
    The Retirement Detective

    This is The Retirement Detective podcast, where we dive into cases with Philip Mock, Chartered Financial Analyst and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, to solve common retirement and financial planning questions. Get insight into how to solve quandaries that appear on the path to and through retirement, ideas on how to approach saving and investing for retirement, and how to plan for retirement in a tax-efficient manner.
    en-usPhilip Mock, CFA®, CFP®55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    Investigating Cognitive Errors in Investing: Confirmation Bias

    Investigating Cognitive Errors in Investing: Confirmation Bias

    In this episode we will discuss one of the most common cognitive errors in investing: confirmation bias.  Confirmation bias is when we tend to find, retain, and promote data that is in alignment with a particular viewpoint or thesis.  We'll discuss this in detail and discuss how confirmation bias can lead to poor investment decisions and how to avoid these errors.

    Analyzing Direct Indexing

    Analyzing Direct Indexing

    Direct Indexing is a popular equity investing strategy that involves replicating a stock index using the individual stocks that comprise the index as opposed to buying a fund that tracks the index.  Direct indexing has been around for some time, but has increased in popularity in the last several years.  In this episode, we'll disucss the pros and cons of direct indexing as well as what sort of investors may want to consider if direct indexing is appropriate for them.

    Investigating Tax Penalties

    Investigating Tax Penalties

    In this episode, we investigate and analyze tax penalties.  We discuss how you can avoid the most common tax penalty - underpayment penalties - by taking advantage of the "safe harbor" provisions.  Making sure you avoid tax penalties is an important part of tax planning.  Through paying estimated taxes and through making correct tax witholdings, you can work to avoid having to pay underpayment penalties.

    Analyzing the Fed Funds Rate

    Analyzing the Fed Funds Rate

    The Federal Reserve has been in the news a considerable amount lately with markets on edge to hear if the Federal Reserve will "raise rates" or "lower rates".  When they raise and lower rates, they are actually raising and lowering a rate called the "Federal Funds Rate" or "Fed" Funds Rate.  In this episode, we examine what the Fed Funds Rate is, why it is important, and how it impacts investors when the Federal Reserve decides to change that rate.  

    Investigating Fixed Income: Part 4

    Investigating Fixed Income: Part 4

    This is the final episode in our multi-part series on fixed income.  For the episode, we examine the "income" part of fixed income.  We discuss how to determine the amount of income from a bond, how to define its yield-to-maturity, yield-to-call, and coupon rate and why those are all important.  Lastly, we briefly discuss how these yield measures helpt construct fixed income portfolios to meet objectives.