
    The Pop Of Zero Podcast

    The Pop Of Zero podcast explores the fascinating world of urban legends and haunted history. Join us as we delve into spooky tales of ghosts, mysterious creatures, and unexplained phenomena from cities all around the world. Our hosts will take you on a journey through the dark and creepy history of urban legends, sharing spine-tingling stories and uncovering the truth behind the myths including pop culture. So grab a flashlight and join us as we explore the shadows of the unknown."

    en-usPop. Of Zero crew and friends47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Ep 26 Unsolved Headlines And The Season Finale'

    Ep 26 Unsolved Headlines And The Season Finale'

    In this podcast, we explore intriguing and perplexing stories that have captivated the public's imagination but remain shrouded in mystery. Each episode delves into a different unsolved case, from mysterious disappearances to unsolved crimes, leaving listeners on the edge of their seats.

    As we approach the season finale, we've compiled some of the most baffling and mind-boggling cases covered throughout the season. 

    The season finale is not just a recap; it's an opportunity to speculate, discuss, and engage with the audience. We may even bring in experts or guest speakers to provide additional insights. And who knows, maybe we'll drop a few hints about what mysteries the next season will unravel.

    So, grab your detective hat and join us for the season finale as we wrap up these unsolved headlines and leave you eagerly anticipating the next batch of perplexing cases in the seasons to come!

    Episode 24: The ghost of flight 401

    Episode 24: The ghost of flight 401

    The Ghost of Flight 401 podcast delves into the mysterious and eerie events surrounding Eastern Airlines Flight 401. The flight, which tragically crashed in the Florida Everglades in 1972, serves as the backdrop for paranormal experiences reported by airline employees.

    The podcast explores the alleged ghostly encounters associated with salvaged aircraft parts from Flight 401. According to some accounts, employees claimed to have experienced apparitions and strange phenomena on other Eastern Airlines planes that incorporated components from the crashed aircraft.

    We talk about the supernatural tales and eerie occurrences that have become part of aviation folklore. The podcast navigates the line between fact and speculation, offering a chilling exploration of the reported paranormal incidents connected to Flight 401.

    Episode 23: 5 channels and rabbit ears (Nostalgia Television)

    Episode 23: 5 channels and rabbit ears (Nostalgia Television)

    Nostalgia television is like a comforting time machine for our minds. Sooo... in this podcast, Matt, Dave, and Rob talk about the enchanting world of TV shows that transport us back to the good ol' days. From the iconic theme songs that still play in our heads to the unforgettable characters such as Sir Graves Ghastly and The Ghoul, who feel like old friends, we explored how these shows create a warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia. Whether it's the horror programs that defined a generation or the Saturday morning cartoons that made weekends magical, join us on a trip down memory lane as we celebrate the enduring appeal of nostalgia television.

    Episode 22:Movie urban legends

    Episode 22:Movie urban legends

    Welcome to our podcast where we're diving deep into the captivating world of famous movie urban legends. Join us as we untangle the myths surrounding classic films and blockbuster hits. From cursed sets to hidden Easter eggs, we're peeling back the curtain on the intriguing stories that have become as legendary as the movies themselves. Tune in for a cinematic journey through the fascinating and often mysterious tales that have shaped the lore of the big screen. It's time to separate fact from fiction in the world of famous movie urban legends!

    Episode 19: Unsolved Michigan Murders part 1

    Episode 19: Unsolved Michigan Murders part 1

    In today's podcast, Dave and Matt are delving into the chilling mysteries of a couple of unsolved murders in Michigan. From cold cases that continue to baffle investigators to the haunting stories of victims seeking justice, join us as we explore the dark side of true crime. We'll discuss the details of these perplexing cases, the efforts to crack them, and the lingering questions that surround each tragedy. Get ready for a riveting and thought-provoking episode as we shine a light on some of the unsolved murders that haunt the state of Michigan.

    The Pop Of Zero Podcast
    en-usMay 22, 2022

    Episode 11: Music in Horror movies

    Episode 11: Music in Horror movies

    In this episode, Rob and Matt discuss how music plays a pivotal role in enhancing the suspense, tension, and fear in horror movies. From the eerie melodies to the heart-pounding rhythms, the soundtrack sets the tone and intensifies the viewer's emotional experience. The carefully crafted compositions often employ dissonant chords, haunting melodies, and unexpected sound effects to create an unsettling atmosphere. The use of silence is equally significant, as it builds anticipation and heightens the impact of sudden musical cues.  Tune in and see what we come up with,

    Episode 10: The Fox sisters, Paranormal Pioneers

    Episode 10: The Fox sisters, Paranormal Pioneers

    Matt sits down with Zachary Atkinson of Dismal Ghost and talks about indie moving making and the Fox sisters, one of the first paranormal teams that started it all.
     The Fox sisters gained fame as mediums and played a significant role in the spiritualist movement. In 1848, in Hydesville, New York, they claimed to communicate with a spirit through a series of knocks and raps. This marked the beginning of the Spiritualist movement, as people were fascinated by their supposed ability to communicate with the dead.