
    Thriving Relationships Show

    Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, interviews some of the most inspiring luminaries, thought leaders, and researchers of our time to gain their unique insights on every imaginable aspect of how to experience more love, healing, and understanding in all our relationships. Each episode will open your heart and give you incredible a-ha’s, concrete takeaways, revelatory ways of seeing yourself and others, and an opportunity to experience a more joyful, ease-filled, and loving connection to those around you (and to yourself), something we all inherently crave in this human experience. Featured on TEDx, Marriage . com, Happify, NBC, Fox, Psychology Today, ABC, CBS, and Thrive Global, the Center for Thriving Relationships has become a globally renowned place to get support on all things love and relating, including their Thriving Relationship Coach Certification program to train other aspiring coaches to help couples around the world experience the greatest version of their love — for the greater good of all. Learn more at https://centerforthrivingrelationships.com/
    enChristine Eartheart25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    Secrets to Lasting Love | NY Times Bestselling Author, Gay Hendricks, and Christine Eartheart

    Secrets to Lasting Love | NY Times Bestselling Author, Gay Hendricks, and Christine Eartheart

    A deeply inspiring interview with one of the most beloved relationship pioneers of our time who (along with his brilliant wife and teacher, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks) has personally impacted my own relationship as much as anyone, NY Times Bestselling author, Dr. Gay Hendricks.


    Gay has written over 40 books (some co-authored with amazing Katie), like Conscious Loving and The Big Leap — and many are on relationships, personal development, and consciousness.



    0:32 Hear how Christine and Bret almost ended their relationship and how they came to discover the work of Gay and Katie Hendricks

    4:48 Why did Gay vow in 9th grade to never get married

    9:55 The magic day Gay realized the 3 things that messed up all his past relationships

    11:30 The powerful commitment that led Gay to his wife, Katie

    14:25 21 years with no blame or criticism

    15:25 A closer look at the 4 big commitments Gay and Katie made to each other

    18:40 Saying something authentic and inarguable will solve problems much quicker than blame and criticism

    22:12 The importance of living in your Genius Zone

    27:40 The Upper Limit Problem - what it is and what to do about it

    31:30 How worry creates a traffic jam in your mind

    37:00 The importance of creativity in relationships

    48:07 Gay defines what a thriving relationship is to him


    ✨ SUBSCRIBE for more wonderful relationship, dating, and marriage advice, tips, and inspiration.



    Hendricks Institute with Gay and Katie Hendricks:


    Center for Thriving Relationships with Bret and Christine Eartheart





    Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for more than 45 years.

    After earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay served as professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years.

    He has written more than 40 books, including bestsellers such as Five Wishes, The Big Leap and Conscious Loving (co-authored with his co-author and mate for more than 35 years, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks), both used as a primary text in universities around the world.

    Gay has offered seminars worldwide and appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.



    Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, interviews some of the most inspiring luminaries, thought leaders, and researchers of our time to gain their unique insights on every imaginable aspect of how to experience more love, healing, and understanding in all our relationships.

    Featured on TEDx, Marriage. com, Happify, NBC, Fox, Psychology Today, ABC, CBS, and Thrive Global, the Center for Thriving Relationships has become a globally renowned place to get support on all things love and relating, including their Thriving Relationships Coach Certification program to train other aspiring coaches to help couples around the world experience the greatest version of their love — for the greater good of all.

    4: How to Find Your Soulmate & Avoid the Pain and Pitfalls of Dating Apps with Mia Lux and Christine Eartheart

    4: How to Find Your Soulmate & Avoid the Pain and Pitfalls of Dating Apps with Mia Lux and Christine Eartheart

    Join Mia Lux, Founder of La Vette, and Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, for a juicy episode where we cover the following topics:

    5:34 - How online dating quickly moves from excitement to exhaustion

    6:25 - The anti-social behaviors we’re being conditioned to accept as a normal part of dating

    9:50 - The antidote to these antisocial behaviors

    16:28 - Mating in the wild vs dating apps

    20:46 - How to become a founding member of the La vette social club

    22:10 - Your 3 voices (HEAD, HEART and HOO-HA) and what they all want from a partner

    26:40 - The best questions to ask for a deeper connection, quality conversation, and a fantastic date

    33:40 - Christine’s #1 question we should ask to find out if a thriving relationship is possible

    41:35 - Mia’s secret ingredient for great first dates

    46:38 - Red flag alerts!

    52:48 - Mia’s definition of a thriving relationship



    Mia Lux is the Founder of La Vette, a new intentional dating platform for self-aware singles.

    Although our work is primarily focused on how to help couples create a thriving relationship once they are already coupled, we absolutely LOVE what Mia has created to help people find their person. In fact, we are sooo excited about what Mia has intentionally designed that, if we weren't together, it's exactly what we'd sign up for. 😂

    Why? La Vette merges personal development and dating and, instead of exhausting swiping, they've found such a unique way to make the process of finding love fun, meaningful, and rewarding!

    On today's episode, you'll learn a bit more about Mia's story and La Vette, and we also talk about all sorts of juicy topics you won't want to miss, especially if you are currently in the dating scene.



    If you're done with the disappointing (and often dangerous) world of dating apps, Mia has given us a special link that gives you your first month of La Vette free.


    You can also find Mia on IG at @lavettesocialclub and @mymialux.



    Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, interviews some of the most inspiring luminaries, thought leaders, and researchers of our time to gain their unique insights on every imaginable aspect of how to experience more love, healing, and understanding in all our relationships.

    Each episode will open your heart and give you incredible a-ha’s, concrete takeaways, revelatory ways of seeing yourself and others, and an opportunity to experience a more joyful, ease-filled, and loving connection to those around you (and to yourself), something we all inherently crave in this human experience.

    Featured on TEDx, Marriage. com, Happify, NBC, Fox, Psychology Today, ABC, CBS, and Thrive Global, the Center for Thriving Relationships has become a globally renowned place to get support on all things love and relating, including their Thriving Relationships Coach Certification program to train other aspiring coaches to help couples around the world experience the greatest version of their love — for the greater good of all.








    3: How Trauma Impacts Relationships & How to Heal From It | Marina Yanay-Triner & Christine Eartheart

    3: How Trauma Impacts Relationships & How to Heal From It | Marina Yanay-Triner & Christine Eartheart

    Guest and Somatic Coach Marina Yanay-Triner (interviewed by your host, Christine Eartheart) shares powerful insights into the ways trauma impacts our closest relationships, including some of the topics below...


    ❤️ TIME STAMPS ❤️


    3:35 - How to tell if your emotions are dysregulated


    6:09 - Don’t blame yourself - it’s an automatic response


    6:40 - A good reminder when we lash out at our partners


    7:03 - The body knows what the mind forgets


    8:45 - Hear about a time when Marina entered the “preparation for death” phase after an encounter with her partner


    11:35 - When feeling triggered, it’s important for us to identify the memory, belief or instance that caused us to dysregulate


    12:58 - A reminder to direct our pain/grief/rage to the past where it belongs, not onto our current relationship


    14:05 - If you aren’t sure where your trauma came from because you’ve blocked out the memory, there is still a path to healing.


    15:08 - The paradox of healing - when we need to process our emotions but aren’t able to feel them to begin with


    16:48 - Learn to feel little chunks of emotions first


    18:45 - Marina teaches us how to tune into our bodies


    21:00 - The power of water and why swimming or taking a bath feels so good


    25:05 - Trauma isn’t just about specific events but rather becomes a patterned response to how we show up everywhere in our lives.


    26:47 - Before and After - What relationships look like once healing begins


    31:05 - How to support your partner when they are upset


    37:32 - An inspiring message to do the hard work of healing


    40:00 - Tips to bring passion back into a relationship that is struggling



    Marina Yanay-Triner is a Compassionate Somatic Coach. As a trauma-informed coach, Marina works with clients to go deep into the roots of behavioral patterns that hold them back from experiencing life to its fullest, looking at childhood-rooted beliefs, emotions, behavioral patterns, and the unconscious to create massive transformation. Marina uses body-based approaches, including mindful self compassion, nervous system regulation, and emotional healing to support a connection back to the body, strengthen their connection with their intuition, and flourish!


    You can find her on IG at https://www.instagram.com/marina.y.t/ and on her website at https://marinayt.com/.



    Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, interviews some of the most inspiring luminaries, thought leaders, and researchers of our time to gain their unique insights on every imaginable aspect of how to experience more love, healing, and understanding in all our relationships. Each episode will open your heart and give you incredible a-ha’s, concrete takeaways, revelatory ways of seeing yourself and others, and an opportunity to experience a more joyful, ease-filled, and loving connection to those around you (and to yourself), something we all inherently crave in this human experience.


    Featured on TEDx, Marriage.com, Happify, NBC, Fox, Psychology Today, ABC, CBS, and Thrive Global, the Center for Thriving Relationships has become a globally renowned place to get support on all things love and relating, including their Thriving Relationships Coach Certification program to train other aspiring coaches to help couples around the world experience the greatest version of their love — for the greater good of all.


    Learn more at https://centerforthrivingrelationships.com/


    2: Emotional Intelligence and Expressing Our Needs in Relationships | Rick William and Christine Eartheart

    2: Emotional Intelligence and Expressing Our Needs in Relationships | Rick William and Christine Eartheart

    Rick William shares powerful insights into these questions you won't want to miss.

    ❤️ What is "emotional fitness" and why is it so important in our romantic relationship?

    ❤️ Why are some of us so disconnected from what we really need in our relationships?

    ❤️ How do we learn to get in touch with and then communicate about our needs (and what happens when we don't)?

    ❤️ How does an absence of self-love impact our romantic relationship?

    ❤️ If we are disconnected from our own sense of purpose and meaning, how does that affect our partnership?

    ❤️ What is the key to healthy communication, especially when we're triggered?

    ❤️ Why is growth so vital to thriving and why is it worth it, even when it's scary?

    We explore all of these things and so much more, and we can’t wait for you to tune in and to hear what you think. Deeply grateful to continue expanding in love together. 

    ❤️ Welcome to the Thriving Relationships Show

    Join Christine Eartheart, Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, as she interviews some of the most inspiring luminaries, thought leaders, and researchers of our time to gain their unique insights on every imaginable aspect of how to experience more love, healing, and understanding in all our relationships. Each episode will open your heart and give you incredible a-ha’s, concrete takeaways, revelatory ways of seeing yourself and others, and an opportunity to experience a more joyful, ease-filled, and loving connection to those around you (and to yourself), something we all inherently crave in this human experience.

    Featured on TEDx, Marriage.com, Happify, NBC, Fox, Psychology Today, ABC, CBS, and Thrive Global, the Center for Thriving Relationships has become a globally renowned place to get support on all things love and relating, including their Thriving Relationships Coach Certification program to train other aspiring coaches to help couples around the world experience the greatest version of their love — for the greater good of all.

    ❤️ GUEST BIO

    Rick William helps support conscious high performers master their internal state so that they can create real freedom in life, relationship and business. Rick is a certified trauma informed coach, breath work facilitator and uses a combination of personal development tools and innovative life and business strategies to help his clients achieve results. His mission is to help others live emotionally connected and meaningful lives and to popularize emotional wealth (EQ) so that we can rise up, share our gifts and create heart led solutions to end suffering on this planet. He now lives in Costa Rica with and shares his work worldwide.

    ✨ SUBSCRIBE for more wonderful relationship, dating, and marriage advice, tips, and inspiration.






    🎉 FREE 3-Day Thriving Relationship Workshop

    If you loved this episode, we would be so grateful if you could share about it on social media. Tag us @centerforthrivingrelationships and let us know. Just take a screenshot, and send it over to us at Info@CenterThrive.com, and we'll give you instant access to our 3-day Thriving Relationship Workshop, (currently $97 on our website ~ but you get it for FREE as our way of saying THANK YOU!) You will learn the 6 essential pillars to getting the kind of love you've always wanted, complete with powerful exercises and tools that will make an instant shift in your relationship and move you from conflict back into connection. This workshop makes for 3 perfect and life-changing date nights of breakthroughs, a-ha’s, deeper love and connection, and reigniting the spark between you!

    Thriving Relationships Show
    enSeptember 13, 2022

    1: Whole Brain Relationships with Harvard-Trained Neuroscientist, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, and Christine Eartheart

    1: Whole Brain Relationships with Harvard-Trained Neuroscientist, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, and Christine Eartheart

    Join NY Times Bestselling author and Harvard trained neuroanatomist, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor to gain incredible insights and understand what's actually happening in your brain during times of both conflict and connection -- and everything in between.

    It's utterly fascinating and will help explain why we can be relaxed, kind, and connected to our partner one moment -- and then in the midst of a power struggle, criticizing them, or thinking they don't care about us the next.

    She'll also teach you how to shift more readily out of our moments of pain and disconnection by creating a "Whole Brain Relationship."

    In fact, Dr. Jill will introduce you to the "8 characters" inside of us that are involved in every partnership.

    It's no wonder relationships can be challenging -- it's not just about two personalities. It's about 8!

    (That will all make so much more sense when you tune in.)


    ❤️ Timestamps ❤️ 


    3:11 - Why it’s a myth that we only use 10% of our brain

    4:59 - The 4 “characters” that live inside of all of our brains

    7:27 - Why we can be kind to our partner one moment and criticizing them or arguing with them the next, from the perspective of a neuroscientist

    9:56 - Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on the morning of her stroke

    41:26 - Dr. Jill’s “Brain Huddle” to cultivate greater inner peace and the power to choose how we want to show up in our relationships

    42: 50 - Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s 90 Second Rule


    ✨ FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE for bi-weekly relationship, dating, and marriage advice, tips, and inspiration. 


    ❤️ LEARN MORE ❤️ 







    Prefer WATCHING instead? Check out the video format on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThrivingRelationships


    👉 Want support in your relationship or marriage? Work with a personal Relationship Coach from anywhere in the world. Learn more here: https://centerforthrivingrelationships.com/counseling/


    👉 Want to experience a transformational couples retreat?! Join us for a romantic weekend getaway that lasts at our annual transformational Thrive in Love Valentine's Retreat here: https://centerforthrivingrelationships.com/couplesretreat/


    👉 Wondering how to become a Certified Relationship Coach? Get a sneak peek into our life-changing 6 month training here: https://centerforthrivingrelationships.com/certification/


    🎉 FREE 3-Day Thriving Relationship Workshop 

    If you loved this episode, we would be so grateful if you could leave a review. Once you do, just take a screenshot, and send it over to us at Info@CenterThrive.com, and we'll give you instant access to our 3-day Thriving Relationship Workshop, (currently $97 on our website ~ but you get it for FREE as our way of saying THANK YOU!). Learn the 6 essential pillars to getting the kind of love you've always wanted and to move you from conflict back into connection!