
    Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks

    The Thinking Big Podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping career professionals and entrepreneurs see their next level. Each week, host Sean Osborn talks about entrepreneur technologies, the entrepreneur mindset, and interviewing successful entrepreneurs about their journey to success. Sean then breaks down the key takeaways from the interview so that you can apply what you've learned to your own businesses. The Thinking Big Podcast has something for everyone, whether you're just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey or you've been at it for years. If you're looking for actionable advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips, this is the podcast for you. So tune in, subscribe, and tell your friends all about the Thinking Big Podcast! We appreciate your support as we continue our quest to help as many entrepreneurs as possible start Thinking Big about their big dreams.
    enSean Osborn122 Episodes

    Episodes (122)

    The Secrets of Success with Ultimate Performance Specialist Joseph McClendon III

    The Secrets of Success with Ultimate Performance Specialist Joseph McClendon III

    If you're looking to reach your full potential in 2023? Look no further than my friend and mentor and our guest today, Joseph McClendon III.

    If you have ever been to a Tony Robbins event like UPW (Unleash the Power Within) then you are no stranger to JM3

    Joseph is one of the most sought-after Ultimate Performance Specialists and certified Neuro Encoding Specialists in the industry. With a Ph.D. in neuropsychology, NLP Master Trainer, and over a dozen certifications in neuroscience.

    Some of his qualifications include being an Ultimate Performance Specialist to acedemy award-winning actors, Olympic athletes, Fortune 100 CEOs and even royalty, a Doctorate in Neuropsychology, NLP Master Trainer, Expert Business Coach, 30+ Years of Live Speaking to over 5 Million People and now the Founder of The Neuro Encoding Institute.

    The neuro encoding Institute is designed by Joseph where he is certifying others to become Neuroencoding Specialists through his Institute.

    So, stay tuned as we dive deeper into Joseph's methods and learn how to take our performance to the next level.


    My Biggest Take-Aways From Joseph

    • Joseph was given the book "Think and Grow Rich" by a stranger, which changed his life. Joseph applied what he learned to himself first, then started helping others.
    • Joseph founded the Neuro Encoding Institute to help people think more positively and achieve financial abundance
    • Joseph talks about how he approaches different aspects of his life with the 60/20/20 rule of further faster, which is 60% psychology, 20% energy, and 20% magnetism.
    • Joseph invites everyone to his free New Year's evolution training, where he promises to give attendees the tools they need to turn their resolutions into results.
    • The neuro encoding Institute is a course designed by Joseph that teaches people how to be effective coaches, mentors and teachers.
    • This industry is forecasted to become a billion dollar a day industry, and Joseph's goal is to help as many people as possible reach their full potential.


    Gain access to Joseph's free New Year’s evolution training where you will receive the tools needed for turning their resolutions into results!

    Joseph is inviting everyone to get the New Year's Evolution training replay with Les Brown,
    as well as receive Joseph's New Years Evolution Audio Program & Workbook for free.

    Here's the link - https://bit.ly/TBPJM3JAN

    Connect with Joseph on Social Media!

    Follow JM3 on Instagram @iamjosephmcclendon for daily teachings, funny videos, and motivational insights.

    Learn more about the Neuroencoding Institute at www.neuroencoding.com


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Join Sean in the 2023 Free Think and Grow Rich Challenge! The challenge encourages you to tap into your personal power and think big. You'll learn how to develop a wealth mindset, explore financial opportunities and create sustainable abundance that will last for decades. With guided activities and expert advice, this is the ideal program for anyone who wants to make real progress toward their financial goals. Take control of your life with Sean's thought-provoking exercises and be inspired to take action on your dreams today.

    Tips for Pursuing Multiple Career Paths Simultaneously, An Interview With Chris Sherwin

    Tips for Pursuing Multiple Career Paths Simultaneously, An Interview With Chris Sherwin

    Tips for Pursuing Multiple Career Paths Simultaneously, From Someone Who's Done It: An Interview With Chris Sherwin

    In today's episode of the thinking big podcast we talk with Chris Sherwin, he started out in business administration earning his MA and BSBA in just 3.5 years and his MBA in two years. As a Controller for a worldwide software company, and a CFO of $30 million, details and processes soon became his most valuable skill. He took an interesting turn in his career after an incident in life led him to pursue law enforcement and public service. He served as a police officer for 20 years and simultaneously began his own private security company demonstrating that you can fulfill all of your goals and dreams in life with the right mindset.


    5 Key Take Aways From The Episode

    • Chris Sherwin has an interesting background, having gone from being a controller for a 30 million company to being a police officer.

    • He made the switch because he always wanted to be a policeman and was inspired by the professionalism of the officers who responded to a domestic disturbance at his old job.

    • He started his own security company, which was successful due to its low prices and good service.

    • Being a police officer is becoming increasingly difficult, as there is more polarization in the country between civilians and law enforcement.

    • This is when three cops started a podcast called "The Three Cops Talk" in order to open up a dialogue between police officers and civilians.


    Connect with Chris Sherwin on Social Media!


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching


    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    How to Activate Your Brain's Hidden Powers Using Neuroscience With Guest Dr. Eugene K. Choi

    How to Activate Your Brain's Hidden Powers Using Neuroscience With Guest Dr. Eugene K. Choi

    Every day, we get stuck in the same habits and routines. We go through the motions, but we don’t put much thought into why we do what we do. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that our brain operates in one of two states - survival or executive. The latter is where hidden powers like critical thinking, creativity, and empathy come from - yet most people spend 70% of their time in the survival state due to things like stress, anxiety, and fear. This limits our growth as individuals and blocks us from unlocking our full potential.

    What causes us to stay in a survival state? Today we are talking with Dr. Eugene Choi about numerous reasons why this happens, and regardless of the cause, the important to recognize when you’re stuck in this state so you can take steps to break out of it.

    When you start spending less time in the survival state and more time in an executive state, amazing things can happen. You become better equipped with tools like problem solving skills and creative thinking which allow you to reach higher levels of success both professionally and personally. In addition, being able to think critically allows us to navigate challenging situations with greater ease - making it easier for us reach our goals without getting sidetracked or overwhelmed by obstacles along the way.

    My biggest takeaways from todays episode are:

    • Our brain operates either in a survival state (fear/threat) or an executive state (problem solving/decision making). Research shows that our brain is in the executive state only 30% of the time.
    • The survival state is triggered by emotions like frustration, anxiety, anger, and fear.
    • When you're in survival mode, your body is actually thinking it's about to die. This affects every part of our life - from our relationships to our health.
    • Flight response is when we procrastinate or run away from people literally or figuratively. Freeze is when you are paralyzed in fear and trauma can lead to dissociation from the current moment.
    • All feelings are just memories of past experiences and imposter syndrome might be caused by a memory of feeling like you don't matter
    • The brain is easily fooled into thinking something is real when it may not be, which can lead to confirmation bias.
    • Emotional pain can feel just as painful as physical pain, and the brain views it as a threat.
    • What if feelings are actually your mind's way of trying to help you move back towards balance?

    Dr. Eugene K. Choi Pharm. D is a Transformational Mindset Coach and a board-certified clinical pharmacist that is on a mission to help talented heart-driven leaders operate at their highest levels of performance, intelligence, and communication. He firmly believes that by activating the powerful executive brain, it maximizes results not just in business leaders, but in humanity as a whole. His expertise has also resulted in him generating over 9 million views on his online articles and over 30 million views on his short films. He has also worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs to help them optimize their mindset and strategy in order to grow their businesses and generate more revenue and impact.

    Free Training

    How to Activate Your Brain's Hidden Powers Using Neuroscience www.destinyhacks.co

    Connect with Eugene Choi on Social Media!


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    The Best of 2022 - We talk about marketing strategies, stories that sell, and the mastermind concept. With Guests Duane Zingale and Kyle Gray

    The Best of 2022 - We talk about marketing strategies, stories that sell, and the mastermind concept. With Guests Duane Zingale and Kyle Gray
    We are doing a best-of episode with three of your favorite episodes for the year.

    This year was amazing for us, as we hit a milestone 0f 21,000 downloads and landed on the top 100 Apple Podcasts rankings for entrepreneurs.

    We hope you enjoy revisiting these three podcasts that resonated with you this past year — Stories, Marketing Tactics That Work Today, and The Power Of Masterminds—and that they inspired some new ideas for how to take your business or projects further this upcoming year! Thank you so much for being part of our journey this past year; we wouldn't have made it here without you guys! Here's wishing each one of you all the best in 2023! Cheers!

    Today, we’re going to be revisiting three topics that resonated with you this past year—Stories, marketing, and the power of masterminds.

    So settle in and let’s get started!


    First up, One of our most popular podcast episodes "If you can tell a good story, people will pay to hear it" With Guest Kyle Gray

    If you’re an entrepreneur you already know or will learn the lesson quickly that people connect with stories, it’s been that way since the beginning of mankind.

    And today we have a great guest with us, Kyle Gray from the story engine

    Kyle is an entrepreneur, story strategist, and author who helps coaches, startups, and influencers use storytelling to communicate their unique values better and create connection and trust with their audience. 

    Kyle helps entrepreneurs use storytelling to attract their ideal audience and inspire them to take massive action.

    So today we are thinking big about our stories

    FREE GIFT: Choosing your perfect story mini course: thestoryengine.co/perfect

    Schedule your story roadmap session with Kyle: https://calendly.com/kyle-gray/roadmap



    Our other top-ranked episode was all about marketing and how marketing is about opening a relationship and NOT closing the deal with with my friend Duane Zingale

    The market is savvy, and people are getting smarter about marketing; which means the old tactics of a shark and the used car salesman won't work anymore.

    You can become more in tune with new ways of marketing by being curious or passionate about learning these skills.

    In this episode of the show, we talk with Duane about his philosophy that marketing is not about closing the deal, it's about opening a relationship and how we can automate this process. He believes that the art of marketing should always be framed in terms of relationships rather than transactions. We explore how to build trust through transparency and authenticity as well as how to use storytelling to create an emotional connection between your brand and your customers. This episode will give you practical strategies to help you manage your brand and humanize your business.

    You will learn a lot from this episode and how to apply it to your own business, side hustle, and personal life.


    Get your FREE Listen Framework!

    The LISTEN Framework™ is a set of tools to help you communicate with people in a genuine way. The framework will help you speak naturally by connecting with the right audience and creating an authentic connection between them and your brand. Making connections instead of selling or making a sale, will build trust and rapport over time so that potential customers feel more invested

    The LISTEN Framework™ is designed specifically for all of us who don't want to spend years learning marketing skills - you can get it at your fingertips in less than 30 minutes. The best part? It's 100% free! 🤯🤯🤯

    Connect With Duane


    The Power of Masterminds

    Finally, There's a seldom-discussed concept behind the success of every renowned athlete, famous musician, successful entrepreneur, or even business leader I know, and virtually everyone you can think of. 

    No, it isn't because they have an outstanding IQ or academic record, the right family name, or good looks.

    Here is the secret element - each of these people has surrounded themselves with other successful people, and they have all used the Mastermind Principle.

    A mastermind group sounds like something that would be the exclusive realm of super-successful people, but it’s not. It can actually help anyone who wants to make progress in any area of life, from improving your career to growing as a person.

    In fact, many people have found out they were using this tool without even realizing it! A mastermind group is simply two or more growth-minded individuals with goals and aspirations, meeting regularly to share information, ideas, and resources for mutual success.


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching


    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    If your dream job or career doesn't exist, create it! With Guest Sahara Rose De Vore

    If your dream job or career doesn't exist, create it! With Guest Sahara Rose De Vore

    Today we get to talk with Sahara Rose, and that is exactly what she did. Sahara is a Wellness Travel Coach and the Founder of The Travel Coach Network. After traveling to 84 countries solo, Sahara saw voids and shortages in the tourism industry which led to her creating the world's very first platform for certified travel coaches around the world.

    Sahara is a TEDx speaker, published author, global speaker, and has been seen in 120+ media outlets for her expertise including Forbes, Business Insider, Conde Nast Traveller, and Travel Weekly.

    Traveling is one of the best ways to learn more about yourself and the world around you. It allows us to explore different cultures, try new things, and gain insight into ourselves that we never knew before.

    My Biggest Take Aways From This Episode:

    • Sahara Rose started her own travel coaching business to help others get the most out of their travel experiences
    • The biggest reasons people want to travel are to get off the beaten path, have new experiences, and find purpose
    • One of the biggest lessons that can be learned from travel is that happiness does not come from material possessions. This is evident in poor countries where the people are often some of the happiest you will ever meet.
    • Travel coaching is a way to help people reflect on what travel means to them and how they can use it to improve their lives.
    • The pandemic has caused many people to reevaluate their relationship with work and travel, and there is an increasing demand for remote work options that allow for more flexibility.
    • Travel coaching is a great way to start a side gig and can be done on your own time if you are certified.

    Connect with Sahara Rose on Social Media!


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    Neuro Hacking: How to Hack Into Your Internal Electricity Plant (podcast series)

    Neuro Hacking: How to Hack Into Your Internal Electricity Plant (podcast series)

    Have you ever felt completely drained after a long day? Or perhaps you’re feeling sluggish and need a quick energy boost? If so, it’s time to learn how to hack into your internal electricity plant! In today’s episode of the Thinking Big Podcast, I am going to be talking about different hacks that can help you create reliable and sustainable energy. It’s time to find out what exactly is causing your energy drain and how to get more out of your day!

    Key Episode Take Aways

    • It is important to move your body throughout the day in order to generate sustainable energy.
    • You can hack into your internal electricity by drinking water first thing in the morning and scheduling movement breaks throughout the day
    • Celebrate your wins: By doing this, you are teaching your nervous system to crave the movement, knowing it's how you can actually recharge your batteries

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    Neuro Hacking: The Secret Behind “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with" (podcast series)

    Neuro Hacking: The Secret Behind “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with" (podcast series)

    The Secret Behind Why “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with" Works

    Welcome to this week's episode of the Thinking Big Podcast and thank you for listening. Today is the second episode in the Neuro Hacking Series, and today we are going to talk about The Secret Behind Why quotes like “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with" work.

    We have all heard quotes like “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with” and "There is power in proximity". But what many people don't know is why this happens.

    Today we are going to talk about the built-in human technology behind this, called our Mirror Neurons, and find out how they play an important role in who we become.

    1. What are Mirror Neurons and How do they Work
    2. Where did Mirror Neurons Come From
    3. The role of Mirror Neurons in learning
    4. How to Use Mirror Neurons to Your Advantage
    5. Hacking into our Mirror Neuron Technology

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    How to make your notes and ideas work for you (instead of against you) With Guest Jeff Brown

    How to make your notes and ideas work for you (instead of against you) With Guest Jeff Brown

    If you're like me, you probably have a lot of thoughts, notes, and ideas floating around. It can be tough to keep track of everything and know what to do with it all. That's where a knowledge management system comes in. A knowledge management system is simply a tool that helps you organize your thoughts, notes, and ideas so that they are more easily accessible and useful to you in the future. 

    My friend Jeff Brown is an expert on knowledge management systems, and he's going to share his insights with us on today's episode of the Thinking Big Podcast. Jeff is an award-winning former broadcaster and his podcast, Read to Lead, has been nominated for Best Business Podcast numerous times. He is also the author of the book Read to Lead: The Simple Habit That Expands Your Influence and Boosts Your Career. 

    Through his Note-Making Mastery work, Jeff shows professionals and creatives like us how to more effectively organize, connect, and crystallize our ideas more so that we can make better decisions, achieve our goals, and live more creative and productive lives. I'm excited to learn from Jeff today, so let's get started.

    My Takeaways From the Podcast

    • Jeff's goal is to help other people get a grasp on taking notes effectively so they can put what they learn into action.
    • Jeff Brown saw the impact note-taking had on his work and began to share what he learned with his tribe.
    • Jeff shares that it is important to not just read books, but to take action on what is learned in order to make an impact.
    • Jeff's note-taking style influenced how he developed his own note-making system.

    I know you will enjoy this week's episode of the Thinking Big Podcast. Remember to check out Jeff's work if you want to learn more about Knowledge Management Systems and how they can help you organize your thoughts, notes, and ideas. Thanks for listening!

    Learn about Note-Making Mastery https://JeffBrown.me

    Get Your Free Chapter from Read to Lead: The Simple Habit That Expands Your Influence and Boosts Your Career. Available at: http://readtoleadbook.com

    Connect with Jeff Brown on Social Media!


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests

    Until next week, remember to always think big

    The Best Entreprenuer Investing Strategies with Guest Andy Gupta

    The Best Entreprenuer Investing Strategies with Guest Andy Gupta

    You've heard that investing is important, but it can be confusing to know where to even start.

    On this episode of the Thinking Big Podcast, learn from Andy Gupta about how anyone can invest. Andy has over 20 years of experience on Wall Street and has successfully navigated three financial crises and economic recessions. He shares his time-tested investment philosophy and strategies so that you can learn from his successes and avoid costly mistakes. This is a must-listen episode for anyone looking to invest their money wisely!

    My Take Aways From This Episode:

    • Andy grew up in Mumbai in a small apartment and experienced his parents fighting often, which led to a fear of being homeless.
    • He won a scholarship to come to the US for college and ended up working five jobs while attending school.
    • Despite not being from a target school for Goldman Sachs, he was determined to get an internship there. He eventually did, and it changed his life.
    • After 20 years on Wall Street, he decided to walk away from the safety of a regular paycheck to start teaching others how they could invest successfully.
    • People don't know where to begin when it comes to investing, which is the most common challenge people have.
    • The market has been down this year and people are afraid to put more money into a sinking ship.

    Get To Know Andy Gupta

    Andy has 20+ years on Wall Street and has invested in over a hundred companies across geographic markets, navigating three financial crises and economic recessions successfully, including the worst recession since the Great Depression (2008-2009). 

    Andy made his way as a scholarship kid from India to Singapore, Lafayette College, and Harvard Business School. His years at Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms helped him hone his time-tested investment philosophy and strategies, and he has a huge passion for helping others.

    Get Andy’s step-by-step guide on how you can figure out your own unique risk tolerance and goals. Most people don’t know how to do this and take more risk than they realize, and don’t reach their investment goals.

    Connect with Andy Gupta

    Join Andy's Facebook group for daily investing posts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/418356686326993

    Andy’s signature 10-week course page: www.anyonecaninvestnow.com

    Join Andy's LinkedIn for daily investing posts: http://linkedin.com/in/andy-gupta

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests

    Neuro Hacking: How to Supercharge Your Imagination (podcast series)

    Neuro Hacking: How to Supercharge Your Imagination (podcast series)

    Welcome to the first episode of our neuro hacking podcast series. In this episode, we will be discussing what neuro hacking is and how you can use it to supercharge your imagination.

    What exactly is Neuro Hacking

    Neuro hacking is a process of using specific techniques to improve your mental abilities. This can include anything from improving your memory, to learning a new skill faster, improving your imagination, to increasing your focus and concentration. Stay tuned for future episodes where we will discuss other ways that you can neuro-hack your way to success!

    Almost everyone has heard of life hacks, those little hacks you learn to make your everyday task easier, you have probably heard of biohacking, eating certain things to get certain results.

    Specifically, we are going to be talking about changing our brainwaves to a state where our imagination is supercharged.

    Your Primary Brainwaves

    We will talk about some brainwave basics so we can have a better understanding of how and where we can use these different Mind States!

    We have 4 primary brainwave states that we will be covering in the podcast.

    DELTA WAVES Ages 0-2 (.5 TO 3 HZ)

    THETA WAVES Ages 2-6 (3 TO 8 HZ)

    ALPHA WAVES 6-12 (8 TO 12 HZ)

    BETA WAVES 12+ (12 TO 38 HZ)

    Using Sleep and Brainwave entrainment to hack into the Theta Brainwave

    This episode is all about the Theta Wave

    Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep and in deep meditation and we will discuss a "Hack" to tap into each.


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    The REAL Reasons Why So Many Married Entrepreneurs Fail, With Robert and Kay Lee Fukui

    The REAL Reasons Why So Many Married Entrepreneurs Fail, With Robert and Kay Lee Fukui

    Our goal as married entrepreneurs should be to have a happy life AND a healthy business without killing each other. Right!

    Today I welcome Robert and Kay Lee Fukui to the podcast. Robert and Kay Lee run "Power Couples by Design" teaching us how to have a better balance between business and your marriage

    They have walked a mile in your shoes as a power couple.

    They have created tools that allow entrepreneurial couples—like us—to thrive and prosper under any circumstances.

    They host the top-rated "Power Up Your Marriage and Business" Podcast and their brand new book "Tandem" is being released this week.

    Here are a few of my Marriage/Entrepreneur mistakes in this episode:

    • Treat your significant other as a 50/50 partner.
    • DO NOT do an annual performance appraisal on your significant other.
    • How having a good work/life balance is essential to real success.

    Today we are Thinking Big about our relationships and our businesses with guests Robert and Kay Lee Fukui and special guest Amy Osborn.

    Join in as we will discuss many of the things I did wrong along my journey being an entrepreneur

    Get The Tandem Book Now!

    Connect with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui on Social Media!


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests.

    Part 2 - Discover What A Near Death Experience Taught Me About Sales, Success And Getting Business To Come To You - With Jeff Buehner

    Part 2 - Discover What A Near Death Experience Taught Me About Sales, Success And Getting Business To Come To You - With Jeff Buehner

    Jeff has always known that he had an obligation to share this gift with as many people as possible before he retires, he has now made it a personal mission to share these secret's as far as he possibly can.

    Twenty-eight years ago, Jeff came across the writings of the richest man to ever walk the earth, Sultan Musa of Mali.

    No one’s ever come close to this guy, not Jeff Bezos and not Elon Musk.

    The Sultan could not talk openly about how he learned these secrets, so he embedded the principles of his success in a fairytale so compelling that centuries later nearly everyone in the world is familiar with it.

    Jeff went from a $60,000 a year concrete guy to making hundreds of thousands a month in a new business that just dropped into his lap.

    Over the past 28 years, Jeff has successfully mentored and coached countless others to speak this all-important language that changes everything.

    When you learn to speak the Language of the Gods, you can drastically improve your sales, success, fitness, relationships and anything else you desire. It’s all contained within Jeff's book, The Sultan’s Seven Secrets.

    Download Your Copy Of "The Sultan's Seven Secrets" Book, Pay only $1.99 for processing:

    Connect with Jeff Buehner at the Seven Secrets Challenge

    Follow Jeff on Social Media!

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    Discover What A Near Death Experience Taught Me About Sales, Success And Getting Business To Come To You Part 1 - With Jeff Buehner

    Discover What A Near Death Experience Taught Me About Sales, Success And Getting Business To Come To You Part 1 - With Jeff Buehner

    Jeff has always known that he had an obligation to share this gift with as many people as possible before he retires, he has now made it a personal mission to share these secret's as far as he possibly can.

    Twenty-eight years ago, Jeff came across the writings of the richest man to ever walk the earth, Sultan Musa of Mali.

    No one’s ever come close to this guy, not Jeff Bezos and not Elon Musk.

    The Sultan could not talk openly about how he learned these secrets, so he embedded the principles of his success in a fairytale so compelling that centuries later nearly everyone in the world is familiar with it.

    Jeff went from a $60,000 a year concrete guy to making hundreds of thousands a month in a new business that just dropped into his lap.

    Over the past 28 years, Jeff has successfully mentored and coached countless others to speak this all-important language that changes everything.

    When you learn to speak the Language of the Gods, you can drastically improve your sales, success, fitness, relationships and anything else you desire. It’s all contained within Jeff's book, The Sultan’s Seven Secrets.

    Download Your Copy Of "The Sultan's Seven Secrets" Book, Pay only $1.99 for processing:

    Connect with Jeff Buehner at the Seven Secrets Challenge

    Follow Jeff on Social Media!

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment

    Why is understanding your DRIVING FORCE so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and the vehicles used to meet them, we will have a better understanding of why life is the way it is currently and more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    Learn How To Join, Start, Or Run A True Mastermind Group

    Learn How To Join, Start, Or Run A True Mastermind Group

    There's a seldom-discussed concept behind the success of every renowned athlete, famous musician, successful entrepreneur, or even business leader I know, and virtually everyone you can think of. 

    No, it isn't because they have an outstanding IQ or academic record, the right family name, or good looks.

    Here is the secret element - each of these people has surrounded themselves with other successful people, and they have all used the Mastermind Principle.

    A mastermind group sounds like something that would be the exclusive realm of super-successful people, but it’s not. It can actually help anyone who wants to make progress in any area of life, from improving your career to growing as a person.

    In fact, many people have found out they were using this tool without even realizing it! A mastermind group is simply two or more growth-minded individuals with goals and aspirations, meeting regularly to share information, ideas, and resources for mutual success.

    Today we discuss the 5 things you must know for a successful mastermind

    1. What is a Mastermind group?
    2. What Benefits you will get by joining a mastermind group:
    3. How do I find a mastermind group to join?
    4. How do I start my own Mastermind Group?
    5. How do I run my own Mastermind Group?

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching




    Leadership Lessons from Around the World With Guest Zac Hoffman

    Leadership Lessons from Around the World With Guest Zac Hoffman

    This week we get to talk with Zac Hoffman about leadership, and leadership across different cultures.

    Zac is a leadership developer, transformation coach, award winning author, and former professional American football player. Zac has spent his twenties living in 6 different countries while playing and coaching American football. During his time abroad, Zac developed the SWALeadership concept based on his many thrilling and eye-opening experiences within various leadership roles across cultures.

    So today we are thinking big about our leadership

    Connect with Zachary Hoffman

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zachoff12/?hl=de

    LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/zachary-paul-hoffman-7a523884

    Website: https://swaleadership.onuniverse.com/

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching




    The Gen Z Mindset On Success And Money With Guest Michael Boly

    The Gen Z Mindset On Success And Money With Guest Michael Boly

    This week we get to talk with Michael Boly about the mindset of the Gen Z and how it is different than my generation “Gen X”. 

    Michael is a podcaster, entrepreneur, and mindset enthusiast, passionate about expanding his capacity to enjoy life, and helping others do the same. At age 22, Michael’s belief in the power of perception has helped him generate over 200K in sales across his ventures (while in college!). 

    Now he focuses on helping Gen Z create the life they truly desire through his podcast called The Wealth Mindset Show.

    My biggest takeaways from our talk are:

    • Gen Zs are used to being judged and criticized online, which contributes to their scarcity mindset.
    • One piece of advice for people outside of Gen Z is to understand that they’re coming from a place where they’re constantly being judged by others.
    • The Importance of Work-life balance to Gen Zs

    So today we are thinking big about our success mindsets

    Connect with Michael Boly

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-wealth-mindset-show/id1575152964

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/68uBWbcN3kHJ41CxkRw5K6

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bolystories

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelboly/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-boly-9179a6187/

    Website: https://wealthmindsetshow.com/

    If you can tell a good story, people will pay to hear it. With Guest Kyle Gray

    If you can tell a good story, people will pay to hear it. With Guest Kyle Gray

    If you’re an entrepreneur you already know or will learn the lesson quickly that people connect with stories, it’s been that way since the beginning of mankind.

    And today we have a great guest with us, Kyle Gray from the story engine

    Kyle is an entrepreneur, story strategist, and author who helps coaches, startups, and influencers use storytelling to communicate their unique values better and create connection and trust with their audience. 

    Kyle helps entrepreneurs use storytelling to attract their ideal audience and inspire them to take massive action.

    So today we are thinking big about our stories

    FREE GIFT: Choosing your perfect story mini course: thestoryengine.co/perfect

    Schedule your story roadmap session with Kyle: https://calendly.com/kyle-gray/roadmap

    Marketing: Opening a Relationship vs. Closing the Deal With Duane Zingale

    Marketing: Opening a Relationship vs. Closing the Deal With Duane Zingale

    The market is savvy, and people are getting smarter about marketing; which means the old tactics of a shark and the used car salesman won't work anymore.

    You can become more in tune with new ways of marketing by being curious or passionate about learning these skills.

    In this episode of the show, we talk with Duane about his philosophy that marketing is not about closing the deal, it's about opening a relationship and how we can automate this process. He believes that the art of marketing should always be framed in terms of relationships rather than transactions. We explore how to build trust through transparency and authenticity as well as how to use storytelling to create an emotional connection between your brand and your customers. This episode will give you practical strategies to help you manage your brand and humanize your business.

    You will learn a lot from this episode and how to apply it to your own business, side hustle, and personal life.

    My Biggest Takeaways from Duane on this episode

    • The new approach to marketing - stop thinking of the customer as a transaction, start thinking about them as relationships
    • Be more in tune with your customers and give them what they want and need. Invest time in understanding how they think and what their motives are
    • Learn tips and tricks on how you can move from being just another business trying to sell something to becoming someone who provides advocacy for people through your product or service
    • The Listen framework can help entrepreneurs automate the connection with their audience and build relationships.
    • Automating connections can be tricky, but it's worth it.
    • Automated tools can help you get to know people better and communicate more efficiently.


    Get your FREE Listen Framework!

    When Duane’s not lost in a Legoland fairy tale with his 2 beloved daughters, he is likely to be found geeking out crafting relationship-based marketing funnels with the LISTEN funnel framework.

    The LISTEN Framework™ is a set of tools to help you communicate with people in a genuine way. The framework will help you speak naturally by connecting with the right audience and creating an authentic connection between them and your brand. Making connections instead of selling or making a sale, will build trust and rapport over time so that potential customers feel more invested

    The LISTEN Framework™ is designed specifically for all of us who don't want to spend years learning marketing skills - you can get it at your fingertips in less than 30 minutes. The best part? It's 100% free! 🤯🤯🤯



    What Others Say about Duane

    “Duane really knows how to CONNECT……connect you technologically……so YOU can connect with your community……so you can connect THEM to their transformation……so THEY can connect others back with YOU!”



    “Duane was prompt, professional, and really took initiative on our projects. He was very ahead of the curve in helping us get our assets created and created a profitable evergreen funnel.”



    “Duane and his team made many things happen without even needing my input and that was amazing to me. So often, consultants over-promise and under-deliver and Duane was the opposite.”




    Connect With Duane


    Marketing Your Movement Podcast


    Get your Free Listen Framework



    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why are the six human needs so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and vehicles used to meet them, we will better understand why life is the way it is currently and, more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    The 6 Human Needs Assessment finds your top core needs – and then explains how to improve and balance your life.

    There are 6 human needs that everyone has at varying levels. The 6 needs are CERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTY/VARIETY, SIGNIFICANCE, LOVE/CONNECTION, GROWTH, and finally CONTRIBUTION. Knowing ourselves, what drives us, and what our blind spots could be are incredibly important. This test was developed by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes is a great way to get insight into ourselves.

    How "burning your boats" can skyrocket you to your goals

    How "burning your boats" can skyrocket you to your goals

    Achieving your goals can be tough. You may have a lot of competing priorities and it's easy to get discouraged.

    It's hard to stay motivated when you're not seeing progress. You may feel like you're stuck in a rut and don't know how to move forward.

    "Burning your boats" can help you achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

    Hi! I'm Sean Osborn I'm a mindset strategist helping you find clarity, achieve growth, and make your impact on the world.

    There are two types of people in the world: those who take risks and those who don’t. The ones that do are rewarded with success, while the ones that don’t are doomed to a life of mediocrity.

    Some would say this is due to luck, or coincidence, but it's not. It's because when you stop being willing to retreat from your goals, you start moving forward towards them instead.

    Today we will look at how eliminating all sources of retreat can help you achieve your goals!

    1. What is the concept of "burning your boats".

    The concept of “burning boats” is often traced back to a story associated with the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernán Cortés. In 1519, 

    Hernán Cortés made the decision to burn the boats upon his arrival in Mexico, in order to motivate his men and discourage them from turning back. This act of desperation showed his determination to conquer the new land and demonstrated his faith in their success.

    He was about to send his armies against a powerful enemy, whose men outnumbered his own. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment, then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them.”

    Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, “you see the boats going up in smoke. That means we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win. We now have no choice, we win- or we perish". They won.

    2. How it can help you achieve your goals.

    When you want something bad enough, burning your boats is the push you need to make it happen. This phrase represents the point at which you refuse to turn back, abandon or retreat from any goal or vision. When you're no longer willing to give up on your goals, you start moving towards them instead.

    When you burn your boats, you're committing yourself completely to achieving your goal. There are no other options available to you – you have to succeed. This can be a major motivation booster, as it eliminates the possibility of failure.

    3. My boats were burned for me :)

    Let's say you want to start a business. This is a major goal that will require a lot of work and dedication. But what happens if you don't succeed? What happens if things don't go as planned?

    Most people have an escape hatch, a plan B, and end up retreating at this point. They would give up on their dream and go back to working a day job. But this is exactly when you need to "Burn Your Boats".

    4. What are the benefits of taking this kind of risk.

    Taking risks can be scary, but it's also incredibly rewarding. When you achieve something that you didn't think was possible, it feels amazing. You feel like you can conquer the world and nothing can stop you.

    On the other hand, not taking risks can be dangerous. Think about this, if you don't take risks, you are today all that you will ever be! NOW THAT'S A RISK.

    The phrase "burn your boats" is often used to represent the point at which you refuse to turn back, abandon or retreat from any goal or vision. When you burn your boats, you're essentially putting all of your eggs in one basket. You're committing yourself completely to achieving your goal.  There are no other options available to you –you have to succeed.

    This can be a major motivation booster as it eliminates the possibility of failure and spurs us on towards our goals even more than before! If this sounds like something that would motivate and inspire you then take some time today (or tomorrow) and start brainstorming what ships do you need to burn? What escape hatches do you have?

    I hope you enjoyed this blog post! If you're looking to achieve your goals, burning your boats is a great way to do it.

    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why are the six human needs so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and vehicles used to meet them, we will better understand why life is the way it is currently and, more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    The 6 Human Needs Assessment finds your top core needs – and then explains how to improve and balance your life.

    There are 6 human needs that everyone has at varying levels. The 6 needs are CERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTY/VARIETY, SIGNIFICANCE, LOVE/CONNECTION, GROWTH, and finally CONTRIBUTION. Knowing ourselves, what drives us, and what our blind spots could be are incredibly important. This test was developed by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes is a great way to get insight into ourselves.

    Achieve Your True Potential with guest Daniel Gomez

    Achieve Your True Potential with guest Daniel Gomez
    Welcome to the thinking big podcast

    Today I welcome my friend Daniel Gomez to the podcast.

    Daniel is an Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, Business Coach, and fellow Podcaster. His passion is to elevate businesses and entrepreneurs to achieve their true potential. He is also the International Best-Selling Author of "You Were Born to Fly", a book written to inspire and give people the high-performance habits and confidence needed to be the leaders of their own destiny.

    Today we will be Thinking Big about our growth mindset!.

    Connect with Daniel Gomez at Good Money Framework

    Complimentary Discovery Session: https://bit.ly/meetdanielgomez

    Website: www.danielgomezglobal.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielgomezinspires

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/danielgomezinspires

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-gomez-3345876/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZ-JLWWxYjZkLPUHsuCvHQ?view_as=subscriber

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanielInspires


    Free Gift: https://www.danielgomezinspires.com/7steps

    Book: https://bit.ly/youwereborntofly


    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching




    Be sure to check out your free 6 Human Needs Assessment


    Why are the six human needs so important to understand?

    It is important to understand they are not goals nor merely desires, but profound needs that underlie and motivate every choice, every belief, and every decision we make.

    Because they are the driving force behind any person’s behavior, understanding the needs and vehicles used to meet them, we will better understand why life is the way it is currently and, more importantly, how to facilitate change.

    The 6 Human Needs Assessment finds your top core needs – and then explains how to improve and balance your life.

    There are 6 human needs that everyone has at varying levels. The 6 needs are CERTAINTY, UNCERTAINTY/VARIETY, SIGNIFICANCE, LOVE/CONNECTION, GROWTH, and finally CONTRIBUTION. Knowing ourselves, what drives us, and what our blind spots could be are incredibly important. This test was developed by Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes is a great way to get insight into ourselves. 

    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on iTunes.  Every podcaster will tell you that iTunes reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests

    Until next week, remember to always think big