
    The Warm Up: A Podcast By Keep Nature Wild

    For generations, we humans have used the campfire as a place to gather to tell stories, laugh, and learn. In The Warm Up Podcast, our Impact Manager, Bri Sullivan, chats with and learns from leaders in the outdoor space! Be inspired with sustainability practices, learn how to be an advocate, and marvel at the wild and wonderful planet we call home. So cozy on up to the campfire and let's discover how to Keep Nature Wild together!
    en-usBri Sullivan20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    Ep 20: Teaching Kids To Be Environmentally Aware With Pinky Guerrero

    Ep 20: Teaching Kids To Be Environmentally Aware With Pinky Guerrero

    While we continue our efforts to be responsible for the environment, it is also our duty to teach children in our homes or the community to be environmentally aware and make a change for the future. After all, one of the many reasons we focus on caring for nature and the environment is for them. Our efforts won’t go to waste if we know that future generations will continue what we are doing today.

    In this episode, Pinky Guerrero talks all about how she instilled the importance of taking care of the environment in all of her kids. She shares how you can start it too with other kids.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 20 at a glance…

    • About Pinky Guerrero and what she does
    • What got Pinky into getting outside
    • How Pinky teaches her kids to be environmentally aware
    • How to inspire kids to do something for the nature
    • The ripple effect of teaching kids while they are young and doing small things for the environment
    • How the lessons impacted Pinky’s kids’ outlook on nature
    • Resources kids can have to learn about the environment
    • Tips for parents and soon-to-be parents
    • How to handle kids’ questions about the environment and what is happening in the community
    • Learning about something to get involved
    • How to start conversations about nature with the kids
    • How to connect with Pinky Guerrero

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Pinky Guerrero is a Wild Keeper at The Wild Keeper Volunteer Program. She has a wonderful family and she’s passionate about getting kids outdoors.

    The Wild Keeper Volunteer Program is an incredible program of volunteers who sign up to volunteer with Keep Nature Wild to pick up trash, educate their community, get them involved, and spread awareness about environmentalism and doing good for others. 

    Connect and know more about Pinky Guerrero here:
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_heypinks
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_heypinks 

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 19: Inclusivity in the Outdoor Space With Parker Mcmullen Bushman aka Kween Werk

    Ep 19: Inclusivity in the Outdoor Space With Parker Mcmullen Bushman aka Kween Werk

    Inclusivity should come first before bringing diversity into a space. We need to have conversations about the things that we need to change within our organizations to make everyone welcome and comfortable enough to stay.

    In this episode, Parker McMullen Bushman, also known as Kween Werk, talks about her experiences and the different judgments that she encountered in the outdoor space. She shares her goals and the things that we can do to be better allies for everyone.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 19 at a glance…

    • About Kween Werk and what she does
    • How Kween got connected to nature 
    • Widening discussions about the helpful things we do for nature
    • What lead Kween to where she is now
    • Walking into the space as a Black woman
    • Getting into the diversity of an organization
    • Working on inclusion and equity within an organization
    • What KWEEN means
    • The biases in the outdoor space
    • How people can be a better ally

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Parker McMullen Bushman a.k.a Kween Werk is an outspoken social media environmental and social justice advocate. She is the CEO of Eco Inclusive Strategies and COO of Inclusive Guide.

    Connect and know more about Kween Werk here:
    Website: https://www.ecoinclusive.org
    Website: https://www.kweenwerk.com
    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kweenwerk?lang=en
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kweenwerk/?hl=en
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/kweenwerk  

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 18: What Makes A Successful Advocacy Community With Katie Boue

    Ep 18: What Makes A Successful Advocacy Community With Katie Boue

    We sometimes do not realize how much pressure can come from society and social media. When we take a step back from social media and the societal eye and you ask, what are you really passionate about? what do you really have longevity in working towards? You can learn so much and invest more deeply.

    Sometimes, we just need to think clearly and give ourselves permission to start small and do the good things that we love for the environment. We don’t need to keep questioning ourselves just because of what others dictate, but we need to work together to make an impact.

    In this episode, Katie Boue shares her journey and realizations as she went through transformations in her work. She also shares a few things about her upcoming book.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 18 at a glance…

    • Katie Boue’s connection to nature growing up
    • What made Katie go into what she is doing now
    • The issues in the field and the importance of the community
    • Some of Katie’s past campaigns and project
    • The most powerful transformation in Katie’s work
    • Some of the lessons Katie learned in Balancing the Biome Symposium
    • Katie’s realizations during her social media break
    • Katie’s book in the works
    • Transitioning back to using social media
    • Starting small to make an impact

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Katie Boue is a Cuban-American environmental activist and advocate, freelance writer, social media expert, professional adventurer, public speaker, and in the works of publishing a book.

    Connect with Katie Boue here:
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/katieboue
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katieboue
    Website: https://www.katieboue.com

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 17: Environmental Issues Conversations in Gaming Community Platforms With Kayla Anderson

    Ep 17: Environmental Issues Conversations in Gaming Community Platforms With Kayla Anderson

    Different environmental issues affect every one of us and every industry there is. This fact tells us that everyone is responsible for these issues. We don’t need to be environmental experts to make a change and no matter where we are, we can make a difference. Our actions may feel small but every action is extremely powerful.

    In this episode, Bri interviews Kayla Anderson of Climate Re:Play. She talks about how they brought conversations and actions about climate change and other environmental issues into the gaming industry through the different platforms originally used by the gaming community. 

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 17 at a glance…

    • About Kayla Anderson and what she does
    • Kayla’s background and what lead her to Climate Re:Play
    • What kind of platform Twitch is and the most asked questions there
    • Key tips on what you can do to make a sustainable change
    • The origin story of Climate Re:Play
    • Different projects of Climate Re:Play
    • The main initiatives of Climate Re:Play
    • The Climate Re:Play team and community
    • Expanding the conversations about the environmental issues
    • Climate Re:Play’s collaborations with different organizations 
    • Climate Re:Play’s NFT guide
    • Future projects of Climate Re:Play
    • How to connect with Kayla and Climate Re:Play


    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Kayla Anderson is the social media and communications lead for Climate Re:Play. They are taking over to bring climate change and other environmental issues to the forefront of the gaming industry as a whole.

    Connect and know more about Kayla Anderson and Climate Re:Play here:

    Tiktok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@imbaela
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imbaela
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/imbaela
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaylanderson
    Website: https://www.climatereplay.org 

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 16: How One Small Step Can Create Exponential Impact With Caulin Donaldson

    Ep 16: How One Small Step Can Create Exponential Impact With Caulin Donaldson

    If no one ever starts, nothing happens. Sometimes, all it takes is one person to do something that will spread awareness and make a big impact. The lack of enough formal education about the environment should not stop you from speaking and talking to people if you want to. You can surround yourself with people who have the knowledge and continuously learn from them. You’ll never know how much of an impact you can make.

    In this episode, Caulin Donaldson talks about his trash collection adventures and the videos he makes about it that reach a lot of people and spread so much awareness among them. He shares that one memorable experience that pushed him into caring more about the environment and how he never stopped making an impact.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 16 at a glance…

    • The experience that pushed Caulin into caring about the environment
    • Caulin’s background and how he learned more
    • What got Caulin into creating his videos and how it is going
    • Caulin’s biggest message to people
    • Unintentional and maliceful climate doomism
    • Focusing more on the solutions than the problems
    • Caulin’s experiences from attending summits and conventions
    • Caulin’s toy boxes series
    • Other things about Caulin’s trash adventures
    • How to connect with Caulin

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Caulin Donaldson is an environmentalist who picks up trash from the beach and finds ways to influence people to preserve the environment through his videos on different social media platforms mainly on TikTok.

    Connect and know more about Caulin here:

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trashcaulin

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 15: Living in Nature Through Backpacking With Danny Giovale, Kahtoola

    Ep 15: Living in Nature Through Backpacking With Danny Giovale, Kahtoola

    Positivity motivates us in so many ways. We all have such potential to be positive beings but sometimes we have to see it through the lives of the simplest people for it to resonate within us.

    In this episode, Danny Giovale, CEO and founder of Kahtoola talks all about the story of their company. He shares how he came up with the development of their unique products and what inspires them to keep their commitment to being for the people.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 14 at a glance…

    • Danny Giovale and Kahtoola
    • Danny’s start of his relationship with the outdoors
    • Danny’s education
    • What lead Danny to create Kahtoola and his research
    • The development of Kahtoola’s first product
    • The vision and mission of Kahtoola
    • Kahtoola for the people
    • What Danny envisions for Kahtoola in the next 3 years
    • Kahtoola’s commitment to sustainability

    Until the next episode!

    Recommended Book:

    Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard

    Today’s Guest:

    Danny Giovale is the founder and CEO of Kahtoola.

    Kahtoola is an outdoor and sporting goods company that produces gears that adds security and performance to lightweight flexible footwear.

    Connect and know more about  Kahtoola here:
    Kahtoola Uphill:

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 14: Creating Art That Inspires Change With Hannah Tizedes, Trashy Collection

    Ep 14: Creating Art That Inspires Change With Hannah Tizedes, Trashy Collection

    Wherever we are in the world, we can always make a difference. When we take time to realize how all things around us are interconnected, we are motivated to move and take these little steps to make a change. As we take these little steps together, we reach progression and make a big difference.

    In this episode, Hannah Tizedes talks about her journey to creating The Trashy Collection. She shares some of the memorable experiences that had been the game-changer for her that contributed to her current advocacy and the message she wants to tell everyone. 

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 14 at a glance…

    • Hannah Tizedes and The Trashy Collection
    • Hannah’s most memorable experience in the outdoors
    • How Hannah started with her arts and how her collection kept growing
    • The journey that merged all of Hannah’s passion
    • Hannah’s life-changing job at a local recycling facility
    • The messaging that struck people and get them involved
    • Hannah’s first piece of art made of trash
    • The kinds of trash you can find anywhere
    • The creation of The Trashy Collection
    • The Trashy Collection’s mission and vision
    • What Hannah learned since she started her journey
    • Some of Hannah’s favorite swaps
    • The alternatives to the usual trash you see anywhere
    • How Hannah got more comfortable with sharing what she does
    • The things we can do to drive progression

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Hannah Tizedes is the founder of The Trashy Collection.

    The Trashy Collection collects trash and makes litters into beautiful arts.

    Connect and know more about Hannah Tizedes and The Trashy Collection  here:
    Website:  https://www.thetrashycollection.com
    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/thetrashycollection 

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 13: Realistic Meaningful Actions on Climate Change With Dakota Jones

    Ep 13: Realistic Meaningful Actions on Climate Change With Dakota Jones

    The current situation of our planet and the news we hear every day cause so much anxiety to people. Most of us are willing to do something to help but some just don’t know where to start and often think that their actions won’t matter to change anything anyway.

    In reality, we are all imperfect advocates for climate change. Every individual action matters but it won’t matter enough to stop climate change unless it is collective and it reaches the government and the corporate levels. We have to keep going and take these actions, no matter how small we think they are. If we have more people who take initiative to be leaders in their communities, imagine what a different place we could be in.

    In this episode, Dakota Jones of Footprints Running talks about how important it is for every one of us to take action to make a change. He shares their missions at Footprints Running, the activities they are doing during camps, and how you can get involved.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 13 at a glance…

    • Dakota Jones’ background
    • The overview and mission of Footprints Running and their running camps
    • How Dakota’s early years and upbringing connected him to the outdoors
    • Dakota’s pathway to what he’s doing now
    • How surviving difficult things gives us a sense of fulfillment and purpose
    • People as imperfect advocates
    • Bringing people into the solution
    • The overwhelming news and climate change anxiety
    • Motivating everyone to get involved and make an impact
    • Dakota’s first camp experience
    • The process of application and camp activities overview
    • Willingness to fail to make progress
    • How Dakota found and got mentors for Footprints
    • Dakota’s call to action

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Dakota Jones is the founder and executive director of Footprints Running. 

    Footprints Running develop leaders in climate action. Their camps combine environmental education with direct action.

    Connect and know more about  Dakota and Footprints Running here:

    Website: https://www.runfootprints.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/footprintsrunning 

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 12: Creating A Platform For Change With Ross Reid

    Ep 12: Creating A Platform For Change With Ross Reid

    Every person should have the right and the opportunity to engage in conversations about the world that we live in and the issues that we encounter. This opens up a lot of possibilities and solutions that we can work out together to have a better world for us and the next generations to come.

    In this episode, Ross Reid of Nerdy About Nature talks about the platform he is creating and the content he is making. He shares a lot of his knowledge and insights about the things that we can do to start and make an impact.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 12 at a glance…

    • Ross Reid and Nerdy About Nature
    • Ross’ experience in advocating with indigenous people against salmon farming
    • Making conversations about the environment accessible to everybody
    • Working together to fix society’s problems
    • Where should people start to make a move or an impact
    • Learning from and empowering indigenous nations
    • The concept of Anthropocene 
    • How we’re all ecological beings
    • Where Ross’ passion and knowledge about nature came from
    • How Ross comes out with his topics and makes content about it
    • The current issues at hand in Canada
    • Old-growth forests and second-growth forests
    • Calls-to-action for everyone
    • What does keeping nature wild mean for Ross

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Ross Reid is the founder of Nerdy About Nature

    Nerdy About Nature is a platform where Ross documents and shares observations and fun facts about the natural world.

    Connect and know more about  Ross Reid and Nerdy About Nature here:

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nerdyaboutnature
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/nerdyaboutnature
    Website: https://www.nerdyaboutnature.com
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerdyaboutneature
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nerdyaboutnature
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NerdyAboutNature
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdyaboutnature  

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 11: The Outdoors As A Safe Space With Raquel Gomez

    Ep 11: The Outdoors As A Safe Space With Raquel Gomez

    Every person of every color should have a chance to experience the outdoors comfortably. It’s just beautiful to have a safe space where people from different cultures and backgrounds could come together, explore, and connect through nature.

    In this episode, Bri interviews Raquel Gomez, the founder of Atabey Outdoors. She talks about what made her come up with the idea of creating Atabey Outdoors and its vision. She also shares some of her beautiful experiences exploring the outdoors with the girls and the next years for Atabey Outdoors.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 11 at a glance…

    • Raquel Gomez and Atabey Outdoors
    • How Raquel was introduced into the outdoors as a kid and her early outdoor experiences
    • The root of  propelling Atabey Outdoors to creation
    • -What it’s like for Raquel to be the only person in color in the space
    • The meaning of Atabey and the origin story of Atabey Outdoors
    • The next 2-5 years for Atabey Outdoors
    • Getting support for Atabey’s first activities
    • Grand Canyon camping experience
    • The memories after every adventure
    • What does keeping nature wild mean for Raquel

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Raquel Gomez is the CEO and founder of Atabey Outdoors.

    Atabey Outdoors is a non-profit organization committed to providing fun and safe outdoor experiences for black, indigenous, and youth of color.

    Connect and know more about  Raquel and Atabey Outdoors here:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atabeyoutdoors
    E-mail Address:

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 10: Innovation in Home Compostability With Meghan Olson, Mushroom Packaging-Ecovative Design

    Ep 10: Innovation in Home Compostability With Meghan Olson, Mushroom Packaging-Ecovative Design

    What can we do to lessen our footprints and help the environment even in a small way?

    The more products we consume, the more wastage we dispose of. Every order we make, especially those that are delivered needs packaging and we all know packaging goes to waste. Imagine how much garbage we are producing. How can we address this growing concern?

    In this episode, Meghan Olson gives a picture of what Mushroom® Packaging is, what it is made of, and how it could make a big impact on Earth. She shares how much waste the use of this technology is preventing. Learn about this wonderful innovation of compostable packaging materials and the other potential products that can be developed from grow-it-yourself kits.

    Have a listen!

    Episode 10 at a glance:

    • About Meghan Olson and the focus of Mushroom Packaging
    • What mycelium and hemp hurds are and the composition of mushroom packages
    • The history of Mushroom Packaging and its founders
    • What Ecovative is as a company and how Mushroom Packaging fit into it
    • What do Grow-it-yourself Kits look like and where people can find them
    • The mycelium strains Ecovative uses
    • Stories from clients with their Grow-it-yourself Kits
    • The incredible facts about home compostability
    • Home compostability of Mushroom Packaging and how much waste it prevents
    • The growing demand and interest for Mushroom Packaging and the company’s future projects
    • Meghan’s view on how mycelium and mushrooms can change the world

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Meghan Olson is the manager at Mushroom Packaging-Ecovative Design.

    Mushroom® Packaging is created to combat styrofoam wastes and it has created a new compostable packaging material by growing mycelium together with agricultural matter.

    Connect and know more about Meghan and Mushroom Packaging here:




    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 9: Awareness-Inspired Actions and Conversations With Amber Reimondo

    Ep 9: Awareness-Inspired Actions and Conversations With Amber Reimondo

    Involve those who matter, but the question is, who really matters?

    The most important voices to be heard are the voices of those who are directly impacted by what is happening. The communities being affected shouldn’t be an outside party but should be brought to the table of decision-making.

    In this episode, Amber Reimondo, Energy Director of Grand Canyon Trust talks about how she started to be aware of what’s happening around her and how it got her to what she’s doing today. She also shares her knowledge of the impacts of mining on Native and Indigenous communities and her experience of working with different people in society.

    Listen up and understand more.

    Episode 9 at a glance:

    • Amber’s background and what got her interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree in environmental and national resources
    • The biggest changes Amber saw around her town
    • Amber’s career exposure in conservation projects 
    • Working with conservative people or people you don’t agree with
    • Amber’s first experience  at the Grand Canyon and Colorado river
    • Colorado Plateau, and the Grand Canyon Trust
    • Uranium mining and its dangers
    • Bringing the impacted community members to the table of decision making
    • The ways people can help the impacted communities

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Amber Reimondo is an Energy Director at Grand Canyon Trust.

    Grand Canyon Trust is an environmental non-profit organization that's focused on safeguarding the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau while supporting the rights of native people.

    Connect and know more about Amber and Grand Canyon Trust here:

    Website: https://www.grandcanyontrust.org

    Find out how you can donate here: https://www.grandcanyontrust.org/donate 

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 8: The Journey Into Gardening and the Dangers of Invasive Species with Jordan Charisma

    Ep 8: The Journey Into Gardening and the Dangers of Invasive Species with Jordan Charisma

    Some species are better left where they are. Otherwise, it can cause more harm than good.

    Knowledge and research are very crucial for people who want to get into gardening. We all have good intentions to keep nature beautiful but altering its natural ecosystem without doing research can do more harm than good in the long run.

    In this episode, Jordan Charisma talks about his journey into butterfly gardening. Get valuable knowledge on invasive species and advice for people who want to venture into gardening.

    Listen up and learn more!

    Episode 8 at a glance:

    • How Jordan got into exploring the outdoors and nature
    • Why Jordan chose to focus on butterflies
    • What an invasive species is and why it is dangerous
    • The difference between non-natives that are invasive and non-invasive
    • The importance of researching non-native species
    • How Jordan helps people start their journey into butterfly gardening and learning about wildlife
    • What Jordan wants people to be more aware of
    • The most valuable lesson Jordan learned from his focus and learning on gardening
    • How Jordan discovered what works on TikTok and the interactions in this platform
    • Paving the way in the industry as a Black man

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Jordan Charisma is an avid pollinator and butterfly gardener with a vast knowledge of native plants and invasive species.

    Connect and know more about Jordan Charisma here:


    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 7: Understanding Climate and Equality Issues and Making an Impact With Diandra Marizet of Intersectional Environmentalist

    Ep 7: Understanding Climate and Equality Issues and Making an Impact With Diandra Marizet of Intersectional Environmentalist

    Learning about the different climate and equality issues around us makes it easier for us to unpack and understand what is happening on a global level. This deep understanding also makes people want to do something to make an impact in the best ways that they can to make a better future for everyone.

    In this episode, Bri interviews Diandra Marizet, the Co-Founder of Intersectional Environmentalist. She discusses the meaning of intersectional theory and how Intersectional Environmentalist started. She also shares her journey in IE, what it looks like now, and some of their future plans for it.

    Listen up and learn more!

    Episode 7 at a glance.

    • Diandra's background and how she got to her current field.
    • How Diandra's fashion background ties into her interest in passionate environmentalism.
    • The most vulnerable and underrepresented communities in industry developments.
    • The best way to show up and make an impact.
    • What intersectional theory is and how Intersectional Environmentalist got its name.
    • The people that inspire Diandra while working in IE.
    • The parts of IE that Diandra is most passionate about and launching Earth Sessions
    • What IE looks like now and rounding up the experiences and learnings doing it.
    • Experiencing disconnections with some people that IE engages with.

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Diandra Marizet is a co-founder of Intersectional Environmentalist.

    Intersectional Environmentalist is an inclusive form of environmentalism advocating for the protection of all people and the planet.

    Connect and know more about Diandra and Intersectional Environmentalist here:




    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 6: Planting The Seeds for Future Generations With Dr. Lydia Jennings

    Ep 6: Planting The Seeds for Future Generations With Dr. Lydia Jennings

    There are a lot of things for us to learn from nature. The more we learn and recognize the real problems around us, the more we care about them. This is thinking beyond ourselves and being the seeds for change for future generations.

    In this episode, Bri speaks with Dr. Lydia Jennings, an environmental scientist, and soil microbiologist, about her journey into what she's doing now, some of her experiences with nature as a trail runner, and the Will Run For Soil movement. She also shares about the community of native and Indigenous people and how Run to Be Visible was made.

    Listen up and understand more.

    Episode 6 at a glance:

    • Dr. Lydia Jennings’ meandering pathway to her science career.
    • Thinking bigger beyond oneself and into the future generations.
    • Enjoying and engaging with nature as trail runners.
    • How learning more and more about nature makes us care more.
    • Being on the land is being with the land.
    • The many things we can learn from the indigenous and native cultures.
    • The Will Run For Soil movement, the teachings from the journey, and future goals of the movement.
    • Dr. Jennings running on behalf of Wings of America.
    • Being faced with tribes wanting to have their land back.
    • Recognizing how unsafe native women are.
    • Making the community safe which makes it safe for the future.
    • About Run to Be Visible and honoring the people that came along Dr. Jennings’ journey to where she is now.
    • Keeping nature wild is paying respect to it, caring for it as a relative, and doing your best to protect it.

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Dr. Lydia Jennings is a soil microbiologist and environmental scientist and one of the masterminds behind Will Run For Soil.

    Will Run For Soil is a documentary film that is the first step in a movement to change the way people talk and think about soils.

    Connect and know more about Lydia Jennings and Will Run For Soil here:

    Website: https://www.nativesoilnerd.com

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 5: Exploring The Outdoors And What It Can Do For You With Caziah Franklin

    Ep 5: Exploring The Outdoors And What It Can Do For You With Caziah Franklin

    Seeing a lack of people you identify with within the outdoors should not discourage you to be there and explore. Instead, it should encourage you to be the lamplighter within your circle and influence people about the things that the outdoors can do for us.

    In this episode, Bri talks with Caziah about his journey to the outdoors. He shares his experiences of starting to work with a community where there is not a single person who looks like him and becoming more comfortable with his own skin being in the outdoors. He also touches on some of his new projects.

    Listen up and learn more.

    Episode 5 at a glance:

    • The miscommunications between Black and White people that led to a lack of diversity in a community.
    • How a lack of representation feels like a lack of invitation. 
    • An important role in progression played by diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
    • Caziah's goal of being the example he never saw.
    • The importance of knowing what you are signing up for even if you are the only one in your circle.
    • Being the lamplighter within your circle.
    • Not letting a lack of an invitation to stop you and a lack of numbers, in the beginning, discourage you.
    • Redefining influence.
    • The danger of turning nature into a vice rather than a healthy escape.
    • Caziah finding comfort in his own skin being in the outdoors also made him comfortable with his musicality and interests.
    • Caziah's perspective of keeping nature wild is the preservation of its sacredness.

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Caziah Franklin is a musician and an outdoor adventurer.

    Connect and know more about Caziah here:

    Caziah's EP: The Cedars
    Apple Music:
    Amazon Music:

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 4: Importance of Data in Understanding Climate and Its Impact in Your Community With Landen Matechuk, Cedar Shore Consulting

    Ep 4: Importance of Data in Understanding Climate and Its Impact in Your Community With Landen Matechuk, Cedar Shore Consulting

    It is useful to know and understand the climate normal in your area to know and understand the changes that are happening there.

    In this episode, Bri interviews GIS specialist Landen Matechuk about the data they collect and how to communicate it with people who use it, and the impact it makes. He shares valuable knowledge about the ecosystem’s resilience and the part it plays in nature conservation despite the disturbances brought about by people.

    Listen up and understand more.

    Episode 4 at a glance:

    • The measure of ecosystem’s resilience and its importance.
    • The impact of diversity in the ecosystem.
    • The dangerous impact of development and removal of vegetation along stream beds.
    • Why Landon’s type of work exists and what it does.
    • Focusing on what is happening in your community.
    • Paying attention to where your resources are coming from.
    • Why we all need to do our part.
    • Why our consumption of things should be done with intent and mindfulness.
    • Keeping nature wild is when you're out experiencing nature and taking part in activities that are only made possible through conservation and protection.

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Landen Matechuk is the Founder and Head GIS Specialist of Cedar Shore Consulting.

    Cedar Shore Consulting provides services such as Data Analysis, Mapping, and Modeling, and IT consulting.

    Connect and know more about Landen and Cedar Shore Consulting here:

    Website: https://cedarshoreconsulting.com

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 2: The After Effects of Herbicides With Ash Davidson, Author, Damnation Spring

    Ep 2: The After Effects of Herbicides With Ash Davidson, Author, Damnation Spring

    Nature, in its unadulterated state, effectively provides us with all the essential needs for living, and it is our responsibility to take care of it and preserve it for the next generations. 

    In this episode, Bri chats with Ash Davidson, Author of Damnation Spring. Ash shares her inspiration in writing her book and how it started with her interest in herbicides, fueled by where she grew up and their reliance on the creek for drinking water.

    Join us in the campfire as we talk about this wonderful story.

    Episode 2 at a glance:

    • How the book started with a curiosity that led Ash to do some research on herbicides. 
    • Issues of environmental regulation and how people have their reasons for thinking about it the way they do. 
    • The herbicides today are different, but the issues are the same, environmental contaminants and their effects on humans, animals, and plants.
    • The characters of the community in the book and the barriers in reaching out to their elected officials as their families focused mainly on making ends meet. 
    • The fascinating revelation of studies that plants warn each other when disease or insects are coming.

    Today’s Guest:

    Ash Davidson is the author of the book Damnation Spring. She was born in Arcata, California, and attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

    Damnation Spring has been called a best book of the year by the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Newsweek, Kirkus, the Chicago Public Library, Amazon, BookPage, and BookRiot, a best California book of the year by the New York Times, and a Washington Post notable book.

    Connect and know more about Ash and Damnation Spring here:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashdavidsonwriter/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:
    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 3: Be Connected to Nature by Serving It With Phill Monson, Adventure Responsibly

    Ep 3: Be Connected to Nature by Serving It With Phill Monson, Adventure Responsibly

    Stewardship is not always about massive projects, sometimes, it’s encouraging others to do little things that make a great impact.

    In this episode, Bri sits with Phill Monson, Founder of Adventure Responsibly and they talk about his life’s purpose of promoting outdoor awareness and encouraging engagement in outdoor stewardship. He shares the B attitudes of the outdoors.

    Listen up and learn more about this worthy cause.

    Episode 3 at a glance:

    • How Phill always had close access to the outdoors which caused outdoor principles and awareness to be ingrained in him since childhood.
    • The direct correlation of being prepared with conservation in outdoor experience and the massive rippling effect of it.
    • The greatest threats of access to the outdoors. 
    • The importance of having a reason for existing that is greater than yourself.
    • Phill’s why and what in what he does.
    • The difference between passion and being purpose-driven.
    • Being connected to nature by serving it.
    • How doing a little every day can create a big impact and change.
    • The B attitudes of the outdoors.
    • Instilling principles to younger generations
    • Keeping nature wild is to pass on what we are enjoying currently. To put nature first, think about yourself second, and think how you would leave it better for the next generations.

    Until the next episode!

    Today’s Guest:

    Phill Monson is the founder of Adventure Responsibly.

    Adventure Responsibly believes in encouraging people to enjoy the Great Outdoors responsibly and to Leave It Better. The way they do this is through design, messaging, and social impact.

    Connect and know more about Phill and Adventure Responsibly here:

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/

    Ep 1: The Origin Story With Cameron Jarman and Sean Huntington

    Ep 1: The Origin Story With Cameron Jarman and Sean Huntington

    What better way to start a mission-oriented podcast than to share the story behind why and how it came about?

    In this pilot episode of Warm-up Podcast, Bri sat down with the founders of Keep Nature Wild, Cameron Jarman and Sean Huntington, in campfire-like storytelling of why and how Keep Nature Wild started and grew to this huge purpose-driven company.

    Join us as we Keep Nature Wild and our conversations campfire-warm.

    Episode 1 at a glance:

    • How Keep It Wild went from a fun little hiking group to a giant hiking group with a community of people who wanted to be stewards, go outside and live by example.
    • How they started with just a couple of t-shirts that were hiking and Arizona-inspired, and they used it as a catalyst to see what the community wanted. 
    • The collaboration of community-driven effort and partnership with a couple of companies to sponsor events.
    • What effective volunteering must be.
    • Working alongside the community members, meeting people, making friends, and just having fun as a community rather than sending dollars to someone else.
    • How the people that join the Wildkeeper get to own a part of their local area where they become responsible for keeping it clean for the next couple of months.
    • Why once you're a Wildkeeper, you're always one, and you can't unsee trash when you see one.
    • How the name Keep Nature Wild is not just a name but instead a call to action and a lifestyle.
    • How it started from 2018 to now having a warehouse and a community with more than 50,000 members from different countries.
    • The story of how during the early days of COVID, the company tried to connect to other brands and did cross-promotion of brands to continue supporting the community. 
    • How they thoroughly evaluated their capabilities and potentials and started looking for the perfect partner to acquire the company.
    • The pivotal piece of a solid brand which is keeping the shared aligned goals and interests of what you are trying to accomplish for the community.
    • The Favorite memory of Keep Nature Wild: The very first cleanup and the celebration of Arizona's first birthday.

    Until the next episode!

    About the host:

    Briana Sullivan is the Community Manager of Keep Nature Wild. Her passions for writing, trail running, and community building sparked and fires up the value that she brings to creating compelling and exciting content and campaign ideas.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-sullivan-31602224/

    More about Keep Nature Wild:

    At Keep Nature Wild, we like to have fun outside. We share stories around the campfire. We look up at the stars. We dream big. We laugh—loudly. We bring that light-hearted spirit to every item we make and every outdoor cleanup we host. And together, we pick up one pound of trash for every product sold.

    Our products are crazy cozy, super soft, and exceptionally comfy. We design outdoor apparel and accessories to bring a smile to your face, to brighten your day, to enable your next adventure, to spark connections, to build community, and to make our planet a better place.

    Website: https://keepnaturewild.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keepnaturewild/