
    This Week in Astrology

    This Week in Astrology is the award-winning podcast that explains the most important astrology events right now. Make it a regular part of your astrological education!
    enBenjamin Bernstein214 Episodes

    Episodes (214)

    This Week in Astrology, September 16-30, 2022 (#610)

    This Week in Astrology, September 16-30, 2022 (#610)

    An intricately aspected Libra New Moon headlines the second half of September. The Sun also enters Libra, so we’ll dive into the Fall Equinox chart.

    There are also lots of aspect patterns: a Triple Yod energizes personal healing, a Mystic Rectangle supports relationships, and two Thor's Hammers can revolutionize old structures!


    Please consider joining my book’s launch team!

    Saturn-Uranus-Lunar Nodes T-Square

    Predictions for 2023 from 25+ astrologers & psychics (free)

    Instant Divine Assistance: Your Free Guide to Fast and Easy Awakening and Healing

    Nonviolent Communication

    Awakening Plus September events

    Awakening Plus online spiritual support membership

    “This Week in Astrology” Free Session Entry (2 chances each month to win a free session with me!)

    Solar Fire astrology software

    My forecasts in writing

    My services: Astrology+, Shamanic Healing/IFS, life coaching and more

    Watch the September 16-30 forecast video

    As of September 16 …

    Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies. All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.

    Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.

    This Week in Astrology, September 1-15 2022 (#609)

    This Week in Astrology, September 1-15  2022 (#609)

    Mercury Retrograde and a Pisces Full Moon aspected by outer planets highlight the first half of September. We also have an unusual phenomenon — three different kinds of aspect patterns coming in pairs — along with a standalone “Finger of God!”

    As September Opens …

    Should you be on the launch team for my invocation book?

    Predictions for 2023 from 25+ astrologers & psychics (free)

    Instant Divine Assistance: Your Free Guide to Fast and Easy Awakening and Healing

    More info on the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine

    Nonviolent Communication

    Awakening Plus September events

    Awakening Plus online spiritual support membership

    “This Week in Astrology” Free Session Entry (2 chances each month to win a free session with me!)

    Solar Fire astrology software

    My forecasts in writing

    My services: Astrology+, Shamanic Healing/IFS, life coaching and more

    Watch the September 1-15 forecast video

    Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies. All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.

    Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.

    May the stars light your way,

    Benjamin Bernstein

    This Week in Astrology, August 16-31, 2022 (#608)

    This Week in Astrology, August 16-31, 2022 (#608)

    A fiery Virgo New Moon, tightly squared by Mars, highlights August’s second half. We also have four aspect patterns, mostly focused on Mercury, including a Grand Trine, Mystic Rectangle, Kite and Thor’s Hammer. And we have Uranus turning retrograde!


    Instant Divine Assistance: Your Free Guide to Fast and Easy Awakening and Healing

    More info on the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine

    Awakening Plus August events

    Awakening Plus online spiritual support membership

    “This Week in Astrology” Free Session Entry (2 chances each month to win a free session with me!)

    Solar Fire astrology software

    My forecasts in writing

    My services: Astrology+, Shamanic Healing/IFS, life coaching and more

    Watch the August 16-31 forecast video

    Whatever your Sun Sign, my forecasts can help you make the best use of the current astrological energies. All dates and times are in the U.S. eastern time zone. Events are most powerful on the dates listed, but their influence will be active for at least a week before and after.

    Everyone is affected by these global transits. However, you’ll be most powerfully impacted when moving planets activate sensitive points in your natal chart. Discover how these transits will personally affect you by booking a session with me.

    As of August 16 …

    This Week in Astrology, August 1-15 2022 (#607)

    This Week in Astrology, August 1-15  2022 (#607)

    An intense “Grand Crossed” Aquarius Full Moon highlights the first half of August. This Grand Cross is based on the Saturn-Uranus square that’s given us such a tumultuous year and a half.

    There’s also harmonious potential as a Mercury Kite stimulates this decade’s most important aspect pattern: a Uranus-Neptune-Pluto Mini Grand Trine. This outer planet trio is just warming up, but will empower the Aquarian Age as it strengthens.|

    We also have more aspect patterns. These include a peaking Triple Conjunction, a new “Finger of God” for trauma healing, a Mystic Rectangle, and more. Let’s explore!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/607

    This Week in Astrology, July 16-31 2022 (#606)

    This Week in Astrology, July 16-31 2022 (#606)

    Relationships and creative expression are harmoniously energized by a Kite aspect pattern. It includes a powerful Mars-Uranus-North Node Triple Conjunction, ideal for taking immediate soul-aligned action on your intuitive hits.

    The second half of July also features Chiron turning retrograde, perfect for emotional healing. We also have Jupiter retrograde, an intense T-Square, and a mentally stimulating Grand Cross. This half-month also includes the Sun entering Leo, a Leo New Moon, and more!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/606

    This Week in Astrology, July 1-15 2022 (#605)

    This Week in Astrology, July 1-15 2022 (#605)

    You can now enjoy my forecasts more frequently – and with less overwhelm! Starting now, I’m posting my forecasts around the 1st and 16th of each month.

    The first half of July features a Capricorn Full Moon. The Moon is conjunct Pluto and opposes Mercury – which itself is supercharged with four aspects that day! This Full Moon also has an intriguing Sabian Symbol, which hints at how you can lose a battle but still win the war.

    We also have a volatile Mars-Pluto square kicking off July, whose high-voltage power can serve you if you use it skillfully. We also have Venus square Neptune, an aspect full of spiritual and creative possibilities!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/605

    This Week in Astrology, May 2022 (#603)

    This Week in Astrology, May 2022 (#603)

    An abundantly aspected Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is May’s astrological headliner, closely followed by a double-sign Mercury Retrograde and Jupiter entering Aries!

    Two Uranus semi-squares add fuel to the fire, along with Jupiter sextile Pluto and a Gemini New Moon. We also have the Sun entering Gemini, a T-Square testing your higher cause commitment, and a Double Thor’s Hammer stirring up some juicy shadow work! Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/603

    This Week in Astrology, April 2022 (#602)

    This Week in Astrology, April 2022 (#602)

    2022’s second-strongest aspect – Jupiter conjunct Neptune – highlights April. We also have a Taurus Solar Eclipse electrified by Uranus, an Aries New Moon empowered by a Grand Stellium, and a Libra Full Moon supercharged by Pluto!

    But that’s not all. Pluto turns retrograde, the Sun enters Taurus, and Saturn and the lunar nodes help form several T-Squares!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/602

    This Week in Astrology, March 2022 (#601)

    This Week in Astrology, March 2022 (#601)

    Venus and Mars are the stars in March. For starters, they enter Aquarius, conjoin each other, and semi-square Jupiter – all on the same day!

    They also conjoin Pluto, quintile and sextile Chiron, and square Uranus. All this Venus-Mars action opens up opportunities for relating, creating and money-making.

    Venus and Mars are also involved in multi-week T-Squares with Juno, Saturn and the lunar nodes … which include an intense Triple Conjunction with Venus, Juno and Saturn! March also features a Pisces New Moon, a Virgo Full Moon, and the Spring Equinox chart as the Sun enters Aries.

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/601

    This Week in Astrology, February 2022 (#600)

    This Week in Astrology, February 2022 (#600)

    One of 2022’s most important aspects – Jupiter sextile Uranus – highlights February. Not only that, Jupiter and Pluto are semi-square – a minor aspect with major impact!

    The sky is also busy with an Aquarius New Moon, a Leo Full Moon, and Mercury turning direct. We also have the Sun entering Pisces, plus a peaking Cradle that supports both shadow work and abundance!

    Starting this month, I’m shifting from half-month to full-month forecasts. This will help open up the time I need to publish my invocation book and launch my new Awakening Plus podcast. And you’ll be able to see further into the future, so you can plan your life better!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/600

    This Week in Astrology, December 16-31 2021 (#597)

    This Week in Astrology, December 16-31 2021 (#597)

    I can’t remember ever seeing so many major astrology events all happening in a 16-day window!

    The headliner is the third and final line-up of 2021’s most powerful aspect, the mighty Saturn-Uranus square. We also have Venus turning retrograde … as she conjoins Pluto!

    Jupiter makes a magical quintile with Uranus, then enters Pisces. We also have Chiron turning direct, a Gemini Full Moon, and the Winter Solstice chart. OMG! Get comfortable — we have a lot to talk about!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/597

    The Spiritual Dimension of The Beatles

    The Spiritual Dimension of The Beatles

    If you think the Beatles were amazing, just wait until you learn about their astrology!

    Eric Meyers, master astrologer, prolific author and lifelong Beatles fanatic, spent years writing The Spiritual Dimension of The Beatles. This groundbreaking book explores the critical astrological influences that shaped the Beatles’ lives and music.

    In this 77-minute podcast, I do an in-depth interview with Eric about the astrology of The Beatles. Learn about how the departed mothers of both Paul McCartney and John Lennon acted as their muses, the magical astrological “Beatles Signature”, how the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the 60s profoundly influenced their music, and much more!

    Show notes at https://www.astroshaman.com/596-2/