
    The Rachael Reed Podcast

    Sometimes you may feel as if your setbacks and hurdles in life make your path towards success, love and happiness impossible. I’m here to tell you it’s NOT!If you’re looking for a podcast that will add some motivation, encouragement and reality to your life as it helps you to get on the track to overcoming obstacles, setbacks and challenges then The Rachael Reed Podcast is definitely for you. Hosted by Rachael Reed, this podcast is full of inspirational goodness, real life stories and lessons on personal growth and self-improvement. Many times what drives us and pushes us ahead to overcome is simply hearing the stories of someone else’s ability to do so, which lets us know anything is possible. And Rachael Reed’s story is definitely inspirational. Through the podcast, Reed shares how she overcame toxic and abusive relationships, being lost in the system of court cases and jail sentences as well as a serving a sentence in federal prison, a limiting mindset, generational curses, self-doubt and other personal challenges to succeed in a big way.The podcast is absolutely fundamental when it comes to helping you get a grip on your life, gain insight, release doubts, overcome fears and live the life of your dreams helping to turn your desires into reality and stepping into your best self and your best life. Funny, down to Earth, insightful, and extremely motivational. The Rachael Reed Podcast will leave you excited and eager to make the most out of your life as you begin to walk in your power. The podcast is released once a week.
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    Episodes (23)

    5 Steps to Release Limiting Beliefs

    5 Steps to Release Limiting Beliefs

    What Are Limiting Beliefs? Limiting beliefs are thoughts, opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. They tend to have a negative impact on one's life by stopping them from moving forward and growing on a personal and professional level. Limiting Beliefs are developed early on in life and can stop you from living your best life and hold you back in life. Here are 5 steps to release Limiting Beliefs

    The Star City Showcase

    The Star City Showcase

    I was born in Nashville Tn. but after my mom and dads divorce at the age of 12 my mom, my sister, and myself packed up and moved back to my moms birthplace and hometown of Roanoke Virginia. This is where I spent most of my life and I consider this home as well. Roanoke which is also known as the Star City because it has a huge bright star that shines over the city but should also be called that because of the enormous talent that comes from it.  There are so many people from the city that are in the limelight such as professional basketball players, professional football players, up and coming football and basketball stars, Grammy award winning producers, musicians, artists, cooks and so many others. This episode is to acknowledge and showcase those in and from the city that do exactly what I advocate which is THINK BIG  & DREAM BIG going after theirs dreams. This is for you.

    What Happened When I Actually Took A Good Look in the Mirror

    What Happened When I Actually Took A Good Look in the Mirror

    Michael Jackson said it best I'm starting with the man in the mirror. It's time to make that change.  We often take this as just merely taking a glance at our outward appearance or the face we show the world but it goes deeper way deeper than I could have ever imagined. What happens when you actually look past what you always saw externally and look within. Will you like what you see? Here is my experience

    We are All Connected

    We are  All Connected

    According to many scientists and philosophers, we are all part of one mind, meaning that we are all connected to a field of energy that vibrates into the Universe at different speeds. This one mind, or consciousness, is what makes us connect  with each other so our decisions and thoughts vibrate and impact others.
    We’re all are  connected via the energy that flows through us and everything. We are energy.  Because we’re all connected, it is also natural to have respect for every part of the world that we’re living in. It especially means having respect for the environment. 
    Everybody is on a different path. There are wonderful people on earth. And there are people who have the path of the perpetrator in this life time.

    So I don’t mean you have to  love every person.

    But you can respect them for who they are. For the part they play in this life.
     So, if you see a stranger today, maybe smile or share a kind word if that is reciprocated. We are all in this together. We are Connected.

    Dear Self

    Dear Self

    Along my journey of personal growth and self improvement I write letters to myself frequently.  These letters are important. They allow me to see things clearly. I delve better insight into my emotional patterns and emotional situations. My motivations. My struggles. Anything really. They allow me to talk to my self and show myself much needed compassion and love.  They can comfort painful memories and ease worries. I can write freely without a filter. I can capture ideas that are pure to myself without worrying  Writing letters to myself is extremely therapeutic. They allow me to make new insights into myself and give me much needed perspective. They are one of my favorite tools for introspection and I hope you find the practice equally useful for yourself as well. Here is one of those letters.

    Live Life Fearlessly

    Live Life Fearlessly

    I believe that being true to your authentic self is a tremendous act of fearlessness. In a world defined by the number of “Likes” you can get,  with many desiring to fit  in to the same mold as to not be seen as weird or different it can be hard for us to live our truth . But with practice, self-love, and a willingness to challenge yourself, you can achieve it and live fearless. 

    Story Time: Only Dust Settles

    Story Time: Only Dust Settles

    This Story Time Episode is about a personal experience in relationships and partnerships and making the choice to walk away from what is being offered and what you settle for. This just may be the message you need to hear if you are at a a crossroads trying to determine do you stay in a situation that does not serve your purpose or elevate you or walk away and soar in your own power.

    A Mental Health Check In..... How Are YOU Doing??

    A Mental Health Check In..... How Are YOU Doing??

    With so much going on in the world its very important to make sure you do a self check body, spirit and mind.  So many are going daily with just trying to stay in a positive mindset and stay focused. This episode is to offer compassion for you situation and give you a few questions to ask yourself daily to make sure YOU are doing okay while you make sure everyone else is.

    Your 1st Stop on the Road to Happiness

    Your 1st Stop on the Road to Happiness

    In a world full of doom and gloom many have chosen their own personal happiness and made a choice to be happy instead but don't know where they should start. On a road that starts with choosing happiness and  going within and finding your own true happiness that will manifest in your everyday life we must understand that it's all about the journey and it does not happen over night. There are many pit stops and lessons to be uncovered. But I have found this first stop as the sure way to put you on your right path to finding happiness beyond what you could have ever imagined. Take that first step.

    Ways to Step Into Your Power During Trying Times Including These

    Ways to Step Into Your Power During Trying Times Including These

    Sometimes we may experience trying times in life. This is a period of in time where we all collectively feel these trying times and we are seeking to find ways to build out strength, courage, creativity, health, knowledge and power . These are a few ways we all can step into our power during any trying time including this one.

    5 Ways to Keep Your Energy Positive During Trying Times

    5 Ways to Keep Your Energy Positive During Trying Times

    Life doesn't stop and sometimes we have to go thru situations ans circumstances all while carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. The ability to manifest your own destiny and changing the current circumstances around you lies in harnessing positive energy in your life. In this episode we will discuss ways that will keep negativity at bay.. we all emit an energy frequency and just like a radio the channel you are tuned in to will begin to play out. Change the channel to happier and more positive thoughts. Keep your frequency high, and you'll project the positive energy you desire.

    The Power of the Subconscious Mind

    The Power of the Subconscious  Mind

    Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories.

    However, by taking control of your subconscious mind, by becoming aware and in sync with it, you can be sure to take back control of your life and basically achieve anything you want to. This is because when your subconscious mind and your conscious mind is working together to achieve a common goal, you can believe that it will happen.