
    The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast

    The aim of The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast is to give real hope and practical help to finding forever freedom from addiction. Whether you are currently addicted, in recovery, or have a loved one who struggles with addiction, this is for you. Whether the object of the addiction is porn, pills, psychedelics, opioids, cocaine, meth, crack, heroin, or really anything else, this is for you. Whether you have never stepped foot in a church or you are a Jesus follower, this is for you. Forever freedom is possible!
    en-usThe Real Answer to Addiction Podcast24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    The Empty Chair

    The Empty Chair

    In this episode, we sit down with Warren and Greg from the Empty Chair Endeavor to talk about losing a loved one to addiction. Most of us don't really know what to do or how to care for someone who loses a loved one, but the content in this conversation offers ancient wisdom that is also very practical for loving people well in this season.



    How to Never Relapse

    How to Never Relapse

    This month we are chatting about how relapsing does not have to be an inevitable part of everyone’s journey to sobriety. We also talked about the role of NA/AA meetings.
    1. What are the main pitfalls that lead to falling away from Jesus and relapse?
    2. Do I have to work the steps, a program, or attend meetings for the rest of my life?
    3. Will I never be able to go around friends or family that drink or use? What about holidays, birthday parties etc.
    4. What are some things to do to ensure I never relapse?
    HOT BUTTON:  Tune in to find out!!

    Omnivorous Attentiveness

    Omnivorous Attentiveness

    In this episode we take a discuss the joy and beauty that is found in following Jesus!
    1) Now that I am free from the bondage, why do I need to fill myself up with the Lord?
    2) What is the difference in joy found in earthly things versus joy found in Jesus?
    3) What are some practical ways that I can enjoy the presence of God?
    4) What do I do if I am a believer and have experienced the joy of the Lord but it has become ritualistic or mundane?
    Hot Button Question: Tune in to find out!
    To Hell with the Hustle: https://www.amazon.com/Hell-Hustle-Reclaiming-Overworked-Overconnected/dp/0718039203/ref=sr_1_2?gclid=CjwKCAjwiY6MBhBqEiwARFSCPpN8AvMQsiw_J12EyBFMyk4bVjVxnrhnUq6srBWaJgWdm2n6zGNBHxoCh1AQAvD_BwE&hvadid=534602751252&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9010612&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=7100537697530627782&hvtargid=kwd-1393231686155&hydadcr=7660_9903399&keywords=book+to+hell+with+the+hustle&qid=1636045444&sr=8-2
    Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: https://www.amazon.com/Ruthless-Elimination-Hurry-Emotionally-Spiritually/dp/0525653090/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjwiY6MBhBqEiwARFSCPgfB1OTQPI3tWRE9pU-zWeCzYvevgAIczuaH8Icr6TlVYlypupP00BoCCZMQAvD_BwE&hvadid=345591381293&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9010612&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7038732261690351626&hvtargid=kwd-810588877357&hydadcr=17836_10948727&keywords=the+ruthless+elimination+of+hurry&qid=1636045450&sr=8-1

    Monsters in the Closet

    Monsters in the Closet

    One of the most important aspects of living in freedom is dealing with our past. Rather than just sweeping it under the rug or putting the proverbial monster in the closet and hoping it stays there, we must address our past. We don’t have to remain enslaved by sin and haunted by shame. In this episode we offer a pathway forward of how to live in forever freedom from the past. It won’t be easy, but it is worth it!
    1. How do we deal with guilt and regret?
    2. Is it important for me to discuss all the things that I have done or that were done to me? How can not dealing with my past affect my sobriety and life of freedom?
    3. How do I deal with the past? How do I consistently take thoughts captive?
    How can my reputation, hurt, shame, etc., be used by Jesus to give me purpose in life?
    HOT BUTTON... (Tune in to find out)!

    Sex is Fire (Bonus Episode)

    Sex is Fire (Bonus Episode)

    We are convinced that one of the biggest catalysts or hindrances to living a life of forever freedom is romantic relationships. They can bless or they can destroy! In this episode, we take a deep dive into some specific questions surrounding this topic that are sure to shed light on things that aren't normally talked about in Christian circles. Parental discretion is advised.
    1) What role do romantic relationships play in your freedom journey?
    2) How long should someone wait before getting involved in a romantic relationship?
    3) How transparent should we be in relationships regarding our sinful past?
    4) Is masturbation okay?
    HOT BOTTON: ...listen to find out

    Rats in a Cage

    Rats in a Cage

    “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connectedness.” -Johann Hari
    In this episode, we discuss the importance of community and offer practical steps on how to pursue godly community. We look at it from a theological, scientific, and practical lens, all pointing to the reality that if we are going to live in forever freedom, we need other people. 
    1) Why is community important for a person struggling with addiction?  Even those who don’t?
    2) What types of relationships should we seek? Why are each of these important? 
    3) How do we tell the difference between healthy relationships in a community and unhealthy ones?
    4) If I go to church on Sunday, serve, and tithe, is that operating in the fullness of what the Christian life is supposed to be?
    HOT BUTTON: (Listen to find out)
    References: https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong?language=en

    Identity Crisis

    Identity Crisis

    We are back for season 2 of The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast! This season is titled, “Freedom Chats.” In each episode, Josh and Chris will give real hope and practical help for those seeking to live in forever freedom from anything hindering you from experiencing the abundant life God has for you! Each episode will consist of four questions and one surprise “hot button” question.
    Show Notes: In this episode, we talk about why identity is vital to our freedom journey because what we do and how we live flows out of who we are.
    1) Why is knowing who you are important?
    2) What does it mean to be a “sinner saved by grace?” Is that accurate?
    3) How do people misunderstand their identity and use grace as a scapegoat to continue living in sin? 
    4) Why is Identity so important to spiritual growth?
    5) HOT BUTTON: Should a person who is in Christ identify as an addict?
    References: https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/sacred-schizophrenia

    Clayton King: Launch of 'The Real Answer to Addiction' Book

    Clayton King: Launch of 'The Real Answer to Addiction' Book

    In this episode, we celebrate our book launch of 'The Real Answer to Addiction' by having our great friend Clayton on the podcast. Clayton wrote the forward for our book and has poured into our ministry in so many different ways. Over the course of 45 minutes Clayton unpacks how addiction has impacted those dear to him and gives steps on how we can experience true freedom in Christ!

    Michael Zurawel: Whispers From The Enemy

    Michael Zurawel: Whispers From The Enemy

    We virtually sat down with one of Chris’ long time friends, Michael. The two used to spend their time together getting high in Raleigh, NC, but are now both on a mission to spread the gospel to others who are currently lost or in active addiction. In this episode, Michael shares his journey from being a heroin junkie to experiencing forever freedom in Christ!

    (Bonus Episode) Theology of Addiction with Trevor Cox

    (Bonus Episode) Theology of Addiction with Trevor Cox

    In this bonus episode, our friend Trevor breaks down what the Bible says about addiction, why people get lost in it, and how to find freedom from the bondage that it brings. Trevor brings clarity and wisdom to the many questions that people have in regards to addiction, guilt, shame, doubt, and other issues that may be a hindrance to finding freedom in life.

    Shane Haynes: Kingpin

    Shane Haynes: Kingpin

    On our newest episode, we had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Shane Haynes. Shane might have one of the wildest testimonies that we have had the pleasure of hearing. There was a point in his life where he not only used, but also supplied and enabled others to continue going down the path of addiction. Shane explains the crazy series of events that took place in his life and that ultimately put him in a position of being completely broken and hopeless, which eventually led him to finding is forever freedom in Jesus!

    Cox Family: Death to Life

    Cox Family: Death to Life

    In our newest episode of “The Real Answer To Addiction Podcast”, we have brought on two very special guests who offer a completely different perspective on addiction. The Cox family joined us to share their experience, strength, and hope as two parents who were eye witnesses to what addiction can do to somebody. They watched their son go through many grueling years battling the beast of addiction before it eventually took his life. As you can imagine, The Coxs struggled for a long time knowing that addiction had the final say in their sons life... well so they thought. Eventually, the Coxs reached a point in which they are able to use the death of their son to try to help others from ever going through that same pain. As time went by after their sons death, the reality that they had to face never got any easier, but through Christ they are now capable of having peace through any circumstance. Join us as to talk to them and hear more about how Christ has turned their pain and their son's death into purpose.

    Sam Gibson: We Can't Live Off of Bread Crumbs

    Sam Gibson: We Can't Live Off of Bread Crumbs

    Our great friend and pastor Sam Gibson, joined us to share his experiences with addiction, how he became sober, and how he found freedom in Christ. Sam dives deep into the journey that the Lord took him through that ultimately shifted his desires to the Father. In this episode, we discuss how sobriety is not the same thing as freedom. And how we all battle the bondage of people, opinions, money, and the other things of this world. We hope you guys enjoy!

    (Bonus Episode) Q&A Dating, Sex, and Relationships

    (Bonus Episode) Q&A Dating, Sex, and Relationships

    We invited Allen Cothran, and Matt Webber back for a special question and response episode. One of the most overlooked topics in recovery world are on relationships and how a recovering addict should go about dating. We believe relationships can be a stumbling block for people in recovery to rush to fulfillment for outside of Christ. Join us in this episode to hear what Allen and Matt have to say about dating in recovery and how it can be done well.

    Chad Logan: Drug Garbage Can to Ministry Leader

    Chad Logan: Drug Garbage Can to Ministry Leader

    In this episode we have a conversation with Chad Logan, who leads the Hope Project in Charleston, SC aimed at reaching and discipling people impacted by addiction. Chad is one of Chris’ best friends. In this conversation they cover topics such as accountability, spiritual disciplines, family restoration, and recovery ministry.