
    Trust Us We're Professionals

    Do you find financial matters terribly confusing? Do you find most financial podcasts incredibly boring? If so, you came to the right podcast. On the Trust Us We're Professionals podcast, our hosts break down complex financial matters (found in pop culture) for the general public. Even though our hosts are licensed financial professionals, they are not talking to other financial professionals...they're talking to you. Brought to you by your friends from SSC CPAs + Advisors.
    enSSC CPA's +Advisors47 Episodes

    Episodes (47)

    Keeping it in the family | Episode 205

    Keeping it in the family | Episode 205
    Many business owners have worked years to build up their business, and would love nothing more than to have a family member take over when they retire. Most of the time, that means their children.  This can be great, but it also presents some unique challenges.

    Continuing our series on succession planning, we air the dirty laundry when it comes to successful family sucession planning, 

    The "ice bucket challenge" and the real economic impact of non-profits | Episode 110

    The "ice bucket challenge" and the  real economic impact of non-profits | Episode 110

    Have you ever dropped some change in a fundraising jar by the cashier? Rounded up with your credit card to benefit a non-profit? Always feels like a drop in the economic bucket...and then came the "ice bucket challenge".

    In our latest episode, we highlight that viral movement and the vital economic role non-profits play...despite getting very little press. 

    Ice bucket challenge excluded. 



    We discuss conservatorships and somehow make zero Britney jokes | Episode 108

    We discuss conservatorships and somehow make zero Britney jokes | Episode 108

    Conservatorships have been in the news a lot recently...because of Britney Spears. However, many people don't understand what a conservatorship really is, or how common they are. Perhaps most importantly, more often than not, they work. Clearly Ms. Spears's conservatorship is toxic. 

    In our latest episode, our experts take control of the conservatorship conversation and tell you what you need to know. 


    We don't short change "The Big Short" | Episode 107

    We don't short change "The Big Short" | Episode 107

    The Big Short was a great movie...and kinda confusing. Why? Because it covered a very complicated economic situation that even Margot Robbie, in a bathtub, couldn't quite explain. 

    Thankfully, our licensed financial professionals are here to explain it. Even more thankfully, this is a podcast...so you won't see them do it in a bathtub.