
    The SHAIR Recovery Podcast

    Omar Pinto, the host of the SHAIR Podcast, is a world-renowned Life Coach, Recovery Coach and Speaker. He helps people break free from unhealthy habits and heal the areas of their lives that are preventing them from living a life of happiness, fulfilment, and joy. Each week Omar interviews individuals who SHAIR their incredible journey of recovery as well as coaching people one on one live on the call. If you are interested in exploring an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle, becoming the best version of yourself and discovering the Recovery Pathway that is right for you, then you are in the right place.
    enOmar Pinto322 Episodes

    Episodes (322)

    SP 292: The Final Episode of The SHAIR Podcast with Cole Chance and Omar Pinto

    SP 292: The Final Episode of The SHAIR Podcast with Cole Chance and Omar Pinto

    Six years ago, The SHAIR Podcast began as a small recovery podcast with intentions of interviewing others about their experiences in recovery. With no expectations about where it would lead, today, the Podcast has over two million downloads. The SHAIR Podcast is a testament to the transformative power of connecting with others. With nearly 300 episodes, the Podcast has helped thousands of people around the world pave their own path to kickstart the journey of recovery.

    On the last episode of the SHAIR Podcast, Omar Pinto brings back Cole Chance, recovering addict and yoga teacher to discuss the end of an era and a new transition from the SHAIR Podcast to the Omar Pinto Coaching Podcast. From the grips of a devastating addiction to a recovering addict to a globally recognized coach, Omar discusses what it has taken to get where he is now.

    If the opposite of addiction is connection, recognizing the importance of getting out of oneself to help others brings an opportunity for growth and contribution, and that’s exactly what the SHAIR podcast has done for the past six years. 

    The SHAIR Podcast will continue to stay on all your favorite streaming services. However, new podcasts will now be available under Omar Pinto Coaching each Tuesday, starting on January 5, 2020.

    To learn more about Omar Pinto and find the new podcast, visit https://omarpinto.com

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/292.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 015: Healing Childhood Wounds by Crushing Limiting Beliefs

    SRC 015: Healing Childhood Wounds by Crushing Limiting Beliefs

    For many, the joys that come along with being a parent can be equaled out by the stressors and chaos that follow behind. Driven by an innate need to nurture and love, parents can live their lives for others, sacrificing their own hopes and dreams. What if we can’t absorb that unconditional love for ourselves that we give to our children?

    When we don’t feel like we’re good enough parents, the anxious thoughts of inadequacy can creep in and affect our thoughts, our parenting, and every aspect of our lives. When we cover these feelings up with a drink to mitigate the fear and the anxiety, we prevent ourselves from processing our true feelings and developing healthier ways to cope with them.

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery podcast, we help Leo crush his powerful and deep limiting beliefs from the emotional wounds of his childhood that reflected his behavior in active addiction as a parent. Leo is still punishing himself, not trusting himself, and unable to see past his limiting beliefs and his behavior. The group helps him recognize his authentic qualities, gifts, and also helps him understand the powerful defense mechanisms he built just to survive, knowing that when things get too hard, we all protect ourselves by avoiding feeling joy and love at all costs. 

    In this week’s SHAIR recovery coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • How to identify negative patterns and belief systems we’ve picked up from our parents
    • How we can tap into our inner child to help our children.
    • How to fully give ourselves the unconditional love we’ve always wanted
    • How we can use the power of naming fears and anxieties out loud to change our actions and thoughts.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/015.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 291: Overcoming Trauma and Abuse with Essential Oils and Yoga Nidra

    SP 291: Overcoming Trauma and Abuse with Essential Oils and Yoga Nidra

    After fleeing from an abusive marriage, Rebecca Davison found herself using alcohol as a way to cope with her PTSD. She explains, “if I had a bad day, I would have an extra drink, I was very much a gray area drinker, but I didn’t like being drunk, it made me scared and anxious.” 

    Because of her support system and healthy childhood, Rebecca rationalized her drinking. She hadn’t hit that  “rock bottom.” She hadn’t reached the depths of what she perceived an alcoholic “should.” It wasn’t until she had a psychotic episode with a boyfriend where she finally came to the understanding that drinking and PTSD was dictating her life. 

    Through studying and research, Rebecca came to find Yoga Nidra and Essential Oils as her saving grace. In the practice of Yoga Nidra, it helps soothe the vagus nerve, which is essentially our flight or freeze response that may have been altered or skewed due to the trauma we’ve experienced. Additionally reducing emotional reactivity and increasing self-regulation, the benefits of Yoga Nidra and essential oils are deeply healing on a cellular and emotional level.

    Once Rebecca came to understand the healing benefits of these properties, the more she separated herself from her PTSD, where she began helping others heal from their own trauma. 

    “Taking care of yourself and choosing to thrive is a revolutionary act despite all of the oppression and suffering in the world.”

    Rebecca Davidson is an artist and yoga and meditation practitioner and teacher with over 20 years of experience as a student and eight as a teacher. She specializes in yoga nidra, restorative, tantra, and other spiritually-based practices such as mantra, pranayama, and meditation.

    Rebecca is also a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, an intuitive tarot and oracle reader, and is currently pursuing her MFA in Painting at the Savannah College of Art & Design. When she is not practicing, teaching, making art, or helping others transform/heal, Rebecca is probably drinking black coffee and listening to music or a podcast. She is a tree-hugging, crystal-collecting, essential oil wearing, animal loving, sober vegan.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/291.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 014: Removing the Blockages and Limiting Beliefs Preventing Us From Getting into Action

    SRC 014: Removing the Blockages and Limiting Beliefs Preventing Us From Getting into Action

    We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations. But, what happens when the undertones of your past limiting beliefs gets in the way of achieving them.

    “I’m going to fail, so why even try?” “I’m not good enough.” “I’ll never be as good as them.” “I’ll never be as good as I was years ago.” 

    When we compare ourselves to others, or even begin to compare our actions to a younger version of ourselves, we become stuck within these past limiting beliefs. However, your past experiences of success tend to leave clues. If you’ve been successful before, there’s no reason why you can’t be just as successful now. 

    Often, what you believe will influence the way you react to events, how you feel, and how you act. And much of the time, those beliefs can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. For instance, if you can’t handle being uncomfortable, you’ll be less likely to step outside of your comfort zone. The moment you get uncomfortable, the inner critic shows up, and you can begin to cut yourself down.

    Though, by being gentle, loving, and practicing positive dialogue with ourselves, we can begin to challenge these beliefs. 

    In this week’s Recovery Coaching Group, we helped Dustyn, Rema, and Cori who are all struggling with the voices of the inner critic inside themselves.By focusing on the “how,” of our goals instead of the “what,” we can begin to silence the negativity and when we soften our language towards ourselves, we can begin to soften our emotional state. 

    In this week’s Recovery Coaching, you’ll learn:

    • How we can use accountability to break patterns of negativity and bring on permanent change.
    • How by losing faith in ourselves, can begin to lose faith in everything else around us.
    • How to silence the inner critic to stay motivated and accomplish our goals and dreams.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/014.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 290: Breaking Free from Religious Guilt and Obligation

    SP 290: Breaking Free from Religious Guilt and Obligation

    If you grew up in a strict religious home, you were most likely taught about heaven, hell, and a very long list of what makes us a good person or a bad person.

    At times, it feels as if our most intimate feelings can be judged and create feelings of guilt, confusion, and inadequacy. Whether it be Jehovah's Witness or Judaism, people tend to hand over religion and ideas about G-d in a way that layers guilt on top of obligation.

    As humans we are bound to make mistakes, sometimes we do, say or feel things that we are not proud of. When you are brought up in a authoritarian religion or faith community and/or your parents or religious leaders are the type to manipulate and control through religion, your spirit will be crushed, you will not be able to forgive your mistakes, every “bad” thought you have or every single thing that you do or say that could be considered “immoral” will hunt you and be a cause for shame, low self-esteem, feelings of being underserving, and the list goes on.

    What if you could break free from the guilt that may still be holding you down?
    Don't miss this powerful conversation with Eli Nash and Omar Pinto about this difficult subject as they discuss the way religious guilt seems to consume many people.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/290.


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    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 013: Battling Relapse and Allowing Self Forgiveness

    SRC 013: Battling Relapse and Allowing Self Forgiveness

    Nothing good comes from self-shaming. When relapse happens, it can be easy to fall into a shame cycle of self-loathing. When we promised ourselves we’d “quit for good,” or “never fall back into old patterns,” and find ourselves back there, it can be overwhelming. We may find ourselves scouring our memory to understand how we could have gotten back here. Or, maybe we’re stuck in a cycle of dealing with unresolved trauma - feeling waves of shame and guilt that are all consuming.

    In today’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, the group helped Pete. Currently in a state of relapse, Pete struggles to confront his relapse behavior until the intervention of the group steps in. The group also helped Adam. Struggling with unresolved trauma, the group walks Adam through the process of self-forgiveness to find healing and safety. 

    In today’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • How self-loathing can contribute to relapse
    • How trauma can lead to self-loathing, shame, and guilt
    • The process of self-forgiveness
    • How to find unconditional love when others aren’t there to support us

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/013.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 289: The Recovery Hour with Lori Windfeldt

    SP 289: The Recovery Hour with Lori Windfeldt

    After the loss of her Father, Brother, and Aunt, and a failed business, Lori Windfeldlt found her first sip of alcohol, “glorious.” As a stay at home mother, her habit continued to escalate until she had the realization that she lost her identity in a bottle of wine. Upon reaching her rock bottom moment, she found herself in a state of surrender asking for help. 

    Lori entered into a treatment facility and quickly learned that she also suffered from other co-occurring disorders including anxiety, depression, and unresolved trauma. Upon getting sober and learning more about herself, Lori discovered that sobriety and recovery were extremely different and there was more to recovery than just, “not drinking.”

    Today, Lori is a Certified Professional Coach, Podcast Host, and Recovery Advocate and explores the entire spectrum of  what the word recovery entails. With a “tell it like it is” approach to life, Lori supports all things recovery in her own unique and trenchant style.

    Ending her tumultuous career as a drunken housewife in 2015, Lori has devoted herself to a life of recovery advocacy, joining the crusade to end the stigma, shame and embarrassment conventionally tied to mental illness, the disease of addiction, and recovery itself.

    As a former Executive who climbed the corporate ladder for companies such as Microsoft and Charles River Laboratories, to a Franchisee turned stay-at- home Mom, Lori has the experience and expertise that allows her to specialize in mentoring Executives and Housewives alike.


    Lori shares her dynamic personality as host and producer of the international sensation, The Recovery Hour Podcast. Chosen as one of Sierra Nevada’s Top 20 Powerful Women, Lori is a fixture in her community, providing service, sharing inspiring stories and proving we can and do recover. 

    In addition to Lori's social and media presence, she lends her expertise and experiences to clients as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), Certified Professional Recovery Coach (CPRC) and is a She Recovers® designated Coach. In 2020, Lori was certified as a Peer Recovery Support Specialist by the state of Nevada. Lori works virtually with recovering  men, women, and non-binary individuals across the globe, with a focus on strengths-based and trauma informed recovery modalities.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/289.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 012: Inner Child Work and Reparenting – Recovery Coaching

    SRC 012: Inner Child Work and Reparenting – Recovery Coaching

    For anyone looking to heal from past hurts, inner child work and reparenting is crucial. No matter what we do in our lives, we're trying to feel something. When we don't feel secure and confident within ourselves, we can find ourselves acting out with maladaptive behaviors caused by underlying hurts. Whether we know it or not, we spend years abusing ourselves and people around us, repeating patterns, and when we struggle with addiction can get caught in a cycle of chronic relapse. Oftentimes, it's these underlying hurts that have us wanting to be acknowledged, seen, and valued. Some of these issues can only be addressed with inner child work and reparenting ourselves. 

    In today’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, the group helped Angie. Struggling with asking a woman to become her sponsor, she’s committed to her recovery but feels unsure of herself to ask for help. The group also helped Lynne. Struggling to find long-term sobriety, she finds herself relapsing time and time again. The group helps her find empowerment by changing the scope of her recovery language and takes her back to a time in childhood where she found the need to escape and soothe herself. 

    In this recovery coaching episode you will learn:

    - How to effectively get in touch with our inner child

    - A reparenting exercise we can all repeat to ourselves to find compassion and empathy.

    - Why inner child work is crucial to recovery.

    - How the language we use can influence our relapse process

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/012.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 288: Don Cummins - The Prison Within and Breaking Free

    SP 288: Don Cummins - The Prison Within and Breaking Free

    In 2011, Don Cummins was homeless, desperate to get high, and had already served 20 years in prison for bank robberies. Not only suffering from mental health issues, addiction, and incarceration, the court had also declared him insane. Willing to do anything to escape from reality, he went to any lengths to not feel discomfort from the trauma he experienced and abuse he suffered.

    From the age of 10 Don started to get high, and by the age of 13 was committed to a program, never to live at home again. The rest of his teenage years were spent in youth homes, juvenile detention centers, and at the age of 16, Don was sentenced to prison as an adult. 

    As the years went on, the drugs only got harder, and the prison sentenced only got longer. Reaching a bottom, Don faced the choice to attempt suicide or reach out for help. Facing an awakening while sitting in his prison cell at the age of 23, he realized the pattern of his denial state and the inability to see the truth. Years later at the age of 39, Don decided to begin working through resentment, anger, fear, and reached out for help and began putting in the work. 

    From being isolated and alone, Don began experiencing deep friendships and connections. From not knowing how to be loved, he ended up meeting the love of his life, and from being jobless, he went back to school and became a software developer that integrates with banks. 

    With an incredible self-transformation, Don’s story is a testament to overcoming adversity, overcoming obstacles, and finding freedom. Today, Don Cummins is an author and speaker whose passion is to spread the message that regardless of anyone’s background or life situation, absolutely anyone can overcome their obstacles and have the life they dream of. 

    Don lives in Florida with his wife Brianna and his two boys Levi and Finley. While he’s not hanging out with his family or working on a project, he’s riding his bike and playing guitar. 

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/288.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 011: Learning to Love and Forgive Yourself – Recovery Coaching

    SRC 011: Learning to Love and Forgive Yourself – Recovery Coaching

    With addiction comes lies, deceit, and betrayal. However, with recovery can come the looming after effects of guilt, shame, and regret. When we get sober, we must learn to love, forgive ourselves, and make peace with our past. 

    Acknowledging the mistakes we’ve made and moving forward is often easier said than done. Forgiving ourselves requires empathy, compassion, loving, and understanding. It also requires us to accept that forgiveness is a choice.

    How to Forgive Yourself

    In addition, many of us can hold onto our past mistakes that we feel are not forgivable. We live in fear of forgetting the hurt. Reliving and replaying these feelings over again, we re-traumatize ourselves. However, forgiving does not mean forgetting and staying in this pattern can get us stuck and create a risk for relapse. Learning to love and forgive ourselves is essential to our personal growth, sobriety, and success. 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, the group helped Dustyn who is facing the wreckage of his past. Feeling shame, guilt, anger, and frustration, he’s stuck in self-remorse and self-hatred from his past action in addiction. How do we learn to love and forgive ourselves? The group helps Dustyn put together a step-by-step action plan to begin the healing process of making peace with the past and most importantly, ourselves.

    In this week’s Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • What a “win” journal is and how to create one
    • Practical steps to take to begin forgiving ourselves
    • How to begin to repair the damage of the past to reconstruct our life
    • How to distinguish between our behavior and our true selves

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/011.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 287: Debbie A. Anderson - Communicating with the Spirit Within

    SP 287: Debbie A. Anderson - Communicating with the Spirit Within

    Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? We’re all drawn to different things for different reasons and learning to tap into our intuition can help us find the answers to questions we’ve long asked. 

    One of the most common ways individuals can find the messages they need to hear is through an oracle deck. This communication vehicle between spirit and human consciousness has long provided guidance for living in alignment with the human heart, soul, and Universe to live up to your deepest desires and experiences. The oracle deck has also long been used to make decisions and point the way to personal development, joy, and prosperity. 

    When we learn to be gentle with ourselves, the universe, and allow ourselves to have authentic experiences, we can set pure intentions. We can then learn from the oracle deck, discern what the card is telling us, and take action. 

    On episode 287 of the SHAIR Recovery Podcast, Debbie A. Anderson shares her insight, wisdom, and experience with oracle cards. As one of the leading experts in North America on the use of oracle cards, Debbie guides individuals to maximize their skills with the use of these cards. Born in England, Debbie is also an internationally known clairvoyant who experienced a spirit communicating phenomenon from early childhood. She saw people who had passed over, new information about people that she could not have known, and was told that she was at risk for being institutionalized as psychotic so she suppressed her gifts. Over the years, she ventured out and started using the tarot to guide friends and realized it was not just the cards providing guidance. She was ultimately using her skills to augment what was on the cards. 

    Debbie has developed specific steps that enable anyone to get the most success out of any oracle deck and to heighten their intuitive skills.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/287.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    The SHAIR Recovery Podcast
    enOctober 20, 2020

    SRC 010: Co Parenting Challenges in Sobriety

    SRC 010: Co Parenting Challenges in Sobriety

    There are so many elements that go into co-parenting, including charged emotions, high anxiety, and dysfunctional dynamics - which is maybe why you got divorced in the first place. Though, what about co-parenting when one person is in recovery and the other person is still in active addiction? 

    When your children are away and you fear that your ex-husband or ex-wife are going to put your children’s lives in danger, how do you navigate what you can’t control?

    In today’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, we helped Brandi. Filled with fear, anxiety, and frustration that her ex-husband is putting her children’s life in danger with his drinking, the group holds space for Brandi to process these feelings while setting an actionable plan. 

    The group also helped Rema. After 34 years on antidepressants, Rema is weaning herself off of her medication. With physical, and emotional symptoms, the group walks her through the process of getting off medications and steps she can take to successfully get off of her medications for good.

    In this SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn

    • How to navigate co-parenting when one person is in active addiction
    • How to calm our anxieties surrounding what we can’t control
    • How to listen to our body to process and identify the emotions we’re going through
    • How to feel better by helping others when we’re feeling uncomfortable either physically or emotionally

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/010.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 009: Outgrowing Your Spouse or Partner in Recovery

    SRC 009: Outgrowing Your Spouse or Partner in Recovery

    Relationships are a two way street, but you can’t make your partner or spouse recover with you. Sometimes when we’re in the midst of a healing journey, we outgrow the people we love. While you may still be head-over-heels in love with the person, you’ve started to notice that you want different things in life, or that you’re going in two separate directions. 

    Maybe you want more, and your spouse or partner is content where they are. There’s nothing wrong with wanting different things, however, this could be a telltale sign that you’re outgrowing your spouse or partner in recovery. 

    So what, exactly, do we do in this situation? 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, the group helped Cyndy. Feeling angry, frustrated, and sad within her marriage, she feels her personal development and recovery work have created new opportunities and goals in her life. She wonders if her or her husband have any commonalities anymore. Feeling stuck, the group helps her make an informed decision about the next step to take in her marriage.

    In today’s Recovery Coaching call, you’ll  learn:

    • What happens when we deny our true desires
    • How to make informative decisions that empower us
    • How to effectively communicate with our partner
    • How to step into our truth and create self-fulfillment

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/009.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 285: Russ Perry The Sober Entrepreneur

    SP 285: Russ Perry The Sober Entrepreneur

    Whether it be drug or alcohol addiction, money, or a relationship, we all have attachments that may or may not be serving us. However, when we’re able to identify them, overcome them, and use them as part of our story, that’s when we can truly find freedom. 

    Russ Perry’s experience was no different. After a tumultuous affair and battle with alcohol addiction, he found himself in and out of 12-step programs, Celebrate Recovery groups, and therapy. Through various physical and emotional bottoms, it wasn’t until he had a profound experience after reading a book on his family lineage. He realized most were alcoholics and drug addicts. It was that profound moment he decided to change the trajectory of his path and ultimately his family tree.

    It was then that Russ decided to change everything, including shutting down his seven figure business. From there he started to participate in coaching, personal development, and find a healthy destination to focus his time and energy. In 2015 he launched DesignPickle. 

    Pulling inspiration from the idea that everyone should have access to seamless graphic design — a problem he often faced at his agency — and his love of pickles, Perry set out to build the pickle-themed company with zero outside funding. For the first few years, he attended marketing events with nothing but an ice cream-turned-pickle-cart and a pickle suit, hoping the “quirkiness” would resonate with people and transform into clients and revenue. Since then, Design Pickle has grown from 2 employees to over 500 globally, was ranked #345 on the 2019 Inc. 5000 list, and has completed over 500,000 creative requests. He is also the author of The Sober Entrepreneur.

    Don't miss this inspiring episode!

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/285.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SRC 008: Why Asking for Help is So Hard

    SRC 008: Why Asking for Help is So Hard

    We all go through tough times. But why is it so hard for many of us to ask for help during these times? Asking for help is the cornerstone of sobriety, though, it’s one of the biggest barriers that prevent us from getting sober and living out our true potential. 

    Asking for help requires us to be vulnerable and in doing so we ultimately put ourselves at risk for disappointment, rejection, and it can cause us to feel weak or vulnerable. Others may lack the social skills to ask for help, and some don’t know where to turn. 

    Though, when we begin to ask ourselves where this fear of becoming vulnerable stems from, most of us can return back to a place in childhood. 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, the group helped Pauly. Making significant career changes in his life, he finds himself struggling to ask for help. Through the years, he’s attracted those that take advantage of him and craves significance by those that continue to drain him. Stemming from an incident in childhood, Pauly recounts the very first time he sought approval from those that may not be good influences on him and recognizes patterns that got him where he is today.

    The group also helped Gary. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by his wife’s cancer diagnosis, the “grin-and-bear-it” culture of pretending that everything is okay is not working for him anymore. He must lean on the group to find emotional support and learn how to feel deserving to care for himself. 

    In this SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • Why asking for help is so difficult
    • How to recognize people in our lives that may not be contributing to our success
    • How to begin to feel deserving of self-care
    • Factors that go into feeling fulfilled by putting trust in others

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/008.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 284: The Covid-19 Hero Pin with Lori Livacich

    SP 284: The Covid-19 Hero Pin with Lori Livacich

    ‘What we really need more than anything else during this pandemic is some hope.”

    As the COVID-19 pandemic struck us all with fear, frustration, and anxiety, Lori Livacich saw it as an opportunity to make a big difference with a small gesture.

    Stemming from her initial idea of creating something of recognition for front-line workers, Lori Livacich co-founded and created the Hero Lapel Pin -- a pin that is meant to be given to everyday heroes and essential workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    “There’s pins to thank nurses, there’s pins to thank doctors, but what about everyone else who is putting their lives on the line?”

    From there, Lori created one thousand pins and started giving them away. The concept took off. 

    “I went to the grocery store and saw a single mom, she probably had kids, and was fearful and exhausted, but you can just see it in her eyes. I could give someone a $100 bill but giving someone that pin just makes a world of difference.”

    However, it didn’t take Lori overnight to get to get here. Through years of hard work and persistence, she combatted and battled addictions to food, cigarettes, and alcohol. Though a massive lifestyle change with coaching and support around here, today is a widely successful in all aspects of her life. 

    Prior to creating the Hero Lapel Pin, Livacich gained experience in various industries over the years. She began her career in public relations at a small advertising agency in Newport Beach, that transitioned her into working for her father’s produce company, Vista Sales that grew, packed and shipped strawberries, tomatoes, avocados, and more. She worked as a Sales Manager for their San Diego division, which led her to be one of the first women to successfully lead her role in a primarily male-dominated industry. 

    Don’t miss this emotional and uplifting conversation.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/284.


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    SRC 007: Recovery Capital, Procrastination and Self-Worth

    SRC 007: Recovery Capital, Procrastination and Self-Worth

    How many of us feel like we’ve had to prove our worth as soon as we get sober?

    What if our friends, colleagues, or family discover we do not actually deserve everything we’ve accomplished? Just like recovery, self-worth doesn’t happen overnight. Falling into a state of “Imposter Syndrome” takes up our time and energy. When this happens, guilt, shame, and fear can inhibit us from experiencing the true gifts of sobriety. 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call we helped Shanna. On the precipice of sobriety, Shanna is stuck at a crossroads. Sobriety is inherent on building a solid foundation, and she must choose which recovery program fits her needs the best. As the group walks her through the process of finding recovery capital, her perspective shifts. With guidance, support, and open-ended questions from the Recovery Coaching group, she begins to find the answers to her own questions.

    The group also helped Rebecca. Stuck in a state of imposter syndrome, she feels that was an imbalance of what she wants to accomplish. inhibited by the chaos that’s happening in her life, she turned to the Recovery Coaching group for help and guidance. Going inside, Rebecca uncovered the truth about herself with love and with acceptance. 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • What Recovery Capital is and how to attain it
    • How the cycle of shame, guilt, fear, and obligation can prevent us from accomplishing our goals
    • How to find the answers inside each of us that we already know

      For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/007.


      Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

      Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


      Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

      For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 283: Our Happy Divorce with Ben Heldfond

    SP 283: Our Happy Divorce with Ben Heldfond

    From weeknight dinners and homework sessions to Christmas card photos and vacations, Nikki and Ben created a tight-knit, enviable family. From the smallest daily tasks to the biggest life events, they both work well together. However, it only took a divorce to get them there.

    At 12 years sober, Ben was what some might call a “dry drunk.” Searching for something other than a spiritual solution, he would place blame on his wife, not take any responsibility for his faults, and felt flat in his marriage.

    “I had a strong foundation of recovery, but I stopped doing the things I needed to do on a daily basis for myself.”

    At the time of their marriage, Niki and Ben had hoped their wedding would start their happily ever after—but seven years, one child, and countless financial and familial entanglements later, their I do-s had turned into We can’t-s. Armed with their fierce love for their son and a desire to give him the best as their primary purpose, they realized they needed to find an alternative to the seemingly inevitable toxic divorce that loomed over their lives.

    By cleaning up the past, owning up to each other's faults, and working on differences it took a divorce to bring Ben’s family together. Today, though their marriage has been over for nearly a decade, they still share a happy life with each other and their son Asher, along with their spouses and children.

    In episode 283 of the SHAIR Podcast, you’ll learn about:

    • How you can find yourself in dry drunk syndrome after finding long-term recovery
    • What happens when you see red flags in a relationship but fail to act on them
    • What happens when we begin searching for something other than a spiritual solution
    • How we can become blind to our ego and entitlement without admitting fault

    In their book, Our Happy Divorce, Ben and Nikki elaborate on the difficulties of their divorce experience, their individual pains and triumphs, and their unique approach to relationships and blended families. Their story is sure to inspire others to pursue something few believe is possible - a happy divorce.

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/283.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


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    SRC 006 - Facing Fear and Breaking Old Habits

    SRC 006 - Facing Fear and Breaking Old Habits

    “I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not old enough, period.”  

    We’ve all told ourselves this at one point or another. When these limited belief systems interfere with our daily lives, they prevent us from living in the present and fulfilling our true potential. These beliefs can get triggered by family, friends, and outer chaos that’s going on in our world when things become uncertain. In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, we helped Liz. In fear about her job, her kids, and the social injustice happening in the world today, we uncovered the root cause of her fear and helped her find ways to begin to live in the solution.

    We also helped Bennett. After getting sober, Bennett is having trouble navigating stimulus and response systems. As a great Father, Businessman, and person in recovery, Bennett is looking to break old habits and create new systems that will help him think his way into a better life. 

    In this week’s SHAIR Recovery Coaching call, you’ll learn:

    • How to identify the fears and emotions behind our core beliefs
    • How to reward ourselves with healthy behaviors instead of reacting to our emotions.
    • How to tap into our intuition to understand what the truth is about ourselves
    • How to begin the process of breaking old habits after we get sober

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/006.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

    Join the SHAIR Recovery Community and live alcohol-free - theshairpodcast.com/join-the-src.


    Get 1-on-1 Life Coaching with Omar Pinto!

    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.

    SP 282: Hanna Somatic Recovery Healing with Chris Ruane

    SP 282: Hanna Somatic Recovery Healing with Chris Ruane

    When we get sober, we prioritize healing our mental, emotional, and spiritual health, but what about our physical health? Stress, anxiety, and unprocessed trauma can leave an imprint on the body and affect our health for years to come. 

    On this week’s SHAIR Recovery Podcast, Practitioner Chris Ruane shares about a lifesaving practice that not only has helped her manage anxiety, stress, and trauma, but helped hundreds of others create lasting change.

    Using Hanna Somatics as a pathway to empowerment, this form of body healing is a type of mind-body training that encourages physical and mental control over muscles to reduce pain and teach the brain to re-learn movements. Different from massage, Hanna Somatics creates a healing experience that taps into empowerment, removes barriers that keep us stuck, and can shed a lifetime of negative belief systems in just four sessions.

    On today’s SHAIR Podcast, you’ll learn:

    • How Chris went from becoming a massage therapist to a Hanna Somatics Practitioner
    • What a Hanna Somatic session consists of 
    • How Hanna Somatics can be a quick way to work through unresolved trauma
    • Where to find a Hanna Somatics Healing Practitioner near you

    Chris Ruane is an educator in the field of movement and wellness, combining a 19 year practice of Hanna Somatics Education and Bodywork, Massage, Pilates, Yoga, Energy, and Breathwork. Her study of alignment and awareness, background as an Irish Dancer, athlete and musician give her personal insight into the mechanisms of chronic pain. Today she helps others learn how to get themselves “unstuck” from the physical and emotional patterns that prevent them from creating the life they want. 

    For the show notes and links for this episode go to theshairpodcast.com/282.


    Explore the Alcohol-Free Lifestyle and Feel Better Now!

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    For more information and a FREE consultation go to omarpinto.com/coaching.