
    The Power to Be You: Human Design & Holistic Wellness #p2bu

    It is more important than ever to know yourself, understand yourself, and to overcome obstacles that are keeping you stuck in unhealthy patterns that can perhaps keep you in emotional and/or mental pain. We, as a society, are moving into a paradigm of individual self-expression, and away from the one-size-fits-all approach. If you: - Sense that there is something more to your life - Know you are unique and want to be fully yourself - Feel that you are called to understand your life's purpose - Know you need to change something but you aren't sure what or how - Feel spiritually connected We will incorporate Human Design and holistic wellness principles into tips that you can use TODAY to help you create the life, relationships, and business that you have been envisioning, and plug into The Power to be You! Get your FREE Human Design chart with mini-report here! https://p2bu.com If you are interested in a much more in-depth Human Design report that also includes workbook/writing prompts, you can grab your copy here: ttps://mysupernaturaldesign.com/?via=tanya
    en-usJim & Tanya Varley64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    Do you have the Hope Molecule?

    Do you have the Hope Molecule?

    Have you ever felt down, stressed, or hopeless? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with mental health issues every day. But what if there was a way to boost your mood and improve your mental health without medication or therapy?

    That's where the hope molecule comes in. The hope molecule is a real thing!

    In this podcast episode, we'll discuss the science behind the hope molecule and how you can use exercise to boost your mood and improve your mental health. We'll also talk to a few experts who can share their personal experiences with the hope molecule and how it's helped them.

    So if you're looking for a natural way to improve your mental health, listen to this podcast episode to learn more about the hope molecule and how you can start using it today.

    Exercise Treatment for Major Depression Study





    Have you ever had a feeling that something was right or wrong, even though you couldn't explain why? That's intuition. Intuition is a powerful tool that can help us make better decisions, avoid danger, and connect with our inner wisdom.

    In this episode of the podcast, we'll explore what intuition is, how it works, and how you can develop your own intuition. 

    Here are some of the things we'll discuss:

    • What is intuition?
    • How does intuition work?
    • Different ways that we experience intuition
    • How can you develop your intuition?
    • Benefits of trusting your intuition

    We hope you'll join us for this informative and inspiring episode about intuition!

    Hyper-Independence - Is it always a strength?

    Hyper-Independence - Is it always a strength?

    Hyper-independence is a term used to describe people who are overly reliant on themselves and avoid relying on others for help. People who are hyper-independent often feel like they need to do everything on their own and that they cannot ask for help from others. This can be due to a number of factors, such as a fear of being rejected or a fear of being seen as weak.

    Hyper-independence can have a number of negative consequences. People who are hyper-independent often feel isolated and lonely. They may also have difficulty forming close relationships with others. Additionally, hyper-independence can lead to burnout, anxiety, and depression.

    If you are struggling with hyper-independence, there are a number of things you can do to overcome it.

    Fight for Your Dreams, Not Your Drama

    Fight for Your Dreams, Not Your Drama

    Are you stuck in that loop of wanting to step into your dreams, but always finding yourself left with the "want"? In today's episode, Jim and Tanya Talk about why it is so easy to find yourself stuck, as well as some practical ways to actually shift out of neutral and begin creating some momentum.

    In this episode, Jim mentions the book, Illusions, by Richard Bach

    Don't forget to grab your FREE Human Design BodyGraph and Mini-report HERE

    Shout out to Digital Laser Works, where you can get personalized/branded engraved items. Check them out!

    Dealing with Discouragement

    Dealing with Discouragement

    Not every day brings roses and sunshine. In fact, we have all dealt with difficult emotions, such as discouragement, on one occasion or another. 

    In this episode, Jim and Tanya discuss ideas for dealing with shadow emotions, tying in some of the Universal Laws, neuroscientific principles, and also Human Design/Gene Keys. 

    Thanks to Digital Laser Works for being a sponsor of our show. Digital Laser Works provides custom laser engraving services to make your gift stand out from the rest. Browse their online catalog at Digital Laser Works!

    Curious about how you process energy? Curious about your individual Human Design? Get your FREE Human Design chart and mini-report HERE. If you're looking for a more detailed report that is all about YOU, click HERE.

    We Are Back!

    We Are Back!

    Jim and Tanya are back after a hiatus and are ready to bring more great content that will help you plug into the Power to Be you!

    Why is it so important to have self-awareness? 

    How can Human Design help to illuminate your path to becoming fully embodied?

    What does a delicious meal have to do with anything? 

    Free Human Design Chart with Mini-Report: http://p2bu.com

    Detailed Human Design Report/Workbook: https://mysupernaturaldesign.com/?via=tanya




    One of my very favorite topics is serendipity. What I mean is, things showing up in an uncanny way in the right place at the right time - this amazing thing that just lined up or was completely unexpected and it just seemed like it fell together. So the way that you move through your life will determine how much serendipity there is for you.

    Go to www.p2bu.com for your free Human Design Mini-Report and Bodygraph.  Careful, though, it may open up new possibilities for you, and that would be ... well, synchronous.

    Commitment and the 4D Model

    Commitment and the 4D Model

    This episode is a loose conversation we had that started with commitment, or rather, the lack thereof.  Are we committed to change?  What is Jim's "4D Model?" (I'll give you a hint: Decision - Direction - Determination - and, well, I'll save the last D for the show.)  

    Learn more about what you were designed for - go to www.P2BU.com to get your free bodygraph and mini-report. Trust me, this is really cool and incredibly accurate.


    Surrender - The Power to Be You Podcast #p2bu - Ep. 51

    Surrender - The Power to Be You Podcast #p2bu - Ep. 51

    A lot of us are really tightly grasping onto control - of what other people think of us and what's going to happen. There's a false sense of security that we get from being in control and it's really the exact opposite of what we need to be doing.

    Honestly, if you don't worry so much about being in control all the time and you're able to just release sometimes, and not to apply our reasoning to it.

    Jim tells an amazing story that happened to him that changed everything for him, and surrendering was the key element.

    If you're interested in learning more about you and your unique human design, please go to www.P2BU.com to get your free Body Graph and Human Design Mini-report.



    In this episode, Jim & Tanya discuss our need for external validation,  especially from our relationship partners - our wives, husbands, girl- and boyfriends, whomever. It's perfectly normal to take our need for validation and to take our core questions to our partners.  After all, they know us the best, so they would - or should - know the answer to our core questions. What are those questions? There is a masculine core question, and a feminine core question. Listen to find out what they are, and how we need them answered, in part at least, by our partners. 

    Restraint and the Schumann Resonance

    Restraint and the Schumann Resonance

    There's a a connection between the way that we live our lives and the ability to exercise restraint.  It's a dissonance - a discordant way of our actual living versus the way we want to live, the way we were designed to live our lives.

    So what's to blame? Fast-paced living? Technological destractions? How about a disconnection from the Schumann Resonance? You know, the Earth's heartbeat? The one that just happens to go at the same speed as Theta brainwaves? No? Better listen to find out more.

    To learn more about your personal Human Design; to receive a free bodygraph and mini-report explaining a little bit more about your human design, just go to www.p2bu.com

    Human Design and Shadows

    Human Design and Shadows

    In this episode Jim & Tanya talk about Human Design.

    Whether this is a new journey for you, or you have been into Human Design for a while, we think that there is always something new to learn or discover. We consider the Human Design journey to be a beautiful path of awareness, ultimately leading you to your most authentic self-expression. 

    Human Design IS an ongoing experiment of deconditioning from all of the ways that you have been taught to “be”, and from all of the “shoulds”. It is your highest energetic expression and can help you to understand how best to work with your authentic flow and purpose. 

    To get your free Human Design Bodygraph and Mini-Report, just go to www.P2BU.com



    In this episode, Jim & Tanya explore a concept that came to Jim in a dream, the night before recording this episode. This is a raw discussion about the idea of "Ghostkeeping," - when your reality doesn't match up with your perception of the way things should be, or when you are actively holding onto a memory that is holding you back. Jim & Tanya do their best to "flesh it out," (pun intended) in this show.

    Give it a listen! Let us know if you have an idea about what it means. Join our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThePowerToBeYou to join in the discussion, or find us on social media:

    IG: @jim_varley   

    IG: @trvarley

    Twitter: @jhvarley

    Twitter:   @TVarley921

    Deconditioning with Human Design

    Deconditioning with Human Design

    When we speak of "deconditioning," we're talking about undoing, or unlearning embedded behaviors and belief systems that are within your sub- and unconscious minds. It's more thatn just behaviors, though, because conditioning is lso your paradigm. How we operate from our paradigm, under conditioning, can hamper our satisfaction, happiness, our freedom, and our sense of purpose. 

    Learning your Human Design can be an essential tool for breaking your conditioning (deconditioning) and  beginning to live your life to its fullest potential and purpose.

    You can get your Human Design chart for free by visiting either: www.geneticmatrix.com www.jovianarchive.com  and if you would like a personal reading and interpretation of your chart, please reach out to Tanya at tanya@fyimprovement.com or by joining our facebook page The Power to be You:



    "Tea in the Sahara," music and lyrics by Sting, performed by The Police. Copyright 1983 G.M. Sumner

    The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, by Bronnie Ware (2012)




    Is it responsibility? Or is it response-Ability? We are all responsible for for our own ability to respond. How do you respond to stressors, and how do they manifest in your relationships?

    What do you do when you have a kid that's misbehaving, or getting into trouble at school?

    What do you do when you are married to a sociopathic narcissist?

    Show note:

    Tanya paraphrases a poem right around minute 29. The poem she is thinking about is called, "Autobiography in Five Chapters," by Portia Nelson.