
    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast

    The Sovereign Homestead helps liberty-loving people design and create resilient homesteads that yield maximum freedom and provide for a their highest Quality of Life.
    en73 Episodes

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    Episodes (73)

    Debt, Wealth & Counter-Economics As A Means To Create A World Worth Inheriting ~Epi-073

    Debt, Wealth & Counter-Economics As A Means To Create A World Worth Inheriting ~Epi-073

    How do we create a regenerative economy and all that entails when that work is arbitrarily outlawed, suppressed or actively disincentivized by the value systems that dominate our current culture?

    HINT: We have to step outside of the current imposed power structure - no permission required.

    My presupposition for this episode is this: Mainstream, state sponsored and enforced economic theory and practice has herded humanity as a whole onto a degenerative trajectory with respect to environmental integrity, social cohesion and individual well-being.

    We are living in a debt-driven world - stealing from future generations so we can have more now.

    If we want to live regeneratively, there has to be another way of meeting our needs today without destroying the ecosystems that provide them. In fact, we need to make them stronger and more productive!

    That "other way" is Counter-Economics.

    Counter-Economics is the theory and practice of all human action neither accepted by the State nor involving any initiatory violence or threat of violence.

    Counter-Economics exists and can be practiced outside the boundaries of State power (the State being that institution that has a legal monopoly on the use of force within a certain arbitrary geographic border). State power exists at the intersection of three things:

    • Scope – laws on the books.
    • Reach – boots on the ground.
    • Will – what lives in the heart of the agent of the State.

    To engage in the counter economy is to engage only in moral actions (voluntary, without initiation or or threat of violence). They may or may not be legal as viewed from the perspective of the State Agent.

    In order to get to a regenerative economy, we have to add one more layer - an ethical framework provided by the Prime Directive and three ethics of permaculture.

    Prime Directive: The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for yourself and your dependents. Make it now.

    Permaculture Ethics

    • Care Of The Earth: Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply.
    • Care Of People: Provision for people to access those resources necessary for their own existence.
    • Setting Limits To Population And Consumption: By governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to reinvest towards the first two ethics.

    Once we have combined Counter-Economics with the ecologically sound guideposts from permaculture, we have created the foundation for a truly regenerative economy. One in which the 7th Generation Principle can come to fruition in act and spirit: 

    The 7th Generation Principle: A 7th generation systems creates socially and economically fulfilling lives for its inhabitants, whose daily activity patterns regenerate natural ecosystems and increase living capital year over year, such that the economic and social value of natural ecosystems is always increasing, and the value-ing of those systems is transmitted intact across generations.


    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal

    Building Your Sovereign Homestead



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    Grow Food, Fodder, Fences And Forts For Cheap With Livestaking ~Epi-072

    Grow Food, Fodder, Fences And Forts For Cheap With Livestaking ~Epi-072

    Today's episode is a short primer on live staking - what it is, how it works, what its good for, what types of species you can use to do it, and how to harvest, prepare and plant your live stakes.

    If you have perennially moist soils in need of stabilization, or are able to irrigate certain areas to ensure adequate soil moisture for establishment, you can plant hundreds of trees for pennies per stem and create living structures that provide many layers of function while getting stronger over time!

    Livestaking is a great way to establish living fences, plant and grow living structures, stabilize eroded stream or gully banks, establish large trees in pasture, plant living fence posts and much more. It is a greate example of how when we work with nature we can create landscapes that are exponentially more functional and abundant for us, both today and in the future.

    Show Resourcesb



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal

    Building Your Sovereign Homestead


    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    As Within So Without ~Epi-071

    As Within So Without ~Epi-071

    As within so without.

    If we want to see changes in our external world (i.e. regenerating landscapes and ecosystems), we have to first address our internal state.

    The older I get and the more I learn, the less I can say I know for sure.

    This, though, is one of those things that I've arrived at as being one of those "indivisible kernels of truth" - something solid and constant upon which I can build a foundation for regeneration.

    The external state of our landscapes is a direct reflection of our own internal states.

    This has always been true in every consultancy I have ever done.

    This is why I always have my design clients beging the process by creating a Minimum Holistic Goal. To start designing without first calming and clarifying your own internal landscape is basically the same as giving a bunch of apes spaghetti to throw at the wall and then seeing what sticks and saying "Look, design!".

    We can do better than that.

    We have to do better than that if our goal is to regenerate the ecosystems upon which we depend for our sustenance and quality of life.

    Every landscape ultimately becomes a mirror of one's internal state.



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal

    Building Your Sovereign Homestead



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    Adaptive vs. Prescriptive Management For Homesteads And Lifestyle Design ~Epi-070

    Adaptive vs. Prescriptive Management For Homesteads And Lifestyle Design ~Epi-070

    Adaptive Management: Observation-driven management for constantly increasing resilience and ecosystem function by employing planned, purposeful disruption.

    Prescriptive Management: Labeling your observations so that you can look up a prescription that fits that label. This is a much more myopic way of managing a landscape, as you're automatically confining yourself to pre-existing solutions for truly unique problems or challenges.

    Adaptation is Nature's way. Nature is always changing - things may rhyme but they are never exactly the same. Therefore our management needs to change with this constantly changing landscape.

    3 Rules of Adapative Management

    1.  Compounding: every decision creates a cascade of compounding effects, these effects are never neutral, they are either positive or negative with regards to ecosystem function and whether or not they move you closer to your Quality of Life goals or further from them.
    2. Diversity: Greater species diversity is always better, and creates positive compounding effects.
    3. Disruption: Introduce planned, purposeful disruption in order to vary the stimulus that the landscape receives to continue making gains in ecosystem function, homestead efficiency and resilience, and enterprise profitability.

    Never assume you've got it in the bag! ALWAYS base your actions on observation - adapt to the feedback that Nature is always providing, instead of prescribing from a narrow field of pre-existing solutions.

    Show Resourcesb



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    Why We Use Functions-First Design To Create Holistic Ecosystems ~Epi-069

    Why We Use Functions-First Design To Create Holistic Ecosystems ~Epi-069

    When we design holistic ecosystems, we start with mapping out desired and required functions THEN search for, select and/or design elements/systems that provide those functions in a way that aligns with the site-specific context.

    This is contrasted with how most people "design" systems - they see an ad or read an article and like the thing or the method/technique they see, and then say "I want thing A" or "I'm going to do technique B" on my land.

    And then systems start being built around these sexy, cool things that are out of alignment with the context of time and place.

    Today I hope I can convince you that starting your homestead design (or re-design) by first assessing your desired and required functions - and thus creating a map of functions and functional outcomes that you require to support your chosen Quality of Life - that you can then much more quickly and effectively design or select the appropriate elements to populate your design.

    This is functions-first design, and I encourage everyone to at least give function mapping a try when designing their homesteads.


    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast



    Off-Grid Soil Fertility For Sovereign Food Systems ~Epi-068

    Off-Grid Soil Fertility For Sovereign Food Systems ~Epi-068

    If you are serious about food sovereignty, you're serious about building soil.

    In this episode I detail 4 methods for creating your own soil fertility inputs from what you are already growing, can source on your property or very close to home, or are already in the course of putting food on your table. They are:

    • Vermicomposting ------------------> good biology
    • Compost Tea Brewing --------------> amplify biology
    • Biochar ----------------------------> retain biology
    • Plant-based Liquid Fertilizer --------> feed biology

    It is in the SYNERGY between these methods that the real exponential gains are to be found. I chose vermicomposting as a way to create good biology in the first place as it is relatively simple to get started with and will yield returns of worm castins within a growing season or less.

    Next, utilize aerobic compost tea brewing to expand the amount of beneficial biology you have created from the worm castings. Once you have a tea you can spray it and cover large areas of plant bodies or soil surface with beneficial biology and nutrients. This is WAY more efficient than spot application of compost.

    Next, use your aerobic compost tea inoculated with worm castings to inoculate charcoal and turn it into biochar! Biochar is a millennia+ soil amendment - it will outlive you and the next 20+ generations in the soil - and it will provide a home for beneficial biology and retain nutrients for the entire time it persists. This is as close to an infinite improvement as we can get in our human form.

    And finally, to charge up naked charcoal and give all the beneficial biology something to eat, we make anaerobically fermented weed tea (though animal products can be used too) to create a mineral and nutrient rich solution. Use your compost tea brewing set up to hyper-aerate this solution to kill all of the anaerobic organisms, leaving a nutrient soup, and then introduce naked charcoal and beneficial micro-organisms (vermicompost) to create a nutrient-rich, hydrated, beneficial microbe hotel that will provide increasing benefit to your growing systems year after year without you having to do it year after year.

    This is about getting off the treadmill of annual inputs. Don't give your money to the big fertilizer companies when you can make a way better, site-specific product on your own for very cheap that doesn't have a long-term downside like typicaly salt-based fertilizers and centralized, commodity soil amendments.

    Food sovereignty can be acheived when our food systems build soil by default. That is what this synergy can do for you.





    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast










    Biosolids: America's Dirty Secret ~Epi-067

    Biosolids: America's Dirty Secret ~Epi-067

    Today is an expose about one of America's dirty secrets - we're talking about the nation wide biosolids program.

    Supposedly its a great way to beneficially cycle a "renewable resource" to help fertilize crop fields, protect water sheds and keep people healthy.

    In reality, its anything but - and we know from first hand knowledge because we lived with it right across the street from us for months. 

    For any would-be homesteader looking to re-locate to the country, be aware of the potential for biosolids in your watershed and potentially right across the fence (as in our case).

    This is a huge problem, one that has resulted from a society and civil infrastructure built around the assumptions of a perpetual and never-ending supply of cheap energy. Now those chickens are coming home to roost, and its on us to fix it. First things first we have to learn just how extensive the problem of dealing with our own shit is so we can wrap our heads around what will be required to retrofit existing systems to make them work for a lower energy future.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast








    Making Landfall - Your First 60 Days On The Land ~Epi-066

    Making Landfall - Your First 60 Days On The Land ~Epi-066

    Today's show is all about the things you have to do to get yourself onto your land quickly without shooting yourself in the foot withe improperly located or oriented structures and roads.

    Vehicle access is basically an absolute necessity in today's world. By their very nature, roads are a break from the inherent landform, and thus ALL ROADS CAPTURE AND MOVE WATER. This is just part of what a road does.

    If you put in a road, or are inheriting a road without understanding that fact, you will pay for it later - all it takes is one good storm.

    So today, in this first installment of the Making Landfall series, we're zero-ing in on Water > Access > Structures - the three primary design layers that have to get sorted out quickly when you move onto a new landscape. Where am I going to live? How am I going to get to it? How will this affect and be affected by water moving through the landscape?

    This show is about the essential things you need to do to get it right and not create a Type 1 Error that will hamper your efforts to create your sovereign homestead as long as it exists.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    A Strong WHY Can Bear Almost Any HOW ~ Epi-065

    A Strong WHY Can Bear Almost Any HOW ~ Epi-065

    New Year's Evolution. This show is about doing the most important work first - your own internal visioning - an rooting that vision in your heart to create a WHY strong enough to bear any HOW. If you haven't done it yet, give yourself the gift of creating your Minimum Holistic Goal. It is the ONE THING that will make everything else that comes after easier, more fun and more effective.

    Creating a legacy worth inheriting starts in you. 

    Let your life be a love letter to future generations and leave beauty in your wake. That's how we create a world worth inheriting.




    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    Using Duckweed To Grow More Calories Per Square Foot ~ Epi-064

    Using Duckweed To Grow More Calories Per Square Foot ~ Epi-064

    Duckweed is an amazingly productive floating aquatic plant that is highly palatable to a wide variety of small and large livestock (ruminants, pigs, poultry, fish etc). Duckweed is a tremendous ally for those of us looking to create independence from centralized commodity food systems. You may not want to eat duckweed (though you can) but what you eat is very likely to benefit from having duckweed in its diet (and your wallet will thank you for it!).

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast






    The 7th Generation Principle - Designing For Continuity Across Generations ~ Epi-063

    The 7th Generation Principle - Designing For Continuity Across Generations ~ Epi-063

    In this episode I am sharing what I have come to call the 7th Generation Principle - a principle guide post of sorts that I've been refining for nearly 10 years now to help guide my design work (for my own life and for others) in the direction of inter-generational regeneration.

    Basically, it seems like throughout human history we've actually lived in a truly sustainable fasion - i.e. regeneratively. Some of those examples even persisted for quite some time, but now we are left with very few intact cultures that can successfully transmit the cultural values of regeneration through time from one generation to the next. Even those that still exist are struggling to keep it up.

    This principles is my attempt at refining design imperatives such that we prepare fertile soil for the values of regeneration to once again take root in the hearts and minds of the up and coming generations, and for them to have the tools to successfully transmit those values to their descendants.

    We'll break down all the context and various pieces of it in the podcast, but here it is in full:

    A 7th generation system creates socially and economically fulfilling lives for its inhabitants, whose daily activity patterns regenerate natural ecosystems and increase living capital year over year, such that the economic and social value of natural ecosystems is always increasing, and the value-ing of those systems is transmitted intact across generations.

    In this episode I'll walk through the questions that led to me writing this principle this way, and the ways to apply it in your own lifestyle design using the Regenerative Triple Bottom Line - Economic, Social and Ecological to create guiding  criteria and questions to assess if you're on target or not.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast





    5 Tenets Of Carnivore Homesteading ~ Epi-062

    5 Tenets Of Carnivore Homesteading ~ Epi-062

    In today's show we discuss the idea of the Carnivore Homestead.

    For those of us that eat a mostly animal-based diet,  we want to produce mostly animal-based calories from our homestead production systems. I got news - just because we like to eat steak doesn't mean we aren't going to grow plants - in fact, we've got to grow them in greater quantity and quality in order to feed the animals that become our food.

    Carnivore homesteads have to be regenerative by their very nature if they are to be sustainable. Join me as we discuss the ins and outs of what I'm calling the 5 tenets of carnivore homesteading:

    1. Maximize Calorie Production / Unit Area - this means growing a better solar collector, which means growing lots of plants. We do this by managing the 4 pillars of any productive ecosystem - water, soil, light and life (biology/living organisms).
    2. Extend Calorie Production Throughout As Much Of The Year As Possible - extend the growing season, and no its not just about greenhouses, though those are great.
    3. Livestock Species Selection & Integration - select species that WILL thrive on what your land is innately good at producing, and integrate them with other species that improve the habitat for one another (non-competitive niches).
    4. Preserve Seasonal Abundance With Long Term Storage - we need to employ a variety of methods to preserve fat and protein during times of abundance for the times of dearth - freezers and canning are great, but there is so much more!
    5. Build relationships with other producers - don't go it alone! Animal products are high-value, and if you are producing one you probably have an abundance greater than you can use. Trading, exchanging or sell to or with other local producers creates stronger, healthier, more resilient communities and allows us to create our own food systems parallel to the mainstream commoditized, centralized and controlled industrial food system.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    Up-Leveling Calorie Production Per Square Foot With Azolla ~Epi-061

    Up-Leveling Calorie Production Per Square Foot With Azolla ~Epi-061

    Today's episode came out of a Permies.com thread on Carnivore Homesteading. The seed questions for the thread was, for those of us enjoying the benefits of a carnivore lifestyle, how can we produce more high-quality animal-based calories for our own consumption from well designed and integrated systems at the homestead scale.

    Basically, there are three main focal points that need attention here:

    1. First and foremost we need to maximize is the number of calories grown per unit area (per acre, per square foot, per roof, whatever space one has)  if we are to be eating primarily animal products coming from our own properties. This means optimizing the landscape/whateverscape to the fullest extent possible to maximize our use of those freely available resources that go into growing and producing calories - namely water, light, and soil minerals.
    2. Second, we need to optimize the distribution of those calories throughout the year (this includes preserving seasonal oversupply/abundance for leaner times) such that high quality nutrition is available to whatever form of livestock we might be keeping or tending.
    3. Third - select and stack livestock species that are appropriately suited to the given unique context (i.e. ruminants where pasture forages are plentiful, fish/water fowl/invertebrates where water is plentiful etc). Generally, at least in my own limited experience, that when faced with a repetitive task or "problem" that has to be backfilled with my own labor/time/energy, I'm almost always missing an additional living system - i.e. the solution almost always seems to be to "add more life".

    With these focal areas in mind, we arrive at azolla - an incredibly productive free-floating aquatic fern that fixes its own atmospheric nitrogen, yields a high-protein vegetative crop that can be harvested DAILY, is incredibly simple to grow and propagate indefinitely for almost no cost after the initial system set up, and can be stored fed to practically all classes of livestock, fresh or dried!

    Azolla truly is a super plant, and if you haven't come across it - or even if you have - this one deserves your attention. It, along with other highly productive and nutritious aquatic vegetable crops, deserve a spot on the roster in your homestead production systems - especially if you're trying to raise nutrient dense animal products for your own final consumption!

    In this episode we will discuss...

    • General plant characteristics - what makes Azolla so darn special
    • Azolla's history in agriculture as well as its significant role in creating the current earth climate.
    • Livestock pallatibility - cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens, ducks, fish, worms, insects - you name it, it'll probably eat azolla!
    • Digestibility
    • Growing Requirements - light, temperature, humidity, ph, salinity, nutrition, pests - everything you need to know to set up a successful azolla growing environment
    • Propagation Methods - different small-scale systems for growing azolla on the homestead
    • Harvesting and processing
    • Other Applications of azolla beyond animal feed
    • and more!

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    Autumn Equinox Break ~ Epi-60

    Autumn Equinox Break ~ Epi-60

    Just a quick update on recent events here and announcement for taking a break until Novemeber 1st to visit family and dive into some design projects here in Tennessee and North Carolina.

    You can also follow Sovereign Homestead Design on YouTube.

    We've been having massive technical issues with our webhosting and emails this past month - basically incommunicado as far as our ability to reach out to the world, BUT, our Instagram account @honeybadgernursery is still up, detailing some of what's going on at the homestead. The Honey Badger Nursery website is still down, but we are hoping to resolve that and all the internet drama soon!

    We'll be diving into some larger property design work this month for the property we are currently living on, and hopefully into implementation in late October / early November for some mainframe water harvesting earthworks and vehicle access. I'll also be retrofitting a spring for 3 houses in Black Mountain, NC, just outside of Asheville, and will endeavor to film that project and turn it into a helpful tutorial video.

    If you have specific systems or designs that you'd like me to explore on the show, drop me a line and let me know - casey@thesovereignhomestead.com


    Need some help getting the "birds eye view" of your property and its surrounds to help you design your sovereign homestead?

    Check out our Hi-Definition Contour Base Map package. This package includes:

    • Hi-definition LiDAR contour map layer (contour lines can spaced at whatever scale you desire - as tight as 1 foot or less if you desire). 
    • Aspect Map Layer - color-code your entire property by which direction it faces - very helpful in identifying ideal growing zones and microclimates for specific plantings.
    • Hillshade Layer - for easily visualizing landform across your entire property.
    • Slope Layer - color-code your entire property based on the % grade - very helpful for access planning, living systems establishment and site selection for buildings etc.

    Deliverables include:

    • Hi-definition .jpeg or .pdf of your entire property and/or its contributing watersheds, at whatever size you desire (if you wish to print a poster and have it laminated as an iterative design tool images can be generated at whatever size the poster shop will print).
    • .KML file of the contour lines for importing and 3D viewing in Google Earth Pro (free to download) - this is a very helpful and accessible design tool. 

    Reinmund Contour 250x250 Reinmund Slope 250x250Reinmund Hillshade Reinmund Aspect 250x250

    We also offer consulting calls if you need some design help or a fresh perspective - see the Virtual Property Design Review for details.


    Getting started designing your homestead?

    START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free

    Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.


    What Plants Crave T-shirts And Stickers!

    Another fun way you can support the show AND start some fun and interesting conversations along the way. For those of you that have seen Idiocracy, you know what this is all about. For those of you that haven't...watch this.

    Water - The Universal Hydrator - FrontWater - BackCompost Tea - The Microbe Maximizer - Front

    Compost Tea - Front BoltBiochar - Front Bolt




    Sovereign Food Systems - Pantry Ponds ~ Epi-59

    Sovereign Food Systems - Pantry Ponds ~ Epi-59

    Today we look at another Sovereign Food System - what I'm calling the Pantry Pond.

    Basically a homestead-scale aquaculture system designed to maximize your food sovereignty via independence from the centralized systems of supply and distribution for any of the inputs required to grow what you want to grow - fish, aquatic vegetables, crawfish, shrimp, water fowl etc.

    Well-designed homestead-scale aquaculture systems aren't that common here in the modern U.S., and yet they have a tremendously long and productive history in many cultures the world round.

    Because aquaculture is so context and place-specific, we're going to talk about things today from a paradim and principles perspective, as well as list the specific design criteria you'll need to pay attention to when shaping your pond(s) and selecting the species to live in them.

    We'll look at...

    • Context - what you need to analyze to know if this will work for you
    • Zones within the pond
      • Litoral, limnetic, euphotic, profundal and benthic and the different characteristics of each (HINT: litoral is where most of the action is going to be)
    • Different production elements
      • Fish and factors affecting their yields
      • Invertebrates - crawfish, shrimp, prawns, snails, insects
      • Amphibians
      • Filter Feeders - molluscs, clams, oysters etc.
      • Vegetation - 4 types of aquatic vegetation
        • Marginal 
        • Emergent
        • Submerged
        • Floating
    • Physical Structure Of Your Pond(s)
      • Segmentation / Segregation of different ages, sexes, species etc.
      • Life-stage design: eggs > fry > fingerlings > adult / market weight > breeding adults
      • Predator protection - aquatic and terrestrial
      • Temperature and aeration considerations
      • Feeding / harvest pens
      • Optimizing the pond edge for calorie production
        • Shallows, chinampas, paddies, floating islands, trees etc.

    If you're serious about creating food sovereignty from your landscape, pantry ponds deserve consideration. Per unit area, there is nothing as productive, especially when it comes to producing protein.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    Sovereign Food Systems - Perennial Protein From Silvopasture Meat Forests ~Epi-58

    Sovereign Food Systems - Perennial Protein From Silvopasture Meat Forests ~Epi-58

    In today's show we are talking about creating Sovereign Food Systems.

    I think this will be a series, or at least a collection of episodes, each one focused on a different type of sovereign food system that can be applied at a variety of scales across a broad range of contexts.

    Basically, a sovereign food system is one that has eliminated any dependence on inputs from centralized production and distribution systems for its continued operation. 

    I believe these systems are increasingly important in light of the war on independent food that we are seeing and experiencing all around the world right now. We are being squeezed, and the pressure is only going to keep building. Sovereign food systems are a way to in-source the inputs for your food producting systems - to literally grow and cycle them on-site - so that you don't need to depend on globalized supply chains, the price of deisel, and a functioning currency to put quality food on the table for your family.

    Sovereign food is all about designing systems that maximize the sunlight, water and soil resources on your property with good design and proper management such that the systems builds soil while feeding people.

    That's what sovereign food is all about.

    Show Resources


    Getting started designing your homestead?

    START HERE: Enroll in the Minimum Holistic Goal Creation Mini-Course today for free. This is the ONE THING that will make everything else easier or unnecessary on your homesteading journey! 100% Free

    Upon completing this course you will have a crystal clear idea of who and what resources you have to work with, your desired Quality of Life that your homestead has to provide for, and what you will need to produce and the conditions required to sustain that production to meet your Quality of Life needs.



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #12 - Collaborate With Succession ~ Epi-057

    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #12 - Collaborate With Succession ~ Epi-057

    Today we discuss permaculture design principle #12 - Collaborate With Succession.

    The more that we can align our designs, systems and management styles with the inherent successional trends already present in our landscapes, the greater our yields will be with fewer resource inputs required. This is all about energy efficiency, and it starts with OBSERVING AND INTERACTING (Principle #1) with your landscape to identify the patterns that are already present. Your land is telling you what it wants to become, you just have to have the eyes to see it!

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast








    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #11 - Make The Least Change For The Greatest Effect ~ Epi-56

    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #11 - Make The Least Change For The Greatest Effect ~ Epi-56

    Today we take a deeper look at the 11th permaculture design principle: Make The Least Change For The Greatest Effect.

    This principle is about economy of effort. When designing a sovereign homestead, we need to make sure that our systems are providing us with not only the right types of yields, but also in sufficient quantity and at a reasonable return to make our continued tending of the system worthwhile.

    Living systems that provide for generation after generation exhibit a high degree of economy of effort.

    We'll look at how you can analyze your current homestead and lifestyle to identify the leverage points where optimizing your system can produce outsized returns to your quality of life.

    We also talk about biasing your interventions and applications of time/energy/money to more "permanent" improvements - things that will require less of your time/energy/money as they mature while increasing in productivity and/or value that will outlive you by a long margin.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast







    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #10 - Optimize The Edge ~ Epi-055

    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #10 - Optimize The Edge ~ Epi-055

    In today's episode we take a deep dive into Permaculture Design Principle #10 - Optimize The Edge. We will discuss:

    • Edge: What is it exactly?
    • The real-world effects of edges in your homestead landscape with regards to energy translation, species diversity and overall productivity.
    • How to manage edge for physical environments/elements to get more of what you want and less of what you don't (HINT: It's really about surface area!)
    • Lots of examples of edge
    • Optimizing edge is really about optimizing relationships between elements
    • Why greater harmony is the ultimate aim of making adjustments to the edges between different elements and media
    • Benefic vs. neutral vs. negative relationships -> and how to get all your living systems to place nice together

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast








    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #9: Choose Small-Scale, Intensive Solutions ~ Epi-054

    Permaculture Design Principle Deep Dive #9: Choose Small-Scale, Intensive Solutions ~ Epi-054

    This week we look at Permaculture Design Principle #9: Choose Small-Scale, Intensive Solutions.

    This is all about managing intensively in a small footprint at the start - and expanding what works and changing or eliminating what does not. We'll talk about the importance of testing your systems before expanding them by conducting Safe To Fail experiments. We also talk about PROFIT - that most important of words - that little bit of surplus energy above and beyond what the system requires to maintain and sustain itself that you can use to conduct safe-to-fail trials that will lead you towards greater efficiency, productivity and resiliency.

    Show Resources



    WHAT I DO:


    On-Site Consultation

    Online Site/Project Consultation

    Holistic Ecosystem Design



    Water Harvesting Earthworks

    High-function, Low-Maintenance Access

    Living Systems

    Spring Development



    Minimum Holistic Goal



    The Sovereign Homestead Podcast










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