Nervous System Capacity Program:

    Download your FREE Business Guide Here:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 074 - Alchemy of Abundance | A New Paradigm of Affiliate Marketing (with Candice Benson)

    Episode 074 - Alchemy of Abundance | A New Paradigm of Affiliate Marketing (with Candice Benson)

    A recent study by McKinsey & co. found that 40% of the global workforce is considering quitting their 9-5 jobs.  The traditional workplace has passed its expiry date for people today.  We rightfully feel that earning a living should not be a dreaded ordeal.

    But many don’t have a clue what they will do next.  It can take time and space to find our calling and develop an aligned business.  And then, we also must learn actual BUSINESS skills.

    Fortunately, there is an easier way (whew)!

    Candice Benson runs Freedom Chasers Network and helps people who know they want out of working in “the system”.  They may not know exactly where to start, but they know they want the freedom to travel, discover themselves and not have to trade the best years of their life for a paycheck.  Through utilizing an online education platform and aligning with conscious affiliate offers (that do good for the planet!), Candice shows people:

    - How to create more travel, choice and freedom
    - How to create a “borderless life” where YOU determine the location you call home and work.
    - How to leave the hustle of the 9-5 and create space to step into the highest frequency version of themselves
    - How to create a life that is truly limitless and provides the freedom, time and abundance to live a life on your own terms.

    Candice and Dave will discuss a new paradigm of affiliate marketing.  One that is more compassionate and meaningful.  Candice has spent the last few years re-imagining the way that affiliate marketing can be done so that it is easeful, fun, prosperous and more importantly, contributes to a positive future. 

    “You have two choices: You can earn a living or you can design a LIFE.”  - Jim Rohn

    Learn more about how to get started with Affiliate Marketing here:

    Download your FREE Business Guide Here:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 073 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe III

    Episode 073 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe III
    The contributors for the Octave Leap Crypto Community are gathered to discuss the current state of crypto from a mosaic of perspectives: technical, big picture, astrological and mindset.

    We are gathered to share wisdom, laughter and insight to navigate these crazy times prosperously!

    To get a free copy of our 2022 market research report:

    To join the Octave Leap Crypto Community go here:

    To join the Discord chat (free, open to anyone) go here:

    To book a Trading 1-on-1 Session with Nicolas:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 072 - Mending the Deeper Layer with Family Constellation (with Harriet Goudard)

    Episode 072 - Mending the Deeper Layer with Family Constellation (with Harriet Goudard)

    The Universal law of 'As above, so below' reflects any activity we partake in.  Never has the time been more ripe to really see and observe this rapidly increasing 'feedback loop', as we are invited to go deeper within ourselves than ever before. Thus, our activities in business, or the crypto space (as external manifestations of Self), can be perfect gauges for our internal clarity.  And our internal clarity is heavily impacted by our ANCESTRY.

    Family Constellation is a form of powerful work that can help us claim the fullness of who we are by birthright. It is

    - A vehicle for easeful healing,
    - cultivating a deep level of presence and somatic awareness
    - connection into our deeper purpose
    - Weaving the greater threads of Life.

    Once these blocks are seen, held, properly honored and then moved through, we tend to see massive shifts, both inside and out.

    For example:

    - Freeing up huge amount of life force energy, so that we feel more alive and impassioned in everything we do,
    - The gentle palpation of the nervous system as we resolve and move beyond our own (and generational) traumas, enabling us to connect more deeply into our channel,
    - The resolution, of what were perceived as issues, or symptoms before in our businesses, relationships, health, etc

    Join David and Harriet Goudard (A family constellation practitioner) for a deep dive into this topic.  Harriet will discuss her 3-step process for rapidly healing ancestral imbalances!

    Learn more about how Family Systemic Constellations can benefit you at Harriet's Masterclass, Soul Speak. Sign up here ($22 - $55 Sliding Scale): http://harrietgoudard.com/soul-speak

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 071 - Practical Crypto Security (with Martin Richtsfeld)

    Episode 071 - Practical Crypto Security (with Martin Richtsfeld)

    Security and Cryptocurrency are essential.  As we reclaim economic sovereignty, we must take responsibility into our own hands.

    There is no bank to safeguard our Bitcoin.  Hackers are getting even more clever as the payoff gets increasingly higher.

    But there's nothing to fear - 95% of security issues are human error and when we implement these simple tricks our security is well-positioned beyond many.

    Join Martin and Dave as we dive into this fascinating and necessary discussion around digital security and cryptocurrency!

    To join Martin's upcoming workshop:

    Join the Octave Leap Crypto Community Here:

    Join the Discord Directly here:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 070 - The Future Paradigm of Business (with Alex Jepson)

    Episode 070 - The Future Paradigm of Business (with Alex Jepson)

    Transacting naturally has been part of the human experience since the dawn of time.  Whether we  traded salt for silks or therapies for dollars, there are certain principles that have not changed.

    What has changed over time is the essence behind transactions.  The natural way of doing business brings us into communion with our fellow human being.  However, what business has become in the last few decades is commerce that treats people as cash-cow commodities.

    This paradigm is ending abruptly.  We are transitioning back into a way of business that is win-win-win.

    We win because our livelihood supports us in a meaningful and purpose-driven way.

    Our clients win because we bring care and value into their lives by offering heart-felt solutions to their problems.

    The world wins because the work we do is in alignment with creating a better future.

    Join Alex and Dave for this deep dive into aligned online business!

    Join the Octave Leap Crypto Community Here:

    Join the Discord Directly here:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 069 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe (Part 2)

    Episode 069 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe (Part 2)

    The contributors for the Octave Leap Crypto Community are gathered to discuss the current state of crypto from a mosaic of perspectives: technical, big picture, astrological and mindset.

    We are gathered to share wisdom, laughter and insight to navigate these crazy times prosperously!

    To join the Octave Leap Crypto Community go here:

    To join the Discord chat (free, open to anyone) go here:

    To book a Trading 1-on-1 Session with Nicolas:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 068 - I Am (with Dear Danny)

    Episode 068 - I Am (with Dear Danny)

    Collectively, we are awakening from a spell.  One that has entrained humanity into a particular belief for a very long time.  Convincing them that 'external authority' is necessary to rule over their lives.

    But something incredible is underfoot.  An organic uprising and body-driven realization coursing through each and every person.  Leading them to reclaim their autonomy and replace the myth of external authority with their own inner authority.

    How do we navigate lawfully serving our own needs when previous control groups attempt to clutch even harder? 

    What does it look like to fully listen to our inner messaging when we are more bombarded than ever with distractions?

    Is serving ourselves selfish - or is this just the pinnacle of generations-old programming still at play?

    Join Dear Danny and Dave as they speak man-to-man about the power of "I AM" and it's importance during these incredible times.

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 067 - Into the Future with Human Design (with Li Isings)

    Episode 067 - Into the Future with Human Design (with Li Isings)

    Human Design is a renowned system for uncovering self-knowledge.  It can give us precise information about how our bodies, emotions, minds and personal life force works.

    But did you know that the system is also evolving?

    Ra, the creator of Human Design, gave many predictions and insights regarding the year 2027.  As we move closer to that date, things are indeed changing.  Join Li Isings and Dave as Li recounts what’s changing in Human Design, where things are heading and what will be relevant for tomorrow’s world.

    Sign up for Practical Human Design - Module 1 (15% Discount code @: checkout:  PHD15)

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 066 - The Rejuvenating Power of Water (with Adam Suzman)

    Episode 066 - The Rejuvenating Power of Water (with Adam Suzman)

    What if we had a remedy that could give us 'the best day ever'?

    Imagine if there was an elixir that could reverse aging and regenerate our bodies?

    Can the healing process be simple, friendly and not an arduous grind?

    Well, one man may hold the answers to these questions!  Adam Suzman is a retired Homeopathic doctor who encodes water with transformative properties.  He realized that his homeopathic work was limited by the number of people he could see.  When he discovered a special way to work with water, he found a modality that could reach more people.

    Adam believes that by letting go of the past, we can liberate our patterns and cleanly live the life we really want.  By clearing out our unfinished business we can easily find our most aligned and optimized state.

    Join Adam and Dave as they dive deeply into the healing powers of water in this incredible interview.

    Follow Adam’s Work:

    Website: https://www.immortalskin.co.za/
    Website 2: www.new-immortals.com

    YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCF5-60rCnj8chgY1CZ_BTQ
    Instagram:  liberationtheremedy_ro

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 065 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe

    Episode 065 - Gathering of the Crypto Tribe

    The contributors for the Octave Leap Crypto Community are gathered to discuss the current state of crypto from a mosaic of perspectives: technical, big picture, astrological and mindset.

    We are gathered to share wisdom, laughter and insight to navigate these crazy times prosperously!

    To join the Octave Leap Crypto Community go here:

    To join the Discord chat (free, open to anyone) go here:

    To book a Trading 1-on-1 Session with Nicolas:

    Empowering Women Financially part 2 Workshop:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 064 - The New Financial System & The Quantum Leap into… (ft. Gary Cousins)

    Episode 064 - The New Financial System & The Quantum Leap into… (ft. Gary Cousins)

    Imagine if there were a way to peer beyond the veil and glimpse what the future holds. Might it defy our wildest dreams?  Unlimited clean power, exponential leaps in computing speeds, and eradication of the diseases that plague our modern world.

    And what if certain celestial alignments held the keys to 'when' these great shifts may happen? Gary Cousins is a quantum astrologer who rides the interface of technology and natural human evolution.

    Gary believes astrology is an interesting technology that allows us to ride the duality of fate and free will. With over 30 years of experience as a Electrical Engineer in Telecommunications and IT he also commands a practical knowledge of the physical advancements that humanity will achieve within a very short period from now.

    Join Dave and Gary for this riveting discussion of what the future holds!

    Gary’s website:  https://www.starmagi.com/
    Gary on IG:  https://www.instagram.com/StarMagi/

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 063 - The Fabric of Community: Movement, Dance, and Music (with Martin Richtsfeld)

    Episode 063 - The Fabric of Community: Movement, Dance, and Music (with Martin Richtsfeld)

    Historians attribute the enormous spread of humankind on this planet to two abilities: communication and community.

    We gather together and exchange thoughts. Thus we can organize ourselves and make the impossible possible for better or worse. 

    Tribal cultures from around the world have highly prized the communion of dance and music as evidenced by the variety of drums and percussion instruments from around the world.  Fantastic elaborate costumes and sacred elevation accompanied these ceremonies - surely they held greater significance than mere entertainment?

    In the modern day, we are rediscovering the power of dance and movement through modalities such as ecstatic dance. 

    Ecstatic dance allows us to enter a state of ecstasy in deep connectedness to ourselves. It brings us back to our roots and our purpose. We come as we are - no shoes, no drugs, no alcohol, no talking.

    This allows our brainwaves to drop into a state of trance and experience our world from a different perspective. The gentle phase at the end of the dance allows us to integrate these new experiences into our life.

    This dance liberates us, it anchors our bodies into the frequency of freedom and awakens our most intimate parts.  Join Martin Richtsfeld and David Khan for this incredible discussion!

    Join Martin for a live Ecstatic Dance DJ set:

    Join the Octave Leap Crypto Community:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 061 - Building Community

    Episode 061 - Building Community

    It’s no secret that we are in a pretty turbulent global situation.  If you watch the news, things may look grim.  But beneath the surface, the story is different.

    It can be said that we find our finest hour when our backs are pushed against the wall - both personally and collectively.

    There is a growing awareness that things need to be different.  We need to redefine our way of living, our societies and communities.

    Some have tried to force intentional communities while others have allowed things to arise. 

    In this episode, Dave will be exploring the theme of community, what it looks like now and where things can possibly head in the future

    Join the Octave Leap Crypto Community:

    OR Join the Crypto Community chat on Discord for free:

    Lionsgate Frequency Enhanced Soundscape event:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 062 - Authentic Relating

    Episode 062 - Authentic Relating

    The first step to building community starts with the relationship we have with ourselves and others.

    Modern society has conditioned us to show up a certain way, behave a certain way and repress any expression that does not align with it’s imperatives.

    This is fine if our natural impulses and urges align with society’s ideals.  But in truth, how many people feel stifled and alienated because they feel it’s inappropriate to express themselves honestly?

    Join Dave as he discusses the topic of Authentic Relating and his experience leading groups in playing fun games to open up more!

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 060 - Natural Contraception: Connecting with our Primal Essence

    Episode 060 - Natural Contraception: Connecting with our Primal Essence

    Marie and Martin are a couple who embody a deep, loving connection. They began their journey with Natural Contraception about 9 years ago.

    They believe that it is time to break this taboo topic because of the immense amount of power and intimacy that can be generated from understanding these principles.

    Natural contraception is a safe and intuitive way to influence both limiting pregnancy and also encouraging pregnancy.  It increases bodily awareness to bring in more pleasure, relaxation and union into a relationship.

    Natural Contraception Online Course:

    Martin & Marie’s Website:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap

    Episode 059 - Financial Astrology: How the stars affect our prosperity

    Episode 059 - Financial Astrology: How the stars affect our prosperity

    Millionaires don’t use astrology, but billionaires do!” is a famous quote attributed to the early 20th century industrialist J.P. Morgan.  J.P. Morgan consulted with astrologer Evangeline Adams in timing some of his most important business and investment moves.

    Though the average investor mocks the idea that the planets control markets; the beliefs held by those at the top suggest otherwise.

    Financial astrology rose to great prominence in the 19th century when astrologers were able to predict larger market fluctuations based on astrological transits.  The legendary stock and commodities trader, W.D. Gann put astrological principles to work when he made astonishingly accurate market predictions.

    Most economic indicators are lagging - they tell us things that have already happened.  Astrology is one of the very few glimpses into what may be likely to occur.

    With economic issues at the forefront of everyone’s mind in 2022, using this powerful forecasting tool can help guide our decisions around how we manage our personal resources to move through this volatile and incredible time in history.

    Sign up for our Trading Crypto Wisely Workshop:

    Sign up for ByBit using my referral link:

    Follow Octave Leap on our Social Platforms:
    IG:  https://www.instagram.com/octaveleap/
    Telegram: https://t.me/octaveleap
    Website: https://www.octaveleap.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dk_octaveleap