
    Trump Mafia

    The question is simple, will the 45th President of the United States end up in jail when he leaves office. The story to understand is how did we get here? Donald Trump's administration has been filled with indictments, rumors, and speculation that his ties to Russia have influenced his policy decisions and compromised his ability to lead. The deeper question is inside the fracturing media environment: what is true and what is simply rumor? The politics of anger, fear, and division has compromised the biggest story of our generation. Mainstream media outlets compromised by corporate media dollars pander to each side of the aisle, only filtering news for each party line. Trump Mafia is a deep investigative dive into three major threads that surround President Donald Trump: 1. What are the many crimes that Donald Trump could or would be charged with related to his time in the office or his family's work inside the Trump Organization? 2. Who exactly is investigating the President currently, and what possible crimes are they really looking into? 3. Are there concrete ties between Donald Trump, the Trump Family, or associates related to Russian Intelligence and the Russian Mafia?
    en45 Episodes

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    Episodes (45)


    If you are wondering why we started what usually is a political podcast with a football clip, then you haven’t really been paying attention to the news cycle of what is going on in Georgia and the Senate race between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock, which could be the deciding race on who controls the Senate, which in understanding that I start to get anxiety, I don’t blame you for not watching the news, as of late it reminds of that scene in A Clockwork Orange where the main characters eyeballs are kept open by a mechanical device so he can watch disturbing videos, it best describes my experience. I wasn’t really paying attention to the news out of Georgia, but I kept seeing these weird headlines about Herschel, and it seems like on the surface being a best buddy with Donnie T, the crazy factor is most likely dialed up, but even for the Republican crazy machine some of the things he is saying in the media seem a bit off, so where do I begin. Walker's ex-wife has accused him of nearly killing her, holding a gun to her, the nice Christian boy has had three kids by three different women, which I guess is find unless you are campaigning on family values and the idea of the absentee father, which I saw one of his sons go on TikTok and say some more disturbing things about Walker. Again, with these claims the Republican Party power base is still fully behind Walker, I guess Fake news is the word of the day in Georgia, and he is pro-life, so there is that.


    The components of the Trump narrative are vast, complex, dumb, and bizarre to say the least, but the long-term effects that his presidency has had on this country, and the ripple effects within the news and culture we all ingest is profound. I can joke at times about the absurdity of Trump but bubbling beneath the surface is a lot of hate, malice, vitriol, and violence by some of his followers, Trump’s philosophy, say anything, do anything, lie, steal, cheat to WIN, that ethos has had ramifications, and might have already shattered our fragile democracy. This week, when the verdict against Alex Jones came down, and the headline was that the damages he would have to pay was close to a BILLION DOLLARS, I hope it was a sign that sheer lunacy, lies, conspiracy theories, and just plain hate is unacceptable, and to the families of those children in Sandy Hook Connecticut, who fought for 10 YEARS to see this through, I commend them, and their lawyers that they buried this cocksucker in what will hopefully be a future of being chased for his money with no relent.


    Okay, so two things have happened that maybe I was wrong about Tucker Carlson, or maybe yet again I am on the verge of madness, Edgar Allen Poe Madness, fucking William Burroughs Lower East Side, sniffing fucking amyl nitrate, Brittany Spears Bald, baseball bat fucking MAD!!!!!! Kanye West sits down for an interview with Tucker on Fox News??? This is great. This is a sign of something, a sign of a new day, a new phase of political and cultural insanity, Tucker Carlson, Kanye at War with Puffy. Holy shit, I have an idea, let’s all get fucking distracted from the real news that is going on in communities across America such as gun violence, the criminal justice system, the environment, possibly a nuke from Vladdy...I mean the list goes on, but hey let’s talk about a T-Shirt that Kanye wore at Paris Fashion Week for fuck's sake. Lets get back to business here and some more serious stuff…..


    So here is the deal, these last few episodes I think I got a little too irreverent, maybe pushed the envelope a little bit, I got a little bit crazy. Please forgive me, I’m only human. But it does beg the question if you have a soul, a pulse or any moral fiber you have to wonder at times where are we headed, where are the political chess masters taking us as a society, and how can the average man or woman take in political information on the left and the right and not want to completely check out across the board? I shake my head at Mitch McConnell, as much as I scratch my head looking at Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in haute couture in the pages of GQ. As our friend Tony Soprano once pontificated , “whatever happened to the strong silent types.”


    I’m getting a bit frustrated here, that I have to receive phone calls from Trump Mafia headquarters saying I need to discuss the current happenings, the next wave of Trumpian WHITE NOISE that we all seem to be fascinated with, don’t we ALL have something better to study, to discuss in politics, or public policy, social justice, education, Trump’s pal Vladimir basically instituting a draft inside Russia, I mean there are other things going on here guys, and if I am being honest, what the FUCK IS THE BIG DEAL ??? What happened, FRAUD?? Something with Insurance scams, or Taxes, or I even heard a story about the square footage of Trump Tower, is that REALLY what we need to be talking about…I GUESS?????


    DONNIE, what’s going on now, I am seeing pictures of you, on the golf course with no clubs, two things come to mind, one I know a few mobsters who love golf, they go out there to talk, as you can’t put a listening device on a golf course. Also, who ya talking to??? You have gone through more lawyers now then Howard Hughes, and any federal lawyer with a 10' pole ain’t touching you or ya cases, and I say that with an 'S' on the end, this scene on the golf course — it also reminds me of that scene in Casino, you know the one….


    And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might [Chorus] And I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for It's time to bring this ship into the shore And throw away the oars, forever Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore I've forgotten what I started fighting for And if I have to crawl upon the floor Come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore Donnie Boy, I’m trying, I am really trying here to give you the benefit of the doubt, and sitting around the old social club this week, I wracked my brain on what I could cover, I couldn’t continue to talk about documents, documents, were talking about documents. BUT, lo and behold Donnie as they say, we had a small crack in the case with an exclusive from the Washington Post, that you took some documents that contained nuclear secrets of other nations, documents that were so sensitive the FBI agents who came and GOT the documents weren’t allowed to read said documents. WHY DO YOU NEED THE NUCLEAR DOCUMENTS DONNIE, WHY YOU GOTTA GO AND TAKE THE NUCLEAR DOCUMENTS? So this is why I couldn’t fight the feeling here that NO matter what you say at this point Donnie, you fucked up this time, you really fucked up. But, again with the upside down world we live in I am waiting to hear and see how Fox News spins this one, what does Tucker have to say about this, -what can they possibly come up with and WHAT FUCKNUT at the Republican Party will create a talking point that again exonerates this type of behavior.


    What is the big deal, it’s just some documents in a box? We have all done it right, we are in the middle of a move, from one place to another and we just start shoving shit into a box. Donnie was making a hasty exit, and he probably didn’t notice the 700 pages of material he was shoving into a box with his cute photo of Melania. Let’s be real here, for me it’s simple. Donnie made a mistake, and when the Justice Department called him after he left the White House, they said “Donnie, Donnie, you might have taken some documents that we really should have burned, you think you can have one of your Mar-a-Lago Valets just Fedex us back the documents?" Now, if this was a normal President, he would have apologized, got on Trump Air, and bring the fucking documents back himself — but he's not...


    Hello, hello, hello, FBI Raids, clandestine documents, secrets and lies — yet again the News cycle has swung back to our guy. Our champion in Chief is bouncing from one legal deposition to another, keeping it classy and riling up the same people that needed to break some shit at the Nation’s capital. But let’s get serious, more than 20 boxes of documents were retrieved by the FBI from his pad in Mar-a-Lago, which on the surface seems odd, but WHO really cares, then we find out that these documents now MIGHT contain information on nuclear secrets and the President of France, maybe “Le Don” was fond of the Champs-Élysées — little more interesting… Now I am sure some Republicans would like to think that Donnie might be the Daniel Ellsberg we all need today. Or maybe The Don — the consummate Washington outsider, read some nefarious and corrupt shit and was simply trying to emulate Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist — save the documents to ultimately work with a reputable news organization to leak these secrets — think a bloated Julian Assange — yet this is TRUMPYLEAKS — but I highly doubt that, might be a great talking point for Mitch McConnell, that’s how I would spin it.. Where does the news cycle take this next? Are these documents that Trump was going to sell on the open market to pay off his legal bills, (oh yeah, he the public paying for that with his freedom fund.) Were they his post-presidency security blanket in case he needed a few bucks, or dare I say — is this a direct order from his pal Vladdy Putin?! The speculation is so intriguing and endless that I can’t turn off CNN. Sorry, sorry I am not a socialist it’s just easier to watch Wolf Blitzer than Tucker Carlson. Carlson reminds me of the guys I played lacrosse against in Darien, Connecticut.


    Welcome back dear listeners. We were on a brief hiatus trying to recover from the insurrection. I MEAN WHAT IN THE FUCK, RIGHT!!!???? You might hear me use that expression profusely throughout this episode. So much has transpired since the Cheetoh-in-Chief lost the election. Yet — to this day — A FULL YEAR-AND-A-HALF LATER, Delusional Donny is still pushing the BIG LIE! As the Jan 6th Clown Committee with its ABC producer at the helm of their masterful bit of TV programming, (which by-the-way are the runaway TV-ratings hit of the summer,) continues to turn all of Donnie’s cronies into Judas’, the polls still show Tyrannical Trump as the potential front-runner for the 2024 elections! It’s almost an apocalyptic comedy. Listen folks, we never thought we’d say this on the show, but there might even be a small dark, infinitesimal part of us on a cellular level, that wouldn’t mind seeing him run again. I mean let’s face it, Biden’s a blow out, and there are no obvious Democratic political leaders. So unless we want Mark Cuban or The Rock officially leading our country (let’s face it, they already sorta do, so what the hell) it seems that Trump is still a real contender. Let’s check Trump’s current stats…


    Welcome to another episode of Trump Mafia. I am your returning host, Aaron May. The target... I mean subject of this episode of Trump Mafia is Jared “The Kush” Kushner. The most spectacularly unqualified member of Trump’s cabal. On past episodes, we have covered equally notable names but at least they had a story to their story. This guy is a Late-Night Talk Show punchline. We def will cover his past and give you background, but at the end of the day, he’s just a trust fund douchebag whose ultra-rich real estate felon of a father, Charlie “OG Kush” Kushner, greased 2 state senators & the school to get Jared into Harvard, at some point hooks up with Trump’s daughter and bingo bongo, he’s in charge of bringing peace to the middle east. You know, a kush job. I have racked my brain thinking that there HAD to be SOME genius nefarious move for having this Sentient Kohl’s Mannequin (to quote John Oliver), as an advisor. Had to be something more than nepotism, something that made sense like Kushner had a secret pipeline to a Russian sex ring that The Don could grab some more pussy from. I even pondered the possibility of a dark secret that the Kush could extort The Don over, but that would be too smart for the Kush. So WHY THE FUCK is this “Harvard’s Shiniest Mistake” in the White House? Even ex-Harvard schoolmate Natalie Portman thinks he’s a tool who cheated his way through school.


    Alright, Alright Alright….. So, the probe into Donnie seems to be moving forward, this is why I am here to hopefully one day be able to analyze and pick apart a criminal trial that revolves around our former fuck-wad of a President. When I started Trump Mafia, I wanted to make some sense of what just happened, make some sense of what happened to the media and the president, and what exactly happened to our country, in doing so maybe I would feel better about what the fuck just happened. But I have to say, He is still here, like a hemorrhoid that just won’t go away, it’s there and sometimes you ignore it, but its still there and you still feel it. Here is the thing, I’m completely fine with Donnie giving wedding speeches, for all I care he should become a fucking wedding DJ, but I want to be clear here and I have said this from the top, if the Manhattan DA, or the Southern District or the Eastern District doesn’t indict DONALD J TRUMP, I do believe that he will become part of our daily routine again, and I think you remember that daily routine, the rodeo circus that he conducted across the globe. He has to go to jail, and there has to be consequences or karma, and that process is starting, and we keep getting hints of the process. The first step is there is a grand jury that has been convened in New York but what exactly does this mean in layman’s terms, what is actually going on here?
    Trump Mafia
    enJune 29, 2021


    Rudy, Rudy Rudy….I’ve yet to quote the bible in this series, but to quote the King James version 2 Samuel Chapter 1 - “Oh how the mighty have fallen.” Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, once America’s hero, America’s Mayor, has become a laughingstock of the news, a punchline for late night hosts and pundits and possibly the most pathetic of all the Trump Mafia crew members. On paper, this guy was as good as it gets, I mean a real fucking stud of the judicial system. He served as US Associate Attorney General from 81-93 and US Attorney for the Southern District of NY from 83’ to 89’ and in 94’ he became the 107th Mayor of NYC. Seriously. A Fucking Rockstar. In the 80s, as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York he led the federal prosecution of New York City mafia bosses. He turned Times Square from a drug and porn epicenter in NYC into a veritable Disneyland filled with corporate restaurants, and businesses and made it into one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country. Rudy Gazooty was also widely credited with the steeply falling crime rates in NY, well ahead of the national average. In 2001, he was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year, and if that’s not enough, in 2002, he was given an honorary knighthood by the Queen of Goddam England. I mean COME ON! So how did this “G” fuck it all up? Well, that’s the story I want to tell. You see, although he received those accolades, behind-the-scenes our headline-grabbing crime fighter, was not all pure of heart and most of his greatest hits, had a dark lining, which I will dig into, and when you understand the “REAL RUDY”—the Rudy who was married to his OWN FUCKING COUSIN FOR 14 YEARS—gimme a minute, I will explain this one—you will see that there has been no real fall from grace, he’s always been a douche bag.


    Before we delve into this episode, quick programming note. Since leaving office, our favorite reality show star/ex-prez, has apparently lost 14lbs due to a fulltime steady diet of golf, and has returned to a human skin tone abandoning his trademark Cheetoh orange. Now on to the show— but before we dive in, I have to say that out of all the characters in the Trump Mafia, this guy might be the most perplexing member of his Cabal. There is so much talk and speculation about this guy’s moves during the Trump Regime that his name will live on not just in infamy, but most likely in classrooms, boardrooms and news departments for eons to come as a case study into our very own system of justice. (Please insert your pov on why his conduct is so precedent setting.) Ladies and Gents, may I present to you- Ex Attorney General William Pelham Barr. As always, a little background on our target, I mean subject. Willie Barr is an attorney who served as the 77th and 85th United States Attorney General in the administrations of Presidents George H. W. Bush and you-know-who. Barr also did a 4yr stint in the 70s at the CIA. Before becoming the AG in ‘91, he held numerous other posts within the Department of Justice, so he got to know his way around the system. From ‘94 to 2008, he did corporate legal work which made him a multimillionaire. Interestingly enough and most likely reason for his appointment under the Trump administration, was his that Barr was a longtime proponent of the unitary executive theory, which believes the Prez should have TOTAL AND UNFETTERED AUTHORITY over the executive branch of the U.S. government making him the perfect foil for ole Donny boy’s dirty work.
    Trump Mafia
    enMay 01, 2021

    Paul builds a "Mana-Fortress"

    Paul builds a "Mana-Fortress"
    When I came up with the title Trump Mafia, my impetus was driven by the fact that Trump literally operates like a Mafia boss. I am not the first to draw this comparison, but it resonated so strongly with me, that I felt an exploration intothebelief that he operates like a “DON” (pun intended) and in fact operates A REAL CRIME FAMILY needed some attention. To understand this comparison, you have to first understand the way a true mob boss operates. First and foremost, they surround themselves with minions who are willing to “go to the mat” for them. This is very important. We all know that DON MUSSOLINI insists on blind loyalty and allegiance, and we also know that “TRANSACTIONAL TRUMP” only gives when he gets. That said, the most powerful sword he wields is even more seductive than money, it’s the “PARDON CARROT”. This singular power of the President isdangledto his criminal band of neer-do-wells. Just remember that as we will circle back on that later in this episode. The other element that rarely is appreciated due to the constant barrage of Trump’s assaults in the news cycle, is the immense totality of his criminal web. When you’re making the comparison of a person to a Crime Boss, you are comparing them to someone with a vast network of operatives all conspiring on your behalf. Additional, I feel it is equally important to give some airtime to some of his more nefarious “COMPLICIT CRONIES”. We already explored Michael Cohen, Trump’s flipping fixer, as he had some serious unreported ties to Russia, but now we’re going to move on to another player on the board with more ties to Russia than vodka. His name is Paul Manafort.
    Trump Mafia
    enApril 09, 2021

    Mar-a-Lago Mic Drop

    Mar-a-Lago Mic Drop
    Last episode I explored Donny Boy’s Russian piggy bank and Russian Laundromat (no starch required) via an interview with Carter Page. I also stressed my total disbelief at how the Mueller investigation just happened to omit any financial investigation into Trump’s Moscow money madness. As I have said in the past, I will continue digginginto this dystopian Glasnost, but first I wanted to do a little Trump Update on Donny’s current state of affairs. It’s so outta control,that it feels like a segment of SNL Weekend Update. Might as well have Colin Jost narrate this episode. So as Chris Cuomo says, and don’t get me started on his bro, that’s a totally different series I could do—“Let’s Get After It”! So only Donald J. Trump, a twice impeached one-term President of these here United States, and the biggest carny barker since PT Barnum, could be in a situation post Presidency wherein he will either land in the pokey from a variety of looming criminal and civil charges, orpotentiallybecome President again in 2024. I mean try and wrap your mind around that for a minute. I MEAN WHAT IN THE FUCK!?!?! Even after the Capital Insurrection and a second impeachment, this fucking guy is really living up to Gotti’s moniker, the Teflon Don. One would think that all his zombie political allies would have used this moment to run for the hills and distance themselves from this nuclear mess, but his most powerful GOP ass-kissers are STILL sucking from the Trump Teet.
    Trump Mafia
    enMarch 27, 2021

    More Rubles than Scruples

    More Rubles than Scruples
    Well, well, well the reign of Donny Boy has come to an end, with a crashing jolt as he and his missus took the tin missile into Palm Beach and the Mar-a-Largo crowd. What an exit, what a time, what a fucking time. With that said, are story doesn’t end here cause what we set out to do was two fold and it simply had to do with uncovering what the fuckhappened with the Russian Mob fellas, you know those guys who actually wield more power then Nancy Pelosi and those other jerk offs on Capitol Hill, the really nitty gritty shit. So back to the task at hand, and the diaries of Donald’s Crimes and Misdemeanors, I was surprised to find out this week a few things that I want to continue to hunt down. First, and you can really chalk this up to bizarre is I was doing some research into Andrew Weissman, he was basically Robert Mueller’s right hand man in the Mueller investigation, and this guy wrote a book, it’s called "Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation," and I'm reading through the first 100 pages and one striking thing jumped out at me, would you believe that with all that man power, with all that talent Mueller had they NEVER investigated, looked into or touched anything having to do with Donald Trump’s financial dealings with Russia. Now if you knew this then good for you cause your smarter than, but if THEY were NOT following the money as you will , what the fuck were they actually doing???? Well here is maybe where I can come in handy, I am gonna keep pushing forward on the money and on these Russian Mafia Fellers cause I have a hunch the answers to all our questions about Donnie Trump, possibly is there, cause it ain’t in Washington where Republics all of a sudden have amnesia as it relates to the storming of the Capitol and I have a feeling this impeachment thing, yeahhhh yet again an exercise in fucking futility as that is what both the Democrats and Republicans are.

    Follow the Money

    Follow the Money
    When I decided to name a podcast The Trump Mafia, my focus and vision was to delve into the criminal investigations that were swirling around Trump, his family and associates. I also wanted to really understand what happened as it relates to the information that exists that connects our President to the actual Russian Mafia and Russian Intelligence, which I plan on doing more in depth as we move forward. But, like I said to my fellow producer this week, we can’t ignore history right in front of our faces, and as of January of 2021 the Trump Mafia for me has taken on even more significance, Trump Mafia is a synonym for his base of supporters who are white supremacists, Qanon dreamers, Confederate Flag obsessives, and to be honest far right extremist groups who harbor violent tendencies. IfI am being honest with myself I harbor the same anger as it relates to the United States Government, that anger is an equal opportunity mechanism where I believe both the Democrats and the Republicans as a collective whole have failed our country, their selfish career advancement andbullshit Kabuki theatre might have run its course. But, one thing that boggles the mind, is how has this groundswell of people put their anger and faith in the man that is Donald Trump, what is it about him that emboldens close to 70 million people to vote for him, and become sacrificial lambs in what is political chicanery?

    Capitol Offense

    Capitol Offense

    As crazed Trumpians stormed the Capitol, Rudy Guliani one of the remaining Trumphenchmen was calling Senator Tommy Tubberville to ask him to delay the proceedings to certify the election of Joe Biden. We can guarantee these orders came directly from Donnie T. What is utterly incredible about this recorded voicemail is that Rudy so unhinged and so fucking stupid is that he was NOT Calling the phone of Sentaor Tubberville, but another random Senator who took the voice mail and sent it to the media. Trump’s Mafia can’t even strong arm properly. The more disgusting part of this call, is that it was made as FIVE PEOPLE were killed as lunatics breached security at the Capitol, and America looked on in part disgust, and sheer terror.