
    Tips - How to grow your podcast

    Launch and boost the growth of your podcast with Tips, the new weekly show from Ausha! 💜 Each week, listen to our top tips for taking your podcast to the next level and growing your audience. 🚀 Communication, analysis, recording, editing, writing: in just a few minutes each week, we will give you all the key tips so that you can boost your podcast to the stars! ✨ —--------- Do you have ideas or suggested topics? Questions about your podcast? A problem subscribing to us? Contact us on Ausha’s social media pages or send us an email to hello@ausha.co (mailto:hello@ausha.co). 💌 To follow us on social media, it’s here: Instagram: @ausha_en Twitter: @ausha_en TikTok : @ausha_en LinkedIn: @Ausha 🚀 —--------- This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥
    enTeam Ausha41 Episodes

    Episodes (41)

    How to transform an unkown listener into a loyal listener

    How to transform an unkown listener into a loyal listener

    🔥 In less than 7 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to transform an unknown listener into a loyal listener! 🔥


    To transform an unknown listener into a loyal listener, we have a technique: The Listener Journey.

    Here are the 3 steps:

    1️⃣ Notoriety 👉 How do you get your podcast noticed by your audience?

    2️⃣ Activation 👉 How can you convince your potential listener to press play?

    3️⃣ Retention 👉 How can you make your listeners come back to your podcast (or to stay in the first place)?

    We’ll give you all the details in this episode, so enjoy listening, you adventurers! ⚔️


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  

    What's the ideal length of a podcast episode?

    What's the ideal length of a podcast episode?

    🔥 In 5 minutes, discover our best marketing tips in order to define the ideal episode length for your podcasts! 🔥


    Here’s a small overview of all the messages that we get every day at Ausha:

    How long should my podcast episode be?

    Is it best to do a podcast episode that is 5 minutes, 30 minutes, or 2 hours long?

    What is the average length of a podcast episode?

    If I have shorter episodes will I have more downloads?

    Basically the question about the ideal length of a podcast episode comes up VERY often, so it was time to dedicate an episode of TIPS to it! ⏱️

    I’m going to save you some time, the perfect length for your episodes, which will help you get several million downloads per day is… 🤫


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    Should you publish your podcast on YouTube?

    Should you publish your podcast on YouTube?

    🔥 In less than 7 minutes, we’ll explain to you why it’s interesting to broadcast your podcast on Youtube! 🔥


    If Youtube is a video platform, it’s also extremely used by listeners to discover new podcasts. 🕵

    Not surprising, because it seems like everyone is on Youtube!

    In this episode of TIPS, we’ll give you all the good reasons for why you should broadcast your podcast on Youtube and we’ll reveal the best practices to follow to distribute it effectively on this platform!

    Enjoy listening! 🎧


    Here is our YouTube video on how to record your podcast remotely for free :



    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to build your podcast's brand identity

    How to build your podcast's brand identity

    🔥 In 7 minutes, discover our best marketing tips for constructing the brand identity of your podcast! 🔥


    Constructing the brand identity of your podcast is an essential step for its proper development and for growing your audience. So, we have some good news and some bad news to share…

    ❌ The bad news: Constructing your brand identity is not something that can be improvised. (Otherwise it would be way too easy)

    ✅ The good news: Sarah will give you all the key steps to create the brand identity of your podcast in this episode!

    Enjoy listening! 🎧


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    Get your podcast off the ground with Snacking Content

    Get your podcast off the ground with Snacking Content

    🔥 In less than 7 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to get your podcast off the ground thanks to snackable content! 🔥


    Your podcast is a real gold mine. ⛏️

    You can extract a myriad of content and develop a snackable content strategy to reach and grow your audience. 🍿

    The direct result? Increasing your downloads! 📈

    In this new episode of TIPS we’ll present to you the key steps that compose a good snackable content strategy. And we leave nothing to chance, so we rely on podcaster Gary Vaynerchuk’s favorite diagram, the inverted pyramid. 🔻

    Enjoy listening! 🎧


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 2/2)

    How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 2/2)

    Nothing has changed in 1 week: Apple Podcasts is still THE most-used listening platform in the world by podcast listeners. 😉

    It’s still the platform that lists the most podcasts… and so it’s still difficult to stand out and be highlighted by Apple Podcasts. In this second part, we’ll give you more tips to improve your referencing on the platform. 

    Here is the link to our complete article :



    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 1/2)

    How to master Apple Podcasts like a pro (Part 1/2)

    Apple Podcasts is THE most-used listening platform in the world by podcast listeners. 🌎

    But it’s also the platform that lists the most podcasts… so it’s difficult to stand out and be highlighted there. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks to do in order to maximize your chances of being spotted by its algorithm. The objective of this first episode: increase your position in the Apple Podcasts ranking!

    PS: I really had a lot to tell you about this so I’ve separated this episode into 2 parts. This is the first!


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to properly promote your podcast on social media

    How to properly promote your podcast on social media

    🔥 In less than 10 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to boost your podcast on social media! 🔥 


    There’s no doubt: social media is THE most powerful tool for finding new listeners. 🕵

    It’s also the perfect channel to get to know your audience and turn them into loyal listeners. 🤝 

    In this new episode of TIPS 🎺, we’re giving you all the winning strategies for your podcast on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

    We’ll also talk about the new tool from Ausha: the Social Media Manager! A tool dedicated to social media that allows you to manage all your communication super easily.


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to write a good press release for your podcast

    How to write a good press release for your podcast

    🔥 In less than 6 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to boost your podcast thanks to a press release! 🔥


    The podcast is booming, and the media is particularly interested in this new format. So why not profit from this new passion?

    In this twelfth episode of TIPS, we’re giving you the 4 key steps to create an amazing press release and a well-developed approach strategy: the headlines are yours! 📰

    Here are the 4 steps: 

    1. List out the types of media that would be interested in your podcast. 
    2. Respect a precise structure, the format is important so that the media can use your press release effectively. 
    3. The content is just as important, focus on the 5Ws rule (Who, What, When, Where, Why). 
    4. Accompany your press release with key images.

    We’ll give you all the details in this episode, enjoy listening!


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to make a great podcast cover

    How to make a great podcast cover

    🔥 In less than 6 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to boost your podcast with a great podcast cover! 🔥


    Image, cover, thumbnail… choose the word that you like, because all of them mean the same thing!

    The challenge here is to bring together the whole graphic identity of your show in just a few pixels… and in this episode we’ll give you all our advice so that you don’t make mistakes on the format or the style (because both are super important here). 😉

    👉 The link to know more about the theory of colors (https://en.99designs.fr/blog/tips/the-7-step-guide-to-understanding-color-theory/

    👉 The link to our article with examples of podcast covers (https://www.ausha.co/blog/podcast-cover-art/

    👉 The Instagram account PODCASTOPOLIS (https://www.instagram.com/podcastopolis/)


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to properly prepare for an interview

    How to properly prepare for an interview

    🔥 In less than 7 minutes, discover our best marketing tips to boost your podcast by conducting amazing interviews! 🔥


    To be a good interviewer is not something that can be improvised! 🎭

    So today we’re going to give you our tips to prepare your interviews well, and how to conduct them like a real orchestra conductor… 🪄🎶

    The 3 key steps? 

    • A few days/weeks before the interview 
    • A few hours/minutes before the interview 
    • During the interview

    You’re going to become a real pro! 💪🤓


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to write a good conclusion for your podcast

    How to write a good conclusion for your podcast

    After TIPS #7 was dedicated to writing a script for your podcast… 📝

    TIPS #8 was dedicated to writing your introduction… 👋

    We’ll see you this week for a TIPS dedicated to (brrrrrrrrr 🥁) the conclusion of your podcast!

    ⚠️ Spoiler alert ⚠️

    It’s exactly like your essays in Philosophy or English in high school. It needs to be thought out well! So we’re counting on you to take notes in your favorite college-ruled notebook for this one. ✍️


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to make a captivating podcast introduction

    How to make a captivating podcast introduction

    It’s the first chance you have to capture the attention of your audience. And for this there is only one solution, you need to have an introduction that is a hit! ⚾

    A nice little jingle, a quick and effective presentation of yourself, a good hook… We’ll give you all the keys to a successful intro in this episode in less than 6 minutes! 🤓


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    How to write the script for your podcast

    How to write the script for your podcast

    The script of your podcast can quickly become your best friend! 🤝

    But how can you structure it well? What are the elements that you absolutely need to prepare before your recording and which parts need special attention? 🔍👀

    We’ll give you all our tips in this episode in just 5 steps (very clear and precise steps thanks to a concrete script of course). 💪


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    How to stay consistent in releasing your podcast episodes

    How to stay consistent in releasing your podcast episodes

    The importance of being consistent is often underestimated in the world of podcasts… Yet regularity with publishing your episodes is an important key to gaining visibility! 🕵

    Today we are therefore going to look at subjects such as the preparation of your show in the long term, the format and frequency of your episodes, your vision, your objectives and even your sub-objectives! 📝

    After this episode you’re going to have all the cards at hand to organize yourself well and you will see that maintaining the regularity of your podcast becomes a rather addictive game. 😉


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥

    How to know your audience to boost your downloads

    How to know your audience to boost your downloads

    In marketing, it’s no secret that for communication to be impactful, you have to start with the consumers. 🤝 Put yourself in their shows, understand their problems, and identify the places and times when they consume your product…

    And for a podcast, it’s the same! 🎙️

    By putting yourself in the shoes of your listeners, and imagining their typical day, what they like and what they do, their listening habits, etc: you’re defining your listener-persona. 👩

    And by knowing your target audience (or your core target) like the back of your hand, you can offer them more relevant audio content that they will like 100% of the time. 💪

    To help you construct your listener-persona, you can download our template (https://www.ausha.co/resources/defining-a-listener-persona/) and complete it for yourself!


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    Understanding and analyzing the statistics of your podcast

    Understanding and analyzing the statistics of your podcast

    If numbers aren’t your cup of tea, don’t panic! We’re going to review the main data to keep an eye on when monitoring your podcast! The curves, pie charts, and percentages uploaded on your podcast host, will soon have no more secrets hidden from you! 📈

    The number of downloads (of course), unique listeners, completion rate, demographic data, and even quantitative data: no data is left off our list! 🤓

    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥

    How to improve the SEO of your podcast

    How to improve the SEO of your podcast

    How can you optimize the natural referencing of your podcast on Google and the listening platforms? Which tools should you use to optimize your SEO? But first of all, what does SEO even mean? 🤔 These are all the tricky questions that Sarah is going to answer in just 5 minutes. 🚀

    You may already know, but 2 podcasts are released every minute in the world, so it’s only normal that you might need some tips to ensure that your show has a good position in Google’s search results. 💪

    Because when you have a good position, you have better visibility. And with better visibility, you’ll have more downloads! 🎧


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    How to use cross-promotion to boost your downloads

    How to use cross-promotion to boost your downloads

    Cross-promotion… What a complicated word! For something that’s so simple. 🤓

    Cross-promotion is making your podcast known, through another podcaster.

    There are many ways to do cross-promotion, but each time it’s a real collaboration, and a true example of a win-win situation. 🚀

    In this new episode of TIPS (and in less than 5 minutes), Sarah explains how to put in place an effective cross-promotion strategy for your podcast in order to increase your number of downloads and boost your show to the stars! ✨

    P.S. Here’s the link to discover the Audience Graph tool: https://rephonic.com/graph 🤓

    P.P.S. A special thanks to Clémentine Roux for her amazing article about cross-promotion on the Ausha blog. It really inspired us when writing this episode! 💪


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥 

    How to make your podcast visible everywhere

    How to make your podcast visible everywhere

    You can create the highest quality podcast in the world with a perfect universal theme that everyone will love…

    1- If you don’t distribute it on all the listening platforms, 🪐 

    2- If you don’t make it visible on social media, 📱 

    3- If you don’t highlight it on Google… 💻

    … then you can only hope for a small handful of downloads… including your mother and her neighbor Steve. 😂

    In this first episode of TIPS, we will explain to you how you can make your podcast visible EVERYWHERE in order to boost your number of downloads. 🚀

    In 5 minutes, go even further with your podcast, thanks to Sarah’s advice!


    What's Ausha? 💜

    Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.

    On one platform you'll have:

    ✅ Unlimited hosting of your podcast

    ✅ Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks

    ✅ Ways to boost your communication: on social media, on Google, on the internet (thanks to your  Smartplayer), with your newsletter, with a unique listening link and customized video clips

    ✅ Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)

    ✅ Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

    Try Ausha for FREE 👉 https://bit.ly/Ausha-co-tips  


    This show is brought to you by Ausha, the all-in-one podcast hosting and marketing platform to help you grow your podcast. 🔥