
    The Self Improvement Show

    The Self Improvement Show was created because almost everyone wants to be better, do better, and achieve more, but we don't always know how to do that. We aren't looking for perfection. We are simply trying to improve in ways that allow us more happiness, contentment and success with some laughter along the way. We address issues common to us all and suggest useful tools that will help you tap into your strengths and your wonderful uniqueness. We think most self improvement is an inside job so we talk a lot about how to go within to make lasting changes. We talk to people who have struggled and won and have great stories to tell as well as those who live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. The show is laid back, informative and down to earth. The welcome mat is always out and we invite you to join us.
    en-usVoiceAmerica341 Episodes

    Episodes (341)

    Be More With Less

    Be More With Less
    Before you read this, look around you. Whether you’re at home or in your office, let your eyes rest on three things that you can get rid of and never miss. In the next few days, make a mental note of things in your life that you consider “clutter.” Don’t find any? Look again. Why? Because we’re going to talk about being more and having less. Our guest for Thursday’s show states, “Be more with less” is about simplifying your life and really living. Living with less creates time and space to discover what really matters. Through decluttering, and focusing on the best things instead of all the things, you can create a life with more savings and no debt, more health and less stress, more space, and less stuff, and more joy with less obligation.” Don’t we all want more savings, more health, more space and more joy? Come hear what Courtney Carver has to say before you start the new year.

    Healing from the Inside Out

    Healing from the Inside Out
    If you have a chronic illness of any kind, you want to listen to this show. The power of the mind is amazing, and when it comes to your health, it is powerful. Often, if a physician tells someone they have a certain amount of time to live, and they accept it they may die almost to the day of the prediction. If the doctor tells the patient they need to take a pill to get better, it is pretty sure the pill will have some effect, even it is sugar. Patients who develop a chronic illness are too often led to believe that they will just have to accept their diagnosis. Medical professionals tell them their health will never improve—after all, that’s what makes their condition chronic. Instead, they will have to learn to manage painful and debilitating symptoms. Dr. Nauman Naeem’s new book Healing From the Inside Out challenges the common narrative of chronic illness. We will talk to him about how it is possible to overcome chronic disease and change your life.

    Happily Every After

    Happily Every After
    Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld? If you have, you know it is a magical place. It’s called “The Magic Kingdom” for a reason. If you doubt that it is truly magic, simply look at the faces of the children who visit there. And, if you have been there yourself you benefited from the work of Jody Jean Dreyer. She visited there in 1971 soon after it opened. That was the beginning of a 30-year career with Disneyland. We will talk about her work with Disney and about her newly released book, “Beyond the Castle.” She will help you identify you own personal “Happily Ever After.”

    The 'Empowerment Zone'

    The 'Empowerment Zone'
    Where do you live? I’m not asking for your street address. I’m asking if you are in a personal space that propels you toward your dreams and encourages you to step into your power. Or do you live in a place of self-defeat, discouragement, and regret? You see there is a place of personal-knowing, self-acceptance, and inner-power within each of us. It’s called “The Empowerment Zone.” You have to make a conscious choice to live there, and you have to make a series of conscious choices daily to stay there. Oh, it’s a wonderful place to live. But there are three mistakes you can make that keep you on the outside looking in—that keeping you out of The Empowerment Zone. Cindy Mazzaferro will join us to talk about these three things and how you can remedy them or prevent them altogether. Join me as we move into the Empowerment Zone.

    The Fearless Path of a Stuntman

    The Fearless Path of a Stuntman
    The star of adventure movies is seen doing feats that no normal human being could handle. But the star is not generally the one who deserves the applause. It is the stuntman who did the daring, death-defying job and he often goes unnoticed. But on this show, we WILL notice Curtis Rivers. Curtis is known in the movie world for being daring, ambitious, and hard working. He is a recognized member of the Hollywood Stuntman’s Hall of Fame and a two-time Guinness World Record breaker. We will talk about his work as a stuntman, but we will also pursue the ideas in his newly released book, “The Fearless Path: What A Movie Stuntman’s Spiritual Awakening Can Teach You About Success.”

    The Modern Mystic

    The Modern Mystic
    Paddy Fievet has been with us before and was one of those guests you just HAVE to have back. Her story is compelling, and she tells it with a rich southern accent and a sense of humor that makes you feel good just to hear it. But her story is one that many of us share. Her story is of her search for meaning, love, purpose, and authenticity. We will walk with her through her divorce, paralyzing agoraphobia and panic attacks and, hopefully, emerge with her to self-discovery and new spiritual connection. We will talk about her latest book “The Eagle’s View: Five Steps to Modern Mysticism.” She may just inspire you to know that you, too, have a sacred story that must be realized and expressed. You are cordially invited to hear this remarkable, loving, funny, profoundly spiritual and delightful woman named Paddy Fievet.

    Cutting-edge Technology to Help Develop your Intuition

    Cutting-edge Technology to Help Develop your Intuition
    Last week we talked about the importance of intuition to navigate change. Now we will talk about technology designed for the specific purpose of helping you develop your intuition. I have been using it for a couple months, and am excited about the results. Meditation is key to any lasting self-improvement and many of us struggle to get into a meditative state. Synctuition helps you with that. In their words, “Synctuition is the first binaural audio technology in the world that helps increase intuition through unforgettable realistic 3-dimensional sound journeys into your mind that you experience through your 6th sense. Synctuition has been developed in cooperation with psychologists, neurologists, musicians, top sound engineers and meditation experts to mix 4 amazing technologies into a single soundwave to deliver you incredible results.” Cutting edge. Pre-launch

    Navigating Change

    Navigating Change
    Who better to talk about navigating change than a respected spiritual teacher and medical intuitive? Laura Kamm will join us to discuss how you can trust yourself to navigate these chaotic times and stay in balance. We will delve into how self-trust enhances your self-esteem and self-awareness. Take a moment to reflect on whether you can “trust your gut” and “follow your heart.” If not, why not? Laura will give us tips on how to keep in touch with your body’s awareness and develop your strengths intuitively by using three basic body awareness strategies. And so much more.

    Creativity from the Inside Out

    Creativity from the Inside Out
    Who says you’re not creative? Do you think you need to paint, dance, sing or write to be considered creative? Think again. On this show, Cathy Wild will dispel your doubts about your personal creativity and show you the steps in the creative process that you can take. Her website states “There’s a depth you’re meant to explore. A flow you’re meant to find where treasures await discovery. Take a transforming journey into the heart of who you are. Unlock and access your creativity, power, joy, and more. Delve below the surface of your life, supported by intuitive guidance, earned wisdom, directed light—from a calming, focused partner you can trust: Cathy Wild. Counselor. Creator. Catalyst. Let’s dive in together.” Tune in and join me for the dive.

    Encore: Change the Story of Your Health

    Encore: Change the Story of Your Health
    “What if, despite aging, injuries, health conditions, and illnesses, you could not only return to the state of health you enjoyed previously but even improve on it?” This is the question posed in the Preface to Carl Greer’s new book, “Change the Story of Your Health. On this show, we will talk about the “story of your health”— how emotions and moods, your job or vocation, and your connection to God, Spirit, Source or a higher power—can affect the story of your health. And we will talk about how you can change that story so as you age you can continue to enjoy optimum health.

    Love is the Power II

    Love is the Power II
    Robert O. Williams is coming back. He had so much of interest in the first interview, and we received so much positive feedback, that he’s coming back. We didn’t have a chance to get into the meat of his book. For example, he states, “Our current times are full of immense suffering and cruelty simultaneous with the real awakening of millions of human hearts.” In light of the shooting in Las Vegas, this is a timely conversation. Neither did we have a chance to talk about his company, One08, which is an innovative global technology company. Its mission is to improve the lives of all human beings worldwide by developing and bringing to market scientifically based life-changing mobile apps and clean technology products that improve the health, performance, and lifestyles of its customers. He will share with us, his latest creations. www.loveisthepower.com

    Encore: Intuition on Demand

    Encore: Intuition on Demand
    Do you believe in intuition? Can you depend on your intuition kicking in when you need a quick and reliable answer to a question or some guidance when you have to make a big decision? Can you trust your intuition and know that you are not just making something up? You meet someone that may be your “soul mate” and wonder if it can be true. Can you believe it? You have a gut feeling that you can’t trust a business deal, but you have no supporting evidence. What do you do? Lisa K. teaches people how to develop their intuition and to trust that it is reliable. She will explain the brain science behind intuition and talk about how you can develop yours. She will show you how your intuition allows you to take charge of your life, and make choices with confidence. Let your intuition guide you to listen to this show. http://www.LMK88.com

    Love is the Power

    Love is the Power
    How do you go from playing the saxophone with the Beach Boys to becoming an expert in the study of subtle energy engineering and on to inventing Quantum Code Technology? Robert O. Williams did this. His research has provided scientific breakthroughs in field-based technologies, consciousness, and human potential. We will hear his story that takes him from music to teaching to running a music studio through a near-death experience and on to quantum physics. Don’t miss this one.

    The Power of Having Fun

    The Power of Having Fun
    “Fun is the key to success. If you want to be successful, having fun is not an option. It's a necessity. By making fun a top priority—taking meaningful, enjoyable breaks each day, week, month, and year—you'll not only be happier but be more productive, too!” That’s the blurb on Amazon.com for Dave Crenshaw’s new book, “The Power of Having Fun: How Meaningful Breaks Help You Get More Done.” We will talk with Dave about the five-step system thousands of leaders have used to boost productivity and their careers. Hey, everybody! It’s time for recess. Let’s play! Be sure to tune in.

    The Future of Mind-Body Medicine

    The Future of Mind-Body Medicine
    Technology is giving us a clearer look into the mind. We can now see how emotions, thoughts, and reactions to events affect our mind and, in turn, our physical body. Science is now telling us things that the mystics have known all along—that we are holistic. What affects one part of us affects the whole of us. Mind-body medicine looks at the whole person with the intention of restoring the natural wisdom of the body to heal. More people are turning to holistic modalities and, at the same time, traditional medical practices are utilizing aspects of mind-body medicine to create “Integrative” medical practices. So, the question arises: Where is mind-body medicine headed?” On this show, we will talk with Dr. Joseph Cardillo, a leader in the fields of health, mind-body-spirit and psychology, about the future of mind- body medicine. Don’t miss it.

    Change the Story of Your Health

    Change the Story of Your Health
    “What if, despite aging, injuries, health conditions, and illnesses, you could not only return to the state of health you enjoyed previously but even improve on it?” This is the question posed in the Preface to Carl Greer’s new book, “Change the Story of Your Health. On this show, we will talk about the “story of your health”— how emotions and moods, your job or vocation, and your connection to God, Spirit, Source or a higher power—can affect the story of your health. And we will talk about how you can change that story so as you age you can continue to enjoy optimum health.

    Intuition on Demand

    Intuition on Demand
    Do you believe in intuition? Can you depend on your intuition kicking in when you need a quick and reliable answer to a question or some guidance when you have to make a big decision? Can you trust your intuition and know that you are not just making something up? You meet someone that may be your “soul mate” and wonder if it can be true. Can you believe it? You have a gut feeling that you can’t trust a business deal, but you have no supporting evidence. What do you do? Lisa K. teaches people how to develop their intuition and to trust that it is reliable. She will explain the brain science behind intuition and talk about how you can develop yours. She will show you how your intuition allows you to take charge of your life, and make choices with confidence. Let your intuition guide you to listen to this show. http://www.LMK88.com

    52 Marathons in 52 weeks

    52 Marathons in 52 weeks
    What would motivate anyone to enter and run 52 marathons in 52 weeks? Karl Gruber did just that to raise awareness and funding to find a cure for leukemia. Discover how he set this goal and how he could get himself motivated enough to accomplish it. We will talk about the obstacles and triumphs and what the outcomes were. We will also talk about his work as a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and his e-book, “The 3 Pillars: A Simple 3 Step Process to Manifest Positive & Permanent Change In Your Life”

    Deep Healing Hypnosis

    Deep Healing Hypnosis
    One of the most misunderstood and yet powerful treatment modalities available to day is Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy. It is approved as a treatment modality by the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association although few MDs practice it. It can be used as a powerful anesthesia and is especially powerful when used in both dentistry and childbirth. In therapy, it allows you to tap into the hidden or forgotten thoughts and memories stored in the subconscious mind helping you to resolve some deep seated issues that may not have responded to traditional therapy. However, in spite of its usefulness, many people fear it. On this show, we will talk with a clinical hypnotherapist who practices “Deep Healing Hypnosis.”

    Getting Your S--t Together

    Getting Your S--t Together
    Many of us have been told along our way in life to “get our s**t together.” We really wanted to be able to do that but didn’t have a clue where to start. Sometimes we couldn’t even identify exactly what the s**t was but we knew something wasn’t together. We would fix it if we could identify it and knew how to do it. On this show, Paula Meir, author of “Your Life Your Way: A Practical Guide to Getting Your S** Together,” is going to help us with this project. If you are feeling stuck and can’t go backward and are afraid to go forward, this may be exactly the show you need. Get ready to “Pack away your old emotional baggage, dial down the drama and learn how to have a tough conversation.” Paula will help us see how it is possible to get our s**t together. We all have some. So be sure to put this show on your schedule. http://paulameir.com/