
    The Scaling Lounge: Business Strategy • Operations • Team

    The Scaling Lounge is for established service based business owners who are ready to scale a life-first business that has exponential growth and limitless possibilities while also allowing you to take unplugged vacations, to step away from social media, and to do the things you love with the people you love. Around here, we believe in working smarter, resting often, playing always, and dreaming bigger. We want to help you create time, financial, and lifestyle freedom by scaling with systems, strategy, and the support of a team so that your business is able to grow with or without you. 

    en-usAdriane Galea112 Episodes

    Episodes (112)

    9 Thing I Wish I Would've Known Before Starting My Podcast One Year Ago

    9 Thing I Wish I Would've Known Before Starting My Podcast One Year Ago

    One year ago, I started a podcast. (It’ll be FUN, they said!”)

    Initially attracted by the thought leadership and speaking aspects offered by this medium, what really appealed to me was finding a viable way to build a community and grow my business without relying on tons of social media support.

    And...it worked! 

    That being said -- I could have done some things better. So, I'm using the occasion of our 1-year anniversary to pass along what I've learned along the way!

    Whether you have a podcast (or might be thinking about starting one), these are the 9 most important things hindsight has granted me full view of from 1 year in. A little mini-podcast masterclass, if you will, and a GIANT expression of my gratitude to everyone who has come, and stayed (and subscribed!). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.  

    Quick overview of what we cover: 

    • Why learning the tech is the least of it all
    • The three ways I went wrong with my launch strategy
    • Why ‘clear is always better than clever’ when it comes to choosing show names and episode titles
    • All the small details that make or break an episode’s (and really the show’s) success
    • How to choose what kind of help you need to keep recording (and publishing!) consistently
    • How to prepare for the slow growth that podcasts tend to track on
    • How to use your audience behavior to shape your episodes
    • Why guests are not going to help you the way that you think they might
    • How to reverse engineer your episode CTAs
    • How to know if it’s all worth it, on a personal level (and professionally, because data!)
    • Why building a podcast has felt like building a meeting house in all the best ways, and why knowledge sharing is my own personal theology



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/087

    How to Reverse Engineer Your Sales Funnel to Drive Higher Conversions with Steve Corney

    How to Reverse Engineer Your Sales Funnel to Drive Higher Conversions with Steve Corney

    Ever wondered how to make your marketing more effective or what words to avoid when crafting a compelling sales page headline?  Well, today we have an episode that...at least intended  to cover these marketing principles exclusively.

    Instead - we get into something even more valuable.

    Listen in as Adriane sets out to walk Steve through some of her suggestions for his latest sales page. Their convo quickly jumps straight down a rabbit hole filled with so many numbers and equations and metrics that it ultimately leads them to a bigger revelation about Steve's overall sales funnel design.

    These are the type of "pick the expert's brain" moments that we live for, and we can't wait to hear about how you can apply the same disruptive-yet-infallible thinking to your own sales and marketing strategy!

    Quick overview of what we cover: 

    • The do’s and don’ts of an effective Sales Page set up
    • How to keep your headlines about your learner (and less about you)
    • Adriane’s unique spin on niching 
    • Why including a menu on your sales page is not the best move
    • How to zero in on your most effective funnel, if you have more than one
    • How to “borrow” a renewable lead source rather than pay for one via ads
    • How to choose between a paid product vs low ticket offer vs a freebie offer when all roads lead to a higher ticket program
    • Why Steve was SO stoked to have Adriane rain hard on his current sales funnel parade 
    • The simple-yet-brilliant equations Adriane uses to reverse engineer lead source choice



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 1
    • Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 2 
    • Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs...
    • Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect...
    • Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching: Episode 76, part 1;  Episode 78, part 2; Episode 80, part 3


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    Your CEO Superpowers and Why You Should Tap Into Them Relentlessly to Scale

    Your CEO Superpowers and Why You Should Tap Into Them Relentlessly to Scale

    If you want to scale a business to high 6-figures – even 7- or 8-figures – you have to let go of everything that isn’t one of your superpowers. Not doing so, is either going to hold you back, or if you continue to force it, will leave you  spinning your wheels for a LOT longer and with a LOT more energetic investment than is necessary. Which – undoubtedly – will lead you down the path of 3…2…1…burnout.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The biggest lie told to us, bought and sold by our ego, that keeps us stalled out
    • How to classify your CEO superpowers vs zones of incompetence
    • Why it’s a mistake to delegate away certain tasks at certain times
    • How to reconcile what you love doing with what you want to be known for
    • The three biggest excuses we use to hide behind the ‘it must be me who does xyz’ 
    • How to tease out the conditioning-based thoughts that might be (sneakily) at the origin of your work ethos
    • Why building a team with intention greases the wheels for letting go of what doesn’t serve you



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/085

    The Key Points of Curriculum Mapping or Auditing to Ensure Your Learners Receive the Promised Outcomes with Steve Corney

    The Key Points of Curriculum Mapping or Auditing to Ensure Your Learners Receive the Promised Outcomes with Steve Corney

     In todays' episode, the teacher becomes the student! 

    Listen along as Adriane willingly takes the hot seat by turning the tables and inviting Steve - a  curriculum-design expert - to review her latest 12-month program, Sustainable Growth Lab.  Steve walks Adriane through his method for curriculum mapping and creates a spreadsheet in real time that assesses her most robust course to date. 

    In short - it's course-building GOLD.

    Quick overview of what we cover: 

    • The 5 columns that belong on a curriculum mapping spreadsheet
    • The tools that can tell you if your content is truly engaging your learners (or not!)
    • How to weave macro and micro outcomes into your course mapping
    • The best ways to get your learners to demonstrate knowledge gained
    • Why it's important to go beyond what you want your learner to know and do, to what you want them to feel at the conclusion of your course
    • Why "free-range chicken" learners are the least engaged
    • Steve's persuasive argument for locking down content
    • Why your price point should not dictate the amount of support you give your learners
    • How to hold your learners accountable with kindness
    • The secret weapon Adriane employed in her last program that blew Steve away with its cleverness



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 1
    • Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 2 
    • Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    • Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience
    • Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching: Episode 76, part 1;  Episode 78, part 2; Episode 80, part 3


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    The 4 Biggest Reasons You’re Having Trouble Scaling Your Service Business

    The 4 Biggest Reasons You’re Having Trouble Scaling Your Service Business

    If you've reached the point in your business when you're ready to scale (that is, generating more profit whilst spending less resources to do so) but can't seem to find your groove to make it happen, this episode will help you narrow down what the reason for that might be...and what to do about it.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The 4 components that lead to a self-sustaining business
    • What to do if the weight of your business falls squarely upon you (and only you)
    • How optimizing your marketing and visibility helps kick the productivity hamster wheel to the curb
    • The reason you remain in a state of scarcity/worry spiral despite making bank
    • What's missing from your business if you make generate revenue - but can't afford to pay yourself consistently and/or fairly
    • How to flip the 4 reasons you're not currently scaling into a solid business strategy for the next 12 months



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/083

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 4 – with Steve Corney

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 4 – with Steve Corney

    Masterclass, webinar, challenge…

    2-day, 3-day, 5-day…

    Live vs pre-recorded…

    Turns out – the type, length, and format of your sales event doesn’t influence your launch’s overall success as much as you might think.

    You know what does?

    Actually delivering something of value AND respecting your audience’s time while doing it.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • What you should be looking at if you’ve noticed your conversion rates falling and your show-up and engagement rates dwindling
    • Why statements like – launch events don’t work anymore! – don’t tell the whole picture
    • How the buyer market has changed and why what used to work before, now doesn’t
    • When to blame ‘zoom fatigue’ and when to admit you’re a sh*t facilitator
    • How to use your curriculum to inform your launch vehicle
    • What the bedrock of respect for your audience during events is built upon
    • How long your pitch should be in relation to your launch event
    • Why focusing on the sale will take away the one thing that will make them want to buy
    • The true measure of a successful launch event (spoiler alert – it’s NOT your conversion rate)



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 1
    • Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 2 
    • Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    • Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience
    • Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching:


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    The Mistake I Made That Is Completely Shifting My Brand

    The Mistake I Made That Is Completely Shifting My Brand

    Have you ever had one of those moments when you spoke something out loud for the first time, and it just hit differently than it ever has on paper? I had one of those moments recently, and it ultimately set the wheels in motion for an entire rebrand shake-up/personal brand awakening. 

    (One that I’m very much currently in the midst of, tbh.)

    So, why am I choosing to share it in real time?

    The biggest reason – these ‘building the plane as we’re flying it’ moments happen to all of us who identify as visionaries – but no one really talks about what it’s like to be in the middle of them. 

    And what’s more, rebranding as a concept is daunting – for sure – but pressing forward within a brand you don’t align with anymore is a heavier weight to bear. 

    This episode gets into the juicy details on why I am choosing to rebrand, my hopes for the future, and why sometimes it takes making a mistake (and then doubling down on it) to realise what you really want.




    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/081

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 3 – with Steve Corney

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 3 – with Steve Corney

    Adriane and Steve are back with their complementary accents and worldwide appeal for part 3 of our series on how to make more money + sales in your established course or coaching program.

    Today’s episode focuses on sales – and specifically – the 7 types of buyers you encounter during your sales process. Whether you’ve got ‘Decisive Desi’ (the buyer we expect everyone to be) or ‘Factual Fallon’ (she can be a wee bit triggering, NGL) or ‘Synergistic Sydney’ (she runs her biz on vibes alone) leading with respect means meeting each where they’re at.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • What’s probably going on if your sales have slowed and selling doesn’t feel good anymore
    • Why we’ve gotta move on from cringe-y ‘handling objections’ sales tactics 
    • How to achieve transactional transcendence via respect
    • Why making your clients feel safe is the most important (but often missed) first step to a respectful sales relationship
    • How to effectively capture each buyer persona within your marketing and sales content
    • How to figure out which sales processes to systemise and scale…and which to scrap
    • Why using your buyers’ personas to guide your follow-up approach is the key to making it feel good to both of you



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 1
    • Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 2 
    • Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    • Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience
    • Episode 76, Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching, Part 1 
    • Episode 78, Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching, Part 2


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    The Holy Grail Metrics That Determine the TRUE Sustainability of Your Business

    The Holy Grail Metrics That Determine the TRUE Sustainability of Your Business

    Building a business that can weather storms and persevere across time is respectable – for sure – but building a business that can actually run (well!) without you AND not dump all the work accrued in your absence right back into your lap upon your return, well… that’s next level. 

    In other words, to be truly sustainable, a business must be SELF-sustainable.

    If you’re someone who likes crisp clean quantitative goals, sharpen your pencils because in 11 short minutes this episode explains the Holy Grail Metrics that determine whether your business is on the path to self-sustainability…or not. 

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • How long could you really step away from your business? 
    • Would it be an actual period of unplugged bliss and if not, how much checking in would you be required to do? 
    • How afraid would you be to open your email once you clocked back in? 
    • Would your business continue to grow in your absence? 
    • How much growth would be enough growth to justify all this so-called ‘time freedom?’



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/079

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 2 – with Steve Corney

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 2 – with Steve Corney

    Listen - there's a lot of nonsense happening in the online marketing space right now.  And you'd think with all that noise, there might be something about about developing marketing strategies that seek to actually understand clients and build trust - but....*crickets*

    Today we're back for Part 2 of our 'Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching Program series with Steve Corney.  We're getting into messaging that seeks to make your clients feel seen, heard, and understood and why that's such a HUGE game changer for elevating your business (and - ahem - making more sales). 

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The biggest reason you're getting shot down when pitching your programs and courses
    • The 6 stages of product-solution-product awareness
    • Why 'how-to' educational content is causing you to fall short of the sales finish line with problem-unaware people 
    • How Diagnostic Education blows 'pain point' marketing away
    • What to do about Super Fans who consume all your content and buy nothing
    • How to market for what people want and then design curriculum for what they need (while staying in a manipulation-free zone)
    • Why marketing to help people feel heard, seen, and understood is the Holy Grail of high conversion rates
    • The social proof strategy that's WAY more effective than future pacing/inspiration-baiting 
    • Why 'more' of what's NOT working doesn't make it work...more



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 1
    • Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel, Part 2 
    • Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    • Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience
    • Episode 76, Make More Money + Sales with your Established Course or Coaching, Part 1 


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    How to Stop Being a Control Freak and Effectively Delegate to Your Team

    How to Stop Being a Control Freak and Effectively Delegate to Your Team

    It takes a village to raise a kid - and, as it turns out, it takes a village to grow a business (especially if you want said business to one day leave the nest - aka - function without you).

    Even as sweetly as you may say it, your biz is not your baby.  And all that helicopter mommin' you've got going on isn't good for either one of you.

    Today's episode covers the five stages of effective delegation designed to soften those co-dependent edges and help loosen your control freak grip - one measurable step at a time. What's more - we've got the note-taking covered! Just head on over to soulpreneur.co/delegate where you'll find a PDF guide with all this info neatly packaged up for you.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • How to hire for replication, not innovation 
    • Why SOPs are the Google translate for your brain → team 
    • Why anywhere you feel frustration in your biz is an indicator that you don't have a system
    • Why the right person to create your SOPs must hold the expectation that you will either approve, modify, or decline their work
    • How to 'trust intelligently' in order to transfer authority for certain decision-making events
    • How to tell when you're actually ready to completely relinquish control (what most people want, but skip stages of delegation trying to get to)
    • Why an effective growth strategy is all about making smart moves, not solo moves
    • How to ready your business to be an asset worthy of sale (even if you never plan to)



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/077

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 1 – with Steve Corney

    Make More Money + Sales with Your Established Course or Coaching Program, Part 1 – with Steve Corney

    If you want to grow your revenue with an established course or group coaching program – it’s super important to scale your client results.

    Part one of our series is all about shifting the focus from, ‘how can I make more money with less?’ to asking the hard questions about what your program or curriculum really offers  (read: whether or not it actually delivers on what you're promising).

    Because once you’ve landed on the ‘effective dose’ for learner engagement, experience, and outcome delivery - not to mention, the actual transference of knowledge - you're off to the races!

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The super secret squirrel equation Steve uses to scale (spoiler alert: it's more x+y / z = 'shut up and care about your clients' than, like, actual math)
    • Why increasing a dismal client retention rate of 4% (the industry average!) to a respectable 30% will exponentially sky rocket your profit
    • Why the 'fixes' you're employing to keep clients are probably making your client retention problem even worse
    • Why Steve believes stating one's learning preference (eg - 'I'm a visual learner') - holds about as much relevance as stating, 'I'm a coconut' 
    • The worst thing you could possibly do when approaching course creation
    • How video might kill the (course creation) star - aka - the importance of respecting your learner's time by enabling 'quick wins'
    • Why 'adding value" doesn't mean literally adding more when it comes to revamping an underperforming course
    • How a marketer and an educator have vastly different answers to 'How can I improve my course?' 
    • Why you must fall out of love with your courses in order to improve them
    • Why reminder sequences are the unsung heroes of retention (and the amazing apps we recommend using to create them!)
    • How to fill your clients' 'enough bucket' once you realize that it's SO much smaller than yours
    • Why Vanilla Ice is the ultimate client retention expert we're all overlooking



    • Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel with Steve Corney Part 1
    •  Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel Part 2 
    • Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    •  Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    •  Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience


    • Click here to join Adriane’s $7 Marketing Strategy Membership

    Identifying Who Your First (or Next) Hire Should Be

    Identifying Who Your First (or Next) Hire Should Be

    Are you ready to take the leap on your first – or next – team member? Hold up! A question I often get asked is around who the next best hire is, and most people who have never heard me speak about this are surprised by my answer.

    In this quickie episode, let's dive into what I'd recommend you look for when you go to hire – especially if you don't want spend more time making decisions with this person than it would've taken you to just keep the tasks for yourself ;)

    Quick overview of what we cover: 

    • Why I disagree with the way a lot of business coaches recommend hiring
    • The VA debate: should you bring on a low cost assistant to alleviate some basic tasks once you can afford it?
    • Why innovation vs replication makes allllll the difference when you hire
    • How to decide if you want to bring on a team member who will make you money vs one who will make your life easier
    • The power of intuition and discernment when you hire



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/075

    Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience with Steve Corney

    Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience with Steve Corney

    If you've been fed a bunch of lies about course creation that go something like this - 'Oh! It's easy! Spin up a group coaching program, charge $5k a person, and then just show up once a week from the Bahamas and drink mojitos!' - and you're wondering why it's not exactly going that way for YOU...


    With love in our hearts, we say this: if your clients/students/learners aren't achieving the outcomes you've promised them, you're probably not caring enough about their experience with your curriculum. 

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • Your audience is definitely paying attention to more of what you're doing (and not doing) than you think
    • Humans are natural thrift seekers - you'll lose their respect if don't address incongruities between what you offer + what you deliver
    • Why "I'm looking for X amount of people this month" is total BS and everyone knows it
    • Why you'll never go wrong operating from this motto - deliver on outcomes promised, not to the FEW but to the MANY
    • When your people aren't succeeding, is it better to tweak your curriculum or your promise?
    • Why the lack of curriculum mapping is one of the fundamental flaws of the course creation industry
    • Why your offer is never going to sell (no matter how sexy your marketing is) if you can't get your promise of value right
    • What people are really paying you for as an expert may not always be what they want to hear + do 
    • Anticipating needs and obstacles in your curriculum is one of the best ways to nurture your learner's respect (and why taking action on their feedback allows you to keep it close to heart)
    • The quickest way to figure out why your course/curriculum isn't working that costs you ZERO dollars



    • Click here for Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Click here for Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Click here for Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel with Steve Corney Part 1
    • Click here for Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel Part 2 
    • Click here for Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Click here for Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Click here for Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent


    • Click here to join Adriane’s Scalable Foundations Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    • Instagram: @steve_corney
    • LinkedIn: @thisisstevecorney

    Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent with Steve Corney

    Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent with Steve Corney

    One minute you’re chuggin' along, making sales, doing all right, and then – *record scratch* – it's not not going so well anymore. Maybe you’ve noticed plateauing or decreasing sales, or maybe you can’t shake the feeling that how you’re selling is not congruent with your ‘service above all else’ values…and you know what? You’re NOT alone.

    The market has changed. 

    Here’s where the ground is shifting:

    If you want to make a sale, you gotta earn your potential client's respect -  and if you want to make repeat sales, you gotta keep it.

    In this episode, we get into why that’s happening – and why it’s good! – and what to do about it. 

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • Why trust alone is not enough to keep people continually coming back to you
    • The mistake a lot of course creators + coaches make when designing their learning content (spoiler alert: quality and quantity  don't necessarily need to both be present for you to have something good)
    • Why true mastery of a subject lies in your ability to strip something down to its simplest form AND articulate it in a timely manner (+ why it’s essential to your job as an expert)
    • The importance of reducing the time that you sell at people, (AKA - the most uncomfortable thing that you will ever do in a sales process)
    • Why the ‘expert fallacy’ will send your potential clients spiraling long before you’ve ever had a chance to pitch them
    • Why marketing is like dating, and selling is like sex (or more importantly – why no one wants to be hit on by Nickelback)



    • Click here for Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Click here for Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Click here for Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel with Steve Corney Part 1
    • Click here for Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel Part 2 
    • Click here for Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Click here for Episode 70, The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales 
    • Click here for Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience


    • Click here to join Adriane’s Scalable Foundations Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    7 Traits of ‘A Leaders’: Leadership Qualities That Attract and Keep 'A Players'

    7 Traits of ‘A Leaders’: Leadership Qualities That Attract and Keep 'A Players'

    Human-centric leaders share 7 key traits – and they go way beyond the cookie-cutter “keep an open door policy” cliches that a quick Google search will spit out at you. 

    Remember, ‘A Players’ don’t play for ‘B Leaders’ –  this quickie episode is just the framework you need to start leveling up your leadership game. 

    Quick overview of what we cover: 

    • How creating a culture of respect for each team member’s ideas equally circumvents both people pleasing- and imposter syndrome-driven behaviors
    • Why you should expect to lose your best people – and what it says about what you both value
    • Not only is throwing people under the bus way beyond passé – it’s super damaging for humans with feelings (i.e., everyone)
    • How to delegate outcomes rather than tasks (and why that matters)
    • The 4 ways your team members are looking to feel by working with you 
    • Why boundaries are the ultimate kindness 
    • How to avoid ‘hoarding your vision’ (and what  unlocks for your biz when ‘your vision’ becomes ‘our vision’)
    • Why you must check your privilege at the door



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/072

    Passive Income Series Part 3: Designing Your Promo Plan to Sell Passive Revenue Products

    Passive Income Series Part 3: Designing Your Promo Plan to Sell Passive Revenue Products

    We've made it to the final installment of the passive revenue series! This episode digs into what you need to understand about promoting passive revenue products so you can start the process of creating a promo plan. We'll dig into email marketing, paid ads, social media, evergreen content platforms, and partnerships so you can get an idea of what might work best for where you're at.

    If you haven't already listened to Parts 1 or 2... I highly recommend starting with those first (especially Part 1 so you know what you're getting yourself into)!

    Listen to Part 1 HERE
    Listen to Part 2 HERE

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The shady side of buying products from passive revenue coaches (that you should NOT do if you create your own passive products)
    • Why you want to focus your public promo plan on your top of funnel, then build out an internal ecosystem for cross-promotion
    • The importance of understanding your passive product funnel (listen to Part 2 for further reference!)
    • The #1 most important component across your entire passive promotion strategy
    • How to use automation and tagging in your email marketing to create a more effective promo strategy
    • An overview of your paid ads ecosystem across top, middle, and bottom of funnel
    • Why volume and audience building is crucial in your organic promo strategy
    • Whether to use "active" or "evergreen" content platforms and what they each mean
    • How it's easier to borrow influence than create it, and why you should care if you're creating passive products
    • The key indicators of creators or business owners who would be ideal affiliates – and how to approach partnership conversations




    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at

    The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales with Steve Corney

    The Secret Weapons of Generating More Leads and Converting More Sales with Steve Corney

    If you want a better way to understand how you're generating leads and converting sales – so you can do more of both – this is the episode for you. We're going deep into full funnel metrics, from initial lead capture all the way through the sales conversion through ads, control variables, audience understanding, and the art of interpreting data.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • What a  "detonation point" is and why it matters for your funnel
    • Understanding your lurkers, your social butterflies, and your unicorns as you create content
    • Which parts of your sales and marketing you have more control over
    • Knowing how to compare metrics between a cold audience, warm audience, and an ads audience – and how to use that data to scale
    • Why it was a red flag for me to see my conversion rates were really high in my last launch
    • The difference between friction and volume in your marketing and sales and how to identify which you want
    • Why the metrics in your middle of funnel around time to nurture someone before they convert are the real gold
    • Why it's important to develop excellence around sales and marketing tasks 
    • For anyone who might be a bit more woo or is data averse: why I believe data is a subset of mindset and how intuitive data matters too



    • Click here for Episode 45, How Bro Marketers Have Destroyed Digital Learning 
    • Click here for Episode 55, Marketing With Integrity in a Post-Bropocalypse World 
    • Click here for Episode 63, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel with Steve Corney Part 1
    • Click here for Episode 64, The 5 Elements of a Successful Digital Sales Event Funnel Part 2 
    • Click here for Episode 67, The Critical Metrics Most Coaches and Course Creators Aren’t Tracking for Long-Term Success
    • Click here for Episode 73, Trust Isn't Enough to Sell Courses or Group Coaching Programs: Extending Your Lifetime Customer Value Via Respect and Consent
    • Click here for Episode 74, Delivering Outcomes With Mad Respect - How To Improve Your Curriculum and Course Design and Your Learner's Experience


    • Click here to join Adriane’s Scalable Foundations Membership
    • Click here to get on the waitlist for Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
    • Book a call to work with Soulpreneur to grow your business


    Passive Income Series Part 2: Creating Your Blueprint for a Passive Revenue Model

    Passive Income Series Part 2: Creating Your Blueprint for a Passive Revenue Model

    What if you could generate an income stream without having to trade your time? This episode, the second part of of a three part series on passive revenue, dives into a *whole masterclass* on creating a successful passive revenue model that aligns with your unique offering and goals. We'll go into passive revenue creation, exploring the importance of understanding the solution you're offering at all levels, from macro to micro and loads of insights into the strategic building of a passive revenue product suite.

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • Why you want to focus on the end goal so you can reverse engineer your passive funnel
    • The who, what, when where, and how that you should be able to identify when building a passive funnel
    • The different ways to build in low, mid, and high ticket products to maximize profitability in your suite
    • What a detonation point is and why it matters to your passive revenue model
    • How you can make a super simple passive revenue model work
    • The difference between a high ticket, low volume business and a low ticket, high volume business... and how your passive offers can support both
    • How you could build out a more robust offer suite to pad profitability in the middle of your funnel if you wanted a more advanced approach
    • How to approach having a profitable front end passive model by a double dipping strategy
    • Why you want to test *everything* and stay the course




    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/069

    Passive Income Series Part 1: The Most Important Things to Know Before You Start (That No One Tells You)

    Passive Income Series Part 1: The Most Important Things to Know Before You Start (That No One Tells You)

    "Do passive income, they said... it'll be easy they said." Welp. 

    As amazing as passive income CAN be, there is also a lot of stuff no one tells you before you get started. You go into the world of passive products bright eyed and bushy tailed thinking: this is IT, my ticket to cash! ...And it very rarely works out that way. 

    So I've created the Passive Income Series, and in this first part, I'll talk through what you need to know before getting started. I want you to be able to make an informed decision on whether or not pursing passive revenue is right for you right now in this stage of your business. And if after listening to this episode, you decide it IS, then parts two and three will walk you through setting up your passive model and then come up with a promo strategy!

    Quick overview of what we cover:

    • The irony behind passive revenue not actually being passive for quite some time
    • The ONLY thing that will speed up your process of moving into passive revenue (hopefully) more effectively
    • What you need to know about having an audience to sell to both now and later down the road
    • The sneaky way you can bypass having a large audience or using ads if you're willing to put in the legwork
    • The biggest caveat to running low ticket passive products which will destroy your profit margins if you address it
    • Why you absolutely must have a strategic, intentional, and well-planned funnel if you want passive products to work
    • Why passive products are best paired with high ticket offers
    • When the right time to transition into passive products would be if you're currently selling high ticket coaching or services


    • Click here to join the Solopreneur to Scaling CEO no cost 3-day training for service business owners making $50-250k/year USD
    • Click here to join Sustainable Growth Lab
    • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency



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    Loved this episode? If you leave a review or share it with your friends on social, my team will send you a copy of one of our favorite business resources! Take a screenshot and email it over to us at support@soulpreneur.co or DM it to @soulpreneur_co

    This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/068