
    The Sickening Truth: Clearing Up Health, Nutrition, & Wellness Confusion

    Exposing the Lies That Are Making Us Sicker and Fatter Tired of the endless cycle of diet trends and health fads that promise the world but deliver nothing? Ever wonder why, despite doing all the things you've been told to do, you're not seeing the results you expect, or worse, finding yourself battling unexplained chronic health issues? Welcome to The Sickening Truth, where we peel back the layers of nutrition and health misinformation, masking the truth (like meds for symptoms) about what's really contributing to our chronic health conditions. I'm Tisha (yep, without an 'R'), your Metabolic Health Nutritionist and guide on this journey of discovery. This podcast is all about shining a light on the confusion and contradictions force-fed to us from the world of health and nutrition. It's here we question everything we've been told about how to "get healthy". Each episode zeroes in on the financially driven dietary advice that's left so many of us feeling lost, frustrated, and sick. We'll explore how narratives around food, bolstered by big food and big pharma's misleading marketing, have misled us. This isn't about offering quick fixes or solutions; it's about challenging what you've been taught and learning the truth about the root causes behind the chronic health issues plaguing us today. The podcast lays the groundwork based on the Clarity and Assess stages foundational to my CARE method—aiming to clear the health and nutrition fog and helping you become aware of the misconceptions you've been fed about food and its impact on your health. While we won't dive into the entire CARE method here, these initial steps are crucial for anyone ready to question the status quo and consider a new path to health. If you're ready to open your mind to the possibility that there's a different path to health, The Sickening Truth is your starting line. Let's walk this path together, moving from being unaware of the problems at hand to recognizing the need for a change. To continue these conversations beyond the podcast, follow me on LinkedIn. Tune in, subscribe, and let's start peeling back the layers of confusion together. Remember, understanding the problem is the first step toward changing your health trajectory.
    en-usTisha Castillo11 Episodes

    Episodes (11)

    #11: Time to Break Free From Diet Myths: He's Tried All the Diets but Nothing Worked

    #11: Time to Break Free From Diet Myths: He's Tried All the Diets but Nothing Worked

    Welcome to our latest podcast episode where we dive deep into the frustrating and often confusing world of dieting, health, and weight loss. Today, we're discussing a compelling story about "Bob," a 52-year-old who's struggled with weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and prediabetes. Despite his best efforts, Bob finds himself trapped in a cycle of dieting, losing weight, and then regaining it, feeling more hopeless and overwhelmed with each attempt.

    In This Episode:

    • Bob's Journey: Hear about Bob's frustrating journey through various diets – keto, vegan, carnivore, paleo, Mediterranean, and calorie counting – and the unique challenges and setbacks he faced with each.
    • Diet Culture Debunked: We explore the overwhelming and often conflicting advice on dieting and why it's so hard to find a sustainable path to health.
    • Metabolic Health Practitioner's Approach: Learn about the comprehensive, personalized approach to weight loss and health improvement that goes beyond fad diets. We discuss assessing medical history, lifestyle habits, hormone levels, gut microbiome, and genetic factors to create a tailored plan.
    • Sustainable Health Strategies: Discover how to eat according to your body's needs, enjoy beneficial movements, manage stress, improve sleep, and reduce dependency on prescriptions and supplements.
    • Success Beyond Diets: Hear inspiring outcomes from adopting a holistic approach to health, including weight loss, reduced blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and inflammation, and reversing chronic diseases
    • Bob's Reflection: Bob's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of finding the root cause of health issues and addressing them to live a fuller, healthier life.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Free Download: Don't miss out on our free resource, "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter." This guide will help you identify common foods that may be sabotaging your health efforts and offer healthier alternatives. Get your free download here.
    • ReThink Food Masterclass Waitlist: Ready to transform your approach to food and health? Join the waitlist for our upcoming ReThink Food Masterclass to be the first to know about enrollment opportunities and receive exclusive early bird offers. Sign up for the waitlist here.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Bob's story is a powerful testimony to the challenges many face in the quest for better health and the pitfalls of following fad diets. It highlights the importance of a personalized, comprehensive approach to health that addresses the root causes of weight gain and health issues. If you, like Bob, are looking for a sustainable path to better health, it's time to think beyond diets and focus on a holistic approach to well-being.

    Remember, it's not just about adding years to your life, but adding life to your years. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you by downloading our free guide, "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter," and change your health trajectory.

    Thank you for tuning in. If you found this episode insightful, please share it with someone who might benefit from hearing Bob's story and our discussion on finding hope and health beyond fad diets. See you next time!

    #10: The Hidden Danger of Insulin Resistance: Understanding Its Impact Beyond Diabetes

    #10: The Hidden Danger of Insulin Resistance: Understanding Its Impact Beyond Diabetes

    In this insightful episode, Tisha demystifies the concept of insulin resistance and its significance in metabolic health, challenging the common misconception that issues with insulin only concern those taking insulin medication. With a straightforward explanation of insulin's role in the body as a fat-storage hormone, Tisha illustrates how insulin resistance leads to a myriad of health problems, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and various chronic diseases. This episode is crucial for anyone looking to understand the critical link between diet, insulin resistance, and overall health. Discover actionable advice on restoring metabolic health, reversing insulin resistance, and improving your life quality, regardless of your current weight.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Insulin's Role Explained: Learn about insulin's vital function in regulating blood glucose levels and its impact as a fat-storage hormone.
    2. Misconceptions Cleared: Discover why insulin resistance matters to everyone, not just those who take insulin medication.
    3. The Path to Insulin Resistance: Understand how lifestyle choices lead to insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and subsequent health issues.
    4. Consequences of Ignoring Insulin Resistance: Explore the wide range of chronic diseases associated with high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance.
    5. Hope Through Restoration: Find out how restoring metabolic health can reverse many conditions related to insulin resistance, offering improved energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
    6. Weight is Not the Only Indicator: Learn why insulin resistance can affect individuals who are not obese, challenging the notion that only overweight people are at risk.


    • Free Download: "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter": Access Tisha's exclusive guide that uncovers the truth about common foods believed to be healthy but may actually be sabotaging your metabolic health. This resource provides insights into how certain foods can impact insulin resistance and offers healthier alternatives to support your journey toward improved wellness.
    • ReThink Food Masterclass Waitlist: Ready to transform your approach to food and health? Join the waitlist for our upcoming ReThink Food Masterclass to be the first to know about enrollment opportunities and receive exclusive early bird offers. Sign up for the waitlist here.

    Episode Quotes:

    • "Whenever insulin is in your bloodstream, your body is in 'storage' mode, storing fat instead of burning it."
    • "Insulin resistance leads to a long list of chronic diseases, not just diabetes."
    • "Restoring your metabolic health is the most important decision you can make for your overall well-being."

    This episode is a call to action for anyone looking to protect and improve their health by understanding and addressing insulin resistance. Join Tisha as she provides valuable insights into changing your health trajectory.


    #9: The Metabolic Health Crisis: Unveiling the Truth Behind America's Deteriorating Health

    #9: The Metabolic Health Crisis: Unveiling the Truth Behind America's Deteriorating Health

    In this critical episode, Tisha delves into the alarming statistics revealing the dire state of metabolic health among American adults. With less than 7% of the population considered metabolically healthy, Tisha explores the misconceptions about weight and health, the detrimental dietary advice that has guided us for decades, and the urgent need for a shift towards real, nourishing foods. This episode is a wake-up call to reconsider our approach to health, emphasizing the importance of metabolic flexibility, disease prevention, and the role of key health markers. Whether you're looking to prevent chronic diseases or improve your quality of life post-diagnosis, Tisha offers actionable insights and a pathway to better health.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Startling Statistics: Understand the gravity of the metabolic health crisis in the U.S. and how it affects individuals across all age groups.
    2. Weight Misconceptions: Learn why weight is not the sole indicator of health and how metabolic dysfunction affects people of normal weight too.
    3. The Fault in Our Diet: Discover the flawed dietary advice that has contributed to the epidemic of metabolic dysfunction and how to correct it.
    4. Defining Metabolic Health: Gain clarity on what metabolic health truly means and why it's essential for preventing a wide range of chronic diseases.
    5. Identifying Metabolic Dysfunction: Recognize the symptoms and learn how simple blood tests can reveal your metabolic health status.
    6. Taking Action: Get motivated to seek preventive care through blood work and make sustainable lifestyle changes for better health.


    • Free Download: "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter": Grab Tisha's guide to uncover the foods commonly mistaken as healthy and learn how to adjust your diet for optimal metabolic health.
    • ReThink Food Masterclass Waitlist: Ready to transform your approach to food and health? Join the waitlist for our upcoming ReThink Food Masterclass to be the first to know about enrollment opportunities and receive exclusive early bird offers. Sign up for the waitlist here.

    Episode Quotes:

    • "Less than 7% of Americans are metabolically healthy. It's time to take control of our health and reverse this trend."
    • "Metabolic health is more than just about weight; it's about how your body processes food into fuel."
    • "Preventative care is key. Don't wait for a diagnosis to start caring for your metabolic health."

    This episode is not just a discussion; it's a call to action for everyone to re-evaluate their health priorities and take concrete steps towards a metabolically healthy lifestyle.

    #8: The Dangers of Polypharmacy: A Deep Dive into Overmedication and Its Impact

    #8: The Dangers of Polypharmacy: A Deep Dive into Overmedication and Its Impact

    In this compelling episode, Tisha sheds light on the alarming trend of polypharmacy in the United States, where 42% of adults take more than five medications daily. Through the story of "Bill," a case study from Tisha's Nutrition & Dietetics school days, we explore how easily one can fall into the trap of overmedication, leading to a cascade of health issues, from medication-induced complications to chronic diseases. Tisha discusses the healthcare system's focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing root causes and emphasizes the importance of nutrition, dietetics, metabolic health, and lifestyle changes in restoring health. Join us as we uncover the path to preventing chronic disease, reducing medication dependency, and genuinely improving quality of life.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Understanding Polypharmacy: Learn about the phenomenon of polypharmacy and its prevalence among US adults, especially the elderly.
    2. The Cascade Effect of Overmedication: Follow the journey of "Bill" to see how one medication can lead to the need for multiple others, resulting in a total of 18 medications plus supplements.
    3. Healthcare System's Shortcomings: Discover how the current healthcare approach fails to address the root causes of illness, focusing instead on symptom management through medication.
    4. The Role of Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes: Gain insights into how proper nutrition, dietetics, and metabolic health can prevent and reverse chronic diseases, reducing the need for medication.
    5. Tisha's Mission: Hear about Tisha's commitment to finding healing opportunities, addressing metabolic chaos, and restoring metabolic health without relying on symptom treatment.
    6. Taking Control of Your Health: Be inspired to take proactive steps towards your health to enjoy your later years without the burden of chronic disease or medication dependency.


    • Free Download: "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter": Access Tisha's exclusive guide that uncovers the truth about common foods believed to be healthy but may actually be sabotaging your metabolic health. This resource provides insights into how certain foods can impact insulin resistance and offers healthier alternatives to support your journey toward improved wellness.
    • ReThink Food Masterclass Waitlist: Ready to transform your approach to food and health? Join the waitlist for our upcoming ReThink Food Masterclass to be the first to know about enrollment opportunities and receive exclusive early bird offers. Sign up for the waitlist here.

    Episode Quotes:

    • "Health is not valued until sickness comes." – Thomas Fuller
    • "93% of the US population has been diagnosed with at least one chronic disease. Let's find the root cause."
    • "If you don't make time for your health, you'll be forced to make time for your illness."

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the risks of overmedication and seeking ways to live a healthier, medication-free life.

    #7: Rethinking Salt: How Misconceptions About Sodium Affect Our Health and Blood Pressure

    #7: Rethinking Salt: How Misconceptions About Sodium Affect Our Health and Blood Pressure

    In this eye-opening episode, Tisha tackles the controversial topic of salt and its impact on our health. Challenging long-held beliefs, Tisha explores the misunderstood role of salt in hypertension and metabolic dysfunction. Discover the surprising truth about low-salt diets, the real causes of high blood pressure, and why salt is crucial for our survival. This episode debunks myths, highlights the importance of addressing insulin resistance, and guides listeners on a journey to restore health without relying on medication. Tune in for insights and access Tisha's free guide on "5 'Healthy' Foods Making You Sicker & Fatter".

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Debunking the Salt Myth: Uncover why salt has been wrongly accused of causing high blood pressure and how low-salt diets can harm metabolic health.
    2. Identifying the True Culprit: Learn about insulin resistance as the primary cause of hypertension and the effective steps to combat it.
    3. The Vital Role of Salt: Understand the essential functions of salt in maintaining fluid balance, nerve and muscle function, and overall well-being.
    4. Risks of Low-Sodium Diets: Discover the negative impacts of reducing salt intake, including the potential for increased heart disease and mortality.
    5. Restoring Health Naturally: Gain actionable insights on how to reverse hypertension and avoid chronic diseases by addressing the root causes of metabolic dysfunction.
    6. A Proactive Approach to Health: Be motivated to prioritize your health today to avoid illness in the future, with practical advice on moving away from medications and towards true wellness.

    Episode Quotes:

    • "Salt is critical for our survival. Without enough salt, our bodies struggle to maintain essential functions."
    • "If you've been diagnosed with hypertension, it's a sign of underlying insulin resistance."
    • "Medication masks symptoms; it does not restore function. To truly heal, we must find and address the root cause."

    Join Tisha in this must-listen episode as she unravels the myths surrounding salt and hypertension, empowering listeners with knowledge to reclaim their health.

    #6: The Real Deal on Superfoods: Busting Myths & Serving Truths

    #6: The Real Deal on Superfoods: Busting Myths & Serving Truths

    Get ready to rethink everything you thought you knew about 'superfoods'! In this eye-opening episode of 'The Sickening Truth,' Tisha Castillo takes you on a deep dive into the world of fruits, veggies, and grains that dominate the superfood conversation. But are they really the nutritional superheroes we've been led to believe they are? Could there be more to this story?

    Spoiler Alert: Your kale smoothie is not going to be happy! Unpacking facts, busting myths, and serving up some hard truths about real nutrition, this episode is a wake-up call for anyone stuck in the superfood rut.

    Buckle up, it's time to get real with 'The Sickening Truth.' Don't miss out!

    #5: The DASH Diet: High Blood Pressure Savior or A Myth?

    #5: The DASH Diet: High Blood Pressure Savior or A Myth?

    Hey there, it's me, your trusty guide to The Sickening Truth, back again with another riveting episode. This time, I'm taking you on an enlightening journey beneath the well-packaged surface of the oh-so-popular DASH diet. Yes, that's right, we're daring to flip this supposed health savior upside down and take a look at what's really lurking beneath. 🍏🍞

    Many of you might think that the DASH diet is the ultimate solution for those suffering from high blood pressure. But, as we walk down the road less traveled, I want you to ask yourselves - could there be something else we're overlooking? 🤔 Together, let's challenge the mainstream narrative and break down the components of the DASH diet with a keen eye and open mind. 💡

    Our journey into the DASH diet reveals the sinister presence of an often-ignored villain - insulin resistance. What happens when this low-fat, high-carb diet comes face-to-face with the demon of insulin resistance? Is it a battle of Titans or a one-sided massacre? The revelation might take you by surprise. 🏆

    But here's the thing, friends. This episode isn't just a critique of the DASH diet; it's a clarion call to rise above the noise. 📣 It's a demand for us to question the 'wisdom' we've been spoon-fed, especially when it comes to our nutritional and metabolic health. Are we just trying to muffle our symptoms with a cocktail of prescriptions, or are we attempting to confront the root causes of our ailments? 🌱

    I'm here to prod you, to shake you out of complacency, to encourage you to ask the tough questions. As you go about your day, eating meals that have been sanctioned by the 'experts', I want you to pause and ponder: Are these meals making you healthier or are they merely keeping your doctor happy? 🍽️💊

    So, if you're someone who's willing to look beyond the obvious, challenge the status quo, and take control of your health, this episode is for you. 🧠

    Now, strap in, hit that play button, and get ready for a mind-blowing journey into The Sickening Truth. 🎧 And if my words resonate with you if you feel that thirst for knowledge and a desire to question, then go ahead and hit that subscribe button. I promise you, there's a lot more where this came from. Let's continue to expose the sickening truth, one episode at a time, right here on your favorite podcast platform.

    #4: Chasing Weight Loss with a Side of Fries: The Real Story Behind the 100-day McDonald's Challenge

    #4: Chasing Weight Loss with a Side of Fries: The Real Story Behind the 100-day McDonald's Challenge

    Hey folks, it's Tisha here with an episode that'll make you rethink everything you thought you knew about weight loss. Today, we're diving headfirst into this wild story of a guy who decided to shed pounds by eating at McDonald's for 100 days straight. Yeah, you heard it right.

    But hang on a minute, before you start envisioning a weight loss plan filled with Quarter Pounders and fries, let's set the record straight.. This isn't really about McDonald's, even though the media and everyone else would have you believe so. This episode is about how we, as a society, got it all twisted when it comes to health and weight loss.

    I mean, seriously, this man cut his calories in half, ditched the snacks, and only sipped on water, and we're crediting Mickey D's for the weight loss? Get outta here! And then, of course, we've got our dietician friend stepping in, going on about cutting more calories, eating less salt, and working out harder. The same old song and dance, right?

    So, here's the deal: we're going to bust these myths wide open. Caloric restriction, sodium intake, exercise – we're taking a deep dive into all these 'golden rules' we've been fed by the health industry. Instead of handing you a weight loss recipe book, I'm here to get you thinking. To question the norms. To reevaluate what it means to be healthy and maintain an ideal weight.

    Join me as we cut through the BS and challenge the status quo in this health journey. So buckle up, get ready to flip the script on weight loss, and let's debunk some myths together. It's about time, don't you think?

    #3 - The Great Gluten-Free Hoax: Unmasking the Money-Making Monster

    #3 - The Great Gluten-Free Hoax: Unmasking the Money-Making Monster

    In this eye-opening episode, we take a deep dive into the world of gluten-free diets and Celiac disease. The episode starts off by simplifying what Celiac disease really is - essentially, it's inflammation of the intestines caused by the proteins gluten and gliadin found in grains.

    We then bust a common myth that gluten intolerance is restricted to humans or specific individuals. In reality, no mammal tolerates gluten completely. The level of intolerance can vary significantly, from minor discomfort to severe bloating and other unpleasantries.

    The highlight of this episode is an in-depth analysis of the gluten-free industry. We discuss how big food companies are capitalizing on the gluten-free trend and potentially misleading consumers. We also touch on the fact that simply opting for gluten-free products doesn't necessarily mean a healthier diet or lifestyle.

    We delve into the serious side effects of gluten, and not just for those diagnosed with Celiac disease. Many common symptoms, such as brain fog, severe fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and stubborn weight gain, are associated with the consumption of grains, whether they're gluten-free or not.

    Towards the end of the episode, we discuss the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle. The focus should be on eating wholesome, natural foods instead of falling for marketing gimmicks from the food industry.

    Remember to subscribe to The Sickening Truth on your favorite podcast platform for more brutally honest health talk.

    #2: Stop Buying Health Sh#t

    #2: Stop Buying Health Sh#t

    Hey there, it's me, Tisha Castillo, your host on The Sickening Truth. In this episode, I'm talking about a recent health convention I went to and how my excitement for the event turned into some disappointment and sadness. While I'm still glad I went to the event, it was sad to see how other attendees reacted to the event. We live in a world that has brain washed us all to look for that magic pill or potion that will take away all of our issues and make us "healthy".  

    They don't folks ... and our need for quick fixes is exactly why big food and big pharma are so flipping big.

    So join me on The Sickening Truth as we explore the root causes of chronic diseases and how we can make positive changes to live healthier, longer lives. Let's dive in and uncover the truth together.

    #1: Lance Reddick & Natural Causes

    #1: Lance Reddick & Natural Causes

    In this episode of The Sickening Truth, I'm discussing the recent death of actor Lance Reddick and how his cause of death, heart disease, was labeled as "natural causes." But is heart disease really a natural cause of death? I'm challenging the traditional notion of what we consider "natural" and exploring how chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are actually preventable.

    I'm also delving into the flaws of the traditional nutrition and dietetics education that promote unhealthy eating habits, leading to the rise in chronic diseases. It's time for a shift in the healthcare system towards prevention and empowering individuals to take control of their health.

    Tune in to The Sickening Truth to learn more about the root causes of chronic diseases and how we can make positive changes to live healthier, longer lives.