
    Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God

    What did God say today? God is speaking powerfully through the miraculous daily collisions of heaven and earth. The Touched by Heaven podcast shares encounters with angels, divine interventions, visions, near-death experiences, and God-incidents to fortify the faithful and awaken the fallen away.
    enPhilip Keller304 Episodes

    Episodes (304)

    Who Is The Holy Face? - TBH 305

    Who Is The Holy Face? - TBH 305

    Tom Hummer is a man who  brings to the people the relics of saints, a piece of the real cross, and a part of the crown of thorns. But it is the image of Christ, known as the Holy Face, that is gaining more attention.

    Short History of the Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: https://www.catholiccompany.com/magazine/holy-face-of-jesus-devotion-5996


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    The Praying Children Who Saw Butterfly People in the Tornado of Joplin Missouri - TBH 303

    The Praying Children Who Saw Butterfly People in the Tornado of Joplin Missouri - TBH 303


    The children who prayed during the terrifying F5 tornado in Joplin Missouri saw what they described as "butterfly people". You will hear the children tell their stories as we visit with filmmaker Greg Fish. 

    Link to rent 'The Butterfly People' hour long documentary:  https://upliftfilms.vhx.tv/


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook. There's a new episode recently posted, "April 8, 2024 Eclipse Will Pass Over 7 U.S. Cities Named Nineveh," that's getting attention. Check it out: https://youtu.be/3n6dp85XynY?si=ZFfRWgMe3_XSTpEU

    The Fear in You that You Don't See - TBH 302

    The Fear in You that You Don't See - TBH 302

    TBH 302

    The enemy had taken Sue's husband, house, and half of her kidney. It was Jesus who did something spectacular with what was left.

    Sue Ferran's First Responders Resiliency Website:

    Fr. Mike Schmitz Sunday, February 18th, First Sunday of Lent 2024 Homily: https://youtu.be/HYGbpX6e3Vg?si=vssnt54uXYHWOI24


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Ministered to By Angels...through Rain, Sleet, and Snow - TBH 301

    Ministered to By Angels...through Rain, Sleet, and Snow - TBH 301

    TBH 301

    With five feet of floodwaters running through her home, and her car floating away, there was only one request that Jennifer had for her angel.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Michael the Archangel Annihilates the Enemy to Save Family - TBH 300

    Michael the Archangel Annihilates the Enemy to Save Family - TBH 300

    TBH 300

    Lizzie, from Australia, has powerful Michael the Archangel stories to help us commemorate episode number 300 of the Touched by Heaven podcast!

    Go to Touched by Heaven Episode 214  at https://touchedbyheaven.net/size/5/?search=TBH+214 for additional stories about Michael the Archangel.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Would You Want to Know What Your Spouse is Thinking? - TBH 299

    Would You Want to Know What Your Spouse is Thinking? - TBH 299

    TBH 299

    Julie has us examining a most unusual marriage, while at the same time, has us dodging traffic, Bible verses, and a not so pleasant afterlife.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Mother Mary Brings Baptist Woman Closer to Jesus - TBH 298

    Mother Mary Brings Baptist Woman Closer to Jesus - TBH 298


    TBH 298

    Jackie had already touched heaven in her NDE. After praying to Our Lady, she has experienced a series of supernatural events that have brought her closer to Jesus.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Jesus Shows Young Girl Her Future in Near-Death Experience - TBH 297

    Jesus Shows Young Girl Her Future in Near-Death Experience - TBH 297

    TBH 297

    Jesus sat eleven-year-old Pauline on a rock and began explaining life, love, and her future.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Are You Seeing the Same Number Everywhere? - TBH 296

    Are You Seeing the Same Number Everywhere? - TBH 296

    TBH 296

    Repeatedly, Joan was seeing 10:27 on her phone, 1027 on license plates, and as the number of an address. Was this a coincidence, or was someone sending her a message?


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Mother Prays for Miracle as She Tells Her Son, "Go to Heaven" - TBH 295

    Mother Prays for Miracle as She Tells Her Son, "Go to Heaven" - TBH 295

    TBH 295

         Was Margaret's nine-year-old son actually having a stroke? Was God taking him?


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Where is That Light Coming From? - The Conversion Story of Sue and Gerard - TBH 294

    Where is That Light Coming From? - The Conversion Story of Sue and Gerard - TBH 294

    TBH 294

        A year ago today, this couple's faith was anemic at best. God then began throwing at them, Our Lady, the dog, the rosary, sickness, saints, Medjugorje, and a mysterious Light.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    The Atheist Who Followed the Christmas Star - TBH 293

    The Atheist Who Followed the Christmas Star - TBH 293

    TBH 293

          Josh, an theist, sent out a 'prayer' to any supernatural being that might be listening. "If you exist," said Josh, "Give me an Experience." Both God and the devil were listening.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Little Stories - BIG MESSAGES - TBH 292

    Little Stories - BIG MESSAGES - TBH 292

    TBH 292

    These may be short stories from listeners, but the messages are huge.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

    Honey, I Shrunk the Church - TBH 291

    Honey, I Shrunk the Church - TBH 291

    TBH 291

    Trapper finds himself bumping into churches, big and small. They all seem to be facing pivotal moments.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Lourdes Water Restores Sight of Baby Zoe - TBH 290

    Lourdes Water Restores Sight of Baby Zoe - TBH 290

    TBH 290

    Learning baby Zoe was blind, her grandparents immediately booked their flight to Lourdes, France, and went to its miracle waters.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    I Think I Just Saw Jesus - TBH 289

    I Think I Just Saw Jesus - TBH 289

    TBH 289

         We all live in a life-size nativity set, where some see Jesus so easily, and others, not  so much.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD through 12/29 at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Bridget Turns Tragic Death of Daughter into Glory for God - TBH 288

    Bridget Turns Tragic Death of Daughter into Glory for God - TBH 288

    TBH 288

         An out of control drunk driver hit seven children, killing four, including the 11-year-old daughter of Bridget. Where was God?


    Bridget began Heartfeld Community to continue the spiritual bonds with her daughter, Veronique. Check out the webpage for more information:


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com through 12/29.

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    God, How Much Time Do I Have Left? - TBH 287

    God, How Much Time Do I Have Left? - TBH 287


    Billie's phone suddenly lit up, 2:14. Was this an answer to her prayer?


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now through 12/29 at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    For Pete Sake, Did You NOT Hear What God Just Said? - TBH 286

    For Pete Sake, Did You NOT Hear What God Just Said? - TBH 286


         Pete, once far from God, has been awakened to deliver a message.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.


    Did Heaven Sound an Alarm on October 13th? - TBH 285

    Did Heaven Sound an Alarm on October 13th? - TBH 285


         There was yet one more warning from God to repent and return to Him.

    Mary in the Eucharist

         Photo of Mary in the Eucharist, San Francisco, October 13, 2023


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com 

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light weekly broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.