
    The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast

    The Strong Within Weekly Affirmation Podcast hosted by Chris O'Hearn is a quick 10-20 minute podcast that will help you get your day started off on the right foot. Words are powerful, so what we state in our life is what we make true for our life. An affirmation is a statement of truth. It is seeing the real potential within ourselves and helping our mind to make our beliefs a reality. This podcast will help you start talking and thinking differently about what is possible, which in turn will make your words become physical to happen in your life. Words are like magic. You can either create amazing things with what you say, or you can create a destructive force with your words and thoughts. I am looking forward to empowering you to change your life, to find the confidence and courage to become who you have always wanted to be, and begin knowing you are worthy to have amazing things in your life. I am looking forward to connecting with you and seeing you shine. Sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together, Chris O'Hearn
    enChris O'Hearn365 Episodes

    Episodes (365)

    718 I Stopped Living The Fantasy So I Could Create A Future - February 2024 Affirmation

    718 I Stopped Living The Fantasy So I Could Create A Future - February 2024 Affirmation

    Welcome back to the Strong Within Affirmation Podcast, I'm your host, Chris, and this is episode 718 for February 2024, titled "I Stopped Living In The Fantasy, So I Could Create A Future". This week, we're delving deep into the power of presence, the art of envisioning our desired reality, and how we can move from being trapped in a cycle of fear and procrastination to forging a future that aligns with our deepest aspirations.

    Sometimes life can feel like a constant battle with distractions and fear—often leading us to retreat into the comfort of the future, or what I like to call the 'fantasy'. But what if I told you that the only path to authenticity and genuine success is through embracing the now and taking those day-to-day small wins? Together, we will explore how to create that vision for ourselves, learn from my personal journey and struggles, and hear an inspiring story of a client's extraordinary transformation.

    As a personal trainer and mindset and success coach, I understand the courage it takes to break free from imposter syndrome and the stories that hold us back. Fear can often manifest as a decision-making blocker, something I've faced during my break from the podcast, which was rooted in perfectionism and fear. In today's episode, we will address these challenges head-on, discuss the importance of bravery in both big and small acts, and how we can reclaim our worthiness to achieve the extraordinary.

    Get ready to shift your mindset, as we emphasize the mantra "I stopped living in the fantasy so I could begin creating a future". This isn't just about envisioning your success—it's about laying the foundations for habitual courage, building unwavering self-belief, and converting your deepest fears into fuel for your journey.

    So are you ready to redefine courage and reshape your reality? Let's dive into this transformative session and come out stronger on the other side. Stay tuned, and don't forget that through affirmations, steadfast visioning, and persistence, you are always just one small win away from the future you've always dreamed of. Let's get into it.


    If you are interested in coaching, email and text me your contact info along with your biggest struggle right now.

    You can text me at: 865-219-3247
    You can email me at chris@strongwithin.com


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    717 I Already Own What I Am Seeking - November 2023 Affirmation

    717 I Already Own What I Am Seeking - November 2023 Affirmation

    What does Strong Within look like to you?

    Grab some Strong Within merch and let's not only make the world better, but let's look cool while doing it. Message me at chris@strongwithin.com or text me at 865-219-3247 and we'll figure out the size and color/style for you. This is the one brand where the message and the model is YOU. Let's BE Strong Within Together

    Beach Strong Within Picture Oceans Calling 2023Beth Hoodie Strong Within Greenish BlueDaniel P St. Louis Baseball Stadium ShirtStrong Within Suit

    In this month's podcast, I ask the question of when you were in a moment or experience where you felt you were born to be.

    Sometimes the smallest hints in a moment can be a telling sign if we are on track or need a course correction on the direction of our lives.

    So come join me and be reminded of those places that felt perfect, that were giving you a sign, a direction, that were your compass on the places you were meant to step into.

    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening. I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

     My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    716 I Partake In The Extraordinary - August 2023 Affirmation

    716 I Partake In The Extraordinary - August 2023 Affirmation

    Grab some Strong Within merch and let's not only make the world better, but let's look good while doing it. Message me at chris@strongwithin.com or text me at 865-219-3247 and we'll figure out size and color/style for you. This is the one brand where the message and the model is YOU. Let's make Strong Within Look good together as we do good together.


    Now...back to the Podcast. I have one question for you:

    How did you live an extraordinary life the past 7 days?

    It's a simple question, but to ask it...means you will have to dig deep to see where you fell short, what you might have missed out on, and how the simplest things can create the most beautiful life.

    I recently realized one huge thing that had been keeping me stuck, and I bet you have forgotten it too. So join me on the podcast and be reminded on this one key that will transform your whole life.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

     My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    715 Repetition Is The Goal - July 2023 Affirmation

    715 Repetition Is The Goal - July 2023 Affirmation

    Me SW Shirt profileKatie E Strong Within Katie E flexMike & I Strong Within

    Strong Within--the only brand where you are the face of the brand.
    Wear your message and be the face of your own MEANINGFUL brand with me. Email me or text me to put in an order for your own Strong Within Shirt and let's BE the miracle together.

    Now into the podcast
    What do you think would make you happier?

    • Winning the lottery
    • or Losing an arm or leg in a car accident

    That seems like an easy answer, but in this podcast I talk about the goals we are focusing on that might be making us look in the wrong direction.

    Join me and let's learn together.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    phone: 865-219-3247
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    714 I Am Unrealistic - June 2023 Affirmation Podcast

    714 I Am Unrealistic - June 2023 Affirmation Podcast


    Want your own Strong Within Shirt? Well, there are two ways to get them right now.

    1) Enter this month's contest:
    Email me ( chris@strongwithin.com ) on how Strong Within changed your life--the idea, the podcast, or what your favorite episode is why.

    I will choose a few winners from those who email me, and I will select the best 3-5 ones and send you a Strong Within shirt.

    2) Purchase One
    I am starting the Strong Within Apparel company, so get your Strong Within shirts by emailing me and we can talk color, size, and price. The reason I am always wearing a Strong Within shirt is not just because I started my coaching business with its name, but because I choose to embody it every day.

    Sometimes I am extremely successful, and sometimes I am left wanting to be a little bit better. But wearing the shirt most days ( I wear a Strong WIthin shirt almost every day...unless I haven't done laundry yet, lol), it is the reminder to embody what and who I am wanting to be.

    I wanted to share a few pictures of me and Rusty on the lawn during our time together. I don't like to say our last hours together because he is now with me all the time. And every time I feel sad about the loss of a great friend or family member I like to say this to myself, "I know he is happy and in a good place now, so no matter if Rusty is with me or not, I know he is doing great and that's all I have ever wanted for him."


    In this podcast, I talk about the power of being unrealistic with your goals, your life, and learning the power of how miracles can happen at any moment.

    We expect too little, and we get exactly what we focus on...so join me for today's podcast and learn how to be unrealistic in your life in a good way to change the course of your life.

    Thanks for being here with me today,



    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    713 A Changed Life Begins With A Changed Thought - April 2023 Strong Within Affirmation Podcast

    713 A Changed Life Begins With A Changed Thought - April 2023 Strong Within Affirmation Podcast

    Join the Strong Within Community at www.strongwithin.com/community 

    Are you longing for a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to transforming their lives and becoming the strongest version of themselves? Look no further than the Strong Within Community!

    Our community is a place where you can connect with others who are on a similar journey towards growth and self-improvement. Whether you're looking to reframe your mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, or simply connect with others in a positive, uplifting space, our community has something for everyone.

    As a member of our community, you can expect to receive exclusive access to our Strong Within Manifesting Course, as well as weekly inspiration and encouragement from our founder, who has years of experience helping others achieve their goals and live their best lives.

    But that's not all - our community is also a place where you can come to ask questions, offer support, and find motivation when you need it most. Whether you're struggling with a difficult situation or simply need a boost of positivity, our community has your back.

    Best of all, our community is completely free - so what are you waiting for? Join the Strong Within Community today and start your journey towards living your strongest, most fulfilling life. We can't wait to welcome you!

    In this episode there were MANY take aways but I am focusing on 3 topics and the lessons you can get from this podcast:

    1. Understanding Trauma and Healing
      1. - Trauma and protection can lead to being tight and unable to fully release and heal
      2. - Similar to muscles that get injured and remain in an isometric state to protect themselves
      3. - Like myofascial release techniques like foam rolling and massage can help activate the golgi tendon organ to relax the muscle and release knots...we can do the same with our emotions and mental states
    2. Reframing and Shifting Vibrational Frequency
      1. - Focusing on trauma can create a cycle of overprotection and hinder the healing process.- Reframing emotions can help in processing them more efficiently and moving on
      2. - Being the observer and not getting stuck in victimhood or trauma can prevent staying stuck in it for a long time
      3. - Changing the vibrational frequency can be important
    3. Dissociating from Problems and Focusing on Solutions- People often get stuck in the box and can't see outside of it when they focus too hard on the problem.
      1. - Focusing too much on the problem trains the subconscious to only focus on the problem and not the solution.
      2. - We should train the subconscious to become observers of the problem instead of getting sucked into it.
      3. - By doing so, we disassociate ourselves from the problem and can find solutions more easily.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by: 
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide


    712 I Am Willing to Take Off the Masks That I’ve Been Hiding Behind - February 2023 Affirmation

    712 I Am Willing to Take Off the Masks That I’ve Been Hiding Behind - February 2023 Affirmation

    Let's connect on social media. I am putting new stuff out all the time and I want to see what you are up to:

    Instagram: @thechrisohearn

    Facebook: @thechrisohearn

    Chris OHearn Saying Hi Hi

    In this podcast I talk about the 5 reasons why being good isn't going to achieve the life you want, and how to go from being just good enough to creating the best life and situations for yourself...and the people around you.

    These principles ring true for me because I was always trying to be the good guy, the giver, the selfless one. And while those all are good things to strive to be...it was actually killing me because while it was about feeling good, it was more about HAVING to be validated--to prove my worthiness.

    And thus I wasn't abusing or finding myself addicted to drugs or alcohol...I was constantly seeking self-worth in people and things that could NEVER give me what I was seeking. Because we know it to be true that we can only give that to ourselves...so how do we end that vicious cycle then?

    Wouldn't it be nice to BE who you want to be, to stop trying to please everyone, and be your authentic self-to take off your masks, and live in accordance with the values, wishes, and manners that will make your life full?

    Then join me for this podcast and let me know what you think.

    This has changed my life, and I think it will yours too.

    P.S. I tried a new mic setting, so let me know if there are things that need to be augmented (too loud, not clear enough, or sounds better...let me know your opinions and send me an email about it or anything else you would like to talk about chris@strongwithin.com )


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    711 My Strength Comes From Structure - January 2023 Affirmation

    711 My Strength Comes From Structure - January 2023 Affirmation

    Stuck in an unwanted emotion and want to get out of it? Want to get healing from it?

    Well, it starts with ignoring that emotion.

    Now, that may sound weird, but if we want to get rid of something we feel we need to eradicate it, we need to figure out how to delete it from our lives, and so we must focus on it.

    And maybe that might work, but when I am working with any of my clients...we are trying to get to the structure behind the emotion.

    The unresourceful state that is CAUSING that emotion to rear its ugly head when any of the present conditions happen.

    So if you'd like to figure out how to not only think differently about your healing but get to the deeper root of change...then join me in this podcast. 

    I also have a few spots that have opened in my coaching program. I am specifically looking for successful entrepreneurs who are finding they are having a hard time connecting to their lives like they used to.

    Are you finding that friends and other relationships feel constrained or you can't find quality people in your life who support and build you up. Maybe you feel you have reached the pinnacle of your success and it seems like it's all downhill or you feel lost and unsure where to go next. Or that you just have lost the excitement for your life like you used to once have, as you are just punching your time clock each day unfulfilled and feeling lost.

    If this sounds like you, let's set a time to chat as I would love to serve you with a transformational call. 

    Let me be clear...I am not selling you coaching...I am creating the transformation first, and if it serves you in a manner that changes and transforms your life...then we can talk about moving forward.

    I am looking to serve only right now first.

    Email me at chris@strongwithin.com and ALSO text me at 865-219-3247 just in case the email goes to my spam folder. I don't want to miss you. Looking forward to connecting.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    710 I Trust The Universes Plan For Me - January 2023 Affirmation

    710 I Trust The Universes Plan For Me - January 2023 Affirmation

    Don't Miss Out...THIS IS THE LAST WEEK to create the Ulitmate Life with me

    Where for the next 60 days you will be part of my group coaching course to help you not change who you are but to become the more powerful, confident, focused, and successful individual you ALREADY are.

    This course is more about using the inherent characteristic traits within you that you can harness and help bring you back to the source of your confidence, power, freedom, and certainty to feel less anxiety, depression, and fear for your life and what is ahead for you.

    You can find more info here www.strongwithin.com/2023

    Now onto the podcast note....

    Excessive Anxiety and Fear Come From This One Thing…

    In this week’s Strong Within Affirmation Podcast #710 We talk about trusting the plan that is being laid out for you instead of clinging onto anxiety, fear, and things having to be a certain way.

    So if you’d like relief from your negative thought loop check out the podcast.

    Or you can email chris@strongwithin.com or text me 865-219-3247 and we can set up a video or telephone call to answer any questions you might have.

    So if you are tired of feeling the same depressed feeling at the end of each year, I would love to invite you to change with me.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    High Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

     My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    709 December 2022 I Welcome The Chance To Redefine My Conflicts - Affirmation

    709 December 2022 I Welcome The Chance To Redefine My Conflicts - Affirmation

    If you're feeling depressed or melancholy looking at the calendar after Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate), it is due to one reason-
    regret that you are most likely in the same spot at the end of the year as you were when you started.

    However, that doesn't have to be the case. If you ever wonder why successful people are...well, successful...it's because they operate on a different level.

    They don't chase the goal...the BECOME the goal.

    And thinking about this got me to creating a group coaching course called The Strong Within Ultimate Life, where I will guide you through 6 foundational principles to BE at the goal instead of chasing your goals and dreams. This course will help you begin operating from your inherent strengths to evolve the life that suits you...because it's from the tools that are within you.

    Go to www.strongwithin.com/2023 to see more details and to sign up.

    Or you can email chris@strongwithin.com or text me 865-219-3247 and we can set up a video or telephone call to answer any questions you might have.

    So if you are tired of feeling the same depressed feeling at the end of each year, I would love to invite you to change with me.



    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

     My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    708 The Great Thing About Taking Ownership Is I Choose Whether I Win Or Lose - December 2022 Affirmation

    708  The Great Thing About Taking Ownership Is I Choose Whether I Win Or Lose - December 2022 Affirmation

    Did you hope for more for 2022?

    What about the years before?

    What if self-development was the thing keeping you stuck? No I know that may sound crazy since my podcast is about self development...

    Well, I have created a group coaching course that starts in January called the Strong Within Ultimate Life

    You can find out more about it by going to www.strongwithin.com/2023




    Aren't you tired of being disappointed about the outcomes of your days, your weeks, and maybe even your life? In this course you will see that your fate has been linked to knowing what you already have, so you can do more with it.

    I mean think about it, when was the last time you felt amazing and everything was seemingly coming together as if you had played your cards right? We attribute it to luck, and sure there is a luck to life, but being at the right place at the right time isn't the only thing that brings us what we want...being aware of who we are, what a moment is, and the power we already can use will change your whole life.

    Wouldn't it be nice to attract the things you want, by knowing who you are, instead of always having to fight tooth and nail for the things you deserve?

    This is course is your crossroads, to change everything, and begin living a different life.

    Come join me and let's begin creating a better year, a better life...not because you changed...

    But because you became more of who you already are...I will help you harness 6 foundational principles to transform you back into the most powerful you

    Go to www.strongwithin.com/2023


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    707 What I Fear Is An Indication Of Where My Focus Is - November 2022 Affirmation

    707 What I Fear Is An Indication Of Where My Focus Is - November 2022 Affirmation

    You wake up another day feeling dissatisfied with your place in life. You feel out of alignment with your purpose, or maybe you have forgotten or no longer know what it is.

    And maybe it feels like this is a place of permanence and you can't change...but what if this was the breakthru you were looking for?

    Every place of growth always came from a place of needing to shed, step into, and evolve and I am looking forward to serving you with my new course The Strong Within Ultimate Life that I will be launching in January on realigning your life. www.strongwithin.com/swgoal

    We normally work towards goals by GETTING things.

    Yet, in this course, it is about realigning yourself and your energy WITH the goal's energy so you aren't fighting to GET goals but to connect and understand that you already ARE at the goal.

    It's a course on BEING rather than DOING.

    So if you have been feeling stuck, plateaued or just want to evolve into who you are meant and want to be...then this course is for you.

    It will be a 60-day journey of creating from a place of purpose and honing a new routine of thought, action, and speech about who you are and what you are doing with your days.

    I will have assignments, video lessons, a planner to work through and live group coaching sessions each week.'

    I would love for you to be a part of this, so if you are ready to step into your power and live a Strong Within Ultimate Life, then I want you in the program.

    Sign up to get more details when I launch the sales page and anything else go to www.strongwithin.com/swgoal

    It will be launching in January, and early buyers will get a special bonus. I'll launch the sales page later this month


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    706 I Surround Myself With People Who Believe In Me October 2022 Affirmation

    706 I Surround Myself With People Who Believe In Me October 2022 Affirmation

    What would your Ulitmate Life look like? And What's kept you from living it?

    However, what if your 2023 could be the beginning of your best year yet?

    In January I will be launching a group coaching course called The Strong Within Ultimate Life.

    Sign up here www.strongwithin.net/SWgoal  to be the first to get details, as I am finalizing things

    I will be reversing how you think about your life and how you go about TRYING to reach goals, and instead of DOING, I will be mentoring and helping you realign with your purpose and work with BEING the person who already is at the goal.

    Instead of trying to FORCE our way to a goal, I will be reminding you about the law of vibration in becoming in alignment with your dreams, goals, and purpose. You see, what you seek is already seeking you...we just have to get out of our own way.

    So if you are ready to have a great 2023, to have a Strong Within Ultimate Life, then go to www.strongwithin.net/SWgoal and sign up to get on the email list to be the first to get details when I will launch it in January.

    I am looking forward to seeing you there.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    705 Everything That Is Happening Is Steering Me To Who I Want To Be - October 2022 Affirmation

    705 Everything That Is Happening Is Steering Me To Who I Want To Be - October 2022 Affirmation

    What if your purpose could be summed up into two questions?

    Well, in this podcast I ask two questions that are changing mine, and I believe they can change anyone who purposefully pursues these questions.

    Let's transform ourselves and the world together.

    Also in the podcast, I talked about being the first to know about my upcoming course in January the Strong Within Ultimate Life. Go to this webpage to sign up for updates on when I will be launching and all the bonuses I will be giving over time...I will be giving a big discount for early action takers as well.

    here's the site: www.strongwithin.com/swgoal


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    704 Life Is A Play September 2022 Affirmation

    704 Life Is A Play September 2022 Affirmation

    COME JOIN my new coaching and video course to help you master your mindset to overcome the emotions and crippling thoughts that have kept you trapped...If you would like to have a total transformation to seeing the person in the mirror that loves who it sees looking back, if you want to rid your crippling states of mindset that are keeping you trapped in your own personal hells...

    then email mail me at chris@strongwithin.com and send me a text too as my email sometimes can be wonky at 865-219-3247 saying I'm interested in your new course...and I'll add you to my email list to keep you informed when I finalize everything and to keep you in the know, and you'll get some cool free things along the way

    Now onto the podcast...
    Should We Take Life More Seriously???

    I ask the question of what if our life was a play, what if all the world was a play and we are but the actors on this stage. Would a new focal point help us with our crippling fears, worries, and anxieties?

    Would we relinquish our depression and suicidal thoughts seeing that what we had been focusing on wasn't as serious as we had made it to be?

    Would we let go of those destructive thoughts that we tell ourselves that --no one ever stays and are we meant to be alone for the rest of our lives, or that if we don't make this amount of money (or more) then we will have failed our families, or that we even look in the mirror and hate who we have become and don't even recognize ourselves anymore...

    well, this podcast is for you.

    If you would like a shift in your emotional states, and a shift in your mindset to begin seeing hope instead of despair...then join me on this journey of unfolding some of the beliefs and habits that have kept us stuck in a negative loop pattern.

    I am excited to see the artwork you are going to craft with your life.

    Committed to seeing you happy and successful...and I am sending great energy your way

    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    704 Life Is A Play September 2022 Affirmation

    704 Life Is A Play September 2022 Affirmation

    COME JOIN my new coaching and video course to help you master your mindset to overcome the emotions and crippling thoughts that have kept you trapped...If you would like to have a total transformation to seeing the person in the mirror that loves who it sees looking back, if you want to rid your crippling states of mindset that are keeping you trapped in your own personal hells...

    then email mail me at chris@strongwithin.com and send me a text too as my email sometimes can be wonky at 865-219-3247 saying I'm interested in your new course...and I'll add you to my email list to keep you informed when I finalize everything and to keep you in the know, and you'll get some cool free things along the way

    Now onto the podcast...
    Should we take life more seriously?

    Maybe, but in this podcast I ask ourselves what if we saw our lives as a play and the actors and events were more to help us to the next stage of our lives.

    It's so easy to ruminate, to get stuck and overly focus on what went wrong in our lives... how no one seems to stay in our lives and we'll always end up alone, that if we don't keep making this specific amount of money (or more) then our families won't be provided for, or how we look in the mirror and hate who we have become and don't even recognize ourselves anymore...

    And thus we are riddled with crippling anxiety, fear, worry, PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts from where we have put our continual attention to.

    BUT...what if we were to look at our lives from a different focal point, how would that change how we see ourselves and our problems?

    So join me on this journey of self-discovery and unlearning of patterns that have kept you stuck as we begin to UNFOLD a new you...or more accurately--the REAL you.

    Sending great energy your way


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    703 Music Remix I Ask Better Questions August 2022 Affirmation

    703 Music Remix I Ask Better Questions August 2022 Affirmation

    I did an inspirational remix of a previous podcast and added music to it. I hope you will like it, and I hope it can add the right inspiration to your day to become who you are meant to be. Sometimes asking better questions is all we need to do to make that change.

    I will also include the video I created for the music remix below.

    Youtube video: https://youtu.be/kp3QnjybQlk
    youtube music video

    Sound remix by Parker Dodson-his Instagram handle is: @boyacuff

    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    702 I Am In Alignment With My Best Life - May 2022 Affirmation

    702 I Am In Alignment With My Best Life - May 2022 Affirmation

    One of our greatest addictions might not be what you think it is.

    In this podcast, I talk about one thing that manipulates our life and keeps us from being in control of our thoughts and our actions...and ultimately begins destroying the things we love in our lives.

    So let me help you let go of this one thing that will help you have a happier and more fulfilled life.


    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there, extra special podcast only posted there, and connection to me)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    701 Great Things Are Ahead For Me And I Deserve Them April 2022 Affirmation

    701 Great Things Are Ahead For Me And I Deserve Them April 2022 Affirmation

    Are you dealing with something painful, a trauma that you feel you can't get over or shake? 

    In this podcast I talk about a painful experience I am going through in hopes to show you how to shift from staying stuck in your pain, to finding healing to allow things to become what they can be.

    If you would like help going from your pain to healing, then reach out to me via email, call, or text and we'll set up a consult to help you see how I can help you.

    Thank you for joining me today, I am excited to be back with you all.

    Help Support The Strong Within Affirmation Podcast By Going To: www.strongwithin.com/support
    (You can also get the transcripts there)

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn

     My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide

    700 Every Moment Is A Chance To Start Over - December 2021 Week 3 Affirmation

    700 Every Moment Is A Chance To Start Over - December 2021 Week 3 Affirmation

    3 Ways to Manifest Your Best in the coming year

    1. Join me in the Crypto Mastermind. Here is a link to a webinar to see if it's right for you, and get a bonus $500 off coupon only available from me: http://swaffiliat.swapprofit.hop.clickbank.net/?cbpage=webinar

    2. Join my group coaching program Manifest Your Best in 2022. Email me at chris@strongwithin.com or text me at 865-219-3247 and let's discuss details or any questions you might have to see if you are a great fit for the group. I'll have a page with more details on my site soon ( www.strongwithin.com )

    3. Support this podcast and get access to Join my Patreon Podcast Premium Package: www.strongwithin.com/support 

    Thanks for listening.  I'm sending great energy your way as we become Strong Within together,
    Holistic Performance and Personal Development Coach-
    Chris O'Hearn


    My links: https://linktr.ee/strongwithin 
    Contact info- email: chris@strongwithin.com  
    Let’s connect on social media:

    Music by:
    - Zest by basematic (c) copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    - I Have Often Told You Stories (guitar instrumental) by Ivan Chew (c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
    Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA but available worldwide