
    This Is Not Your Practice Life™

    "This Is Not Your Practice Life™" is a podcast dedicated to helping women (and men) TRANSFORM. Through years of personal development and coaching, Macie, a Certified Life + Emotional Intelligence Coach is helping individuals uncover their limiting beliefs, overcome hardship, rewire their mindset, and step into who they have always wanted to be. In this podcast she will give you the tools, strategies, and support to help you step into your highest self.

    en-usMacie Renae212 Episodes

    Episodes (212)

    Feeling Responsible and Burnt Out as a Caregiver to Everyone.

    Feeling Responsible and Burnt Out as a Caregiver to Everyone.

    Do you ever feel like there is SO MUCH you are responsible for and so much you have to do? Like the world is depending on YOU to do it and if you don't, everything will come crashing and burning to the ground? Maybe you've designated yourself as the person who takes care of everyone around you and now you're feeling tired, stressed, or burnt out? If this sounds like you, tune into today's episode!

    Join The Hybrid Experience by September 23rd, 2023.
    Do so here:

    Instagram, Facebook, TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Creating Balance and Boundaries as an Entreprenuer

    Creating Balance and Boundaries as an Entreprenuer

    I was recently asked how you make sure you're mentally, emotionally, and physically available for other people when you're an entrepreneur. Wearing the entrepreneurial hat is so rewarding but it does require balance and boundaries. In this episode, I share what creating balance and boundaries looks like in my life both personally and professionally.

    Connect on social media @ MACIE RENAE COACHING.
    Website: macierenae.com

    Join THE HYBRID EXPERIENCE by September 23rd: https://www.macierenae.com/the-hybrid-experience.html

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Honoring Your Word As Law

    Honoring Your Word As Law

    In today's episode I am doing a deep dive into a concept I taught VERY early on in my podcasting days. How often do you notice yourself committing to something and wanting to back out? Starting something and then stopping? Being frustrated that you never seem to follow through on what you say you want? If this is you, this episode should be helpful!

    Social Media: @Macie Renae Coaching
    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    How to Make New Friends As An Adult

    How to Make New Friends As An Adult

    Do you struggle with making friends as an adult? You're not alone here. Many people would say that making friends in your younger years was so much easier than life as an adult. In this episode, I share my tips with meeting new friends as a grown adult. How to make friends if you've transitioned into parenthood, or if you've moved, or if you just want different things now. Hope you enjoy!

    Connect on social media (FB/IG/TIKTOK): @MACIE RENAE COACHING

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    How to Push Through Hard Things

    How to Push Through Hard Things

    In today's episode we are diving in to "How to Push Through Hard Things." As humans we will never be able to escape hard situations so it is HOW we push through that matters. Today I am talking about vital skills you must develop and be aware of to navigate life's bitter lemons, aka "hard things"!

    WEBSITE: macierenae.com
    TikTok/Instagram/Facebook: @MACIE RENAE COACHING 

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Insights on How to Love Yourself.

    Insights on How to Love Yourself.

    In this episode I am reflecting on my own journey of self love and how I was able to fall in love with who I am. I think this is a tricky topic for many people and I am so glad it was suggested as an episode. Join me as I reflect on my own journey and help share insights on what I feel is required for us to really learn how to love ourselves.

    Connect on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram @ MACIE RENAE COACHING
    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Being Raised by Emotionally Immature Parents

    Being Raised by Emotionally Immature Parents

    I do believe MOST parents are just doing the best with what they have.
    With what they have been equipped with from their own upbringing. In today's episode we are diving into what life might have looked like if you had emotionally immature parents -- and how this may be currently affecting you today. If any of it resonates I highly encourage you to jump on a FREE 60-min consult call.
    You can do so on

    Find me on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok at @MACIE RENAE COACHING.

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    If life keeps handing you storm after storm, make sure to avoid doing THIS.

    If life keeps handing you storm after storm, make sure to avoid doing THIS.

    It is inevitable that we will be dealt tough circumstances... The challenge is when they come one after the other and keep piling on in short amounts of time. In today's episode I want to raise your awareness and help you see how quickly the mind can take over and create results we don't want. You will learn just how powerful your mindset, emotions, and beliefs are! You will also learn why raising your emotional intelligence is so important for the moments life doesn't "seem" to be playing fair.

    Connect on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok at MACIE RENAE COACHING.
    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Success Intolerance

    Success Intolerance

    If you've ever felt like your sabotaging your own potential, this is the episode for you. It is not just you -- a lot of people in the world do this... It's called "success intolerance." It's when you have to let go of the version you are now to step into the version of yourself you want to be. And truth be told, it feels scary... daunting.. but we are going to talk about it today!

    Connect with me:
    MACIE RENAE COACHING on Facebook, Instagram, and TIKTOK!
    website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Feeling Scared and Doing "It" Anyway.

    Feeling Scared and Doing "It" Anyway.

    Do you ever think about how much further along you might be if you were willing to face ANY emotions that come up? So often, we hold ourselves back from our potential not because of something we lack, but emotions we are afraid to face or feel. We avoid those hard life changing conversations, asking the scary questions, enrolling into the program, starting the college classes, leaving the toxic relationship, throwing ourselves out there to start new friendships... and why? Emotions. What if we were willing to feel anything to go for our ideal life? Let's talk about it in this episode! 

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    How to Stay Disciplined, Committed, and Stop Procrastinating.

    How to Stay Disciplined, Committed, and Stop Procrastinating.

    Recently on an instagram poll I asked for people to send in topics they'd love for a free masterclass. When these 3 specific topics came through, I felt like a bigger audience needed them because I am often asked the "how's" of staying committed, disciplined, and how to stop procrastinating. If this is you, enjoy!

    Macie Renae Coaching on Instagram and Facebook

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    How to Stand Up For Yourself As A People Pleaser

    How to Stand Up For Yourself As A People Pleaser

    Are you a people pleaser that struggles to speak your truth and stand up for yourself? Do you worry what others may think and then feel resentment when you don't follow through with what you wanted (or didn't want)? If so, then this is the episode for you!

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Defensive Vs. Non-Defensive Listening

    Defensive Vs. Non-Defensive Listening

    Have you ever tried to communicate with someone and they are super defensive? You end up fighting and feeling so unheard? What about the opposite, someone tries to talk to you about something and you end up defensive. Maybe you even give them the silent treatment or emotionally lose it. In today's episode we are talking about the difference between defensive vs. non-defensive listening and how to listen from an emotionally intelligent place. Not always easy but always worth it.

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about me and who I help!

    Follow me on Facebook & Instagram: @ Macie Renae Coaching

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    The Power of Your Beliefs

    The Power of Your Beliefs

    Questioning the things we believe is such a powerful practice... Why? Because often times there are limits within the stories we tell ourselves. We don't realize the impact this can have on who we want to become or who we are actively practicing to become! If you want things to change in your life, check out this episode about the power of your beliefs!

    IG /FB : Macie Renae Coaching
    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Self-Growth Triggers

    Self-Growth Triggers

    Today we are going to talk about feeling triggered when you are in rooms that are stretching you. When you decide to grow and you put yourself in rooms where other people are also doing the same, it's normal that some of what you may hear will land in ways you didn't expect. We are going to dive into what can be helpful when you feel this way!

    Connect on IG/FB: @MacieRenaeCoaching

    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    What Is Your "Winning Energy"?

    What Is Your "Winning Energy"?

    In today's episode, we are diving into the topic of "winning energy". Now, I realize some people think "energy talk" is woo-woo, but we are energetic beings! Have you ever walked into a room where you could cut the tension with a knife? Have you ever felt deep in your body that someone was struggling without them saying a word? If you have, this was because their energy could be felt. We don't always realize how powerful our energy is and how we are always creating results from it. So in this episode, I want to bring awareness to what your "winning energy" actually means.

    IG/FB: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    The Root of Procrastination

    The Root of Procrastination

    Ever wondered why you procrastinate? Or why you can't get yourself to do the things you KNOW would be so beneficial to you? You aren't alone! Many people struggle with this so let's talk about it today!

    Connect on socials: IG/FB @ Macie Renae Coaching
    website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    How to Stop Comparing

    How to Stop Comparing

    Ever find yourself comparing yourself to other people? If so, this episode is for you! Today I talk about how to notice comparison, how to use it to serve you, and how to stop sabotaging yourself when you compare yourself to other people!

    FB/IG: Macie Renae Coaching
    Website: macierenae.com

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Owning the Life You Want (Without the Guilt).

    Owning the Life You Want (Without the Guilt).

    Do you ever have this inner voice telling you that you're meant for more? Or this feeling deep inside that where you are in life right now cannot be "it"? If this is you, don't fret my friend. There is nothing wrong with that feeling. In fact, giving yourself permission to explore it and own it is a powerful thing. In this episode I am sharing what I most frequently see getting in the way of people owning the life they want. Let's dive in!

    Connect on socials/ IG & FB: MACIE RENAE COACHING

    Join my VIP HYBRID EXPERIENCE MAILING LIST: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/64284b12eb67256661e90ee4

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching

    Are You "Shoulding" On Yourself?

    Are You "Shoulding" On Yourself?

    Oh the "should's" of life!! Do you find yourself saying, "I should've done this" or "I should've done that."??  Or maybe, "I shouldn't have said that, done that, etc.,"?? Anytime you have this self-talk you are arguing with your reality. We drive ourselves crazy with this kind of talking because it's based in a lot of guilt and shame. Tune in to today's short but sweet episode if you talk to yourself this way.

    Visit macierenae.com to learn more about Macie & her work!
    Interested in working with her? Schedule a FREE consult HERE.
    Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok: @Macie Renae Coaching