
    The Soul Horizon

    The hero the world’s been waiting for? It’s you, sweet soul. Join psychologist and insatiably curious spiritual truth seeker Ashley Melillo each week as she melds psychology and spirituality to explore soulful topics such as consciousness, the nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, the higher self, empowerment, and awakened living. If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant and searching for a way to reignite that internal spark, this is the podcast for you. It’s time to come home to your soul—the world needs you to come alive.
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    Episodes (60)

    4 Simple Yet Transformative Teachings to Empower Your Life

    4 Simple Yet Transformative Teachings to Empower Your Life

    In this episode, we explore four simple yet transformative teachings that can be used to empower our lives in a deeper and more meaningful way.

    For each teaching, I share a quote or insight that captures the essence of the idea and then dive deeper into the heart of the wisdom that's held within each.

    The four main topics we cover are: 

    1. Satisfying needs (and how to differentiate between real and imagined needs).
    2. How to say 'no' and a quick and easy way to determine which opportunities to say 'no' to.
    3. Why our most sensitive triggers are the keys that unlock our deepest healing.
    4. The quickest and easiest way to soften the voice of fear.

    Sources + Resources

    @the_ocdproject (Instagram account)

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Article: Give Yourself the Permission to Be Ordinary

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance

    Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance

    Note: One of the quotes I share in this episode contains a swear word (a gentle one, all things considered), but please beware in case you're sensitive or in case you're listening around little ears!

    About a month ago, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a quote that read,

    "Unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance."

    It got me to thinking... 

    Unconditional love is something that's spoken about a lot, especially in spiritual circles. But the loose and flowing nature of its definition has made it susceptible to misinterpretation.

    It's imperative that we recognize and honor this distinction between unconditional love and unconditional tolerance—the former fosters unity consciousness whereas the latter can lead us to linger in toxic or even dangerous situations. In this episode, we explore unconditional love, unconditional tolerance, and the vast but often overlooked differences that separate these two distinct energies.


    LaPorte, D. (2022). *How to Be Loving. Sounds True.

    Ruiz, D. M. (1999). *The Mastery of Love: A practical guide to the art of relationship. Amber-Allen Publishing, Inc.

    Article: Unconditional Love ≠ Unconditional Tolerance

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Episode: Mind-Based Love vs. Heart-Based Love

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Feelings vs. Thinkings

    Feelings vs. Thinkings

    The true function of feelings is to elicit healing. 

    They arise within us to inform us. Their sole purpose is to grab our attention so that we can respond with an appropriate healing response

    This typically isn't how we respond to feelings though. We typically respond to feelings—especially “negative” ones—not by feeling them but by thinking about them...

    In other words, instead of feeling our feelings and opening to their wisdom, we react to our feelings by thinking about them (resisting), therefore creating thinkings about our feelings... and more feelings about our thinkings.

    In this episode, we'll explore why we do do this and what we can do to stop thinking and start feeling our feelings.

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Are you being catalyzed?

    Are you being catalyzed?

    If you feel as if your life as you've known it is imploding and everything you once knew, loved, and identified with no longer feels aligned with who you're becoming, this one is for you. In this episode, we'll explore what it means to be spiritually catalyzed.

    This process of inner catalyzation is identified in a variety of ways in spiritual teachings and literature...

    Tower Moment
    Dark Night of the Soul (DNOS) 
    Spiritual Transformation 
    Ego Death
    The Big Hairy Breakdown

    Yet, all of these names describe the same thing: A pivotal event or experience that initiates a process of deep inner transformation. 


    Bertrand, A., & Bertrand, S. (2017). Womb awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of all life*. Bear & Company.

    Steiner, R. (1994). How to know higher worlds*. Anthroposophic Press.

    Article: Materialism vs. Spiritualism

    Article: Deepak Chopra on Object Referral and Self Referral

    Article: Spiritual Transformation: 9 Signs You're Evolving

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Higher Self Q + A on Spiritual Catalyzation

    Episode: The Ego is an Instagram Filter

    Episode: The 7 Veils of Illusion

    Article: 15 Symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening (and why it's so powerful)

    Article: What is Kundalini Awakening? (19 Intense Symptoms)

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports my work at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    'On the Horizon' Check-In + Chat

    'On the Horizon' Check-In + Chat

    This episode is going to be a check-in and chat in which I'll share various anecdotes, musings, and teachings that I've been contemplating recently. 

    That probably sounds very vague! To be more specific I've just jotted down a handful of ideas, questions, and insights throughout the last week. For example, what I'm currently reading, what I'm currently feeling + intuiting energy wise, my perspective on a spiritual question I was recently asked, and the psychological and spiritual practices I'm actively focused on in myself right now.

    Related Podcast Episodes
    Episode 4: The Higher Self
    Episode 23: The 7 Veils of Illusion
    Episode 27: The Ego is an Instagram Filter


    Vitale, J. and Hew Len, I. (2007). Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Books I'm Currently Reading

    Book: Zero Limits* by Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len

    Book: How to Be Loving* by Danielle LaPorte

    Book: Womb Awakening* by Seren Bertrand and Azra Bertrand

    Book: Mary Magdalene Revealed* by Meggan Watterson

    Books I'm Reading Next

    Book: The User Illusion* by Tor Nørretranders

    Book: Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle* by Carl Jung

    Book: How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation* by Rudolf Steiner

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Chakra System

    The Chakra System

    Each chakra can be thought of as an energy center or doorway that allows energy to flow between the human form and the Soul or Higher Dimensional Consciousness that animates the body.

    Each chakra then is an energetic vortex point that connects the physical body to its Higher Dimensional Consciousness or Soul.

    In this episode, we'll discuss the energetic container for the chakra system—the Etheric Body. As well as the Nadis, including the Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala Nadis. We'll also take a closer look at each of the nine chakras in the nine-chakra system (while recognizing the fact that our understanding of the major chakra system is currently expanding to include 12 to 15 chakras).


    Perrakis, A. (2018). The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The beginner's guide to balancing, healing, and unblocking your chakras for health and Positive Energy. Fair Winds Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group.

    McCannon, T. (2017). The Angelic Origins of the Soul: Discovering Your Divine Purpose. Bear & Company.

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Illustration: Chakra System + Nadis
    Video: What is Nadi?
    YT Music Video: Chakra Balancing Solfeggio Frequencies
    Episode on Near Death Experiences
    Ascension Glossary Description of the Chakra System
    Article: Chakra Frequences + Solfeggio Frequencies
    Article: Guide to the Nadis
    Article: What is the Etheric Body?
    Article: Understanding the Flow of Prana
    Article: 5 Signs Your Chakras Are Out of Balance + How to Balance Them

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Evolution of Truth

    The Evolution of Truth

    In this mini episode, we're exploring the concept of truth. I'll first give my personal (personality based) take on the topic of truth as I currently understand it, and then I'll share insights that came through during an intuitive Q + A session with my Higher Self. While we could spend many episodes exploring the topic of truth, this bite-size episode will intentionally leave several stones unturned. Keep this in mind as you listen and also as you reflect on whatever thoughts, feelings, and wisdom rise up within you afterwards.

    Article: Beating the Backfire Effect (this will take you to the old, inactive version of my website because that's where the comment was left—and the comments didn't carry over when I updated the site last year)

    Episode: The Ego Is An Instagram Filter

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Spiritual Bypassing and the Fragmented Self

    Spiritual Bypassing and the Fragmented Self

    In this episode, we're talking all about 'spiritual bypassing' and how we can't reveal our wholeness when only certain aspects of ourselves are "allowed".

    We'll talk about what spiritual bypassing it is, why it happens, and the most common ways it shows up on the spiritual path. We'll also talk about authentic healing and ways to foster deep, transformative spiritual work.


    Article: 10 Types of Spiritual Bypassing

    Article: What is spiritual bypassing?

    Interview: John Welwood on Spiritual Bypassing* (highly recommend reading this!)

    @antoniadolhaine's Instagram Post on Spiritual Bypassing vs. Authentic Healing

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Book: How to Be Loving* by Danielle LaPorte (highly recommended reading)

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Cosmic Laws to Live By Part 3

    Cosmic Laws to Live By Part 3

    This is the third and final part in a three-part series on cosmic laws. (It was planned as a two-part series but needed a third episode!) 

    If you haven't yet listened to episodes 29 and 30, I suggest you give those a listen first. The concepts we explore in this episode build and expand upon the concepts we covered in the those.

    In this episode, we'll be exploring the higher level laws that govern our experience on earth as well as the cosmos at large. Specifically, we'll discuss the laws of frequency.

    Cosmic laws we’ll address in this episode include:

    Law of Ascension
    Law of Clarity + Resonance Conflicts
    Law of Repressed Emotions
    Law of Perspective
    Law of Purpose
    Law of One

    Inner Child Healing Meditations
    Inner Child Healing—Let Go of Anger, Bitterness, and Sadness (33 minutes)
    Time Travel to Visit Your Inner Child (15 minutes)

    Cooper, D. (2004). *A New Light on Ascension. Findhorn Press.
    Cooper, D. (2007). *A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. Findhorn Press.
    Womack, B. (2015). *Lessons from the 12 Archangels. Bear & Company. 

    Continued Reading + Resources
    *Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
    *You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
    *The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
    Podcast Episode: The Seven Veils of Illusion
    Scale of emotions chart

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 2)

    Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 2)

    Note: Please accept my sincere apologies for the poor audio quality in the second half of the recording—technical issue, and this was the best I could salvage from the recording. Lesson learned, and it won't happen again!

    This is part two in a three-part series on cosmic laws. (It was planned as a two-part series but needed a third episode!) 

    If you haven't yet listened to episode 29, I suggest you give that one a listen first. The concepts we'll explore build and expand upon the concepts we covered in that episode.

    In this episode, we'll be exploring the higher level laws that govern our experience on earth as well as the cosmos at large. Specifically, we'll discuss the laws of awareness and frequency.

    Cosmic laws we’ll address in this episode include:

    Law of Balance
    Law of Reincarnation
    Law of Responsibility
    Law of Frequency + Vibration
    Law of Miracles

    Inner Child Healing Meditations
    Inner Child Healing—Let Go of Anger, Bitterness, and Sadness (33 minutes)
    Time Travel to Visit Your Inner Child (15 minutes)

    Cooper, D. (2004). *A New Light on Ascension. Findhorn Press.
    Cooper, D. (2007). *A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. Findhorn Press.
    Womack, B. (2015). *Lessons from the 12 Archangels. Bear & Company. 

    Continued Reading + Resources
    *Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
    *You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
    *The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
    Podcast Episode: The Seven Veils of Illusion

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    11 Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 1)

    11 Cosmic Laws to Live By (Part 1)

    You're probably familiar with the Law of Attraction, but did you know that there are many other spiritual laws that impact our experience here on earth? 

    This is part one in a two-part series on cosmic laws. In this episode, we'll be exploring a small handful of the most fundamental of the cosmic laws, including basic laws of life and laws of creation.

    Cosmic laws we’ll address in this episode include:

    As Above, So Below | As Within, So Without
    Free Will + Non-Interference
    What You Resist Persists (Law of Resistance)
    The Laws of Reflection + Projection
    Appreciate Don’t Attach (Law of Attachment)
    Law of Abundance
    Law of Attraction
    Law of Manifestation
    Law of Flow
    If it’s for You, it Will Find You
    Intending > Wanting


    Cooper, D. (2007). *A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws. Findhorn Press.

    Related Episodes

    Episode 11—Quantum Manifestation: Accessing the Quantum Field to Create a Life You Love

    Episode 10—Triggered: Using Emotional Triggers as a Roadmap to Healing

    Episode 19—The Shift to the 5th Dimension: Are You Coming?

    Recommended Reading
    *Be a Genie: Create Love, Success and Happiness by Maureen St. Germain

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition (ESP): Languages of the Heart

    Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition (ESP): Languages of the Heart

    There are many, many forms of psi phenomena but the main forms of psi, referred to as the 'Big Five," are:

    1. Telepathy
    2. Clairvoyance
    3. Precognition
    4. Telekinesis
    5. Healing

    The first three pertain to the transference of information and fall within the subcategory of ESP. The last two pertain to the transference of energy and fall within the subcategory of PK or psychokinesis. In today's conversation, we explore phenomena in the ESP category. In the episode, we examine laboratory evidence, consider how discoveries in the field of quantum physics might be able to explain the existence of psi phenomena, and discuss ways to open to or enhance your own ESP abilities.

    Sources and all mentioned links, documents, and websites  (it was too long to include).

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Ego is an Instagram Filter

    The Ego is an Instagram Filter

    In this episode, we're talking all about the haze of distortion or illusion that's created by the ego and its attachments. If you'd like to wrap your head around the ego in a deeper and more meaningful way, this episode is for you.


    Ruiz, M. (2015). The five levels of attachment. Hierophant Publishing.

    Link to Q + A document on attachment.

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Wisdom Tidbits for the Soul + A Special Message for YOU in 2023

    Wisdom Tidbits for the Soul + A Special Message for YOU in 2023

    In this episode, we're highlighting key insights and summaries from the last 25 episodes with guidance on fear, the ego, procrastination, being ordinary, feeling trapped by life, being triggered, happiness, love, and more. I'm also sharing trickles of Higher Self wisdom I've received throughout 2022 in the form of random insights and inner knowings. And there's a special message for YOU from my Higher Self to yours with guidance for the year ahead.

    Wisdom Tidbits from the last 25 Episodes (This document contains all the episode links PLUS all the wisdom tidbits from the episode written out in full for easy referencing!)

    Message for YOU for the year ahead (word document with full message)

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Akashic Records: Accessing Your Soul's Cosmic History

    The Akashic Records: Accessing Your Soul's Cosmic History

    The Akashic Records are a metaphysical library that contain a complete vibrational history of every experience, thought, and emotion that each and every soul and aspect of consciousness has ever had. This episode offers an engaging introduction to the Akashic Records, including the who, what, why, and how of opening the Records.

    Laszlo, E. (2007). *Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Inner Traditions.

    McCannon, T. (2017). *The Angelic Origins of the Soul. Bear & Company. 

    St. Germain, M. (2019). *Opening the Akashic Records. Bear & Company.

    Article: Akashic Records History
    Article: Akashic Records Reading—What They Are and How to Access

    Reading the Akashic Records
    *Opening the Akashic Records by Maureen St. Germain

    Akashic Records Guides (to book an Akashic Records reading)

    A Line Within's Course—How to Read the Akashic Records with the Pinnacle

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports the Soul Horizon at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and What They Teach Us About Life

    Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and What They Teach Us About Life

    Documented accounts of Near Death Experiences date back thousands of years to ancient Greece and Rome. All the major religious traditions include stories of NDEs as do narratives collected from indigenous populations from around the world. The medical literature from the 19th and early 20th centuries also includes NDE cases. (Source— After by Bruce Greyson, M.D.) Although it might seem like an unusual phenomenon, NDEs aren't all that uncommon. In fact, they're described by 10% of people whose hearts stop. And surveys taken in the US, Australia, and Germany suggest that 4 to 15% of the general population have had NDEs. In this episode, we're digging into the evidence on NDEs, looking at two unique and profound experiences, and discussing what the experience of (almost) dying teaches us about life.

    You can access the full list of resources and links here (it was too long to include in full)!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Veil of Amnesia + The 7 Veils of Illusion

    The Veil of Amnesia + The 7 Veils of Illusion

    There are 7 Veils of Illusions that get layered over our consciousness here on Earth in the physical plane of existence. Each one creates a unique filter of illusion. And it's in lifting the veils, one by one, that we begin to see reality for what it truly is. Once all seven veils have been lifted, we become enlightened. The true and most basic meaning of enlightenment is seeing clearly without distortion.

    "But we need to be supermen never to forget the Vision of the Spirit, when matter insists on claiming our full attention." —C. Jinarājadāsa

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Related Episodes
    Quantum Manifestation
    Higher Self
    Using Triggers as a Roadmap to Healing
    19 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

    The Ho'oponopono Mantra
    7 Veils of Illusion on the Path to Enlightenment
    7 Veils of Illusion Humanity is Lifting to Awaken
    The Seven Veils of the Goddess—From Illusion to Empowerment
    Lifting the Veils of Amnesia and Illusion

    Samadhi—Maya, the Illusion of the Self

    Riskowitz, N. (2016). *Lifting the Veils of Illusion: 7 Steps Towards Spiritual Enlightenment. Practical Inspiration Publishing.
    The Seven Veils Over Consciousness (free eBook access)
    *Zero Limits by Joe Vitale

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Stop Tomorrow-ing Your Life Away

    Stop Tomorrow-ing Your Life Away

    As humans, we have a funny tendency to spend endless energy believing that tomorrow will be different instead of leveraging that energy to make today different.

    Tomorrow-ing, quite simply, is the verb form of tomorrow. It’s what we do when we don’t do things today because we believe we’ll miraculously be more capable or willing to do them tomorrow.

    We think tomorrow is the answer when in reality it’s the problem. Too often, ‘tomorrow’ becomes a catch-all for everything our instincts told us to do today.

    In this episode, we unravel the 'why' behind tomorrow-ing and pull the rug out from under its supposed utility. We also discuss several practical ways to combat tomorrow-ing and start today-ing.

    "Procrastination is the most common manifestation of Resistance because it is the easiest to rationalize. We don’t tell ourselves, ‘I’m never going to write my symphony.’ Instead we say, ‘I am going to write my symphony, I’m just going to start tomorrow.’"

    —Steven Pressfield

    Continued Reading + Sources
    Robbins, M. (2017). *The 5 Second Rule: The Fastest Way to Change Your Life. Savio Republic. 

    Pressfield, S. (2003). *The War of Art. Orion.

    Article: The Spotlight Effect and Social Anxiety—Not Everyone is Staring at You

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    The Zone of Divine Discomfort: Where Flow Meets Soul

    The Zone of Divine Discomfort: Where Flow Meets Soul

    The Zone of Divine Discomfort is the space we move into when we step just outside our comfort zone into the zone of proximal development to complete purposeful, soul-expanding, service-oriented work. It's essentially where flow meets soul. In this episode, we dive deeper into this powerful creative space and explore ways to access it on a regular basis.

    Continued Reading + Resources

    After Skool video on the Optimal Morning Routine

    Zweig, J. (2021). *Be. A No-Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself. Sounds True.

    Image: Zone of Proximal Development

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

    Do You Fear Your Own Power?

    Do You Fear Your Own Power?

    In order to actualize our purpose to the fullest extent possible, we must first find the courage to claim our power. But so many of us fear our own power. We keep our power at a distance in hopes of conforming or fitting in with outside expectations, as a means of self-protection (blending in is the safest bet in a judgmental world), in order to maintain a sense of control, to attain outside approval, and so on. 

    Some of us fear our power because we've come to associate "power" with its ego-driven, hierarchical, and opportunistic counterpart of force. In this episode, we explore the differences between power and force and examine ways we can reclaim our power in a steady, heart-centered way so that we can more fully actualize our purpose.

    "When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision, it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

    Audre Lorde


    Henry, T. (2013). *Die empty: Unleash your best work every day. Portfolio Hardcover.

    Perrakis, A. (2018). *The Ultimate Guide to Chakras. Fair Winds Press. 

    Continued Reading + Resources

    Article: Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

    Episode: Self-Reclamation: How to Reclaim Lost or Hidden Aspects of Yourself

    Episode: Fear-apy: Face Your Fears, Find Your Purpose

    *This is an affiliate link. Purchasing through affiliate links supports The Soul Horizon at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

    Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.


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