
    The Voice of Job Seekers

    I write investigative job search and career articles with a practitioner's heart. One thing for sure: The modern job search is a lifestyle now. If it isn't, you'll be light years behind should your job end today. Late starts suck, but you can change today! It's a mistake to disengage from managing your career. It will only land you light years behind your competition. My award-winning blog, "The Voice of Job Seekers," has offered job-search advice since 2011.
    enMark Anthony Dyson226 Episodes

    Episodes (226)

    How To Survive Today’s Turbulent Job Market

    How To Survive Today’s Turbulent Job Market

    Jack Kelly and I discuss company loyalty, AI, concerns for this year's college graduates, and job scams in this week's episode. Here are a few of the highlights:

    • Jack says, "It's so hard to find a new job, and people are worried, and they're staying put because they're scared."
    • Workers are being laid off without empathy or accountability by decision-makers. Bank CEOs can lose millions, lay off workers, and still get bonuses. 
    •  College isn't the first option for everyone anymore. 
    • While AI could be a tool for job seekers to leverage, it could also work against them. 
    • Deepfakes could fool even the tech-savvy and have already fooled companies. 
    • Scams are here to stay and are more sophisticated than ever. 

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Job Scams: What Happens There Will Happen Anywhere

    Job Scams: What Happens There Will Happen Anywhere

     I explain the significance of the following events in the past two weeks should inform us of what is to come in #jobscams, job fishing, and recruiter scams. The FTC categorizes them as imposter scams (FTC, 2/9/24).

    "ResumeLooters" refers to scammers accessing and stealing private information from job portals in Asia. In the U.S., we need to start taking precautions to protect our information on any portals we signed up for to fill out applications and resumes posted.

    One action (if you haven't already) is to use a third-party phone number like a Google number. Many people use Zelle or Cash App already, and if it's the same number on an attacked job portal, the possibilities may be endless (or my imagination is running too wild).

    Consider how recruiters can bait unsuspecting job seekers via text citing a platform where a real profile resides. They will sell the number to other scammers, creating an endless cycles of fake jobs from various sources.

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enFebruary 20, 2024

    Hello, Older Workers! Advice On Navigating Today's Job Search!

    Hello, Older Workers! Advice On Navigating Today's Job Search!

    My friend Daisy Wright invited me to her LinkedIn Live event to discuss how older workers can navigate today's job search. 

    Here are a few of the highlights:

    • Healthcare is a viable option for older workers returning to the workforce. 
    • Many want a part-time job or a job without the 9-5 grind.
    • What are the markets like for healthcare in Canada and the U.S.?
    • Is consulting really an option?  
    • We see there are more articles for older workers on how to get a job than successful announcements about getting jobs. 

    More about Daisy:

    She is the Founder and Chief Encouragement Officer of The Wright Career. She is also an award-winning Certified Coach helping emerging leaders, executives, and mid-level professionals find satisfying careers.

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enJanuary 30, 2024

    How To Be a Smarter Job Seeker

    How To Be a Smarter Job Seeker

    I met with two of my favorites, Keirsten Greggs and Jack Kelly, to discuss job search stuff before the holidays. 

    Here are a few of the highlights:

    Pausing a job search before the holidays is wasting a potential opportunity

    There are networking and informational interview opportunities; Many people shut things down because of the holiday. It also keeps your mind sharp. 

    Two years of being in a weird spot, no growth, cost cutting, slow hiring, lots, continued layoffs. No "September Surge" or calls for vacant positions in the retail sector. 

    Both Jack and Keirsten are frequent guest co-hosts on the podcast. You can catch the other part of our discussion here

    Kristen’s LinkedIn profile

    Jack’s LinkedIn profile

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Job Search Trends of 2024

    Job Search Trends of 2024

    Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy this new episode with my career writing colleagues Jack Kelly, Robin Ryan, and Hannah Morgan. We discuss the job search trends we see to affect the 2024 job search. 

    Jack Kelly is a compliance search recruiter, the founder of WeCruitr.io, and a Senior Career Contributor at Forbes. 

    Robin Ryan is the founder of RobinRyan.com and a Forbes contributor. 

    Hannah Morgan founded careersherpa.net and is a long-time contributor at U.S. News. 


    Here are the topics we covered: 

    What's the best use of AI for job seekers in 2024? Any ideas of how the use of it can evolve? 
    What interview questions (from what you hear) are still tripping up job candidates in 2023? How can they answer them better?
     Each of us added what we see as an important trend for 2024.

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    How to Use LinkedIn For Branding in 2024

    How to Use LinkedIn For Branding in 2024



    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com


    Kevin D. Turner documents all changes LinkedIn makes, including this year, where there have been more than 150+ changes. Kevin specializes in personal branding using LinkedIn and is knowledgeable in helping job seekers get more visibility, especially in front of recruiters,  companies, and new connections. 


    • How can you use LinkedIn filters more effectively?
    • How to get on the company you want to work for radar?
    • How to increase visibility and expand your network during LinkedIn Lives and Audio events. 
    • Why giving back is a practical part of your LinkedIn strategy. 
    • How to bookmark meaningful threads and conversations in your browser. 

    This is the last episode of the year. I will publish the next episode on Jan. 16, 2024. Enjoy the holiday season and remain safe. 

    This is Why Hiring is Really Hard For Employers

    This is Why Hiring is Really Hard For Employers


    In this episode, Keirsten Greggs, Jack Kelly, and I discuss the hiring challenges and what job seekers and hiring teams do to hurt the process. 

    Kristen's LinkedIn profile

    Jack's LinkedIn profile

    Omissions, lies, and deception during the hiring process.

    It's a tight job market, and there's lots of angst on both sides of the hiring table. 

    "...recruiters who are desperate and got to get someone in there. So they tell a tall tale of how wonderful things are, and it doesn't turn out..."

    Job seekers must ask in writing for promises stated during an interview so they can consider them seriously in their negotiation strategies. 

    There are so many addendums and so many clauses. Employers have specific legally compliant language that they have to use.

    What part will AI play in the hiring process?

    What kind of training do hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers have come into the hiring process?


    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the "Send Voicemail" button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    Why You Shouldn't Expect Fairness in The Hiring Process

    Why You Shouldn't Expect  Fairness in The Hiring Process

    This week, my friend and sometimes del facto co-host, Jack Kelly, interviews me on his WeCruitr podcast. 

    In this excerpt, we discuss:

    • Survey of hiring managers lying to job candidates about the hiring process.
    • The pressure to perform from candidates to embellish (lie) during interviews.
    • The battle of the salary range conversation.
    • What's said during interviews is not put in writing (often).
    • Managers not telling the truth when asked about bad staffers. 

    Jack Kelly is a Compliance Recruiter, entrepreneur, CEO of WeCruitr.io, and Forbes Senior Careers Contributor.

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    How To Brand With Clarity And Understanding

    How To Brand With Clarity And Understanding

    Kenneth Lang, an avid LinkedIn user, and job search expert, invited me to discuss job searches on his LinkedIn Live show. I brought our discussion to be replayed on the podcast this week. 

    Kenneth is the founder of KML Consultants, a job search strategist, and a fellow introvert. 

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    Don't Take That Job 'Til You Read This Book

    Don't Take That Job 'Til You Read This Book

    Don't Take That Job 'Til You Read This Book will help you control your career in a way most job seekers don't. Leigh Branham and Mark Hirschfield authored this book (and included contributions from me and others) to help you navigate the post-pandemic changes in the world of work. 

    Leigh Branham is the founder of Keeping of the People, Inc. He has authored several books, and is a speaker and consultant. 

    Mark D. Hirschfield is the Vice President of Consulting Services and Strategic Partnerships of BI Worldwide. 

    This is the second book Leigh and Mark authored together. Both have long career coaching and consulting experiences. 

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com


    Discussion highlights: 

    • The book's primary purpose was to look at all the possible pitfalls and the main reasons employees leave, flip the coin, and look at it and say, these might be one of the reasons you would leave your next employer.
    • They use the lenses from Lee's last book to say what leadership is like. What are career opportunities like? We know that if people don't experience those things, it oftentimes can lead them to be demoralized and then, in turn, leave.
    • Leigh and Mark stepped back and thought about the pandemic effect, and what happened was people had money coming from the government, and they had a little bit of cushion. 
    • Technology and innovation created more possibilities, such as daily compensation. 
    • Is your employer helping you feel valued from a compensation and reward point of view?
    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enNovember 07, 2023

    How To Exorcise The Zombies In Your Job Search

    How To Exorcise The Zombies In Your Job Search

    In this episode, my panel and I discuss current job search trends with practical advice to help job seekers navigate today's job market. 

    Virginia Franco founded Virginia Franco Resumes and is a five-time award-winning executive resume writer.  She is also the host of her podcast, “Resume Storyteller.” She is also a past president of the National Association of Resume Writers.

    Gina Riley is a Career Coach, creator of Career Velocity™, and founder of Gina Riley Consulting

    Marie is a former National Resume Writing Association president and leader of the Career Thought Leaders Consortium. She hosts the podcast and radio show through Voice of America,  the “Career Confidante.

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com




    These Things Could Unknowingly Obstruct Your Career Growth

    These Things Could Unknowingly Obstruct Your Career Growth

    Resenteeism. What's the problem?

    According to a recent Fast Company article,

    "Resenteeism is defined as when a worker stays in an unsatisfying job due to a perceived lack of options, even as resentment toward their employer grows. Linked to this is “loud quitting.” Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report found that roughly one in five workers are “loud quitting” at their jobs, which just means they’re “actively disengaged” at work."

    It's one of two topics discussed on our panel for the show. 

    Jack Kelly is a Compliance Recruiter, entrepreneur, CEO of WeCruitr.io, and Forbes Senior Careers Contributor.

    Gina Riley is a Career Coach, creator of Career Velocity™, and founder of Gina Riley Consulting

    She is a nationally certified résumé writer, job search and interview coach, and recruiter. She is the founder of her company, Write Step Resumes

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com



    This is Job Search 2023: Marketing, Engaging, and Branding

    This is Job Search 2023: Marketing, Engaging, and Branding

    Thanks for listening to my podcast. I share a personal reason for a four-week break between episodes in this episode. 

    I share a small excerpt from my appearance on the blkbox App podcast with Kenneth Johnson. Here are some of the points I made:

    • The future of work and what it will look like shortly.
    • What does it mean to be a business of one?
    • Is LinkedIn a brag book?
    • The importance of being marketable.
    • The branding of Gen Z. 

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enOctober 10, 2023

    What's Happening to All Of The Jobs? With Jack Kelly and Kenneth Lang

    What's Happening to All Of The Jobs? With Jack Kelly and Kenneth Lang

    Thank you for joining me for the 10th year of "The Voice of Job Seekers!" 

    Not ten seasons. Ten long years. 

    I started this podcast on Sept. 13, 2013. I have published over 20 shows a year and hosted nearly 200 guests. 

    I'm kicking off this year with a great panel. Jack Kelly and Kenneth Lang are long-time experienced career professionals and experts. They understand the space, what people need to do to stand out, and the work it takes. 

    Jack Kelly, Compliance Recruiter, entrepreneur, CEO of WeCruitr.io, and Forbes Senior Careers Contributor. He talks a lot about the Future of Work, especially job search. Look for his LinkedIn Live with Jack Kelly show, and Blind Ambition

    Kenneth Lang is the founder of KML Consultants, a job search strategist, and a fellow introvert. 

    Both can be found very active on LinkedIn being as helpful to job seekers as possible. 

    You are more than welcome to join the discussion. Here are three ways you can:

    – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number

    – Go to TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message

    – Send email feedback to mark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com



    The Voice of Job Seekers
    enSeptember 25, 2023

    How To Make Your Career Journey Into a Storytelling Guide

    How To Make Your Career Journey Into a Storytelling Guide

    In 2021, I discovered Judith through Twitter (@Judith_Humphrey) and found her book, "Impromptu," and her Fast Company column. I read "Impromptu" and reshaped my thinking about speaking and media presentations and preparation. It was a game-changer for me in every way. I wrote Judith in April 2022 and told her, " I look forward to creating cleaner and crisper commentary in speaking and writing." That's when she told me she was writing her current book.

    Since reading "The Job Seeker's Script," I wanted to share her work on my show. I've said for years excellent interviewing skills come down to presentation.

    Many will think "scripting" as similar to set dialogue, as she will explain, will serve as an excellent framework for various phases of your job search and career journey.

    Consider these scenarios: Elevator pitches, conversations with colleagues answering, "What do you do for a living?" Responding to "Tell me about yourself."

    I am offering this show as a strong recommendation for the book if you want to be prepared for job interviews in and out of season.

    Enjoy the show. Let me know what you think.

    How To Detect Job Scams And Ways To Avoid Them

    How To Detect Job Scams And Ways To Avoid Them

    Job scams are nothing new, but scammers are craftier in using technology and finding new ways to lure victims. My good friend Jack Kelly and I will lay out the basics of what they are, how to identify a scam or scammer, and what you can do. While there is much more than what we cover in these few minutes, I understand there's much work. 

    They are finding new ways to use unsuspecting LinkedIn professionals who are legit and active users to recruit victims into applying to their companies, collect their email addresses and other private data, and sometimes steal money and identity from them.

    These scams are happening on every platform and on many job boards.

    We want to increase awareness and offer solutions if you are approached (or someone you know) by a scammer. Please join us for this short but informative discussion.

    How To Know What Employers Want From Candidates

    How To Know What Employers Want From Candidates

    Recently, the resume-writing service TopResume revealed what turns employers on — and off — about job candidates.

    In a nutshell, when presented with a list of 21 traits and asked which personality traits impress hiring managers the most, the following five characteristics were considered the most attractive: (1) Adaptability, (2) Reliability, (3) Authenticity, (4) Confidence, and (5) Honesty.

    Do you know how to demonstrate these positive traits on your resume and during an interview? Or how can you work towards building these traits if they don't come naturally?

    TopResume's career expert, Amanda Augustine, CPCC, CPRW, joins me to discuss what this survey will mean for job seekers.