
    The Web3, AI and Metaverse Legal and Business Podcast

    Navigate the digital future confidently with The Web3, AI, and Metaverse Legal and Business Podcast! In bite-sized episodes, attorney Mitch Jackson leverages 30+ years of legal and business experience to guide business owners through the complexities of web3, AI, and the metaverse. Stay informed, protected, and ready to thrive in tomorrow's business world!
    enMitch Jackson100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    #84: How AI Is Changing Law: 10 Must-See Innovations

    #84: How AI Is Changing Law: 10 Must-See Innovations

    Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the legal landscape, providing lawyers and law firms with innovative tools to enhance their practice, deliver better client experiences, and achieve greater results. 

     In this short  5-minute episode, I share 10 unique and compelling ways AI can assist lawyers that you probably haven’t thought about.

     You won't want to miss these insights on how to leverage the power of AI to stay ahead of the competition and thrive in the ever-evolving legal landscape. Tune in now!

     Want more? Would you like to stay connected? 

     No worries. More episodes, resources and links are here https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson and https://mitchjackson.com/podcast 


    #83: What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

    #83: What are Bitcoin Ordinals?

    Dive into the world of Bitcoin Ordinals, where blockchain meets daily life. Imagine a future where your health records, legal cases, and even prized digital art are instantly accessible, authenticated, and preserved on the Bitcoin blockchain. Unearth the revolution in transactions, the potential to redefine our digital interactions, and how the very essence of our digital artifacts could stand immutable against time. 

    Join us as we navigate this groundbreaking terrain and envision a world forever transformed. Intrigued? Tune in now!

    Want more? Would you like to stay connected? No worries. More episodes, resources and links are here https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson and https://mitchjackson.com/podcast 


    #82: Web3 Digital Wallets

    #82: Web3 Digital Wallets

    Step into the future of web3 digital wallets, your virtual vault for managing cryptocurrency, digital assets and digital access! In this episode, we delve deep into the world of digital wallets, exploring their revolutionary security features, the potential of interacting with decentralized applications, and the crucial importance of safeguarding your seed phrase. Whether you're an entrepreneur, business owner, or curious mind, don't miss out on this game-changing evolution in transactions that's set to revolutionize the way we handle our finances. 

    Click to listen now and embrace the future today!

    Want more? No worries. More episodes, resources and links are here https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson and https://mitchjackson.com/podcast 


    #81: What is Cryptocurrency?

    #81: What is Cryptocurrency?

    Step into the future of money and unlock the mysteries of cryptocurrency! In this podcast episode, we delve deep into the world of digital currencies, unraveling how they work, the benefits they offer, and the challenges they pose.

    From the decentralized power of blockchain technology to the volatile nature of digital assets, we cover it all. Don't miss out on this fascinating journey that could revolutionize the way we handle transactions and manage our assets.

    Click play now to become a part of the financial revolution!

    Want more? No worries. More episodes, resources and links are here https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson and https://mitchjackson.com/podcast 


    #80: What is a DAO?

    #80: What is a DAO?

    Ever felt like your voice wasn't being heard in an organization or that decisions were made without full transparency? Enter the world of DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, revolutionizing the business landscape by offering a transparent, democratic, and global solution to traditional organizational problems.

    Say goodbye to hierarchical structures and bureaucratic red tape, and hello to a future where everyone has a say and everything is out in the open.

    Are you ready to be part of this revolution? Dive deep with us in this episode as we explore the intricacies, risks, and endless possibilities of DAOs.

    Stay connected and get links to more episodes and resources via https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson


    #79: What is a Non-Fungible Token?

    #79: What is a Non-Fungible Token?

    In the exciting world of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs), unique digital assets represent ownership of one-of-a-kind items or concepts, revolutionizing the realm of digital property. Regular NFTs are like your personal slice of the digital pie, while fractionalized NFTs allow for a delightful sharing of that pie, representing a fraction of a larger asset.

    With applications ranging from digital art and collectibles to virtual real estate and online identity, NFTs offer an endless array of possibilities. They empower creators by providing a new avenue for monetizing work, and serve as a marketing magician for companies looking to promote their products and services. 

    In the fast-paced world of NFTs, the future is now, and it's time to buckle up and dive into this fascinating universe together!

    Let's stay connected via https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson


    #78: What is a Smart Contract?

    #78: What is a Smart Contract?

    Welcome to the future of business transactions, where the hassles of traditional contracts are a thing of the past! Web3 smart contracts are revolutionizing industries by automating processes, reducing the risk of fraud, and fostering more secure and transparent business relationships. 

    These self-executing contracts exist on a blockchain network, making them resistant to tampering and censorship. The decentralization of smart contracts not only provides a higher level of trust and security but also increases accessibility and inclusion for businesses and individuals, regardless of their location or economic status. 

    So, are you ready to streamline your processes and unlock the full potential of your business with this powerful tool?

    Please enjoy more podcast episodes and my 3 weekly newsletters via the links found at https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson


    #77: What is a Web3 Blockchain

    #77: What is a Web3 Blockchain

    What is a Web3 Blockchain?

    Are you ready to revolutionize the way you conduct your business and secure your transactions? Let’s talk about the power of blockchain—a decentralized, digital ledger that ensures tamper-proof records across a network of computers, transforming the world of business and beyond. 

    This is not just a secure system but a transparent one too, thanks to its cryptographic techniques. Imagine the potential for your business when you can facilitate secure, transparent transactions, eliminate intermediaries, reduce risks and costs, and embrace the future of smart contracts that automate and streamline processes from supply chain management to legal agreements. 

    The blockchain isn't just about financial transactions; it opens the door to decentralized applications and business models, such as peer-to-peer marketplaces and decentralized autonomous organizations, that operate without a central authority, ensuring greater transparency and fairness. 

    As a forward-thinking professional, the future is at your fingertips, and the blockchain is the key. So, are you ready to step into the future and leverage this game-changing technology to your advantage? Listen to more episodes via https://linktr.ee/mitchjackson


    #76: What is Web3 Decentralization?

    #76: What is Web3 Decentralization?

    In the ever-expanding digital universe, Web3 decentralization emerges as the superhero we didn't know we needed, offering a beacon of hope in a world dominated by corporate giants.

    Picture a decentralized internet where you, the user, regain control, where your data is protected like the crown jewels, and where transparent ecosystems thrive free from the constraints of central authorities.

    This is not a pipe dream, folks; this is the future, a future where individuals and companies alike can revel in the myriad opportunities presented by new business models, where innovation and competition are not just encouraged, but flourish.

    So, I ask you, are you ready to break free from the chains of the centralized web and dive headfirst into the limitless possibilities of a decentralized world? The choice is yours, and the future is now. More episodes and links at https://mitchjackson.xyz


    #75: What is Web3?

    #75: What is Web3?

    In this episode of "The Web3, AI, and Metaverse Legal and Business Podcast," Mitch dives into the revolutionary world of Web3, a decentralized internet powered by blockchain technology.

    Unlike the traditional internet, Web3 isn’t controlled by governments or corporations; instead, it relies on a network of computers and servers that work together to provide a secure and resilient online environment. With features like smart contracts, digital currencies, and decentralized apps, Web3 offers transparent, efficient, and cost-effective alternatives to traditional online platforms. 

    Web3 is already transforming the business landscape, offering secure and transparent platforms for online payments and financial transactions, and paving the way for decentralized marketplaces and social networks. While challenges such as user-friendliness and scalability still need to be addressed, the potential of Web3 as a decentralized utopia that distributes power evenly and reduces the risks of censorship and misuse of user data is too promising to ignore. Stay connected with Mitch and enjoy more episodes via your favorite podcast service or the links at MitchJackson.xyz


    Mitch and JaMarr Discuss Communication Approaches That Work in 2023!

    Mitch and JaMarr Discuss Communication Approaches That Work in 2023!

    Jamarr Johnson shares powerful communication techniques with Mitch (storytelling, being vulnerable, using metaphors) during Mitch's Wednesday LinkedIn "Web3, Metaverse and AI" live audio show.

    Mitch posts new show updates on LinkedIn here https://linkedin.com/in/mitchjackson and you can connect with JaMarr on LinkedIn here https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamarrjohn/


    Mitch Jackson, Esq.
    2013 California Litigation Lawyer of the Year
    2009 Orange County Trial Lawyer of the Year https://mitchjackson.com

    How to Market and Brand on Web3

    How to Market and Brand on Web3

    My guest this week is Marc Angelos. Marc joined my Discord community (link below) to share his wisdom on how we can all build better and stronger web3 communities through relationships and adding value (he doesn't like the term "marketing" and frankly, neither do I).

    Marc brings 30 years of sales experience from the FinTech side of Capital Markets to the conversation. His firm, Anvictus, helps business owners convey value more effectively through content and social-selling.

    Marc has personally penned over 500 articles on selling and content and has appeared on public stages, live television, business podcasts and media outlets such as CNBC, Bloomberg, Informa, Traders Magazine and the Creator Economy Expo. In his spare time Marc has also posted several hundred videos on sales strategy across LinkedIn, Instagram, Medium, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube and Discord.

    Stay connected with Marc on Linkedin here https://www.linkedin.com/in/mangelos/


    Join my discord here https://mitchjackson.com/discord

    How to Communicate Better on Social Audio and in the Metaverse!

    How to Communicate Better on Social Audio and in the Metaverse!

    We're interacting in new ways. Sometimes it's just with our voice on social audio. Other times it involves audio complimented by our Avatar and digital assets in the Metaverse.

    In both circumstances, we only have a few seconds or minutes to attract attention and keep the conversation moving forward.

    Communicate correctly, and the experience for the other person will feel like a fine dining adventure at their favorite restaurant with the meal ending with delicious ice cream, chocolate sauce, and a bright fresh red cherry on top. Go about things the wrong way, and for everyone involved, it'll feel like you just dumped your cheeseburger and fries into your lap while parked outside Mcdonald's in a noisy and dirty parking lot.

    To help make everyone's communication dining experience one to remember, I'm honored to introduce you to my good friend, Chris Lema.

    In addition to being a man of many hats–  seriously, this man sports more hats in more good ways than anyone I've ever met; he's also a communication expert, Chief Product Officer, product strategist, public speaker, and blogger. Chris is a WordPress and WooCommerce evangelist and the creator of CaboPress, an event that takes place in beautiful Cabo each year.

    After watching Chris on stage at CEX earlier this year, it reminded me to share him with you. 




    Connect with Chris Lema here

    https://chrislema.com/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrchrislema/

    Tech OG lawyer and coder, Ira Rothken, answers your Web3 questions

    Tech OG lawyer and coder, Ira Rothken, answers your Web3 questions

    Tech OG lawyer and coder, Ira Rothken, answers your Web3 questions

    00:00 Introductions

    08:08: What's your definition of Web3?

    09:46: What’s wrong, if anything, with decentralization? Can Web3 decentralize the Intenet?

    11:00: What makes NFTs valuable? To stay clear of NFT scams, what should people pay attention to?

    15:46: Do you know the US Copyright and Tradmark Office is doing a study to NFTS?

    22:29: What can consumers do in Web3 to stay safe and have an enjoyable experience?

    31:00 How to use NFTs and DAOs for non-profit and charity purposes.

    37:50: Will DAO’s stand up in a court of law?

    43:41: Are regulators ready for Web3 and the metaverse?

    45:24: What recent Web3 news stories have surprised you?

    51:25: What are you most excited about when it comes to Web3?

    More Web3 resources and interviews at https://mitchjackson.com

    Connect with Ira Rothken on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rothken/

    Connect with Robert Hanna on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/roberthanna/

    Connect with Francesca Witzburg on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/francescamontalvowitzburg/

    Connect with Mitch Jackson on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitchjackson/

    The Power of Compound Interest (3 min)

    The Power of Compound Interest (3 min)

    Smart investors buy low and sell high. Right now, the market is low.

    In this episode I share, in less than 3 minutes, an easy and effective investment strategy you may want to take action on or share with someone you care about. It’s focused on leveraging the power of compound interest.

    Make sure to subscribe to my podcast so you don't miss the next episdode. Listen to past episodes on your favorite podcast platforms or over at https://mitchjackson.com/podcast

    Mitch Jackson

    How GenZ is Leveraging the Power of Web3 and the Metaverse to Build Businesses and Brands

    How GenZ is Leveraging the Power of Web3 and the Metaverse to Build Businesses and Brands

    I’m “all in” on maximizing the new business opportunities Web3 and the Metaverse bring to us each and every day. Those of you who follow me online know which platforms I’m using and the technology I’m recommending to expand my client’s businesses and brands in these new Web3 spaces.

    Today, I thought it would be a good idea to get a fresh perspective on these topics. So, I invited three students, entrepreneurs and future business leaders from the University of Southern California to join me on the show which I’ve titled, “How GenZ is Leveraging the Power of Web3 and the Metaverse to Build Businesses and Brands.”

    In this episode, Garrett Jackson, Nick Webb and Jack Butler share their perspective on NFTs, Web3, virtual reality and the Metaverse. 

    Before  we get started, today’s show is sponsored by ManeuVR, a company that helps entrepreneurs, creatives and traditional business owners easily transition to Web3 and the metaverse. ManeuVR makes the metaverse easy and you can start tapping into the power of the metaverse by visiting https://linktr.ee/maneuVR

    OK, ready to get started? Let’s do this!

    Web3 AMA- What Every Business Owner Needs to Know

    Web3 AMA- What Every Business Owner Needs to Know
    ManeuVR co-founders, Garrett Jackson and Mitch Jackson, discuss and engage in Q&A with live social audio audience members on the topic of Web3 in business.

    If you're interested in learning more about this new technology including the blockchain, decentralization, crypto currency, NFTs, DAO, DeFi and related concepts, listen to this podcast episode and connect with the ManeuVR Agency team at ManeuVR.agency

    #web3 #metaverse #vr