
    Trauma informed growth - podcast

    Exploring Complex Trauma, C-PTSD and Post Traumatic Growth, all with a business lens.
    enShannon Eastman46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    Ep 06 - Leading From Within. With Cathy Presland

    Ep 06 - Leading From Within. With Cathy Presland

    An exploratory conversation that has us asking questions about the standard beliefs we carry when it comes to personal leadership.

    For example: Being Self Aware and who or which self are we referring to and what are we being aware of in that context?

    This conversation looks at the impact one has when they are poised inside a crisis, while unpacking 2 of the several options we have in a challenging situation: poise or drama.

    Cathy Presland is a former Economist, Policy Adviser and today is a consultant and coach in the area of Transformative Leadership. She works with individuals and people in business to lead effectively from within.

    About Cathy:
    Cathy is a Leadership Coach and works with clients across a range of organisations but often broadly in the arena of social change.

    Before becoming a coach she worked for a long time in economics and public policy, including seven years as a development economist in Southern Africa.

    Aside from her coaching practice she volunteers time for a number of pro bono initiatives including co-leading a the coaching network of the Royal Society Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA).

    Connect with Cathy:
    Website: https://cathypresland.com/


    Ep 05 - Be Yourself. With David Foster

    Ep 05 - Be Yourself. With David Foster

    David and Shannon explores context and answers to these questions:

    • Why did you write your book?
    • What is your book about?
    • What movement do you hope the book will create?
    • Who do you want to be a hero to?
    • What's one piece of advice you'd give to your younger self?

    About David:
    David Foster is a Master Coach, author and inspirational speaker. Since 2012 he has helped ambitious business owners and coaches throughout the world be themselves and create more balance, clarity and freedom so they can live inspired lives they love leading.

    His work specialises in helping people connect with their true purpose, get clarity on their plans, and make massive progress fast so they can have a growing business, better relationships with their family and enjoy all that life has to offer.

    David has dedicated his life to being a present parent, creating a loving family unit and inspiring people all over the world connect with themselves and their families before it’s too late. He lives in Essex with his wife, Trix, and their two sons, Rocco and Enzo.

    Connect with David:
    Website: www.davidfoster.coach
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidbbfoster
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbbfoster/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrOtryjVyrkumEXbWXquGw/videos"

    Ep 04 - Dino Tartaglia on Personal and Business Growth

    Ep 04 - Dino Tartaglia on Personal and Business Growth

    Personal Growth is sourced within. Business Growth is outsourced.

    Dino and Shannon explores context and answers to these questions:
    What is 'growth'?
    Why 'Character-led Business?
    Where do most small business owners go wrong or awry?
    Why the focus on critical thinking? Isn't 'action' more valuable?
    Is there a place in business for 'Professional Compassion'? (usually leads to a discussion of Radical Transparency and Brutal Honesty).

    About Dino:
    Heading for my bus pass (as I write this (not literally, but in years 😉), I've taken my original training as an Electrical & Electronics Engineer, then Chartered Engineer and finally as a Business Development guy, and used this to advise, troubleshoot, build, shut down and otherwise help 1,000+ companies from Globals to kitchen-table operations, in 20+ countries, across 5 continents for 30+ years.

    Part-mentor, part-coach, part-troubleshooter and ALL business, I've been operational in the online space for a couple of years now running Success Engineers as a JV with my good friend, Simon Hartley, World Class Sports Psych and Coach.
    We help Expert Business owners clarify & simplify what they are in business to do (which they've often lost sight of), and then help them achieve exactly that.

    We've developed a different way of looking at business and how it is (and should be) run and our real M.O. is taking insights from the very best in the world and helping others adopt those principles to improve their personal performance, their team's performance (where relevant) and the performance of their business. "

    Connect with Dino:
    Website: www.successengineers.co
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DinoLTartaglia
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dinotartaglia/
    Facebook Group for SE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SuccessEngineers/
    Facebook Group for S2T: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Survive2ThriveBusinessCommunity/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/successengineers/

    Ep 03 - Success, Failure, and Entrepreneurship as a Gen X. with Paul Spiers

    Ep 03 - Success, Failure, and Entrepreneurship as a Gen X. with Paul Spiers

    Aware of his current perspective of the world age 50-ish, Paul has found himself reflecting on Entrepreneurship as a 50-ish Gen X. What that means, what it looks like and how he feels about it. We explore Millennials, successful 60somethings, society's perspectives and Paul's experiences in real time.

    Host of ‘The New P&L – Principles & Leadership in Business’ podcast series and founder of applied creative thinking consultancy, Amplifier Group, Paul is a speaker, presenter and panel moderator on topics and trends around Principles & Leadership in Business as well as the growing field of Commercial Creativity™ and business innovation.

    About Paul:

    Host of ‘The New P&L – Principles & Leadership in Business’ podcast series and founder of applied creative thinking consultancy, Amplifier Group, Paul is a speaker, presenter and panel moderator on topics and trends around Principles & Leadership in Business as well as the growing field of Commercial Creativity™ and business innovation.

    Connect with Paul: 
    Website: https://www.principlesandleadership.com/


    Ep 02 - The Space Between Triumph and Disaster with Dr. Kim Jobst

    Ep 02 -  The Space Between Triumph and Disaster with Dr. Kim Jobst

    Life makes way for all sorts of experiences. Some of those experiences include: Disaster and Triumph. When they appear, there is a space that resides between them, to the side of them.This conversation explores that space. What it is, why it's worth exploring and what we can gain by entering it, and not the experience of disaster or triumph itself.

    About Dr. Kim Jobst:

    Dr. Kim Anthony Jobst MA. DM. FRCP. MFHom. is an award winning Metaphysician, a Consultant in Integrative Medicine dedicated to Integration in Science, Healing and Holistic Healthcare. His alchemical Mission is to establish and use the Science of Meaning to serve as a Healer of peoples and nations.

    Connect with Dr. Kim Jobst:
    Website: ​www.drkimjobst.com

    Ep 01 - The Visibility Paradox with Keith Blakemore-Noble

    Ep 01 - The Visibility Paradox with Keith Blakemore-Noble

    In this first episode of the Work That Matters podcast, Keith and Shannon explore context and answers to these questions:

    • What is the difference between the conscious and unconscious?
    • What is mindset, where does it come from?
    • Aren't we just born this way?
    • How can we change our mindset, in a way that lasts?
    • Why have I not been able to make changes?
    • I've used affirmations, I've tried to believe, what's going wrong?

    About Keith:

    Keith Blakemore-Noble - UK's #1 Fear Strategist, coach, international speaker, multi-time best-selling author, hypnotist and occasional magician.

    And someone who, for far too many years, was massively held back by a very strong social phobia – speaking with strangers, or even meeting strangers, was at best deeply uncomfortable, and at worst utterly terrifying for him. For far too many years.

    So he did the logical thing – he pursued a 20 year career in IT with some success (becoming a Fellow of the BCS in the process).

    Until one panic attack too many, which forced him to reconsider his life.

    So he studied NLP and hypnosis, used those tools to conquer his own fears and phobias, and since 2010 he has helped others around the world to transform their deepest fears into their greatest strengths through his coaching, speaking, books, and trainings. Indeed, since 2010 he has helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives.

    Having travelled the world for a while doing this, he has settled back in his native Scotland, where he is focusing on the next step in his journey of helping as many people as he can to conquer their fears.

    Connect with Keith:
    Website: http://keithblakemorenoble.com/
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/keithblakemorenoble 
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/keithblakemorenoble 
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/keithblakemorenoble
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/keithblakemorenoble