
    The Ramblings of an Insomniac

    Can’t sleep? Neither can I! You know how your mind wonders when you’re trying to sleep? The random, weird nonsense that goes on in your head? I bet, more often than not, you lie awake thinking of the most ridiculous things! This podcast is a peek inside MY head. My ADD, crazy, sleep deprived brain. The rambling conversations I have with myself that keep me awake at night. I do not edit my episodes. You hear everything. My dogs, coyotes, crickets, the Amazon driver. You hear unedited, life. You never know, who or what may interrupt? I keep my opinions, emotions and my podcast, uncensored . I discuss politics, government, mental health, family, love, dog training, America…life. I talk things out. Working my life out in real time with an audience. Or at least, I HOPE? 

    en-us132 Episodes

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    Episodes (132)

    Self Care & Alcoholism

    Self Care & Alcoholism

    I discuss, living and dealing with alcoholics. That always having to care for an addict gets exhausting. Even when you love them very much, it's still tiresome. I discuss how, taking care of yourself is important. You can't take care of others if you don't care for yourself. This is not something wise or new. Everybody knows this. But it's true! We need to actually do it. I discuss trying to put myself first.  Yet, I end up feeling so guilty. I discussed moving to a red state to get out of the crazy left-wing state of Oregon. I discuss the political ramifications of living in a liberal state.

    24 Hours Of Guilt

    24 Hours Of Guilt

    What's keeping me up? Missing my mom, massive guilt, regret and PTSD. Throw in some anxiety with stress sprinkled in...and you have yourself a mental case! Yes folks, I'm a mess. But I'm a well meaning disaster that's trying her best. 
    what else has been keeping me up? The Biden administration and our government must be taken down! They need to be held accountable. They should be executed for their crimes. Evil, pure evil. America's citizens should storm the capital and pull each and every one of those bastards out of their seats and hang them! 

    You Have Potential…

    You Have Potential…

    What has been preventing me from counting sheep? The word POTENTIAL. Drives me crazy. Dont't care for the word, "potential." When people say, "they have so much potential.." I discuss why this sentence bothers me . I also talk about participating. What constitutes, "participating?" What do you need to do to get a participation award? How much do you have to participate? I go on about my thoughts on the word, "participation." 

    Bitter Betty

    Bitter Betty

    I highly suggest not listening to this episode, if you get offended easily. I discuss obesity and my stance on it  You probably won't like it. Let's just say, the truth hurts. To quote Jack Nicholson, “ you cant' handle the truth!" What's been keeping me up? Obesity and women in the workplace. I detest working with bunch of women!  I don't like working with more than two women. I also discuss obesity, and how I'm tired of the excuses. If you are overweight, it is your fault. Deal with it!

    That’s Someone’s Family Member…

    That’s Someone’s Family Member…

    Addiction is no joke. Homelessness is no joke. That's someone's child, parent, spouse, friend, etc.  To call an addict and/or homeless person a, "loser," is wrong, in my opinion. Addicts come from all backgrounds, are all shapes and colors. Addiction has no preference. No type. I don't think people WANT to be addicts. Wasn't a choice. They aren't losers. They are human beings that have a disease and need help. My heart breaks for those with no support. People that look down on those that are homeless or addicts, bother me. 
    I also discuss parenting. How sick I am of people blaming parents for their grown, adult sons/daughters that get in to trouble. Nature versus nature. Or is it both? You can do all the "right" things as a parent, yet still have a kid that gets in to trouble. And be worst parent but have a son that turns out great. 
    What's keeping me up? The self righteous, sitting on their high horses. Peering down at you, judging your parenting skills. The homeless, addicts and our veterans. Phew...that was long winded! 

    Pets & Politicians

    Pets & Politicians

    I discuss the heartache of losing a pet. The difficulty in having a member of your family pass. The grief that follows. I talk about people trying to tell you how long and how to grieve. I also discuss politics. I talk about dear ole Joey. Joey, Joey, Joey.... what else is keeping me up? Anxiety over Michelle Obama becoming our next president and the state of our country. The state of our world. 

    Let’s Use Our Words

    Let’s Use Our Words

    Let's use our words. Is it possible for people to form coherent sentences any more? Biden and his administration babble. They speak jibberish. And the far left scream. They literally scream at top of their lungs. Yet none seem to be capable of talking. Of having a respectful, calm, educated, coherent conversation? When citizens aren't yelling, they're setting things on fire, stealing and breaking windows. How does this help your cause? How does this change the world? What's been keeping me up? Hypocrisy, poor communication and ignorance. 

    Tired Of Your Freaking Parades

    Tired Of Your Freaking Parades

    What's preventing me from counting sheep? Pride parades! Pride parades, gender parades, African American and Latino parades. Everywhere I look, some group of people are causing back ups on our streets so they can draw attention to themselves. So they can claim they, "just want to be LEFT ALONE, darn it!" All while making a mockery of themselves. While doing anything BUT staying out of spotlight. Hypocrisy at its finest. Sick of the parades and months of the year dedicated to groups of people. It promotes segregation, prejudice and racism. Narcissistic behavior is running rampant. 

    Midnight Thoughts

    Midnight Thoughts

    What's keeping me awake?  Prioritizing. I feel we, as a society, have our priorities all messed up. We seem to value social media, fame, money and vanity over family values, our morals and respect. I discuss getting our priorities straight and the importance of quality time with family and friends. I also talk about kindness, friendship, bumper stickers and being passionate about our beliefs. I talk about those that plaster their vehicles with bumper stickers and personalized license plates. Or wear clothing to start a conversation or get attention. The fact that our beliefs are no more important than another's. And how narcissistic we've become. 

    First World Problems

    First World Problems

    What's been preventing me from counting sheep? Traffic, highway etiquette and the lack of good drivers on the road. How passing people, simply to get to your destination two seconds faster, isn't worth the risk. I also discuss  the difference between American drivers and driving in other countries.  I talk about getting your license in large cities versus small towns. And I ramble on about First World problems versus third world problems.  I babble about procrastination and discuss the fact that respect and politeness are a lost art. Should respect be earned? I also throw in some politics. And my dogs decide to make an appearance. 

    Brain Freeze

    Brain Freeze

    It's literally freezing! I'm supposed to be working but can't get to work due to ice and freezing rain. So, here I am. What pressing matters are keeping me awake? Homelessness. I feel for those on the streets when it's literally frozen, solid outside. I feel bad for the people and animals trying to survive in harsh temperatures. I discuss animals in the Arctic and all over the world, that have to adapt to harsh climates. I wonder how Putin and Kim Jon Un are as pet owners?  How’d it’d be working as their dog trainers/caregivers?  I talk about homelessness, the border crisis and the fact I'm a crazy animal lady! My dog, Nora makes her debut as she snores in the background. 

    Love Is NOT Unconditional

    Love Is NOT Unconditional

    What's keeping me up? Family! The relationship mother's have with their children. How much it sucks when a son and mother's relationship is sinking and unhealthy. To try and repair such a broken and toxic relationship, will take a lot of hard work and effort on BOTH ends. I discuss toxic relationships and pharmaceuticals. I also talk about  people showing me their memories and expecting me to share in the excitement? Meaning, showing me a picture of you with people I don't know, in a place I didn't go. As if I'm going to share in the nostalgia? 

    Sleep Equals Death

    Sleep Equals Death

    What's keeping me up? The fact I equate sleep with DEATH.  Morbid and weird? Perhaps? I start to fall asleep and wonder, "what if I never wake up? What if I get sucked into a dark hole?" I know, it's crazy.  I also discuss barnyard animals and their relationship to the mofia.  I feel sheep, pigs, chicken and goats have mofia ties. I also talk about being an American.  How, even the homeless in America are privledged. I discuss being jaded. That the world seems so jaded and not surprised by mass chaos and gloom? Last, I remind everyone to LIVE.  To remember, you woke up today.  Start with that....

    Tim The Tool Man Xmas...

    Tim The Tool Man Xmas...

    I looooove Christmas lights and trees! Love driving around checking out people's Christmas decorations. What's keeping me up? Christmas. The stress and craziness of it all. Those that go all, Tim the tool man Taylor, on decorations. The neighbors that look like a scene from the movie, Christmas Vacation.  I discuss doing for others and volunteering. I also talk about being exhausted and fed up by politians. I'm so over sides. I don't care if you're democrat or republiacan. Liberal or Independant. I'm just SICK of our goivernment.  This is America. We are its citezens.  We the people. WE. ALL OF US. It is OUR country!  I am sickened by illegal immigrants and how the government is treating our LEGAL citezens! 

    The Podcast That Never Ends...

    The Podcast That Never Ends...

    This is the podcase that never ends...it goes on and on my friend...ok. It's pretty short and DOES have an end in sight. But boy do you FEEL like it drags out. On that note, have a listen. See what you think? I went in to this podcast with zero direction, plan or topic. And boy does it show. I feel i pulled it out in the end though. I think it's worth the 20 minutes. On your way to work? on the toilet? Perfect! 

    Moving Forward

    Moving Forward

    On this Thanksgiving eve, I am focused on gratitude. Moving forward. Pressing on. Looking to the future. But I can't help to be upset and frustrated by the present. The America I grew up in, is slipping away.  It breaks my heart and angers me.  However, keeping in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I discuss country roads and letting go of my worries.  Finding the thing that keeps you moving forward.  This podcast, I am positive and thankful. 



    What's keeping me up? I'm Spiraling. HARD! Being a mom has its difficulties. I wouldn't change it for the world. I feel blessed to wear the title.  On this episode I discuss my relationship with one of my sons. The difficulties we've had and are, curretnly having. How hard it is to love someone with ever fiber of your soul.  Yet rarely see eye to eye.  I can't seem to stop pacing. Just wondering around my house like a zombie.