
    The Talkthrough

    Two best buds diving deep into the world of video games, having fireside chats about our experiences along the way. Join us for our current season or latest one-shot and play along!
    enJordan Moore132 Episodes

    Episodes (132)

    Fable: Rescuing the (ungrateful) Archaeologist

    Fable: Rescuing the (ungrateful) Archaeologist

    It's that special time of year once again- when we gather together with loved ones, cozy up with warm beverages, and discuss 20-year-old video games. That's right! The cruel taskmasters at the Talkthrough are taking no breaks this holiday season in order to bring you, dear listener, fresh podcast content to fill that holiday void that you've felt ever since you became an adult. Fret not, just because you don't feel quite the same magic you used to doesn't mean you can't enjoy Jordan and Wilson talking about the murder of innocents, human sacrifice, and power couples from Hell.

    We aslo take some time to discuss the hot news that came out of the Game Awards.

    Fable discussion starts at 21:50


    Thanks for listening!

    Fable: Finding Theresa Again and Side-questin'

    Fable: Finding Theresa Again and Side-questin'

    Ho Ho Ho!

    There's no Santa in Fable, but this holiday season we're bringing you the gift of us talking about this game for roughly an hour.

    And no, we're not giving you the receipt to return it for a refund of your time. We're side-questin' this time around. You're welcome.

    Checkpoint for next episode will be rescuing an ungrateful bone-finder.

    Thanks for listening!

    Fable: Whichwood

    Fable: Whichwood

    Whichwood, Whywood, Whenwood, and Howwood - this week on The Talkthrough we're getting a bit confused by which Wood we're in. Join us as we breakdown how exactly Witchwood differs from Darkwood, Jordan Hulks out, and Wilson cheats like a big ol' cheater. Also, a listener has a bone to pick and Jordan tells us about his Cyberpunk experience.

    Fable discussion starts at 13:10

    Thanks for listening!


    twitter: @thetalkthrough

    Fable: The Blind Bandit (Seeress)

    Fable: The Blind Bandit (Seeress)

    Gather 'round kiddos, it's time for another installment of Jordan messing up Big Blue Box Studios' name and Wilson missing out on chicken-based rewards. This week we're talking gaming news before taking on Twinblade and his bandit camp, his other bandit camp, and his last best coolest final bandit camp. Grab your bandit gear (required) and join us as we struggle through steath sections and unearth familial secrets in this episode of the Talkthrough!

    Fable discussion begins at 11:50


    @the talkthrough on Twitter

    Thanks for listening!

    Fable: Trouble at Orchard Farm

    Fable: Trouble at Orchard Farm

    Gather round kiddies it's time to play video games! Now that we're primed and ready, we can start playing Fable. We've heard there's trouble down at Orchard Farm, but we'll have to get through childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood before we can find out exactly what it is. Join us as we embark on our Hero's journey!

    We'll also discuss what Wilson's been playing recently, which rhymes with Pyre Nemblem. 

    Fable discussion starts at 13:00

    Thanks for listening!



    It's time for another one-off episode! This week we take a look at Campo Santo's Firewatch, a game that has been turning heads since 2016. Will we be as enamored with this story-driven experience as everyone else, or will this one go down in flames? 

    See what we did there, with the flames bit? Cuz, you know, Firewatch?

    Anyway we'll be discussing this short game and getting ready to start a whole new season next week, so we hope you enjoy, and thanks for listening!

    Death's Door: Inner Furnace and The Witch of Urns

    Death's Door: Inner Furnace and The Witch of Urns

    We're back! Life... uh... finds a way to interrupt our regularly scheduled episode releases, but never fear, for the podcast resumes!

    This episode, we're revisiting our pronunciation of a certain fan-favorite word, doing our best to find joy in the little things (goobledygobs we're looking at you), and taking grandma to a nice farm in the countryside where she can run in the pasture with the other grandmas forever, and no you can't go visit her.

    As always, thanks for listening!

    Death's Door: A Primer, Game Start, The Lost Cemetery

    Death's Door: A Primer, Game Start, The Lost Cemetery

    Hey Talkthroughers (we're still workshopping the crew name), it's time for another season of The Talkthrough. This time around we're taking on Acid Nerve's hit indie title, Death's Door! We're integrating the primer/preview episode into our first gameplay episode this time around since the studio's fairly new and there's not much backstory to catch y'all up on. 

    We'll be failing dodges to our death, fighting buildings, debating corvidae in our newest episode. 

    Thanks for Listening!