
    Try Trial Again

    Try Trial Again re-argues controversial court cases for our guest jury of one, and covers developments outside the courtroom that might have impacted the verdict.
    enDorian Davis116 Episodes

    Episodes (116)

    100. Busload of Firemen

    100. Busload of Firemen

    WE HAVE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! And a big case! In 1922, Edward Hall, a New Jersey minister, was murdered along with his girlfriend Eleanor Mills, a singer in the church choir. Both were married to other people at the time. Was Edward's jealous wife responsible for the killings? We argue the Hall-Mills murder case with Christine Woodward and Michele Lee!  

    99. Hobby First

    99. Hobby First

    Did Dr. Sam Sheppard kills his wife Marilyn to be with another woman, or was he accused of a murder he didn't commit? We argue the case that (might have) inspired The Fugative with Jessica Barth. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram for episode pics and more!

    Re-Release: Drag Queen and a Drug Problem

    Re-Release: Drag Queen and a Drug Problem
    We're rereleasing a TTA classic this week! In 1974, auto executive Liz Carmichael claimed she'd invented a three-wheeled car called The Dale, which would get 70 miles per gallon. After raising over $3 million in investments and pre-orders though, she never built it. Was she a dreamer or fraudster? We argue the case with Sean Roschman.

    98. It's Gorgeous

    98. It's Gorgeous

    We're back with a brand-new case! Was 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's death an accident or a murder? We cover the Casey Anthony trial with Julia Harrah. Follow @TryTrialAgain on instagram for eispode pictures and more!

    97. Her Own Gravity

    97. Her Own Gravity

    Faylene Grant survived a 60-foot fall in September 2001 and drowned in her bathtub less than a week later. Was her death an accident, a suicide, or a murder? We argue the case with Rosalyn Luna.  Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram for episode pictures and more!

    95. Lotta Nuance

    95. Lotta Nuance

    THIS ONE HAS A BOMBSHELL ENDING Y'ALL. Did Crystal Mangum stab and kill her boyfriend Reggie Daye in self-defense, or was it murder? We argue the case with Kit So. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for episode pictures and more!

    94. It Takes All Kinds

    94. It Takes All Kinds

    South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his girlfiend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine's Day, 2013. Was it an accident or a murder? We argue the case. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram for episode pictures and more!

    92. Disgruntled Crow

    92. Disgruntled Crow

    Happy Black History Month, everybody! We're kicking it off with a case involving one of the most famous social justice activists in American history. Did Angela Davis help plan a 1970 prison-break scheme that resulted in the deaths of four people? We argue the case Kimberly Anderson. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram for episode pictures and more!

    91. Heinous Fashions

    91. Heinous Fashions

    Did Dolores Vasquez kill Rocio Wanninkhof, the daughter of her former lover, as revenge for their breakup? We argue one of Spain's most famous cases with Kyla Evans. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram for episode pictures and more!

    90. Vegas is Out There

    90. Vegas is Out There

    Did actor Jussie Smollett fake an attack on himself for publicity, or was he the victim of a real hate crime? We argue the case with Robyn Tretter. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for episode pictures and more!

    89. Never Go Toward Psoriasis

    89. Never Go Toward Psoriasis

    We're back with a case ripped from the headlines! Anthony Broadwater was convicted of raping college student Alice Sebold in 1982. Was he guilty though? We argue the case with Jason Meyers. Follow @TryTrialAgain on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for episode pictures and more!