
    The Problem With Perfect

    If perfection is an illusion, why are so many of us chasing it? We live in a world that is constantly telling us we need to be it all and have it all to be worthy. It leads us to hide our imperfections and overcompensate our strengths - and leaves us exhausted. Join hosts Robin May and Denise Bickel for meaningful, cross-generational conversations that will leave you uplifted and encouraged about a future freed from the problem with perfect.
    en-usRobin May and Denise Bickel252 Episodes

    Episodes (252)

    Transform Your Mind: 8 Habits to Unleash Your Cognitive Potential with Dr. Janine Stichter

    Transform Your Mind: 8 Habits to Unleash Your Cognitive Potential with Dr. Janine Stichter

    Do you often find yourself struggling to maintain focus or feeling mentally drained?

    If your answer is yes, then buckle your seatbelt. This episode will take you on a ride your brain and body have been waiting for! Join us as Dr. Janine Stichter, an expert on human behavior, joins us to navigate the mental mazes that lead us toward or away from our peak cognitive potential.

    Learn how to harness the benefits of sleep, hydration, and nutrition, and incorporate them into even the most hectic schedules. Hope, humor, and humanity intersect as we reveal our personal struggles with mindfulness and the adaptations we've made to keep our bodies moving in harmony with our mental needs.

    This episode isn't just about the internal journey; it's about the external connections that shape us. Discover how the 'why' behind our actions can be the compass towards meaningful lifestyle changes and how habits can build or break our most valuable relationships. 

    Whether you're seeking solidarity in shared experiences or just a good read with our Problem with Perfect Book Club, we invite you to find solace, support, and maybe a little laughter in our community. Remember, the journey towards a balanced life doesn't have to be perfect.

    Special Guest
    Dr. Janine Stichter has been in the field of behavior change for over 20 years as a researcher, author, educator, and executive coach.  She specializes in understanding behavior and developing practical, sustainable change strategies for organizational health. Connect with her on Facebook (janine.stichter.1) and Instagram (drjaninestichter) or her website JSAdvantages.com

    Show Notes:

    To view the video teaching this episode is based on:

    The app that Dr. Stichter refers to as an aid to help her relax: New Calm

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usMarch 12, 2024

    Your Words Matter - and So Do All The Other Ways You Communicate

    Your Words Matter - and So Do All The Other Ways You Communicate

    If you've ever felt like your words were lost in translation, you're not alone.

    Join us as we unpack the complexities of communication in our latest episode of The Problem with Perfect. From the silent messages we send with our eyes to the unintended signals we give with a sigh, we're diving into the nonverbal cues that make or break our daily interactions. Discover how your communication style holds the key to stronger relationships and how even the smallest gestures can speak volumes. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it, and we're here to guide you through mastering this delicate dance.

    We're sharing our own experiences, the highs and lows, and even our scores from a communication quiz that might just inspire a moment of self-reflection for you too. So grab a notepad, tune in, and join our virtual community as we embark on a collective quest to fine-tune the instrument that is our ability to communicate. It's an episode that promises to resonate with anyone who's ever searched for the right words at the right time.

    Show Notes:

    Are you a good communicator? Take this quiz and find out!

    Lack of Communication is one of the Leading Causes of Divorce:

    Think You're a Good Communicator? Better Think Again:

    Statistics on Workplace Communication:

    To watch Brene Brown's video on empathy vs. sympathy:

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usMarch 05, 2024

    Embracing Financial Wellness: Making Peace with our Beliefs About Money with Khara Croswaite Brindle

    Embracing Financial Wellness: Making Peace with our Beliefs About Money with Khara Croswaite Brindle

    Navigating the financial landscape at any stage of life can be daunting. While situations may change, the pressures remain the same, as well as the cultural messages that tell us we need to have more to be more. 

    In this episode, we discover the hidden connection between money and self-worth as we're joined by financial therapist Khara Croswaite Brindle. 

    We tackle the emotional weight of managing money through evolving life chapters, from the youthful skepticism about the value of traditional milestones to the introspective middle age when retirement isn't just a distant concept but a looming reality. Khara introduces us to the empowering practice of conscious spending and challenges the one-size-fits-all approach to success, encouraging a life measured in quality, not just quantifiable assets.

    Khara also introduces us to the concept of "loud budgeting", which may be the key to unlocking a harmonious financial relationship that allows us to find stability in the ebb and flow of personal finance. 

    Special Guest
    Khara Croswaite Brindle, MA, LPC, ACS, CFT-I is passionate about turning pain points into possibilities for mental health and financial therapist professionals. She is a TEDx Speaker, Licensed Mental Health Therapist, and Financial Therapist in Colorado. Khara enjoys various roles as a serial entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, professor, and consultant. She is originally from the Pacific Northwest and gets her best ideas walking outside and being around water. When Khara’s not writing her next book or supporting fellow professional helpers on their own self-discovery journeys, she enjoys spending time with her daughter, reading, and indulging in gluttonous, gluten-free desserts with her family.

    To contact Khara or learn more about her services, go to:

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usFebruary 27, 2024

    Giving Yourself The Self-Care You Need Even When It Feels Selfish

    Giving Yourself The Self-Care You Need Even When It Feels Selfish

    Every victory, on the field or in life, carries its own story—ours is no exception. As the confetti settles from the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl win, Robin, Denise, and Rachel gather to share the intersection of triumph and trial that marks such monumental moments.

    But this episode isn't just a toast to sports and celebrities; it's a holistic look at wellness, from the empowering clang of weightlifting plates to the quiet introspection of journaling. We're assessing our fitness journeys and the evolving narrative of self-care, as we wade through the waters of body positivity and personal acceptance, shaped by our past experiences.

    Join us as we navigate the many avenues of self-care and are reminded that the mind and spirit need as much nurturing as the body. This is an invitation to a community that celebrates life's wins, supports through its losses, and finds strength in every challenge.

    Guest Contributor:
    Rachel Keller: Rachel is an original co-founder of this podcast and is currently the marketing director for a company based in Kansas City. She's also a thought leader in AI and is passionate about empowering women.

    Check out the free online course on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction that Denise recommends here:

    Does Your Career Help You Love Yourself?

    Does Your Career Help You Love Yourself?

    We spend more time at work than we do anywhere else so it's no surprise that our work greatly influences our self-worth. 

    In this episode, we bring three generations together to discuss how to embrace self-love and align our work with our personal goals. With a rich tapestry of experiences in journalism, pharmaceutical sales, clinical therapy, and marketing, we've seen firsthand the importance of pursuing a job that encourages growth and resonates with one's values.

    Whether you're eyeing a career change or simply seeking to enhance your current role, this episode is packed with wisdom for walking your professional path with intention and integrity as we search for more authentic self-love. 

    Special Guest: Rachel Keller

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usFebruary 13, 2024

    Reflections on Self-Love: Embracing Beauty and Aging in a World of Pressure

    Reflections on Self-Love: Embracing Beauty and Aging in a World of Pressure

    This month we are focusing on self-love and acceptance at every age, sharing the perspectives of three generations as we explore societal issues that affect each of us in similar and dissimilar ways. For this series, we welcome back Rachel Keller, who offers a millennial viewpoint, while Robin represents the Gen X perspective, and Denise with Boomer’s insight.

    Our first episode focuses on issues every woman experiences throughout her lifetime -beauty and body image. It turns out that embracing the skin you're in and the person staring back from the mirror is no small feat - no matter what your age. 

    Strap in for an honest examination of how we respond to a world that calls for cosmetic enhancements, and the burden it places on our shoulders. It's a raw look at the choices we make for our bodies, drawing the line between indulging in self-care and maintaining essential health, and how we uplift our confidence when faced with ageism and the push to conform.

    Join us for a conversation that promises to leave you reflecting on your own perceptions of beauty, self-care, and the journey to loving the person you become at every age.

    Special Guest: Rachel Keller

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usFebruary 06, 2024

    How To Unlock The Quiet Power of Life's Unnoticed Moments

    How To Unlock The Quiet Power of Life's Unnoticed Moments

    Have you ever found yourself smiling at the simplest of pleasures, like the sun breaking through the clouds or the smell of rain on the pavement? 

    This episode celebrates those moments, called "glimmers" by scientists, that brighten our days and bolster our spirits. In our discussion, we learn about tuning into the subtle yet impactful ways our nervous system responds to glimmers and uncover how they can help lead to a more peaceful and satisfying life.

    Show Notes:

    Discovering Your Glimmers: Finding Moments of Joy, by Joyce Marter:


    Know Your Glimmers:

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usJanuary 30, 2024

    How To Move From Career Complancy to Passion-Driven Success With Special Guest Nancy Yeager

    How To Move From Career Complancy to Passion-Driven Success With Special Guest Nancy Yeager

    Ever felt like the quest for perfection is more of a curse than a blessing, especially when it comes to your career and emotional well-being? Join us as we navigate these treacherous waters, with Nancy Yeager, the entrepreneurial spirit behind two Fleet Feet stores, guiding us through her inspiring transition from a stable job to a fulfilling career aligned with her passions. 

    Also in this episode, we tackle the cold realities of staying active in winter and discuss the vital importance of finding purpose in our work, all while celebrating Nancy's success and dedication to helping others reach their goals. 

    So, lace up your favorite running shoes, grab a pair of earbuds, and let’s explore this episode together.

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usJanuary 23, 2024

    Rediscovering Joy and Vitality in Our Spiritual Journeys With Pastor Beth Bramstedt

    Rediscovering Joy and Vitality in Our Spiritual Journeys With Pastor Beth Bramstedt

    As we embark on a new year, we often find ourselves asking what it would take for us to fulfill our deep spiritual longings. This episode is your invitation to walk with us and the remarkable Beth Bramstedt as we unwrap the complexities of identity, legacy, and purpose. With Beth's wisdom in spiritual formation and church ministry, we're ushering in an empowering discussion to rekindle the joy and vitality in these essential facets of our lives.

    In this episode, we recognize that spiritual practice isn't confined to quiet rooms and closed eyes, but is often found in the everyday hustle. From the transformation of scripture to setting intentions that turn mundane moments into divine encounters, we're redefining what it means to connect with the higher power in our daily lives. Listen as we highlight the personal nature of spirituality, where intentionality and openness pave the way to experiencing the divine in all things.

    This heartfelt episode promises laughter, tears, and a renewed sense of what it truly means to live a spiritually enriched life.

    Special Guest
    Beth Bramstedt is the Church Life Pastor and a member of the executive team at Christian Fellowship Church in Columbia, MO. Beth grew up in Kansas City, moved to Ozark for high school, and moved to Columbia to study journalism at the University of Missouri. Beth has more than 25 years of experience in ministry and joined the staff of Christian Fellowship in March of 2020, overseeing the area of spiritual formation. Beth and her husband Chris and I have two grown sons, and two grandchildren and are currently enjoying life as empty nesters!

    Beth believes that all people matter to God and were created with a unique purpose. She is passionate about helping people discover that purpose and develop it for the sake of others. Beth enjoys writing, traveling the world, listening to country music, studying theology, trying local restaurants, devouring Christian fiction, and hanging out with friends and family. She is a storyteller at heart and loves hearing, sharing, and experiencing what makes each of us unique. 

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usJanuary 16, 2024

    Word Up: Are You Setting Yourself Up For Success In 2024?

    Word Up: Are You Setting Yourself Up For Success In 2024?

    What is it about the New Year that inspires us to focus on every little thing we don’t like about ourselves? Why do we start each year ‘doggedly determined’ to fix every flaw? (In case you didn’t know…doggedly determined is a synonym for the word resolution…as in New Year’s resolution.) Who wants to start another trip around the sun doggedly determined to do anything? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

    Join us on this episode as we encourage each other to ditch resolutions and make a case for why aspirations and intentions serve us better. Aspirations focus on hope, self-compassion, and kindness. We set our intentions on what we want more of in our life, not those things that tell us we are not enough.

    As always, we promise to be transparent and real. To that end, we will be reviewing our Words for 2023 and discussing how they impacted our lives. We will also share our Words for 2024.

    We would love for you to email us at TheProblemWithPerfect@gmail.com to share your word for the New Year. (And if you are having difficulty choosing a word, email us at TheProblemWithPerfect@gmail.com and we will send you a wonderful guide Robin created to help you choose the perfect word for 2024.)

    This episode is an invitation to pause, breathe, and embrace God’s gift of another year. May we cherish each moment anchored in faith and a desire to live life to the fullest. Happy New Word!

    Show Notes:
    To read the article about New Year's resolution we discuss, go to:

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usJanuary 09, 2024

    Looking Back So We Can Move Forward: Questions For Reflections on 2023

    Looking Back So We Can Move Forward: Questions For Reflections on 2023

    As the final embers of 2023 glow softly behind us, we gather around the warmth of shared stories and revelations. This episode is a mosaic of triumphs, trials, and the heartfelt thanks we owe to the souls that touched our lives. We recount the victories, be it the thrill of the Super Bowl, the resilience in the face of illness, or the medical marvels that reshaped destinies. Our narrative invites you to sift through your own year's tapestry, to find the threads of experiences that will weave into your future.

    Join us on this voyage of reflection and anticipation, as we turn the page to a new chapter together.

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usJanuary 02, 2024

    How To Find Your Happy in the Holiday Hustle

    How To Find Your Happy in the Holiday Hustle

    The holiday season is rife with images of perfection, but the reality seldom matches the dream. In this episode, we recognize the pitfalls of chasing a perfect holiday and offer tips for setting realistic expectations - focusing on what truly matters: connection, love, and the spirit of the season. The art of enjoying the holidays isn't found in flawlessness but in embracing each moment as it comes, complete with its imperfections.

    So come, join us in our quest for a merrier, stress-free holiday season filled with love, hope, forgiveness, and grace.

    Show Notes:
    12 Steps to Avoid Disappointment this Holiday Season by Joshua Becker

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usDecember 19, 2023

    Embrace Your Holiday Season: Strategies for Managing Parties, People & Pain

    Embrace Your Holiday Season: Strategies for Managing Parties, People & Pain

    Have you ever wished that you could wave a magic wand, and transform the holiday season from a stress-filled puzzle into a period of genuine joy and peace? 

    Let’s dive into that wish together. This episode is your guide to reclaiming the holiday season by navigating and managing its three primary sources of stress: parties, people, and pain. 

    For more information: 



    https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/signs-of-holiday depression.html#:~:text=How%20do%20the%20holidays%20affect,such%20as%20dep ression%20or%20anxiety.

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usDecember 12, 2023

    Lessons From a Mission Trip to India That We All Should Know

    Lessons From a Mission Trip to India That We All Should Know

    Have you ever wondered what a mission trip across the globe might look like? Join us in an enlightening conversation where we welcome back our co-host, Denise, who takes us on her journey to India – from her struggles as a traveler to her observations about the country and its pressing issues. She paints a vivid picture of the living conditions there, highlighting the challenges of access to clean water, education, and healthcare.  She also shares her inspiring interactions with the Sanjeev John Foundation, an organization committed to offering help to those who need it most in India. 

    Denise's trip wasn't just enlightening, it was a deeply personal journey that highlights the rewards and challenges of doing service work abroad. Give it a listen.

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    Unraveling Artificial Intelligence: The Impact and Potential of Chat GPT

    Unraveling Artificial Intelligence: The Impact and Potential of Chat GPT

    Imagine letting AI whip up your workout plans, find recipes using what's left in your pantry, or even craft bedtime stories for your little ones! 

    Join us as AI wizard and guest co-host Rachel Keller and Robin delve into these mind-blowing applications of chat GPT, and also discuss how starting with chat GPT doesn't have to be daunting. This episode will guide you on how to navigate this space with beginner-friendly tips and discuss the promising future of AI in tasks in both our professional and personal lives. 

    Let's learn, grow, and explore the breathtaking world of AI together.

    Special Guest/Co-host Rachel Keller. To learn more from her, follow her at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelschisler/

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usNovember 28, 2023

    Is Travis Kelce Taylor Swift’s End Game?

    Is Travis Kelce Taylor Swift’s End Game?

    Nothing seems to fascinate us more than a good love story. And no love story has the world’s attention more than that of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. 

    So what is it about this power couple that intrigues us so much? Why do we read and re-read every article about them and replay their reels more times than we’d like to admit?

    Join us for this episode as Rachel returns to co-host with Robin to get to the bottom of this phenomenon. It turns out that there’s good evidence (and lots of fun banter) to explain our obsession with the Travis/Taylor romance and the joy it brings us.  

    Guest co-host: Rachel Keller

    How To Make Christmas Shopping Easy and Enjoyable

    How To Make Christmas Shopping Easy and Enjoyable

    The holidays are meant to be a magical, peace-filled time for families to reflect on the birth of Jesus, our many blessings, and precious moments spent with family and friends. So, what is it about Christmas that takes those well-intended precepts and turns them into a shopping frenzy, stress-filled expectations, and exhaustion?

    We’re here to help with that. Today’s episode offers some tried and true alternatives to hectic holidays.

    What to buy for new parents? We got you covered. What would tweens, teens, and in-betweens appreciate? We made a list and we’ve checked it twice. What would bring joy to our senior relatives? Nothing they must fill, dust, or water. Please join us as we offer tips for making your holidays blessed and blissful.

    We would love it if you made our holidays bright by leaving a review. We would also love to see your Christmas not-shopping list.

    Show notes: 

    To read the article we discuss about what moms need, go to:

    Playdough recipe: 
    1c flour 
    1/2c salt 
    2 tsp crème of tartar
    1 c water
    1 tbsp cooking oil
    food coloring of your choice
    Mix dry ingredients, Stir in water, coloring, oil. Mix well. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until dough loses shine and rolls around spoon in one lump. Remove from heat, turn out, knead until smooth and free from lumps. When cool, store in a plastic container. (“This recipe must be good; some of the children eat it like candy!”)

    Reverse Advent calendar: https://passionatepennypincher.com/reverse-advent-calendar/

    Bird wreath feeder:

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usNovember 14, 2023

    Did The Barbie Movie Rant Get It Right With Special Guest Kate Randolph

    Did The Barbie Movie Rant Get It Right With Special Guest Kate Randolph

    This summer’s surprise blockbuster, the Barbie Movie, included a rant that
    has touched a nerve with women of all ages. Some say, “I’ve never felt so heard.” Others remark, “It’s about dang time.”

    The rant speaks to the significant emphasis on body image. Do women still
    struggle with expectations to have a perfect 36-24-36 figure even though those
    measurements are based on a doll? It also mentions the business world, saying be a boss but don’t be bossy; know your worth but don’t ask for money; be successful but not too determined, confident, or threatening. 

    So, how does a woman succeed in business without being criticized for leadership skills that are commendable in men but discouraged in women?

    And as the holidays approach, many women will be adding baking, decorating, party planning, gift buying, entertaining, and exhaustion to their already over-booked, challenging, stress-filled lives as wives, mothers, and co-workers. 

    We’re here today to talk about all of this and more as Robin and Special Guest Kate Randolph weigh in on womanhood in 2023. 

    Special Guest:
    Kate Randolph is 46, a wife, mother of two teenage boys, dog mom, fitness
    enthusiast, nurse, and the Regional Director of Patient Safety and Quality for a
    national healthcare organization. She is also Denise's amazing daughter.

    Show Notes:
    To watch the Barbie Movie monologue we discuss, go to:

    Why is "Gray Divorce" On The Rise And Is Your Marriage At Risk?

    Why is "Gray Divorce" On The Rise And Is Your Marriage At Risk?

    Marriage is hard.

    But what is it about the second or third chapter of life that increases the risk of marital discord and divorce? It's a question worth asking since "gray divorce" is escalating at surprising rates with the aging of baby boomers. Currently, more than 1 in 3 people who divorce in the US are older than 50, and the divorce rate for those 65+ continues to increase exponentially, while others in younger age groups are divorcing at a lesser rate.

    Are there signs that indicate a relationship is in critical condition? Are there ways to improve a long-term relationship? And is there hope for a brighter tomorrow?

    Join us for this important episode as we discuss these questions and more with MSW Kim Oliver, 

    Special Guest: Kim Oliver. 
    Kim has a master's degree in Social Work from the University of Missouri. For the past 20-plus years, Kim has been in private practice in Columbia, Missouri. In addition to her counseling practice, Kim is also a certified life coach. Today, we are excited to have Kim with us to discuss marriage in the second chapter of life. Her intensive couples approach grounded in the Gottman Method is successful in improving communication between couples and provides many tools to support and strengthen marriages.

    Show Notes:

    The Love Prescription: Seven Days to More Intimacy, Connection, and Joy –  by John Gottman PhD (Author), Julie Schwartz Gottman PhD (Author)

    Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

    by John M. Gottman, Julie Schwartz Gottman, Rachel Carlton Abrams

    The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide To Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, And Friendships by  John M Gottman and Joan Declaire

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usOctober 31, 2023

    How Setting Healthy Boundaries With Family Can Transform Your Holidays With Lauren Eisleben

    How Setting Healthy Boundaries With Family Can Transform Your Holidays With Lauren Eisleben

    Yes, Jesus told us to love one another, but he never met Uncle Harold!

    What is it about the holidays and families that often result in angst and conflict? One day a year, maybe two, families gather to celebrate with folks who may seem more like strangers than relatives. Add a dash of politics, religion, and a few alcoholic beverages, and you may have a real hootenanny on your hands.

    Just in time for the holiday season, Lauren Eisleban, a frequent guest and favorite therapist, joins us to discuss the fine art of boundary setting with family members. What is a boundary and is there a right or wrong way to approach the subject? What is it about setting boundaries with families that is so conflictual? Are there different types of boundaries?

    Join us for this episode and maybe even send it to Uncle Harold too.

    Special Guest:
    Lauren Eisleben is a LPC in Columbia, MO where she counsels individuals, couples, families, and groups. Lauren is also a wife and mom and knows that life is hard - which is why she wants her clients to know they are not alone. We love it when she shares her wisdom and care for others on the podcast. 

    Show Notes:
    Boundary Books by Henry Cloud and John Townsend:


    Boundaries in Dating

    Boundaries in Marriage

    Boundaries with Kids

    Boundaries with Teens

    Boundaries Bible study workbook

    Boundaries in the Workplace

    Ten Ways to Set Boundaries With Difficult Family Members https://taylorcounselinggroup.com/blog/set-boundaries-for-difficult-family-members/

    The Problem With Perfect
    en-usOctober 24, 2023