
    The Personal Wisdom Show with Medha Johnson: Trust the Wisdom and Power Within You to Create Success

    Welcome to the Personal Wisdom Show with me, Medha Johnson and Dr. Pat. Are you curious to learn about your soul-level purpose? Do you want to explore how you can move forward with your life in a way that is more in line with your purpose and values? Have you ever been told to “just ignore” that little voice inside? Then you are already aware of your knowing. This show is an opportunity to hear my story of uncovering my personal wisdom and learn to do it for yourself. Be fearless in trusting your body, intuition and inner knowing. Get ready to step into your wisdom and bring forward your authenticity. The Personal Wisdom show starts now!
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio7 Episodes

    Episodes (7)

    So what are you? A human being or a human doing?

    So what are you? A human being or a human doing?

    Most of us spend our entire life as a human doing. We are so busy caught up in the act of living, we forget that we have other reasons to be here on this earth, so what can I do about this?

    Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/