
    The Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast

    Welcome to The Unstoppable Mom Brain Podcast, a show for ambitious working moms that want to finally reach their ideal weight with more joy and stay there with ease. Have you felt the struggle to feel light in your body? Maybe you’ve tried counting the points, calories and macros or even scoured the internet for the “perfect” plan to lose weight. None of it works permanently, does it? The magic of really reaching YOUR ideal weight starts with connecting with your forever home again. Busy working moms are ninjas at planning and multitasking, but this has also left you disconnected from your body. Join Dr. Priyanka Venugopal, a board certified Ob-Gyn turned Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach. Each week she guides you through the exact steps you need to take to achieve lightness on the scale and for your life. For more information or resources from the show, visit theunstoppablemombrain.com
    enDr. Priyanka Venugopal118 Episodes

    Episodes (118)

    57: The Hunger Tool

    57: The Hunger Tool

    When it comes to losing weight, I don’t want working moms to have to use calculators, apps, points, and measuring out food to fuel their body on this journey. Losing weight with ease is possible, and once you understand the tool I'm sharing today, you’ll be able to reach your ideal weight without counting calories. Discover a framework that will give you a deeper understanding of hunger in your body and how to use it stop overeating and reach your ideal weight.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/57

    56: Losing Weight on a Family Trip

    56: Losing Weight on a Family Trip

    Discover the mindset that is required for high-achievers to lose and maintain their weight on a family trip, even when they’re surrounded by an abundance of food. I’m sharing why food was never supposed to have the job of bringing us comfort and relaxation, and how to develop the mindset that allows you to create comfort and satisfaction without looking to food as the solution. 


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/56

    55: Why I Quit Medicine

    55: Why I Quit Medicine

    Can you believe it has been one year since I launched this podcast? To celebrate the one-year anniversary, I want to share the story of how it all began and what led me to quit medicine.


    I’m honored to share my voice and perspective as a working mom who not only lost weight but really has changed many areas of her life. I want to connect with fellow working moms and high-achievers like you, so you know that more is always possible in your life. I share my experience of education, how I became an OBGYN so I could serve women, and how coaching has changed my life.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/55

    54: How to Get Back on the Weight Loss Bandwagon

    54: How to Get Back on the Weight Loss Bandwagon

    Whether you’re struggling with overdrinking, overeating, overthinking, or over-scrolling, you may have told yourself you’ve fallen off the wagon. Saying this can make it feel like weight loss and self-improvement are out of our control. But the truth is, we never actually fall off the bandwagon, but we do sometimes step off for a moment.


    This week, I bring you some strategic advice to help you get back on plan, mixed in with some personal story time, so you can see that getting on and off the weight loss bandwagon is completely within your control.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/54

    53: The Parts of You with Dr. Kristi Angevine

    53: The Parts of You with Dr. Kristi Angevine

    High-achievers are used to taking massive action, but if you’re feeling fatigued by all the action you’re taking, this episode is for you. Dr. Kristi Angevine is back to share her experience and expertise with Internal Family Systems. Kristi specializes in understanding and unraveling habits, especially when our habits work against the goals we have. 


    Kristi shares the different parts of us that are in conflict with each other, and why some parts of us are louder than others. Most importantly, we discuss how you can get to know each part of yourself better, showing each part compassion as you work towards your goals.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/53



    52: 5 Rewards Better Than Food

    52: 5 Rewards Better Than Food

    Rewarding yourself without using food is an incredibly powerful exercise, not just for you, but for your children too. If you’re in the habit of using food as a reward, whether that’s candy after a doctor’s appointment for your kids, or going to a restaurant after working hard all week, this episode is for you. Discover five things that have nothing to do with food that I love to offer myself and my children as a reward. 


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/52

    51: My Son and Disappointment

    51: My Son and Disappointment

    Tune in this week for the finest example of messy learning. We all experience disappointment, and it can be crushing to deliver disappointing news to our children. But when we give our kids the freedom to have their own experience of disappointment, allowing them to process the information themselves and not framing disappointment as a problem, everyone comes out of the other side stronger, and you can do the same for yourself in disappointing moments.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/51

    50: The Scale and Gathering Data

    50: The Scale and Gathering Data

    As high achievers, we have a significant interest in data. However, when we look at the scale or what our body looks like, we have a whole slew of thoughts that can hold us back from clean evaluation.


    Discover everything you need to know about the scale and gathering data, and how to become the playful scientist as you analyze any data you decide to collect. I’m sharing why neutrality is an important part of making any decision, and I’m walking you through what I have found to be the three most useful data parameters in my own life.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/50


    48: How to Get Momentum Back

    48: How to Get Momentum Back

    Discover why motivation only lasts for a short time and how to create real momentum instead. I’m sharing why Monday-morning motivation is poor-quality fuel for driving you to take action, a personal story about how one thought can zap our momentum toward all of our goals, and how to overcome these hurdles so you can create momentum and generate activation energy whenever you need it.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/48

    47: Doing the Hard Work

    47: Doing the Hard Work

    If you have a goal, you know that sometimes it takes serious hard work to get there. However, if you find yourself doing the hard work but not experiencing the payoff you were hoping for, listen in.


    Discover why the way you’re doing the hard work might leave you lacking in results. Some hard work pays off, and some doesn’t, but if you want to do the hard work that actually pays off, I’m showing you why busywork isn’t the same as hard work and how to do the work that truly moves you toward your goals.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/47

    46: Sex & Relationships with Maggie Reyes

    46: Sex & Relationships with Maggie Reyes

    Valentine’s Day felt fun as a kid, but somewhere along the way, it turned into a day of expectations in our relationships. The actions we take suddenly define how much we love and appreciate each other, and it never feels like enough. If you’re ready to go back to having fun on Valentine’s Day, listen in.


    Maggie Reyes is a marriage coach for high-achieving women just like you and she's sharing what changes in your relationships when you decide to change. Discover why people often feel resistant to the idea of taking responsibility for the quality of their relationships and their level of sexual desire and the first step to creating the relationship you truly want.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/46

    45: Doing B- Work

    45: Doing B- Work

    As working moms, we always want to do A+ work in every area of our lives. However, in doing this A+ work at our jobs, with our kids, in our marriages, striving for perfection in everything we do, we often find ourselves living a B- existence, and this can easily lead to overeating, overdrinking, and over-scrolling.


    So this week, discover where you’re spending A+ amounts of energy and how it’s creating B- results in your life. I share my own personal story of understanding my bandwidth as a human being and how to get curious so you can see, without judgment, where your time is going and the results you’re creating.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/45

    44: Macros & Fitness with Dr. Ruth St. Victor

    44: Macros & Fitness with Dr. Ruth St. Victor

    Tune in this week to hear from my friend of 10 years, OBGYN Dr. Ruth St Victor, on counting macros. She’s a physician who understands the science of how our bodies work and she’s gone down every rabbit hole when it comes to making your body function at peak capacity. Discover why Dr. Ruth and I still have friendly arguments about counting macros, and how she’s gotten me to think about fitness and nutrition differently. Ruth is sharing her fitness and nutrition journey, why you need a plan specific to yourself, and all of the things that might surprise you about tracking macros.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/44

    43: My Clients Tell All

    43: My Clients Tell All

    Tune in this week to hear from some of my high-achieving working mom clients on how they’ve created lightness in their lives and on the scale. They’re sharing their experience inside The Unstoppable Group, how my process guides you in finding your own inner answers, and the deep impact this work has had in achieving their goals in as little time as possible.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/43

    42: Discussing Boundaries with Olivia Vizachero

    42: Discussing Boundaries with Olivia Vizachero

    This week, I’m sitting down with my good friend and fellow coach, Olivia Vizachero. Olivia is a lawyer-turned-coach who helps lawyers feel less stressed and more fulfilled. We're talking all about relationships, people pleasing, and most importantly, setting boundaries. Boundaries are one of those areas so many of us have unconscious habits around, and as you’ll hear Olivia describe, these habits can wreak havoc on your life. So tune in to learn how to set clean boundaries that focus on what you can control.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/42

    41: Habits and the Motivational Triad

    41: Habits and the Motivational Triad

    How many Januarys have you made a list of rockstar habits you want to bring into your life in the New Year, but after just a few days, it disappears into a drawer to collect dust? Tune in this week because I’m sharing your golden ticket to changing your habits for real. I’m sharing how to see where your 2022 habits came from, how they’re blocking you from creating massive change in 2023, and how to understand the Motivational Triad, so you can start overriding it, creating permanent, sustainable change.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/41

    40: Believing in Impossible Things

    40: Believing in Impossible Things

    What are your impossible goals, and how can you make them your in-hand, inevitable results? Tune in this week because I’m showing you how to be specific, clear, and measurable as you uncover your deepest desires for 2023, and I’m giving you a tangible exercise that will help you see that your impossible goals for the next 12 months are actually completely possible.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/40

    39: Your Favorite You with Dr. Melissa Parsons

    39: Your Favorite You with Dr. Melissa Parsons

    Today, we’re talking about what it’s like to discover your favorite you. Dr. Melissa Parsons is a pediatrician turned life coach for women with brains, host of the podcast Your Favorite You, a former Unstoppable client, and her story is seriously inspirational. Melissa is an example of what is possible in community, and she’s sharing all of the amazing work she did with the other ninja working moms inside The Unstoppable Group.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/39

    38: Lessons from a Quitter with Goli Kalkhoran

    38: Lessons from a Quitter with Goli Kalkhoran

    Today I’m bringing you a wonderful conversation between myself and my fellow coach and friend Goli Kalkhoran. One thing that ninja working moms generally don’t do is decide to quit. Even the thought of quitting makes many of us uncomfortable. But the truth is, not quitting now might just mean quitting on your future dreams. So, this week Goli is unpacking all the shoulds that lead to mom guilt, and sharing why quitting is actually the secret to figuring out who you are, what you want, and how to get it.


    Get full show notes and more information here: http://www.theunstoppablemombrain.com/38