
    Tuning In Podcast

    Welcome to the Tuning In Podcast where we attune and align with your inner world. We discuss emotional waves, Inner Voice and the vast wisdom of your body.  

    I’m your host, Dana Evans, and emotional clearing and Inner Voice coach. I am also your buoy in the ocean of emotion. Together we go DEEP, but we never sink. We bob up and down and explore what is all around. Welcome, YOU have arrived. 

    en-usDana Evans145 Episodes

    Episodes (145)

    Episode 145: Befriend Your Body

    Episode 145: Befriend Your Body

    Episode 145 asks you to ponder the question: what is my relationship to my body? Do you have a friendship, a courtship… maybe a dictatorship? In this light-hearted episode, you get to listen to ways to connect with your body, appreciate what it has to offer, and allow it to show you what it needs. When you befriend your body, you begin to work in harmony with it thus allowing for an easier and more flowing relationship.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Pique Tea
    Dram Soda Water
    The Emotional Edit Waitlist

    Episode 144: The art of transition: Embracing change as winter gives way to spring

    Episode 144: The art of transition: Embracing change as winter gives way to spring

    This week I share my observations of the changing seasons in New Mexico, as I reflect on the early signs of spring. I’m sharing my process of evaluating and adjusting routines and habits, including my decision to temporarily give up coffee. Reflecting on the fluidity of life's transitions, this episode encourages listeners to embrace change and be open to new experiences that allow for growth and acceptance. Join me as I dive into the essence of change and transition, and the importance of being gentle with oneself during these transformative periods.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Cometeer Coffee – $20 off your order
    Pique Tea – $10 off your order

    Episode 143: Financial Fasting – what is is, how it’s going, and things I wish I knew before I started

    Episode 143: Financial Fasting – what is is, how it’s going, and things I wish I knew before I started

    In this episode, I share all about my recent Financial Fast and how you can create one for yourself. I explain what this is, what it means to commit to one, and what I’ve learned in three weeks of fasting. A financial fast is much like a food fast or cleanse. Learn how to apply these principles to your finances and radically shift your relationship to money, spending, the energy of a purchase and how to regulate your emotions without spending money. Eeek this is a super fun episode and I hope you enjoy it!

    If you want to deep dive into the world of finances, but keep an energetic and spiritual connection, I highly recommend you sign up for my finance mentor, Elizabeth Ralph’s Investing Workshop on 2/22/24. More info here.

    Episode 142: What does body wisdom mean, and how do you access it?

    Episode 142: What does body wisdom mean, and how do you access it?

    This week I shared a fun download from a weekend Bowspring movement workshop. While I went to the workshop to re-engage my glutes and sort out my posture (I have a beach vacation coming up!) – I left with deep insights and a radical shift in mind-body connection. After feeling cranky all weekend, I woke up Monday morning with clarity – I knew exactly what my people needed and what I’m ready to teach.

    If you want to learn more about the upcoming Body Wisdom 4-month group experience, you can join the “curiosity list” here. This is a VERY limited offer with only a few spots open. You need to be ready to fully GO IN, reconnect to your physical body, notice and attune to sensation, feel and process emotion and turn to your Inner Voice for answers. This experience will transform you in 4-months, starting from the inside, from the physical form, from your ROOTS. From there you will rise and emerge in a new form.

    Episode 141: The Messy Middle

    Episode 141: The Messy Middle

    In this episode, I share the massive shifts that happened once my energy returned… with a vengeance! I dive into my sudden desire to clear and organize, and the emotional and energetic release that came with that. I share about my new “financial fast” and how I’m building on my Dana Diet. This is a fun episode that weaves together storytelling, real live experiences and how it all applies to your emotional release. Listeners will gain insights on slowing down, trusting the body's timing, and the power of creating intentional space for new experiences and growth. If you're seeking inspiration to embrace the messy, transformative middle of life, and ways to attune to new environments and phases, this episode is a must-listen.

    Episode 140: The Dana Diet

    Episode 140: The Dana Diet

    On today’s episode, I share the ins and outs of The Dana Diet. This idea first came during a coaching session. I was feeling overwhelmed with all of the information and inspiration of others. After a lightbulb moment, I was clear that I needed to stop consuming other people’s content, and start consuming wisdom from my Inner Voice. This led to so many shifts that are present today. I walk you through my Dana Diet and give you tips and tools to create a similar “consumption cleanse” for yourself.

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Brothy Beans – the best and easiest soup!
    Daily Ritual –  Movement Membership

    Episode 139: Slowing down and finding balance within

    Episode 139: Slowing down and finding balance within

    In this episode, I reflect on the importance of slowing down, embracing nourishing practices, and prioritizing inner experiences, especially during the winter months. This episode is all about honoring and listening to your body's needs and desires, and learning to go at your own pace rather than aligning with external expectations. If you're interested in finding sustainable approaches to fitness, understanding the significance of emotions, and learning how to strengthen your inner voice, this episode is a must-listen. So, take a deep breath and get ready to tune in! 

    Tuning In Podcast
    en-usJanuary 04, 2024

    Episode 138: The Cleanse Diaries… letting your body determine IF and WHEN it’s time for a reset

    Episode 138: The Cleanse Diaries… letting your body determine IF and WHEN it’s time for a reset

    In this episode,I share my personal experience with cleansing and the impact of aligning my body's signals with my food and movement choices. I reflect on the pressures of health-related resolutions at the beginning of the year, the importance of listening to my body's cues, and the lure of strict dietary rules and extreme behaviors.
    My experiences with cleansing, emotional detox, and tuning into my body's needs highlight the power of trusting my inner wisdom and the importance of finding balance and harmony within my body. This episode will inspire you to attune to your body’s natural cycles and guide you to feel more calm and at ease amidst the pressures of societal health norms. If you're on a journey of self-discovery and seeking to cultivate a deeper connection with your body and its needs, this episode is for you!

    Mentioned in the Episode:
    Claire Saffitz BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies
    High FrequencTEA Parasite Cleanse
    The Emotional Edit Waitlist

    Episode 137: Recharging through Hermiting – Harnessing the power of winter to heal and revive

    Episode 137: Recharging through Hermiting – Harnessing the power of winter to heal and revive

    In this episode,  I discuss the theme of embracing my inner winter and the benefits of "hermiting" for emotional and energetic clearing. After experiencing a period of exhaustion and emotional upheaval, I found renewed energy and creativity by taking time for deep work, disconnecting from external communications, and embracing a cleanse regimen. I reflect on the importance of listening to my body, addressing energy leaks, and finding freedom in rest. If you're looking for inspiration to embrace your own "hermiting" experience and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and well-being, this episode is for you.

    Episode 136: Enhance the romance… through magical moments in your daily life

    Episode 136: Enhance the romance… through magical moments in your daily life

    In episode 138 of The Tuning In Podcast,\, we dive into discovering the magic that lives within in life's small moments. I explore my habit of comparing myself to others, identifying a void, and actively seeking to fill it. Through a personal story, I reveal the power of pausing to appreciate the current moment for instant satisfaction and fulfillment. Plus, I provide creative tips to elevate everyday tasks by adding a touch of romance. Join me for a fresh perspective on your own life, as we explore it through a different lens.

    Episode 135: Allow me to reintroduce myself… an interview with Dana Evans

    Episode 135: Allow me to reintroduce myself… an interview with Dana Evans

    In this episode of The Tuning In Podcast, the roles are reversed. I hand the mic over to my good friend and Human Design Coach, Lauren Armstrong to interview ME. We cover a range of topics including the interconnectedness of your body, emotions, and inner voice. I share the winding path that brought me to become an emotional clearing and inner voice coach. We also discuss key topics including what to do if you don’t feel emotions, the importance of going through “the emotional arc” and what it actually means to make SPACE to feel. The conversation dives into human design, somatics, and the impact of emotional release on physical well-being.

    Mentioned in the Episode:
    Lauren Armstrong on Instagram
    The Vitamin D Newsletter
    Emotions Decoded: be the first to get access to this audio course when it’s ready. Pre-sale is available for $100 off.
    30 Days of Inner Voice: Coming February 2023

    Episode 134: Settling in: Embracing a new life in Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Episode 134: Settling in: Embracing a new life in Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Welcome back to The Tuning In Podcast! In this episode I share all about my move from Colorado to Santa Fe, New Mexico. We explore both the emotional struggles and unexpected joys that come with uprooting one's life. From creating a new home to embracing a new community, I invite you to tune in and discover how I'm navigating this major transition. Stay tuned for insights into personal projects and the healing power of honoring our bodies and emotions – it's a journey worth exploring. Dive in with me, and let's discover the wisdom in this season of change together.Settling In: Dana Evans' Journey to Embracing Life in Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Episode 133: We're MOVING! Here's how it happened...

    Episode 133: We're MOVING! Here's how it happened...

    It’s official! We are moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Episode 132 share the news and why we are moving. Today, I share the MAGIC that brought us here. I share all of the little nudges from the universe, and the flow that brought us the most lovely home in the most lovely neighborhood in Santa Fe. I’m so excited to share this journey with you… finally! 

    Tuning In Podcast
    en-usFebruary 21, 2023

    Episode 132: #updates: A BIG life change + my current favorite things

    Episode 132: #updates: A BIG life change + my current favorite things

    This week I reveal a big life change! It's been hard to keep this quiet, but now I get to take you along on the whole journey. 

    I also go deep into what I've been up to lately, what's I am LOVING and share some of my favorite products as of late.

    This episode feels like a Dana Dish session, where we just get to hang out and chat.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    The BEST Coyuchi Sheets and Towels ($60 off your purchase)
    Under the Canopy Towels
    The Emotional Edit Waitlist
    The Vitamin D Newsletter
    Let's Work Together: DM me on Instagram (@dana_evans)

    Food / Recipes:
    Smitten Kitchen Drool-worthy, Fool-proof Oven Ribs
    Sausage and Kale Pasta Bake (Smitten Kitchen)
    Homemade Hamburger Helper (Joy the Baker)
    Impossibly Delicious Burger Bowls (PaleOMG)
    Sweet-and-Salty Semi-Whipped coffee (me!)
    My favorite yogurt (Norr)
    My second favorite yogurt + Cream (Bellwether A2)

    Episode 131: Yes, your energy WILL return

    Episode 131: Yes, your energy WILL return

    After a day of feeling quite low and having zero energy, my mind wanted to follow the familiar pattern… what’s wrong with me? Why don’t I have energy? I’m going to be SO behind this week. This is embarrassing. This time, however, I didn’t let it go there. Instead I took a breath, paused and asked myself: what if I surrender to the lack of energy? What if I watch TV and allow myself to rest today? That’s exactly what I did.

    On episode 131 of the podcast, I share what unfolded after I let go, and how the Universe stepped in to reformat the next three days in my favor.

    It’s so fun to question the repeating thoughts and patterns, to lean into the discomfort of what your body is asking for. When you do, you may be surprised at what unfolds in your life.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Join the Vitamin D Newsletter! I’m having SO much fun sharing in my newsletters. I have a beautiful new format and fun stories to tell you. Will you join me? You can always unsubscribe if you don’t love it… but I suspect that won’t happen. :)

    Join the Emotional Edit Waitlist: Ready to radically change your relationship to your emotions? The Emotional Edit opens soon. Join the waitlist to get early bird pricing and some bonus goodies!

    Episode 130: The Energy of Money and Financial Neutrality with Elizabeth Ralph

    Episode 130: The Energy of Money and Financial Neutrality with Elizabeth Ralph

    This week I interviewed Elizabeth Ralph, the Spiritual Investor. Elizabeth has a unique take on money - she merges her experience of being a trader on the stock market floors with her wisdom and embodiment of essential spiritual practices.

    Her practical and spiritual approach to money and investing are what allowed her to retire by the age of 39. She now runs The Spiritual Investor to help others achieve similar results, while also connecting to her big “why” of rescuing horses, living on a ranch and traveling the world

    In this episode, Elizabeth and I talk about what money neutrality means and how to access it in your own life, financial set points and money standards as well as the energy of money and how to attract more. Toward the end I get coached by Elizabeth and have a big realization about my own money journey.

    If you want more from Elizabeth, she has a workshop on Jan 27 at 11am PT. The Spiritual Investor Live is your change to get into the energy of money and shift your financials for the next year. Use code “DANA” at checkout for the special listener price, $88.

    Sign up for the live workshop today.

    Follow Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabethralph

    Episode 129: Horses, figure skating and Inner Voice Guidance

    Episode 129: Horses, figure skating and Inner Voice Guidance

    This week I share more about easing into 2023 and truly letting your Inner Voice guide what is of the highest and best for YOU. Through this message, I share two stories where the Inner Voice (mine, and a client’s) gave very specific, direct guidance of what to “do” next. These messages countered what the Mind thought it needed, yet led to amazing results.

    It’s easy to get stuck in the Mind’s operating system… what needs to happen, what makes sense and what is productive and actionable in the moment. If we are willing to slow down, tune in and LISTEN (especially during times of turmoil), then we can hear Truths that serve at the deepest level.

    If you want to dive into your Inner Voice and release emotional charges from last year, we can do it together! I have 3 spots open for The Emotional Exploration one month immersion. If it piques your interest, you can learn more here.

    I want to hear from YOU! If you have any questions, comments, shares or topic requests, I’ve created a form for you.  I’ll address or answer on the podcast so we can feel more connected!

    Episode 128: Releasing Routines and Making Space for Something New

    Episode 128: Releasing Routines and Making Space for Something New

    Do you have routines that you love? What about ones that you are afraid to not do? This episode will give you a new perspective on your daily routines.

    I offer a fun routine inventory practice and a radical approach to releasing routines that aren’t serving you any more.

    Remember, each season is an opportunity to review your day to day life, release what no longer serves, and make space for something else to fill in.

    If you follow the exercise in this episode, I’d love to hear from you. Share your experience in the “comments / shares” section of this Podcast Connection Form.

    Episode 127: Easing out of 2022 - December reflections and inspiration

    Episode 127: Easing out of 2022 - December reflections and inspiration

    On today’s podcast, I give an update from the past month. Including sharing about The Emotional Edit experience, which is complete, some travel / hobby updates, and how I am easing out of 2022. I share a recent experience of emotional processing and the magic that came on the other side. My Inner Voice had a LOT to share about December and the expectations of the month vs what I’m being invited to do instead.

    If you’re feeling the collective pressure to DO and it’s not in alignment, this episode will support you.

    I also share about a new offer coming in January - Emotional Exporation. This is a 4-week experience where you choose one emotion/theme that keeps showing up in your life to explore in depth.

    Using your Inner Voice as the primary guide, we will release emotions around this topic, support and regulate your nervous system, and emerge with a radically different relationship with your chosen theme.

    I am SO excited to offer this publicly for 5 people in January. If this is exciting to you or you feel a nudge from your Inner Voice, you can learn more here.

    If you want to be the first to hear about the next round of The Emotional Edit, you can join the waitlist here. This round will likely run in March.

    Have a comment, topic request or question? Submit it via this form and I’ll add it to the Podcast queue. I’m excited to connect with you even deeper through this outlet.

    Episode 126: Welcome to The Emotional Edit - Logistics and Details for your Mind

    Episode 126: Welcome to The Emotional Edit - Logistics and Details for your Mind

    Episode 126: Welcome to The Emotional Edit - Logistics and Details for your Mind

    This week I’m finally sharing logistics for your Mind about The Emotional Edit. If you have felt the call to join this experience, but your mind isn’t satisfied with “the details”, then this episode is for you.

    I share the inspiration behind the experience, everything that’s included, the schedule, what to expect, the outcomes and how it will all come together. I break down the weekly content and even the call structure.

    If you have a strong mind AND want to release emotions, this episode is for you (and so is The Emotional Edit)! I’m so excited to welcome you into the experience.

    Registration closes on 11/4/22 and our welcome session is on 11/7. I can’t wait to see you there!

    Learn more and join The Emotional Edit: https://www.alignful.com/offers/X94Jdndo/checkout

    See you on the inside!