
    Thrive Sister Thrive! Holistic Wellness for Women Over 40

    Want to feel empowered? Inspired? I got you sister! My name is Stacee Lynn, and I created this upbeat, personable, and sometimes wacky show, dedicated to the passionate pursuit of natural holistic wellness, just for gals like you and me. Listen in, and let's explore together, the many different ways to truly thrive as a 40+ woman in today's world - body, mind, and soul!
    enStacee Lynn26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    EP 25: Naturopathic Doctors - Should You Have One on Your Wellness Team?

    EP 25: Naturopathic Doctors - Should You Have One on Your Wellness Team?

    In this episode we’re exploring the topic of Naturopathic doctors and naturopathic medicine - which is a system that uses natural remedies to help your body heal itself.

    Did you know that Naturopathic doctors (otherwise called Naturopaths) can help you with a really wide variety of health issues? They can! Personally, I’ve found that they can be especially helpful when it comes to hormone-related issues, and also in treating various different types of chronic illness in a really natural, holistic, and non-invasive manner.

    So… should you add a Naturopath to your personal wellness team? Perhaps! I’ll tell you what… stay tuned to listen to my conversation with Naturopathic doctor, David Sandstrom - I think it will help you answer that very question.



    • Some of the main differences between how naturopathic doctors and allopathic doctors work with their patients.
    • The 6 primary tenets of naturopathic medicine.
    • What a visit to a naturopathic doctor tends to look like.
    • Homeopathic remedies - what are they and how do they work?
    • David’s personal approach to holistic health and wellness.



    VIDEO VERSION of this episode: https://youtu.be/kZohl_wX-yk





    CONNECT WITH STACEE on Instagram: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 24: How Your Home Lighting Affects Your Health

    EP 24: How Your Home Lighting Affects Your Health

    Science is now telling us that our modern lighting, especially our heavy use of LED bulbs in our homes and inside all of our screens, is damaging to our health. It’s especially damaging to our Circadian Rhythms, which is very bad news because they control many of the fundamental biological processes in our bodies - and when they’re messed up, we’re messed up, big time! Luckily, there are things we can do to mitigate this damage, but first we need to understand a bit about what’s going on - and that’s what this episode is all about!

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • What exactly is excessive artificial blue light?
    • How’s it different from natural blue light?
    • Where is it hiding in our homes?
    • Why you’ll want to consider eliminating as much artificial blue light as possible, and the dangers of not doing so.
    • 3 ways you can reduce that vast majority of the artificial blue light in your home starting today.


    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/24


    CONNECT WITH STACEE on IG: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP 23: Getting Out of Overwhelm - 7 Ways to Do It!

    EP 23: Getting Out of Overwhelm - 7 Ways to Do It!

    How often do you find yourself in a state of overwhelm these days? I have to say…

    I’ve been having to pull myself out of that place pretty often over the last several months. Luckily, I’ve learned some really effective ways to do that over the years, so I thought it would be nice to come on the pod and share what I’ve learned with you, in case you too find yourself in a state of overwhelm and want to intentionally and actively move yourself out of that place, and back to the more calm and centered version of yourself. Remember her? Let’s do it!

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • How do you know if you’re in a state of overwhelm?
    • 7 really effective ways to get out of a state of overwhelm and become more centered and relaxed ( and how to prevent it in the first place ).
    • Several great resources that can help you get (and stay) out of overwhelm.


    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: thrivesisterthrive.com/23


    FREE Ziva Meditation Self-Care Center: thrivesisterthrive.com/free-ziva-self-care-center


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    Affiliate Disclosure

    EP 22: Create Perfect Drinking Water at Home in 3 Simple Steps - with Ze’ev Zohar of Mayu Water

    EP 22: Create Perfect Drinking Water at Home in 3 Simple Steps - with Ze’ev Zohar of Mayu Water

    Want to learn how to revitalize your own tap water and make it extra clean, tasty, and healthy? This one may surprise you!

    In this episode I’m visiting with a lovely gentleman by the name of Ze’ev Zohar - he’s one of the co-founders of a company called Mayu Water, and he’s a really interesting guy. Ze’ev has been researching water for many years, and is incredibly knowledgeable about the things that affect our drinking water.

    In fact he and his business partner Shay Eden, have gone really deep into the study of how water acts in nature, which is incredibly important to understand if you’re going to try to replicate that in any way - which is exactly what they’re doing with their work, and through their products. Ze’ev starts off with explaining how water moves through nature, and what it’s doing along the way... and it’s fascinating! We then get into several other things, like...

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • What condition water is in by the time it reaches the taps in our homes,
    • Bottled water,
    • Natural spring water,
    • The 3 steps that are vital to creating your own clean, tasty, super healthy water at home, and how to do it!



    Show Notes with LINKS TO RESOURCES:


    The MAYU SWIRL: To learn more, shop, and see it in action…
    www.thrivesisterthrive.com/mayu - be sure to enter the discount code THRIVE at checkout for $15 OFF your purchase!


    VIDEO VERSION of this episode: https://youtu.be/Xa0Be1dD0FI


    CONNECT WITH STACEE on IG: @thrivesisterthrive


    Affiliate Disclosure

    EP 21: Why Weight Management is an Inside Job with Author and Weight Loss Expert Jennifer Powter

    EP 21: Why Weight Management is an Inside Job with Author and Weight Loss Expert Jennifer Powter

    I’ll tell you what… if you are someone who is currently struggling with weight loss, or even weight management for that matter, and you’re looking for some insight or perhaps a different approach to all of it, I think you’ll find this episode very helpful!

    My guest is a weight loss and mindset expert. Her name is Jennifer Powter, and guess what? We are NOT talking about the foods you should or shouldn’t eat in this episode - rather we’re talking about the inside work that’s necessary in order for real and lasting transformation to take place. And that’s what we really want, right? If that sounds interesting to you, please jump in and join us!

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • The biggest problem and common myths surrounding the weight loss industry today,
    • Why women sometimes sabotage their own weight loss success without knowing it,
    • How a person can begin to have a healthy relationship with food,
    • What happens when those close to you are freaked out about the healthy changes you’re making, and
    • What is a metabolic profile?



    Show Notes with LINKS TO RESOURCES mentioned in this episode: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/21


    CONNECT WITH STACEE on Instagram: @thrivesisterthrive

    EP 20: Medicinal Teas Alleviate Stress and SO Much More - with Marquita Ell

    EP 20: Medicinal Teas Alleviate Stress and SO Much More - with Marquita Ell

    Most people drink herbal tea when they have a cold, or just because it tastes wonderful, or sometimes to unwind and relax… but did you know that there’s A LOT more that herbal teas can do for us when used medicinally.

    In fact, once we learn about the medicinal benefits of certain herbs, and begin to drink herbal infusions, such as tea regularly, they can have a profound effect not only on how well we feel in the present moment, but also on our long-term health and wellness. So they’re an amazing tool for all of us to have in our natural medicine toolbox.

    I’ve been using medicinal teas for a long time, so I thought it would be a great idea to bring an actual herbalist, someone who studies and works with medicinal herbs, onto the show to give us a peek into this magical and powerful world!

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • Some of the most common health challenges that women over 40 encounter, that can be either avoided, or alleviated, with medicinal teas.
    • Some specific herbs that are helpful for some of the common symptoms that we all encounter at one time or another - and sometimes on repeat.
    • How long it takes to experience benefits from drinking medicinal teas.
    • The proper way to prepare medicinal teas so that you get the most out of them.





    VIDEO VERSION of this episode https://youtu.be/PvRT1A2P0GE


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP 19: Making Your Home Healthier with Houseplants - with Plant Expert Katlyn Daoust

    EP 19: Making Your Home Healthier with Houseplants - with Plant Expert Katlyn Daoust

    In this episode, I have a really fun and informative chat with an interior plant expert named Katlyn Daoust from a company called Plants By Her. Why are we talking about houseplants on a wellness podcast? Well…

    As it turns out, science tells us that having plants in our homes and workspaces is a really healthy thing to do. So of course, I’m hoping this chat will inspire you to make indoor plants a part of your living space if they’re not already. And, if you’ve felt intimidated about doing so because you don’t have a clue where to start or how to care for plants, I think this episode will help you get past all that!

    Some highlights from this episode:

    • Some of the different health benefits we can enjoy by bringing plants into our homes.
    • How plants create healthier spaces - how they do what they do,
    • How you can start raising houseplants of your very own right away, and without spending a lot of money,
    • How much time tending to houseplants requires,
    • Some tips around taking care of your indoor plants,
    • How you can get 1-on-1 plant-parent help virtually/online if you need it.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS to RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/19


    VIDEO VERSION of this episode https://youtu.be/u1U90IFYos8


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive

    EP 18: Find Calm, Clarity, and Balance by Getting Outside Every Day - with Sarah Guilliot

    EP 18: Find Calm, Clarity, and Balance by Getting Outside Every Day - with Sarah Guilliot

    This episode is for those lovely listeners of mine that are disconnected from nature, at least most of the time. Does that sound like you? If so, I’m hoping to inspire you to form a new habit around getting outside daily, even if only for mini-doses of 5 to 15 minutes or so, because I know for a fact that it will make your life so much better (in a variety of ways) if you do this every day.

    So... my friend Sarah and I are going to do our very best to convince you that it’s super worth doing, by sharing our own stories and the many wonderful benefits that we both experience by making sure we get outside every day, at least for a little bit. Jump on in and come have some laughs with us!


    VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/Uzg9lK2Cfnk


    SHOW NOTES with RESOURCE LINKS: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/18


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 17: Self-Healing and Rejuvenation through Energy Medicine - with Madison King

    EP 17: Self-Healing and Rejuvenation through Energy Medicine - with Madison King

    Are you wanting to heal your body in some way? Would you like to regain your vitality, or just simply enjoy life more? Well you’re in for a real treat my friend, because what you’ll learn about in this episode can help you literally transform your health and vitality more dramatically than just about any other singular practice can.

    We’re talking about the modern practice of ancient energy medicine… and if that sounds a bit too bananas for you, I get it, but I also really encourage you to just lean in and learn a bit about this safe and powerful practice that will enable you to reset and strengthen your body’s energy pathways and systems using your own two hands, some breathwork, and some very specific (and easy) body movements. It’s easy, it’s relaxing, and it’s impactful!

    I’m joined by esteemed energy medicine teacher, Madison King. She’s been working with energy for over 30 years - literally thousands of students, clients (and their pets) have benefited from working with this authentic, wise woman. Listen in, and learn from one of the best!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • We define what energy medicine is, and why it’s so restorative and healing.
    • Madison touches on the more common benefits people enjoy once they take up a regular energy practice of their own, and I share my own experiences and successes in this department as well.
    • We talk about the powerful and accessible Eden Energy Medicine method, which is my guest’s specialty.
    • Find out how much time someone needs to dedicate to an energy practice in order to reap the benefits, and... the easiest way to get started with your own energy practice!
    • And... learn how you can take some of the same techniques you learn to use on yourself, to provide comfort and healing for your 4-legged fur babies.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/17


    VIDEO VERSION of this episode https://youtu.be/RccqyceQkRk


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP 16: Embrace Imperfect Creativity for a Happier, Healthier Life - with Jana Oliveira

    EP 16: Embrace Imperfect Creativity for a Happier, Healthier Life - with Jana Oliveira

    In this episode, we’re going to be exploring the different ways in which embarking on, what I like to call 'imperfect' creative endeavors (all different kinds), is not only good for our soul, but it’s also incredibly good for our mental health and by extension, our physical health - so it can be a really powerful tool in our holistic wellness toolbox.

    My guest today is Jana Oliveira, and she’s a mixed media artist that helps women build artistic skills and find healing and joy through art making. She’s been creating, in one form or another, since 2007, and these days, she spends most of her creative time painting - she produces work in acrylics, watercolors, oils and also mixed media.

    We’re having a relaxing and interesting chat - I hope you join us, and that you walk away from this episode feeling super inspired!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • Why so many people make the mistake of thinking they’re not creative at all, and... some suggestions around how to overcome that.
    • What it means to have a healthy ‘beginners’ mindset.
    • How the very act of creating something can be so incredibly healing.
    • How working with different colors affects our mental state.
    • How to make sure that your creative projects remain joyful, and don’t become frustrating or a burden.
    • Some easy and inexpensive ways that you can get started with your next creative endeavor.



    VIDEO VERSION of this episode https://youtu.be/pSKVWBH-Zng


    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/16


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP 15: 100 Percent Plant Based - What I Eat in a Day

    EP 15: 100 Percent Plant Based - What I Eat in a Day

    Are you wanting to eat more plant-based foods, but think that it’s too difficult or time consuming, or maybe even boring? If so, give this episode a listen - it may just change your mind. I’ve been eating a 100 percent plant-based diet for almost 10 years now, and in this episode I’m going to be sharing what I eat day-to-day and week-to-week. I’ve learned an awful lot along the way, and I just keep learning! So... I’m here to share that experience with you. I hope you find it helpful.

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • The simple, delicious, and easily prepared foods I typically eat day-to-day.
    • My favorite beverages.
    • How to keep plant-based eating simple.
    • Supplements
    • My favorite kitchen equipment.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/15


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP 14: The Mind Games that Challenge Our Success When Seeking Wellness

    EP 14: The Mind Games that Challenge Our Success When Seeking Wellness

    Do you have something that you really want to accomplish, I mean something that you care deeply about, yet you just can not seem to make any progress on it? Are you frustrated because you can’t figure out why this is? Well my friend... this episode will likely clear that up for you!

    We’re going to explore why oftentimes it’s so damn difficult to make progress on health and wellness goals that are important to us. I mean, shouldn’t it be easier to get them done if they’re important? Yes! Right? Well turns out there’s a twist, and it’s name is Resistance - and let me tell you… it is both sneaky and incredibly destructive. However, once we know what it is, why it is, and how to catch it in the act… we can stop it in its tracks and we can change our life. So I’d say it’s definitely a concept worth contemplating. Let’s get into it!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • WHAT is Resistance, and how does it feel when it shows up?
    • WHY does Resistance show up?
    • WHEN do we experience Resistance the most - when is it strongest?
    • HOW Resistance shows up - what it can look like in our day-to-day life.
    • TIPS to overcoming Resistance!



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/14


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 13: The Gray Hair Revolution - Embrace It, or Defy It?

    EP 13: The Gray Hair Revolution - Embrace It, or Defy It?

    This gray hair revolution... it’s actually become a women’s movement, hasn’t it? The absolute abundance of gray haired goddesses (both younger and older) popping up everywhere since early 2020.

    It’s definitely been on my radar, and I have to tell you... it’s been messing with my head a bit, as it’s had me confronting some of my own ideas and feelings about aging. However, I’ve also been absolutely fascinated by it all, and I’ve been learning a lot about it lately, so... I thought I’d share some of that cool stuff with you, right here!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • How I’ve felt about the concept of going gray throughout my adult years.
    • Here’s why so many women are now choosing to go gray.
    • How are they doing it? What’s the process?
    • How does one remain hip/stylish while making this big change?
    • How I feel about the Gray Hair Revolution now.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/13


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive



    EP12: Wellness Rituals - The Value and the Challenges

    EP12: Wellness Rituals - The Value and the Challenges

    Need some guidance or support around embracing wellness rituals? This should help my friend!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode… 

    • Taking a look at some of the common challenges that many of us encounter when it comes to adopting or being consistent with self-care and wellness rituals/routines... and we’ll have a look at some things that can help you navigate these challenges. 
    • The importance of momentum. 
    • A few tips to help you build new habits. 
    • I’m sharing my own wellness rituals, as well as my current challenges and how I’m navigating them. 
    • A few awesome resources!



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/12


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 11: Your Body Products on Your Health

    EP 11: Your Body Products on Your Health

    Are your body products 100% safe? Since most of us consider them to be an important part of our daily self-care, it’s really important that we have at least a basic understanding about how they impact our overall health. So I’m going to hit the high points here, as well as share some of my personal favorites when it comes to safe and natural body products.

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode...

    • Why does it even matter what we put on our skin?
    • Why can’t we just assume that all body products sold on the market are safe?
    • How can we easily determine which ones are safe?
    • I'm sharing some of my favorite safe and natural body products and brands.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/11


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 10: Embracing Meditation - My Own Story

    EP 10: Embracing Meditation - My Own Story

    Are you curious about meditation? Do you wonder if there’s a difference between mindfulness and meditation? What about the apps? Are you confused about it all like I was up until a few years ago?

    If so, listen in as I share my personal meditation journey - you’ll likely be able to relate to some of the things I felt and thought prior to becoming educated about meditation, and then ultimately embracing it. Over the course of a few years, I went from semi-skeptic to a passionate advocate, with several stops in between. I hope you enjoy this episode!


    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/10


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 09: Hydrate Safely - What's Really in Your Tap Water?

    EP 09: Hydrate Safely - What's Really in Your Tap Water?

    Here's how to make sure you have the safest possible tap and drinking water in your home! If you think it's already safe, you may be very surprised by what I’m going to share here.

    Getting this right is so critical to attaining good health, that we personally, need to make sure we’re doing everything we can to take control over this - because as you’ll find out in this episode, we can’t just rely on our federal and local U.S. governments to handle it for us.

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • Why we have to take matters into our own hands when it comes to the safety of our drinking water.
    • What’s wrong with our tap water anyway?
    • Common water filters used in the home.
    • A great resource for further research, and necessary tools to navigate this.
    • Options and resources to help us fix this issue in our own homes.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/09


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 08: Balance Hormones, Boost Metabolism and Sleep Better by Re-Syncing Your Circadian Rhythms

    EP 08: Balance Hormones, Boost Metabolism and Sleep Better by Re-Syncing Your Circadian Rhythms

    This can have a profound impact on how you feel and look every single day. It's incredible! So let's explore how you can better support those circadian rhythms of yours, which can result in balancing some very important hormones, better sleep, appetite stabilization, boosted metabolism, feeling more energized during the day, and just feeling and functioning better in general. You ready?

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • What our circadian rhythms are, and what they do.
    • What happens to us when our circadian rhythms get out of whack, and what causes that to happen.
    • How we can better support our circadian rhythms so they can function better, and we can enjoy better overall health.
    • Great resources and some things you can begin doing right away to address this issue.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/08


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 07: Energy Medicine is Wellness at Your Fingertips

    EP 07: Energy Medicine is Wellness at Your Fingertips

    Want to take your overall wellness to a whole new level quickly and easily? It sounds too good to be true, but I promise you it isn't!

    In this episode I'm going to chat with you about an accessible and powerful modality called Energy Medicine, which can have a dramatic effect on your energy level, your pain and/or stress level, your hormones, chronic illness, and just your overall state of wellbeing. I know this first-hand from my own personal transformation! This is really good stuff, and most people know nothing about it, so let's start to change that here and now, shall we?

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • Energy Medicine… what is it, how does it work, what does it do?
    • How I learned about energy medicine, and what my experience with it has been like.
    • Great free resources so you can get started with your own energy medicine practice right away!



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/07


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive


    EP 06: Foods that Energize - Eat Simply and Deliciously

    EP 06: Foods that Energize - Eat Simply and Deliciously

    All foods are NOT created equal when it comes to helping your body create energy, and then sustain it for long periods of time. It’s true!

    So, in this episode we’re going to get down to the nuts and bolts of all this so you can walk away knowing exactly which delicious plant-based foods to add to your plate every day so you can be supercharged and super powerful!

    A few HIGHLIGHTS from this episode…

    • How I made the transition from the Standard American Diet to a partially Vegan diet, to an entirely Vegan diet, to a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet.
    • Quick macro-nutrient overview.
    • The difference between unprocessed and highly processed foods.
    • Some specific foods that will help you get super energized!
    • A fantastic free resource to help you get more plant foods onto your plate easily.



    SHOW NOTES with LINKS TO RESOURCES MENTIONED: www.thrivesisterthrive.com/06


    CONNECT WITH STACEE: @thrivesisterthrive