
    The Workforce Link Podcast

    Hosted by Sundi Jo Graham of the Central Workforce Development Board, The Workforce Link offers discussions on job searching; resume and interview tips; leadership lessons; personal development; and interviews with industry leaders in both the private and public sector. Missouri's top podcast for all things workforce related.
    enCentral Workforce Development Board67 Episodes

    Episodes (67)

    5 Ways to Find a Mentor

    5 Ways to Find a Mentor

    Oprah Winfrey says this about mentorship, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” I love that quote because it’s so true. Sometimes we need others in our lives to see things about us we can’t necessarily see ourselves. 

    We need people we can look up to, people who will support us as we pursue our dreams, careers, relationships, etc. And no matter where we are in life, we need someone to keep seeing that hope in us. 

    May Angelou mentored Oprah. Entrepreneur Ron Bruder mentored leadership expert Simon Snek. Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg. You’re never too successful to need someone to help you keep growing. 

    In today’s episode of The Workforce Link, we’ll talk about exactly how to find a mentor. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    Job Centers
    Career Club

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Create a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    How to Create a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

    So, maybe you know what a resume is, and a cover letter, but when an employer asks you to send a CV, also known as a curriculum vitae, your head starts spinning. But don’t worry, you’re not the only one. 

    In today’s episode of The Workforce Link Podcast, we will talk about what it is, how to write one, and the difference between a CV and a resume. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    Zety.com CV Templates

    Central Region Job Centers

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Achieve Your Career Goals

    How to Achieve Your Career Goals

    Though anytime is a good time to start achieving your career goals, what better way to get re-inspired than at the beginning of a new year? 

    No matter what role you’re in or what industry you’re in, it’s important to set goals for your career. They keep us moving forward. They help us to get unstuck. They give us something to work towards. 

    Let's dive in on how to set and achieve your career goals so you can go to the next level in this new year! 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    On-the-Job Training
    Internship Assistance
    Tuition Assistance
    Talify Assessment
    ONET Interest Profiler
    Best Year Ever Goal-Setting Course
    Job Center Locations

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    9 Simple Steps That Can Help You Land Your Next Job Interview

    9 Simple Steps That Can Help You Land Your Next Job Interview

    We know some of the obvious things we need to walk into an interview, right? Confidence, knowledge, and how you present yourself are some key areas we often focus on when trying to be our best selves in a job interview. We have to impress the employer or hiring manager enough to interview us, and I’m not talking about an impressive resume. There are several other things we need to pay attention to as well. 

    In this episode of The Workforce Link Podcast, we’re going to dive into 9 Simple Steps That Can Help You Land That Job Interview. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    Two Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Applying for an Entry-Level Job

    How to Write a Cover Letter Worth Noticing
    3 Ways to Make Your Job Interview More Memorable
    Work-Based Learning

    Central Region Job Centers
    Email Sundi Jo

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Fight Well With Your Boss

    How to Fight Well With Your Boss

    You’re not always going to agree with everything your boss says or does. Unfortunately, many of us assume disagreeing with our boss = losing our jobs. But most of the time, that’s not the case. 

    Yes, your boss is just that - your boss, meaning they are superior to you, but that doesn’t mean they’re perfect. They make mistakes. You won’t always have the same opinion as them. 

    Can you disagree with your boss without burning bridges? The answer is yes, and we’re going to talk about how to fight well with your boss in today’s episode of The Workforce Link

    Links in This Episode: 

    Job Centers
    Career Club

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Recession Proof Your Job

    How to Recession Proof Your Job

    Unless you’re living under a rock, it’s no secret that the global economy has been in turmoil since COVID hit in 2020. While some companies are desperate for employees, others have been forced in the last couple of years to cut costs, which has resulted in hiring freezes or layoffs. 

    In this episode, we’re going to talk about what you can offer as a team member to stay ahead of the curve on becoming an indispensable team member if a recession comes. 

    Links in This Episode: 

    Job Centers
    Work-Based Learning


    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How Working Moms Can Balance Family and Career

    How Working Moms Can Balance Family and Career

    I know a lot of moms out there who truly are superheroes. Somehow they find a way to balance it all - work, soccer, marriage, all the things. Maintaining a career and family is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.

    But sometimes I think we believe the like that we can’t be moms and have a thriving career. Now, I didn’t say it’s easy, but I am saying that I believe it’s possible. Today I want to share some key habits to help set you up for success as a working mom. 

    Habits are a byproduct of consistent repetition. That means you have to keep implementing the next right step over and over again before you see results. Sometimes it happens quickly; sometimes it feels like it takes forever. 

    So, as we dive in together today remember that you will eventually get where you want to go if you don’t give up. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    6 Must-Have Apps to Help You Be More Productive at Work

    3 Tips For Overcoming the Monday Blues

    Work-Based Learning

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Stop Hopping from Job to Job

    How to Stop Hopping from Job to Job

    Job-hopping is a pretty popular habit, maybe more so now than ever. And I think it happens for different reasons. Sometimes we don’t know what we want. Sometimes we’re just not ready for the challenges that come our way. Sometimes we don’t feel like doing that job anymore, so we move to something else before earning our first paycheck. 

    Changing jobs frequently can negatively affect your career search. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to stay in a job just because you hate it or it’s miserable. That’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about bouncing from one place to another quickly and without good reason. 

    There’s really no way to sugarcoat it. Changing jobs often doesn’t look good for you, and employers aren’t impressed. 

    But the good news is you can overcome that. So in today’s episode, we’ll talk about how to stop hopping from job to job. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    How to Find Your Why

    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities—Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    8 Questions Every Job Seeker Should Ask in a Job Interview

    8 Questions Every Job Seeker Should Ask in a Job Interview

    “Do you have any questions for me?” This is a pretty common question you usually hear at the end of a job interview.

    Never, I repeat, never, answer that question with a “no”. There’s always at least one question for you to ask, but I can almost guarantee there is more than one.

    “Well, what are they?” you ask. Great question. That’s what we’re going to dive into in today’s episode.

    We’re actually going to talk about 8 questions that every job seeker should ask in a job interview. 

    Links in Today’s Episode:

    Career Club
    Full Focus Values
    Joyce Meyer Ministries in St. Louis
    5 Red Flags to Avoid In a Job Interview


    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    3 Ways to Make Your Job Interview More Memorable

    3 Ways to Make Your Job Interview More Memorable

    Interviews can be stressful, no doubt. It’s important for you to create a great first impression, especially in today’s world where our attention spans are shorter than ever. It’s up to you to make sure the hiring manager or employer remembers you and remembers you well. There’s an easier way for you to make your job interview more memorable.

    In today's episode, we’ll be diving into 3 specific ways you can ensure your next interview is memorable for both you and the employer. 

    Links in This Episode: 

    5 Red Flags to Avoid In a Job Interview
    How to Create the Perfect Elevator Pitch


    The Central Workforce Development Board and Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” During a Job Interview

    How to Answer “Why Should We Hire You?” During a Job Interview

    Can you believe we’ve already spent 36 episodes together? Time flies when you’re having fun and learning how to take your career to the next level. Thanks for sticking with me for 3 seasons and if you’re good with it, I’ll be back for Season 4. 

    A couple episodes back, on episode 34, we talked about a big question that usually gets asked in a job interview: “What’s your biggest weakness?” Another popular question that usually gets asked is “Why should we hire you?” This is actually one of the most common interview questions. 

    In today’s episode we’re going to talk about how to answer this question so you can be one step ahead in your interview. Being able to answer this question with confidence lets the employer know what you have to offer, why you’re the perfect fit for the job, sell yourself well, and ultimately land the job. 

    Links in This Episode: 

    Episode 32: How to Keep a Positive Mindset When it Comes to Job Interviews

    Episode 22: How to Write a Cover Letter Worth Noticing

    Episode 13:Six Resume Mistakes You Must Stop Making Today

    Central Region Job Centers

    Elevator Pitch


    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    4 Ways to Job Search Efficiently

    4 Ways to Job Search Efficiently

    If you’re truly wanting to find a new job, or even a new career that you’d like to stay in long-term, sometimes job hunting can be pretty time-consuming. And we often make plenty of mistakes along the way. 

    Hopefully, after listening to today’s episode, we can help you avoid some of those job hunting mistakes. 

    One myth out there, especially for those who are unemployed, is that you must now spend 40 hours/week looking for a new job. But that’s not really a good idea. If you’re truly spending 40 hours/week looking for a job, you’re going to burn yourself out before you even get to the end of the week. And of course with burnout comes dread, panic, and all the things. 

    It’s possible for you to learn how to efficiently search for a job and we’re going to talk about it in today’s episode of The Workforce Link. 


    How to Keep a Positive Mindset When it Comes to Job Interviews
    Understanding Soft Skills
    Understanding Hard Skills
    How to Write a Cover Letter Worth Noticing

    Work-Based Programs

    Central Region Job Centers
    4 Reasons You’re Still Unemployed and What To Do About It


    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How To Answer The "What’s Your Biggest Weakness?" Question In A Job Interview

    How To Answer The "What’s Your Biggest Weakness?" Question In A Job Interview

    One of the most common interview questions we hear, as well as one of the most uncomfortable, is “What is your biggest weakness?” It kind of seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? The employer wants you to impress them with how  awesome you are and why they should hire you, but then they throw a wrench in the game and ask you to tell them what’s wrong with you. 

    So can you be confident in your interview AND be confident in talking about your weaknesses? The answer is “yes” and we’re gonna talk about that in today’s episode of The Workforce Link Podcast. 



    Work-Based Programs

    Central Region Job Centers


    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    8 Ways to Be Confident on Your First Day of Work

    8 Ways to Be Confident on Your First Day of Work

    So, congratulations goes out to you! You got the job! Not only that, but you got a job you really wanted, more like the career pathway you’ve been dreaming of. You obviously made a good impression in the interview and now you want to do the same with your boss and co-workers. 

    Maybe you’re a bit nervous about your first day and have a thousand thoughts racing in your head about how it’s going to go. It’s okay to be nervous, but remember that your first day should be exciting! 

    Or maybe you haven’t gotten that job yet, but you’re feeling pretty confident that you did. It’s never too early to start preparing. 

    On today’s episode of The Workforce Link Podcast, we’re going to talk about 8 Ways to Be Confident on Your First Day of Work. 

    Links in Today's Episode:

    How to Find Your Why

    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Keep a Positive Mindset When it Comes to Job Interviews

    How to Keep a Positive Mindset When it Comes to Job Interviews

    Our mindset is everything. It can make or break our success, in any area of life really, but for now we’re going to focus on the mindset when it comes to getting the job you want, specifically when it comes to interviewing. 

    Business coach Tony Robbins says, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” This is so true. Though we’re not in complete control of what happens to us on a daily basis, we have control over more than we think we do. 

    If you’re planning for a job interview, you don’t want to miss today’s episode. We’re going to talk about how to shift your mindset to help you find success in conquering that next interview. 

    Links in Today’s Episode: 

    Episode 4: How to Find Your Value
    Job Center Locations


    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    6 Must-Have Apps to Help You Be More Productive at Work

    6 Must-Have Apps to Help You Be More Productive at Work

    The world is connected via technology now more than ever. Some would even argue that we’re more disconnected because of technology than ever before. I think both are true, really. But just like anything, we can use it for the good or the bad. 

    Because it’s so easy to get distracted now more than ever, it’s important to put things in place that’s going to help us be more productive. 

    On today’s episode of The Workforce Link Podcast, we’re going to talk about some apps that you might find helpful to keep you on track to being the productive version of yourself in the workplace, whether on your computer or your phone, and even at home. We’re going to cover the 6 Must-Have Apps to Help You Be More Productive at Work.

    Links in Today's Episode:

    Coursera Courses

    Google Workspace





    Email Sundi Jo

    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    Encore Episode: Life and Leadership with Cindy Shorey

    Encore Episode: Life and Leadership with Cindy Shorey
    This is an encore episode of The Workforce Link Podcast from Season One.
    Cindy Shorey has served in various roles in her life, including managing a music theatre for one of the greatest legends in Country Music. From there she became CEO of a non-profit, serving single moms. 
    Is there a difference between leading in those two roles? We’ll find out in today’s episode. 
    Links in Today's Episode: 
    Connect with Us:
    The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Shorten Your Resume Without Losing Value

    How to Shorten Your Resume Without Losing Value

    Let’s face it, our attention spans in today’s world are much shorter than they were 10,5, even a couple of years ago. We’re consumed by short videos and posts on social media. If we can’t say it in the length it takes to write a tweet, no one seems to want to hear it. 

    This doesn’t just apply to social media. Employers and hiring managers want to see shorter resumes, too. If it’s more than two pages they lose interest. But, can you shorten your resume without it losing value? The answer is yes, and we’re going to talk on the podcast today about how to shorten your resume without losing value. 

    Links in This Episode:

    Coursera Courses
    Understanding Soft Skills – Episode 3
    Understanding Hard Skills – Episode 6
    How to Overcome that Job Gap on Your Resume – Episode 28
    Work-Based Learning
    Central Region Job Centers

    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Overcome That Job Gap on Your Resume

    How to Overcome That Job Gap on Your Resume

    It’s easy for those of us who have employment gaps to immediately shame ourselves and get the mindset that because of that, we’ll never be able to get a decent job. But, that’s not always true. There’s a right way to talk about gaps on your resume and there’s a wrong way. On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about the right way to do it. 



    Elevator Pitch

    How to Write a Cover Letter Worth Noticing


    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.

    How to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile to Get the Job You Want

    How to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile to Get the Job You Want
    LinkedIn can be an excellent tool for your job search, especially if you’re using it the right way. 

    Whether you want to get a job referral, get noticed by a specific recruiter, or make a new connection in your industry, we’re going to talk about some ways to use LinkedIn to increase your chances of landing that job you’re hoping for. 

    Links in This Episode:

    Understanding Hard Skills
    Understanding Soft Skills
    Employer Services
    Interview Workshops

    The Central Workforce Development Board and The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is an Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Missouri Relay Services at 711.