
    Toxin Free Nutrition with The Sassy Nutritionist

    How do I eat healthy, without feeling overwhelmed? How do I get my kids to eat healthy food? How do I still enjoy my favorite foods but keep them healthy? How can I navigate the grocery store? How can I remove chemicals from my home? Is it possible to meal plan easily? Learn how cellular nutrition and activation play an important role in all areas of your life. I will cover everything about nutrition, removing dangerous environmental toxins, how to biohack your health, clean eating, keeping your family healthy, how activating your cells can end the cycle of chronic illnesses that run in your family. I will help you make biohacking effortless!
    enCindi Stickle27 Episodes

    Episodes (27)

    6 Metabolism Insights You Should Know

    6 Metabolism Insights You Should Know

    Ever wondered what's going on inside that incredible machine known as your body? Every calorie consumed, every energy spike, and even those afternoon energy lulls are all orchestrated by your metabolism. Let's dive into the seven illuminating insights to give you a fresh perspective on this internal powerhouse.


    Metabolism: The Grand Conductor of Your Body's Energy

    Think of your metabolism as the grand conductor of an orchestra, directing the tempo, setting the pace, and ensuring everything runs in perfect harmony. It governs how our body converts food into energy, ensuring our organs function and letting us enjoy everything from a morning jog to a peaceful night's sleep. If our body were a company, metabolism would be the CEO, calling the shots and ensuring everything's on track.


    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Your Body's Idle Speed

    Even in full couch-potato mode, your body is hard at work. BMR represents the number of calories our bodies burn at rest. This is the energy needed for the most basic functions, like breathing and keeping our heart ticking. It's like the idle speed of a car; even when parked, the engine's still running.


    What Shapes Your Metabolic Rate? It's More Than Just Genes!

    Ever blamed your slow metabolism on your family tree? Genetics indeed play a role, but there's more to the story. Age, muscle mass, hormonal balance, and stress levels can influence your metabolic rate. It's a mix of nature and nurture.


    Boosters On The Horizon: Can We Turbocharge Our Metabolism?

    The web is swamped with hacks to rev up metabolism, but not all stand up to scrutiny. However, some tried-and-true methods can give your internal engine a bit more oomph:

    • Strength training to increase muscle mass, which naturally burns more calories.
    • Drinking water can offer a temporary metabolic spike. (Plus, who doesn't love a good hydration boost?)
    • Get ample sleep to let your body reset and recharge.


    Eating & Metabolism: The Thermic Effect

    Ever felt warmer after a spicy meal or a hearty feast? That's the thermic effect of food at work. Our bodies need energy to digest, absorb, and process our meals. So, every bite you take requires some effort to break down. It's like giving your internal furnace more wood to burn.


    A Balancing Act: Weight and Metabolism

    The relationship between metabolism and weight is intricate. While a faster metabolism can help burn calories quickly, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Total calorie intake, diet quality, physical activity, and even emotional health are essential in determining body weight. It's all about equilibrium and finding what makes your body feel its best.


    The more we understand and appreciate metabolism, the better we can align our lifestyle to support this fantastic internal process. So, the next time you feel that burst of energy after your morning oats or notice your muscles responding to a new workout routine, take a moment to appreciate all your body does to keep you going.


    Check out my latest podcast episode here.

    Join my free Facebook group here, for more nutrition tips, tricks, and recipes.



    In Health,


    Cindi Stickle


    (Un)Processed Food Coach

    Environmental Toxin Specialist




    Are you ready to discover the HEALING POWER OF NUTRITION and learn more about toxins and your exposure??



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    10 Nutrient-Packed Beverages for Chilly Days

    10 Nutrient-Packed Beverages for Chilly Days

    The vibrant colors of fall leaves and the refreshing chill in the air make us all want to cozy up with a warm drink. This season, instead of reaching for sugary concoctions, why not embrace comforting and nutritious beverages? Let's explore a list of healthy, warm drinks you can sip to keep the cold at bay while nourishing your body.


    1. Turmeric Golden Milk:

    Benefits: Turmeric, with its active ingredient curcumin, offers many health benefits, from anti-inflammatory properties to aiding digestion. 


    How to make: Blend warm almond or coconut milk, a pinch of black pepper, half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, a touch of honey or maple syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Serve warm.


    2. Ginger Tea:

    Benefits: Ginger can help reduce muscle pain, lower blood sugars, and treat indigestion. 


    How to make: Slice fresh ginger and boil it in water for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. Add honey or lemon for additional flavor.


    3. Cacao Hot Chocolate:

    Benefits: Raw cacao is packed with antioxidants and can help improve mood. 


    How to make: Mix raw cacao powder with warm almond or oat milk. Sweeten with a dash of maple syrup or honey. Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon or cacao nibs for some crunch.


    4. Chai Latte:

    Benefits: The spices in chai, such as cardamom, ginger, and cloves, are known for their antioxidant properties and ability to aid digestion. 


    How to make: Brew strong black tea with spices, including cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and fresh ginger. Add warm milk and a touch of honey or maple syrup.


    5. Bone Broth:

    Benefits: Rich in vitamins and minerals, bone broth can aid digestion, support joint health, and boost the immune system. 


    How to make: Slow cook bones (chicken, beef, or fish) with water, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and your choice of herbs and veggies for 12-24 hours. Strain and serve.


    6. Matcha Latte:

    Benefits: Matcha is rich in antioxidants, boosts metabolism, and can enhance mood and concentration. 


    How to make: Whisk together hot water and matcha powder until frothy. Top off with warm milk of your choice. Add a touch of honey or maple syrup if desired.


    7. Herbal Teas:

    Benefits: From chamomile's calming properties to peppermint's ability to soothe digestion, there's an herbal tea for every health concern. 


    How to make: Select your preferred herbal tea bag, steep in hot water for 5-10 minutes, and enjoy. Feel free to add a touch of honey, lemon, or fresh herbs to elevate the flavor.


    8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Drink:

    Benefits: ACV can aid in weight loss, reduce cholesterol, and lower blood sugar levels. 


    How to make: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of ACV with warm water. Add a dash of honey or maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon for added flavor.


    9. Beetroot Latte:

    Benefits: Beets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They can help lower blood pressure and improve athletic performance. 


    How to make: Blend cooked beetroot with the warm milk of your choice until smooth. Serve with a touch of honey or maple syrup.


    10. Roasted Dandelion Root Tea:

    Benefits: Dandelion root is a liver detoxifier, can aid digestion, and acts as a diuretic. 


    How to make: Steep roasted dandelion root in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Sweeten with honey or maple syrup, and add a splash of almond milk if desired.


    Not only do they provide comfort and warmth, but they also come packed with a range of health benefits. So, as the days get shorter and the nights cooler, warm up with one (or more!) of these delightful and health-boosting drinks.



    Check out my latest podcast episode here.

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    In Health,


    Cindi Stickle


    (Un)Processed Food Coach

    Environmental Toxin Specialist




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    Festive Superfoods: Nutrient-Rich Holiday Favorites

    Festive Superfoods: Nutrient-Rich Holiday Favorites

    As the holiday season approaches, we often anticipate the delicious meals and treats accompanying these festive times. While indulging in our favorite holiday foods is a well-deserved treat, it is also essential to maintain a balanced diet by incorporating nutrient-dense seasonal superfoods. 


    "Superfood" refers to foods that provide a powerful nutrient punch while delivering a wide range of health benefits. Seasonal superfoods are at their nutritional peak during specific times of the year. 


    Here are some of the best holiday season seasonal superfoods and how to enjoy them in tasty, health-promoting dishes:



    Brussels Sprouts

    These little green gems are High in fiber, K, and vitamin C and support healthy digestion, bone health, and immune function. 


    How to enjoy: Roast Brussels sprouts in the oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper for a simple and delicious side dish. Alternatively, try shredding them raw and combining them with dried cranberries, toasted walnuts, and a tangy Dijon mustard vinaigrette for a festive salad.


    Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that promotes healthy skin, eyes, and immune function. They also provide fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, making them a holiday superfood staple.


    How to enjoy: Bake sweet potatoes in the oven and top with cinnamon and a drizzle of maple syrup for a comforting side dish. For a savory option, dice them and roast them with rosemary, garlic, and a sprinkle of sea salt.



    Pomegranates are a stunning addition to any holiday table and a powerhouse of nutrition. Pomegranate juice is a rich source of polyphenols, which have been linked to heart health and anti-inflammatory effects.


    How to enjoy: Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on salads, yogurt, or oatmeal for a burst of color and nutrition. You can also use pomegranate juice as a base for festive cocktails or mocktails.



    Cranberries are synonymous with the holiday season, and for good reason. These small, tart berries are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which may help prevent urinary tract infections and support heart health.


    How to enjoy: Make a homemade cranberry sauce with fresh cranberries, orange juice, and a touch of honey to control the sugar content. Add dried cranberries to salads, muffins, or trail mix for a nutritious snack.


    Winter Squash

    Winter squash, including butternut, acorn, and spaghetti squash, are nutrient-dense and versatile seasonal superfoods. They are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants that support overall health.


    How to enjoy: Roast your favorite winter squash in the oven and then stuff it with quinoa, nuts, and dried fruits for a satisfying vegetarian main dish. Alternatively, make a creamy squash soup with coconut milk and warming spices like ginger and cinnamon.


    Dark Leafy Greens

    These dark leafy greens are packed with vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like calcium and iron. They also contain potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help support overall health and immune function.


    How to enjoy: Sauté dark leafy greens with garlic and olive oil for a simple yet flavorful side dish. You can add them to soups, stews, or casseroles for a nutrient boost. Combine kale with roasted beets, goat cheese, and toasted pecans for a festive salad, and drizzle with a balsamic vinaigrette.


    Citrus Fruits

    Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and other citrus fruits peak during the holiday season. They are rich in vitamin C, which helps support immune function and collagen production for healthy skin. 


    How to enjoy: Enjoy citrus fruits as a refreshing snack or dessert. Alternatively, incorporate them into a colorful fruit salad, add their zest to baked goods, or use their juice to create flavorful marinades or salad dressings.



    Walnuts are a heart-healthy holiday superfood loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to improved brain function and heart health. 


    How to enjoy: Add chopped walnuts to your oatmeal, yogurt, or salads for an extra crunch and healthy fats. You can also use them to make a homemade walnut pesto or incorporate them into your favorite holiday baked goods.


    By incorporating these seasonal holiday superfoods into your meals and celebrations, you'll treat yourself to delicious and festive flavors and nourish your body with a wealth of nutrients. 


    Check out my latest podcast episode here.

    Join my free Facebook group here, for more nutrition tips, tricks, and recipes.



    In Health,




    (Un)Processed Food Coach

    Environmental Toxin Specialist





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    Healthy One-Pot Meals

    Healthy One-Pot Meals

    Camping is a fantastic way to reconnect with nature and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But simplicity and ease are key when it comes to mealtime in the great outdoors. That's where one-pot camping meals come into play. These delicious and easy recipes offer various nutritious options to satisfy your hunger without the fuss of multiple pots and pans. Let's dive into some fantastic one-pot camping meal ideas perfect for your next adventure.



    Chili is a classic camping meal because it's hearty and easy to make. Start by browning some ground beef or turkey in a large pot. Add diced onions, peppers, and garlic, and cook until the vegetables are soft. Then add in canned diced tomatoes, beans, tomato sauce, and your favorite chili seasoning. Let everything simmer for about 30 minutes, and you have a satisfying meal that keeps you warm on chilly camping nights.


    Vegetable Stew

    Vegetable stew is a great one-pot camping meal because it's packed with nutrients and can be customized to your taste. Start by sautéing onions and garlic in a large pot. Add diced potatoes, carrots, celery, and any other vegetables you like. Then add in vegetable broth and bring everything to a boil. Reduce heat and let everything simmer until the vegetables are tender. You can add in canned beans or lentils for some added protein. Season with your favorite herbs and spices, and you have a nutritious meal that will keep you full for hours.



    Curry is a flavorful and satisfying one-pot camping meal that's easy to make. Start by sautéing onions, garlic, and ginger in a large pot. Add in diced chicken or tofu and cook until browned. Then add in diced tomatoes, coconut milk, and your favorite curry seasoning. You can also add vegetables such as bell peppers, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Let everything simmer until the chicken or tofu is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. Serve with rice or naan bread for a filling meal.



    Pasta is a great camping meal because it's easy to prepare and can be customized to your taste. Start by boiling water in a large pot. Add in your favorite pasta and cook until al dente. Drain the pasta and set it aside. In the same pot, sauté some garlic and diced vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, and onions. Add canned diced tomatoes and tomato sauce, and let everything simmer for a few minutes. Add the cooked pasta back into the pot and stir everything together. Top with grated cheese, and enjoy!



    Jambalaya is a flavorful one-pot camping meal that's perfect for spice lovers. Start by cooking sliced andouille sausage in a large pot. Remove the sausage and set it aside. In the same pot, sauté onions, peppers, and garlic until the vegetables are soft. Add in diced tomatoes, chicken broth, and your favorite Cajun seasoning. Add diced chicken and the sausage, and let everything simmer until the chicken is cooked. Then, serve with rice and enjoy the spicy goodness.


    One-pot camping meals are a great way to make delicious and nutritious meals with minimal effort. Whether you prefer chili, vegetable stew, curry, pasta, or jambalaya, a one-pot camping meal will satisfy your taste buds. Just remember to pack a large pot, some basic seasonings, and plenty of ingredients, and you'll be ready to whip up some fantastic meals on your next camping trip.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Grocery Shopping

    The Ultimate Guide to Grocery Shopping

    Grocery shopping may seem like a simple, almost trivial task. Yet, it's an essential part of our lives that demands strategic thinking, budgetary considerations, and time management. Today I want to offer tips and strategies to make your grocery shopping experience efficient, economical, and even enjoyable.


    Tip #1: The first step to an efficient grocery shopping routine is planning. Before hitting the store, plan your meals for the week. Create a shopping list based on these meals and ensure it covers all food categories to guarantee a balanced diet. Include proteins, grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Use your favorite recipe apps, food blogs, or cookbooks to inspire and help you in meal planning.


    Tip #2: Group your shopping list items according to the layout of your preferred store. This will save you time by minimizing back-and-forth movements. For example, if your store has produce at the entrance and proteins at the back, structure your list accordingly.


    Tip #3: Set a budget for your weekly grocery shopping. Your budget should be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected deals but stringent enough to prevent unnecessary purchases. To stretch your dollar further, utilize discount cards, coupons, and promotional deals. Consider buying in bulk for non-perishable items or those with a long shelf-life.


    Tip #4: While buying cheaper products to save money is tempting, it's essential to remember that cheaper doesn't always mean better. Focus on the quality of the products rather than quantity. Fresh produce, high-quality proteins, and whole grains may cost a bit more but will benefit your health in the long run.


    Decide which items are worth buying organic. While organic produce can be healthier due to lower pesticide residues, it can also be more expensive. The Environmental Working Group's (EWG) "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists can guide you on which fruits and vegetables have the highest and lowest pesticide residues.


    Tip #5: Understanding food labels is essential to grocery shopping. Look beyond the marketing claims on the front of the package. Check the ingredients list and nutrition facts. Avoid products with trans fats, high amounts of added sugars, or unpronounceable ingredients. Remember, ingredients are listed in order of proportion in the product, so the first few ingredients make up most of the product.


    Tip #6: Avoid going grocery shopping when you're hungry. Hunger can lead to impulse buys and unhealthy food choices. If you must shop before a meal, consider grabbing a healthy snack first.


    Tip #7: Consider the environmental impact of your grocery shopping. Choose locally grown produce when possible, reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance shipping. Opt for reusable shopping bags and produce bags to reduce plastic waste.


    Tip #8: Online grocery shopping and delivery services have gained immense popularity in this digital age. They offer convenience, especially for those with tight schedules or mobility constraints. However, compare prices as they can vary between physical and online stores.


    In conclusion, grocery shopping is not merely a chore but a significant factor influencing our dietary habits, health, and well-being. With planning, budgeting, informed decision-making, and a dash of technology, you can transform this mundane task into an effective and enjoyable routine. 


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    Eating Like a Blue Zoner

    Eating Like a Blue Zoner

    Today, we're going to talk about eating like a blue zoner.


    People in the so-called 'Blue Zones' — a term coined by National Geographic Fellow and journalist Dan Buettner — are renowned for their exceptional longevity and remarkably low rates of chronic diseases. These regions, which include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (California, USA), have become the focus of extensive research to unveil the secrets to a long and healthy life. 


    Unsurprisingly, a significant part of these secrets lies in their dietary habits. Let's explore how to eat like a Blue Zoner.


    1. Favor Plant-Based Foods

    Blue Zone inhabitants primarily consume plant-based diets rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. In Okinawa, sweet potatoes comprise a significant part of the diet. In Sardinia and Ikaria, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are staple foods. These foods are high in fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, all contributing to overall health and longevity.


    2. Limit Meat Consumption

    Most Blue Zoners aren't strictly vegetarian but consume meat sparingly, viewing it more as a celebratory food or a side dish rather than the main focus of their meals. On average, Blue Zone diets incorporate meat—mostly lean, organic, or free-range—only a handful of times per month.


    3. Incorporate Healthy Fats

    The Blue Zone diets are rich in healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats, from sources like olive oil, avocados, and nuts. For instance, the traditional Greek diet, as followed in Ikaria, is rich in olive oil, a vital component of the Mediterranean diet known for its heart-health benefits.


    4. Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables

    Residents of Blue Zones consume a wide variety of locally grown and seasonal fruits and vegetables. These foods contain different antioxidants and nutrients that boost the immune system and protect against chronic illnesses.


    5. Moderate Caloric Intake

    Okinawans practice a Confucian teaching called 'Hara Hachi Bu,' which advises eating until you're 80% full. This practice effectively helps control caloric intake and supports a healthy weight.


    6. Keep Hydrated with Water and Tea

    Blue Zoners mostly drink water, herbal tea, and sometimes coffee. Sardinians and Ikarians also consume moderate amounts of red wine. However, they tend to avoid sugary drinks and limit alcohol intake.


    7. Include Fermented Foods

    Many Blue Zone diets include fermented foods, like miso and tofu in Okinawa, sourdough bread in Sardinia, and yogurt in Ikaria. These foods are rich in probiotics that promote a healthy gut microbiome, linked to everything from improved digestion to better immune function and mental health.


    8. Keep Portions in Check

    Not only do Blue Zoners eat wholesome foods, but they also pay attention to portion sizes. Instead of large plates, smaller plates and bowls are standard, which naturally limits portion sizes and helps prevent overeating.


    The secrets of the Blue Zone diets aren't really secrets at all. They boil down to principles many of us know but find hard to practice: eat more plants, limit meat and processed foods, stay hydrated, and keep an eye on portion sizes. By adopting these principles and combining them with regular physical activity, strong social connections, and a sense of purpose—all common characteristics of Blue Zone inhabitants—you, too, can embrace the path to a longer, healthier life. 


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    Unveiling the Link: Toxic Exposure and Hormonal Imbalance as Root Causes of Chronic Illnesses

    Unveiling the Link: Toxic Exposure and Hormonal Imbalance as Root Causes of Chronic Illnesses

    Our bodies are like well-orchestrated symphonies, with hormones playing the role of conductors, ensuring that every system works in harmony. Hormones are essential chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions, impacting our mood, metabolism, reproductive health, and much more. However, when this delicate balance is disrupted, it can lead to a cascade of health issues. In this episode, we will explore the fascinating link between hormonal imbalance and chronic illnesses, shedding light on how it can be the underlying root cause of many health problems.


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    Understanding Hormonal Imbalance:


    Before diving into the connection with chronic illnesses, let's first understand what hormonal imbalance entails. Hormonal imbalance occurs when the production, secretion, or function of hormones deviates from the body's optimal levels. This can arise due to various factors, such as age, stress, genetics, diet, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.


    Key Hormones Involved:


    Thyroid Hormones


    Sex Hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone)


    The Connection with Chronic Illnesses:

    Hormones serve as messengers, influencing the function of various organs and systems. When hormonal balance is disturbed, it can lead to a chain reaction of dysregulation in the body. Chronic illnesses may arise due to hormonal imbalances in the following ways:


    Metabolic Disorders

    Reproductive Health

    Mental Health

    Immune System Dysfunction


    Managing Hormonal Imbalance:

    Addressing hormonal imbalances is crucial for managing and preventing chronic illnesses. Here are some strategies:

    Healthy Diet

    Physical Activity

    Stress Management

    Sleep Quality

    Medical Intervention


    Hormonal imbalance is more than just a fleeting issue; it can be the hidden culprit behind many chronic illnesses. Understanding the interplay between hormones and overall health is essential for maintaining well-being. Adopting a holistic approach that addresses lifestyle, diet, and stress is the first step to restore harmony to our hormonal symphony and pave the way for better health and longevity. **However, nutrition can only do so much if your body is being bombarded by toxins.

    So let’s look at the link between toxic exposure and hormonal imbalance as the root cause of chronic illnesses….

    We live in a world where our bodies are constantly exposed to various toxins and chemicals in our environment, food, and everyday products. Over time, these toxic exposures can disrupt the delicate balance of our hormonal system, leading to hormonal imbalances. In this episode, we will explore how toxic exposure can be a significant contributor to hormonal imbalance, ultimately serving as a root cause of chronic illnesses.


    Understanding Toxic Exposure:

    Toxic exposure refers to the contact or ingestion of harmful substances that can negatively impact our health. These toxins can include heavy metals, pesticides, air pollutants, endocrine disruptors, and various synthetic chemicals found in everyday items like plastics, cleaning products, and cosmetics. While our bodies have natural detoxification mechanisms, excessive exposure can overwhelm these processes, leading to the accumulation of toxins in our tissues.


    The Endocrine System and Hormonal Imbalance:

    The endocrine system is a complex network of glands that produce and secrete hormones, which act as chemical messengers, regulating various physiological processes. Hormones play a vital role in growth, metabolism, reproduction, immune function, and more. Even minuscule shifts in hormone levels can have profound effects on our health.

    Toxic exposure can disrupt the endocrine system through a phenomenon known as endocrine disruption. Some toxic substances mimic hormones, while others interfere with hormone production, signaling, or metabolism. This disruption can lead to hormonal imbalances, affecting multiple systems in the body.


    Toxic Exposure and Chronic Illnesses:


    1. Thyroid Disorders

    2. Reproductive Issues

    3. Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

    4. Cancer

    5. Neurological Disorders

    6. Autoimmune Disorders


    Minimizing Toxic Exposure:

    Reducing toxic exposure is vital for maintaining hormonal balance and preventing chronic illnesses. Here are some strategies to consider:


    1. Eat Organic

    2. Use Natural Cleaning Products

    3. Avoid Plastics

    4. Filter Your Water

    5. Mindful Product Choices

    6. Improve Indoor Air Quality


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    Eating Well For Less

    Eating Well For Less

    This episode is for anyone who wants to learn some practical ways to eat well for less. Healthy foods don't have to be out of reach or cost an outrageous amount of money. There are ways to eat well on any budget, and I will dive into that today.

    This topic is very important to me as a Nutrition Coach (and as health coach). Often I see people taking an "all or nothing" approach to wellness, and it's important to me to help others flip that mindset. A healthy lifestyle is born through a string of simple, healthy habits -- and those are the habits we make each and every day. 

    The food we put on our plates day in and day out shape us, and no matter what your budget is, there are options available that will benefit you. I can't wait to dive in and share some strategies and tips to help you eat well for less!

    The strategies are:

    1. Planning your meals
    2. Low-cost produce
    3. Batch cooking
    4. Freezer stash
    5. Your App toolkit


    Here is the list of low-cost, long lasting produce.


    The grocery list apps I mentioned:

    1. Our Groceries
    2. Anylist
    3. Mealtime

    The meal prep apps (with printable grocery lists):

    1. eMeals
    2. PlateJoy
    3. Yummly

    The pantry stock app:

    1. Pantry Check

    The grocery deals app:

    1. Flipp


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    Toxins in Food Packaging

    Toxins in Food Packaging

    Link to my FREE Guide Reading Food Labels


    Don't be fooled by "BPA-free" on packaging. There are still chemicals but with a different name.


    According to NAHES data, people who consumed 1 canned food item in the past day had 24% higher concentrations of BPA in the urine compared with those that did not eat canned foods. Eatng 2 or more canned foods resulted in 54% higher concentrations.

    (NAHES-National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey)


    Canned foods, a staple in most pantries can be a significant source of exposure to the endocrine disrupting chemical BPA, as well as its replacements (replacements such as bisphenol-s or bisphenol-f, which are just as toxic).


    A 2016 study found that eating canned soup resulted in 229% higher concentrations of metabolites of BPA in urine, compared to those who didn’t eat canned foods.


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    Dangerous Toxins in Plastics

    Dangerous Toxins in Plastics

    Toxins in plastics can be very deceiving. 

    Phthalates are endocrine distrupting chemicals. They can exhibit both estrogenic and androgenic activity in humans, which means that female (estrogenic) and male (androgenic) characteristics that should be developing correctly are not. This also causes developmental issues in children and fertility problems in adults.

    PET/PETE (Polyehtylene Terephthalate) - most common type of plastic and leaches phthalates.

    PVC - (Polyvinyl Chloride) - most toxic of plastics. It's nickname is "the poison plastic". It is hard and rigid, so phthalates, lead cadmium & tin are added to add flexibility (shower curtains, garden hoses, food bottles, cling wraps).

    HDPE & LDPE - two of the least toxic plastics. Used in milk jugs and plastic grocery bags.

    Polystyrene (Styrofoam) - leaches styrene into foods that come in contact with it. Chemicals leached can be increased when heated or when fat is near (fatty food).

    #7 is a catch-all category for all other types of plastics. Polycarbonate plastics contain BPA (bisphenol-a).


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    Scale of Environmental Toxin Exposure

    Scale of Environmental Toxin Exposure

    Do you really know how many chemcials you are exposed to on a DAILY BASIS??

    In this episode, I talk about the number of chemicals in use in the entire world, and how those dangerous exposure levels are really created (high-dose vs low-dose). 

    This is just a small overview of the chemicals that bombard us every single day.


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    Activation vs Supplementation

    Activation vs Supplementation
    Supplementation is really harming you 
    Activation vs Supplementation
    In order for your body to absorb the nutrients from the cleanest of foods that you eat, you have to prepare your gut and your cells to be able to absorb those nutrients.
    Supplementation WON’T do that, ACTIVATION IS THE ONLY WAY!!
    The only benefit from supplementation is that the benefit is in the bottle. What you take is the benefit, it’s not helping your body create its’ own antioxidants. It’s just overloading your body with things that could actually hurt you in high doses.
    Activation TURNS ON your DNA, and the benefit is created by your body. Your body can CREATE ITS OWN ANTIOXIDANTS. Supplementation DOES NOT DO THIS.
    Let me know if you are ready to ACTIVATE YOUR HEALTH!!

    Why you need Activated Collagen

    Why you need Activated Collagen

    Activate your wellness with Cindi Stickle, host of Activated Wellness with Cindi, on a journey of activating our collagen levels.

    Cindi explains why we need collagen in our bodies to improve our skin, nails, hair, muscles, joints, and gut health, and dives into the differences between liquid and powdered collagen. Cindi suggests LifeVantage TrueScience Liquid Collagen, which is made up of 5000mg of hydrolyzed marine peptides, 10 types of collagen, and antioxidants such as blueberry and Acerola berry.

    It has a high bioavailability, making it easier to digest and aiding in collagen production. It has been reported to improve collagen density, reduces skin roughness and wrinkles, increases blood catalase levels and boosts skin elasticity. With testimonials to prove its effect, Cindi invites listeners to learn more about activation and how it can help people lead a healthier lifestyle. Tune in, subscribe, and follow Cindi on Instagram and her blog for updates!



    [00:05:25] Benefits of using True Science Liquid Collagen

    [00:10:29] How to Use Activation and Biohacking to Improve Health.

    Episode Links





    [00:05:36] "These collagen peptides provide amino acids to support collagen density, skin elasticity, and skin moisture for youthful appearance."

    [00:03:37] "It is made by TrueScience Lifevantage. Lifevantage is the only activation company out there in the world. There are now 8 US patents on our products over 30 peer reviewed studies showing that our products go to the cellular level and actually start repairing them and more or less reversing their aging back to years ago."

    [00:05:46] "It contains 10 types of collagen, not just 1 or 2, like most of the collagen on the market."