
    The Startup Junkies Podcast

    The Startup Junkies podcast is hosted by Jeff Amerine and his team at Startup Junkie Consulting. We’ll cover topics ranging from getting started, planning, growing your business, proving your concept, leadership, marketing, exit strategies and so much more. We’ll interview business owners, entrepreneurs, experts and people we think will bring value to our audience. Subscribe and together we will move your business to the next level.
    enJeff Amerine386 Episodes

    Episodes (386)

    373: Tiny Home of the Future with Daizhan Ennals

    373: Tiny Home of the Future with Daizhan Ennals


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Daniel Koonce, Claudia Scott, and Harrison Kitson sit down with Daizhan Ennals, the CEO and founder of Renewed Robotics, a manufacturer leveraging robotics and technology to help people become more resource independent. Born in Cambridge, Maryland, Daizhan dedicated five years of service to the United States Marine Corps. where he developed expertise as a mechanic, inspiring him to delve into the rigorous world of mechanical engineering. Throughout the conversation, Daizhan shares his entrepreneurial journey, explains Renewed Robotics Self-Assembling Municipality (S.A.M.) device, and lays out his plan to help end homelessness and home insecurity.


    Show Notes

    (0:47) Introducing Daizhan

    (1:48) About Renewed Robotics

    (3:14) Developing the Self-Assembling Municipality (S.A.M.)

    (4:30) The Intent behind Renewed Robotics Tiny Home

    (5:30) How the S.A.M. Device Works

    (7:29) The Research behind the S.A.M. Device

    (10:04) Daizhan’s Entrepreneurial Journey

    (12:54) Renewed Robotics’ Project Timelines

    (15:42) Renewed Robotics’ Ideal Customer

    (18:31) The Future of Renewed Robotics’ Manufacturing

    (19:36) About the S.A.M. Referral Program

    (23:27) The Challenges of Business Ownership

    (25:42) Achieving Sustainable Drinking Water

    (29:02) Daizhan’s Motivation behind Helping Others

    (32:20) Advice to Younger Self



    Daniel Koonce

    Claudia Scott

    Harrison Kitson

    Daizhan Ennals

    Renewed Robotics



    “[The S.A.M.] will be a self-assembling and self-sustaining tiny home that can not only dig its own foundation, but unfold on its own and have solar panels on the outside to power the onboard battery bank, HVAC lights, water filtration system, and everything else. It will ideally be used for people who don’t have access to luxury, first-world amenities, so it can bring everyone up to speed with one device.” - Daizhan Ennals, (2:10)

    “These technologies that are going into the S.A.M. are being developed and promoted independently. There’s just no one gluing them together. And that’s what Renewed Robotics is doing, we’re more of a technology integrator, not necessarily a technology inventor.” - Daizhan Ennals, (8:03)

    “One of the most difficult parts of founding such a capital intensive product is getting a lot of people to actually understand the full scope of what you’re doing and then having faith that you can execute on that.” - Daizhan Ennals, (10:19)

    “The referral program is to incentivize those who have already placed a pre-order. Right now, a lot of people who are interested in the device have been advocating for free, telling people about the device, but it would be even better if we could reward those people who are spreading the word about the S.A.M.” - Daizhan Ennals, (19:37)

    “Currently, my number one need is actually being met, and that is, there’s a collaborative space being built in Bentonville where you can have an idea go from concept to reality.” - Daizhan Ennals, (22:00)

    “I think one of the bigger things that people don’t really talk about when it comes to sustainability, that maybe we should approach going into the future, not only is electricity, but access to clean and healthy drinking water.” - Daizhan Ennals, (25:56)

    “The aspiration of everybody being united for one force and solving our problems by focusing on something bigger has always been a driving factor…I would like to focus on making something that no matter how you look at it makes sense that it’s there for good.” - Daizhan Ennals, (30:10)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 26, 2024

    372: Swimmer Safety: The Joys of Swimming with Bonnie Adams

    372: Swimmer Safety: The Joys of Swimming with Bonnie Adams


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Victoria Dickerson, and Daniel Koonce, sit down with Bonnie Adams, founder and CEO of The Joys of Swimming, an organization providing water safety education that saves lives and develops lifelong swimmers. Throughout the conversation, Bonnie shares an inside look at her two companies: The Joys of Swimming and SWIM OZ, and delves into her entrepreneurial journey and the importance of water safety amongst swimmers with all different backgrounds, from elementary school kids to Olympic-level swimmers. 


    Show Notes

    (0:45) Introducing Bonnie Adams

    (12:20) Water Education in Schools

    (22:04) The Impact of Northwest Arkansas’s Entrepreneurial Community

    (29:27) Participating in Northwest Arkansas’s Entrepreneurial Culture

    (34:35) The Joys of Swimming’s Origin Story

    (38:27) Advice to Younger Self

    (41:50) Closing Question



    Caleb Talley

    Victoria Dickerson

    Daniel Koonce

    Bonnie Adams

    The Joys of Swimming



    “I’m all about building community. And so it’s been really neat to have that, be able to grow that aspect of it, and circle it back to The Joys of Swimming.” - Bonnie Adams, (8:39)

    “There’s so much benefit from swimming. Yes, it’s a sport. Yes, it’s athletic. Those are wonderful pieces of it. But the pieces that you learned packing your swim bag, going to a swim meet, preparing your nutrition, all those things are really just amazing. And then you add on the fact that it can save your life is huge.” - Bonnie Adams, (10:19)

    “I feel like you can do just about anything in [Northwest Arkansas] and there is support somewhere, and it may not be you’re the one that’s going to support me, but you’re going to put me into contact with who is… but it’s really incredible what a tight knit space this is.” - Bonnie Adams, (28:10)

    “There’s so much to go around, whether it’s events or networking or ideas, we’re in a blessed place. I’m sure everybody else here calls it the same, but [Northwest Arkansas] is a bubble. We are in a very special place and it’s amazing that we get to live here and do life here and learn from each other.” - Bonnie Adams, (31:44)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 19, 2024

    6: Startup Junkies en Español con Laura y Sandra Carrasco

    6: Startup Junkies en Español con Laura y Sandra Carrasco


    En este sexto episodio de Startup Junkie en Español, nos sumergimos en el mundo culinario con las hermanas Laura y Sandra Carrasco, las mentes maestras detrás de Bites & Bowls, un restaurante que está conquistando el paladar del noroeste de Arkansas con sus exquisitos waffles. Descubre cómo estas emprendedoras convirtieron su pasión por la comida en un exitoso negocio, desafiando los obstáculos y encontrando inspiración en cada plato que sirven. 


    Acompáñanos en esta deliciosa conversación, donde Laura y Sandra comparten sus experiencias, consejos y sabiduría para aquellos que sueñan con emprender en la industria gastronómica. Prepárate para abrir tu apetito y tu mente mientras nos sumergimos en un viaje lleno de sabor y emprendimiento. ¡No te lo pierdas!


    Show Notes

    (00:08) Bienvenido

    (00:30) Presentación de Invitados

    (00:59) De la Idea a la Realidad

    (02:18) El Nacimiento de Un Menú

    (03:07) De Dónde Eres

    (03:45) Lo Que Ha Cambiado en El Noroeste de Arkansas

    (06:03) Limitaciones Que Llevaron a Un Menú

    (08:30) Necesidad Y Falta de Recursos

    (09:00) Herramientas a Tu Disposición

    (11:03) Menús de Temporada

    (12:56) Obstáculos a Superar

    (14:31) Errores Tempranos

    (16:55) Un Acto de Equilibrio

    (18:52) Conociendo a Su Cliente

    (20:39) Listo Para la Expansión

    (23:09) Proporcionando Ayuda

    (25:33) Asesoramiento Emprendedor

    (27:55) Técnicas de Venta

    (36:55) Consejos Del Pasado

    (38:50) Que Sigue



    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz

    Laura Carrasco

    Sandra Carrasco

    Bites & Bowls



    “La idea siempre había estado ahí y empezamos a planear.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (01:14)

    “(El Menú) Es cómo nosotros una fusión… un poquito de aquí, un poquito de allá.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (01:59)

    “Laura es el 100% en el menú yo nada más lo pruebo y si me gusta le digo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (02:51)

    “En muchos aspectos es igual, trabajando todo el tiempo… Diferente, es que somos más.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (04:10)

    “Antes de tener el negocio no es que éramos muy involucradas en la comunidad entonces es al comenzar el negocio que empezamos a explorar más, a conocer más gente.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (04:25)

    “El menú nace porque al momento de nosotros comenzar no teníamos todo el fondo para comenzar con una cocina completa, entonces para ser posible ofrecer un desayuno que fuera completo y a la vez tradicional hasta cierto punto la conversación con la ciudad era así ¿cómo que equipo de cocina puedo utilizar?” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (06:09)

    “Fácil no es y nos ha tomado bastante tiempo perfeccionarlo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (07:57)

    “Es la necesidad y la falta de recursos.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (08:45)

    “Mas que nada es adaptación y como mexicanos o latinos en general siento que así somos... Como que le encontramos solución a cualquier problema.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (09:06)

    “Cualquier obstáculo lo puedes superar con perseverancia.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (13:14)

    “La mayoría de los errores los vas a cometer en los primero dos años.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (14:33)

    “Los errores los tienes que cometer para aprender.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (15:05)

    “Tenemos que acomodarnos a nuestras necesidades.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (17:09)

    “Para restaurantes creo que la mayoría de las ganancias vienen de la cena porque es cuando la gente sale más.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (19:06)

    “Comenzar un negocio es mucho trabajo, invertir para una renta no funciona para todos y usualmente cuando alguien me viene con una idea nunca decimos no… Siempre decimos vamos a intentarlo.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (23:56)

    “Muchas veces es bueno decir que no, pero, cuando tienes una ilusión de empezar algo y que alguien venga y ni siquiera te quiera contar su historia y te diga no, no puedo, no tengo tiempo…. Si tienes el conocimiento ¿porque no compartirlo?” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (25:08)

    “Siento que tienes que tener por lo menos una idea pequeña de lo que quieres hacer y experiencia.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (26:08)

    “Tienes que saber vender.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (26:21)

    “Y no es que tengas que ir a tocar a las casas y estar vendiendo, es como saber hacer confecciones, hacer relaciones públicas para dar a conocer tu negocio.” - Laura y Sandra Carrasco (27:36)

    “Soñar en grande, pero empezar pequeño.” - Claudia Scott (32:57)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 15, 2024

    371: Interviewing Students - Student Expo Winner

    371: Interviewing Students - Student Expo Winner


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Harrison Kitson, Claudia Mercado, and Annie Xu sit down with Jenna Kempkes, a senior biomedical engineering major at the University of Arkansas and the winner of Startup Junkie’s student expo during last November’s Global Entrepreneurship Week. As a patient care technician at UAMS and a student intern at the Office of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Jenna is passionate about applying her biomedical engineering skills and knowledge to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare. Jenna has received the Gilman Scholarship, was awarded first place at the NWA Biodesign Sprint Program, has been included in published research in the GeroScience journal, co-founded and led the Pre-Med Hogs student organization, and completed several study abroad programs in Germany and Kenya. She is also an active member of the Army ROTC, the Honors College Executive Board, and various pre-health and medical humanities clubs. Throughout the episode, Jenna shares about the provisional patent on her Pavlik harness for hip dysplasia, her experience with Startup Junkie’s Student Expo, and her outlook on being a young entrepreneur.


    Show Notes

    (0:46) Introducing Jenna Kempkes

    (2:50) About Jenna’s Harness

    (4:30) The Inspiration behind Jenna’s Journey

    (5:49) Jenna’s Research Process

    (10:11) Next Steps for Jenna

    (11:43) Jenna’s Experience with the Office of Entrepreneurship

    (13:41) How Jenna Stays Driven

    (17:36) The Impact of COVID

    (18:52) Jenna’s Experience at Startup Junkie’s Student Expo

    (22:48) Advice to Younger Self



    Harrison Kitson

    Claudia Mercado

    Annie Xu

    Jenna Kempkes

    University of Arkansas



    “I’ve only known this, I call it an organized chaos lifestyle, but it’s something I’ve realized I really love and is really important to me…and I keep finding more opportunities, and I’m really big on why say no? What’s the worst that will happen if you try?” - Jenna Kempkes, (14:34)

    “I hear the word entrepreneurship and I [think] I’m too young. I can’t do that. I still feel that way sometimes because it’s this scary world and you hear these people and everything they’ve given up for it…I didn’t realize that it could be something I explored safely at the University and that I didn't have to have some big idea…And now I’ve realized you don’t have to start a business to be an entrepreneur.” - Jenna Kempkes, (20:11)

    “Encourage an open mind. Having an open mind about everything around you is life changing...and so that closed mindset could have stopped me from a lot of things, but I’d want to encourage myself to take those opportunities. There’s nothing wrong with failing. A lot of people want to be perfect, they’re high achieving. It’s scary to fail, but it’s okay to fail. And I feel like I’ve learned more through my failures than I have through my successes.” - Jenna Kempkes, (23:12)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 12, 2024

    370: Clearing the Air: Entrepreneurship on the Spectrum

    370: Clearing the Air: Entrepreneurship on the Spectrum


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Victoria Dickerson, Jeff Amerine, and Grace Gill talk to Peter Mann, founder and CEO of Oransi. Oransi is a leading manufacturer of HEPA air purifiers and a motor technology company with a sustainable mission based in Radford, VA. Peter’s passion for clean air began with his son who struggled with asthma. Conducting extensive research, he learned the significant impact of poor air quality on one’s health. Peter aimed to create an affordable and accessible solution for others, thus, Oransi was born in 2009. Peter shares his passion for neurodiversity advocacy, and discusses how being on the autistic spectrum has impacted his career as an entrepreneur and the lack of awareness about neurodiversity in the workforce. He details how entrepreneurship may be a viable option for those on the spectrum rather than corporate jobs. Throughout the episode, Peter discusses his passion for marketing, clean air advocacy, and autism advocacy. 


    Show Notes

    (0:49) Introducing Peter Mann and Oransi

    (3:41) Maintaining a Competitive Edge

    (6:50) Strategies for Marketing Clean Air Energy

    (8:33) Making the Jump from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

    (12:48) Entrepreneurship on the Spectrum

    (24:29) Advice to Younger Self

    (25:16) Closing Thoughts 



    Victoria Dickerson

    Jeff Amerine

    Grace Gill

    Peter Mann




    “There’s been a lot of work recently in terms of raising awareness and education about the importance of indoor air. And there’s a guy at Harvard who leads their healthy building program who says your facility or building manager has a bigger impact on your health than your doctor does.” - Peter Mann, (7:13)

    “We’re really kind of, shockingly in some ways, in the early days of understanding the impacts of poor indoor air quality and what we’re doing is really just trying to raise awareness for [the danger of that] as well as provide solutions that are affordable and accessible.” - Peter Mann,  (8:14)

    “For me, I think how I got to where I am is largely in part due to [being autistic] and that drive for autonomy. I don’t know anyone who’s autistic that worked their way up through a large organization to the top, but I know several folks that are autistic that started their own business…if your interest is work or producing new things or bringing products to market or working on problems, and that’s where you get your energy, I think that’s definitely an advantage.” - Peter Mann, (14:28)

    “You’re going to work most of your life. You could have a fifty year career and you don’t have to crush it in year one…and everything always takes longer so you have to have patience and be able to stick with it.” - Peter Mann, (24:38)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    369: Factors that Play into Entrepreneurial Success with Chris Heivly

    369: Factors that Play into Entrepreneurial Success with Chris Heivly


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Victoria Dickerson are joined by Chris Heivly, co-founder of MapQuest and managing director of Build the Fort. Based out of Durham, North Carolina, Chris is the author of Build the Fort: The Startup Community Builder’s Field Guide, a book which simplifies entrepreneurship and outlines five basic elements that are common to both startups and startup communities. Chris is passionate about sharing his expertise in helping other entrepreneurs find success, and as a frequent blogger and public speaker, Chris advocates the importance for communities to develop viable entrepreneurial ecosystems. Throughout the episode, Chris discusses the value in networking and mentorship as an entrepreneur, the mechanics of building a startup ecosystem, and the different types of business systems.


    Show Notes

    (0:54) Introducing Chris Heivly

    (5:03) The Trajectory of MapQuest

    (10:21) Chris’ Startup and Investing Journey

    (13:17) The Importance of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

    (18:41) The Process of Building an Ecosystem vs. A Venture

    (22:02) The Impact of Mentorship

    (29:16) Advice to Younger Self

    (30:57) Closing Question



    Caleb Talley

    Jeff Amerine

    Victoria Dickerson

    Chris Heivly


    Build the Fort

    Build the Fort: The Startup Community Builder’s Field Guide

    The Startup Factory



    “Every entrepreneur knows, and if anybody’s been doing it for more than a couple of years, and if you’ve ever had any real success, you know that your success is based on the backs of the people that helped you. And it’s just the nature of this thing that you get help. And I think the best entrepreneurs seek help and are more self aware and more vulnerable to put themselves out there.” - Chris Heivly, (10:40)

    “The very nature of being in an entrepreneurial community is one of disruption, is one of discovery, is a process of knowns and unknowns, with the best intent and with the best motivation.” - Chris Heivly, (17:03)

    “The basis for our view is around systems theory, and in systems theory there’s either three or four types of systems. But along this continuum from simple to chaotic are two systems, complicated and complex. And although they’re synonymous in the dictionary, in systems theory, they couldn’t be more opposite.” Chris Heivly, (19:30) 

    “People think networking is a transaction. It’s not, it’s a connection. And I found the value in connecting with people and asking them two questions. Asking them what they’re stuck on and asking if there’s any way I could help them. And in doing that, I helped other people, and then other people helped me.” - Chris, Heivly, (23:48)

    “To close the gap between success and failure you have to use your network, and your network is your community.” - Chris Heivly, (24:57)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enJanuary 29, 2024

    5: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Tahamara lbarra

    5: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Tahamara lbarra


    En nuestro quinto episodio nos acompaña una invitada excepcional: Tahamara Ibarra de LinguaConnect Translations.

    En esta edición Tahamara comparte su experiencia y conocimientos sobre la importancia de comprender no solo las palabras, sino también la cultura y el contexto detrás de cada mensaje. Descubre cómo LinguaConnect está transformando la manera en que nos comunicamos en un mundo cada vez más diverso.

    Prepárate para sumergirte en una conversación que te inspirará a superar los límites del lenguaje y a conectarte de manera más profunda con aquellos que te rodean. ¡No te pierdas este episodio lleno de aprendizaje y descubrimientos!


    Show Notes

    (00:32) Introducción a Tahamara Ibarra

    (02:06) La Educación de Tahamara 

    (03:25) Por qué Thamara Comenzó su Propio Negocio

    (05:03) Cambios en la Cultura Local

    (06:01) De una Idea a la Realidad

    (07:10) La Cronología de una Empresa

    (11:25) Superando Obstáculos

    (14:41) Lecciones Valiosas

    (17:57) Valores Fundamentales

    (20:15) Palabras de la Sabiduría



    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz



    “Estudie español con énfasis en el lado medico” - Tahamara lbarra (02:06)

    “Al paso del tiempo lo que me di cuenta es que me gustaba más las clases de idioma y las clases medicas eran muy difíciles.” - Tahamara lbarra (02:06)

    “Decidí estudiar para ser maestra de español y después seguí mi educación con una maestría en español… Y en la maestría era la intención de ser profesora” - Tahamara lbarra (02:35)

    “Primeramente nunca me vi como una emprendedora, siempre pensé que iba a estudiar en algo, iba a trabajar, pero nunca sabia en que.” - Tahamara lbarra (03:25)

    “Me di cuenta que siempre, en cada trabajo usaba mi habilidad de español.” - Tahamara lbarra (03:58)

    “Llegue a la conclusión que podía combinar mi pasión de educar con mi amor a lo que es el idioma, la lectura y hacer un negocio de educar.” - Tahamara lbarra (04:04)

    “Uno tiene que entender que el idioma refleja lo que es la historia.” - Tahamara lbarra (04:40)

    “Ahora creo que hay más conciencia de que la información se debe de proveer (en otros idiomas).” - Tahamara lbarra (05:33)

    “Estoy tan orgullosa y me siento humilde de saber que hay tanta ayuda para la comunidad.”
    - Tahamara lbarra (09:59)

    “Es impresionante cuantas personas de negocios comenzaron igual como yo, y como otras personas que literalmente era una idea...” - Tahamara lbarra (10:37)

    “Estos programas hacen posible que las personas aprendan información, sepan a donde recurrir para sus herramientas y pongan esa información y herramientas a trabajar.”
    - Tahamara lbarra (10:45)

    “Para mí, el mayor obstáculo ha sido el miedo.” - Tahamara lbarra (11:38)

    “Lo que me encanta de mi proceso es que es muy orgánico.” - Tahamara lbarra (12:17)

    “Para mí, nuevamente, la barrera principal he sido yo misma.” - Tahamara lbarra (12:44)

    “El sol sale para todos.” - Tahamara lbarra (14:13)

    “Los valores siempre van a ser los mismos… Quizás tomen diferentes formas, o tomen diferentes colores, pero la idea básicamente es la misma.” - Tahamara lbarra (18:04)

    “Creo que mi negocio representa las experiencias personales que yo viví como persona bilingüe.” - Tahamara lbarra (18:29)

    “Tenemos que darnos cuenta de dónde venimos para saber a dónde vamos.” - Tahamara lbarra (21:09)

    “Considero que no lo hubiera pensado antes, pero ahora lo que quiero hacer es regresar a dar a las comunidades que me dieron a mí.” - Tahamara lbarra (22:20)

    “Reconozco que si no hubiera tenido buenos maestros y maestras que hubieran estado interesados en mi educación no estaría aquí.” - Tahamara lbarra (22:57)

    “Yo quiero crear material que maestros puedan usar en sus salones para que aiga inclusividad.” - Tahamara lbarra (23:15)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enJanuary 18, 2024

    368: Arkansas's Best Kept Burger Secret with Ahren Boulanger

    368: Arkansas's Best Kept Burger Secret with Ahren Boulanger


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley and Victoria Dickerson sit down with Ahren Boulanger, the founder of Pleasant Counter, a family-run restaurant in Springdale specializing in burgers with a passion for sustainability and locally sourced ingredients. Ahren unpacks his diverse food influences, his take on the challenges of menu diversity, and why his preference for quality ingredients is revolutionizing the local dining scene. Additionally, he shares insights from his previous fermentation business, delves into the valuable lessons learned from international cuisine, and reflects on starting up in different regions, from California to Texas and now Northwest Arkansas. Caleb, Victoria, and Ahren also dive into what it takes to create food while aligning with your mission and discuss Pleasant Counter's recent trip to the World Burger Championships in Dallas where they placed 4th best burger in the world!


    Show Notes

    (1:09) Introducing Ahren Boulanger

    (13:08) How Pleasant Counter fits into NWA’s Restaurant Scene

    (23:10) Ahren’s Experience at the World Burger Championships

    (36:03) How the Community Can Help Encourage Entrepreneurship

    (44:49) Advice to Younger Self

    (50:18) Closing Thoughts



    Caleb Talley

    Victoria Dickerson

    Ahren Boulanger

    Pleasant Counter Facebook

    Pleasant Counter Instagram



    “We leaned into a simple menu…there’s a lot of customization that’s kind of hidden in there, I’m not purposely trying to be cryptic, I just don’t want to clutter up the menu…[doing a few things and doing them well] is the philosophy I was trying to embrace.” - Ahren Boulanger, (8:37)

    “There’s nothing we’re doing that’s so difficult. It’s just as long as we do it the way we like to do it, it works. But to try and do all that other stuff and not using an actual distributor that just shows up at your door and brings you things is rough, but it makes it so that we can do it the way we want to do it.” - Ahren Boulanger, (41:21)

    “Also my personal phone number is the restaurant phone number. So my cell phone, you can just go on Google and literally call or text me…It’s just a little bit more personal. I guess it’s something that most people wouldn’t do, but it’s kind of our whole thing. There's not a lot of restaurants where you can go in and talk to the owner and actually have the owner bus your table, wash your dishes, make your food, take your order. So I think people like it.” - Ahren Boulanger, (49:01)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    367: Ecosystem Building with Endeavor

    367: Ecosystem Building with Endeavor


    Welcome to another great episode of the Startup Junkie Podcast! On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley and Jeff Amerine are joined by Canem Arkan and Shawn Morris from Endeavor, the leading global community of, by, and for high-impact entrepreneurs. Endeavor is on a mission to build thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems in emerging and underserved markets around the world by inspiring high-growth founders to dream bigger. Endeavor creates a multiplier effect by providing entrepreneurs with the platform to scale faster and pay it forward, resulting in a compounding of their individual impact. Throughout the episode, Caleb, Jeff, Canem, and Shawn talk about the importance of exposing yourself to a variety of markets and how a thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem can exist anywhere with the right key people and support groups.


    Show Notes

    (0:47) Introducing Canem and Shawn

    (1:23) Endeavor’s Origin Story

    (3:46) Endeavor’s Expansion into New Markets

    (10:36) What’s Next for Endeavor

    (23:13) The Importance of Storytelling for Northwest Arkansas

    (28:24) Celebrating Wins and Normalizing Failure

    (34:24) Gaining Exposure to Different Markets

    (41:14) Current Challenges in the State

    (47:06) Advice to Younger Self

    (50:51) Closing Question



    Caleb Talley

    Jeff Amerine 

    Canem Arkan

    Shawn Morris




    “We work with scaling founders with the goal of job creation and revenue generation and what that does for economic transformation…Because what we found was people with good ideas need certain help and people who have fifty or one hundred team members need a different kind of help. So how do we plug and support all the organizations that exist and do that for scaling founders who need a different kind of help?” - Canam Arkan, (1:23)

    “We still have a lot more to do. So part of what we’re trying to focus on is are there areas of specialty we can really hone in on because we’re industry agnostic, but it’s hard to be everything to everyone, which is what we try to do.” - Canam Arkan, (11:00)

    “It feels more and more people are seeing that there’s things happening here in NWA. And so whether it’s investors from out of town or just founders in the region checking this place out, it feels more like people want to come in. And so how do we bring those people in and show them around and what’s happening here and hold their feet to the fire of you’ve been here, you’ve seen it, now start doing stuff here.” - Shawn Morris, (12:35)

    “I think [celebrating wins] is helpful when it comes to selling to both, like bringing in and then retaining your employees, communicating to them like maybe we haven’t raised a ton of money or we have a down round, but there’s traction here. Your decision to jump ship from corporate to go work in a startup was smart because we’re moving in the right direction. And I think we have to reiterate that and derisk it to people as often as possible.” - Shawn Morris, (30:59)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    366: Game Changers: The Story of TheatreSquared

    366: Game Changers: The Story of TheatreSquared


    Welcome to another great episode of the Startup Junkie Podcast! In this live recorded special episode, hosts Jeff Amerine and Caleb Talley join Amy Herzberg and Bob Ford, the co-founders of TheatreSquared (T2), and Shannon Jones, the executive director, on the set of A Christmas Carol for a captivating discussion about TheatreSquared’s origin and mission. Since its founding in 2005, TheatreSquared’s locally produced and nationally acclaimed productions have remained rooted in its founding vision that “theatre done well and with passion can transform lives and communities.” Throughout the episode, Amy, Bob, and Shannon share how TheatreSquared has impacted Arkansas’s artistic landscape and how its reputation continues to blossom in the performing arts world.


    Show Notes

    (1:45) Introduction to Bob Ford and Amy Herzberg

    (2:23) TheatreSquared’s Origin Story

    (15:59) TheatreSquared’s Impact on Arkansas’s Artistic Landscape

    (19:53) Attracting Talent from the University of Arkansas

    (26:29) Introduction to Shannon Jones

    (33:29) Catering To New Audiences

    (36:37) How TheatreSquared Approaches Innovation

    (40:37) Measuring TheatreSquared’s Success

    (44:32) Questions from the Audience

    (52:54) Advice to Younger Self

    (56:09) Closing Question and Thoughts



    Jeff Amerine 

    Caleb Talley

    Bob Ford

    Amy Herzberg

    Shannon Jones




    “Having this theatre [in Northwest Arkansas] makes a real statement about how the arts are valued in this area, and that means a lot to people who are coming from all over the place to study at the University of Arkansas in its theatre department.” - Amy Herzberg, (20:05)

    “I think one of the things that theatre does really well is it touches lives. Like you said, in our mission, it transforms communities. And the thing about T2 and the thing I think that we do really well, and I think we'll continue to expand upon, is making that human connection. And I think one thing that we use to help build upon what is already there is our ability to adapt.” - Shannon Jones, (33:52)

    “When I see a young person say, ‘I've never seen me and my friends on stage before, I've never seen my story before. Thank you.’ That's how I measure [success]. That's what keeps me going, that to me is impact. We could fill this place, I guarantee, if we put on certain shows over and over again, and that would also look like a certain kind of success. But our goal is to do both because what we're discovering is that our community wants to see a full range of stories because, as we know, everybody's different, but also everybody's the same. But that's an amazing kind of conundrum.” - Bob Ford, (41:19)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enJanuary 01, 2024

    4: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Olivia Barraza

    4: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Olivia Barraza


    En nuestro cuarto episodio, tenemos el honor de contar con la presencia de Olivia Barraza, directora ejecutiva de Latinas en Bici. Esta apasionada emprendedora comenzó su viaje en el mundo del ciclismo en 2016 y, al experimentar personalmente los impactantes cambios que esta actividad trajo a su vida, decidió compartir esa transformación con otras mujeres.

    Acompáñanos para conocer más sobre el viaje personal de Olivia, las experiencias que la llevaron a fundar Latinas en Bici y cómo esta organización está haciendo una diferencia significativa en la vida de muchas mujeres. ¡Prepárate para ser inspirado y motivado en este episodio lleno de determinación y empoderamiento!


    Show Notes

    (00:10) Introducción a Olivia Barraza

    (01:13) El Inicio de Las Latinas en Bici

    (06:38) Un Viaje de Desarrollo Personal

    (11:10) Desafíos de Iniciar Un Negocio

    (13:24) Lo Que Hace Latinas en Bici

    (15:35) La Misión de Latinas en Bici

    (18:20) Aprendiendo de Tus Lecciones

    (13:21) La Importancia de la Adaptabilidad

    (22:37) Consejos Para Emprendedores

    (25:36) El Futuro de Las Latinas en Bici



    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz

    Olivia Barraza

    Latinas en Bici



    “Latinas en Bici nació de este deseo de compartir una misión de empoderar a otras chicas a través de la bicicleta.” - Olivia Barraza (01:13)

    “Yo siento que el inicio comenzó desde esa primera vez que empecé yo a ver los cambios cuando empecé a hacer bici y que me ayudo a transformar mi vida personal.” - Olivia Barraza (01:27)

    “Empecé hacer yo bici en el 2016 y en el 2019 nació Latinas en bici.” - Olivia Barraza (01:52)

    “Empezó con un deseo, con una energía con un propósito y con una fuerza interior.” - Olivia Barraza (02:26)

    “Son pasos fundamentales para regístralo a nivel del estado.” - Olivia Barraza (03:41)

    “Esto no es nada más un grupito es también una potencia a crea una comunidad latina.” - Olivia Barraza (04:36)

    “Los primero tres años fue el enfoque a crecer el grupo, a community outreach pero ya ahora este año me he dado cuenta como Directora Ejecutiva necesito un desenvolvimiento personal, capacitarme para poder manejar y llevar esta organización.” - Olivia Barraza (06:12)

    “Lo que es bien importante es saber hacia dónde voy… Tomar pasos hacia las metas que tengo como directora ejecutiva.” - Olivia Barraza (07:01)

    “Todo empezó con un propósito de año nuevo, voy a comprarme una bicicleta.” - Olivia Barraza (09:15)

    “El aprender andar en bici me llevo a salirme de mi zona de confort pero también a descubrir que había una comunidad.” - Olivia Barraza (10:13)

    “El mayor reto, primero, la barrera del idioma.” - Olivia Barraza (11:43)

    “Ese es el poder de la mujer latina.” - Olivia Barraza (12:52)

    “Yo no traigo un background de ejecutiva, no tengo un background de corporación.” - Olivia Barraza (13:43)

    “Ya estoy aquí, no puedo dar un paso para atrás.” - Olivia Barraza (14:22)

    “Mas que todo el motor interno y el deseo de mejorar mi vida personal y decir sabes que yo no sé cómo le voy a hacer, pero le voy a dar ‘pa delante.” - Olivia Barraza (14:45)

    “Nuestra misión es en el enfoque de mejorar el estado físico, social la mujer latina por medio de nuestros programas.” - Olivia Barraza (15:45)

    “La lección es, no importa las barreras que hallan, si tú tienes ese enfoque, ese deseo de empezar tu negocio, de empezar tu non-profit, de empezar tu grupo… No quitar el dedo del renglón, las posibilidades son infinitas.” - Olivia Barraza (18:47)

    “Para mi Latinas en Bici es mi misión, aquí en la vida, mi misión personal.” - Olivia Barraza (19:28)

    “Somo una comunidad inmigrante que está creciendo aquí, y si, nos sentimos limitados a veces, intimidados.” - Olivia Barraza (21:11)

    “Lo que yo recomiendo es primeramente que tengas bien definido que es lo que quieres… Que tengas ese deseo más que todo y esas ganas de superarte.” - Olivia Barraza (23:25)

    “Definitivamente el ser estructurada esa es la clave.” - Olivia Barraza (26:10)

    “Estamos allí para agarrar aquellas chicas de la mano y decirles: mira eres capaz de hacer esto y más.” - Olivia Barraza (27:11)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enDecember 21, 2023

    365: A Natural Chat with Austin Simkins

    365: A Natural Chat with Austin Simkins


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Victoria Dickerson talk to Austin Simkins, co-founder of Natural Way Food Group, an innovative food company based in Fayetteville, Arkansas. In 2017, Austin and his brother Quinn started their journey in their grandmother's utility room with a family recipe for chocolate covered peanut butter. Natural Way Food Group has since grown to sell peanut butter in six different flavors in over one thousand stores across the country, including Walmart, Safeway, Sprouts, and Whole Foods. Throughout the episode, Austin discusses how Natural Way Food Group’s products differ from its competitors, what’s on the horizon for Natural Way Food Group, and how its marketing tactics are community driven.


    Show Notes

    (0:56) Introducing Austin Simkins

    (1:37) The Start of Natural Way Food Group

    (6:02) The Process and Struggles of Building a Business

    (10:21) Natural Way Food Group’s Peanut Butter vs. Others

    (14:09) Natural Way Food Group’s Target Market

    (16:28) The Impact Sports Can Have on Entrepreneurship

    (19:27) What’s Next for Natural Way Food Group

    (30:45) How Natural Way Food Group Is Reaching Its Customer Base

    (40:00) Advice to Younger Self

    (42:18) Closing Thoughts



    Caleb Talley

    Jeff Amerine 

    Victoria Dickerson

    Austin Simkins

    Natural Way Food Group



    “For me personally, since I wasn’t the most talented athlete, I had to outwork people. And so that’s the same mentality I have with our business. I may not be the smartest guy in the room, but I will outwork you. I will put in more hours than you do. I will find a way to get over whatever hurdle I have in my way to get to the next point.” - Austin Simkins, (17:14)

    “Building those relationships at the end of the day, I can love my job, I can make as much peanut butter as I can make, but if I don’t have customers that love the product and believe in what we’re doing, it doesn’t matter. So they are the lifeblood of the company. I want to connect with people on the deepest scale that we can.” - Austin Simkins, (33:10)

    “Trust the process. The first couple of years when we started, it was the expectation that things would happen overnight, and I think that’s part of our culture of instant gratification. We’re just inundated with it. We put in a little bit of work and we want the finished result right now...but as I’ve gotten a little bit older, I’ve just fallen in love with the process. I’ve had a couple of mentors that have told me if you can learn to love the process instead of the results, you could do this your entire life.” - Austin Simkins, (40:06)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enDecember 11, 2023

    364: Risking it All and Achieving Your Dreams with Lloyed Lobo

    364: Risking it All and Achieving Your Dreams with Lloyed Lobo


    Welcome to another great episode of the Startup Junkie Podcast! On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Jeff Amerine, and Grace Gill sit down with serial entrepreneur Lloyed Lobo, co-founder of Boast.ai, a company accelerating the success of innovation by helping eligible companies get quicker access to R&D tax credits. Lloyed has been involved in the startup ecosystem for more than fifteen years as an entrepreneur, community builder, and angel investor. Throughout the episode, Lloyed talks about dealing with his sharp rise to success, the power of having a tribe, and his Wall Street Journal bestseller From Grassroots to Greatness.


    Show Notes

    (1:01) Introducing Lloyed Lobo

    (3:13) Lloyed’s Origin Story

    (14:04) The Inspiration behind From Grassroots to Greatness

    (24:50) Balancing Resilience and New Opportunities

    (29:01) The Process of Idea Validation

    (39: 13) Advice to Younger Self

    (45:46) Closing Thoughts



    Caleb Talley

    Jeff Amerine 

    Grace Gill

    Lloyed Lobo


    From Grassroots to Greatness



    “...when we ask what entrepreneurship is today, it’s all about making money. But to me, what entrepreneurship is, is taking an obscure idea to execution and impact while dealing with extreme risk. There’s no bigger risk than being in the middle of a war. The other thing I learned was about leadership. Great leaders cascade purpose, not just goals.” - Lloyed Lobo, (5:50)

    “The only way to learn something that you suck at is to put yourself in an environment that forces you to do that something over and over again. Now, another key lesson here is the importance of the people you surround yourself with, right? You become the average of the people you surround yourself with.” - Lloyed Lobo, (9:59)

    “Every obscure idea that eventually went on to become this enduring global phenomenon had four stages in common. People listen to you or buy your product or service. You have an audience. When you bring that audience together to interact with one another, it becomes a community. Now, when the community comes together to create impact towards a greater purpose far greater than your product or profit, it becomes a movement. And when that movement has undying faith in its purpose through sustained rituals, over time it becomes a cult or religion. So audience, community, movement, religion.” - Lloyed Lobo, (20:59)

    “What I tell people is if you have an idea and you don’t have an ideal customer profile, then figure out who you’re going to serve. Understand their pains and goals, but also understand their aspirations because the aspiration is forever. Your customer problem or goal will give you the first product, but if you understand the customer’s aspiration, then you will go on the journey of building your future products.” - Lloyed Lobo, (30:11)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enDecember 04, 2023

    363: A Wicked BOLD Conversation with Deric Calhill

    363: A Wicked BOLD Conversation with Deric Calhill


    On this very raw episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Victoria Dickerson chat with repeat guest and serial entrepreneur Deric Calhill, founder of Wicked BOLD, a company that crafts small-batch, all-organic vegan chocolate utilizing ethically sourced cacao and just four other real ingredients. Deric founded Wicked BOLD chocolate with his wife Brooklynn in 2019 after years of not being able to find a dairy-free chocolate. Now, four years later, Wicked BOLD has flourished and is being sold in Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, and Sprouts stores nationwide. Throughout the episode, Deric discusses his success on social media, the multiple books he’s authored: Zero to Side Hustle and Have You Ever Had a Silly Idea?, and how wealth doesn’t always mean that you’re happy or that you’re making conscious money.


    Show Notes

    (0:52) Introducing Deric Calhill

    (1:15) Wicked BOLD’s Origin Story

    (11:14) Deric’s Social Media Strategy

    (17:05) About Zero to Side Hustle

    (23:44) Redefining Wealth

    (31:28) Being Able to Trust Yourself

    (36:59) Advice to Younger Self

    (41:12) Closing Thoughts



    Jeff Amerine 

    Caleb Talley

    Victoria Dickerson

    Deric Calhill

    Wicked BOLD

    Zero to Side Hustle

    Have You Ever Had a Silly Idea?



    “We read ingredients and a lot of mainstream chocolate had corn syrup in it or artificial flavors, and it was bullshit because chocolate is such a simple food. We decided we can probably go and make it simple. And I think I credit it because neither of us come from food so we’re not immersed in this crazy ingredient world. We were so simple going into it. We just believed that we could do it.” - Deric Calhill, (5:54)

    “I’m obviously very entrepreneurial and capitalistic, and I love making money, but I don’t love making money so much that I’d bring my value system down in order to do it.” - Deric Calhill, (7:20)

    “....because you put yourself out there when you start a business, when you post a video, when you try to write a book, you’re putting your soul on the line that says this is what I think I can be good at…No one successful is going to try to hurt someone else because they’re too busy being successful.” - Deric Calhill, (15:42)

    “If you’re going after perfection, you’re never going to start anything because it’s never going to be perfect. And whatever you start is going to suck horribly. It’s going to take you forever to evolve into something that’s actually cool…I was after perfection because it meant a lot for me to give this experience that I’d failed at so many times and give that to someone else at the very beginning of their journey to inspire them to go start something.” - Deric Calhill, (17:46)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enNovember 28, 2023

    3: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Daymara Baker

    3: Startup Junkies en Espanol con Daymara Baker


    En este tercer episodio de Startup Junkies En Español nuestras anfitrionas Claudia Scott y Ana Ortiz tiene como invitada a Daymara Baker de Right to Start, una organización sin fines de lucro y no partidista dedicada a ampliar las oportunidades empresariales para todos. Daymara comparte cómo desempeña un papel crucial al conectar las voces de los emprendedores con los responsables de la toma de decisiones, trabajando incansablemente para eliminar obstáculos y facilitar el camino para aquellos que desean lanzar su propio negocio. 


    Show Notes

    (00:50) Introduction to Daymara Baker

    (02:03) Growth in Northwest Arkansas

    (02:30) Daymara’s Background

    (04:07) Opening a Business

    (09:29) The Benefit of Networking

    (13:21) The Power of Adaptability 

    (15:24) Learning from Failure

    (17:50) The Social Impacts of Business

    (19:26) Metrics That Matter 

    (21:08) Bridging the Gap

    (25:23) Government Contract Experiences

    (29:06) Managing the Pandemic

    (34:08) Advice to Entrepreneurs



    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz

    Daymara Baker

    Right to Start



    “Yo nunca había pensado abrir un negocio” - Daymara Baker, (04:15)

    “Abrí una panadería comercial para ayudar a gente” - Daymara Baker, (04:41)

    “¿Qué te está frenando para no hacerlo?” - Daymara Baker, (05:38)

    “Así que decidí abrir un negocio porque claro yo ya tenía una misión bien concreta de lo que quería hacer” - Daymara Baker, (05:56)

    “Dentro de un negocio es esencial el networking” - Ana Ortiz, (09:29)

    “El efecto multiplicador es increíble sobre todo ena zona como esta (Noroeste de Arkansas) que tiene una concentración increíble de recursos” - Daymara Baker, (10:15)

    “Y en el momento que damos el paso, preguntamos, hablamos, pedimos… Es toda una avalancha de ayuda y sentimientos positivos” - Claudia Scott, (10:46)

    “Algo que yo pienso que compartimos los Latinos… Es que tu no confías en las instituciones, sobre todo instituciones del gobierno” - Daymara Baker, (11:15)

    “Otro está pagando para que sea gratis para nosotros” - Daymara Baker, (11:42)

    “Si vas a ser emprendedor tienes que aceptar desde un principio que vas a cambiar” - Daymara Baker, (12:35)

    “Uno aprende muchísimo más cuando uno fracasa que cuando todo va super bien” - Daymara Baker, (15:39)

    “El conocimiento que obtienes de un fracaso, una idea que no funcione, también te ayuda a tener que adaptarte” - Daymara Baker, (15:47)

    “Que tu impacto social pueda seguir incluso a través de una pandemia” - Daymara Baker, (30:59)

    “Ser empresario es un camino un poco solitario” - Daymara Baker, (32:30)

    “Cuando tienes una idea uno tiende compartirla mucho con amigos y los familiares, muchas de estos amigo y familiares van a decirte: si hazlo, se emprendedor… Si alguien lo puede hacer tu eres el que lo puede hacer vas a escuchar muchísimo de eso” - Daymara Baker, (34:19)

    “Siempre te tienes que buscar una persona fuera de ese círculo para que te de apoyo y compartir sus ideas a otro nivel” - Daymara Baker, (34:34)

    “Tienes que prepararte y conocer tus números” - Daymara Baker, (35:24)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enNovember 16, 2023

    362: Fuel AI/ML Cohort 2023 Part 2

    362: Fuel AI/ML Cohort 2023 Part 2


    On this special episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Grace Gill, Darian Harris, Tom Douglass, and Louis Diesel head north to the Ledger in Bentonville, where they sit down with four of the participants in Fuel’s AI and machine learning 2023 cohort. Fuel is specifically designed for seed and growth-stage technology companies ready to scale and become enterprise-ready. Members of the cohort receive mentorship and education from leaders in their vertical, as well as coaching and connections from Fuel’s enterprise partners. Caleb, Grace, Darian, and Tom sat down with Kannan Udarayajan of Siemba, Mike Romeri of Analytics2Go, Humphrey Chen of CLIPr, and Somya Munjal of Youthful Savings to discuss their entrepreneurial journeys and their experiences with Fuel thus far. 


    Show Notes

    (0:38) Introducing Part 2

    (1:24) Kannan Udayarajan and Siemba

    (10:59) Mike Romeri and A2Go

    (18:04) Humphrey Chen and CLIPr

    (34:04) Somya Munjal and Youthful Savings

    (43:47) Closing Thoughts




    Caleb Talley

    Grace Gill

    Darian Harris

    Tom Douglass

    Louis Diesel

    Kannan Udayarajan


    Mike Romeri


    Humphrey Chen


    Youthful Savings        



    Just being under the umbrella of Fuel gives enormous credibility to whatever you’re building and showcasing. By being part of the Fuel cohort, we have been able to get so many introductions in the Bentonville area, but I’m also seeing that the fact we are part of the Fuel program is resonating in other markets as well.” - Kannan Udayarajan, (7:27)

    Certainly, everyone knows Walmart is here [in Bentonville], and there’s a level of sophistication with Walmart, but I think the entire ecosystem is a very high-performing ecosystem. And I think there’s sort of a community of interest here where people are trying to optimize the performance of the entire ecosystem, and it brings a lot of sophistication and a certain set of skillsets that are cooperative and innovative, and people know how to get things done.” - Mike Romeri, (15:13)

    This is like one of those things where Northwest Arkansas hadn’t been on my to-do list, but now that I’m here, I feel like I’ve been marketing the whole region, and so now more people are planning on coming and checking it out.” - Humphrey Chen, (29:31)“I just think there’s so many great people here [in Bentonville] and it’s an abundant place, but everybody has this same salt of the earth attitude, and you can just get so much more done.” - Somya Munjal, (37:23)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enNovember 06, 2023

    361: Fuel AI/ML Cohort 2023 Part 1

    361: Fuel AI/ML Cohort 2023 Part 1


    On this special episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Caleb Talley, Grace Gill, Darian Harris, and Tom Douglass head north to the Ledger in Bentonville, where they sit down with four of the participants in Fuel’s AI and machine learning 2023 cohort. Fuel is specifically designed for seed and growth-stage technology companies ready to scale and become enterprise-ready. Members of the cohort receive mentorship and education from leaders in their vertical, as well as coaching and connections from Fuel’s enterprise partners. Caleb, Grace, Darian, and Tom sat down with Andrew Bart of AlgoFace, Dexter Caffey of Smart Eye Technology, Kevin Butler of Edify, and Keith Fix of Retail Aware to discuss their entrepreneurial journeys and their experiences with Fuel thus far. 


    Show Notes

    (0:35) Introducing This Year’s Fuel Accelerator 

    (2:51) Andrew Bart and AlgoFace

    (13:11) Dexter Caffey and Smart Eye Technology

    (23:14) Kevin Butler and Edify

    (32:44) Keith Fix and Retail Aware




    Caleb Talley

    Grace Gill

    Darian Harris

    Tom Douglass

    Andrew Bart


    Dexter Caffey

    Smart Eye Technology

    Kevin Butler


    Keith Fix

    Retail Aware



    Even in the mentor sessions, I know we’re here to acquire enterprise-level customers and learn how to be better at doing that and optimizing that process. But the reality is I came here to meet people. The way I’ve operated in life historically is that things tend to develop organically…People do deals with you ultimately because they like you and they trust you. And look, I just want to engage with people in the community. I’ve met an incredible group of people. The exposure [through Fuel] has been nothing short of amazing.” - Andrew Bart, (6:11)


    The business climate [in Northwest Arkansas] is something that’s completely different than any other place I’ve been in the States as well as globally…It’s a completely different environment here business-wise. I don’t think a lot of people understand that.” - Dexter Caffey, (18:26)


    Getting exposure to mentors and business people around the area is a huge benefit [of Bentonville]...But even though it’s a small market, Walmart, a Fortune 1 company, is here. We’re not limited in where those connections go and where the results of Fuel take companies, and I see that as one of the big benefits here.” - Kevin Butler, (27:06)


    “I don’t think anyone really understands or knows what’s happening in [Northwest Arkansas] until you get here. It’s just such a hidden gem.” - Keith Fix, (37:29)


    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enOctober 30, 2023

    2: Startup Junkies en Español con Jessica Sanchez

    2: Startup Junkies en Español con Jessica Sanchez


    En nuestro segundo episodio del podcast Startup Junkies En Español tenemos como invitada a Jessica Sánchez. Jessica es propietaria de NWA Bilingual Solutions una compañía que se especialista en proveer servicios de traducción e interpretación a diferentes corporativos y organizaciones del área para beneficio de la comunidad. Fundada a finales del año 2020, NWA Bilingual Solutions también se dispone a concientizar a la comunidad de los derechos que la ley le otorga en cuanto a la interpretación en su idioma sin costo alguno se refiere. Jessica tomo experiencias vividas en su niñez y la convirtió en una compañía la cual está haciendo la diferencia en el Noroeste de Arkansas. 


    Show Notes

    (00:28) What is your company? How did it start? What was the need you saw?

    (02:21) When did you launch the company?

    (03:15) You saw the need and decided that you would do something about it. 

    (05:54) Parents needing their kid’s help for translation & interpretation.

    (07:47) From idea to business

    (09:40) Who is Jessica Sánchez?

    (11:46) No place to live.

    (12:08) Cultural shock

    (13:01) Learn English

    (16:15) Give value to the service you offer.

    (18:06) The importance or limits

    (19:59) Linguistic access

    (20:57) Where is the diversity?

    (22:35) Where do you see your business in the next few years?

    (26:10) Your kid is dead.



    Jessica Sánchez 

    NWA Bilingual Solutions

    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz



    “Como muchos que crecieron en este país que son padres de la primera generación en este país hemos estado interpretando por nuestros padres.” - Jessica Sánchez, (01:05)


    “Esto fue un crecimiento gradual.” - Jessica Sánchez, (09:10)


    “Yo soy Jessica y tengo ansiedad social.” - Jessica Sánchez, (09:56)


    “Yo crecí en ese papel donde yo tenía que encargarme o ayudarles a mis papás de lo que fuera la necesidad de ellos.” - Jessica Sánchez, (10:19)


    “Nos mudamos aquí (Arkansas) en el 2005 y otro cultural shock… Yo no entendía el inglés… ¿Qué es y’all? ¿Qué es esa palabra que utilizan en inglés?” - Jessica Sánchez, (12:12)


    “Cuando mi mamá iba y les decía ‘spanish please’ o algo, no, la miraba horrible, la ignoraban, la hacían a un lado, entonces, he crecido mirando eso, he crecido mirando las diferencias y la discriminación que hay por el idioma que uno habla y como las personas nada más se lavan las manos diciendo ‘aprende inglés’ estamos aquí en los Estados Unidos y exactamente por eso porque estamos en los Estados Unidos en un lugar que es una mezcla de culturas que está basado en esto.” - Jessica Sánchez, (13:01)


    “Uno tiene que darle valor al servicio que uno provee.” - Jessica Sánchez, (16:22)


    “Culturalmente se nos ha enseñado una lealtad ciega a la familia.” - Jessica Sánchez, (18:45)


    “Una de las cosas que más me encanta de tener mi propio negocio… Es que nadie me puede tapar la boca.” - Jessica Sánchez, (34:25)


    “Tenemos que ser pacientes cuando estamos empezando nuestros propios negocios.” 
    - Jessica Sánchez, (37:16)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enOctober 19, 2023

    360: Innovative Spaces: Loloft's Industrial Coworking in Downtown Rogers

    360: Innovative Spaces: Loloft's Industrial Coworking in Downtown Rogers


    On this episode of Startup Junkies, hosts Jeff Amerine, Caleb Talley, and Victoria Dickerson are joined by returning guest Brendan Howell, co-founder and CEO of Loloft, which is reimagining the warehousing industry by offering small and growth-stage companies a physical space to store and manage their products without the burden of traditional long-term leases. Loloft officially opened its first location in Rogers at the beginning of September, and it is already surpassing its early targets and goals. Throughout the episode, Brendan discusses Loloft’s emphasis on community building, which cities are next for Loloft, and his thoughts on appealing to an unexpected market.


    Show Notes

    (0:32) Introducing Brendan Howell and Loloft

    (7:51) Loloft’s Emphasis on Community

    (11:55) What’s Next for Loloft? 

    (16:28) Brendan’s Origin Story

    (24:56) Appealing to an Unexpected Market

    (29:50) Loloft’s Intentional Positioning

    (32:07) Advice to the Younger Self and Closing Thoughts



    Jeff Amerine 

    Caleb Talley

    Victoria Dickerson

    Brendan Howell




    “So the best way to describe what we’re doing is office coworking combined with warehousing. So it’s really a kind of mix of the two concepts. And we coined the term industrial coworking to try and accurately describe what we’re doing.” - Brendan Howell, (4:27)


    “It was really eye-opening to see the access you can get by being in a community that is actually trying to build community and trying to build connections. So companies can come in and just do their own thing here, but if they want to participate, there’s that option as well.” - Brendan Howell, (10:27)


    “We never intended to be in this business. We’re not property people. We don’t have a background in commercial property. But we saw a solution to a problem that we had, and a lot of other people had the same problem. So, we weren’t constrained by the dogma of the industry. We just came from outside and solved the problem.” - Brendan Howell (20:49)

    “For us, from a business operations perspective, it’s dollars outside of square feet. There’s a lot of opportunity for us as a business to provide services. For the members, it’s below cost relative to getting a full-time employee. But for us, it’s also good revenue because we’re not just renting space, we can provide a service inside the space.” - Brendan Howell, (27:42)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enOctober 16, 2023

    1: Startup Junkies en Español con Ana Saenz

    1: Startup Junkies en Español con Ana Saenz


    Nuestro primer episodio del podcast Startup Junkies En Español tiene una invitada increíble. Ana Sáenz, propietaria de la panadería en línea The Magical Spatula. Originaria de Costa Rica, Ana se mudó a Arkansas hace 5 años con su esposo. Apasionada por la cocina desde muy chica, y sobre todo el gusto por hornear, Ana decidió llevar su pasión al siguiente nivel al decidir tomar clases de cocina y graduarse del centro Brightwater: A Center for the Study of Food en la ciudad Bentonville en el Noroeste de Arkansas. 


    Show Notes

    (0:05) Introducing Ana Sáenz and Her Origin Story

    (1:46) What inspired you?

    (4:31) Best part of culinary clases 

    (9:22) Challenges of entrepreneurship

    (11:34) Networking 

    (18:30) Education & Recepies

    (20:34) What makes you different?

    (33:45) What’s next?



    Claudia Scott

    Ana Ortiz

    Ana Sáenz

    The Magical Spatula



    “Desde niña siempre horneé con mi abuelita y me acuerdo que todas las navidades hacíamos galletas, hacíamos tamales… Y me acuerdo de escoger con ella sabores, colores y todo ese tipo de cosas y siempre fue la cocina en general pero especialmente la parte pastelera con ella siempre fue recuerdos que tengo de mi niñez con ella.” - Ana Sáenz, (01:46)


    “Paso el tiempo y perdí el miedo al idioma, perdí el miedo a manejar e independizarme y mi esposo me dice ¿por qué no te metes a clase culinarias y lo haces una carrera profesional?”

    - Ana Sáenz, (02:40)


    “Los eventos que hacían en la universidad, en Brightwater, traían chefs de todo el mundo… Super interesante, super divertido.” - Ana Sáenz, (04:57)


    “Yo no quise entrar al mundo de pedir préstamos, no quise entrar a pedir capital o a pedir algún préstamo a ningún banco, yo quise empezar con lo que yo tenía, como yo pudiera y de ahí partí.” - Ana Sáenz, (09:24)


    “Lo que mejor aprendí es que todo está en networking, todo está en ámbito de con quién te relacionas, que contactos puedes absorber, que personas adecuadas puedes reunirte o puedes estar en contacto con y de ahí salen tus ramas al éxito definitivamente.” - Ana Sáenz, (11:45) 


    “Algo que admiro de la cultura aquí o de donde estamos, es la cantidad de oportunidades de hacer ese networking, esas conexiones.” - Claudia Scott, (12:11)


    “Siempre va a haber miedo, siempre va a haber dudas de uno mismo, pero yo siento que depende de las herramientas que la gente busque así va a haber el éxito después de esto.”
    - Ana Sáenz, (14:59)


    “Yo sé que nunca es tarde para empezar un negocio… Nunca, nunca, nunca es tarde.”
    - Ana Sáenz, (23:14)


    “Tienen que confiar en lo que su instinto les dice.” - Ana Sáenz, (31:12)


    “Yo no quiero llegar al punto de odiar lo que hago, quiero seguir amando lo que hago, que es lo que hago hasta el momento, amo dar mis clases, amo atender a mis clientes, amo ver esa sonrisa cuando comen pancitos.” - Ana Sáenz, (32:59)

    The Startup Junkies Podcast
    enSeptember 21, 2023