
    The Same Same but Different Podcast

    The podcast, where culture and thoughts meet and conversations happen. Ideas are explored, facts shared and discussed, options given to get you to think outside the box - all with one goal : Diversity,Equity and Inclusion. The main premise is to open up our minds to 'differences', and to lessen the 'daunting' nature of differences. Sometimes, it will just be me in your ears; and sometimes I will have guests who will share who they are, what they do and how they view the aspects of Diversity,Inclusion,Equity and Acceptance. All in all - this is one show where you will definitely be hearing old and new concepts,and ideas - and they will make you think.
    en-auRicha Joshi35 Episodes

    Episodes (35)

    Power of Purpose

    Power of Purpose

    Maryann Tsai describes herself as a 'complicated' person, but as a multipassionate complicated person. She has a varied interest in lots of fields, and is a self confessed foodie, a baking enthusiast, an engineer by background, a mother, a community leader and much more.

    In  this episode we talk about how she found her purpose with Reach Her Inc., and how she moved through different phases of life to reach there. There are some really key crossroads that got Maryann to do a deep dive, and fashion her path - when nothing was available as per her needs and desires.

    We've spoken about the hardships her parents faced when they migrated here, and we touched on how it was a different experience for her as she grew up here in Perth. We talked about the very high mental load that comes with choosing to give up a flourishing career to take care of our child/ren, and how through the years of child caring / being a stay at home parent changes our needs and wants.

    We talked about how we can work together as a community to bust some common myths about migrants, about how migrants positively impact the communities they call home and very importantly about the idea of 'giving back'.

    I am sure you are going to be very inspired by this 'different' voice, doing 'different' things and how you can do it too.

    Check out the work my guest is doing by following below links.

    Reach Her Inc. Website |Reach Her Inc. on Instagram 

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family. Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    Power of Purpose with Maryann Tsai

    Burnout - what the %#*& is it ?

    Burnout - what the %#*& is it ?
    Sarah Vizer is a Leadership and Mindset coach who is all about SUSTAINABLY igniting motivation, focus and energy for life.

    Sarah draws upon 20 years in a corporate career as a top-tier leader and consultant.But eventually she came to a real life crisis point. Fast forward to today and Sarah now uses her experience to help others live their life to the fullest. She is the creator of ‘Beyond Burnout’ which is all about SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE - drawing out your best and helping you find an easier way to do work and life.

    You are going to be so inspired, get so many insights in this 1 episode - Sarah and I hope that it will at least give you the beginning framework for what 'burnout' can look like. We discuss the personality types who could face more instances of burnout, we also discuss symptoms, and very importantly we discuss strategies around managing burnout.

    Check out the work my guest is doing by following below links.

    Sarah's Website |Sarah on Linkedin

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family. Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    Same Same But Different Podcast ep34 w Sarah V

    About intentional pauses & Multiple passions

    About intentional pauses & Multiple passions

    In this episode, Stephanie talks with vulnerability about how she took an intentional pause to go deep within and find out what it is that she is ''actually' interested in pursuing. With lots of insight, deep introspection Stephanie also talks about that there is no clear line to finding the 'aha' moments, its a build up sort of journey.

    There are so many very 'blink and you miss' layers in our conversation, and I hope you do too. We also talk about how people look at other people like them, as more multi faceted than others - thus creating a bias - which then limits their perception about them. The concept of learning, adopting cultural humility vs cultural competency.

    Check out the work my guest is doing by following below links.

    Stephanie's Website |Stephanie's Instagram |Stephanie on Linkedin

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family. Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    Epsode 33 with Stephanie Lam

    The Invisible Migrants - Part 2 - Values & Beliefs

    The Invisible Migrants - Part 2 - Values & Beliefs

    In this episode I am speaking with Dawn - who is from England. Her top 3 values are Integrity, Justice and Hope. Dawn shared how over the years, these values of hers have not changed,and believes that when someone gets her really annoyed she knows they have gone against her personal values.

    I also got to speak with Kat, who is from America and calls Australia home. Her top 3 values are Kindness,Honesty & Transparency and Accountability. Her values are what make her who she is, and how she shows up in the world.

    My 3rd guest is Sinja, who is of German origin but grew up largely in South Africa. With a stint in New Zealand, she migrated to Australia over 27 years. Her top 3 values are Kindness, Courage and Service.

    All 3 have shared how their values were shaped, how they may or may not have changed over the years and how their migrancy journey shaped their values & belief systems. Very importantly, we also discussed that while it's not the actual values that chance, a value that the stack under that BIG value heading can take it's place OR become more important as life goes.

    There is also a very pertinent question I've asked each of them at the very end. So strap, lend me your ears and get downloading and listening to Episode 32 of this podcast. Check out the work my guest are doing by following below links.

    Dawn's Website | Dawn's e-Mail |Dawn on Linkedin

    Kat's website | Kat on Instagram

    Sinja's Website | Sinja on Instagram

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs

    The Tapestry Within - Part 1 - Values & Beliefs

    When we talk about values and beliefs, we often think that everyone's is shaped similarly.

    We do not take in to account the fact that values and beliefs are shaped by our 'individual' lived experiences, our 'individual' environments and very importantly our 'individual' upbringing.

    In this very unique episode, I got to talking to Upeka and Amana, who are both migrants to Australia, and who share how their values changed over time. 

    We've discussed how their intersectionalities have shaped their values, and also how they stay true to their values in the face of adversity. We also recognised that 'line' of work Upeka, Amanda and even I are in, have been shaped by these values. 

    My hope is that you will gain some insight into your own values, how they are shaped, and the pritorities can change over a period of time.

    Enjoy this episode, and do check out the work my guest are doing by following below links.

    Upeka's Website | Upeka on Instagram | Upeka on Linkedin

    Amanda's Website | Amanda on Linkedin

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    Happy 2nd Birthday

    Happy 2nd Birthday

    I did not realise that 'The Same Same but Different' podcast was turning 2, till a die-hard fan of (both) me and the podcast asked me 'so what's your plan for the podcast completing 2 years?' 

    I had not celebrated it turning 1, so I really had no clue what I would do for it turning 2. But, but I remembered something that I always tell my coaching clients - ''see how far you've come,and acknowledge all that you've achieved''.

    So, happy listening, happy following, happy reviewing and happy 2nd birthday to my podcast. 

    Thank you for the support. 

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    Overfed & Undernourished

    Overfed & Undernourished

    In this episode, I get talking to the amazing Belinda Smith, who has delved into creating a movement around 'Food'.

    Belinda Smith from The Root Cause is one of Australia’s leading independent voices in children’s health and an advocate for real food in schools. She is a mum, a health coach and creator of The Mad Food Science™ Program and The 5 Minute Healthy Lunchbox System™.

    We talked about some very alarming statistics, discussed how by taking out 'diversity' in our food groups, we 'may' be contributing to further gut health issues, weakening our gut microbiomes. Very importantly, we discussed how food connects to 'mood', better sleep health, better behaviour and performance.

    One of the missions behind The Root Cause is ''create a generation of children who choose real food every day, enabling them to be better learners, more successful students and go onto build stronger, healthier communities. When we do this for this generation, we do it for all future generations. Will you stand with us?'' Join the movement here : https://therootcause.com.au/free-updates/

    Enjoy this episode, and do check out the work Belinda is doing by following below links.

    The Root Cause | Bel's Speaker Sheet | The Lunchbox Effect book | Recipes

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    What's in a Name - Part 2

    What's in a Name - Part 2

    This is part 2, of the episode 'What's in a Name' folx. I sure hope you have already listened to to the previous episode, if not click here --->

    This part of the interview, continues to talk about how hard it was for Dr. Price to get the right resources for her book 'Success with Asian Names' . I am sure you can discern the nuances of the how painstaking it can be to find the 'correct language' fonts on word, and even with printers/publishers (getting the hint??!!).

    I sure hope you enjoyed listening in, and are feeling inspired by this episode. Please do check out the work Dr. Fiona Swee-Lin Price is doing by following below links.

    Dr. Prices' Website | Contact Dr. Price email  |  Dr. Price on Linkedin | Success with Asian Names book

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation to get merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    What's in a Name - Part 1

    What's in a Name - Part 1

    When I met Dr. Price in 2021, I was very interested in learning her highly educated, greatly researched opinion about why non English speakers shortened, abbreviated or even changed their names when they moved to predominantly English speaking countries.


    In this episode, which spans across 2 parts, Dr. Price unpacks how she pioneered her entire business to create tools that furthered the work we both do in the wide arena of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Her lead up to her book, her workshops and her realisation that

    • it is not always racism that is the problem BUT that the problem(& it's interpretation) that causes racism
    • it is a lack of understanding of the different cultures that fuels friction
    • the observations of English speakers are valid, however the interpretations are not valid.

    We talk about the 'bottom up' approach that she employed to create ‘Working with Asian Names’ and ‘Customer Service Across Cultures’ workshops, which were (and still are) hits with the corporate world,the education field, with librarians even. Sometimes given the moniker as 'the name doctor', Dr. Price comes from a mixed cultural heritage herself. Her father is Anglo-Australian and mother is from Malaysia. Her interpretations of how to create respectful, long lasting changes by impacting cross cultural communication is seriously inspirational.

    Do stay connected, as Part 2 of this episode is being released in 1 weeks time, and do check out the work Dr. Fiona Swee-Lin Price is doing by following below links.

    Dr. Prices' Website | Contact Dr. Price email  |  Dr. Price on Linkedin | Success with Asian Names book

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation to get merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    Architect of your own identity - a transition story

    Architect of your own identity - a transition story

    Ahead of World Pride 2023, I really wanted to touch on a point of view that a whole lot of humans seem to have a problem with. In this regard, I got the chance to interview Miss Bobbi Barrington who at the age of 59 transitioned into who she is today.

    In this episode, Miss Bobbi and I have talked about

    • defining 'sex' vs 'gender'
    • defining what the abbreviations for LGBTQIA+ stand for and the pronouns we can use
    • her journey of finding herself by being aware of her gender identity
    • how her life looks now vs before her gender affirming surgery
    • how humans, especially women, can stand on their own
    • ageism, and very importantly
    • how companies, communities, can be more LGBTQIA+ inclusive.

    Miss Bobbi, has very graciously shared how her own family took her coming out news. She has very openly, and vulnerably shared the anguish of her mental health, and she hopes that her way of activism will encourage other humans to be the architects of their own lives.

    Keep listening till the end so you can hear the details of her offer of mentorship too, enjoy this episode, and do check out the work Miss Bobbi is doing by following below links.

    Miss Bobbi's Website | Miss Bobbi's email  |  Miss Bobbi on Linkedin | Miss Bobbi's Instagram

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation to get merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    A feast for your senses - an honest account of experiencing a new culture - Part 2

    A feast for your senses - an honest account of experiencing a new culture - Part 2

    In Part 2 of this episode, Sarina and I have chatted a bit more about the whole 'planning' bit of a marriage, and how she wanted to respectfully include all those things that her fiance Deepak's family deemed important.

    In this episode, Sarina also talks about how important diversity, acceptance of those different from her is an important value to uphold. Sarina has also mentioned that it is not only BIPOC peoples' who face discrimination, and what representation means to her and Deepak. Sarina holds hope for the next generation, not only because she plans to have children with her Indian-origin partner, but also aspires to enable her children to be proud of her own Maltese-Scottish background.

    I can wish that through listening to this recording you shall find hope within your own inter-racial / cultural / faith relationships. I also hope that you can find correlations of the kind of open-minded conversations you can have with your neighbour / best friend / colleagues etc who may be of a different culture / ethnicity / race / religion; and bring about a deeper connection with them.

    Here is how you can get in touch with Sarina,

    Sarina's Linkedin | Sarina on Instagram |  The Androsia Connection

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation to get merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    A feast for your senses - an honest account of experiencing a new culture - Part 1

    A feast for your senses - an honest account of experiencing a new culture - Part 1

    The thing about this very podcast episode lies in the honest, sometimes a sense of conflicting views, yet a wondrous outlook of Sarina when she visited India for the first time.

    This episode is curated to be chatty, vulnerable, open and honest without putting either Australia or India, as a nation, as a culture down. Neither is there any negative connotations attributed to either - just a curious comparison.

    One thing to note, is that Sarina has recounted her experience of India, from her outlook, and I have responded from mine. The thing is, everyone will experience India, and for that matter any country differently. As long as you are open minded, open to try and open to conversations - your experience of another country's culture, traditions, practices...will be truly an eye-opening one.

    One has to also remember, that there is a WHOLE world outside of our own that is different to what we are used to - thus, some things may seem very alien, weird and even unnatural - getting a historical context will help in understanding why things are done the way they are in that country.

    In part 1, of 'A feast for your senses - an honest account of experiencing a new culture' , Sarina and I talked about

    • her unique business as a Sponsorship & Partnership Specialist;
    • her reason for opening up her business ;
    • difference in sleeping arrangements in India vs a western country;
    • how food is an integral part of a country's experience; and
    • how the prevalence of gold, gold giving is a tradition in India

    I truly hope you get some nuggets of wisdom as you hear Sarina speak about how India, for her, was not an ASSAULT on her senses but a FEAST for them. Here is how you can get in touch with Sarina,

    Sarina's Linkedin | Sarina on Instagram |  The Androsia Connection

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation to get merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    How to 'Use your DIFFERENCE to make a DIFFERENCE'

    How to 'Use your DIFFERENCE to make a DIFFERENCE'

    Tayo, is my personal hero - my admiration,respect and very simply the awe I have for the body of work he has done in the Diversity,Equity and Inclusion field (and still continues to do) is immeasurable.

    In this episode, I got to honour all of that, and talk about

    • how he creates safe spaces for everyone to be themselves,
    • his 'moment' of pivot when he realised that he was not doing what his values were,
    • his Tedx experience, his experience of being in a movie;
    • how much 'harm' he meted out on himself, while amplifying the 'anger' he felt in the aftermath of the #blacklivesmatter movement;
    • about building healthy boundaries,
    • about accountability

    and I also made him THINK about how to answer a key question.

    Enjoy this episode, and do check out the work Tayo is doing by following below links.

    Tayo's Website | Tayo on Facebook  | Tayo on Instagram |  Tayo on Linkedin

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    SSbD Episode 3, Season 3 with Tato Rockson

    Respectfully Curious - is the magic really in me ?

    Respectfully Curious - is the magic really in me ?

    In this epic, and I do mean E.P.I.C episode, I talk to Kelley Wacher - the founder of 'Corporate Magic' . 

    Kelley is such a dynamic, insightful and fantastic human, she believes that 'the magic is in you' - now I just HAD to explore that, right ? As a life coach myself, I believe that it is us who can really make the changes we want to see happen - so I wanted to know more.

    We talked about the negative conditioning that 2 concepts - one of which has roots in Australian culture - and how it has created a 'societal' conditioning that is not ok. We discussed the history behind

    • The 'tall poppy' syndrome, and
    • The'Imposter' syndrome.

    Kelley is wholeheartedly passionate about humans, and she shares how she came to that realisation; along with the idea of deep,guided questions that can lead us to our 'why' too.

    Enjoy this episode, and do check out the work Kelley is doing by following below links.

    Corporate Magic on Linkedin | Corporate Magic on Facebook  | Corporate Magic website

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.


    What's language got to do with Culture ?

    What's language got to do with Culture ?

    I've always maintained that 'language' and the 'learning of language'  is just 1 of the many ways we can promote the uniqueness of our culture/s.

    With Glen, I got to explore these topics (amongst others) from the stand point of him having created a business that is niched to teaching  'Australian English' . Glen's way of weaving the Aboriginal languages,their fantastic culture as well as the current dominant language of Australian English - is a very refreshing take - especially since it is rooted in research,observation and testing.

    This business is completely online, and can be subscribed to from anywhere in the world, with loads of options to partake in.

    Below are all the promised links :

    Australians Teach English on Instagram | Australians Teach English on Facebook  | Australians Teach English website

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'The Same Same but Different podcast' creation - with even a $2.00 donation, you would be supporting the message of this podcast.

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.



    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Me

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Me

    Season wrap up episodes have to be special right ? And this one, in my eyes is that kind of special.

    A journey that, for me started with being told I had a radio voice + a discussion with another podcaster who threw the challenge saying 'why not'? + a prompt via another podcaster who I admire who asks 'how are you using your difference to make a difference' + knowing fully well that what 'I' had to say was something that needed to be said.

    Reasons enough, yes ?

    But wait, there is more and in this episode I share just a bit more about why I do what I do + and why sometimes I am not able to show up for anyone + how I have used this medium to manage such situations.

    Stay kind everyone.

    Here is the link to the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'Same Same but Different' podcast creation

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Link to episode on TCK/TCA : https://samesamebutdifferent1978.libsyn.com/same-same-but-different-tck

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    As always, thank you for taking the time to listen in, you are an incredible human.


    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Moritz Amahaotu

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Moritz Amahaotu

    From baby rompers to sports jerseys, from face masks to swimwear, from jackets,polo shirts, footwear, accessories, caps and much more Moritz has built an online presence via his brain child which he has named Amolep.

    Fully customisable and configurable for people with mixed backgrounds; Dual or Multi Nationalities (Citizenship); Second generation foreigners ; people who grew up or are growing up in a foreign country; people who are married to another person from a different country; people who have spent a long time in a foreign country; and /or people who are fans of more than one country -- kinda sounds like my own product based company Dual Nation - right ?

    Yet, neither Moritz and I believe that we are in competition - and that is not just because of being on different continents, or high international postage - but because we both believe that together we are achieving more. We talked about so many different ideas, you will just have to download and listen to this gem of an episode !

    Hit share when listening to this episode, and share it on your socials with #ssbdwithrichaj so I can thank you for your kindness.

    Below are all the promised links :

    Amolep on InstagramAmolep on Etsy | Amolep on Facebook | Amolep on Twitter | Amolep on Pinterest

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'Same Same but Different' podcast creation

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    As always, thank you for taking the time to listen in, you are an incredible human.

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Claire Wu

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Claire Wu

    Claire Elvera Wu - a multi-passionate, high achieving legend who literally has the Midas touch to anything she chooses to touch.

    In this episode, we talk about how Claire has made it her mission to help others succeed, based on her training and experience...we also talk about how she has dealt with yt privilege, racism, discrimination as a woman, as a migrant, and as a small business owner. Claire has also shared 'her' ways of how she has managed, and advices how others too can manage the inadequacies they may feel should they be ostracised.

    I personally love seeing her growth journey, and can't wait for you to experience her magic too.

    Below are all the promised links :

    Find Your Essence CoachingBreathe Into Peace | Breathe Into Peace Community Page | Breathe Into Peace Instagram

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'Same Same but Different' podcast creation

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    As always, thank you for taking the time to listen in, you are an incredible human.

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Anita Sachariah

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Anita Sachariah

    The importance of language is deeply rooted in our identities,and knowing language/s means you are able to communicate with your fellow human.

    Migration though plays a bit of a havoc, especially when one moves from our birth country to another - where natural assimilation aside, language gets lost.

    Another thing is that a lot of people think that being bilingual or multilingual messes with our brains - it doesn't by the way.

    In this episode, Anita and I talk about all of this and how language can be taught to young children, how her business came about and why she does what she does. It's a great episode, laced with laughter, some seriousness and a whole lot of science.

    Below are all the promised links :

    Anita's  🌐Bhashakids Facebook | Anita's Linkedin |  Bhashakids Instagram

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'Same Same but Different' podcast creation

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    As always, thank you for taking the time to listen in, you are an incredible human.

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Nancy Diaz

    Same Same but Different Season 2 - Guest Series with Nancy Diaz

    There is much to be said about 'Mental Health', however to acknowledge that we need help is the crux of a lot of problems. This episode gives you an insight into the mind and workings of an exceptionally talented therapist.

    Nancy specifically works with Women of Color,who are daughters of immigrants, and has SO much valuable insight to help

    I know you will very surely find many different touch points in this conversation that will speak to you, in many different contexts, and I can't wait to hear what you think. Below are all the promised links :

    Nancy's  🌐 | Global Citizen Therapy Podcast | Global Citizen Therapy Facebook | Nancy's Linkedin |  Global Citizen Therapy Instagram

    and of course, the tip jar/contribution/donation link : Support 'Same Same but Different' podcast creation

    Click ----> Dual Nation merchandise for yourself, or your friends and family.

    Hit subscribe, share with others and join me on the 'gram to chat with me.

    As always, thank you for taking the time to listen in, you are an incredible human.