
    The Stellium Astrology Podcast

    Professional astrologer Stefanie James explores various aspects of astrology from the basics and up to intermediate and advanced subjects and techniques. Typical areas of discussion will be various modern, psychological and traditional astrological techniques, current astro-weather, notable points in history, interviews, and natal chart analysis including the charts of listeners. Stefanie is a Professional Astrologer with an international client base, Reiki Master, published writer and former Horoscope Columnist for ELLE Magazine.
    enStefanie James147 Episodes

    Episodes (147)

    EP145 The Inner Facing Eye: Secondary Progressions with Fernanda Paiva

    EP145 The Inner Facing Eye: Secondary Progressions with Fernanda Paiva

    Something I’ve wanted to explore on this show for a very long time is a popular predictive technique called Secondary Progressions.

    I’ve always been intrigued but have spent most of my time focussing on other techniques because they came more naturally to me.

    So I decided to get my friend and astrological colleague, Fernanda Paiva, on the show to talk about this incredible predictive technique, while sharing the knowledge with you, too!

    Two phrases Fernanda used which were particularly evocative were “mining for meaning” and “the inward-facing eye” to describe the function and application of this fascinating topic.

    Have you used secondary progressions before and did you find them insightful?

    How did you apply them to your own chart and learning process?

    Tell me in the comments!


    00:03 Intro
    05:15 Secondary Progressions
    08:21 Solar Arc vs SP
    15:52 Progressed Lunar Return / Saturn Return
    24:59 Progressed New Moon
    33:38 Relationships/Synastry
    42:31 SP in the 1st year of life
    47:07 SP & Personal Planets
    49:15 SP & Retrogrades

    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/AJeC_7SYaVA 
    Part 1 of Analysis, Imagination & Spotting Chart Themes with Fernanda Paiva https://youtu.be/Ph2oJ_F6GUc
    PART 2 of Analysis, Imagination & Spotting Chart Themes with Fernanda Paiva https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreons-only-2-53798821?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
    EP068 Frank C Clifford On Nailing Precise Forecasting with Solar Arc Pt 1 https://youtu.be/ZBA9cmq9xUg
    EP068 Astrologer Frank C Clifford Teaches Precise Forecasting with Solar Arc Directions Part 2 https://youtu.be/R4H3ws-zgWY

    Fernanda’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@hitchhikingstars

    📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/


    Fernanda’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@hitchhikingstars

    Hitchhiking Stars by Fernanda Paiva https://www.fernandapaiva.co/

    Website: www.fernandapaiva.co
    Instagram: @hitchiking_stars
    Facebook: @hitchhikingstars
    Twitter: @hitchhikingstar
    YouTube @hitchhikingstars

    Fernanda Paiva is a teacher and practicing astrologer, with a certificate from the London School of Astrology, a BA. in History, and the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. She has been published by Flare UK, IAM Infinity magazine, the AA Journal and at the astrodienst website, amongst others. Fernanda is originally from Brazil but has been living in the UK for the past 15 years. 

    EP144 Astrology and Dreams with Richard Swatton

    EP144 Astrology and Dreams with Richard Swatton

    He’s back! The wonderful Richard Swatton is on the podcast to discuss dreams.

    We cover a lot in a short period, so we decided to make this a series on dreams.

    Related episodes top follow so watch this space!

    For the opportunity to have your chart analyzed by Richard in future episodes, become a patron! (links below)

    What did you think of today's episode?

    Share your thoughts/dreams/experiences in the comments!

    00:00:03 Intro
    00:02:00 Archetypes in Dreams
    00:05:35 The subterranean mind
    00:08:13 Astral landscape/Dreams during a Pluto transit
    00:10:17 Astral (different types of dreaming)
    00:13:20 Lucid (different types of dreaming)
    00:18:29 Etheric (different types of dreaming)
    00:21:39 Collective Unconscious & Transpersonal planets 00:23:30 Neptune synching with substance
    00:28:13 Pluto in dreams (my exploration)
    00:39:29 Messages from dreams to reality
    00:46:03 Who is the conscious party?
    00:48:27 Dreaming of loved ones, passed
    00:53:30 Jung’s General structure of dreams Exposition / Peripetia / Crisis / Lysis
    00:55:51 Who is the ultimate observer?
    01:01:23 Krishna Murti
    01:02:06 Marie-Louise von Franz
    01:05:35 Key planetary players for dream work
    01:17:50 The Sopranos
    01:20:11 Spoiler Alert!
    01:21:50 Spoiler over/Pulled into our future
    01:33:51 Working with Dreams/Patrons


    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/eQzs9IbgnSs
    The dictionary of symbols  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Complete-Dictionary-Symbols-Myth-Literature/dp/1844830136
    Jungs 4 stages of a typical dream https://studylib.net/doc/25194391/
    Marie-Louise von Franz - The Way of the Dream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MZ0G4PEe2g
    Krishna Murti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti
    Richard's Course for the LSA: Worlds Beyond Ego https://www.londonschoolofastrology.com/courses/worlds
    WTF is Astrology? (Previous Episode) https://youtu.be/dNqDsIMrrxM
    The Astrology Squad https://astrologysquad.com/
    From Symbol to Substance: Training the Astrological Intuition by Richard Swatton https://www.amazon.co.uk/Symbol-Substance-Training-Astrological-Intuition/dp/1516984447
    The Horary Process: A Magical Approach to an Ancient Art contact: info@flareUK.com

    If you have any dreams you want to contribute for discussion (and potential chart analysis) please submit your details here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/star-in-dream-93236951?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

    Email me if you would like a reading with Richard: stelliumastro@gmail.com

    📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP143 Asteroid Juno Deep Dive: Warrior, Queen, Psychic, Protector + Midwife with Lianne McCafferty

    EP143 Asteroid Juno Deep Dive: Warrior, Queen, Psychic, Protector + Midwife with Lianne McCafferty

    Help us with our Juno research: https://forms.gle/12mhRWTFMBQ1ygkC7

    I remember some time back in 2015, clicking around the additional objects on astro.com and discovering asteroid Juno who happened to be sandwiched right between my tight Mercury–Venus conjunction.

    Of course I was intrigued, but I was deep in the throes of a Pluto transit, so I had limited focus for distractions at that time.

    Recently by chance, I got talking to today’s guest: Lianne McCafferty, about her peacock-inspired workspace – relevant for me over recent months as my little boy and I have been obsessed with them! We regularly have to visit the local “beegogs” as he so adorably puts it.  

    Turns out peacocks are associated with Juno! Just magical.

    Leanne has been fascinated with Juno since 2019/20 and has done a great deal of research which she is kindly sharing with us today.

    Like Venus and Jupiter, Leanne believes Juno to have benefic qualities which is no surprise as Juno is the wife of Jupiter.

    She is also known as Hera in Greek Mythology: long-suffering and committed wife of nymph-chasing serial-adulterer Zeus. 

    But Juno is about so much more than relationships – she impacts not only on a personal level, but social and mundane levels too, due to the speed, location and elliptical orbit of this fascinating asteroid.


    ➡️ Where is Juno in your chart and can you relate to any of the areas we’ve covered today?


    Lianne McCafferty D.M.S. Astrol, MAPAI holds the Mayo Diploma (Distinction) in Natal & Mundane. In addition to tutoring, consulting, lecturing and writing, with articles published in the likes of the AA and NCGR Journals, as a former professional sportsperson & coach and now Black Belt 1st Dan in Shotokan Karate, the use of astrology to help enhance sport performance is of particular interest. https://liannemccafferty.com/

    00:00:03 Intro
    00:02:14 Lianne’s Discovery of Juno
    00:03:59 Lianne’s Juno return
    00:04:38 Lockdown revelations
    00:10:53 Juno’s speed, orbit & retrograde motion
    00:14:37 Juno Mythology
    00:17:44 Political Optome-TORY/partygate
    00:21:12 Recent Mundane Events/Air Age
    00:25:59 Glyph & Discovery chart
    00:28:38 Juno Curitis: Warrior
    00:29:05 Juno Sospita: Protector
    00:31:07 Greek Myth: Hera
    00:33:37 Lilith & Juno
    00:39:42 Juno Moneta: Psychic accountant
    00:43:33 Juno’s Pattern
    00:44:17 Juno Regina: Queen Consort
    00:49:04 Patron saint of anniversaries
    00:50:51 Juno Lucina: Midwife
    01:03:25 Juno Natally
    01:11:44 Sacrificing Lilith
    01:15:30 Republic of Afghanistan
    01:18:53 Fall of Kabul
    01:34:05 Taiwan
    01:35:18 Communist China
    01:43:22 Aung San Suu Kyi - Burmese political leader/activist
    01:50:16 Wrap up
    01:52:10 Prize Draw



    Juno Discovery chart 01/09/1804, 22.00 pm, Lilienthal, Germany.

    Republic of Afghanistan 17/07/1973, 00.00, Kabul, Afghanistan

    Fall of Kabul 15/08/2021, 20.55, Kabul, Afghanistan

    China Communist 01/10/1949, 15.15, Peking, China

    Taiwan 01/01/1912, 00.00, Nanjing (Nanking), China

    Aung San Suu Kyi (Burmese political leader/activist) 19/06/1945, 12.00, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)


    Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/SCnsXEbYAVs
    Help us with our Juno research: https://forms.gle/12mhRWTFMBQ1ygkC7
    Juno discovery chart https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Celestial:_Juno_Discovery
    Astrological asteroid Juno https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Juno
    Juno mythology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juno_(mythology)
    Astronomical asteroid Juno https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Juno
    Wild Swans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Swans
    Monks Astrology  https://www.monksastrology.com/
    Lianne McCafferty https://liannemccafferty.com/

    #juno #asteroidjuno #peacock #hera #zeus #jupiter


    📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP142 WTF IS ASTROLOGY? Divination, Prophecy, Prediction & Prognostication with Richard Swatton

    EP142 WTF IS ASTROLOGY? Divination, Prophecy, Prediction & Prognostication with Richard Swatton

    When in the mindset of reading the horoscope, we access in a different state of mind. This state allows us to be in touch with a peripheral field of information. 

    So what exactly is it we're doing when working with astrology and how does it produce such accurate results? 

    To quote today’s guest, Richard Swatton: “you can’t predict technique – you can have techniques of prediction but the prediction arrives in the moment”

    During this episode Richard and I discuss the other-worldly aspects of astrology, delving into the eighth house depths of a subject already coaxing us deeper into the realms of the subconscious.

    Richard has lead many different paths in this lifetime: Musician, Occultist, Psychotherapist, Astrologer and Tutor at the London School of Astrology.

    He is also the Author of Symbol to Substance and his new book The Horary Process: A Magical Approach to an Ancient Art, is due to be published at the end of 2023. 

    You'll understand why I feel so blessed to have learned at the LSA when you hear how fascinating, intelligent and inspiring Richard is.

    Without wanting to sound like Hannibal Lecter, what I wouldn’t give for a slice of that brain... LOL.


    How do you feel viewing astrology as a divinatory art?


    00:01:26 About Richard | 00:05:52 Symbol to substance book | 00:07:31 The real Psychological astrology | 00:09:03 interconnectedness: music of the spheres | 00:15:05 the basis of prognostication | 00:16:46 coming of age with Saturn | 00:22:19 the unfathomable mystery of it | 00:24:47 Astrology & Mythology plus Persephone | 00:28:10 Pluto and my motherhood/maitrescence journey | 00:34:48 Transits triggering individualtion | 00:36:59 Prediction of particulars & divination | 00:40:10 The Ogres of ancient Rome | 00:40:53 a symbolic state of mind | 00:47:33 Going deep with Sun signs alone | 00:50:26 The Appearance of symbol in substance | 00:53:04 Ptolemy's Centiloquium | 00:55:05 “a shock of white hair” | 00:58:26 What is inspiration? The 9 Muses/Urania | 01:04:09 Richards new book: the Horary Process | 01:07:28 Astrology as a training and symbol system | 01:11:53 Aligning ourselves with a greater will | 01:13:58 Horary is inclusive | 01:17:18 Astrology appears IRL | 01:21:03 Richards Books/readings with Richard


    Neptune appears: 6/7/21, Newhaven, UK, 09:00 GMT


    Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/dNqDsIMrrxM

    The Astrology Squad https://astrologysquad.com/

    From Symbol to Substance: Training the Astrological Intuition by Richard Swatton https://www.amazon.co.uk/Symbol-Substance-Training-Astrological-Intuition/dp/1516984447

    The Horary Process: A Magical Approach to an Ancient Art contact: info@flareUK.com

    Saturn by Liz Greene https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/603038.Saturn

    Books by Dane Rudhyar https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/417055.Dane_Rudhyar

    Books by Howard Sasportas https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/309821.Howard_Sasportas

    Books by Stephen Arroyo https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=stephen+arroyo&qid=JCD35IIqxU

    Ptolemy's Centiloquium https://www.skyscript.co.uk/centiloquium1.html

    Tetrobiblos by Claudius Ptolemy https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Tetrabiblos

    Ptolemy https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Ptolemy

    Christian Astrology by William Lilley https://archive.org/details/ChristianAstrologyByWilliamLilly/mode/2up

    Christian Astrology retyped by Deb Houlding at Skyscript https://www.skyscript.co.uk/CA/CA_DH.pdf


    To book a reading with Richard contact me and I will pass your details to Richard: stelliumastro@gmail.com


    📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP141 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs

    EP141 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs

    Cerebral Mercury has entered his shadow period in preparation of his retrograde motion in his Virgo on 23/24 August (depending where on Earth you are).

    During this time there is a magical Grand Earth Trine forming in the skies, comprising of Mercury–Mars in Virgo, Jupiter–Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn!

    The whole period is triggered into action by a secretly seething Moon in Scorpio opposite a rather discombobulated Uranus in Taurus, forming a temperamental T-Square apexing at righteous Lilith in Leo and the fastidious Sun in Virgo...

    Another thing to observe is the crossover between Venus and Mercury retrograde periods; both highlighting areas we need to identify what we truly value, followed up with a tricky decision which could prompt a complete change of direction.

    Under these volatile planetary conditions our manifesting ability could mimic the Midas touch.

    During this period it would be wise of us all to be careful what we wish for.

    ...btw, apologies for the quality of the recording. Unfortunately I had some Mercury retro gremlins (I know it’s not that time just yet, but somehow these things seem to magically coincide).

    What are your Sun and Rising signs and has this resonated with you at all?


    Pre-shadow 08°00’ Virgo on 3/4 August
    Retrograde 21°51’ Virgo on 23/24 August at 19.59 (UTC)
    Cazimi 13°36 06 September at 11.09 (UTC)
    Direct 08°00’ 15 September 20.21 (UTC)
    Leaves shadow 21°51’ Virgo 29/30 September

    Savvy time zone calculator https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-gmt-bst-me-portland-pt-aest-ca-san-francisco-acdt/


    00:00:14 About Mercury Rx in Virgo + Dates | 00:01:33 Mercury Rx visual explanation | 00:02:52 Why it’s different this time | 00:08:09 Shadow period | 00:08:32 Aries Sun and Rising | 00:14:27 Taurus Sun and Rising | 00:20:34 Gemini Sun and Rising | 00:25:54 Cancer Sun and Rising | 00:30:35 Leo Sun and Rising | 00:34:13 Virgo Sun and Rising | 00:40:56 Libra Sun and Rising | 00:45:48 Scorpio Sun and Rising | 00:51:29 Sagittarius Sun and Rising | 00:57:57 Capricorn Sun and Rising | 01:03:32 Aquarius Sun and Rising | 01:09:05 Pisces Sun and Rising | 01:15:07 Patreon/Prize Draw | 01:16:59 End


    Watch now https://youtu.be/7tIQ5xyB8mQ
    Wikipedia Retro article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apparent_retrograde_motion
    Johari Window https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johari_window
    Great Video on the Johari Window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7FhcvoVK8s&t=2s
    Millie Bobby Brown and Flat Earth https://youtu.be/KFXdl3ZgeMc?t=413
    What is Shadow period: https://youtu.be/jlT0F-WivW8

    #mercuryretrograde #blackmoonlilith #bml #lilith #mercuryrx  #mercuryretrogradeinvirgo #mercuryretrogradehoroscopes #grandearthtrine #fixedtsquare #moonoppositeuranus #jupiteruranus #milliebobbybrown #johariwindow

    📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/



    EP140 TSAP’s 3rd Solar Return, Special Offer & Milestones

    EP140 TSAP’s 3rd Solar Return, Special Offer & Milestones

    Today is The Stellium Astrology Podcast’s 3rd birthday and I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown! We’ve achieved so much together and the podcast is evolving in a ways I couldn’t imagine when first starting out.

    To celebrate I have a new service launching today, with a very special offer for my listeners and viewers!

    While you’re here, I’d like to encourage you to check out my Patreon page and support what I do, there are lots of benefits for being a Patron (connecting with me and getting personal updates, exclusive content, discounts for readings, classes and courses).

    So, let’s take a look at TSAP’s natal chart, as well as the Solar return of the Podcast for the coming year – what does it hold for us?

    I’d love to know: 

    • Which is your favourite episode?
    • Did you have a personal "Eureka" moment in your astro studies because of the podcast?
    • Do you have any ideas or suggestions for the coming year?

    Tell me all about it in the comments below.


    00:00:03 How it's been going | 00:02:10 Two July Babies | 0:03:20 New Service SPECIAL OFFER! | 00:05:50 Prize Draw | 00:07:19 Thank you Patrons! | 00:07:39 TSAP natal chart | 00:10:06 Solar return transits | 00:15:20 Solar return chart | 00:21:26 Reading/Newsletter/Patreon


    TSAP Natal Chart, 29 July 2020, 09:38 BST
    TSAP Solar Return, 30 July 2023, 02:53 BST


    Watch now: https://youtu.be/NAzKwcFkzN4
    The Personal Podcast Reading https://www.stelliumastrology.com/product-category/readings/
    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/stelliumastrology


    📍Everything you need (including the Newsletter and prize draw info) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/


    EP139 Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs

    EP139 Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 Sun and Rising Horoscopes ALL Zodiac Signs

    The time is upon us –once again– to revel in the glory of Venus retrograde.

    During this period Venus meets with Lilith, Mercury, squares Uranus, and is instigated by a triggering grand-cross configuration with the Sun opposite Pluto both square to the North and South Nodes, all at the 29th “crisis” degree of the cardinal signs.

    Not so subtle.

    You will likely hear about romantic revelations, drastic changes, defiant behaviour, unexpected financial outgoings, cancelled plans, old-flames revisited and a complete 180° on long held values – though not necessarily all at once, or to one person.

    There’s a checklist as long as my arm detailing things we *shouldn’t* do during this time, but it’s all very dependant on you and the circumstances around that decision (hence a deeper dive into your own natal chart with an astrologer is advisable if you're concerned).

    So don’t freak out if you have a wedding booked have planned a big purchase. Some of these things are beyond our control and happen when they’re meant to.

    Don’t forget to join my mailing list if you’d like to gain access to my booking calendar and get exclusives on my new services, or become a patron to gain access to some of my courses and become a priority when booking in!


    What are your Sun and Rising signs and has this resonated with you at all?


    Pre-shadow 12°12' Leo on June 19
    Retrograde 22/23 July at 01:32 (UTC)
    Kazimi 13 August at 11:15am (UTC)
    Direct 3/4 September 01:20am (UTC)
    Leaves shadow 28°36' Leo on October 7

    00:00:11 About Venus Rx | 00:01:46 Shadow Period | 00:03:32 Aries | 00:09:41 Taurus | 00:16:21 Gemini | 00:21:45 Cancer | 00:27:45 Leo | 00:32:38 Virgo | 00:38:21 Libra | 00:44:27 Scorpio | 00:51:08 Sagittarius | 00:58:37 Capricorn | 01:05:12 Aquarius | 01:12:17 Pisces | 01:19:49 My Patreon Courses | 01:20:41 Prize Draw | 01:22:13 New Reading!

    Watch now https://youtu.be/5RhPsHkuClM
    Savvy Time Zone calculator  https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-gmt-bst-me-portland-pt-aest-ca-san-francisco-acdt/oct-7-2023/7-11am#google_vignette
    EP136 Lilith's leading role: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 https://youtu.be/NTjrwMdDmPA
    What is Shadow period: https://youtu.be/jlT0F-WivW8

    #venusretrograde #blackmoonlilith #bml #lilith #venusrx #venusretrogradeinleo #venusretrogradehoroscopes

    📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP138 Why We Love the Equal House System with Mary English, Astrologer & Author

    EP138 Why We Love the Equal House System with Mary English, Astrologer & Author

    Many Moons ago when I was a lost soul seeking understanding of this Earthly realm, I decided to do something completely wacky and outside-the-box: Much to the dismay of my friends and family, I booked a reading with an astrologer – heaven forbid!

    That astrologer was Mary English and it was the best decision I ever made – it changed my life forever.

    Fast forward to current day I decided to have Mary on the podcast to talk about her new book Enjoying Equal House, Why One of the Oldest Astrological House Systems is so Easy to Use.

    What do you love or hate about the equal house system?

    00:01:14 Mary Intro | 00:08:54 Whole Sign Houses | 00:11:32 Equal Houses | 00:16:32 Your Mode/Chart Describes Your House System | 00:19:57 Why Whole Signs Wig Me Out | 00:20:21 What I Like About Equal | 00:26:33 The Midheaven: Spotlight on Success 00:30:41 Why We Love Equal | 00:39:57 Reducing the Noise | 00:43:28 MARY’S BOOKS | 00:45:03 The Warm Fuzzies! | 00:47:57 Prize Draw

    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/hcezJa9x6Dg
    EP044 What Is A Cusp In Astrology & Do They Actually Exist? https://youtu.be/3xVlqlvQC3c
    EP117: Looking at the Difference Between the MC & Tenth House Cusp https://youtu.be/ZNSLMhiZh20
    Mary’s Podcast: Learn Astrology With Mary

    Mary English Enjoying Equal House USA: https://amzn.to/45mFRKl
    Enjoying Equal House (worldwide link): https://books2read.com/EqualHouse

    📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP137 Astrological Look at The Barbie Movie (Ft. Venus Retrograde... & Lilith!?)

    EP137 Astrological Look at The Barbie Movie (Ft. Venus Retrograde... & Lilith!?)

    During my recent research into Venus Retrograde, the Barbie movie appeared in my feed labelled ‘feminist icon’.

    Naturally, my thought process was triggered – particularly with Lilith’s role in Venus’ retrograde period fresh in my mind. 

    Suddenly I found my self in a Barbie-shaped rabbit hole, perfectly pink and full of fascinating symbolism which resulted in this episode.

    Do you think Margot Robbie was born to play Barbie on screen? Is she making the case for or against feminism, and is Lilith behind her amazing adaptability playing a series of challenging female roles?


    00:02:04 Barbie Debuted, 00:06:34 Barbara Millicent Roberts, 00:13:17 Barbie Premier, 00:20:56 Fantasy to Reality, 00:21:54 Marylin Monroe, 00:24:24 Margot Robbie, 00:28:10 Saturn–Uranus–Neptune in Cap, 00:33:09 Margot’s ability to express Lilith, 00:34:02 Ryan Gosling, 00:40:55 Prize Draw


    Barbie Doll Debut
    09 Mar 2023, New York, New York, No Birth time (noon calculated)

    Barbie Premier
    09th July 2023, LA, California, 16:00

    Margot Robbie
    02nd July 1990,  Dalby Australia, 07:45

    Ryan Gosling
    12 Nov 1980, London Canada, 14:34


    Barbie’s Debut: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Barbie
    Link to the time of the world premier: https://1iota.com/show/1576/barbie-world-premiere
    Margot Robbie (RRA): https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Robbie,_Margot
    Ryan Gosling (RRC): https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Gosling,_Ryan

    📍Everything you need to know (including the prize draw) is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    EP136 Lilith's leading role: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023

    EP136 Lilith's leading role: Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023

    I was brainstorming the horoscopes for Venus retrograde recently and decided rather than endlessly scribbling my thoughts down it makes more sense to record a short (LOL) session exploring my thought process.

    Mostly because I can see the story of Lilith playing out: this could be an incredibly powerful time for each of us individually and collectively IF we recognise the potential contained within the symbolism.

    Where is your Lilith placement and does she speak to you?

    00:05:42 A bit about Lilith/the First Lady
    00:11:21 Venus war & peace
    00:12:26 the spectrum
    00:14:15 Lilith & Venus make a stand
    00:17:11 Return of the repressed
    00:20:48 Grand Cardinal Cross
    00:23:17 Luther Spoiler Alert MUTE
    00:24:10 Spoiler Alert UNMUTE
    31:45:00 Cazimi & Direct


    Dependant on location
    Venus Retro: 22/23 Jul 2023
    Venus Cazimi 13 Aug 2023
    Venus Direct 3/4 September 

    Watch here: https://youtu.be/NTjrwMdDmPA
    Emma Watson https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Watson,_Emma
    #052 What Are The Aspects & How Are They Assigned Their Nature? https://stelliumastrology.libsyn.com/052-what-are-the-aspects-how-are-they-assigned-their-nature

    EP134 Disgraced Rolf Harris' Pivotal Period: Falling From Grace

    EP134 Disgraced Rolf Harris' Pivotal Period: Falling From Grace

    Rolf Harris was a celebrity artist and musician whose life took a very dark turn.

    A household name once loved by many, at the height of his career he was commissioned to paint a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.

    His loveable reputation was irreparably damaged when charges of indecent assault were made against him during Saturn’s time trawling the depths of Scorpio, and From 6 May 2014, Harris went on trial and was convicted on 30th June 2014 on all twelve counts.

    During this pivotal period of his life, everything changed and overnight Harris became a disgraced public figure who abused his position.

    He died on May 10th 2023 and his legacy has been brought up, once again for public scrutiny.

    During this episode I look at some of the transits that saw Rolf Harris' fall from grace.

    Rolf Harris
    Perth, Australia

    00:02:54 Rolf’s chart
    00:04:36 Aries Stellium
    00:12:14 Conviction
    00:13:17 Uranus Return
    00:17:55 Mars Venus Saturn T-Square
    00:18:02 Trans-planet overview
    00:21:59 Incarcerated
    00:27:04 Monks Astrology


    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/4aO5j9RpSGk
    Rolf Harris natal chart https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Harris,_Rolf
    Featured BBC News article https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28094561

    EP133 Harry & Meghan Echoes Of The Past & A Warning To Paparazzi

    EP133 Harry & Meghan Echoes Of The Past & A Warning To Paparazzi

    On Tuesday May 16th, Prince Harry, Meghan and her mother were in a “near catastrophic” car chase, pursued by paparazzi following the Women of Vision Gala in New York.

    This is deeply disturbing considering Harry’s beloved mother, Diana Princess of Wales, lost her life in a high speed car chase in Paris while being pursued by paparazzi, on 31 August 1997. 

    In an open letter dated October 1st 2019, Harry wrote “My deepest fear is history repeating itself, I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces."

    Hopefully history won’t repeat itself. However, there are certainly echoes in the circumstances which make interesting viewing from an astrological lens.

    I hope we can see this as an opportunity to make changes before greed and celebrity obsession claim more lives – all in in the name of the next big headline.

    What do you think about the media's involvement in Harry’s life? 

    Could Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius highlight the need for media outlets to acknowledge their obsession and dial back their relentless pursuit of celebrities at all costs?


    00:02:02 Harry’s Chart
    00:09:14 The chase
    00:18:31 The comparison to Diana
    00:24:09 Meghan’s Chart
    00:30:56 Prize draw


    Watch now https://youtu.be/s9HT-Pj2c_M
    Harry’s open letter https://sussexofficial.uk/
    Queen Elizabeth III https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Elizabeth_II,_Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom
    The astrology of the scapegoat: https://www.astro.com/astrology/in_shadow_e.htm
    The Dark of the Soul: Psychopathology in the Horoscope Liz Greene https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1243398.The_Dark_of_the_Soul
    Prince Harry Duke of Sussex https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Harry,_Duke_of_Sussex
    Meghan Duchess of Sussex https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Meghan,_Duchess_of_Sussex
    Princess Diana https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales




    EP132 The Momentous Coronation of King Charles III

    EP132 The Momentous Coronation of King Charles III

    The passing of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth III was viewed on the world stage. 

    As the longest reigning Monarch in history, her son Charles, successor to the throne, must have felt conflicted about his time in the spotlight, knowing it would follow the death of his mother.

    His time has come, and King Charles III will be crowned at his coronation at Westminster Abbey on May 6 2023, on a Lunar Eclipse, during Mercury Retrograde, just over a month after Pluto entered Aquarius for the first time since 1798.

    In this episode I take a look at King Charles III Coronation and peer into the events surrounding his transition in hierarchy, mindset, and family dynamics, while speculating how long this impending shift has been occurring through an astrological lens.

    What do you think about the new order in the British Monarchy, and do you think the future is bright with this reshuffling of the ruling elite?

    00:05:02 The Crown
    00:09:53 King Charles’ Chart
    00:22:06 Scorpio Eclipse – The Coronation Chart
    00:40:24 Prize Draw

    Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/dwbwuST0e5I
    EP129 Saturn in Pisces https://youtu.be/hQxlcKb5TQA
    EP130 Pluto in Aquarius https://youtu.be/ClmcqX74OAM

    📍All The Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

     Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize

    EP131 Dispelling Fears of Pluto in Aquarius & Saturn in Pisces with Frank C Clifford

    EP131 Dispelling Fears of Pluto in Aquarius & Saturn in Pisces with Frank C Clifford

    March 2023 has some pretty major planetary transits: Saturn in Pisces on the 7th, and Pluto in Aquarius on the 23rd.

    Lots of my listeners, viewers and clients have been in touch with concerns about what these major shifts could mean for them and whether it's 'bad'.

    Having encountered some foreboding astrological predictions about these planetary transits, it really got me thinking about how unnecessarily anxiety inducing it is when we take on such negativity.

    I asked the one and only Frank C Clifford on the show to dispel fears around the imminent Saturn and Pluto transits, and offer some great tips for making the best of these transits.

    Are you feeling anxious about the current astro-weather, and have you already had Saturn and Pluto transits which turned out better than you were expecting? Share in the comments! 

    00:02:15 Intro to the shift
    00:02:58 Tips for handling transit anxieties
    00:14:03 Tuning-in to the shift & USA’s Pluto return
    00:15:58 Transit duality: Pluto opposite Leo
    00:21:31 Getting worse first
    00:24:21 Cancel Cancel Culture
    00:29:31 Saturn in Pisces
    00:32:04 Getting the best from Saturn in Pisces
    00:35:34 A heads up
    00:38:41 Study/read/connect with Frank
    00:43:18 Prize draw
    00:46:00 End

    EP129 Saturn in Pisces https://youtu.be/hQxlcKb5TQA
    EP130 Pluto in Aquarius https://youtu.be/ClmcqX74OAM
    London School of Astrology
    Frank's books
    Horoscope Snapshots
    The Book of Music Horoscopes
    Gonna Live Forever

    📍All The Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!

    EP130 Pluto in Aquarius 2023 Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for ALL Zodiac Signs

    EP130 Pluto in Aquarius 2023 Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for ALL Zodiac Signs

    Pluto enters Aquarius on 23rd March 2023 and it’s a pretty big deal – the last time he entered Aquarius was 1777, and the next will be 2269!

    In fact the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) – which is the same time measurement as Universal Time (UT) – was yet to be established! Time prior to 1884 was measured in Local Mean Time (LMT).

    None of us will see our Pluto return as he takes 248 years to do one lap of the Sun, though most will live to see their Pluto squares at around 40 years of age, and if you live a long and healthy life you may also reach your Pluto opposition! But that’s for the select few (like my beautiful grandmother, God rest her soul).

    Are you already seeing signs of what Pluto in Aquarius means for you? Will you or someone you know be having Pluto aspect one of your luminaries or personal planets? Tell me about it in the comments!

    02 February 1532 - 03 December 1553
    04 April 1777 - 26 December 1798
    23 March 2023 - 19 January 2044
    24 March 2269 - 14 December 2289 

    00:58 A bit about Pluto
    19:11 Aries
    12:50 Taurus
    19:35 Gemini
    24:48 Cancer
    28:52 Leo
    32:19 Virgo
    36:30 Libra
    41:25 Scorpio
    46:16  Sagittarius
    50:49 Capricorn
    55:30 Aquarius
    01:00:05 Pisces
    01:08:21 Prize Draw



    EP129 Saturn in Pisces https://youtu.be/hQxlcKb5TQA



    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/ClmcqX74OAM

    Psycho-Cybernetics https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/155981.Psycho_Cybernetics_A_New_Way_to_Get_More_Living_Out_of_Life

    Jungs dream https://jungcurrents.com/jung-descends-into-the-collective-unconscious

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4948.The_Very_Hungry_Caterpillar?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_27

    The history of GMT https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Greenwich-Meridian-The-Royal-Observatory-London/#:~:text=Intrinsically%20linked%20to%20the%20measurement,Prime%20Meridian%20at%20Greenwich%2C%20England

    📍All The Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!

    EP129 Saturn in Pisces 2023 Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for ALL Zodiac Signs

    EP129 Saturn in Pisces 2023 Sun and Rising Sign Horoscopes for ALL Zodiac Signs

    Saturn enters Pisces on 7th March 2023 which is the first time he’s not been in a sign he rules since 2017.

    His move into Pisces signals a huge shift which coincides with the ingress of both Pluto in Aquarius and Mars in Cancer – both occurring in the same month (more on these in future shows).

    Saturn was last in Pisces between May 1993 and April 1996 – those of you listening who were born during this time will be having your first Saturn return during this period.

    You could be having your second or third Saturn return during this period – I’ve included the Saturn in Pisces dates for these periods, below.

    Are you already seeing signs of what Saturn in Pisces means for you? Will you or someone you know be having your Saturn return during the coming few years? 

    14 February 1935 - 14 January 1938
    24 March 1964 - 3 March 1967
    21 May 1993 - 7 April 1996
    07 March 2023 - 14 Feb 2026

    01:57 Aries
    07:50 Taurus
    14:26 Gemini
    17:59 Cancer
    18:16 Leo
    20:55 Virgo
    23:26 Libra
    26:50 Scorpio
    29:57 Sagittarius
    33:10 Capricorn
    37:54 Aquarius
    41:47 Pisces
    44:43 Saturn return
    46:28 Prize Giveaway 

    Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/hQxlcKb5TQA
    EP110 Spiritual Toolkit Grounding Meditation https://stelliumastrology.libsyn.com/110-spiritual-tool-kit-grounding-meditation-plus-a-sad-farewell-to-sue-farebrother
    EP109 Good Auric Hygine https://stelliumastrology.libsyn.com/109-tool-kit-good-auric-hygiene


    📍Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    💜 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!

    EP128: A Chat About Family Synastry – Whether You Have A Birth Time Or Not!

    EP128: A Chat About Family Synastry – Whether You Have A Birth Time Or Not!

    I felt inspired to discuss family synastry this week. It's not a deep analysis, more of a nudge to get you all to explore your own.

    It may shed some light on areas of your life where you feel as though you don't fit in with your family, or perhaps highlight a pattern that goes back through generations.

    As I was inspired by the holistic psychologist, my lovely patron Cara, and a random facebook post, I thought it was enough of a not from the Universe to wax lyrical on the subject!

    Have you explored your family synastry and have you spotted any patterns?

    00:10 Where have I been? 
    03:24 Sibling psychology
    05:32 Why do siblings have different moon signs?
    08:53 My Family Synastry
    16:38 Adoption, fostering, non-blood relatives
    20:38 Difficult family relations (can’t ask for birth times)
    25:23 Bespoke Astrology Clock Competition

    The Holisitc Psychologist: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnnc_Cfvb8s/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    Brian Clark The Family Legacy https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33565695-the-family-legacy?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=xvy7U3cjBG&rank=1
    Prize draw post https://www.stelliumastrology.com/astrology/youtube-prize-draw/


    📍All The Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    💜 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!

    #127 A Little Bit About The Lunar Nodes in Astrology

    #127 A Little Bit About The Lunar Nodes in Astrology

    On a personal update I recorded for my patrons in December, I mentioned that the Sun is on my South Node on Christmas Day every year so I normally have to deal with "South Node stuff".

    One of my lovely patrons, Julie, asked me if I could explain a little bit more about that.

    So this week I touch on the Lunar Nodes which are considered a karmic/fated point in astrology.

    I'm planning to record an episode on my actual Christmas experience for my patrons so if you're one of them, or want to know more about what my life is like outside of YouTube and podcasting, then consider signing up – your support will enable me to create more fun and interesting content. Everyone's a winner!

    Which house is your South Node in and do you see yourself leaning on comfort and familiarity in this area of life, rather than daring to venture off the beaten path for greater spiritual growth?


    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/2xfzFgHmMcw 
    Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/120993.Astrology_for_the_Soul
    “Eclipses can occur only when the Sun is within about 15 to 18 degrees of a node, (10 to 12 degrees for central eclipses).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse#:~:text=Eclipses%20can%20occur%20only%20when,12%20degrees%20for%20central%20eclipses).

    01:07 Cosmic schmuck
    02:37 The astronomy
    05:22 Orbs
    06:16 Why the Nodes are important
    07:24 Rahu and Ketu
    10:14 The Glyphs
    12:09 Cafe astrology explanation
    12:45 The nature of the axis
    14:02 My Nodes
    21:02 My Progressed Mercury (Rx)
    24:48 My Saturn Return
    30:00 Interpretation hack
    31:04 trSun on my South Node
    33:39 Monks Astrology
    34:03 Subscribe

    📍Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/
    💜 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!

    #126 The Astrology of 2023: Monthly Walkthrough

    #126 The Astrology of 2023: Monthly Walkthrough

    Happy New Year to all my wonderful listeners and viewers! There's going to be a massive shift in 2023 which we are all going to experience.

    This episode covers the highlights of next year, looking in particular at: retrogrades, planetary ingresses, eclipses and blue moons, and mundane aspects, plus any connections I’ve made while researching the year ahead.

    If you’d like a copy of all events discussed with degrees and dates, I have created a download for my patrons which you can view here: www.patreon.com/stelliumastrology 

    Watch this episode https://youtu.be/vsudjRhepsY
    2023 Major Astrological Events PDF https://www.patreon.com/posts/76481355
    Planetary Cycles by Astrid Fallon http://www.fallonastro.com/bookletpc.html


    00:26 January
    06:51 February
    07:37 March
    13:49 April
    15:41 May
    18:44 June
    19:50 July
    22:02 August
    23:34 September
    24:17 October
    28:23 November
    29:16 December
    32:40 January 2024
    34:47 End of walk through

    📍Links https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

    💜 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel and email me a screenshot to be entered into the prize draw!