
    The Second Society Project of the Third Millennium

    Dave Schmitt and Joe Atwill leapfrog from the manipulated events of 2020, the so-called COVID crisis, the riots the Stolen Election of 2020 in the U.S., and utilize biological and historical common sense to encourage the public to regain a healthy awareness of the larger threat. Vigilance is a natural feature of intelligent beings. Rational examination of the policies concerning lockdown, masking and social distancing reveal these things to be disproportionate and deleterious and thus it is not unreasonable to construe malevolent intent on the part of the authorities. Ethnic Europeans have a duty to adopt a justifiable, natural, "vigilant bird" mode of awareness and behavior. It is time for self-defense by ethnic Europeans to defend their civilization, societies and their states. 

    en-us20 Episodes

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    Episodes (20)

    Episode 20: Reproduction for Europeans and Christians--from Theory to Action: A Roundtable Discussion with E. Michael Jones, Brian McCall, Tim Kelly and David Schmitt

    Episode 20: Reproduction for Europeans and Christians--from Theory to Action: A Roundtable Discussion with E. Michael Jones, Brian McCall, Tim Kelly and David Schmitt

    1:42.  “Condom Economics”

    2:58.  A clueless Catholic hierarchy

    8:58.  Tyranny, false order.  

    13:32.  Reproduction, more than numbers: teleology needed.

    15:12.  Kingdom-building attitude.
    16:53.  Family wage.

    24:04.  Generosity.

    26:17.  “One more child that can be ‘reasonably’ expected,”

    27:26.  “Culture of Death.”

    36:04.  No despair: things receding toward the rear

    41:42. The elders and preparing an economy for nfamilies.

    42:10.  Waystation for souls bound for Heaven. 

    43:22.  Transmitter-channel-receiver: preparing receivers. 

    43:31.  Houses of study.

    45:28.  Starting earlier: homeschooling. 

    47:56.  Emergent properties.

    49:50.  Banking and the culture of enterprise.  Brian McCall, The Church and the Usurers: Unprofitable Lending for the Modern Economy (2013), and E. Michael Jones, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and
    (2014), both treated the topic of banking in scholarly fashion.

    54:50.  A crisis of priestly formation.

    55:29.  Malignant obedience.

    56:11.  No Church, no check.

    57:33.  Wresting power from the oligarchs.

    1:00.  Saving ourselves from “having to crawl to Potter.”

    1:01.  Strategic non-compliance.

    1:04.  An enviable position witnessing the end of abject prosperity.  

    1:05.  Kevin MacDonald’s work, Individualism and the Western Liberal Traditio: why is organizing Europeans like herding cats?

    1:06.  Nucleating a new integrative relationship between individualism and interdependence.

    1:06.  A  boisterous devil: the Regime is losing legitimacy.  

    1:09.  What part of voluntary does Mayor de Blasio not understand?

    1:12.  The “cunning of reason.”

    1:13. One’s fit to a culture of origin: a neurocultural continuum.  (D. Schmitt, Medieval Philosophy to the Rescue: A Thomistic Neuroscience & the Mind-Brain Opportunity– Sam Houston State University’s First International Conference on Medieval & Renaissance Thought, 2013, April 4-6, Huntsville, Texas, USA. and discussed frequently by the same in comments at Arktos Journal.)  

    1:14.  All peoples flourish in a relatively homogeneous culture.

    1:15.  Borders briefly mentioned.

    1:17  Emergent properties,again!

    1:24.  Not accepting defeat:renarrating for success.

     1:26.  Pushing the envelope: Dear Australia: The Confluence of Faith and Science in Practical Action (podomatic.com) and Catholic Activism Against the COVID Tyranny (podomatic.com).

     1:27.  The statue of St. Louis: “Perhaps a lesson to be learned.” Also, E. Michael Jones on the Invisible Man (podomatic.com).)  

    1:28.  Contemplation.

    1:33.  Phronesis: the integration of theory and action.




    Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific and courageous author.  See: Culture Wars.


    Professor Brian McCall is a faculty member in the School of Law at The University of Oklahoma.  He is also the editor of Catholic Family News, linked here: Home - Catholic Family News


    Mr. Tim Kelly is the producer of “Our Interesting Times” with a variety of interesting guests, as well as “Powers and Principalities” where he carries on discussions with his dedicated co-host, Joe Atwill.  See: Our Interesting Times (podomatic.com).


    For other podcasts by David Schmitt:  www.podomatic.com/podcasts/deschmitt.  Many episodes from a biologist's perspective on the nucleic-acid, protein-factories that have been foisted upon the world’s populations.  Dr. Schmitt’s doctoral work involved magnetobiology, behavior and the nervous system.  Dr. Schmitt spent three years as a guest researcher at the Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology studying the spinal control of locomotion. 



    Please feel free to contact me directly at, secondsocietypodcast@protonmail.com.



    Since a major point of this particular podcast was decoupling from the controlling and abusive mechanisms of “the system,” please consider contacting me at the email address, secondsocietypodcast@protonmail.com, and make arrangements for donating the old fashioned way.  Thanks! 








    Episode 19: Dear Australia: The Confluence of Faith and Science in Practical Action

    Episode 19: Dear Australia: The Confluence of Faith and Science in Practical Action

    This Episode was recorded July 10, 2021 and posted July 11, 2021.

    The disproportionate and draconian action by policy makers must be addressed.

    Poor journalism and poor public policy: A mere 27 new "cases" Wednesday (severity unknown---or even whether symptomatic) out of a population of 5.4 million in Sydney.

    I am both a scientist and a man of faith.  I speak to my brothers and sisters in Australia, especially Sydney, tonight as both scientist and believer.  I cannot believe that someone such as myself should be giving this exhortation to faith and action.

    I am a student of behavior and the bodily systems that enable meaningful behavior to be exhibited.  I study topics that are grouped under the titles of neuroethology and neurophysiology.  Religious behavior continues with the progression of human history through the present and will continue to its end.  People in all cultures have displayed religiosity---it is a universal across cultures.

    In our time as in all times, being truly religious is what requires courage.

    Religion, L., re-ligare, means to "tie together."
      Think of a ligature where a surgeon used a piece of suture to ligate a wound.  This is what religion does, it "ties all things together," even if there has been a cutting asunder.

    It is indeed true that only in the language of religion and faith can some very complex patterns, having been recognized pre-verbally, be expressed in words leading to understanding.  Only in this way can certain ideas, perceptions, intuitions, emotional experiences, analyses, justified suspicions and fortifying hopes be turned over in one's own mind as well as communicated to others.

    In Australia, today as this is being written, there is a crisis at the confluence of science and religion, at the confluence of rationality and faith.  Both a proper science and a proper religion--not at all that which has been commandeered to camouflage over ill-designed agendas---must be brought to bear on the misery which mankind is currently suffering, particularly beginning in 2019 with the so-called "Great Reset" and the attendant COVID phenomenon with its real and unreal components.

    Religion and science are not opposed, but fit easily together for one who has come--usually through earnest labors and sacrifices--to achieve an integration.  Many have profited from the making of enemies between scientific and religious thinking.

    you have--without discounting physical suffering--what is primarily a spiritual crisis.  You, and the whole world, need a spiritual power to address what is a corruption of our personal and shared spiritual life.

    Australia, you gave up you guns many years ago.  This was, as many of us view it, foolhardy.  Let the consequences of this acquiescence be known to all as a warning regarding the evils and the abuse that predictably followed.  But so be it that God might manifest His authority and might, no matter how weakened a people may be---as long as they turn to Him.

    I address primarily Catholics and Protestants.  You will need to be armed.  But, now, you will need to be armed with the weapons of Faith.  These are more effective than swords and guns!  For Protestants, I recommend your Bibles.  For Catholics, a Bible is certainly the first resort.  To this you can add the Rosary, Crucifixes, Holy water and many sacramentals associated with your devotion to the Angels and the Saints.

    I do not to mean in anyway to discourage others from acting accordingly.  For instance, Jewish peoples might don their yarmulkes and prayer shawls.

    If you are vigorously secular, I leave you to find your objects of, at least, a natural symbolism.  Coming to mind is an image from the Vietnam war era in the United States when there appeared an iconic photograph of a young woman inserting a flower stem into the barrel of the gun of a national guardsman during a protest of some sort.  I am sure this scenario was repeated more than once.

    Now, returning to the Christian audience with whom I am familiar and with whom I competently share substantial understanding---I would suggest that we need a multiplication many fold of our attention to prayer.

    Prayer has, of course, spiritual--that is, immaterial and inexplicably surprising--effects as well as having its natural physically lawful manifestations.

    One can certainly pray for those who are suffering medically and mentally from all of the effects of the COVID phenomenon and the actions of leaders and crafters of events, policies and propaganda.  We certainly pray for those suffering in any direct way from the reputed pathogen, SARS-CoV-2, such as it is.  We pray to for even our tormentors.

    Very importantly, however, we want to pray for, and with, clarity and sufficient knowledge of the true nature of these events so that in practice we may act with efficacy and justice.  It cannot be denied, and the evidence accumulates weekly, that the COVID event has dimensions that were controlled via the Media, government, corporations, churches and a variety of institutions to created distortions in explanation and to induce fear leading to greater manipulability.

    In an early episode of the Second Society Podcast, on January 2, 2021, in a conversation with Joe Atwill and during an episode entitled, "Coronavirus and the Vigilant Bird Concept," I described the reality of predation as a threat to humans.  This threat exists on the natural as well as the supernatural, spiritual planes.  What is needed for a population, in this case the world-wide population of human beings, is the protective role what we will call the vigilant birds.  Learn form the Robins feeding on your lawn in the early morning.  While many birds are absorbed with single sight looking for morsels to eat, at least one bird forgoes immediate benefits in order to keep it's head high in search of predators.

    We must be humble enough to recognize that there are predators and that predators in lofty places possess intelligences far beyond our own.  As the Christian  teacher, Saint Paul, instructs, it is not against flesh and blood that we contend---but rather we battle against powers and principalities in high places.

    What is encouraging for the Christian follower, is that our Lord assures us that, though there is a prince of this world, he has been judges and will--in the end--be cast out.  However long the road, then, we can labor and struggle for the Good, the Kingdom.

    Now is one such time that we need to protect the future of practical affairs so that we and our posterity will be best provided for the salvation of their souls.  Thus, this is a time when the spiritual must take on the appearances of the things of this world.  Like Jesus' followers, we need to eat, we need to be rescued from turbulent seas and we need to heal the sick. ride donkeys and dine in upper rooms.

    We are going to need to take ahold of our physical world and make for our physical needs.  We must reclaim our towns and farms, our economies and institutions, our freedoms and our opportunities to work.

    In places like Sydney, Australia as well as places around the globe where evil masquerades illegitimately as authority, we must reassert our role as adults, as Citizens and as the rightful superiors of the governments which are always only meant to serve the people of the nation where the government was formed.

    Therefore, grab your Bibles and other tools of spiritual warfare.  Take hold of your Rosaries and prayer books, crucifixes, Holy water and sacramentals.  It is time to reclaim the necessary freedoms for health, movement, assembly, political organization, free speech and---most of all: worship.

    We must do this intent upon peace and truth.  We do not fight lies and propaganda with lies and propaganda, but rather with the reliability of spiritual and scientifically-discoverable truth.   

    The Gospel of Saint John begins with a sublime and mystical worship of the Logos--the Word who is God and who is meaning itself and who imbued all of the Universe that He spoke into existence with its semantic foundation and being.  It is in the Logos that we trust to reward our total commitment to the truth.

    Again, referring to St. Paul, we remember that is in Him that we live and move and have our being.  We do not live as subjects to fear. Man was not created for fear, confinement, solitude, inefficacy, separation and unwarranted distrust of neighbors.  Out immune systems have always been reliable--even during epidemics--and are indeed only truly meaningful as part of some degree of confluency of populations.

    Here are, then, my suggestions for our brothers and sisters in Sydney and all of Australia.

    On day one, open your doors and take one step out side armed only with your tools of spiritual warfare.  Do this--everyone--at a designated time, perhaps 5:00 p.m.  Stay outside on your claimed ground for fifteen minutes.  Pray.  Read Scripture, pray your Rosary or recite from sermons or saintly reflections.

    On day two, take two steps out.  Employ your means of spiritual war.  Stay outside for fifteen at five.

    Then on day three do the same.  I suppose that they will arrest some---and will try to arrest more.  Disordered authoritarians will always progress toward unhinged, incoherent actions---so know what you are getting into if you decide to get into it.

    Let the Holy Spirit guide you in peace, but always remember to adhere to your habit of "fifteen at five!"

    Processions in the streets will work very effectively as your numbers grow and the illegitimate lose legitimacy.

    On Sundays, you might kneel outside and read and pray the order of the Mass when you normally would be attending Mass.

    Communicate with each other, encourage each other.  Call each other, share telephone numbers, email addresses and video conferencing contacts.  Form email chains and trees.  Listen and communicate with us out side of Australia.  Help us to join our prayers with yours.

    And for Catholics, remember the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel as I recited it near the end of this podcast.

    Episode 18: Self-Protection and Citizenship: Getting the Most from a Podcast

    Episode 18: Self-Protection and Citizenship: Getting the Most from a Podcast

    Self-Protective Intellectual Skills: How to Listen to a Podcast


    37 minutes, 58 seconds in duration.  Your host: David Schmitt, Ph.D.

    I want to help you become better informed, active and safe post-COVID.  I am trying to improve my podcasting.  Here are some tips on getting more from podcasts.


    Chronological Notes & Amplifications


    0:55     Talk radio to podcasts.

                 Toward conversation,  equal-to-equal.

                 Overcoming the mind-control practices of Main Stream Media

                 CIA Memo 1035-360


    2:30     Pattern recognition.

                The COVID revelation.

                Freedom to hear things that you do not like.

                The deliberate, genocidal poisons.


    5:00     Television did a lot of damage to the minds of the public. 

                A possible antidote to TV.

                Become an active and curious learner.  

                Conversations with masters, professors in the cafeteria.

                Do not be resistive.  Exposure need not lead mechanically to assent.

                Distinguish between learning from indoctrination.


    9:03     Get over the “I hate teachers" neurosis.

                Yes—beware--most professors, today, are co-opted, compromised and corrupted.  

                Anger and pride can inhibit one from learning.


    9:40     Analogy: ideas are like a package of meat brought home from the butcher.

                On one’s own chapping block, inspect the contents, cut it up, discard the undesirables.

                Keep what you want and throw away the rest.  You can even learn from enemies.

                You are in control of what you get out of a podcast.

                To analyze: literally, in Latin, means to cut away.


    11:06   It is the mark of an intelligent and educated person to be able to entertain ideas without    
                succumbing by force into believing them.


    13:55   Employ one’s angry reaction to ideas as mere cockpit warning alarms.
                From flashing lights and buzzers to the collecting of info, problem-solving and cool judgement.


    15:46   Podcasts are great listening:

                Listen while traveling, working in the shop, puttering in the garage, cooking in the kitchen or
                    relaxing in the leather recliner.


    16:34   How to examine ideas.

                Objects & events surrounded by contexts: the analogy of the image of a bear

    19:34   Reality is the flow of inextricably connected events.

                Reject the lie of “perception is reality.”

                Commit to truth.

                Vigilance workers.


    22:49   Abandon the general notion of accidental events and fundamental randomness.

                 The Logos applied to politics, science, the mind-brain problem and as seen in the Gospel of John.


    26:12   Practical things about listening to podcasts, and conversation.

                Terminology becoming complex.

                For the love of dictionaries.  

                (Pssst: try the American Heritage Dictionary, the older the better.)

                The Encyclopedia Britannica, $20 for a set at an old books store.

                Wikipedia, when I trust and when I do not.


    29:57   Words are power.  And I want you to be powerful.  


    31:51   Take notes.


    33:58   The hypnotism of sports and the return of curiosity (and political motivation).

                Engage in the comment box.  

                Be smart about comments.

                Young people attempting to build businesses, careers or to retain employment should seriously                        consider commenting anonymously.

               Discuss, judiciously, interesting ideas.
               Circulate podcasts you deem worthwhile.


    36:47   Use listening to podcasting, or podcasting on your own, as one means of deepening and making                   more effective your role as a citizen: reflective, active, noble, heroic, courageous and saintly.


    37:57   End.  











    Episode 17: The Empty Bookcase Beginning for Building a Library and for Rebuilding a Civilization

    Episode 17: The Empty Bookcase Beginning for Building a Library and for Rebuilding a Civilization

    In this 'Adventures in Civic Renewal Series', your host, David Schmitt, discusses a psychological device for initiating your grand project for building a home or office library. This is especially beneficial for families with children to educate, but it is important for individuals as well. Supporting, or beginning anew, your habit of reading is a work that will bring you great pleasure, will enrich your interior life beyond description, and will empower you as an active and engaged Citizen, an enterpriser and as a conversationalist. For your children, you will be opening for them a universe of wonder and a life of immense, new capabilities. You will be helping them to be resilient in navigating the rough waters of life. Also, very importantly, you can contribute to the archiving of the record of our times--and that of former times--as an intellectual fund for future generations. In short, we need to store up instructive history as well as how-to information so that we can resist the tyrannical forces that desire to centralize knowledge and information, to deprive the general public of easy access to accurate information, and to--were it possible--to squelch the wisdom of the ages. Like the monks of the Middle Ages, we need to protect and preserve in many, duplicated, distributed, de-centralized instances of our intellectual and artistic treasures. It is these treasures that assists us in our quest to become more fully human, more virtuous, more heroic and more saintly. These treasures enables the continued emergence of our great, European Civilization---building on what was, and bringing into being that which is still come. 

    For an interesting presentation by James Corbett, see, 'The Library of Alexandria is on Fire', here:


    If you would like to contact me, you may do so via email at:


    As an after-thought, regarding the monolithic bookcase image, see:

    Episode 16: A Deadly & Evolutionarily-Maladaptive Vexine: A Dirty Die---A Schmitt & Atwill Review of the Weinstein, Malone & Kirsch DARKHORSE Interview

    Episode 16: A Deadly & Evolutionarily-Maladaptive Vexine: A Dirty Die---A Schmitt & Atwill Review of the Weinstein, Malone & Kirsch DARKHORSE Interview
    Dave Schmitt, Ph.D., a neurobiologist, and Mr. Joe Atwill, a software entrepreneur, discuss the accumulation of empirical evidence that is amassing and vindicating the conclusions that have been presented here, since December 2020, on The Second Society Podcast and arrived at using the 'a priori' rationalist reasoning available to us at the time.

    Dr. Bret Weinstein, a biology professor, formerly of Evergreen College who fought a courageous battle against an early version of “woke” insanity, now has a video broadcast named Darkhorse. He hosts two guests, Dr. Robert Malone and Mr. Steven Kirsch. The Darkhorse interview is three hours and 16 minutes long and is worth every minute.
    Listen here:


    Malone is a physician and virologist responsible for developing the mRNA platform for what is being called a “vaccine.” Kirsch is a software entrepreneur who became a quick student of the vaccine and its effects after learning of the adverse effects suffered by his neighbors.

    All three men examine the disturbing reality of adverse effects associated with, particularly the mRNA pharmaceutical devices that Schmitt calls, alternatively, pseudovaccines or vexines. (It is apparent that we are engaged in a psychological operation (psyop) and that linguistic weapons are being used against those of us who have been trying to raise the alarm against these ill-tested, rushed pharma products. It is fine is we press back a bit.)
    It is clear that Kirsch is doing yeoman’s work in diligently researching the problems with the adverse effects of these pseudovaccines.
    Shared post - We have 1,100 members!! (locals.com)

    Kirsch brings to the table the data that shows the woeful underreporting of adverse reactions to the “vaccines.” Malone seconds this with insider reports from the regulatory watchdogs.

    Consider Event 201 where something that looks essentially and eerily like this very pandemic was table-topped by Johns Hopkins University and a collection of influencers and experts funded by the Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation, and war-gamed in October 2019, immediately before the actual "outbreak."
    Schmitt believes that the SARS-CoV-2 is likely a real virus, whereas Atwill is less convinced. Both agree, however, that the pandemic was--in actuality--a fraudulently-manipulated and exaggerated scam based on misuse of the PCR-DNA amplification procedures, manipulations of policies regarding the reporting of deaths and typical influenza cases, the egregiously abusive actions of some state governors (e.g., Governor Cuomo in New York), and pure sophistry that took advantage of the gullibility and hypochondriasis of the public. In an earlier podcast, listen here,


    Schmitt retells his own experience with a medical laboratory's refusal to inform him--before or after--of the cycle count, Ct, that would be employed in a PCR nucleic-acid amplification procedure. Schmitt was directed to have this laboratory amplification of nucleic acid done by his physician in anticipation of a minor surgical procedure deemed important. Unable to receive a proper reply from an afternoon on the phone, Schmitt was told by the surgeon’s office that if a delay of several weeks until after May 20, 2021 was acceptable, the hospital would no longer require the PCR test at that time. This represents an arbitrary and malfeasant misuse of medical-laboratory procedures and resulted in delay of care.

    The dial-up/dial-down aspect of the Ct figure enables a decision maker or bean counter to come up with a pre-determined result on the PCR (it is not a real) test regarding supposed COVID infection. Where is Kari Mullis when you need him? Look him up and research his opinion on the use--or misuse--of the PCR technique for diagnostic purposes.


    The late Dr. Mullis developed the PCR technique and received the Nobel Prize for the same. He died on August 07, 2019, just weeks before the Event 201 table-top even and subsequent appearance in the news of an outbreak of what would come to be called the Coronavirus “pandemic.”

    Mullis was harshly critical of Dr. Fauci regarding the latter’s overseeing the response to what was came to be a Media-driven, world-wide focus of attention on HIV/AIDS.


    Fauci would certainly have known of the dial-up/dial-down feature of the PCR technique for amplifying the chemical signal of just about any fragment of DNA. Despite Fauci’s early-2020 public statement regarding the problem of excessive Ct values for the PCR procedure associated with “false positive interpretations,” he was the leader of a large operation that relied upon, and condoned, the use of high and unreported Ct values.
    High Ct values were used to inflate the claims that a pandemic state existed. Low Ct values could be handy when a hospital want to sell a procedure.

    It is not imaginable that anyone in medical or scientific leadership who was promoting, implicitly or explicitly, the reckless use of the PCR--as was and is the case--could have been invincibly ignorant.

    Atwill points out, now with accumulating evidence, that those criticizing the remainder in society who were and are rationally and justifiably skeptical need to be told to “follow the science.” The critics of the present are not all merely concerned for their own safety, but for the safety of all. Even more important, these critics of the global vaccination project dreamed of by the oligarchs are concerned for all of humanity, the totality of our species.
    Discussed in the Darkhorse video is an alarming finding that after injection with the mRNA products in question, polyethylene glycol and other lipids used to form the nanoparticulate packaging around the mRNA, accumulates at very high levels in the ovaries and the bone marrow. This presents alarming possibilities for reproductive harm, possibly sterility, fetal deformities and bone marrow-related cancers such as leukemia and lymphomas.

    (Schmitt raises in this podcast an additional concern about a cancer of the plasma cells called multiple myeloma. These cells can come to settle in locations such as the bone. The carcinogenic transformation is thought to occur, according to one hypothesized mechanism, via chronic-antigenic stimulation of both monoclonal and polyclonal proliferation of B cells.)

    Furthermore, Malone indicates that there is an unexpected dissemination of the spike protein in the circulation as Schmitt and Atwill have discussed in recent podcasts as well. Thus, cells in the body may be presenting these aberrant forms of spike proteins as well as releasing them into the circulation, for a very long time---perhaps for a lifetime and representing a state chronic antigenic stimulation as just discussed.

    Certainly, autoimmune disorders are the imaginable, consequence of cells labeling themselves for attack. Moreover, given that 95% of the proteins encoded by the genome are found uniquely in the nervous system, the potential for neurological disorders is great.
    All neurological disorders can be considered to be horrific.

    The biological and medical features of this fake pandemic whipped up to take advantage of, if it exists as Schmitt believes is likely, the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That is, whatever the backstory—an accidental release of a gain-of-function experiment gone awry or a deliberate bioweapon release—biology has become political. It has become political--if not in its very inception, at least in its exploitation--in order to create the possibility of the, so-called, “Great Reset” of world social, institutional and economic power. The readers and listeners are urged to visit the following site for insights into this "plandemic/scamdemic," as it is aptly called:


    Schmitt and Atwill have numerous times discussed the need for the public to break free of the trance of Media manipulated-mind control and an overly submissive attitude toward governmental authorities and their crafting of false realities. During the podcast, mention was made of the 1967 CIA memorandum #1035-360 that promulgated the use of the term, ‘conspiracy theory’, as a term of disparagement to discourage the citizenry from appropriately asking questions:


    As first described in our early podcasts, humankind is potentially facing the presence of a very powerful, predatory force. The only proper response is that of the normal, healthy behavior, called vigilance, as exemplified in flocking animals well-studied by animal behaviorists, or ethologists, and written about by Nobel Laureate, Konrad Lorenz. Thus, any criticism that rational questioning by the public as being indicative of a pejoratively-used phrase “conspiracy theory,” with its subterranean implication and controlling smear of questioning as being prima facie evidence of a psychopathological state, must be met with a firm and sound explanation of the importance of some number of us being like vigilant birds. The vigilant birds provide a critical service to their flock mates as their flock mates blithefully graze for food.
    Kirsch insisted on introducing the notion that there could very well be a “group in a room” who are responsible for more than merely accidental consequences of the “vaccines” released with “Warp Speed.” There is a rational and plausible suggestion that there was foreknowledge leading multiple parts of this COVID event. Bret Weinstein labored hard to place on the table an explanation based upon biological and systems-theory emergent properties that could merely make it appear as though there were malevolent forces at work with nefarious designs. This hypothesis Atwill and Schmitt find unconvincing. Imagine for a moment, the Georgia Guide stones and the implications for intent to depopulate---not an unfamiliar concern of oligarchs throughout history, including contemporary figures.
    Consider the excellent production by James Corbett and Brock West:

    Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020).


    At the end, Dave Schmitt opens up the first half of a two-part concept that needs to be continued with a subsequent podcast. Specifically, Schmitt plans to demonstrate for the listeners the notion that there is a confluence of the concepts of a moral hazard and an evolutionary hazard that is incurred with any significant use of the mRNA technology for the purposes of vaccination, or for putatively-claimed therapeutic, widespread administration of the mRNA product for altering protein function in the population or for modifying human characteristics for transhumanistic goals. This is a dangerous form of selective, evolutionary process deprived of the benefits of natural or sexual selection.

    Again, alteration of nervous systems, mental activity, behavioral responses and the makeup of the psyches of human persons is much more than the stuff of science-fiction books and movies. The possible consequences of these pseudovaccines takes some effort to appreciate.

    As Kari Mullis said in an interview linked above, most people are not really in a position to judge who is a good scientist and who is not. Schmitt would add that this is where they need a connection with vigilant birds who demonstrate tested concern for their people. The easy signs that most people employ for identifying who to respect most often mislead, and do so with disastrous consequences for individuals and, in the is case, for humankind as a whole. Both are worth saving in all of their complexities and simplicities.
    The “choice” that the public is being given—regardless of their capacity for informed consent--is more of a coercion. The public is being told that they need to take a slight gamble with very little risk. But as we are learning, the true risks of hideous debilitations or death are enormous compared to what is typically considered acceptable in regulatory vaccinology.

    Indeed, it is not truly a risk that one is taking. It is more like certain toss with a dirty die.

    Episode 15: Oppressed Student Group Organizes for Action

    Episode 15: Oppressed Student Group Organizes for Action
    Conservative, traditionalist, Right-leaning, Christian, nationalist, Identitarian, European-rights and Republican students as well as groups are being targeted, harassed, vilified, oppressed and even criminally harassed on campuses across America.

    These courageous and energized young people are learning the language and strategies of resistance and are organizing for power. They are making a study of the tactics of their opponents and enemies.

    Moreover, these young people understand--independent of the false narrative of systemic conflict (the imposition of which is being attempted from malevolent, external forces) that building their own lives, individually and cooperatively according to their own interests, is the source of their morally-invincible position and their source strategic of power.

    Contact: deschmitt@protonmail.com

    Episode 14: Patrick Wood and Dave Schmitt Discuss Magnets, Vaccines and Technocracy

    Episode 14: Patrick Wood and Dave Schmitt Discuss Magnets, Vaccines and Technocracy
    Patrick Wood is the author of 'Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order' (2018), 'Globalization and the Crucible of Global Banking' (2018), 'Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I & II' (1979, 2017) and 'Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation' (2014).

    Mr. Wood is also the Editor-in-Chief of an extremely useful website, 'Technocracy News and Trends', that tracks the happenings in the world of creeping enslavement by technocracy. Please see here:

    Mr. Wood organized an activist cell community, Citizens for Free Speech, the details of which can be located here:

    I strongly urge you to please consider joining and--if you are able--monetarily supporting the efforts and initiatives of Patrick Wood. Contact information can, of course, be found at his sites.

    Patrick Wood and Dave Schmitt discuss the latter's finding last Friday, June 4, 2021, that the speculation that the attraction of magnets to the human body is the result of some invasive process associated with the COVID vaccines, such as they are called, could be definitively ruled out. The presence of an injection site for the COVID vaccines is not necessary for the attraction of magnets to locations on the human body.

    Dave Schmitt discusses his hypothesis that a strong magnet, such as a neodynium magnet, most likely creates an orderly arrangement of myoglobin molecules and, thus, the ordering of the magnetic domains of the iron-containing heme groups of this molecule. Myoglobin is abundant in muscles containing many Type I fibers, which are slowly-contracting, long-enduring, oxidative fibers. These muscles, such as the deltoid (shoulder), upper pectoralis major (upper chest), trapezius (neck-shoulder-back), latissimus dorsi (flank to spine), erector spinae group (many muscles of the dorsal surface of the spine) and frontalis (forehead suspending the eyebrows and tissues of the face) are all anti-gravity muscles that can exhibit contractions over the course of even hours, thus the need for the oxygen reservoir of myoglobin molecules. Schmitt was also able to detect significant magnetization of certain flexor muscles of the forearm, particularly flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus and flexor carpi longus. This was not so for other muscles of the arm and only a minimal degree of magnetization on the extensor side of the arm could be detected. Preliminary analysis of the leg for magnetic attraction shows little effect, though some magnetization was found on the medial side above the ankle over flexor digitorum longus. All of the muscles listed are antigravity muscles and most are involved in protracted states of contraction facilitating posture.

    Patrick and Dave discuss the importance of being critical and skeptical as we, as Citizens, analyze the developments of technocracy, monetary matters and historical events. There are so many concerning changes that are occurring regarding genetically-modifying injections, the loss of free speech, tax harvesting and land-grabbing by powerful, globalist forces. These changes threaten freedom and human dignity and identity itself---all requiring attention, study and counter-action, thus leaving little time for distracting fads.

    Dave Schmitt was awarded his doctoral degree for the study of the biomagnetic orientation and navigation in honeybees and the mechanisms giving rise to this novel sensory modality. Dr. Schmitt taught cadaver anatomy, physiology and zoology as well as working as a guest scientist at the Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology 2001-2004.

    You may contact Dave Schmitt at deschmitt@protonmail.com.

    Please consider contributing to the support of this work by forwarding the link to this website. If you would like to contribute financially to this effort of Citizen organizing, education, protection and empowerment, please contact me at the email address above.

    Thank you for helping us to make a difference together.

    Note, please enjoy and contemplate the associated image. Like all imagery found at this second society site, great effort is invested in making these pictures replete with reinforcing information and meaning.


    Episode 13: Ordered Myoglobin in Muscles With Many Type I Fibers May Account for Attraction of Magnets Unrelated to Vaccination

    Episode 13: Ordered Myoglobin in Muscles With Many Type I Fibers May Account for Attraction of Magnets Unrelated to Vaccination
    Many online videos have been made purportedly demonstrating the attraction of magnets to COVID-vaccine injection sites in the deltoid muscles. Dr. Schmitt reports the results of experimentation with a 18 mm in diameter by 2 mm neodynium magnets places at various locations of the body. Over the antigravity, postural muscles, attraction of the magnet was observed, in contrast to non-postural muscles. Schmitt hypothesizes that the magnets induce ordering of myoglobin molecules containing iron in a heme group for each molecule. Kendrew and Perutz shared a Nobel Prize for their work describing the structure of the myoglobin molecule using x-ray crystallography. This was the clue that possibly, under the influence of an external magnetic field, there could be an induced alignment of the magnetic domains of the iron atoms in the heme groups.

    Episode 12: Viral Spike Protein Alone--Apart from Infection with Viral Nucleic Acid--Damages Cells Lining Blood Vessels

    Episode 12: Viral Spike Protein Alone--Apart from Infection with Viral Nucleic Acid--Damages Cells Lining Blood Vessels
    Joe Atwill and Dave Schmitt have a conversation regarding a recent report that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein is, by itself, detrimental to the functioning of cells lining the blood vessels. See, Lei et al., Circ. Res., here:


    In good faith, and based on very legitimate concerns, some opposed to vaccines in general, or nucleic acid vaccinoids have interpreted this paper as indicative of the deadliness of the mRNA so-called vaccines. See here:


    Indeed, Atwill and Schmitt agree that there are multiple grave concerns about the nucleic-acid pharmaceutical platforms that argue against these agents being used to stimulate an immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus---and more than 'used', these agents have been recklessly 'rushed into' what developers hope will be administration to every person on Earth.

    The readers and the listeners should understand that the authors, Lei, et al., of the above cited paper do not make the claim that their results argue against the use of the any type of vaccine to generate protective antibody against the Spike protein (S protein, for short). The authors state: "The conclusion suggests that vaccination generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity but also inhibits S protein-imposed endothelial injury."

    This paper cannot be used as established evidence to demonstrate that S-proteins introduced by the vaccinoids (or pseudovaccines, if you prefer) are the cause of the adverse reactions via the mechanisms described in this paper. It is important to keep separate in our thinking the two types of S proteins that are involved in this discussion.
    There are those S proteins that are present naturally on SARS-CoV-2 viruses (or in some manner on the hollow, laboratory-constructed pseudoviruses) versus the S proteins being artificially expressed as a result of insertion into host cells of mRNA of pharmaceutical origin. The S protein produced (translated) from pharmaceutically-introduced mRNA (or DNA in the case of adenovirus-based vaccinoids), putatively, is being presented on--and bound to--the cell surface. Again, this latter form of S protein is created inside artificially-infected cells and then is displayed on the exterior of those cells, embedded within the cell membrane like decorative beads on a coat. At least that is the simplified claim by the pharmaceutical industry and the powerful forces for which it is working. If this should be the case, this S protein would not be available for binding to ACE2 receptors elsewhere embedded on the membrane of this or any other cells.

    On the other hand, S-protein produced by the mRNA type vaccinoid pharmaceutical (or the DNA adenovirus vaccinoid) could become liberated by some mechanism or cell-destructive process and then subsequently bind to ACE2 receptors studding the surface of cells lining blood vessels with consequential deleterious effects. These are the endothelial vascular cells (EC) referred to in this paper and this surface of the blood vessel is called the luminal surface. This possibility absolutely needs investigation. We need to know if this could be a mechanism that explains at least some of the adverse effects of the nucleic-acid vaccinoids. This process may, or may not, depend upon any incorporation by reverse transcription of information from the injected mRNA into DNA and retrotransposons---a general process that we know occurs in other circumstances. This is a separate, additional and very real concern---if not likelihood.

    There are research methods that would permit the labeling and, thereby, the identification of the source of S protein from a virus (or pseudovirus) versus the S protein translated from a nucleic acid vaccinoid. Finding, identifying and distinguishing these in deep tissues of the brain, heart or kidneys versus merely at the injection site would be extremely significant.

    The public is facing an enormous challenge of obtaining good information. Information can, en route via a channel, carrier or medium from a sender (and his transmitter) to an observer (via the receiver), be partially or wholly corrupted. This can happen as the result of random, physical noise degrading the signal. A bad telephone connection is an example of this type of degradation of message. Distortion of the message can also result from innocent, human error. This would be a case of misinformation. A generalized example of this occurs in the children's game of 'Telephone' where an original message is modified, often with humorous outcome, as one individual passes a tale along a chain--the channel in this case--of intermediaries in gossip-like fashion. And, lastly, a decrease in the fidelity of a message as it travels along a channel can occur when a malicious message is substituted or added to the original message. This defines a case of deliberate dysinformation. Propaganda, psyops (psychological operations), fraud, lying and neurolinguistic programming coming from sources of controlled opposition (President Biden and Tucker Carlson, both) are exemplary of this type of malevolent messaging.

    For a summary diagram of the Shannon-Weaver scheme, see the image associated with the banner heading of this specific podcast.

    The serious, philosophical discipline of attempting to describe means of knowing how we know something is called epistemology. This involves scientific tools for assigning degrees of certainty to observed or measured objects and events. Forensic analysis, logic, critical thinking and the application of philosophical and historical experience adds to the building of more reliable, contextualized understandings of any matter in question. All of these things have been placed at risk within this current regime of conglomerated power throughout every institution of society. This is why Atwill and Schmitt insist upon our developing a mature understanding of the Fascistic bundling and capture of all of what would be—and should be--reliable channels of information, knowledge and wisdom. Thus, the Central Dogma of Biology, the usual flow of the defining information of who we are biologically as individual organisms, must be seen in a broader sense of what we call here, at the Second Society Project, as the Central Dogma of Civilization. This dogma involves the fundamental core of information not only about biology, but of religion, history, politics, law, science, medicine, technology and the arts. It also involves the channels of communicating that information via the relevant messengers out to the fora of human activity in homes, churches, classrooms, laboratories, factory floors, hospitals, courtrooms and the marketplace.

    Mankind must take repossession of the communication scheme that is describable as the Central Dogma of Civilization away from the Oligarchs and their secret operations and inner societies and retain it for itself.

    In order to do this, we must use the best critical, investigative, analytic, argumentative and conversational methods available. We need to encourage young individuals to enter the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, medicine, law and the arts. We need to conquer new territories within these specialties as parts of the grand end of maintaining Civilization and incorporating innovations, not by means of disruption as is currently popularized, but by means of integration of the legitimately novel with the traditional. In this manner, we can secure our future and our flourishing.

    Episode 11: A Colossal Government Syringe to Subdue the Colossal European Male

    Episode 11: A Colossal Government Syringe to Subdue the Colossal European Male
    Joe Atwill joins Dave Schmitt to continue the urgent conversation regarding the Fascistic oppression of Americans and White Europeans worldwide. Over the last several days in the United States, we have seen the tyrannical placing of Right-leaning commentator, Nick Fuentes, on a no-fly list to prevent him from speaking in Florida at a conference devoted to the alarming problem of Tech Tyranny. This is criminal. It is a blatant political crime the likes of which is unprecedented in America. It is more of the audacity of anti-hope. The current government in Washington is out of control and represents a dire threat to the the Constitution and to the welfare and safety of the American People.

    In another incident, beginning Friday, May 1st through the 2nd, 2021, an online conference called the 'Truth Over Fear Summit' was shut down by the hosting platform, Kartra. We are now seeing on an escalating scale the hostile oppression of legitimate, peaceful, scientifically-reasonable discussion by serious and credible speakers. This is outrageous and represents the usurpation of the Constitutional rights of Americans in the current digital landscape by unrestrained and irresponsible public-private partnerships. Their actions have resulted in the violence of economic lockdown and even mortally-detrimental health and social consequences. The truth, in fact, is that the technology industry only exists because of the tax dollars of the American people. These, in this very real sense, ARE OUR companies.

    Nucleic-acid pharmaceutical platforms are presently being introduced as "vaccines" in order to achieve goals of acceptance and adoption by a duped public--weakened by decades by the familiar agents of psychological and social destruction--for what already is recognizable as a nefarious plan for ongoing genetic molestation. Even though this harmful pseudo-vaccine injection; the associated, Draconian lockdown; and the Nazi/Stasi-like surveillance policies are being perpetrated across the globe, the immediate target at present is the White European and his Christian societies and cultures globally. The European--especially in the presently-dominant, albeit waning, United States--must be toppled according to the designs of the the oligarchs in order to efficiently bring about the final subjugation, genetic degradation, and genocidal depopulation of ALL the peoples of the planet.

    The European family, and instrumentally the European male in particular, has long been a target of a malevolent force taking on a variety of fronts. The European male is the sentry of humanity despite whatever his failings have been throughout history---failings common to all peoples in this regard.

    Europeans must take a hard look at their peculiar, psychological propensities that have made them vulnerable and gravely impotent in the effort to resist their destruction. The plan for undermining the ethnic identity and powers of self-preservation, particularly of the Christian European, were clearly outlined in the book, 'The Authoritarian Personality', by Theodor Adorno et al.

    Institutions, like the University of Notre Dame, were sacrificed up to Rockefeller machinations by its former president, the late Fr. Hesburgh (ironically, another 'Theodore', "God given," in mocking happenstance). Those machinations purchased for Hesburgh a seat on the board of the Chase-Manhattan Bank, cash for "development" at America's most influential Catholic university, and lots of personal prestige for he himself and all those Catholics suffering from an Americanism-induced inferiority complex--all for the "low, low price" of sacrificing the reproductive potential of millions of young Catholics, as well as all Americans and all human beings, in general. Fr. Hesburgh committed a sexual crime of anti-natalism on a scale that was enormous and grotesque. The potential consequences are frightful: the Eternal Oven burns hot.

    It is time for European Americans to wake up to the real and urgent danger that we are in at the hands of oligarchs employing the divide-and-conquer strategy. For non-Europeans, it is important for you to realize that you have no friend in these globalist mad men, the "Garks." Remember, "first---they came for the European male..." These people of the Powers and Principalities do not give a damn about your "diversity." The Giants of the Lie are merely using that bogus, pseudo-ecological trope as a battering ram against the European strong man first, the one they view as their must-defeat competitor. You're next.

    And for the European men and women, it is time to become more and more aware. It is time to undo the harm that the likes of Fr. Hesburgh and his paymasters did: encourage your children to marry---careers are secondary. Big families count. Prepare them early so they may wed well and leave psychologically healthy children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. And support the activities, people and organizations that will effectively fight back against this most heinous and murderous tyranny. And for the real love of God, do not submit to genetically manipulating pharmaceutical platforms masquerading as vaccines.

    Episode 10: Timothy Kelly & Dave Schmitt: A COVID World Without Catholicism

    Episode 10: Timothy Kelly & Dave Schmitt: A COVID World Without Catholicism
    Tim Kelly is the host of a profoundly popular and worthwhile podcast suite: "Our Interesting Times " and "Powers and Principalities." Several hundred podcasts available. This will get you started:


    Here, Tim and I discuss the woeful state of the world in which we find ourselves amidst this manufactured crisis of COVID--and dangerous and immoral vaccines--and the liberation that comes with knowing the realities of the world in which we live.

    Schmitt and Kelly converse about the role that corruption of the Catholic Church has played in bringing us to this miserable condition of Church and state. We discuss first-time items of information regarding the capture of the University of Notre Dame by the Rockefeller forces of contraceptive seduction; Schmitt's early 80's thesis of "Condom Economics;" the neutering of Catholic males; malicious Jewish meddling in Catholic life and philosophy; the Pollards and Notre Dame; Father-Pill Carl Djerassi, Gloria Steinem, abortion coaching and sex-toys at Notre Dame-Belmont women's college; the anti-intellectual, anti-academic suppression of E. Michael Jones; Catholic complicity in the crimes and sins of immigration; and much more. Dave and Tim offer beginning, practical tips for emerging from the nonsense of the day and the dispossession of the traditional, European American from his nation and land.

    If you would like to reach me, Dave Schmitt, you may email me at: secondsocietypodcast@protonmail.com. I can forward questions for Tim Kelly to him.

    Please consider supporting the work of either or both of us and share these works with your friends, family, fellow parishioners and congregants---as well as your pastors, bishops and politicians. Most of all, invite young men and women to listen to our labors of commitment, service, dedication and Citizenship.

    Photo: Admiral Cristobal Colon

    Episode 9: Professor McCall & Dr. Schmitt - The Added Dilemma of Self-mutilation and the mRNA Pseudo-vaccines

    Episode 9: Professor McCall & Dr. Schmitt - The Added Dilemma of Self-mutilation and the mRNA Pseudo-vaccines
    This is a recording of an interview between Professor Brian McCall of Catholic Family News and Dr. David Schmitt on December 30, 2020.

    At the time of the recording, the Moderna- and Pfizer-brand "vaccines," such as they are called, were newly available. Some Catholic bishops warned their flocks not to take these injections because of their being "tainted" by the involvement of materials or processes derived from the abortion of human fetuses. Regrettably, the principal organization of American bishops and bishops elsewhere, along with the two living popes, recommended taking these claimed vaccines without fear of ethical complications. We submit that these recommendations were gravely in error and that the arguments that purportedly mitigate culpability are inadequate. On this matter Bishop Athanasius Schneider has spoken extensively and the reader is advised to seek out easily available resources where he and others explain his position.

    Dr. Schmitt and Professor McCall discuss another complicating, moral dilemma. That is, deliberate manipulation of the human genetic library is a form of self-mutilation that could not be more profoundly contrary to Nature and God's Law.

    For reference, see The Catechism of the Catholic Church, PART THREE, LIFE IN CHRIST, SECTION 2, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, CHAPTER TWO, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOR NEIGHBORS AS YOURSELF, " ARTICLE 5, THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT, Respect for bodily integrity, 2297: "Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law."

    As we are now seeing, these nucleic acid pharmaceutical agents are being developed not merely with some vaccine-like properties (though that is arguable) but also as platforms with unlimited potential to serve as platforms for redesigning the human being--not through God's means--but rather by the will of Man without considering divine ends. This act of usurpation of biological identity and function is accomplished by the commandeering of the production of proteins for purposes other than therapeutic correction of disorders. An Aristotelian and Thomistic perspective provides the necessary clarity for countering these violations.

    Disturbingly, the alteration of the genetic library of cells, the DNA, can already be accomplished towards nefarious ends such as immoral control of one's reproductive and sexual capacities, bioweaponry, demographic targeting (as for example the elderly), and for modification of personality, the faculties enabling the expression of the virtues and even the diminution of the fullness of, or the destruction of, personhood.

    The concern is raised in this conversation between Professor McCall and Dr. Schmitt that Catholics and others rightly concerned about the relationship of some products to abortion may be being maneuvered to accept putatively "abortion-free" products for the purpose of habituating the public into acceptance of the genetic modification of human beings through these platforms [the following specification added in post-production] and others, such as the CRISPR technique.

    If you have questions, you may contact Dr. Schmitt at


    and Professor McCall through the Catholic Family News website, where he is the editor,


    The original recording was presented at CFN under the title, "More Ethical Dilemmas for the COVID Vaccines: Interview with Dr. David Schmitt."

    Episode 8: Mass Arrests, The PCR Scam, COVID Bribery, Foreknowledge Concerning the COVID Shutdown and Malignant Obedience

    Episode 8: Mass Arrests, The PCR Scam, COVID Bribery, Foreknowledge Concerning the COVID Shutdown and Malignant Obedience
    In this episode, David Schmitt discusses with his guest in conversation matters that should be critical for all of the listeners. There was a detaining and threatened arrest during a Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas. See: Pregnant Mother Threatened to be Arrested during Mass: interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall, March 27, 2021, located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOfFd_BBAn4
    Dave and Joe discuss multiple evidences of institutional knowledge of the duration of the COVID plandemic and that it would end after May 20, 2021. This was known at least as far back as October 2020. The situation regarding COVID restrictions being "mandated" in Catholic churches are bizarre given the often lack of the same by civil authorities. David Schmitt shines light on the vice and sin of "malignant obedience." Further, Dave explains the right and the duty--graded in proportion to the seriousness of the situation--to express dissent. He also distinguishes between dissent and behavioral rebellion. Unlawful behavior, destruction of property and violence are expressly not advocated. Expressing intellectual dissent in a non-disruptive manner is not synonymous with such things. Becoming self-informed, studying deeply for some, conversing and organizing for all, speaking up and taking lawful actions are important duties of the Citizen, especially now and in this crisis. Please see earlier podcasts at this site:
    "Catholic Activism Against the COVID Tyranny," https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/deschmitt/episodes/2021-02-22T19_03_00-08_00
    "People, Cells and Lattices, A Reset of Our Own," https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/deschmitt/episodes/2021-01-16T18_45_12-08_00
    "Our Tools Against the War on Our Common Immunity, citizenship and Personhood," https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/deschmitt/episodes/2021-03-22T09_16_37-07_00
    See an interview of Dr. Schmitt by Professor Brian McCall on Catholic Family News, December 30, 2020, https://youtu.be/5l3PDHq5ZFg

    You may contact David Schmitt at deschmitt@protonmail.com

    Episode 7: Our Tools Against the War On Our Common Immunity, Citizenship and Personhood

    Episode 7: Our Tools Against the War On Our Common Immunity, Citizenship and Personhood
    In this podcast Joe Atwill and Dave Schmitt discuss:
    (1) Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's concerns regarding 'viral escape' and and what he identifies as the mistaken policy of mass vaccination with the prophylactic vaccines that are currently available. Joe and Dave discuss what must be considered as our ecological immune system and the importance of a large proportion of young people. The conversationalists return to the real concern regarding nucleic acid-altering pharmaceutical products: beyond vaccination, these are intended as a platform for producing genetically modified, transhumans. (2) A Canadian statistical agency reports that the deaths resulting from the lockdown are exceeding those due to the putative SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. The damaging effects of poor public policy based on epidemiological modeling and constant data fiddling rather than on good, basic, medical investigation. The interruption, delay and denial of screening and care has had devastating effects on public health as well as social, economic and political health. (3) A personal report on informational concealment by the PCR laboratories, the feature of dial-up and dial-down PCR-Ct numbers to promote either pandemic fear-porn or to facilitate the sale of medical, procedural products---as needed. (4) Propagandistic tricks and defeating them by learning how to re-interpret the meaning of objects based upon newly-developed contextual information: a critical skill of citizenship and a call to end one's participation in their own self-deception and mental enslavement. (5) A positive and instructional story about a group of university students advancing against the Leftist-Globalist war on young Europeans, their civilization and their future---and our need to support these young people in universities and outside universities. They are the new heroes as they rebuild societies, have families, start businesses, recreate educational systems and construct new institutions amidst the corruption.

    Episode 6: Dubious Claims Regarding the Johnson & Johnson Pseudovaccine

    Episode 6: Dubious Claims Regarding the Johnson & Johnson Pseudovaccine
    Joe Atwill and David Schmitt Review the Memorandum for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an UNAPPROVED [emphasis ours] Product Review Submitted by Janssen Biotech, Inc.(a J&J subsidiary), Application No. 27205. This application for an EUA is for the Janssen COVID-19 "vaccine" [such as it is called by its proponents] (Ad26.COV2.s).

    Many important points are brought out. A point that is of huge importance was Joe Atwill's observation and analysis regarding the occurrence of all seven deaths within a placebo (control) group of 3290 individuals (compared to zero deaths in 3286 for the Ad26.COV.s-treatment group). All 3286 + 3290 individuals in this cohort within the whole study were from South Africa. Six of the seven deaths involved obesity as a co-morbidity. Actually, there was one death in the vaccine group, but the death occurred at day ten after vaccination, thus placing it just outside of the technologist's window to be considered as having been due to the treatment.

    Based on these data, the sponsor of this study, Janssen Biotech, Inc., makes the statement (see p. 34, "COVID-related deaths"): "These results suggest that the vaccine is efficacious against mortality associated with COVID-19.

    A finer examination reveals this to be--even in its use of the tentative word, 'suggest', an unfounded claim.

    In South Africa, according to World-o-meter on March 14, 2021, there was an all-cause death rate of 858 deaths per million of population in South Africa. The study period appears to last from one month to roughly two months. Thus, considering a 30- to 60-day range, the per-person expectation (odds) of dying in the placebo group--without knowing any other predictive information---falls within a likely range of from one part in 7,000 to one part in 14,000.

    Now, for a reminder of odds making probability. If you rolled one gambling die with six sides and asked what the chances were of it turning up one snake eye, the answer would be 1 chance in six, or 1/6. If you rolled the die 3600 times, you could expect to come up with snake eyes 600 times. Those are not bad odds.

    Now, imagine a large die with 14,000 sides instead of six. This die has built into it the duration of the study of one month and the death rate of the South African population at large. Imagine, further, that one and only one side is marked with a snake eye indicating the occurrence of the event of one "death." If you asked what would be the expectation of rolling this one die with 14,000 sides, and having it come up on one specific side indicating a death, it would be one part in 14,000. To ask the likelihood of rolling such a die 3290 times and having it come up indicating at least one death, it would be 3290/14,000 or one trial of 3290 individuals in 4.25 trials of 3290 individuals. This represents a likelihood of 0.235. To put it more explicitly, one would have to run trials of 3290 individuals 4.25 times just to--on average--encounter one death!

    Now, let's ask how likely it would be to produce seven deaths in a placebo group of 3290 individual "rolls of the die" using this 14,000-sided die. Multiplying our odds of 0.235 times itself seven times produces a likelihood of this event of 0.0000395, which is equivalent to one chance in 25,265 attempts at sets of rolls of 3290 dice!. Those are not good betting odds---and it is a lot of rolling of a very large die.

    If we assume a two-month study period, which should "catch" more deaths in the placebo group, that would improve the expectation of getting seven deaths in each set of 3290 rolls to one chance in 12,632 rolls. I do not see anyone at the gambling table ponying up to bet on that with a large amount of cash. I think if you do, and you win, mean men take you out back and convince you to never return to the casino.

    Table 19 on p. 35 breaks down the state of comorbidities of al seven deaths. Specifically, this includes obesity in six of seven cases, with asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure variously overlapping in these seven cases. There is evidence, then, that a more extensive analysis involving weighted risks and a Bayesian analysis could sharpen the expectation and thereby increase the expectation of encountering seven deaths in the placebo group. This was not described in this document and the argument remains that these numbers of deaths are very unlikely.

    Remember, these individuals in the placebo group should have not 'a priori' factor that predisposes their group to die, compared to the "vaccine"-treated group, other than what the sponsors of the study would likely argue to be the vulnerability presented by not having the vaccine. However, this level of vaccine efficacy is not suggested by data in the rest of the study with regards to the occurrence of what were considered to be symptoms considered by "test" or adjudication to be COVID.

    But are the sponsors claiming that a link exists between a vaccine's capacity to counter disease are also efficacious in preventing death, presumably due to the same disease? Yes, but with some backtracking, on page 60, "Vaccine effectiveness against mortality," the sponsor states: "A larger number of individuals at high risk of COVID-19 and higher attack rates would be needed to confirm efficacy of the vaccine against mortality. However, non-COVID vaccines (e.g., influenza) that are efficacious against disease have also been shown to prevent disease-associated death. Benefits in preventing death should be evaluated in large observational studies following authorization."

    The fact that obesity appears to be a strong signal associated with death in victims aged 49, 52, 54, 60, 63 and 68 suggests that if there is any story about a presumptive disease called COVID, that it is a story of age and obesity. Thus, the argument for other politically-exploited aspects of this non-pandemic collapse. There are means of improving the outcomes for such an at-risk population regarding contracting and surviving such an essentially respiratory illness.

    Furthermore, the benefits of the J&J product in reducing symptoms and conditions presumed to be related to COVID (note the term, "adjudicated" as a substitute for 'diagnosis') involves reductions of "cumulative incidence" from roughly 2% to 1%. Using Bayesian calculation--which is entirely appropriate--one can magnify measures of efficacy. That is, when a disease occurs only in small numbers, as is true for COVID, what is the measured likelihood that some treatment affects the chances of truly being ill when some process which is largely bureaucratic rather than clinically diagnostic suggests that one is ill. The component that remains in these studies that makes a claim to laboratory diagnosis relies upon the PCR method which has been repeatedly undermined as a reliable means of determining if a patient is COVID positive. The PCR method has a generalizable dial that allows it to be adjusted to varying levels of sensitivity versus specificity. The data has not been reported regarding these aspects of the study.

    We would humbly argue that if anything, "[b]enefits in preventing disease-associated death," should be evaluated in animal studies BEFORE authorization is granted.

    More seriously, long-term risks to the individual have not been evaluated by medical experts. These are not trivial and are far beyond our expertise. What is not beyond the expertise of general biologists and well-educated, general technologists are the potential species-wide, evolutionary harm that could--indeed most likely will--come from these and expanded applications of these technologies. It is folly and malfeasance to even suggest widespread, let alone, universal vaccination using even traditionally-defined vaccines. This dire condition is manifold true to indeterminable degrees for technologies that only incidentally involve properties of vaccines, but will as promised by industry officials will also be applied to other physiological processes, especially protein-receptor structure and especially receptor function in the nervous system. The affects on behavior, mood, cognition and spiritual characteristics and safety of human beings are gravely at risk.

    Episode 5: Catholic Activism Against the COVID Tyranny

    Episode 5: Catholic Activism Against the COVID Tyranny
    The people of the world are facing a crisis of exaggerated, utterly-disproportionate and inappropriate response to a dubious or presumed novel virus. Joe Atwill and Dave Schmitt discuss a unique opportunity that Catholics have for petitioning divine (and, of course, therefore miraculous) and naturally understandable intervention by peacefully raising an ever-increasing common voice against the oligarchic actions that are shutting down societies, crippling and capturing economies and--ironically--destroying our healthcare systems and sound medical and scientific discernment. A major aspect of Catholic theology is an appreciation for the role of the Blessed Mother whereby, in her womb, the material (enfleshed) and non-material (the spiritual) realities met in the Mystery of the Incarnation. In this COVID and RESET crisis, the question of coming genetic modification of humans under the guise of supposedly "necessary" vaccines and the One-World commandeering of our freedom to receive and transmit information, knowledge and wisdom, all involve sub-thematic types, complications and--as not unexpected in the Cosmic spiritual battle--a technotyrannical war on the Incarnation of Christ and the flourishing of human souls amidst the trials of this world and their salvation for the next. The discussants urge the listeners to find religious and civic means to express their voice. Thinking with rigor, as well as effectively speaking with active prudence and dignity, can not be reproached in a healthy society. Individuals need to act with courage in the face of social ostracism, political punishment, or even the risk of disease. Dave and Joe are urging, particularly Catholics, to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to form many and varied Rosary and Marian devotions and processions to combat human suffering, Sars-CoV-2 should it have any existence, and most of all the evils that are being incrementally enacted to advance anti-human and anti-Christian agendas.

    People, Cells and Human Lattices: A RESET of Our Own

    People, Cells and Human Lattices: A RESET of Our Own
    Powerful forces are aligning against the righteous ordering of nations, societies and Civilization. That set of forces will be referred to here as "The Medium," or simply the "Medium." which is the collection of governments, corporations, banks, academia, journalism, the arts and industries---all increasingly empowered by a consolidation of controlling electronic and biological systems. The proper fulfillment of human beings is achieved with proper expressions and protection of the individual integrated in cooperation with others, individually and in institutions. That the aforementioned forces appear malevolent and maleficent, is a cogent and morally-persuasive perception. One item of evidence is the restrictive and manipulative bundling and control of all modes of information and communication. Thus, there is an epistemological and prudential war of information, knowledge and wisdom. Against this, the individuals and proper institutions of society must secure both voice and power. It is the fundamental right and duty of Citizens to obtain the best possible information as is meaningful and just towards their freedom and capacities for peaceful existence and future development. In order to secure the Goods of human existence and the freedoms to excel in virtuosities and--more importantly--virtues, Citizens must organize as is fitting their natural powers of cooperativity. As individuals dedicated to becoming better human being, the members of society need to organize horizontally. Here, a model is presented for achieving this organization. A fundamental unit, the social cell, typically, is a cell of five to eight individuals. This fosters expression of ideas and the satisfaction of needs. Each individual, recognized as possessing differences in proclivities, talents and personality, is encouraged to act in a divalent fashion and join with at least one other outside group. Thus, each group of a half-dozen individuals might be crosslinked four or five other cell groups, which in turn are interlinked with yet other groups. The organization is lateral--or horizontal--and rather egalitarian, though individuals should certainly be respected for their various, unique and hierarchically ordered talents. There is no need, in fact it would not be desirable, for these cells to become conformed into a growing bureaucratic hierarchy. In fact, by virtue of the lateral ambitions of cells formed into a latticework of similar cells, this interconnection of multidimensionally interlinked groups is resistant to the effects of infiltration, capture of the leadership, and decapitation of its intellectual talent. Put another way, it is resistant to both predation and parasitism, or to all manner of espionage, corruption and conquest. This coordination of cells will be referred to here as a societal lattice. The formation of a societal latticework is not in any way to be confused with the coercive, top-down structure of socialism or communism---systems designed for theft by the tax-collector’s gun. The societal lattice is not proposed as an economic system. The societal lattice can function in a variety of political systems and does not prefer or dictate one over the other as long as the needs of human freedom and responsibility are protected. The coordination of societal cells into a lattice produces a dynamic system of forming and reforming bridges. Amoeba-like, it can move, avoid adversity, pursue good goals and engulf things hostile to the healthy body of society. No single place on the lattice can be decisively attacked to the detriment of the whole any more than a sword can defeat an onrushing ocean wave. Presently, for example, arguably-draconian controls are being enacted with regard to the putative COVID "pandemic." The case can be made that rushing to vaccinate every human being with a radically new and untested nucleic acid vaccine (such as it is)--and to employ extreme and unjust punishments and discriminatory restrictions for failure to comply--represents medical, scientific, technological and politico-legal malfeasance and criminality. What is more, without fear of exaggeration, this and future vaccines can be imagined to represent a true threat of biologically-based enslavement and debasement of the human person. Integrated into a latticework of society with mediating cells, a Citizenry—and even an international community—can form an invincible civilizational structure of truth-seeking, self-protection and resistance to enslavement by a global elite. Individuals, atomized and alone, face the browbeating of a corrupted Medium of information and entertainment in all of its arms of distortion and enforcement. Regrettably, the entertainment arts, along with manipulative journalism and an intellectually-abusive academy, are the primary modes of forming the emotive sentiments and underdeveloped habits of reasoning of the general public. The formation of a latticework of human cells and groups, connected with properly firewalled gateways to human institutions secured against those that have been captured, can promote a rejuvenated culture of intellectual and political edification while providing alternative means of sharing information, knowledge and wisdom. Every man and woman possess an intellectual and political potency, powers that require life-long development and inclinations and aspirationswhich are unique to each individual. The shared and communicated experiences made available by a latticework of social organization, characterized by virtuous intent and peaceful goals, is unburdened by the unusual need for secrecy. Nonetheless, the channels of communication within the social lattice provides a non-electronic means of spreading information and meaning that is not easily surveilled, injected with the poisons of deceptive warfare, or obstructed by those seeking the unjust accumulation of power. Soon, it is hoped that an alternative system of forensic analysis will be made available which cells may adopt as instruments for the examination of philosophical ideas, proposals, claims, evidence and events. In this podcast, Joe Atwill and David Schmitt further advance the topic of the Second Society Project, the goal of which is to create a parallel society, not for the purpose of usurping the authority of any present government, but to maintain the competencies and skills of a people that have been marginalized by the currently abusive governmental and corporate system from engaging as should be their right and duty in institutional roles. Philosophers, lawyers, physicians, scientists, technologists have before them pressing questions that need to be examined in freer detail than is possible in the Medium that presently reigns. Lawyers should be well familiar with the concept of Moot Court. Though without the force of law, systems of mock trials can create intellectual and political pressure on general society to demand higher standards and modes of behavior from the recognized legal courts. A similar concept of parallel, moot, intellectual and institutional activities can be maintained with significant vigor as is the duty of all Citizens and is conducive for the Common Good.

    Contact email: secondsocietypodcast@protonmail.com

    Episode 3: Ascending from Washington - A New Nation

    Episode 3: Ascending from Washington - A New Nation
    This is a short encouragement for those assembling in Washington, D.C., January 5-6, 2021 to urge the government of the United States to recognize the fraudulent nature of Senator Joe Biden's claim to the Presidency and to respond and, in turn to certify the landslide, true election of President Trump as President. We will, henceforth control the narrative of current events in this nation. We will destroy the lie-creating machinery of whatever governmental-Media cabal has seized control of our country. Citizen Patriots are encouraged to network by collecting contact information like names and emails from your new friends. Purchase an 88-cent school composition notebook to write contact information in. We must build a MESHWORK of FLOURISHING and POWER. We must them maintain contact and build resilient person-to-person connections as well as coordinate coalitions and organizations. We must respect VIGILANCE. It is time to turn analysis into ACTION building essentially parallel societies. These will be made up of robust local communities and basic, staple economies as well as new types innovations and business. Our young people must be able to enterprise and create and educate healthy and sizable families. We have a duty to be CONFIDENT and HOPEFUL. The government is not a trustworthy protector of our nation, our interests and our political freedom.

    Episode 2: The Coronavirus and the 'Vigilant Bird' Concept

    Episode 2: The Coronavirus and the 'Vigilant Bird' Concept
    Dave Schmitt and Joe Atwill leapfrog from the manipulated events of 2020, the so-called COVID crisis, the riots the Stolen Election of 2020 in the U.S., and utilize biological and historical common sense to encourage the public to regain a healthy awareness of the larger threat. Vigilance is a natural feature of intelligent beings. Rational examination of the policies concerning lockdown, masking and social distancing reveal these things to be disproportionate and deleterious and thus it is not unreasonable to construe malevolent intent on the part of the authorities. Ethnic Europeans have a duty to adopt a justifiable, natural, "vigilant bird" mode of awareness and behavior. It is time for self-defense by ethnic Europeans to defend their civilization, societies and their states.

    Episode 1: Schmitt & Atwill: Hard Problems-Real Choices - Episode 1: Concerns About mRNA Vaccines

    Episode 1: Schmitt & Atwill: Hard Problems-Real Choices - Episode 1: Concerns About mRNA Vaccines

    Episode 1. December 9, 2020. Joe Atwill and David Schmitt discuss possible, serious problems with the mRNA vaccines that are being rushed into forced, universal administration. Allergic reactions, autoimmune & neurological disease, infections and cancer are some of the imaginable down-the-road hazards. The hosts introduce novel topics forming a big picture.

    Note: Drs. Wolgang Wodarg and Michael  Yeadon filed a complaint with the European Medicines Agency on December 01, 2020.  Here is the link: 


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