
    Tiny Ripples of Light podcast

    Jessica Zuik is a mom, a nurse, a coach, and an energy junkie. She works with women who long to create extraordinary ripples of love and light in their everyday lives. Tiny ripples of light is how she shares her light and insight with the world.
    enJessica Zuik16 Episodes

    Episodes (16)

    Seeing Ourselves With New Eyes

    Seeing Ourselves With New Eyes

    Cassie Trebar - the brilliant eye and mind behind Blush Bloom Boudoir - and I chat about reemerging into society as women. Together we break down the Pandemic Paradigm - and how women have navigated the last 18 months. And now we are learning to honor and heal the trauma that is starting to manifest itself as we begin returning to the “new normal”. Don’t miss how she is working to make this transition easier for everyone!

    Living On Our Edge

    Living On Our Edge

    She isn't just beautiful...she's freaking brilliant.  Kristen Birkbeck and I talk about living on our edge.  Always on the verge of transformation and self-innovation.

    Together we dish on separating our gut feelings from the thoughts in our mind, interpreting our uncomfortable feelings, and knowing the difference between what helps us grow and what does not serve us. We share our tools for standing in our power as women, mothers, explorers, and entrepreneurs.  All the while having loads of fun and feeling good.

    Choosing To Heal Myself Through Motherhood

    Choosing To Heal Myself Through Motherhood

    This episode I talk about my choice to heal myself through motherhood.  Somewhere along my motherhood journey I began to question why I felt so miserable.  Why I wasn't happy.  Why I didn't feel the satisfaction society/media/etc told me would be waiting for me in motherhood.  Within the safety and unconditional love of my family I have learned to heal the parts of me that prevented the peace, joy, ease from coming to their fullest expression in my life.  Please excuse all of the "ums"...this one was a bit raw and vulnerable.  Much love.

    Embracing Your Cyclical Nature

    Embracing Your Cyclical Nature

    What does it mean to be cyclical by nature?  Together we will explore how you can move with your cycle - how you can use our energy to catapult us closer and closer to the goals we set.  

    As women, the cycle of creation has four distinct modes.  In this episode I discuss them - what they are, how they flow into each other, and how they propel us along our path.  


    Finding Playfulness in Expansion

    Finding Playfulness in Expansion

    Growth, business, family, relationships - can we find playfulness in all areas of our life.  Like, two year old in a flurry of creativity - kind of playfulness.  What this takes, what it means, and how achieving it has become one of the hallmark milestones in my life.  A convo with my friend, coach, and fellow sister, Courtney Van Atta.  Find her at https://www.veritasprinciplesllc.com.

    Find Something To Celebrate ... Then Get To It!

    Find Something To Celebrate ... Then Get To It!

    Do you set goals, only to keep moving the carrot further and further as you begin making strides whatever you have your vision set on?   I did.  But not anymore.  

    A previous version of me longed to be exactly where I am right now.  Harnessing the power in our cyclical nature - the dance of masculine and feminine energy - to propel us to toward a bigger, brighter, shiner, more advanced, more badass version of ourselves is the quickest and most enjoyable route toward becoming who we envision we can be.  And it all hinges on finding moments to celebrate yourself.    

    I am no longer who I say I am

    I am no longer who I say I am

    Do you ever feel like you can't possibly describe yourself?  I do.  It's probably because my goal in this world is to constantly outgrow myself.  I long to be bigger than I am in this very moment - always.  In this episode I talk about introducing myself, limiting myself, challenging the labels I am both given - by others and by myself.  Welcome!  Let's spend the next twenty minutes loving on our truest self and our truest potential.  

    Life Lessons From a Two Year Old

    Life Lessons From a Two Year Old

    Dr. Sera Lavelle and I cover so much in this episode.  You don't want to miss it - We dish on schooling, gender equality, mom-guilt, mind-reading, navigating relationships in close quarters, growing businesses as women and the effect all of this has on our children.   Want to connect with Sera?  Find her here: sera@nyhealthhypnosis.com, sera@beabettereating.comBeabettereating.com 

    The Story Behind the Woman

    The Story Behind the Woman

    Have you ever wondered what kind of impact your story can have on this world?  Our stories are so uniquely our own.  Storytelling is my superpower.  Is it yours?  Can you see your story as super powerful and ridiculously impactful? In this episode I share one of my favorite humans on the planet with you - Sarah Beirne.  She is the marvelous talent behind Sarah Beirne Photography.  Not only does she take beautiful pictures, but she helps you see that your story is beautiful.  Check her out at https://sarahbeirnephotography.com.