
    The Uncommon Normal

    Living as a disciple-making-disciple in your neighborhood doesn’t have to feel intimidating, and that is why I started The Uncommon Normal. My vision for the podcast is that it will be a space to steep in truth that combats the faulty messages we have believed about our worth and our purpose. A space that will inspire both a dream of what it could look like to live missionally right in your neighborhood and the courage to take baby steps in that direction. A space to be life-long learners together.
    enThe Uncommon Normal100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    120 - Don’t Wait Until the Chapter Ends—Tell Your Story Now

    120 - Don’t Wait Until the Chapter Ends—Tell Your Story Now

    You don’t have to wait until this chapter is over to tell your story. Actually, it’s better if you don’t. Tune in to hear three compelling reasons why!

    Links mentioned:

    1. Growing Slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee.
    2. Get a sneak peek of my pocket-sized devotional, Cultivating a Missional LifeHERE. If you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    119 - How to Remain Calm When You’re Feeling Slighted

    119 - How to Remain Calm When You’re Feeling Slighted

    I like simple. If you and I were sitting in my front yard, settled comfortably into my favorite hammock lawn chairs, and you told me that you were offended and couldn’t let it go, here’s what I’d share. Two things. Two things you can start today that will help you stay calm when life feels unfair.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Get the YouTube playlist of songs I play on repeat.
    2. Check out Jennifer Dukes Lee’s guided journal, Stuff I’d Only Tell God: A Guided Journal of Courageous Honesty, Obsessive Truth-Telling, and Beautifully Ruthless Self-Discovery.
    3. Get a sneak peek of my pocket-sized devotional, Cultivating a Missional LifeHERE. If you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    4. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    118 - It’s A Gratitude Challenge That Will Give Connection and Perspective

    118 - It’s A Gratitude Challenge That Will Give Connection and Perspective

    The fifth annual gratitude challenge begins November 1. I’m introducing it early so you’ll have more time to invite some friends to join you. And also because I really couldn’t wait any longer to let you know this year’s theme.

    The gratitude challenges for the past several years have been focused on you cultivating a heart of thanks that ripples into your neighborhood. Here at The Uncommon Normal, we’re all about getting close to Jesus and growing deep, missional friendships. We know that a rooted, thriving relationship with God leads us to meaningful connections with the people around us. Where these relationships intersect, we find community. Mission. Purpose.

    What grows on the inside as we spend time with Jesus shows in our facial expressions, words, tone, actions, and reactions. Missional neighboring boils down to this: Because our lives have a ripple effect, we input what we want to overflow.

    But for all the ripples we create, we’ve also been blessed by ripples extending from others. We’re been prayed for, cared for, invested in. Noticed, encouraged, inspired, lovingly challenged. Many of these people are unsung heros. This year we’re going to tell them thank you.

    Instead of sharing our gratitude challenge responses in our journals or via social media, we’re going to send them to specific people who have been Jesus to us or helped us look a little more like Him. We’ll call it the Thank Somebody Challenge.


    1. Grab the challenge prompts and directions HERE.
    2. Get the weekly Begin Within: A Gratitude Series story in your email inbox by signing up HERE.
    3. Get a sneak peek of my pocket-sized devotional, Cultivating a Missional LifeHERE. If you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    4. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    117 - How to Start Scared (Something for All Enneagram Numbers)

    117 - How to Start Scared (Something for All Enneagram Numbers)

    How do we overcome that underlying fear keeping us from getting close to God and getting to know our neighbors? Because in order for the things God is doing inside us to ripple out beyond us, we’ve got to lean hard into both of these relationships. This is the essence of missional neighboring.

    Links mentioned:

    1. In case you’re not yet familiar with the Enneagram, you can learn more HERE.
    2. Want more on the intersection of the Enneagram and mission? Check out the Enneaneighboring Summer Series 2022.
    3. Too often we focus on the outward expressions first. But the truth is that we can’t recreate the outcome of proximity to Jesus without actually drawing close.
    4. Want to know more? I put it in a little book for you, because I really want you to grasp how the posture of your heart affects everything else. We address the inside first, and then God ripples out from our lives. Get a sneak peek of my pocket-sized devotional, Cultivating a Missional Life, HERE.
    5. If you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    6. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    116 - Here’s Why Thin Places Are Better Than Mountain-Top Faith Experiences

    116 - Here’s Why Thin Places Are Better Than Mountain-Top Faith Experiences

    Truth is that God’s not nearer on the mountains than He is in the valleys. He’s the same unchanging God and we have always-access to Him.

    Links mentioned:

    1. Read the rest of Katie Pozzuoli’s story, “Gratitude in the Thin Places,” HERE.
    2. Read the rest of Jennifer Dukes Lee's Instagram post on thin places.
    3. Learn more about Stuff I’d Only Tell God HERE.
    4.  Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    5. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    115 - Ever Feel Like God Says Go—Then Closes the Door?

    115 - Ever Feel Like God Says Go—Then Closes the Door?

    It can feel like God says GO—then closes the door. Makes a way only to press pause or send you in another direction. And here, on the brink of possibility and surrender, you question whether you heard Him right. If you ever hear Him right.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Discover the worship songs I play on repeat. My Songs I Play On Repeat playlist is free and you can grab it HERE.
    2.  Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    114 - The Truth About Wrapping Paper, Pretty Bows, and Heros

    114 - The Truth About Wrapping Paper, Pretty Bows, and Heros

    Missional neighboring is telling the middle parts of our stories while they’re still unfolding and we’re still growing. Holding the grace, hope, strength, wisdom God gives in open hands so it can spill over. Naming God as hero in our stories.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Discover the worship songs I play on repeat. My Songs I Play On Repeat playlist is free and you can grab it HERE.
    2.  Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    113 - When You Can’t See How God’s Good Right Now

    113 - When You Can’t See How God’s Good Right Now

    The things spinning and unraveling for you can derail you. Or they can teach you the nature of God. Your questions, your doubt, your anger—they can force distance between you and God. But if you let them, they’ll crack you open in ways that give God access.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Discover the worship songs I play on repeat. My Songs I Play On Repeat playlist is free and you can grab it HERE.
    2.  Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    112 - How to Make Your Self-Critical Voice Stop Bossing You Around

    112 - How to Make Your Self-Critical Voice Stop Bossing You Around

    The critical voice in your head is brutal, insistent, loud. But it bossed you around for long enough. Quieted your voice. Kept your door closed and your relationships shallow.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    111 - Two Trajectory-Setting Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now

    111 - Two Trajectory-Setting Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now

    Our right-now is where then and tomorrow meet. Then, with its best and worst cobbled together. Tomorrow, with its own mix of hope and expectation. We live both. Are both.

    1. Learn more about Stuff I'd Only Tell God on JenniferDukesLee.com.
    2. Ready to order? Find it on Amazon here.
    3. Check out my book recommendation of Stuff I’d Only Tell God to discover more about Jennifer Dukes Lee’s journal, why I’m obsessed with it, more of my favorite prompts, and some of my own filled-in pages.
    4. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    5. Read the written version of this episode HERE.

    110 - How to Lean Into the Waves When Life Gets Real

    110 - How to Lean Into the Waves When Life Gets Real

    In the movie True Spirit, Jessica reminds her coach that he’d told her to work with the waves, not fight against them. I won’t spoil the movie in case you haven’t seen it yet, but let’s borrow this nugget of wisdom because it applies to

    • the overwhelm you feel as you think about what you still need to do before the first day of school 
    • the fear pinching hard, making it difficult to breathe, see the good in God, get up in the morning
    • the impostor syndrome that says you can’t and shouldn’t do that thing God put on your heart
    • the hard stuff that gets in between you and your spouse, you and one of your kids, you and a friend 

    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.

    109 - Five of The Best Quotes on Friendship (+ A New Must-Read)

    109 - Five of The Best Quotes on Friendship (+ A New Must-Read)

    In honor of Alli Worthington's book releasing today, let’s talk friendship tips. I’ve collected several from books I’ve read recently, and we’ll start, of course, with one from Remaining You While Raising Them.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Learn more about Alli Worthington's new release, Remaining You While Raising Them (which was released on August 8th!).
    2. Want more tips on growing deeper friendships? Check out “How to Grow Deeper Friendships” on the blog for my top ten, or this conversation with Caesar Kalinowski on the Everyday Disciple podcast, where we talk through those secrets to growing deeper friendships.
    3. You can also discover here if you’re doing any of these ten things that keep relationships shallow.
    4. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    5. View the written version of this episode.
    The Uncommon Normal
    enAugust 08, 2023

    108 - How To Stop Procrastinating When God Nudges You Toward Something

    108 - How To Stop Procrastinating When God Nudges You Toward Something

    Can we talk about that nudge that’s been sitting in your heart a while?

    Maybe it’s a specific step. Say hi to a neighbor. Take someone a meal. Carve margin or protect white space that’s up for grabs. Invite someone over. Start a book or podcast club in your neighborhood.

    But it might be vague. An idea you’re turning over that you can’t exactly name. More of a feeling. A desire to connect. A hope that you actually will.

    It felt clearer a first, but you’d almost forgotten until I brought it up. I promise I’m not being nosy for no reason. Thing is that I’m talking to myself but I’ve got a hunch you’ve got one of those little God-nudges too.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.

    107 - How To Know Where Your Prayers Are Landing

    107 - How To Know Where Your Prayers Are Landing

    Sometimes you fling prayers toward heaven like you’re just practicing your aim. Other times it’s a transfer from your cupped hands to God’s big ones. The difference is where you’re standing.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.

    106 - Jesus’s Final Blessing: A Tender Revealing of His Heart

    106 - Jesus’s Final Blessing: A Tender Revealing of His Heart

    As much as God is concerned with our hearts, I’d say the final Beatitude is His way of showing us His heart. He’s not deaf to desperate cries or blind to injustice. He’s incredibly grieved when people hurt other people. That’s why He treats the persecuted with such tenderness.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.
    The Uncommon Normal
    enJuly 18, 2023

    105 - How To Make Peace Appear in Rocky, Stormy Places

    105 - How To Make Peace Appear in Rocky, Stormy Places

    You can chase external peace all day and still miss the kind that’s a haven in the middle of the hard things. The kind that’s there when you wake up and still there when you fall asleep. The kind you receive rather than work to keep. The kind that stills your soul.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Learn more about Stuff I'd Only Tell God on JenniferDukesLee.com.
    2. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. View the written version of this episode.

    104 - Matthew 5:8 – How To Find More of God–the Uncomplicated Way

    104 - Matthew 5:8 – How To Find More of God–the Uncomplicated Way

    Heart purity creates vision clarity. Eyes “open to see more and more of God,” Jesus says (Matthew 5:8 TPT).


    More of His never-failing faithfulness.

    More of boundless grace.

    More of His deep wisdom.

    More of His sure and steady peace.

    More of His unconventional leadership style.

    More of His infinite creativity.

    More of His better-than-ours timing.

    More of His tireless kindness.

    More of His relational nature.

    More of His adoring gaze.

    More of His yearning for our full attention.

    More of His desire for two-way communication.

    More of His mercy-driven priorities.

    More of His disciple-making mission.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.

    103 - Matthew 5:7 - How To Bring Heaven to the Dirt and Thirst of Earth

    103 - Matthew 5:7 - How To Bring Heaven to the Dirt and Thirst of Earth

    If I’m not careful, I turn mercy into a list of things to do. Things that make me look compassionate and neighborly. Things I use to curate my impression, convince myself and others that I’m a “good Christian.” Outside, rather than inside, things.

    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.

    102 - How To Decipher What You Crave The Most

    102 - How To Decipher What You Crave The Most

    You find out what you crave the most deeply when you and God have one of those uncomfortably honest conversations about it. He’s kind and also persistent. “What’s worth most to you?” He asks, bringing up threadbare hopes, miracle-required prayers, goals you’re working hard to achieve, and still-raw wounds. Things you’ve made about you that have nothing to do with you at all.

    Links mentioned:

    1. Get the playlist of Songs I've Played On Repeat.
    2. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    3. View the written version of this episode.
    4. Learn more about Stuff I'd Only Tell God on JenniferDukesLee.com.
    5. Ready to order? Find it on Amazon here.

    101 - The Truth About Gentleness Most People Miss

    101 - The Truth About Gentleness Most People Miss

    Funny how a word like gentleness can step all over the ways you’ve tried to do things for God, tried to do them your way. By yourself.

    It’s more comfortable to tackle the things you can master or offer on your own. Let pride mask as excellence and work ethic. Serve God with your best but forget to get out of the way. Truth is I need the things I can’t do—the things that take a God-sized miracle—to remind me it’s neither up to me or about me at all.

    A gentle spirit runs counter to what culture celebrates: independence and rightness. Self-made success. Goal setting and exponential growing. We buy into the lie that we don’t need God. But gentleness is an invitation to humility—and mind-flexibility as I like to remind my girl with a bendy back and a double dose of my stubbornness. It encourages us to move aside and let God be big. Maybe that’s precisely why Jesus blessed gentleness in the Sermon on the Mount.


    Links mentioned:

    1. Cultivating a Missional Life: A 30-Day Devotional to Gently Help You Open Your Heart, Home, and Life to Your Neighbors. Download a free sample from the resource library, and if you want the rest it’s $4.99 on Kindle or $6.99 for the paperback. Grab the bonus 30-day missional living challenge (free with a purchase) to get the most out of the devotional.
    2. View the written version of this episode.