
    The Soulful Entrepreneur's Club

    Welcome to “the Soulful Entrepreneurs Club Podcast”   
    (Formerly - Aligned & Soulful Success)

    My name is Kavita Melwani, and I am a Master Certified Business Coach

    I empower spiritually-led businesses and conscious leaders to opulently shine their light without the hustle. 

    I truly believe You CAN  fulfill your soul’s desire without losing yourself. You can Ignite your confidence, know your worth, AND run a profitable business while walking your Divine, unique path. 

    In this podcast, I will dive deep into topics/challenges/blocks that soul-led individuals experience as they rise up into their aligned life and work. 

    I will not only explore the challenges and I will also share real implementable solutions so you can step into your unique purpose and shine. I truly believe that if you do your inner work, the ripple effect can change the world. 

    Are you ready to rise up as the leader you were born to be? 

    If you are, then join me as  I will go deep using my training, and personal experience, and work as a master coach to empower you.

     "it is possible to bridge the leadership success you already have with the truest, soulful, mystical parts of yourself.

    en-us137 Episodes

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    Episodes (137)

    Navigating Emotions in Business and Life

    Navigating Emotions in Business and Life

    In this week's episode, I discuss emotions and their impact on our personal and business lives. I explore the power of past experiences and our subconscious mind in shaping our decisions and actions. 

    This episode provides insights into recognizing, processing, and transforming these emotions for personal growth and business success.

    Key Topics this week: 

    💫 The impact of emotions on business and personal decisions.

    💫 The influence of past experiences on current emotional states.

    💫  Strategies for acknowledging and processing emotions.

    💫  The role of professional support in emotional processing.

    💫  Real-life applications and the benefits of emotional awareness in business scenarios.


    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    What is the Difference between a Coach, Consultant, Therapist and Mentor

    What is the Difference between a Coach, Consultant, Therapist and Mentor

    Are you looking for support in your business and/or life and are just not sure what type of helping professional you need? Then this week's episode is for you, here are some things I discuss:

    💫 The differences and similarities among the helping professions.
    💫 Some common misconceptions about each profession
    💫 How to decide what type of helping professional would be the most helpful 


    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    One Strategy to Improve Your Client Attraction

    One Strategy to Improve Your Client Attraction

    One of the biggest challenges my clients come to me with is attracting clients. Spoiler alert: Most businesses attract clients in multiple ways and use more than one strategy.
    In this episode, I discuss one aspect that may be missing in your client attraction strategy.

    Here are some highlights of this week's episode:

    💫 Importance of Having a Clearly Defined Client Attraction Strategy
    - The complexity of client attraction strategies
    - Nuances of attracting clients via social media
    - Different aspects of social media strategy to attract clients
    - Importance of authenticity in private messaging strategy
    - The impact of personal preferences on client attraction strategies
    - Nurturing connections and relationships in client attraction

    💫 Authentic and Genuine Client Attraction
    - Emphasis on authenticity in client attraction
    - Recognizing inauthentic and disingenuous strategies
    - The importance of nurturing genuine connections
    - Impact of personal energy and mindset on client attraction
    - Comparing authentic and inauthentic sales approaches

    💫 Building Genuine Relationships in Client Attraction
    - Importance of nurturing connections and relationships
    - Genuine support vs. seeking something from others
    - Impact of genuine energy in client interactions
    - Importance of genuine and helpful approach in client interactions


    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Sneaky ways Perfectionism shows up and stops you

    Sneaky ways Perfectionism shows up and stops you

    Are you a perfectionist or a recovering perfectionist? If you are, then this episode is for you. Sometimes perfectionism is sneaky and can show up and prevent you from moving forward in your life and business. 
    I discuss more in today's episode. 

    Here are five key points from today's episode:

    💫 Perfectionism often stems from childhood conditioning and a need for external validation.

    💫 Over-preparing and seeking perfection can lead to burnout and hinder progress in your business.

    💫 Relentless persistence, not perfection, is a key to entrepreneurial success.

    💫 Understanding your fears and moving towards them can help you break free from perfectionism.

    💫 It's essential to redefine success on your terms and take imperfect, aligned action toward your goals.


    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    One Key to Your Successful Vision in 2024 and Beyond

    One Key to Your Successful Vision in 2024 and Beyond

    If you are an empath, even though you are a deep feeler, you most likely spend a lot of time soothing. This makes complete sense because your emotions are intense.
    You also spend much time in your comfort zone learning, reading, and being a student in some way, shape, or form. I know because I have been caught in the learning cycle instead of the feeling and taking action cycle.
    In this week's episode, I discuss 
    💫How to feel your emotions so you can have a clear vision
    💫Why you are probably soothing instead of feeling even though you are an empath
    💫The comfort zone of learning
    💫Empaths as high-achievers and how this can block your success


    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Why Big Goals are Stopping Your Success

    Why Big Goals are Stopping Your Success

    Do you set big goals at the beginning of the year and then feel disappointed at how the results are? If you do, then your huge goals AND how you are setting those goals may be stopping your success. In this episode, I explain how to set goals in a way that will lead to creating the life and business you want.

    Here are some things I discuss:

    💫 The Challenges with Big Goals: Why large, immediate changes often lead to unsustainable outcomes.

    💫 Effective Goal Setting: How to set effective goals that go beyond SMART goals

    💫 Action-Oriented Approach: Why choosing the right actions will support your progress

    💫 Tiered Progression: How to progress in a sustainable and long-lasting way 

    💫 Applying Strategies to Business

    💫 The Value of Support


    If you are interested in the Aligned Planning workshop course, Send me a message (kavitalifecoach@gmail.com), and will send you more information.

    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Creating Your Aligned Vision for 2024

    Creating Your Aligned Vision for 2024

    Are you ready to create the life and business you want in 2024? Have you ever worked towards something and realized that it didn't bring you the satisfaction you thought? In this episode, I discuss how to create an aligned vision; what's the use of creating what you think you need to be happy? 
    Instead create what your soul desires, fulfill your true purpose and live an aligned life. 

    💫  Setting a Clear Vision

    💫 .Setting Specific Goals

    💫  Taking Aligned Action

    💫  Creating Visual Reminders

    By aligning with the vision, setting specific goals, taking aligned action, and creating visual reminders, the coachee can work towards a successful and fulfilling 2024.

    This episode is part of a series:  

    If you missed last week's episode, on How to Decide where to Invest in your Business

    Here is a link to the first episode: Activate Abundance through your Subconscious mind

    Last week, I mentioned a visualization and exercise to help you clarify your Vision.
    If you want that Click here.


    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    How to Decide Where to Invest in Your Business

    How to Decide Where to Invest in Your Business

    This is the second episode in the series on getting ready for 2024.
    In this episode, I discuss how to decide where to invest in your business next year. I walk you through a step-by-step process.

    If you missed last week's episode, here is a link to that Activate Abundance through your Subconscious mind

    Here are the highlights from this week's episode:

    💫 Set a clear vision for the upcoming year.
    💫 Define specific and measurable goals based on the vision.
    💫Identify areas for potential business growth, such as increasing income, enhancing marketing and sales, refining the brand, and creating additional income streams.
    💫 Evaluate the budget and allocate funds for business investment, considering past income, personal expenses, and potential areas for growth.
    💫 Consider investing in training, tools for automation, mentors, coaches, and advisors to support business growth and personal development.
    💫 Focus on personal and business growth to become the best version of oneself as an entrepreneur.
    💫 Make conscious, intuitive investment decisions aligned with the vision and goals, avoiding distractions from irrelevant opportunities.

    I mentioned a visualization and exercise to help you clarify your Vision.
    If you want that Click here. 

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Activate Abundance through your Subconscious Mind

    Activate Abundance through your Subconscious Mind

    As we wrap up the year, I am providing exercises and visualizations to help you activate an abundant, amazing year ahead.

    This week, I am sharing an Abundance Visualization.

    Take some time to listen to the visualization (in a place where it's safe to close your eyes) - if you enjoy it, there is a link below to download it with an exercise to help you activate abundance.

    As with most visualizations, in order to derive the full benefits, it is ideal to listen to it multiple times. Commit to 21 days and see how your mindset shifts.


    If you are interested in the Aligned Planning workshop course, Send me a message (kavitalifecoach@gmail.com), and will send you more information.

    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    How to make time to make Vital decisions for next year

    How to make time to make Vital decisions for next year

    It is so important to make vital decisions for the next year. If you have been caught up in the frenzy of the end of the year and holiday season, take a breath and listen to how you can make time to reflect in an aligned way.  

    Here are 5 key takeaways:

    💫 Take time off to rest, rejuvenate, and assess the things you want to continue doing and the things you want to stop doing.

    💫 Consciously choose the tasks that really need to be done in your business and prioritize those.

    💫 Reflect on the challenges faced, find gratitude in them, and acknowledge the lessons learned to move forward as a better version of yourself.

    💫 Set specific goals for the coming year, be conscious of creating them, and break them down into achievable steps.

    💫 Make decisions for the next year from a place of trust and alignment with your purpose, rather than out of fear.

    What word will guide you in the coming year?

    Remember, it's essential to take the time to plan, reflect, and make well-thought-out decisions that resonate with your true self and aspirations.

    Take some time to think about your word for the year and the primary energy you want to embody. Feel free to share it with me if you'd like. I'm here to support you.

    Here's to creating an intentional and purposeful year ahead!

    If you are interested in the Aligned Planning workshop course, Send me a message (kavitalifecoach@gmail.com), and will send you more information.

    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Self-awareness, Reflection and Energy for Business Success

    Self-awareness, Reflection and Energy for Business Success

    In this week's episode, I share a personal reflection on the past year gone and my intentions for the year ahead. 

    Some highlights from this week's episode: 

    💫 Trusting intuitive guidance and making decisions guided by personal truth.

    💫 Engaging in self-reflection to assess past investments of time and energy and to make conscious choices moving forward.

    💫Utilizing the time provided by the Mercury retrograde for self-reflection and considering what changes are needed in the coming year.

    💫Seeking aligned support and mentorship to elevate the business and address any gaps or support needed for personal and business growth.

    If you are interested in the Aligned Planning workshop course, Send me a message (kavitalifecoach@gmail.com), and will send you more information.

    Ready to book a complimentary 30-minute Elevate Your Business Call?  Book now.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    It is time to quit or are you at the Tipping Point?

    It is time to quit or are you at the Tipping Point?

    Quitting time or tipping point? How do you know which one you are at?  In this episode, I’m going to talk about how you can find out by doing these 3 things.

    Get ready to take a step back, write things down, and prioritize some action.  After you take these steps I talk you through in this episode,  allow everything to sit overnight and the right decision for you will be clear. I encourage you to keep going, you may be on the verge of a tipping point. Listen in to learn how you can find what your next step is in your life! 

    Schedule a clarity session with me by using the link below. Be sure to leave a review and let me know your thoughts once you’ve listened!

    What I’m sharing with you in this episode:

    • Be persistent & consistent
    • Take a step back
    • Seeing from a different perspective
    • Speak to a therapist or a coach
    • Get a new perspective
    • Ask yourself how you feel
    • Are you burnt out?
    • Writing it down
    •  Write & acknowledge what you've done
    • Take action
    • Keep a practice of writing what you've accomplished
    • Checking in and taking different action
    • Creating a plan for yourself
    • Celebrate what you have accomplished
    • Allow yourself time

    Resource mentioned:
    Malcom Gladwell - Tipping Point Book:

    Planning for Long-Term Success

    Please join me for a guided Planning Event designed for you - Plan for your successful 2024
    Join me for an intuitive AND practical online event where you'll learn how to plan your marketing and time management strategies for 2024.

    You will leave with a plan of where to consciously focus your time and marketing so you can have a clear plan for a successfully aligned year.

    As entrepreneurs, our time is often spent in our businesses instead of on our business. To reach your highest level of success, you must take time to plan, assess and make decisions in an aligned way.

    Friday, December 1st 9 AM to 12 PM PST


    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Making the Most of the Holidays

    Making the Most of the Holidays

    Holiday stress and overwhelm impact everything - you and your business. If you can manage yourself during this time, you will be able to focus on what matters most to you.

    This week, I am changing gears and focusing on you as a person - the one running your business. How you manage this time will impact you now, in the new year, and beyond.

    Here are some things I discuss in this episode

    💫 Identifying triggers and feelings associated with the holidays
     💫 Processing emotions and triggers
    💫 Understanding the concept of shadow work
    💫 Changing patterns and responding differently

    💫Creating a fulfilling holiday experience

    💫 Seeking additional support if needed

    💫 Applying insights to entrepreneurship
    I hope you can consciously choose how you want to feel and what you want to experience this holiday season.

    If you want to plan for 2024, please join me: 

    Planning for Long-Term Success

    Please join me for a guided Planning Event designed for you - Plan for your successful 2024
    Join me for an intuitive AND practical online event where you'll learn how to plan your marketing and time management strategies for 2024.

    You will leave with a plan of where to consciously focus your time and marketing so you can have a clear plan for a successfully aligned year.

    As entrepreneurs, our time is often spent in our businesses instead of on our business. To reach your highest level of success, you must take time to plan, assess and make decisions in an aligned way.

    Friday, December 1st 9 AM to 12 PM PST


    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    One thing most solopreneurs don't do that limits their growth

    One thing most solopreneurs don't do that limits their growth

    One thing most solopreneurs don't do:  Planning

    💫  Defining Success on Your Terms
      - Importance of defining success for yourself
      - Not relying on others' definitions of success

    💫  Neglecting Planning as Entrepreneurs
      - Focus on day-to-day operations and tasks
      - Overlooking the importance of planning for long-term success

     💫 The Role of Regular Planning
      - Planning for day, week, month, quarter, and year
      - Need for a consistent process for assessment and improvement

    💫  Challenges in Prioritizing Planning
      - Balancing time for planning and business operations
      - Overcoming the reluctance to take time away from the business for planning

     Planning for Long-Term Success

    Please join me for a guided Planning Event designed for you - Plan for your successful 2024
    Join me for an intuitive AND practical online event where you'll learn how to plan your marketing and time management strategies for 2024.

    You will leave with a plan of where to consciously focus your time and marketing so you can have a clear plan for a successfully aligned year.

    As entrepreneurs, our time is often spent in our businesses instead of on our business. To reach your highest level of success, you must take time to plan, assess and make decisions in an aligned way.

    Friday, December 1st 9 AM to 12 PM PST


    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Marketing tips for the Spiritual Entrepreneur

    Marketing tips for the Spiritual Entrepreneur

    This week, I wanted to share an excerpt of the masterclass I held last week.
    I discuss some marketing strategies, how to create an aligned marketing plan, and many other valuable tips in this episode.

    A brief summary of what I discuss: 

    💫   The Power of Marketing in Attracting Dream Clients
        - Emphasis on relationship-building and supportive connections
       - Caution against spreading oneself too thin

     💫  Developing an Aligned Marketing Plan
       - Importance of having a niche
       - Recommendations for marketing even without a niche
       - Discussion on different marketing methods (offline and online)

    Here is the link to register for the Free Masterclass
    "How to Attract Dream Clients You Love."
    There are two options to attend live - if you still can't make it live, make sure you register to access the recording.

    If you are ready to discuss your business and potentially working together -
    CLICK HERE  to book a call. 

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Support/Community

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Support/Community

    This is the 3rd episode in my series on entrepreneurial success.

     Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Support/Community
    Here are some key points I discuss

    💫The importance of support and community for entrepreneurial success
      - Challenges faced by entrepreneurs in finding support

    💫 Building a community of business owners and entrepreneurs
      - Engaging in networking and collaborative opportunities
    💫The value of having a mentor or coach
      - Benefits of guidance and support from someone more experienced
      - Overcoming loneliness and gaining perspective

    💫The importance of hiring support staff
      - Virtual assistants and other contractors
      - Investing in bookkeeping and other essential tasks

    💫 The role of community in personal and business growth
      - Elevating each other and avoiding distractions
      - Choosing the right communities and coaches for individual needs

    Here is the link to register for the Free Masterclass
    "How to Attract Dream clients You Love."
    There are two options to attend live - if you still can't make it live, make sure you register to access the recording.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Focus

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Focus

    This week, I am continuing the series on 

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Focus
    Here are some key points from this episode. 

    💫 Importance of focus in entrepreneurial success
    - The tendency to get distracted by "bright shiny objects"
    - How to differentiate between opportunities and distractions

    💫 Assessing how time is spent in the business
    - Identifying the percentage of time spent on administrative tasks, marketing, client work, and CEO planning time - hot it relates to your focus and success

    💫 Evaluating the results of time spent
    - How the results are the best indicator of focus/time/energy

    💫Making mindful decisions and changes
    - How to assess whether a strategy or training program is aligned with business goals

    💫Strategies for effective marketing
    - When to explore new marketing strategies and when to stay focused
    - How to maximize the impact and effectiveness of marketing activities

    Here is the link to register for the Free Masterclass
    "How to Attract Dream clients You Love"
    There are two options to attend live - if you still can't make it live, make sure you register to access the recording.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Inner work

    Keys to Entrepreneurial Success - Inner work

    Keys to entrepreneurial success - inner work

    What does it truly take to become a successful entrepreneur?
    There is more to success than sales, marketing, and taking action.  I am starting a series where I will discuss what it truly takes for the next few weeks.

    This episode is about the inner work. I know I talk about the inner work a lot, and I thought it would be helpful to understand what it means.

    💫 Definition and importance of inner work
       -  Inner work in entrepreneurship
       -  Inner work and Outer work

    💫 Influence of conditioning and experience on beliefs
       - Beliefs and conditioning
       - The subconscious mind and beliefs

    💫 Mindset work as a component of inner work
       - The importance of mindset work
       -  A powerful strategy to work with your mind

    💫Taking responsibility for your results
       - Responsibility without self-shaming
    Here is the link to register for the Free Masterclass
    "How to Attract Dream clients You Love"
    There are two options to attend live - if you still can't make it live, make sure you register to access the recording.

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Burnout Recovery Strategies for Meaningful Work

    Burnout Recovery Strategies for Meaningful Work

    When you think of burnout, do you think of it in the context of meaningful work?
    Most of the dialogue around burnout is when an individual is engaged in soul-draining work. It is possible to feel tired and burnout when you are in your soulful business. This week, I discuss "Burnout Recovery Strategies when you are engaged in meaningful work.

    Here are some key points:

    💫 The impact of burnout on soulful entrepreneurs
    - Burnout can occur even when engaged in meaningful work
    - Burnout may lead to questioning the business and seeking external solutions

     💫 Signs of burnout and its effects on business
    - Energetic repelling of new clients
    - Frustration, irritability, and impatience
    - Impact on health, such as migraine headaches
    - The body finding ways to force a break if one is not taken consciously

     💫 The importance of recovery from burnout
    - Taking time to recover prepares entrepreneurs to serve clients better
    - Recovery nourishes the entrepreneur's well-being
    - Recovery aids in attracting new clients and overall business success

    💫The role of time urgency and thoughts about time in burnout
    - Urgency and a sense of not having enough time can contribute to burnout
    - Thoughts and beliefs about time influence behavior and results

    💫Assessing thoughts and feelings for burnout recovery
    - Slowing down and paying attention to thoughts and feelings during various business activities
    - Assessing thoughts and feelings about the business on a daily and weekly basis
    - Making conscious choices based on assessment

     💫The value of coaching in burnout recovery
    - A good coach can help identify thought errors and daily behaviors
    - Coaching aids in creating a schedule and plan aligned with energy and strengths
    - Approaching business with an abundance mindset and trust in the process

    💫 Evaluating and making necessary changes
    - Assessing the number of clients and determining if adjustments need to be made
    - Finding alignment and avoiding taking on too much
    - Prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries

    Episode on burnout: 


    Free gift:
    5 Ways to Feed Your soul and rise Into your entrepreneurship as an Empathetic Entrepreneur

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach

    Working with Dreams to Support Your Success

    Working with Dreams to Support Your Success

    Are you Curious about Dreams? Do you currently work with your dreams? Do you write them down and use them to help support your success?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, this week's episode is for you. 
    Here are some things that I talk about: 
    💫 The Importance of Dreams for Success 
    Processing, Reflections, Overcoming challenges and insights. 

    💫  Strategies to Remember Your Dreams

    💫 How to Work with Your Dreams

    💫 Gaining Insight and Accelerating Success through Dream Work

    Share your insights with me. Let me know if you are working with your dreams or you want more episodes on this topic. 

    Get your Free Guide "How to Attract Dream Clients"

    Follow me on Social Media for more tips:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kavitalifecoach
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/kavitalifecoach