
    The Uplifted Yoga Podcast

    Uplift your personal life and accelerate your yoga career leveraging yoga’s ancient wisdom. Explore yoga philosophy from the Yoga Sutras, the Vedas, psychology, kundalini and self-help. Brett Larkin helps you get closer to making consistent daily yoga a reality, while empowering you to acknowledge your role as a leader and healer of others. Whether you’re experiencing a kundalini awakening, resolving unprocessed trauma, suffering as a “hidden healer,” in a cycle of self-sabotage, feeling “imposter syndrome,” or stuck trying to grow your wellness business, the Uplifted Yoga podcast is where you come to slay your mindset blocks and indulge in yoga’s rich philosophy in a way that’s practical and fun. ✨Pre-Order Brett’s Book on Amazon ✨Make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time here ✨Download four free yoga business plan Become a member at brettlarkin.com/uplifted For daily inspiration, be sure to check out our blog: http://www.SivanaEast.com Shop our store at: http://www.SivanaSpirit.com
    enBrett Larkin306 Episodes

    Episodes (306)

    Female Archetypes of Leadership with Anodea Judith Ph.D.

    Female Archetypes of Leadership with Anodea Judith Ph.D.

    🐍FREE $67 Feminine Form Yoga Masterclass https://www.brettlarkin.com/ffy?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=ffy

    🌈 Live Chakra Challenge https://www.brettlarkin.com/chakralive/ 

    Today, I interview one of my personal teachers and mentors, Anodea Judith PhD, about reclaiming female archetypes of leadership. It’s time for women to rise up and take on more leadership in today’s world. Because women lead differently than men, their contributions are often unrecognized, even by the women themselves. But with archetypes to guide us, women and men can recognize, honor, and activate the many ways women uniquely contribute. 

    Together, we’ll dive into Anodea’s brand new 38 card archetype deck, including an empowering poetry reading on what it means to be the YOGI archetype. Discover ancient archetypes, such as the Priestess, the Oracle, or the Midwife, as well as newly emerging ones, such as the Activist, the Diva, the Yogini, or the Stateswoman. Learn:

    🔹 How to awaken your innate female leadership style

    🔹 The difference between an archetype and a stereotype

    🔹 What does knowing about these archetypes offer you

    Don’t miss this special conversation with one of my very favorite teachers. 

    GUEST EXPERT: Anodea Judith, Ph.D. | www.SheRisesCards.com | https://sacredcenters.com/

    Anodea Judith, Ph.D is a globally recognized teacher and the author of 9 books on chakras, yoga, psychology, social change, manifestation, and feminism, including the classics, Wheels of Life and Eastern Body-Western Mind. Her books have been translated into 28 languages and her transformational workshops have been taught all over the world. Her most recent work, SHE RISES, centers on the ascension of feminine leadership and includes 38 illustrated cards of female archetypes.

    She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a doctorate in Mind-Body Health, with additional trainings in a variety of yoga and healing disciplines. As a member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council, she is passionate about evolution and the role women can play in creating a new world of justice and sustainability.


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    Uplifted Membership

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training


    FREE PRACTICE: How to Awaken your Feminine Energy | EASY KUNDALINI YOGA FOR WOMEN


    Feminine Archetypes

    Situation C: Delete auto generated podcast blog. Instead, embed podcast on an existing highly ranking blog and redirect the podcast episode URL inside Libsyn to this blog

    🎧 Also Listen to:

    #141 Live Your Best Life Now Through the Chakras - Conversation with Anodea Judith

    #143 Chakras, Archetypes & Your Spiritual Identity - Conversation with Erica Jago

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Slow Down & Do Less

    Slow Down & Do Less

    Pitta and Vata types, this episode is for you! Are you addicted to information? Accomplishing things? Always moving? Very hard on yourself?


    In this episode I break down


    🔹How to overcome the constant need to DO

    🔹How to drop into a flow state through slowing down

    🔹How to trust yourself that it’s OK to do less


    Surprisingly, just a tiny bit of nourishment can go a long way.


    📱Book a Free Yoga Teacher Training Clarity Call here

    ✨ORDER MY BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Not on my email list? Join to know when new episodes drop and I’ll send you my    

    Yoga Transformational Portal (How to make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time) for free as a gift. 🎁


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🐍 Yoga for Self Mastery

    FREE PRACTICE: How to Awaken your Feminine Energy | EASY KUNDALINI YOGA FOR WOMEN

    The 7 Chakras as a Tool for Personal Growth

    The 7 Chakras as a Tool for Personal Growth

    In this introductory podcast, I provide an overview of the chakra system + how you can use the chakras as a framework for happiness, wholeness and personal growth. Don't forget to sign up (or join Uplifted) for deep dive private podcasts on each individual chakra. In this episode learn:


    🔹An introduction to the Chakra System

    🔹Why makes the chakras “spin”

    🔹How to use the chakras for your own personal growth


    Don’t forget to sign up for the Chakra Challenge starting on the Spring Equinox!


    📱Book a Free Yoga Teacher Training Clarity Call here

    ✨ORDER MY BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Not on my email list? Join to know when new episodes drop and I’ll send you my    

    Yoga Transformational Portal (How to make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time) for free as a gift. 🎁


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🐍 Yoga for Self Mastery

    🔹 Uplifted Membership



    Toxic Words - The 3 Phrases I Stopped Saying for More Confidence

    Toxic Words - The 3 Phrases I Stopped Saying for More Confidence

    Language is a powerful thing. The way you talk to yourself or about yourself shapes your reality, even if what you are saying isn’t true!! Learn what language shifts I have found to be helpful and empowering for transformation and success.

    In this episode you’ll find:

    🔹3 phrases I am no longer saying(they may surprise you)

    🔹My biggest reframes and what I’m saying instead

    🔹Why these words may not seem toxic but actually are

    📱Book a Free Yoga Teacher Training Clarity Call here

    ✨ORDER MY BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife

    Not on my email list? Join to know when new episodes drop and I’ll send you my    

    Yoga Transformational Portal (How to make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time) for free as a gift. 🎁

    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🐍 Yoga for Self Mastery

    🔹 Uplifted Membership

    FREE PRACTICE: Kundalini Meditation for Confidence & Self-Love (25-min)

    Yoga for Better Sex with Dr. Fanny Leboulanger

    Yoga for Better Sex with Dr. Fanny Leboulanger

    🎁 Free Gift: Embody Abundance Somatic Event

    I love it when my successful 200 and 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training graduates come onto the show to talk about the incredible work they’re doing. And today’s show does not disappoint since we have a steamy topic - SEX! Today, I interview French physician Fanny Leboulanger about pleasure, sensuality, jade eggs and how we can leverage our time on the yoga mat to become more orgasmic. I also reveal all the yogic pleasure practices I’ve been engaging in recently (coming soon to the Uplifted membership). We also talk about pelvic floor health, sexual trauma and practical techniques to de-armor your pelvic floor. Discover:

    🔹 How to turn your yoga practice into a pleasure practice
    🔹 Why “self-consent” is the basis of thriving sex 
    🔹 The science of orgasm in solo play and with a partner

    GUEST EXPERT: Fanny Leboulanger | www.fannyleboulanger.com | Your Sexyfied Life Podcast

    After years of working as a doctor helping women, Fanny chose to dedicate her life to Feminine Empowerment through self-love and soul-full pleasure. Using a combination of ancient wisdom, modern science, a talent to teach and a French sense of humor (without French accent don't worry), her mission is to help you reclaim the Thriving Sex and Fulfilling Life YOU deserve, so that you can finally become whole.

    Instagram: @larkinyogatv & @withdoctorfanny

    Study with Me

    💖 Yoga for Self Mastery Course

    🔮  *NEW* Embodied Yoga Life Coaching

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (program Dr. Fanny took)

    300-hour Yoga Teacher Training (program Dr. Fanny took)


    Free Yoga Practice: 

    Prenatal Yoga: Easy Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercise (25-min)

    Yoga for Women for MORE ENERGY | Release Emotions


    Relevant Blog Post: 10 Yoga Poses That Will Strengthen The Pelvic Floor


    📘 Claim your YOGA LIFE Companion Workbook 📘

    Step 1: Leave a review wherever you purchased the book (for example, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

    Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review

    Step 3: Email your screenshot to info@upliftedyoga.com with subject: Yoga Life Review (if you somehow already have this workbook, note this in your email so we can send you something else)

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Pain for Yoga Teachers & Practitioners with Kim Patel

    Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Pain for Yoga Teachers & Practitioners with Kim Patel

    Living with chronic pain can be a nightmare. Teaching a yoga student with chronic pain can feel intimidating. Today, I’m joined by Uplifted 200-Hour and 300-Hour graduate, Kim Patel, to unpack how chronic pain is different from acute pain, and how to work with chronic pain in a yoga context. This fascinating conversation leads us into an in-depth conversation about the brain, the nervous system, phantom limb syndrome, as well as stories from my own life as the daughter of a war veteran with chronic pain. 

    Kim was working as a nurse when she developed a long-term pain condition related to her pregnancy which first sparked her interest in pain management. Kim offers one-to-one bespoke pain management blending her nursing knowledge and pain management qualifications with counseling, mindfulness, meditation and movement including yoga. She’s now in the final stages of her doctorate looking at chronic pain and self-concept related to acceptance.

    This is a must-listen for any yoga teacher looking to support students with injury, illness or pain. 

    Kim Patel | www.counsellinginwrexham.co.uk

    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    How to Get Private Yoga Clients 

    How to Resolve a Traumatic Kundalini Awakening

    Free Yoga Business Plan

    300-hour YTT


    Blog: Coping with A Chronic Condition: 8 Ways YTT Can Help

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Strategies to Slay Imposter Syndrome and Share Your Gifts

    Strategies to Slay Imposter Syndrome and Share Your Gifts

    🎁Download my Free Yoga Business Plan

    Feel like you don’t know enough? That no one would ever want to hear what you have to say? Scared to put yourself out there and share your gifts? So many yoga teachers struggle with imposter syndrome. And (bad news) it never goes away. But we can cope and overcome this self-limiting thought pattern. In this episode, I unpack all my practical strategies to slay imposter and share your gifts. Learn:

    🔹Why it’s actually *better* to just be a little bit ahead of who you’re helping
    🔹How to overcome your fear or hurting someone else
    🔹Allow your teachings to channel through you so you can shift into a place of service
    🔹Why it’s ok not be first to market, and okay to launch your idea (even if someone is 🔹already doing something similar!
    🔹How to recognizing self sabotaging thought loops, get over yourself, and your gifts 


    300-hour YTT

    Uplifted Business Launchpad

    *NEW* Embodied Yoga Life Coaching - Mentioned in Episode


    Blog: How Long Should You Do Yoga Before Teacher Training?


    🎧 Also Listen to:

    #253 My Failures & Learnings Detailed with Brett Larkin

    #252 The Failure Episode with Dave Ursillo 

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Biohack Your Body & Diet with Aggie Lal

    Biohack Your Body & Diet with Aggie Lal

    Did you know even though you and I are both human, only 10% of our gut is the same?! And that the average woman is exposed to 165 chemicals a day?! These are just some of the fascinating factoids I learned in today’s interview with Aggie Lal. Aggie is a best-selling author with over 1 million followers on Instagram. She’s passionate about making biohacking accessible, affordable and available to women. Today, takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of her upcoming book. Discover:

    🔹 The right order in which to eat foods (this blew my mind and lines up with ayurveda!)
    🔹 Why “diets” don’t make sense and what to do instead
    🔹 Aggie thoughts on vegetarianism and veganism
    🔹 The hack of thinking about “preferences” over “rules” when it comes to our diet

    GUEST EXPERT: Aggie Lal | https://higherselfacademy.co/ https://biohackingbestie.com/ Get her new book: Biohack Like a Woman

    Aggie Lal is a renowned public figure, best-selling author, registered nutritionist, health coach, podcast host, and TEDx speaker. With a strong social media presence and a vast audience across multiple channels, Aggie has become highly influential in the areas of Health, Biohacking, Personal Development, Travel & Lifestyle, and Entrepreneurship.

    Instagram: @aggie & @larkinyogatv 

    Study with Brett

    Yoga for Self Mastery Course

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training 

    300-hour Yoga Teacher Training 


    ✨ORDER BRETT’S BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    📘 Claim your YOGA LIFE Companion Workbook 📘

    Step 1: Leave a review wherever you purchased the book (for example, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

    Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review

    Step 3: Email your screenshot to info@upliftedyoga.com with subject: Yoga Life Review (if you somehow already have this workbook, note this in your email so we can send you something else)

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    What is Samkhya Philosophy and How is it Different from Yoga?

    What is Samkhya Philosophy and How is it Different from Yoga?

    What is Samkhya philosophy and how is it different from Yoga philosophy? Receive a total breakdown on Samkhya (one of the six schools on Indian philosophy) from Brett in today's value-packed episode. Walk about with an understanding of:

    🔹 Purusha/Prakriti and how the world came into being according to Samkhya
    🔹 The different parts of our brain according to Indian philosophy (the manas, citta, buddhi and ahamkara)
    🔹 The 25 tattvas that make up our word
    🔹 What are the gunas and why you should care

    This information is foundational for understanding both yogic practices and the Yoga Sutras! Enjoy!

    📘 Claim your YOGA LIFE Companion Workbook 📘

    Step 1: Leave a review wherever you purchased the book (for example, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

    Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review

    Step 3: Email your screenshot to info@upliftedyoga.com with subject: Yoga Life Review (if you somehow already have this workbook, note this in your email so we can send you something else)


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    300-hour YTT

    Yoga for Self Mastery

    History of Yoga 


    🎧 Also Listen to:

    #279 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Summary - BOOK ONE Explained

    #282 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Summary - BOOK TWO Explained

    #271 What is Kriya Yoga? How Does it Work?

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    How Ancient Primal Habits Help You Thrive with Cate Stillman

    How Ancient Primal Habits Help You Thrive with Cate Stillman

    🎁 Free Gift: Master the Basics of Yoga

    Thousands of years ago, our brains were 20% bigger – and my friend and Cate Stillman got curious as to why. Cate’s been teaching yoga and ayurveda for decades, but her most recent book Uninflamed explores 21 anti-inflammatory PRIMAL HABITS to heal, sleep better, intermittent fast, detox, lose weight, feel great, & crush your life goals with a kickass microbiome. And I’ve been doing many of them! Listen in on our conversation as we nerd out on FASTING, FREEZING and FERMENTING. Discover:

    🔹 How our “wild” bodies changed with the development of agrarian civilization
    🔹 Why this spurred the invention of yogic practices
    🔹 What thermogenesis is and why you want to be good at it 
    🔹 The reason you’ll degenerate without “adversity habits” (and our favorites you can practice right now) 

    GUEST EXPERT: Cate Stillman | clubthrive.global | Microbiome diet guide: https://go.clubthrive.global/microbiomediet

    A pioneer in ancient-meets-modern health, Cate Stillman is the leader and CEO at CLUB THRIVE and WELLNESS PRO ACADEMY. She grew her first company, Yogahealer, by passing forward the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga. Driven by a mission to guide people to thrive, Cate is best known for resolving chronic symptoms, igniting ambition, and developing collaborative intelligence in those who join her dynamic clubs. Global leader, podcaster and entrepreneur, she rewilds humans towards health, meaning, and purpose. Author of Body Thrive and Master Of You, Uninflamed is Cate’s third, and most edgy book.


    ORDER BRETT’S BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Instagram: @larkinyogatv 


    Study with Brett

    Yoga for Self Mastery Course

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training 

    300-hour Yoga Teacher Training 


    📘 Claim your YOGA LIFE Companion Workbook 📘

    1. Leave a review wherever you purchased the book (for example, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

    2. Take a screenshot of your review

    3. Email your screenshot to info@upliftedyoga.com with subject: Yoga Life Review (if you somehow already have this workbook, note this in your email so we can send you something else)

    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    4 Pivots I’m Making in Yoga & Business

    4 Pivots I’m Making in Yoga & Business

    Evolve - Free 20 Day Yoga Challenge: https://www.brettlarkin.com/evolve/ 

    Today I’m sharing four pivots I’m making in both my business and personal life. I hope some of these are helpful or can inspire you! I discuss the importance of focusing on the current of manifestation rather than the current of liberation in your yoga practice. I also emphasize the significance of embracing Embodied Yoga and prioritizing pleasure (ooo-yah!). Additionally, I highlight the need for better management, delegation skills and effective energy management. I hope you enjoy these insights and ideas I’m striving to prioritize as we enter a new season. Enjoy!

    ✨ORDER BRETT’S BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife

    Instagram: @larkinyogatv 


    Study with Brett

    💖 Yoga for Self Mastery Course - Mentioned in Episode

    🔮  *NEW* Embodied Yoga Life Coaching - Mentioned in Episode

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training 

    300-hour Yoga Teacher Training 


    Blog: What Is Somatic Yoga? Everything You Need To Know


    Suggested Youtube Videos:

    Non Linear Movement with Music | Embody Your Unique Energy



    © 2024 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com


    Reinvent Yoga & Yourself in 2024 with Lauren Zander

    Reinvent Yoga & Yourself in 2024 with Lauren Zander

    ✨ MY BOOK YOGA LIFE IS OUT! brettlarkin.com/yogalife

    We’re on the precipice of the New Year. It’s the perfect time to reflect on what yoga means to you, how to start or (re)start your practice… and convince everyone you love to do the same. It’s also the first episode in which I am a published author with my book YOGA LIFE available worldwide! To celebrate *all the things,* I invited my friend and celebrity life coach Lauren Zander to join me on the podcast this week to chat about:

    🔹 Why coaching and yoga work so synergistically together, and why you need both
    🔹 How to kickstart your yoga or “pitch” yoga to those around you who may be skeptical about getting on a mat (especially if they’re older, think they’ll “suck” or are “inflexible”)
    🔹 The history of modern yoga: proof that its always been evolving and why you must claim the permission slip to personalize your practice in 2024.

    I also share dozens of “Yoga Habits” from my book so you can slip yoga in on New Year’s Eve and Day, even if you’re traveling, cooking or can’t make time for a longer practice! Get ready for some fun.   


    GUEST EXPERT: Lauren Zander, Founder of Handel Group and InnerU https://www.inneru.coach/life-coaching-products/ 

    Lauren Handel Zander is a celebrity life coach, public speaker, and the CEO & Founder of Handel Group®, an executive life coaching company based in New York City. Her coaching methodology, The Handel Method®, is taught in over 50 universities and institutes of learning around the world, including MIT, Stanford Graduate School of Business, NYU, and the New York City Public School System. Lauren is also the creator of Inner.U®: Learn to Human Better, the online coaching courses that teaches the entirety of The Handel Method, a coaching method that has been used by dozens of celebrities, CEOs, and entrepreneurs since 2004. 


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    ✨ Lauren’s InnerU Life Coaching
    ✨ Join Brett’s FREE New Year’s Challenge https://www.brettlarkin.com/evolve/  


    Not on my email list? Join to know when new episodes drop and I’ll send you my    

    Yoga Transformational Portal (How to make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time) for free as a gift. 🎁

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Model Yoga in Your Family with Sophie Jaffe

    Model Yoga in Your Family with Sophie Jaffe

    Do you want to give yourself more grace and compassion (but are plagued with guilt and martyrdom)? Do you want to speak kindly to yourself, your kids, and partner? Do you want to leverage your yoga tools, even when you have no time? Or “be the change” by modeling yoga and mindfulness for your family?

    Learn how to do all these things with my friend Sophie Jaffe (superfood CEO, yoga teacher, and mama of three). Today, we go behind-the-scenes on her life as a fulltime yoga influencer, CEO and mom. Discover:   

    🔹 How Sophie models yoga and mindfulness for her kids

    🔹 Why radical transparency creates safety in her family

    🔹 Concrete tools to use when you’re overwhelmed with guilt or running on empty 


    GUEST EXPERT: Sophie Jaffe @sophie.jaffe @philosophielove

    Sophie is a Los Angeles based yoga teacher, wellness expert, and mama to three beautiful children. Explore her superfood company and wellness brand, Philosophie, to attain optimal health + radiant wellness.




    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    Yoga for Self Mastery

    BRETT’S NEW BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Not on my email list? Join to know when new episodes drop and I’ll send you my    

    Yoga Transformational Portal (How to make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time) for free as a gift. 🎁

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    How to Earn 6 Figures on Yoga Retreats with Christa Janine and Piper Sandifer

    How to Earn 6 Figures on Yoga Retreats with Christa Janine and Piper Sandifer

    Thinking of attending or hosting a yoga retreat this upcoming season? Don’t miss this episode with insane tips!!! Listen to ensure your next trip is pleasurable, profitable and leaves your students wanting another.

    Planning a yoga retreat can seem overwhelming at first. But in my recent Uplifted masterclass for yoga teachers, we touched on all the steps by interviewing my most successful 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training graduates who are running trips this year. If you’ve ever dreamed of teaching or leading a retreat yourself, this episode will inspire you and offer tons of practical wisdom.


    GUEST EXPERTS: Christa Janine and Piper Sandifer


    💃 Download my free yoga business plan!

    PRE-ORDER MY BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    300-hour YTT

    Uplifted Business Launchpad


    Read More: https://www.brettlarkin.com/how-to-plan-a-yoga-retreat/ 

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    How to Get an Agent, Write Your Wellness Book and Make a Bigger Impact

    How to Get an Agent, Write Your Wellness Book and Make a Bigger Impact

    Ever dreamed of writing a novel, memoir, your own health and wellness guide, cookbook or yoga book? In today’s episode, I take you behind-the-scenes on EVERYTHING you’d ever want to know by sharing the behind-the-scenes story of my upcoming book YOGA LIFE (pre-order here). I detail every step of my process so you can learn from my mistakes! Listen and learn the ins and outs of:

    🔹 Self publishing vs working with a mainstream publisher 
    🔹 How to write your book proposal and get a book deal
    🔹 Getting the best agent, discerning the best publisher and promoting yourself  
    🔹 Research assistants, ghost writers, timeline and refining your process

    Thank you for being on this journey with me and don’t forget to pre-order your copy of my upcoming book here (and order extras as holiday gifts for friends!)


    PRE-ORDER MY BOOK: brettlarkin.com/yogalife


    Instagram: @larkinyogatv 


    Study with Brett

    Uplifted Membership

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training 

    300-hour Yoga Teacher Training 


    Suggested Book: Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life, which my editor also worked on. 


    🎧 Also Listen to:

    #272 Revealing…! My BOOK, the TITLE, the MISSION


    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com


    Sequence Better Yoga Classes with Kassandra Reinhardt

    Sequence Better Yoga Classes with Kassandra Reinhardt

    Let’s dive into the art of yoga sequencing with my friend and fellow Yoga Youtuber, Kassandra Reinhardt. Kassandra has over 2.3 million subscribers, in part because she makes her classes SO accessible. Ready to see how she does it? Today, go behind the scenes on how she plans her sequences, what to do when things don’t go according to plan, and the key differences between in-person and online teaching. Learn:  

    🔹How brainstorm class themes and sequence to a peak pose
    🔹Counter poses versus resting poses, designing long sequencing versus 10 minute videos
    🔹The #1 thing you should be doing to improve your cuing a new teacher (it’s not what you think!) 

    Teacher or aspiring teachers, we hope this episode inspires you!


    GUEST EXPERT: Kassandra Reinhardt | www.yogawithkassandra.com Explore Kassandra’s new sequencing course at her website!


    👀 See Brett’s Yoga Class Plan Template

    💃 Download Brett’s free yoga business plan!

    📱 Book a Free Yoga Teacher Training Clarity Call here


    Ottawa-based Yin and Vinyasa Yoga Instructor, YouTuber, author, and the face behind Yoga with Kassandra, Kassandra Reinhardt, is on a mission to help others feel great with yoga. As one of the first yoga instructors to embrace online teaching, her Yoga with Kassandra YouTube channel has grown to more than 2.3 million subscribers and has over 270 million views. Kassandra is the author of "Yin Yoga: Stretch The Mindful Way" (DK Books) and "Year of Yoga: Rituals for every day and every season" (Mandala Publishing). With over 2.5 million people in her online community, Kassandra has truly provided accessibility to yoga and she is expanding her expertise further, with the recent release of her guided yoga journal, My Yoga Journey: A Guided Journal, and her daily affirmation card deck, I Radiate Joy. Kassandra and her channel have been featured in CBC, Bustle, PopSugar, Well+Good and Elle Australia.


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🎁 Uplifted Business Launchpad

    🧘‍♂️ Vinyasa Teaching Methodologies with Kassandra. Use code Brett10 for 10% off

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Yogi’s Holiday Gift Guide - Everything to Ask for & Receive this Season

    Yogi’s Holiday Gift Guide - Everything to Ask for & Receive this Season

    📘 Grab Brett’s book YOGA LIFE here https://amzn.to/3FFM096 or anywhere books are sold

    🎁 Claim book pre-order bonuses here https://www.brettlarkin.com/yoga-life-book/ 

    Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the insanity of the whole holiday season is just around the corner. If you don’t know what to ask for, give, or need ideas for yogic stocking stuffers, you’ve come to the right place! Listen to a quick excerpt – the first ever public reading – directly from Brett’s upcoming book YOGA LIFE to get into the holiday mood. Then, get ready for Brett’s laundry list of tips (and gifts!) to make your holiday season more magical, fun and YOGIC. 


    In this exclusive “yoga nerd” gift guide episode, learn how to…

    🔹 Be a better receiver (and expand your energetic capacity) 

    🔹 Get exactly what you want from your partner, family or friends by embodying your desires 

    🔹 20 ideas of items to gift to others (or ask for yourself) this holiday season! 


    Many of the items mentioned in this episode can be found at Brett’s Amazon storefront (please also support local retailers, this was just the easiest place to assemble): https://www.amazon.com/shop/brettlarkinyoga 


    Additional Vendors Mentioned

    Lunya Eye Sleep Mask

    Mango Pajamas


    Pre-Order my book Yoga Life to dive deeper into these all concepts here: brettlarkin.com/yogalife

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    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Burnout, Loss & the Yoga of Parenting with Sarah Ezrin

    Burnout, Loss & the Yoga of Parenting with Sarah Ezrin

    Candid conversation alert! Cozy up with me and my friend Sarah Ezrin where we talk about teaching yoga, being moms and why we strengthen our nervous systems by visualizing our children falling from the monkey bars at playgrounds while performing pranayama techniques (not kidding!). 

    Sarah started out working in the adrenaline-fueled film industry. Then, took that “hustle energy” into her yoga teacher career, resulting in burnout. After much heartbreak and loss, she wasn’t sure she ever wanted children, but now applies ancient yogic wisdom to motherhood. This is a beautiful listen for any yoga teachers, prospective parents or those with kids at home.    


    GUEST EXPERT: Sarah Ezrin | Buy The Yoga of Parenting book

    Sarah Ezrin is a world-renowned yoga educator, content creator, and mama of two boys. Sarah writes extensively on the subjects of yoga, parenting, and mental health, often interweaving these themes. She is a regular contributor for Yoga Journal Magazine, Motherly, Yoga International, Healthline, and Scary Mommy. Sarah loves guiding people along their wellness and parenthood journeys. Her writing, classes, and social media are supportive, healing spaces where people can feel seen and heard.

    For more information on Sarah please connect with her on Instagram and TikTok.

    Instagram: @larkinyogatv and @sarahezrinyoga


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    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Redefining “Sadhana” - 3 Key Tips

    Redefining “Sadhana” - 3 Key Tips

    Does your daily practice feel stagnant? Or like “hard work”? Maybe you’ve lost the joy. Or you’re struggling to find consistency. Perhaps yoga and meditation feel like another thing “to do.” If any of the above describe you, this episode is here to knock your socks off. It’s time to redefine the idea of “sadhana,” shift into devotion, realize you’re not “alone” when you practice, and to make your time on the mat the highlight of your day.

    Listen and learn:

    🔹The etymology of the word “sadhana”
    🔹How this concept evolved in the Gita and Bhakti Yoga, and ways to use these lesser-known aspects of sadhana for your benefit
    🔹Why revitalizing your home practice requires introspection, a hefty dose of pleasure, and does not need to take as much time as you think 


    Pre-Order my book Yoga Life to dive deeper into these all concepts here: brettlarkin.com/yogalife

    🐍 Doors Open Now Yoga for Self Mastery

    Make your yoga practice 2x more potent in 1/2 the time: Free Transformational Portal


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Yoga Teacher Training

    📚 History of Yoga


    Blog: What Does Sadhana Mean in Yoga?

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com

    Crystals and Tarot for Yogis with Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey

    Crystals and Tarot for Yogis with Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey

    Do you want to create more ritual and ceremony into your yoga practice? Are you looking for ways to slow down and connect with your intuition? Ever been curious about crystals and tarot? This is the episode for you! Today I teamed up with Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey from the Psychic Teachers Podcast to bring you all the details about how to make your yoga practice more magical with tarot cards and crystals. Discover: 

    🔹How crystals affect your energy, why size doesn’t matter, and how to use them in your yoga practice
    🔹The best crystals for each chakra, creating and working with crystal grids around your mat, and how to use crystals to sharpen your intuition
    🔹The origins of tarot, cross-cultural mythology behind the deck, how to incorporate tarot into your meditation practice, and how the major arcana reflects your transformation journey as a yogi. 

    “Woo” out with me in this incredible episode. Leave with lists of crystals you’ll want to buy and ideas of how tarot cards and crystals can enhance your yoga practice. This episode is packed with insightful tips from Deb and Sam. 


    ❤️Last Day to Sign Up! Abundance Yoga Challenge www.brettlarkin.com/abundancechallenge/ 


    GUEST EXPERTS: Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey | Psychic Teachers Podcast

    Deb Bowen and Samantha Fey have been hosting the Psychic Teachers podcast since 2010. Both are former teachers who've always been interested in the world of tarot, crystals, and intuition. Each week on the Psychic Teachers podcast, they help listeners discover their authentic gifts and to trust the still, small voice within. 

    Deb is the author of A Good Friend for Bad Times: Helping Others through Grief, and several works of creative nonfiction. She has a book scheduled for release in 2024. Samantha Fey is the author of The Awake Dreamer: A Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel and Mastering the Dreamscape.


    Relevant to Today’s Episode:

    200-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🔮 300-hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

    🐍 Yoga for Self Mastery


    FREE YOGA PRACTICE: Guided Yoga Class with Crystals 

    © 2023 Uplifted Yoga | BrettLarkin.com