
    The UnBroken Podcast

    The world needs people like YOU! People who are different: People who can think: People who are UnBroken! UnBroken is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue and narrative for you. Challenging existing thoughts and smashing down barriers. Human beings are not parts they are wholes. Think about that. Each human system dependent on the others. The UnBroken Podcast brings it all together to transform lives and improve wholescale human performance. Subscribe today. A rating would also be appreciated.
    enDr Rachel Taylor34 Episodes

    Episodes (34)

    Embrace Magnificence: A Journey to Creating Greatly

    Embrace Magnificence: A Journey to Creating Greatly

    Welcome to the grand finale of Season 3 on The Unbroken Podcast! Throughout this season, we've delved deep into the realm of character virtues and strengths, exploring the stories of inspiring individuals who embody these qualities. Today, we wrap it all up by introducing the concept of "magnificence."

    Magnificence, derived from the Latin "magnum facere," meaning "to do something great," is our beacon. It represents the pursuit of greatness, not in a grandiose or self-centred way, but in a manner that resonates with the circumstances and context of our lives. It's about inspiring others to tap into their unique strengths and passions and channel them toward positive change.

    The roots of magnificence trace back to classical antiquity, a time when it was linked to civic virtues, courage, excellence, honour, and generosity. It wasn't just about living in splendour; it evolved into a celebration of human excellence and flourishing. It was a call to nurture and cultivate magnificence in all, regardless of their circumstances.

    In the Renaissance era, magnificence took on a whole new vitality, transforming traditional structures and paving the way for a society where everyone, regardless of their power and influence, could contribute to greatness. This vision is something we should strive for today – a world where magnificence is nurtured in all.

    Reflecting on this season's incredible interviews, we've witnessed the strength and determination of individuals who, despite facing challenges, continue to create greatly and make the world kinder. These people touch the lives of many, emphasising the ripple effect of magnificence.

    As we close this season, we leave you with a challenge: How will you embrace magnificence in your life? How can you do great things, create great change, and be great in your unique way? These questions carry the essence of magnificence, inspiring you to shine your light brightly and contribute to a better world.

    We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our listeners for joining us on this journey. Your support, comments, and interactions mean the world to us. As we prepare for Season 4, we encourage you to share the podcast with two friends who may also find inspiration in our episodes.

    So, until we meet again in Season 4, remember to create greatly and be magnificent. The Unbroken tribe is here, and together, we can make a difference.

    Standout Quote: "How are you going to be magnificent? How are you going to create greatly?" - Dr Rachel Taylor, Host of The Unbroken Podcast

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Changing the Narrative: From Trauma to Transformation

    Changing the Narrative: From Trauma to Transformation

    In this episode of The Unbroken Podcast, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing with a very special guest, Sophia. As a play therapist and founder of Clear Sky Children's Charity, Sophia has dedicated her life to helping others, especially children, navigate the complexities of trauma. However, she soon realises that her own narrative, shaped by the loss of her mother at a young age, needs a profound transformation.

    Sophia's story is a testament to the power of resilience and self-reflection. She shares her journey from a state of feeling stuck and overwhelmed to breaking free and redefining her narrative. Together with Dr. Rachel, they explore the importance of recognising and addressing trauma, both in childhood and adulthood, and the role it plays in shaping our lives.

    Join us as we dive into the transformative process of healing, self-acceptance, and discovering that it's okay to put yourself first. It's time to change the narrative from one of pain to a story of strength and growth.

    Standout Quote: "Changing the narrative is about being truthful and about explaining things and about encouraging people to understand themselves. People can be whoever they want to be, as long as they have the full landscape and the full knowledge of that." - Dr. Rachel

    Join us in this compelling conversation about rewriting your own narrative and finding strength in vulnerability. Listen now to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation. This is The Unbroken Podcast – where healing begins.

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Transcendence: Exploring the Universe Within and Beyond

    Transcendence: Exploring the Universe Within and Beyond

    Get ready for an out-of-this-world journey in this episode of "The Unbroken Podcast"! We're diving deep into the cosmos and the concept of transcendence. What's transcendence, you ask? It's all about finding beauty, feeling awe, being grateful, staying optimistic, and yes, even finding humour in life's curveballs. It's about realising our special spot in the grand cosmic picture.

    Our cosmic guide for this episode is none other than Dave Woods, a starstruck astronomer and engineering wizard. He's here to share his cosmic journey and how gazing at the stars can change your whole outlook on life. Dave reminds us that patience, that underrated virtue, is crucial. Slow down, folks, and savour the universe.

    But that's not all! We're talking about how astronomy can bring people together. Dave's astronomy group is like a cosmic family, proving that shared passions can unite us all, erasing borders and titles.

    Ever wondered why we sweat the small stuff? Dave and Dr Rachel are here to challenge that. Instead of dwelling on trivial squabbles, let's adopt a more forgiving and understanding perspective. As inhabitants of this vast universe, it's on us to support each other and leave a legacy of kindness and innovation.

    Standout Quote: "When you look at the sun through that telescope and you see how quickly it moves, what the surface is doing, the solar flares, waiting for that moment just goes into insignificance when you're actually seeing the magnificence of what is out there." - Dave Woods.

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Unlocking Wisdom: A Candid Conversation on Science, Ethics, and Health

    Unlocking Wisdom: A Candid Conversation on Science, Ethics, and Health

    In this thought-provoking episode of the Unbroken podcast, join host Rachel as she engages in a candid conversation with Dr. Jennifer Smith, a seasoned microbiologist and epidemiologist. Together, they explore the multifaceted concept of wisdom, touching on creativity, curiosity, judgement, love of learning, and considering various perspectives.

    Dr. Smith's expertise in viruses and public health offers unique insights into the challenges faced during the pandemic. They discuss the importance of holistic health, the consequences of isolation, and the need to support individuals in making informed decisions. Join them in this enlightening dialogue that transcends boundaries and invites you to think critically about our rapidly changing world.

    Standout Quote: "The whole point of public health is to educate people and empower people to make the best decisions they can for themselves and for their families. The impetus of public health is to protect health for all people in all communities." - Dr. Jennifer Smith

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Taking Back Control: Navigating the Tech Jungle with Temperance

    Taking Back Control: Navigating the Tech Jungle with Temperance

    Tired of all the fear and division in today's world? Charles, Dr Rachel’s awesome guest for this episode of The Unbroken Podcast, shares his journey of breaking free from the media's fear-mongering and how it changed his life.

    In this chat, they get into the nitty-gritty of forgiveness and empathy. Charles urges us to drop those grudges, ditch the need to force our opinions on others, and find common ground. It's time to heal those divides!

    But what about self-control, especially with tech addiction on the rise? Charles gives us the lowdown, especially on how it affects our youngsters. Parents, you'll want to tune in!

    He also spills the beans on why limiting screen time for kids is crucial. Spoiler: it's about protecting those developing brains.

    Charles's work in Web3 and community building is game-changing. He's all about putting control back into the hands of the community, not the tech giants. Amen to that!

    And privacy? Charles reminds us that our data is gold, and we need to be pickier about who gets their hands on it.

    Wrapping up, Charles's message is clear: take care of your mental health just like you do your physical health. Practise some digital temperance, and you'll feel the benefits!

    Standout Quote: "Imagine you're at your own funeral. What would you really want people to be saying about you?"

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Discovering Your Strengths: Unleash Your Unique Power

    Discovering Your Strengths: Unleash Your Unique Power

    Welcome to another authentic and unfiltered episode of The Unbroken Podcast, where real conversations happen without scripts or edits. In episode five of season three, we're diving deep into the exciting world of discovering your strengths!

    We get it, folks. Life can sometimes feel like a barrage of negativity. Illness, pandemics, you name it. But in this episode, Dr Rachel is shifting the focus to something brighter—our strengths. Those are the qualities, skills, and talents that make each of us uniquely awesome. You know, the things that make you, well, you.

    Finding your strengths isn't always as easy as it sounds. It's like a treasure hunt within yourself. So, in this episode, we'll explore how to uncover your strengths, why it's important, and how it can transform your life.

    Main Points:
    1. 🧐 Know Thyself: We start by delving into the nitty-gritty of understanding who you are. What are your skills? Qualifications? Languages you speak? What makes you tick?

    2. 💬 Foundational Skills: Let's not call them "soft skills." They are the backbone of your human interaction game. Are you a stellar communicator? A problem-solving guru? Dig deep.

    3. 👫 How You Fit In: Are you a social chameleon, or do you sometimes rub people the wrong way? We explore how you relate to others and the strengths that come with it.

    4. 🌟 Character Strengths: Positive psychology is our guide here. What are the best parts of your personality? Which traits uplift you and others around you?

    5. 💡 Your Personal Brand: Discovering your strengths shapes your unique integrity. It's not about selling yourself; it's about embracing your unique strength point.

    6. 🌈 Imagining Your Best Self: Dr Rachel will help you visualise your best version—how your strengths play a part in that, and how you can use them to reach new heights.

    7. 🔄 Reflect and Refine: Building your strengths isn't a one-and-done deal. Dr Rachel will explore ways to continually improve your strengths, seek feedback, and adapt in different situations.

    Standout Quote: "Focus on what your strengths are and focus on making those strengths stronger."

    If you found this episode enlightening, don't be shy—give us a stellar five-star rating and share it with two friends who could use a strength boost. Because together, we can make the world a little brighter, one strength at a time. Thank you for tuning in, and remember, your strength is your superpower!

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Leading with Justice and Fairness: A Candid Conversation

    Leading with Justice and Fairness: A Candid Conversation

    Dive into an eye-opening podcast episode where Dr. Rachel and her guest, Sephira, get real about leadership, justice, and fairness. This isn't your typical talk—it's a passionate exploration of what it truly means to be a leader committed to making the world a fairer place, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

    Sephira, on a mission to create positive change, spills the beans on the highs and lows of leadership. From feeling like a lone wolf to summoning the motivation to drive change, they bare it all. Plus, they shine a spotlight on why fairness should be the guiding star in every facet of life.

    Together, they champion the superheroes of leadership—the ones who do right by others and the world. And guess what? You're invited to join this league of extraordinary leaders!

    So, if you're ready for an inspiring chat about fairness, justice, and how you can make a difference, hit play on this engaging podcast episode.

    Standout Quote: "Imagine if we all walked around saying life can be fair. Can you imagine how much change we'd affect? It starts with the small things.

    Tune in for a dose of leadership wisdom and discover how you can be a force for good in an ever-changing world.

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Empowering Birth: Creating a Household of Love and Kindness

    Empowering Birth: Creating a Household of Love and Kindness

    Get ready for an enlightening and heartfelt episode of the Unbroken Podcast! We're diving deep into the world of childbirth, empathy, and the power of love. Dr. Rachel Taylor chats candidly with Ninette, a devoted midwife, about nurturing mothers during childbirth.

    You'll discover the significance of nurturing environments and why trust and empathy are the secret ingredients to a positive birthing experience. We'll also shine a light on how medicalisation has impacted childbirth, eroding trust in women's instincts. Spoiler: oxytocin, the "hormone of love," plays a big role.

    But it's not all smooth sailing. Traumatic childbirth experiences have a lasting impact on mothers and babies. This episode is packed with insights on why empathy, kindness, and genuine care are absolute game-changers in the birthing room.

    Standout quote: "Women actually sadly don't realise that they have control over their own bodies. And I think because birth has become so medicalised in hospital, money comes into it and it's become a business even for the NHS." - Ninette, Midwife

    Ready to Make a Change?
    Join us as we call for a shift away from medicalisation and toward trust in women's instincts and bodies. Encourage expectant mothers to seek nurturing environments and healthcare providers who prioritise empathy. Let's spread the word about the importance of emotional support and kindness during childbirth. It's time to advocate for holistic and empowering birthing experiences. Together, we can empower women, create positive environments, and redefine the way we welcome new life into this world.

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Courage in the Skies: The Life of a Pilot

    Courage in the Skies: The Life of a Pilot

    Get ready to soar through the skies in our latest podcast episode, "Courage in the Skies: The Life of a Pilot," hosted by the amazing Dr. Rachel Taylor on the Unbroken Podcast. We're taking you on a thrilling journey into the world of aviation, and trust us, you won't want to miss this!

    Ever dreamt of becoming a pilot and experiencing the thrill of flying? Well, you're not alone! Many of us have been captivated by the idea of taking to the skies. But let's be real; the road to becoming a pilot is no cakewalk. Especially in these trying times like the pandemic, it takes unyielding dedication and laser-sharp focus, especially during the rigorous ground school training phase.

    But don't worry; we've got a seasoned pro to guide us through it all. First Officer David Lee, a seasoned commercial pilot, shares his personal journey and some mind-blowing insights. He'll reveal why trust and camaraderie among flight crews are non-negotiable and why pilots are surprisingly relatable to both colleagues and passengers.

    This episode is like an in-flight movie for your ears, where we dive deep into the passion and determination that fuel pilots. It's not just a job; it's a way of life. We'll explore the challenges, the sacrifices, and how pilots walk the tightrope between precision and gut feeling daily.

    And we're not stopping there; we're taking flight sustainability to new heights. From clean energy to groundbreaking technology, we're paving the way for a greener future in aviation.

    If you've ever dreamt of becoming a pilot or just want a sneak peek into the thrilling aviation world, this podcast is your golden ticket. So, buckle up, hit that subscribe button for "Courage in the Skies," and get ready to be inspired. And remember, sharing is caring—spread the aviation love!

    Favourite quote: "Training teaches you about yourself, how you think, how you learn, and how you make decisions, not just as an aviator, but as a person too." - First Officer David Lee

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    Cultivating Goodness and Greatness: A Journey to Better Humanity

    Cultivating Goodness and Greatness: A Journey to Better Humanity

    In the first episode of Season Three of the "Unbroken Podcast," Dr Rachel embarks on a quest to explore the positive aspects of humanity in a world often overshadowed by negativity. This season promises to celebrate the goodness and greatness within us all. Dr Rachel draws inspiration from the field of positive psychology and emphasises the importance of appreciating oneself as a foundation for gratitude and self-improvement.

    The episode delves into various topics, including the power of neuroplasticity, the value of hard work, and the significance of kindness. Dr Rachel highlights how our actions, attitudes, and emotions are contagious, affecting not only our own well-being but also the well-being of those around us. Additionally, the episode challenges the notion of independence and encourages seeking help and building supportive teams.

    As the journey to a better and kinder world begins with individual efforts, Dr Rachel invites listeners to join in this mission and share the podcast with others who may find its message inspiring. Embracing goodness and greatness within ourselves and fostering it in others is the key to a brighter future.

    Standout quote: "Choose who you are around wisely, extremely wisely. Surround yourself with goodness and greatness. Because the more you do that, the more your brain is convinced that you are doing it."

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    The Unbroken Podcast Season 3 Trailer

    The Unbroken Podcast Season 3 Trailer

    Welcome to The Unbroken Podcast Season 3! We're back with more authentic, one-take conversations between Dr Rachel Taylor and her guests for the season.

    In this season, we're diving deep into the bright side of humanity. Amidst all the doom and gloom in the world, we're here to showcase the best of us.

    The focus? Positivity, pure and simple. We're bringing you incredible interviews and insights from people who do extraordinary things every day.

    Humanity has its moments, both good and bad, but we believe it's time to shine a spotlight on the positive events and influences that often go unnoticed.

    This season we want to inspire you to harness your strengths and appreciate your true value.

    Get ready for a season filled with captivating interviews, thought-provoking discussions, valuable insights, and you can expect to hear stories of resilience, innovation, and compassion that will leave you feeling uplifted and motivated.

    The Unbroken Podcast thrives on the support of our listeners. We don't rely on social media; instead, we count on you to spread the word.

    We have a simple request: Tell just two people about us. Share the joy of exploring topics like neuroscience, neuropsychology, and the human experience.

    Giving us a five-star rating and leaving comments truly makes a difference in reaching more people.

    Resources: (Un) Broken

    A Final Word - Why We Need To Balance Greed

    A Final Word - Why We Need To Balance Greed

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. In this episode, Dr Rachel Taylor discusses how we can control greed in our society and combat the cost of living crisis, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Greed in itself is not just a negative behaviour, it is something that has developed from a time when resources that we needed to survive were scarce. This episode looks at why it is important to balance greed and how we can do that.


    Greed is fueled by dopamine, as discussed in previous episodes of The UnBroken Podcast, that flood of dopamine is really addictive and after a while not only does the dopamine release drive our behaviours, but also the anticipation of it.


    Just as we are motivated by the anticipation of a reward we also feel emptiness and disappointment when that reward doesn’t show up, this causes a shift of chemistry in our brains. This shift initiates fear in the survival part of our brains causing a release of adrenaline and cortisol that elevates heart rate and blood pressure and makes us feel more alert.


    In the current cost of living crisis, this state of fear is going to be present in a lot of people, there is a real divide in society right now. Those most experiencing greed are driven by a fundamental sense of deprivation, what if I can’t keep accumulating? However, we have to ask ourselves, if we are fearful of depriving ourselves on an individual level, we have to accept that we are going to be depriving a lot of people on a community level.


    Surely, this isn’t a world we want our children to grow up in so what can we as individuals do to make a difference? Wanting to bring equity into our communities and this feeling of Injustice is an antidote for greed and we need to act now.



    • The evolution of greed.
    • The cost of living crisis.
    • Why does society point the blame at the deprived?
    • What kind of world do we want our children to live in?
    • What can we do to fight back against this greed?


    Key takeaways:

    • Human greed is causing people and the world to be dysregulated..
    • Greed is an essential part of humanity because it helps us to survive but when it gets out of control as it is at the minute it is a detriment to us all.
    • The power of injustice and wanting to bring equity into our communities is the antidote to greed.



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    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch hello@apodcastcompany.com

    The UnBroken Podcast
    enOctober 03, 2022

    What Our Children Need To Thrive

    What Our Children Need To Thrive

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor discusses what our children need in order to thrive and how to combat the mental health pandemic in children in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.

    It’s not difficult to give children what they need, as long as the adults who care for the children have the capacity to meet these needs in the right way. This episode looks at whether we are empowering parents to do the best for their children and how parents can do things differently to set their child up for success. 


    Children have the fundamental need and desire to be safe, and free from fear, worry and anxiety. They need to feel secure in the protection that their parents or caregivers provide, and a lot can go wrong with a child that doesn’t feel adequate levels of safety. Feeling safe also extends to what they are being exposed to in terms of online content, gadgets and smartphones. Dr Rachel suggests that there is no such thing as online safety for children. 


    In order to thrive children need to know they belong and have significance, they are special, individual and unique and they are chosen and cherished by you as their parents. We all want the best for our children, so how can you support them to be the best that they can be by leaning into their uniqueness and difference? In this busy world it’s easy to let something give - but don’t let it be time and interaction with your children. They need you to nurture them. 


    For any parents listening, ask yourself ‘what kind of adult do I want to be raising’ and ‘what kind of child do I want to be parenting?’ Do you want to be friends with your child, or a parent to your child? The aim of parenting is not to be their friend, but to be a good role model and help them become the best adult they can be. 



    • What do children really need?
    • The impact of screen time on children’s development and wellbeing. 
    • How to communicate with children.
    • The impact of the pandemic on children’s anxiety.
    • How children’s brains develop at different ages and stages. 


    Key takeaways:

    • Children need 4 hugs a day for biochemical feedback, 8 hugs a day for maintaining themselves as human beings, and 12 hugs a day in order to grow.
    • Children need to see our facial expressions, receive eye contact, have our full attention and communicate with us in non verbal ways as well as verbally. 
    • The pandemic has had a huge impact on children, especially babies and toddlers who have had limited exposure to lots of different people. These children need to have small changes that happen over time to avoid feeling overwhelming anxiety.


    (Un) Broken

    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    Neuroarchitecture: Build Your Brain Or It Will Be Built For You

    Neuroarchitecture: Build Your Brain Or It Will Be Built For You

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor discusses neuroarchitecture, and how manipulating our environment helps us build better brains. That’s coming up in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Neuroarchitecture combines neuroscience and architecture, and deals with how the built environment either supports or detracts from a person’s experience. The environment can either stimulate the brain and make it more useful and flexible, or it can shrink it, making it not as adaptable. 


    The environment has such a huge effect on the brain because the brain interprets, analyzes, and reconstructs the space surrounding it. It’s essential to surround ourselves with things that generate healthy stimulation, and this includes the aesthetics - we have to look at the symbolic aspects within that.



    • Defining and understanding neuroarchitecture.
    • The neurological impact of the built environment.
    • How color theory influences better brain function.
    • Debunking the myth of dopamine fasting.
    • Taking ownership over your environment.


    Key Takeaways:

    • The environment can either stimulate the brain and make it more useful and flexible, or it can shrink it, making it not as adaptable.
    • It’s essential that we surround ourselves with things that generate healthy brain stimulation.
    • Stop allowing yourself to be held hostage by what other people have said - take ownership over your environment and make things better for yourself.



    (Un) Broken

    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    Happily Ever After, Or Socially Constructed Nightmare? All You Need To Know About Stories

    Happily Ever After, Or Socially Constructed Nightmare? All You Need To Know About Stories

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor explores the power of storytelling and the importance of controlling your narrative in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    We use stories to construct realities and illusions, convey meanings, and help ourselves make sense of what’s going on in our lives. We also use them to gain a sense of belonging, Dr Rachel shares. From a neuroscientific lens, when we identify with a story, our brain produces oxytocin which is traditionally viewed as the bonding or love hormone. 


    Humans are instinctively driven towards searching for meaning, according to Viktor Frankl -  when we do not have meaning, we suffer. When we add a narrative structure to our real life experiences with a story, we gain a sense of what our purpose is, and how we can grow best from our suffering.



    • Defining and understanding storytelling.
    • Man’s search for purpose, and how it intersects with stories.
    • Deconstructing the stories you’re drawn to.
    • Becoming your own screenwriter. 
    • Challenging stories that lead to harmful outcomes.


    Key Takeaways:

    • We use stories to construct realities and illusions, convey meanings, and help ourselves make sense of what’s going on in our lives.
    • When we do not have meaning, we suffer.
    • We need to take notice of the narrative we have of ourselves.



    (Un) Broken

    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    Living With Adverse Childhood Experiences, From The Child To The Adult

    Living With Adverse Childhood Experiences, From The Child To The Adult

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor discusses childhood adversity and how the ways children adapt to adversity follow them to adulthood. That’s coming up in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Childhood adversity is defined as any negative experience that requires the average child to adapt significantly. Although adversity can be good for us in many ways, a child should not have to learn how to cope in a tough environment from such a young age. 


    Children are constantly absorbing whatever is in their environment, and form beliefs based on what they’re taught, what they see, what they hear, and how they’re treated. This translates into a framework of the world that will persist through adulthood, unless challenged or dealt with during childhood or adolescence.



    • Defining and understanding childhood adversity.
    • The physiological and psychological effects of childhood adversity.
    • How toxic stress manifests in adulthood.
    • Why no child with adverse childhood experiences arrives to adulthood unscathed.
    • Avoiding the use of labels, and separating experience from identity.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Adversity can make us stronger, but only when we experience it as adults - no child should not have to learn how to cope in tough environments from such a young age.
    • The way a child is treated influences how they see the world.
    • Repeated exposure to negative stimulation throughout childhood creates chemical imbalances that affect us psychologically and physiologically.



    (Un) Broken

    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    You Want To Change, You Definitely Want To Change. So Why Is It So Hard?

    You Want To Change, You Definitely Want To Change. So Why Is It So Hard?

    The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor explains willpower, why we have it, and how to get more in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Psychologically speaking, willpower is the ability to delay gratification, which is a challenge in this present-day society that encourages us to do the opposite. Willpower allows you to override unwanted thoughts, feelings, and impulses - it is the constant effort for self-regulation. What many people don’t realise, however, is that willpower is not an infinite tool, but a limited resource extremely capable of being depleted.


    How, then, do we increase it? And what do we need to avoid to not deplete it? The golden thread pulling willpower together is self-regulation, Dr Rachel explains, or the ability to prevent self-sabotage. Look at your behaviour, and those of the people around you. How much self-regulation and self-indulgence are you seeing? How much discipline are you seeing?



    • What willpower really is.
    • Understanding neuroplasticity to train your brain.
    • Why delayed gratification is good for the brain.
    • The importance of controlling your social influences.
    • Ways to develop more willpower.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Willpower is the ability to delay gratification and override unwanted thoughts, feelings, and impulses.
    • What you expose yourself to and allow yourself to be influenced by directly affects your willpower.
    • We cannot simply change just because we wish to - we must train ourselves, and most importantly our brains, to work in different and better ways.



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    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    How To Be Self-Responsible, Self-Accountable, and Ultimately Your Own Self

    How To Be Self-Responsible, Self-Accountable, and Ultimately Your Own Self

    Dr Rachel Taylor explores the topics of self-responsibility, self-accountability, and self-ownership, in this episode sponsored by A Podcast Company.

    Our behaviors can be broken down into five pillars, according to Dr Rachel: fairness, honesty, courage, respect, and responsibility. How do you fare in each area? How do you feel about the need for equitable collaborations? Do you like seeing the truth? Do you have heart? What do you do when you feel disrespected? What are you responsible for? 

    Building self-responsibility is more than just taking on the emotional world of everyone around you. That only leads to becoming full of anxiety, because you are standing for danger and potential loss or harm on behalf of other people, and in doing so you forget to take care of yourself.

    We really need to understand how we make decisions, and how that factors into ownership, Dr Rachel advises. If we are not thinking logically and consciously about the decisions we are making, it’s going to be difficult to want to take responsibility or be accountable for anything.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Our behaviors can be broken down into five pillars: fairness, honesty, courage, respect, and responsibility.
    • Don’t just take on everyone else’s responsibilities! Everyone has their own, and while it is good to help people, you shouldn’t constantly do so at your expense.
    • Before making a decision, think about it deeply, slowly, and consciously. 


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    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    Why I Get All Irritated When I Hear “It’s for the Greater Good”

    Why I Get All Irritated When I Hear “It’s for the Greater Good”

    Dr Rachel Taylor discusses how to manage anxiety, in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Pre-pandemic, anxiety was the second most commonly reported mental health condition in the world, with over 20% of people globally reporting that it had a significant effect in their lives. Now, that number has risen to 29%. Contrary to popular belief, anxiety is not a mental disorder or illness, Dr Rachel claims - it is an evolutionary benefit that serves as an alarm system to potential threats in our environment. One of the first steps towards managing anxiety involves shifting your thinking to understand anxiety for what it is. She credits the rise of globally reported anxiety levels to environmental changes and fear messaging.


    Joy is hypothesized to be the only emotion we are born with, underpinned by hormones and neurotransmitters such as oxytocin. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Dr Rachel believes, is fear. “We need to reset and recalibrate our anxiety mechanism,” she says.


    We can do this by engaging in neutral activities that make us feel okay - jumping straight ahead into things that spark a lot of joy may not be best, as we cannot simply jump from one extreme to the other. We have to slowly dip our toes in neutral territory before wading into joyful abandonment.


    Key Takeaways:

    • To manage anxiety, you must first see it for what it is - an ally, not an illness.
    • Fear is the antithesis to joy, according to Dr Rachel.
    • When your anxiety is high, engage in neutral activities before doing things that make you really happy.


    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com

    The "A" to "I" of How to Live Your Best Life

    The "A" to "I" of How to Live Your Best Life

    Dr Rachel Taylor shares sleep tips for living your best life, in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


    Though we all have different needs and preferences when it comes to how much sleep we need and the best times to go to bed, there are general golden rules we should consider to get good sleep. One such rule is that the body gets its most optimal rest when we go to sleep between the hours of 10 PM and 2 AM. This happens because the sleep time is aligned with the body’s natural hormone secretion schedule.


    Good sleep protects against insulin resistance, lowering the risk of high blood glucose levels and even type 2 diabetes. It keeps cells healthy, so they can easily take up glucose. In addition, the brain uses less glucose during sleep, which helps regulate the body’s overall blood glucose level.


    We need to listen to our bodies and go to sleep when we feel tired. Going to sleep at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning is the easiest way to maintain your circadian rhythm. If you continuously need an alarm clock to wake up, that is your body’s way of telling you to establish a bedtime. 


    Key Takeaways:

    • The body gets its most optimal rest when you go to sleep between 10 PM and 2 PM.
    • Good sleep lowers the risk of high blood glucose levels.
    • If the only thing that wakes you up is your alarm clock, you need a bedtime. 



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    Launch Your Own Podcast
    A Podcast Company is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch jason@apodcastcompany.com