
    This Is For Us

    Welcome to "This is for Us," the podcast where we connect over life's defining and everyday moments. I'm Noël, your host, and from my own experiences and working closely with countless women and girls, I've come to a profound realization - we're all more alike than we may think. We share the same trials, the same joys, and the same emotions, and we're not meant to face them alone. Tune in as I talk about the experiences we share as we grow on our own separate journeys together.
    enNoël Roberts Coley25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    Things Are Not Always What They Seem

    Things Are Not Always What They Seem

    Hello, y'all. And welcome back to This Is For Us!

    Today, I'm diving deep into something personal yet universally relatable: the facade we often present to the world versus our actual experiences and feelings. It's a reminder that despite the smiles and perfect snapshots on social media, there's often much more happening behind the scenes. To help us navigate these complex waters, I've created a resource just for you - the Quote Journal. It's free and designed to offer solace and inspiration during those tumultuous times. You're not alone in this journey, and that's precisely why This Is For Us exists. 



    Takeaways from this episode:

    As I reflected on recent events, especially the insightful yet emotionally charged gathering at Bentley Medical, I was reminded of the profound lessons hidden beneath the surface of our day-to-day lives. These lessons have significantly shifted my perspective on the contrast between appearance and reality: 

    1. The Illusion of Perfection: Social media can often trick us into believing everyone else's life is flawless. Yet, as I shared my struggles with a skin breakout just hours before a highly anticipated event, I was reminded of the power of authenticity. Embracing our imperfections can lead to deeper connections and a more authentic sense of self.

    2. Finding Strength in Vulnerability: The support and understanding I received at Bentley Medical, despite my earlier anxiety and distress, taught me the invaluable lesson that vulnerability is not a weakness but a bridge to genuine connections. It's okay not always to be okay, and sharing our true selves can light the way for others to do the same.

    3. Life's Beautiful Contrasts: Through the highs and lows, I've come to appreciate life's beautiful contrasts. The challenges we face, like the skin issues I battled, remind us that growth often comes from discomfort. These experiences shape our stories, making them uniquely ours.

     4. The Promise of Renewal: Just as March symbolizes a fresh start and the promise of spring, each day offers us a chance to begin anew. Regardless of yesterday's struggles, there's always hope and beauty waiting to be discovered. Embracing each day's dualities, with its potential for joy and pain, teaches us resilience and gratitude.

     As we navigate through the complexities of life, remembering that things are not always as they seem, let's take solace in our shared experiences. Let's cherish the moments of connection, learn from our challenges, and move forward with a sense of hope and renewal.

     Thank you for being here with me, for sharing this space where we can be our true selves, free from judgment and pretense. This Is For Us is more than just a podcast; it's a community, a sanctuary, and a reminder that together, we can face anything.

     I'm looking forward to our continued journey, exploring the depths of our experiences and finding light even in the darkest of times. Here's to embracing the real, the raw, and the beautiful in all aspects of our lives.

     I hope you love this episode xoxo


    Learn to Appreciate All of Life's Lessons

    Learn to Appreciate All of Life's Lessons

    Hello, y'all. And welcome back to This is for Us! 

    In this episode, I share the roller coaster my gym recently experienced at Cheersport. It’s a great example of how unexpected life lessons can teach us important mindset shifts if we are willing to learn from them. Of course, no one likes to be disappointed or frustrated, but it happens. And being prepared for the “what ifs” is what it takes to walk through those unexpected times. It’s one of the many reasons I created the Quote Journal. It’s a free resource - for YOU - so you can navigate the storms of life. You know you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here, and it’s precisely the reason I created this podcast because: This Is For Us! 

    Link to FREE Quote Journal: https://noelrobertscoley.myflodesk.com/journal

    Takeaways from this episode: 

     As February drew to a close, I promised myself to leave the darkness behind and welcome March as a symbol of hope and renewal. Despite struggling with sleep and grappling with my thoughts, the dawn of March 1st represented a fresh start, an opportunity to shed the weight of the previous month and embrace the brighter days ahead.

    Pressure is not always a bad thing. In reflecting on recent experiences, particularly with cheerleading, I've distilled three key lessons that have helped me navigate through adversity:

    1. Pressure is a Privilege: Inspired by Billie Jean King's words, I've learned to view pressure not as a burden but as a testament to our capabilities and potential. It serves as a reminder that obstacles frequently accompany opportunities for growth and success, pushing us to succeed and capitalize on our strengths.

    2. The Beauty of Contrast: A fulfilling life isn't comprised solely of perfect outcomes. The contrasts between good and bad, light and dark, define our experiences and shape our character. Through adversity, we learn resilience and find strength, crafting a narrative that's uniquely ours.

    3. Embracing Life's Dualities: Life's beauty and hardships coexist, offering life lessons in gratitude and resilience. Appreciating the roses among the thorns is essential, recognizing that both success and failure contribute to our growth and understanding of the world.

    As we step into March, I'm reminded of Erin Hansen's words, which echo the promise of renewal and the endless cycle of seasons. Life's unpredictable nature, with its highs and lows, shapes our journey, encouraging us to persevere through the coldest winters in anticipation of spring's warmth and new beginnings.

    Life’s lessons are shared through tears and triumphs, a testament to our collective strength and the transformative power of sharing our stories. As we navigate life's complexities, let's remind ourselves of the brighter days ahead, fostering a community of support and understanding.

    Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I'm eager to continue our conversations, sharing our experiences, and learning from each other. Here's to a March filled with hope, growth, and brighter days for all of us.


    I hope you love this episode xoxo

    Taking Care of Yourself by Setting Boundaries

    Taking Care of Yourself by Setting Boundaries


    [04:05:7] Listener Question

    [08:22:5] Friendship Is A Two-Way Street

    [09:15:8] What Friendship Is

    [11:13:6] When To Set The Boundary

    [18:12:2] Stand Up For Yourself

    Hello, y'all. And welcome back to *This is for Us*. 

    This week, I’m answering a listener’s questions sent to me through Instagram. I love it when I hear from y’all, and you send me questions. That’s precisely why I started this podcast and my goal for our community.  

    What does it mean to be a friend? How do you learn to set boundaries? These are just some questions I’ll address in this week’s episode. I’ve realized the hard way why boundaries are important. My journey towards self-empowerment has not been easy, but it’s been so worth it! And I’m here to stand beside you while you learn where your boundaries are and how to set them. 

    You are not alone in your struggles. I’m here to support you along your self-empowerment journey. You can overcome obstacles and learn to believe in yourself. You are worth it! The podcast is a safe space for reflection and personal growth. This community is here for you! We can build each other up as we cheer each other on. 

     I hope you love this episode xoxo



    21. Embracing Imperfections and Finding Strength in Vulnerability

    21. Embracing Imperfections and Finding Strength in Vulnerability


    [01:00:6] Cheer Sport Week

    [04:03:3] Valentine’s Day -  Finding Balance Amidst Chaos

    [09:09:2] Reality vs. Social Media

    [14:45:2] Sharing Personal Struggles

    [27:31:5] Finding Strength in Shared Experiences

    Hello, y'all. And welcome back to *This is for Us*. 

    It is really freaking early here in Knoxville. And that is also because it is cheer sport week, and in my world of all-star cheerleading, it's a really big deal. It's something that we work for and push towards for months. It is one of the biggest weeks of our year, and this year, we are taking a ton of teams there and having really long days. Our first team starts around 7 a.m. so that we will be going until well after 10 p.m. with teams competing. So, I've been trying to practice. I'm not an early morning person, but I also work really late. I stay up really late. So, it will be a little bit crazy for just what I'm used to this weekend. So, send all the positive vibes our way. Be thinking about us this weekend.

    This past Valentine's Day, I found myself reflecting on the complexities of life and love. As I stood in the doorway of my home, exhausted from another late night at the gym, I was greeted by a scene that warmed and weighed on my heart. My husband, Alan, had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for me to return so we could share a meal together. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about the challenges we face in balancing our personal and professional lives.

    Social media can be a double-edged sword, offering glimpses of perfection while concealing the messy realities of life. As Valentine's Day approached, I observed the flood of posts celebrating picture-perfect relationships, extravagant gifts, and romantic gestures. But behind the facade of perfection lies a truth that many of us are all too familiar with: life is messy, and love is imperfect.

    In sharing my own struggles and insecurities, I hope to remind others that they are not alone. Whether you're a mom, a wife, a girlfriend, or simply navigating life alone, we all experience moments of doubt, fear, and vulnerability. It's okay to cry, to feel overwhelmed, and to admit that life isn't always perfect.

    As I prepare for another busy weekend at the gym, I am reminded of the power of vulnerability and the strength that comes from sharing our experiences with others. Whether celebrating our successes or navigating life's challenges, we are stronger together. So, let's continue to support and uplift one another, embracing our imperfections and finding strength in our shared humanity.


    I hope you love this episode xoxo


    20. Celebrating Love In All It's Forms

    20. Celebrating Love In All It's Forms

    Hey everyone, it's been an eventful week over here, and I'm thrilled to share some personal stories and thoughts on Valentine's Day with you all.

    First off, I had a cheerleading mishap a few years back that damaged my earlobe, but I've finally had it repaired and got my ears re-pierced, including a new helix piercing which, surprisingly, hasn't been painful at all. I also tried eyebrow lamination and tinting, which is a new experience for me, and I'm waiting to see how I feel about the darker look.

    On a more sentimental note, it's my golden doodle Pailin's 10th birthday. Reflecting on our time together, she's been with me through thick and thin, and I'm incredibly grateful for her companionship. It's amazing how much we've both grown and the unconditional love she's given me.

    With Valentine's Day around the corner, I want to shift the focus from the commercial aspect and talk about love in all its forms. Whether it's self-love, love for friends, family, or even strangers, it's important to recognize and celebrate it. I encourage you to be your own Valentine or to perform random acts of kindness to spread love to others.

    I've had my share of lonely Valentine's Days, but I've learned to make the day special by showing love to others. One year, I left $20 bills with notes for strangers to find, which brought me immense joy. So, whether you're single or in a relationship, make Valentine's Day about all the love in your life, not just romantic love.

    Remember, you have the power to make someone feel seen and loved. Let's use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to spread light and love in any way we can. And if you do something special or have ideas to share, I'd love to hear from you on Instagram.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:00:34] Hoop earring mishap and earlobe repair.

    [00:03:53] A golden doodle ornament.

    [00:09:14] Love and motherhood.

    [00:12:34] Spreading love through random acts.

    [00:16:25] Being single on Valentine's Day.

    [00:19:13] Valentine's Day and self-love.

    [00:22:44] Making Valentine's Day meaningful.


    19. No More Mean Girls

    19.  No More Mean Girls

    In today's episode, I dive deep into the topic of drama, particularly within the world of women and teenage girls. As someone who owns an all-star cheerleading business, I'm constantly surrounded by females of all ages, and I've witnessed both the beauty and the ugliness of these relationships. I'm a staunch advocate for women supporting each other, but I also recognize the toxic "bubble" that can form, leading to gossip, rumors, and mean-spirited behavior.

    I address those who are victims of drama, urging them not to give power to the perpetrators. It's essential to challenge oneself to rise above the negativity, to attend events despite the fear of judgment, and to remember that often, the issue is with just a few individuals rather than everyone.

    For those who find themselves spreading rumors or being part of the problem, I call for self-reflection and change. It's never too late to apologize and make amends. I emphasize the importance of being a role model, especially for mothers and those in influential positions.

    I passionately argue that being a "mean girl" isn't cool, and that true beauty lies in kindness and inner strength. I encourage listeners to protect others' names in their absence, to be inclusive, and to stand up for what's right. It's about creating a community where we support each other through tough times, without judgment or assumptions.

    I also touch on the idea that we all have our own internal struggles and insecurities, and it's unfair to add to someone else's burden by being cruel. Instead, we should focus on being good humans, spreading love and positivity, and being lights in the darkness.

    I call for an end to the "mean girl" culture and for a shift towards a narrative of empowerment, support, and genuine friendship. I want listeners to walk into any room with their heads held high, knowing their worth, and refusing to let anyone else's negativity define them. My hope is that this episode inspires you to embrace your value, to be a beacon of positivity, and to always remember how incredible you are.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:01:03] Drama between women and girls.

    [00:04:10] Overcoming the influence of others.

    [00:08:34] Banding together against mean girls.

    [00:11:56] Spreading rumors and hurting others.

    [00:15:47] Being kind to others.

    [00:19:20] Mean Girls and Self-Worth.

    [00:23:25] Taking up freaking space.


    This Is For Us
    enFebruary 05, 2024

    18. Give Yourself a TIP - Turn it Positive

    18. Give Yourself a TIP - Turn it Positive

    In this episode, we dove deep into the concept of reframing our mindset to focus on the positive – a little mantra I like to call "give yourself a TIP," which stands for "Turn It Positive." I shared a personal dream that inspired this idea and discussed how we can apply it to our daily lives.

    We all have moments where we feel overwhelmed or stressed, but I emphasized the importance of recognizing these feelings and consciously choosing to find the silver lining. Whether it's dealing with negative self-talk, facing challenges, or even something as simple as encountering traffic, there's always an opportunity to shift our perspective and find gratitude.

    I also touched on the impact of our attitudes on others. Are we a source of light and positivity, or do we contribute to a cycle of negativity? It's crucial to consider how our interactions, even the briefest ones, can influence those around us.

    Throughout the episode, I shared examples of how we can practice this positive shift, from being stuck in traffic and seeing it as extra personal time, to handling breakups and viewing them as fresh starts. It's all about building that "TIP muscle" and making gratitude a habit.

    I hope this episode serves as a reminder that we're all in this together, facing similar struggles and striving for happiness. And remember, if you have any questions or topics you'd like me to cover, don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram @NoëlRobertsColey.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:02:16] Turn it positive.

    [00:06:40] Be thankful for what you have.

    [00:07:53] Choosing positivity in daily life.

    [00:12:06] Letting go and making room.

    [00:15:39] Breathing life into others.

    [00:19:09] Traffic in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    [00:23:03] Traffic and personal growth.

    [00:25:42] Starting over after a setback.

    [00:29:23] Reminder of our similarities.


    This Is For Us
    enJanuary 29, 2024

    17. Creating a Safe Space to Be Yourself

    17. Creating a Safe Space to Be Yourself

    In today's episode of "This Is For Us," we dove deep into the concept of negativity and its contagious nature, drawing parallels between rotten fruit and toxic people in our lives. I shared a personal anecdote about how a rotten apple in my fruit bowl managed to spoil a fresh one just by being in close proximity, which led to a broader discussion about the influence of negative people.

    We explored how negative individuals, much like rotten fruit, can spread their pessimism and toxicity to those around them, often without us even realizing it. I emphasized the importance of being mindful of the company we keep and the potential impact they can have on our perspectives and well-being.

    The conversation also touched on the idea that if someone is consistently negative about others, they are likely to be the same about you when you're not around. It's crucial to trust your instincts and distance yourself from such influences to protect your own mental space.

    I encouraged you all to reflect on your relationships and consider whether you might need to remove any "rotten fruit" from your life to make room for more positive and uplifting connections.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo





    [00:02:58] Staying busy during a snowstorm.

    [00:03:51] Instacart grocery delivery.

    [00:09:30] Rotten apple turning green.

    [00:11:38] Toxic relationships and negativity.

    [00:16:44] Rotten Fruit Syndrome.

    [00:19:42] Trust your gut.

    [00:21:29] Reviews and audience interaction.


    This Is For Us
    enJanuary 22, 2024

    16. Trusting the Path and Figuring It Out

    16. Trusting the Path and Figuring It Out

    In this episode, I dove deep into the themes of hard work, overcoming rejection, and the importance of perseverance. I shared personal reflections and stories to illustrate how these themes play out in our lives, especially in the world of sports.

    I also touched on the concept of hard work and how it seems to be a diminishing value in today's society. I expressed concern about the growing trend of entitlement and laziness, especially among young athletes, and the need for a resurgence of dedication and commitment to achieving greatness.

    Throughout the episode, I emphasized the idea that the most rewarding experiences often come from the hardest work and that we should not fear making mistakes, as they are opportunities for growth. I encouraged listeners to work for their dreams, trust the timing of their lives, and believe that good things will come their way.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:07:09] Rejection equals protection.

    [00:08:22] Trusting the timing of life.

    [00:12:25] Something better is coming.\

    [00:15:01] Hard work and entitlement.

    [00:20:37] The value of hard work.

    [00:23:06] Lack of preparation and regret.

    [00:27:08] The importance of hard work.

    [00:30:18] Embracing and learning from mistakes.


    This Is For Us
    enJanuary 15, 2024

    15. Finding Grace and Confidence in Ourselves

    15. Finding Grace and Confidence in Ourselves

    In this episode, I reflect on the common struggles and experiences that women share. I start by discussing a recent gathering with my girlfriends where we worked on our vision boards. I noticed that all of us had goals related to self-image, self-worth, and self-confidence. This led me to question why it is so difficult for us to stick with these goals and make positive changes in our lives. I explore the fear of failure and the overwhelming amount of advice and expectations placed on women. I encourage listeners to change their definition of failure and to take things one day at a time, celebrating small victories instead of focusing on slip-ups. I also emphasize the importance of giving ourselves grace and being kinder to ourselves. I share personal experiences with body image and the realization that I need to stop planning to fail and start planning to do the things that will make me feel better about myself. I discuss the power of choice and the need to seek validation from within rather than relying on others. 

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    00:00:07 - Introduction and the mission of the podcast

    00:02:00 - The importance of vision boards and a group activity

    00:04:30 - The struggle of sticking with goals and the fear of failure

    00:08:00 - The mindset change needed for success

    00:10:30 - Giving ourselves grace and redefining failure

    00:13:30 - Choosing our own path and staying in our own lane

    00:16:00 - Flipping the script and seeking our own validation

    00:19:00 - Building self-confidence and making mindful choices

    00:22:00 - The purpose of the podcast and the desire for community

    00:24:30 - Personal struggles and the need for clarity and peace

    00:27:00 - Conclusion and gratitude for listeners' support


    This Is For Us
    enJanuary 08, 2024

    14. Finding Magic and Miracles in the New Year

    14. Finding Magic and Miracles in the New Year

    As we step into the new year, it's a perfect time to look back at the past and plan for the future. It's not just about setting resolutions on January 1st; it's about recognizing that we can start fresh any day of the year. Each year is a chapter in our lives, and today marks the first page of a new one.

    I shared my personal story of unexpected growth, from doubting my ability to launch a podcast to becoming a podcaster within the same year. It's a testament to the magic that can unfold in 365 days. We all have the power to choose how we respond to life's challenges, whether we see them as setbacks or opportunities for growth.

    Reflecting on 2023, I realized that it was a year of learning curves, both professionally with my business, Diamonds All-Stars, and personally. I learned to adapt to growth, to change my mindset, and to embrace the lessons that came with difficult times. These experiences are shaping me into the person I aspire to be.

    In 2024, I encourage you to think about the dreams you want to achieve and to believe that they are on their way. Let's ask ourselves what the best version of us would do in each situation and make decisions aligned with that vision.

    Remember, it's not about reaching a final destination; it's about loving ourselves throughout the journey. Let's release negativity, embrace our failures as lessons, and give ourselves grace for the progress we make every day.

    As we move forward, let's fall in love with every version of ourselves, past, present, and future. They all contribute to who we are and who we will become. My wish for us all is to find joy in the journey and to be proud of the growth we experience.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo


    00:00:44 - Reflecting on the New Year and Personal Growth
    00:02:00 - Embracing the New Chapter of Life
    00:03:30 - The Power of Choice and Perspective
    00:04:50 - Noelle's Personal Reflection on Growth and Podcasting
    00:06:30 - The Unpredictability and Magic of Life
    00:07:45 - Learning from Difficult Times
    00:09:00 - Business Growth and Personal Development
    00:10:15 - Embracing Change and Maintaining Core Values
    00:11:30 - Gratitude for Past Lessons and Growth
    00:12:45 - Reflecting on Unexpected Changes in 2023
    00:14:00 - Dreaming and Vision for the Future
    00:15:15 - Inspirational Quote and Self-Love
    00:16:30 - Setting Goals and Making Decisions for Growth
    00:17:45 - Bringing Positivity into the New Year
    00:18:50 - Embracing Change and Letting Go of Negativity

    This Is For Us
    enJanuary 01, 2024

    13. Reflecting on the Year: Taking Inventory of Our Lives

    13. Reflecting on the Year: Taking Inventory of Our Lives

    With the holiday season in full swing, I shared my personal Christmas traditions and the joy of spending time with loved ones. From our staff party at Diamonds to family games and cherished moments, it's been a whirlwind of happiness and togetherness.

    But as we navigate this strange week between Christmas and New Year's, often wondering what day it is or if we should even change out of our pajamas, I wanted to dive deeper. This episode wasn't just about sharing my holiday experiences; it was about taking inventory of our lives and preparing for the year ahead.

    I introduced a challenge, or rather, some "homework" for us all. I've created a free PDF linked in the show notes to help you reflect on the past year. It's a tool to ask yourself meaningful questions about what went well, what didn't, and how you can grow from those experiences. This isn't about setting overwhelming New Year's resolutions; it's about making small, manageable changes that compound over time.

    I also opened up about my own goals and dreams, like growing this podcast and becoming better at preparing for events to avoid unnecessary stress. I shared the importance of not letting others' decisions affect our happiness and the power of starting anew at any moment, not just on January 1st.

    So, grab your favorite drink, find a cozy spot, and join me in this exercise of self-discovery and intention setting. And if you feel like sharing your thoughts or your own vision board, I'd be thrilled to see it on Instagram.

    Thank you for spending this time with me, and I can't wait to embark on this journey of growth and self-improvement together. Here's to a fantastic New Year filled with love, laughter, and self-love. Remember, we're all figuring it out together, and this is for us. See you soon!

    I hope you love this episode xoxo

    Download the 2023 Taking Inventory PDF Here


    00:00:44 - Christmas Celebrations and Personal Traditions
    00:15:30 - Christmas Day Plans and Reflections
    00:17:20 - Post-Christmas Feelings and Cleanup
    00:18:15 - The Weird Week Between Christmas and New Year's
    00:19:10 - Vision Board Importance and Personal Growth
    00:22:35 - Taking Inventory of the Past Year
    00:25:50 - Reflecting on Personal Experiences and Growth
    00:28:40 - Setting Intentions and Goals for the New Year
    00:31:25 - The Power of Starting Small and Making Progress
    00:33:50 - Encouragement to Share and Connect
    00:35:10 - Personal Anecdotes and Learning from Mistakes
    00:37:55 - The Importance of Preparation and Self-Awareness
    00:40:10 - Closing Thoughts and New Year's Wishes


    This Is For Us
    enDecember 25, 2023

    12. The Beauty of the In-Between

    12. The Beauty of the In-Between

    In this episode, I am talking all about appreciating the present and being grateful for where you are now - even if in difficult times. I hope that I can help you to shift your perspective and see the value and significance of your current circumstances. 

    What you are going through now is what you once prayed for or dreamed of. I want you to try and find the good even in the bad and to appreciate the lessons and growth that come from challenging lessons. Hardships and hard times build resilience and character, and in the end, add to the beauty and richness of life. I know there is the temptation to constantly look ahead or compare yourself to others, but remember that everyone goes through their own unique journey. The middle, the process of getting through challenges, is where the most beautiful parts of life are found. Be grateful for you and see the impact you have on others.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:00:07] Perspective Shifts

    [00:40:23] You are irreplaceable

    [09:17:99] I was literally killing myself

    [11:27:48] Getting through the hard things

    [20:58:22] More than a story

    [22:43:24] Where the happiness is

    [24:09:11] The most beautiful parts of our lives


    This Is For Us
    enDecember 18, 2023

    11. You Are The Gift

    11. You Are The Gift

    In this episode, I am talking about the holidays and the emotions that come with it. We all have those moments where we look at someone else's life and think they have it all together, but guess what? We're all in the same boat! 

    We're all more alike than we think. It's so easy to compare ourselves to others and think they have it all figured out. But the truth is, for every person you admire, there's someone admiring you too. We all share the same struggles and emotions, and it's important to remember that we're not meant to go through it alone.

    The holiday season can be a mixed bag of emotions for many of us. We may be feeling lonely, heartbroken, or overwhelmed by stress. But in all the chaos, it's important to remember that the magic of the season is something only you can create. Whether it's your first Christmas as a single person or you're dealing with loss, you have the power to choose how you want to experience this time. 

    We never truly know what someone else is going through, even if they appear to have it all together. It's essential to approach others with kindness and empathy, especially during the holiday season. There are people out there who may be feeling lonely, heartbroken, or struggling to keep their head above water. Let's remember the true meaning of the holidays and extend a helping hand or a listening ear to those who may need it. Together, we can change the narrative of feeling alone and create a supportive community. 

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:04:11] Feeling overwhelmed during the holidays.

    [00:08:20] Social media and holiday expectations.

    [00:11:08] Life behind social media.

    [00:15:57] Gifts of presence over material.

    [00:17:23] Gift-giving stress.

    [00:20:29] Gift-giving and avoiding guilt.

    [00:24:31] The true meaning of magic.

    [00:27:31] Your Christmas, Your Holiday.

    [00:30:42] Creating Christmas traditions.

    [00:34:29] Resonating with your heart.


    This Is For Us
    enDecember 11, 2023

    10. The Waiting Season

    10. The Waiting Season

    Today's podcast episode is one of my favorite so far. You know how we can get so caught up in waiting for that ultimate end goal, like that dream job or the perfect partner? Well, let me remind you, it's crucial to appreciate the beauty and growth that happens along the way. Life is built in those ups and downs, those trials and tribulations, and even those not-so-great decisions. These are the moments that truly shape our greatness, our memories, and our personalities.

    I also talk about something we all struggle with at times: comparison. It's so easy to look at others and think they have it all figured out while we're still on the journey. But here's the truth, my friends - every single person out there has their unique journey, just like you and me. And for every person you admire, trust me, there's someone out there admiring you and thinking you've got it all together. Let's change the narrative of feeling alone in this journey and start supporting each other along the way.

    I also talk about embracing self-discovery during those waiting seasons. They can be such incredible opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. Take this time to really get to know yourself, explore your passions, and embrace your individuality. Because when you eventually find your person or achieve those dreams, you'll be even more confident in who you are and what you bring to the table. 

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:02:40] The waiting season.

    [00:11:39] Starting over and finding happiness.

    [00:21:33] Trusting the timing of life.

    [00:25:39] Comparison steals your joy.

    [00:29:33] The value of difficult moments.

    [00:35:20] Start enjoying life without expectations.

    [00:38:07] Relationship with yourself.

    [00:42:41] Romanticizing our lives.

    [00:48:21] Finding your own worth.


    This Is For Us
    enDecember 04, 2023

    9. You Can't Be THAT Until You're This

    9. You Can't Be THAT Until You're This

    Today's podcast episode is a real heart-to-heart, and it's all about turning our struggles into our superpower. You know those really tough times we've all faced, the ones where it felt like we hit rock bottom? Well, I am here to tell you that these moments are actually our secret weapons. I believe that those of us who've faced the darkness are uniquely equipped to light the way for others. It's like, when we've been at our lowest, we totally get what it's like for someone else in that spot. We're not just offering sympathy; we're offering empathy, which is way more powerful. 

    And get this, girls: our hardest times are not just about us. They're our fuel to help and inspire the people we love most. Each of us has these incredible stories of hardship and triumph, and sharing them isn't just about us. It's about showing others that hey, if I made it through this, so can you! Our best selves aren't found when life is perfect and easy. Nope, we find our true strength in the messy, tough, tear-filled times. That's when we become smarter, stronger, and oh-so-wise. So next time you're feeling down about the hard stuff, remember it's shaping you into an even more beautiful version of you.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:02:48] Dreams and creative inspiration.

    [00:08:24] Diamonds All-Stars.

    [00:13:29] Pursuing dreams and inspiring others.

    [00:15:36] Pulling someone out of darkness.

    [00:20:39] Getting through the hard season.

    [00:23:02] Going through difficult seasons.

    [00:26:34] Appreciating the hard shit.


    This Is For Us
    enNovember 27, 2023

    8. The Pressure to Be Perfect: Navigating Holiday Expectations

    8. The Pressure to Be Perfect: Navigating Holiday Expectations

    In this episode, we're embracing the magic of the little things in life. Imagine turning your everyday routine into something extraordinary. We're talking about finding joy in those tiny moments that we often overlook. I am taking you on a journey of appreciating the present moment - reminding you to shift your mindset and focus on what brings you excitement and joy.

    I am talking all about putting a stop to being hard on yourself for things that haven't happened yet. It's all about embracing where we are right now, enjoying this phase of our lives, even if we don't have it all figured out yet. Stand up for yourself and your dreams, because guess what? We're exactly where we need to be. So this Thanksgiving, remember to slow down, do something you love, and be thankful for what you have. Remember, it's your holiday too, and you've got the power to make the best of everything. 

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:01:36] Holiday stress and expectations.

    [00:03:46] Setting boundaries for self-care.

    [00:11:02] Making time for joy.

    [00:21:36] Asking better questions this year.

    [00:24:01] Embracing your own timeline.

    [00:27:08] Putting a smile on your face.

    [00:31:15] Gratitude and thankfulness.


    This Is For Us
    enNovember 20, 2023

    7. The Bitch In The Back

    7. The Bitch In The Back

    In this episode, I'm pouring my heart out about something really close to my soul - self-love and kicking self-doubt to the curb - saying shut up to the bitch in the back (BITB) and taking back our happiness and joy. 

    I chat about how our self-confidence shouldn't be hanging on what others think. It's all about finding that strength within ourselves. We should be supporting each other and lifting each other up. It’s time to shut down that annoying self-doubt and embrace the unique magic each of us brings to the table. We all have something special, honey, so don’t let anyone, even the BITB, tell you otherwise. Be your own best friend. Fall in love with yourself. Believe in yourself. You are magic.

    I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:04:58] Being mean to ourselves.

    [00:09:12] Self-doubt and comparison.

    [00:11:24] Positive comments can change lives.

    [00:15:31] Being our own biggest supporter.

    [00:19:12] Fall in love with yourself.

    [00:22:45] Boost of confidence and badassery.


    This Is For Us
    enNovember 13, 2023

    6. Your Guide To Overcoming Heartbreak + Putting Yourself First

    6. Your Guide To Overcoming Heartbreak + Putting Yourself First

    You are not alone. That message is so important to me and is one of the biggest reasons I started this podcast. I want you to know you’re not alone in the experiences and feelings you are going through. I am so glad the episode I released about heartbreak resonated with so many of you. Now, I’m here to give some more details and tactical tips to help you navigate heartbreak. From my own personal stories, to the simple yet powerful things you can do to prioritize your mental health, I want this to be your guide to coming back to yourself and your power.


    03:00 Overcome fear and reclaim your power.

    05:45 Moving forward from heartbreak.

    10:30 What did it look like finding joy after heartbreak?

    14:00 How self care is an important part of the healing process.

    20:00 Ways I have coped with a breakup.

    29:15 Lessons learned from breakups and self reflection.

    32:30 Powerful tools and community that can help you through breakups.

    38:45 Overcoming depression through self-care. 

    40:30 Seemingly simple ways to prioritize your mental wellness.


    Noel: @noelrobertscoley

    This Is For Us
    enNovember 06, 2023

    5. Finding Joy & Letting Your Inner Granny Loose

    5. Finding Joy & Letting Your Inner Granny Loose

    Do you get excited for Halloween? To dress up and be someone else for a night? Forget anything that might be on your mind, and let go, be happy and just have fun? Me too. And i had forgotten that! But this one special Halloween, I was reminded and things have never been the same! It was a night I’ll NEVER forget. 

    Hope and joy can be found in the strangest places - even in a granny costume. In this special Halloween episode, I want to share with you a story when a granny costume changed my life and reminded me of who i was. I have always loved Halloween, but that year, I was going through heartbreak, hard times, and struggling to find joy and hold onto myself - something I know many of you can relate with. So… I am sharing this story with you today, so that you can find hope in your own tough times. I want you to know that no matter how dark or how hard things are, you can and will find yourself again. You can find your own inner granny and NEVER look back! I hope you love this episode xoxo



    [00:01:19] Difficulties & Unhappiness in my personal life

    [00:04:08] Not celebrating Halloween

    [00:08:47] The costume dilemma.

    [00:11:53] The Granny-inspired Halloween costume.

    [00:14:11] Finding joy after a breakup.

    [00:19:05] Finding yourself through Halloween.



    Noel: @noelrobertscoley

    This Is For Us
    enOctober 31, 2023